I really like all nations. “I like all nations very much”


"I like all nations very much
And he will be cursed three times
Who dares, who tries
To blacken some people..."

Rasul Gamzatov

On Seliger, the account was opened by combat ...

Last year, the mass media reported that a monument to the famous singer Kola Beldy was opened in the village of Sindah. The monument looks great. We, native Far Easterners, sincerely congratulate all Nanais and residents of the Nanai region on this significant event, the perpetuation of the memory of a world-famous singer, especially since Nikolai Ivanovich Beldy was a participant in the Great Patriotic War.

It is interesting to note that Kola Beldy was born in the small Nanai camp of Mukha, where two famous Passars were born, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexander Padalevich Passar and one of the best snipers of the Red Army during the war years - Maxim Alexandrovich, his relative - namesake. Streets in the villages of Troitskoye, Naikhin, Sinda, Upper Nergen are named after the famous sniper Maxim Passar.

In June 1941, Maxim Passar, having learned about the perfidious attack of fascist Germany on our Motherland, walked 60 kilometers on foot from the village of Mukha to Troitskoye to ask for a volunteer for the front. He just turned 18 years old. Having demonstrated to the military commissar the ability to shoot and showing perseverance, Maxim was drafted into the Red Army. Initially, he took a course in a sniper school. In the summer of 1942, Maxim was enrolled in the 117th Infantry Regiment of the 23rd Infantry Division (which became the 71st Guards on March 1, 1943). Thus began his stellar sniper road. He began his combat account on the Kalinin Front in the same forty-second. On the shores of Lake Seliger, the first fascist hit the front sight of Passar's sniper "mosquito".

On September 21, 1942, Maxim Passar was awarded a sniper rifle as the best sniper of the division, before that he "hunted" with the help of the usual "three-ruler".

On September 29, 1942, on the personal account of M. Passar, there were already 59 destroyed Germans, and in October of the same year, 123 enemies. Only in September-October 1942, 145 snipers, who were trained by M. Passar, destroyed 3175 Nazis. Maxim Passar remained the best sniper in the division. He coordinated his "hunt" with the combat operations of mortars and shooters. The mortars "smoked out" the Nazis from their hiding places and thus exposed them to Maxim's well-aimed bullets. The shooters with tracer bullets indicated to Maxim the enemy firing points and created a favorable environment for the sniper to select a target. The political administration of the Stalingrad Front dedicated a leaflet to Maxim Passar with a biting caption under the photo of a sniper:
A shot without a miss is a passarovsky shot. Beat like Passarovsky in the heart of a fascist.

The ancestor of the sniper movement on the Stalingrad front was dedicated to poems and songs. The newspaper "Red Army" published the poems of Yevgeny Dolmatovsky:

Listen to the song about Passar to the Far East motive.
Teach us all, hunter, your tricks, dexterity.
Glory to the warrior Passar, glory to the sniper rifle!

On October 31, 1942, the commander of the 65th Army, General P. Batov, presented Maxim Passar with the Order of the Red Banner. In November 1942, M. Passard already had 152 fascists killed on his account. He was named the best sniper of the Stalingrad Front. By January 22, 1943, the commander of the sniper department of the guard, senior sergeant, had already destroyed 234 Nazis. On this day, he managed to exterminate a few more fascists, but he himself died a heroic death. Posthumously, he was forever enrolled in the lists of the 117th Infantry Regiment. For the heroic struggle against the Nazi invaders, Maxim Passar was awarded two Orders of the Red Banner. The army commander had the right to award only the Order of the Red Banner. It is possible that General Pavel Ivanovich Batov petitioned for the title of Hero of the Soviet Union to Maxim Alexandrovich Passar. The commander in his memoirs spoke warmly about the glorious son of the Nanai people and pointed out that on account of Maxim Passar 280 destroyed Nazis.

On the combat account of snipers of Heroes of the Soviet Union Vasily Zaitsev - 225, Ivan Vezhlintsev - 134, Fedosy Smolyachkov - 125, Vladimir Pchelintsev - 102, Ivan Bogatyrev - 75 destroyed Germans.

Guard Sergeant Maxim Passar, sniper ace, fully deserved the high title of Hero of the country. Recently, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedem, correcting the historical injustice regarding the glorious son of the Nanai people, Maxim Passar, awarded him the title of Hero of Russia by his Decree. Posthumously.


On the stopping structures "Anikeevo" and "Gremyachevo" in the Chuvash translation there is a postscript sali (Anikeevo sali). How is SALI translated?

Markova Natalia, Cheboksary

SALA 1. Russian village, village

2. rural(from a Russian village)

sala vyrăsĕ - a resident of a Russian village, Russian

sala vyrăs mayri - a resident of the Russian village, Russian

3. large settlement, village

mouth fortified settlement, fortress

atte kile sala pek, kayăk vĕçse tuhaymast - folk. father's house is like a fortress, and the bird will not be able to fly out of it

4. dial. settlement
sala kayăkĕ- sparrow
sala kayăk tămani- owl
sala kayăk khurchki- falcon (bird)

SALA chirkӳllĕ yal. Un chukhne văl (bishop. - E.F.) hăy dioceseĕne çӳreme chăn maltan puçlasa tukhnă. zav tukhămĕnche Bishop hăsh-hăsh hulasene, salasene (chirkӳlĕ yalsene), monastery çitse unti chirkӳsene păhsa tukhma hisep tună[Sanctification 1904:7].

Source: http://samahsar.chuvash.org/cgi-bin/s.cgi

Does ChGIGN have evidence that the famous organizer of the aircraft industry Dementyev Petr Vasilievich was a Chuvash by nationality?

Ivanov Igor Nikolaevich, Cheboksary



DEMENTIEV Pyotr Vasilyevich (January 11, 1907, the village of Kill Now Drozhzhanov. District of the Republic of Tatarstan - May 14, 1977, Moscow) - statesman and economic figure, colonel-general-engineer (1976), twice Hero of Socialist Labor. Born in the family of a Chuvash teacher. He began his career in 1922 as a worker. Graduated from the Air Force. academy. NOT. Zhukovsky (1931). In 1931-41 at the engineering and technical. work in research institutes and aviation factories. industry (old engineer, shop manager, chief engineer, plant director). In 1941-53 the first deputy. People's Commissar, First Deputy minister. In 1953-57 Minister of Aviation. industry of the USSR. In 1957-65 Chairman of the State. aviation committee. technology of the USSR - Minister of the USSR. In 1965-77 Minister of Aviation. industry of the USSR. Rendered significant. assistance in the construction and development of Cheboksary. instrument maker factory (now Cheboksary Research and Production Instrument-Making Enterprise"Elara"). Decrees of the Presidium Top. Council of the USSR on September 8, 1941 for outstanding achievements in the organization and implementation of serial production of new types of combat aircraft and on January 21, 1977 for great services in the development of aviation. industry and in connection with the 70th anniversary was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

He was awarded the Orders of Lenin (9 times), the Order of the Red Banner, the Red Banner of Labor (twice), the Order of Suvorov 2nd class, Kutuzov 1st class, the Red Star, and medals. Laureate of the Stalin (State) Prize of the USSR (1953). Moscow is named after him. aviation. production association, Kazan. aviation technology. college, streets in Kazan and Cheboksary. A bust was erected in Kazan, in the village. Old Yeast Rep. Tatarstan.

Hello! The title of the article on the ChGIGN website is bewildering: "How did the forced Christianization of the Chuvashs take place?" (http://www..html.) Don't you think that the wording sounds too outrageous and unambiguous? The very problem of the history of the Christianization of the Chuvash is not as simple as it seems.

Petrov Dmitry Vladimirovich, Saint Petersburg


Thank you for your attention to our site. At the moment, the material has been removed from the site. We agree that "the very problem of the history of the Christianization of the Chuvash is not as simple as it seems." It was conceived as a series of publications with the role of the patriarch of the Novochuvash culture, Yakovlev, with his role in the Christianization of the Chuvash and the modern translation of the Bible. Ready to publish your point of view.

Is it possible to "get" the questionnaire and the correct answers to the questions of last year's GREAT ETHNOGRAPHIC DICTION? This will help many to better prepare for this year's dictation, because many have no idea what it is.

Svetlana Charushkina, Alatyr


Svetlana, you are absolutely right - many people have absolutely no idea what they will meet at the "ETNOGRAPHIC DICTATION-2017", and some do not even know what "ethnography" is.

Of course, last year's questionnaire with answers to questions cannot be regarded as a cheat sheet. However, as a kind of warm-up, this is what you need.

Correct answers are marked in BOLD. To test yourself, you can copy the information into WORD and deselect it.

The form of tasks resembled the usual exam. The dictation participants received test tasks of the same level of complexity, which included 30 questions on the culture, traditions and languages ​​of the peoples of Russia. The total amount of points that can be scored for the correct completion of all tasks is 100.


1) “We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, united by a common destiny in our

earth…” - which document begins with these words?

1. Strategy of the state national policy of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2025

2.Constitution of the Russian Federation

3. Federal Law "On Guarantees of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation"

2) According to the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, representatives of 193 nationalities live in Russia,

7 of which exceed 1 million in number. Indicate these largest nations.

1. Russians

7. Adyghe

2. Nenets

8. Buryats

3. Chechens

9. Ukrainians

4. Yakuts

10. Chuvash

5. Armenians

11. Tabasarans

6. Bashkirs

12. Tatars

3) Russia is one of the most multilingual countries in the world. How many languages ​​and dialects do the inhabitants speak?

modern Russia?

1. 85

2. 193

3. 15

4. 277

4) The Russian Federation includes 22 republics. Which of the following republics corresponds to the name of the capital?

1. Ulan-Ude

Republic of Buryatia

2. Magas

And. The Republic of Ingushetia

3. Izhevsk

and. Udmurt republic

4. Elista

b. Republic of Kalmykia

5. Kyzyl

V. Tyva Republic

6. Abakan

m. Republic of Khakassia

7. Saransk

A. The Republic of Mordovia

8. Nalchik

l.Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

h. Republic of Adygea

10. Yoshkar-Ola

Republic of Mari El

11. Makhachkala

Republic of Dagestan

12. Cheboksary

e. Chuvash Republic

5) More than 30 languages ​​are spoken in one of the most multinational republics of Russia. Medieval geographers wrote,

that it is a "country of mountains" and a "mountain of tongues". What republic of the Russian Federation are we talking about?

1. Republic of Altai

2. Republic of Khakassia

3. Republic of Dagestan

4. Republic of Mari El

5. Republic of Adygea

6. Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

6) The largest linguistic community in Europe, including the countries of the former USSR, are the Slavs - more than 320 million people.

Listed below are 5 Slavic peoples, indicate them.

7) One of the world religions - Buddhism - has centuries-old roots in Russia. The northernmost Buddhist temple in the world

considered a datsan in Yakutsk. Name the only region in Europe where Buddhism was traditionally spread.

1. Republic of Bashkortostan

2. Republic of Kalmykia

3. Republic of Adygea

4. Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

5. Republic of Buryatia

8) In accordance with Russian legislation, indigenous peoples include peoples with a population of less than

50 thousand people living in the territories of traditional settlement of their ancestors and preserving traditional

way of life, management and crafts.

Choose 6 of the following peoples included in the Unified List of Indigenous Peoples of the Russian Federation?

1. Komi-Permyaks

6. Assyrians

2. Nenets

7. Saami

3. Gypsies

8. Estonians

4. Nganasans

9. Khanty

5. Veps

10. Besermen

9) The Soviet Union included 15 union republics. Some are listed below, name four.

1. Uzbekistan

2. Tajikistan

3. Romania

4. Finland

5. Kazakhstan

6. Turkmenistan

7. Montenegro

10) About 12 million representatives of the Turkic peoples live in different regions of Russia from the Crimea to Altai and Siberia.

Choose six such peoples from the list.

1. Tatars

7. Balkars

2. Bashkirs

8. Crimean Tatars

3. Chukchi

9. Buryats

4. Udmurts

10. Yakuts

5. Chuvash

11. Kalmyks

6. Mordva

11) Choose from the list of 6 peoples of Russia who speak Finno-Ugric languages.

1. Tuvans

7. Udmurts

2. Veps

8. Mansi

3. Bashkirs

9. Rutulians

4. Komi

10. Mordva

5. Russians

11. Digorians

6. Karely

12) Which of the languages ​​of Russia is listed in the Guinness Book of Records because of the number of cases (more than 40)?

1. Tabasaran

2. Darginsky

3. Russian

4. Chechen

5. Ulta

13) Several thousand Pomors live in Russia. Their traditional occupations are fishing and fishing for sea animals.

On the coast of which sea do Pomors live?

1. Black Sea

2. Sea of ​​Okhotsk

3. White Sea

4. Caspian Sea

14) One of the main directions of Christianity is Orthodoxy. The total number of his followers in the world

is about 200 million people. Indicate 7 states where Orthodoxy is traditionally widespread.

1. Georgia

7. Czech Republic

2. Poland

8. Moldova

3. Greece

9. Croatia

4. Romania

10. Bulgaria

5. Finland

11. Serbia

6. Russia

12. Lithuania

15) The oldest mosque in Russia, built in the 8th century, is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register. What city is she in?

1. Moscow

2. Astrakhan

3. Ufa

4. Kazan

5. Derbent

6. St. Petersburg

16) In 2016, the 170th anniversary of the outstanding Russian ethnographer N.N. Miklukho-Maclay, who became the first

by a researcher using the method of direct (participant) observation. The peoples he studied were called

his "God Maclay from the heavenly country of Russia." Aborigines still use his clay figurines as

miraculous talismans. The peoples of which region of the world were studied by N.N. Miklukho Maclay?

1. New Guinea

2. Madagascar

3. Amazonia

4. Central Africa

5. Greenland

6. Australia

17) One of the largest ethnographic museums in the world is the Russian Ethnographic Museum dedicated to the history of

peoples of Russia and countries of the former USSR. Its collection includes about half a million museum exhibits. In which

Is this museum located in the city?

1. Moscow

2. Nizhny Novgorod

3. St. Petersburg

4. Vladivostok

5. Novosibirsk

18) Which of the peoples listed below corresponds to the name of the traditional dwelling.

(Write down the answer in the format: 1 - a, 2 - d, etc.)

1. Nenets

and. Chum

2. Ukrainians

e. Hata

3. Tuvans

v. Yurta

4. Debts

A. Balok

5. Chukchi

to Yaranga

6. Mountain peoples of the North Caucasus


7. Russians

b. Izba

19) Which of the folk crafts listed below corresponds to the description? (Write down the answer in the format: 1 - a, 2 - d, etc.)


e. The craft of wooden toys, the symbol of which is the moving toy "Blacksmiths" - a man with a bear, beating alternately on the anvil.

2. Fedoskino

e. The art of lacquer miniature, which is used to decorate papier-mâché snuff boxes, cigarette cases, caskets, chests. This craft inspired the creation of a new art Palekh, Mstera

3. Khokhloma

V. Decorative painting of wooden utensils and furniture, made in black and red on a golden background

4. Zhostovo

d. Folk craft of artistic painting of metal trays.

5. Dymkovo

A. The craft of clay toys, in the painting of which halftones and color transitions are not found.

6. Kubachi

b. Production of edged weapons and silver jewelry

20) UNESCO declared the Yakut epic one of the masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of mankind. His songs

performed continuously for seven days and nights. The longest one consists of 36 thousand poetic lines, this is more than

than 2 times longer than Homer's Iliad. What is the name of the epic of the Yakut people?

1. Jangar

2. Narts

3. Kalevipoeg

4. Olonkho

5. The Knight in the Panther's Skin

6. Manas

7. Popol Vuh

21) What kind of national cuisine do these dishes belong to? (Write down the answer in the format: 1 - a, 2 - d, etc.)

1. Kulebyaka

e. Russians

2. Azu

A. Tatars

3. Draniki

h. Belarusians

4. Khinkali

l. Georgians

5. Baklava

and. Azerbaijanis

6. Chebureks / chebureks

b. Crimean Tatars

7. Forshmak

e. Jews

8. Lagman


9. Strudel

k. Germans

10. Borscht

V. Ukrainians

11. Khash

And. Armenians

22) This original and very useful tea has become quite widespread in the cuisine of many peoples of Russia.

from Buryatia to the North Caucasus. In combination with a couple of slices of bread, it can replace breakfast, or even lunch. Russians

this drink is known as Kalmyk tea. Every third Saturday in May Kalmykia celebrates Kalmyk Tea Day.

Choose from the list of 4 necessary ingredients for its preparation:

1. Green brick tea

2. Sugar

3. Chocolate

4. Milk

5. Ivan tea

6. Salt

7. Butter

8. Cardamom

23) This traditional Udmurt wedding dish has long been one of the "signature" dishes of Russian cuisine. In translation

from the Udmurt and Komi languages ​​means "bread ear". What dish are you talking about?

1. Lagman

2. Paella

3. Calla

4. Dumplings

5. Shangi

24) The Udmurts call it Tol Babai, the Buryats - Sagaan Ubugun, the Chuvash - Khel Mucci, the Yakuts - Chyskhaan, the Tuvans - Sook-Irey,

Karelians - Pakkaine, Tatars and Bashkirs - Kysh Babai, Mari - Yushto Kugyza.

By what name is he known to every inhabitant of Russia?

1. Parsley

2. Santa Claus

3. Brownie

4. Koschey the Immortal

5. Serpent Gorynych

25) This type of martial art was formed at the beginning of the 20th century on the basis of the most valuable elements of national types

wrestling of the peoples of the USSR: Azerbaijani (gyulesh), Uzbek (uzbekcha kurash), Georgian (chidaoba), Kazakh (kazakhsha kures),

Bashkir (Bashkortsa kөrәsh), Buryat (bүkhe barildaan), Moldavian (trynta) and others. The history of its creation

dedicated to the adventure feature film "Invincible", filmed in 1983. Now used for

training of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB, the GRU special forces. What is the name of this fight?

1. Capoeira

2. Freestyle wrestling

3. Boxing

4. Sambo

5. Jiu-jitsu

6. Aikido

26) National holidays are not just a way to have fun, they are a form of preserving traditions and rituals,

that are passed down from generation to generation. Indicate the holidays corresponding to each nation.

(Write down the answer in the format: 1 - a, 2 - d, etc.)

1. Tatars

and. Sabantuy

2. Russians

A. Maslenitsa

3. Yakuts

b. Ysyakh

4. Buryats

V. Sagaalgan

5. Jews

e. Passover

6. Chuvash


7. Kalmyks

village Zul

27) The formation of the national costume of any nation has always been influenced by climate, geographical location,

economic structure and main occupations. What people correspond to the presented headdresses?

(Write down the answer in the format: 1 - a, 2 - d, etc.)

1. Kokoshnik

V. Russians

2. Ashon


3. Tukhya

b. Chuvash

4. Panga

A. Mordva moksha

28) The image of a rogue and a mischievous person is found in the folklore of almost all peoples: Sly Peter - among the southern Slavs, Pulu-Pugi - among the Armenians,

Til Ulenspiegel - among the Flemings and Germans, Pecala and Tyndale - among the Romanians and Moldovans, Fedor Nabilkin - among the Belarusians, Lopsho Pedun -

among the Udmurts. What is the name of a similar hero in the folklore of the peoples of Central Asia, the Middle East and the Caucasus?

1. Aldar-Kose

2. Kemin

3. Khoja Nasreddin

4. Budamshu

5. Senya Malina

6. Ahmet Akay

29) In the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, in 2006, the memorial complex "Monument to the Russian Teacher" was opened - a 10-meter

bronze sculpture of a young woman with an open book in her hand. To whom is this memorial dedicated?

1. Representatives of the Russian intelligentsia who dedicated their lives to the enlightenment of the Dagestan peoples

2. To teachers of all Dagestan schools, as a sign of respect for this profession

3. The first teacher of the Bolshevik Makhach Dakhadaev, after whom the capital of Dagestan, Makhachkala, was named.

“I like all nations very much.

And he will be cursed three times

Who dares, who tries

Blacken some people."

1. Chingiz Aitmatov

2. Fazil Iskander

3. Yuri Rytkheu

4. Rasul Gamzatov

5. David Kugultinov

6. Alisher Navoi

On your website it is reported that on November 3, in each region of the country there will be an action "GREAT ETHNOGRAPHIC DICTION-2017". Write, what was the result of Chuvashia and other regions in 2016?

Stanislav, shupashkar huli


Chuvashia took only 20th place.

Almost 90,000 people took part in the action at 800 venues in Russia from Vladivostok to Kaliningrad, from Anadyr to Sevastopol and two foreign countries - Turkey and Switzerland. Of these, 35 thousand people took part in person and more than 50 thousand wrote a dictation online on the website www.miretno.ru.

The average score for Dictation in the country is 54 points out of 100 possible. The highest average score (81.3) was among residents of the Republic of Tatarstan. The top three also included: Kabardino - Balkar Republic (73.8) and Smolensk region (71.9). And the lowest average score was obtained in the Amur Region (39).


Average score

Republic of Tatarstan


Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


Smolensk region


The Republic of Ingushetia


Republic of North Ossetia


Kaluga region


The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Kalmykia

Chechen Republic


The Republic of Khakassia


Belgorod region

Astrakhan region


Novosibirsk region


Tula region




Ulyanovsk region

Penza region


Yaroslavl region



Chuvash Republic


Omsk region

Saratov region


Samara Region


Orenburg region


Republic of Tyva (Tuva)

Krasnoyarsk region

Kemerovo region

Lipetsk region


Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Nenets Autonomous District

Krasnodar region


Saint Petersburg


Tver region


The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)


Altai Republic


Khabarovsk region


Republic of Buryatia


Novgorod region

Kursk region

Republic of Bashkortostan


Kamchatka Krai


Moscow region


Kostroma region


Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug

Tyumen region


Murmansk region


Altai region



Rostov region

Mari El Republic


Volgograd region


Udmurt republic


Primorsky Krai


Leningrad region


Komi Republic

Chelyabinsk region


Sverdlovsk region


Ryazan Oblast


Nizhny Novgorod Region


Arhangelsk region


Magadan Region

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Karelia


Transbaikal region


Ivanovo region


Sakhalin region


Oryol Region


Vologda Region


Perm region

Stavropol region


Voronezh region


Kirov region


Kurgan region

Pskov region


Irkutsk region


Kaliningrad region


Jewish Autonomous Region


Tomsk region


Vladimir region


Amur region

This week, the most daring residents of the city wrote the “Great Ethnographic Dictation”. Bold, because they took on an almost unknown business. Everyone is used to the fact that there is an annual big dictation that checks the level of knowledge of the Russian language. And here the language is in second place. And on the first - knowledge of Russian history, geography, culture and ethnography.

There was no letter as such: the participants underlined or circled the answers to the proposed questions. In the library-museum, where the dictation took place, a working and at the same time friendly atmosphere was created for the participants. Although completely different people came both in age, and in occupation, and in relation to life.
We read the first task (there were 30 in total), and the reading room, turned into a classroom, fell into silence. No one looked at each other, they didn’t get phones, they didn’t whisper with neighbors - everyone realized that in fact the questions are very complex and you won’t give quick answers to them. And time goes by - 45 minutes are allotted for everything about everything, like a lesson at school.
Having somehow coped with the first and second questions, I ran into the third.

“According to the All-Russian Population Census of 2010, representatives of 193 nationalities live in Russia, 7 of which exceed 1 million in number. Specify these biggest peoples”. And then 12 nations are listed.
Which of them is more numerous in Russia, besides Russians? Ukrainians, Armenians, Chuvashs, Nenets? In general, answered at random. And after the third question, which took five minutes, came the fourth - even more difficult.
“The Russian Federation includes 22 republics. Which republic corresponds to the name of the capital?
Of the 12 proposed matches, I knew only seven. The capitals of which republics are Magas, Kyzyl, Abakan - I could not remember. And what to remember if you didn't know?

To question number 9, the participants of the dictation relaxed a little. There were even quiet conversations. The fact is that the ninth question was the easiest for most.
“There were 15 union republics in the Soviet Union. Some are listed below, name four of them.” And the list: Finland, Tajikistan, Montenegro, Romania, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan. Now it is clear why the question is easy?
The closer to the middle of the “lesson”, the more fun (probably from tension) the “students” became. The questions again became complex: they talked about the languages ​​spoken by the peoples, about religion, about epics and national heroes.

The most interesting question for me was the question of in which city the oldest mosque in Russia, built in the 8th century, is located. This mosque is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Register.
I rushed between two cities - Kazan and Astrakhan. In the end, Kazan was marked and, as it turned out later, she hit the sky with her finger. Rechecking myself after the dictation, I found out on the Internet that the oldest mosque is located in the city of Derbent, and in general Derbent is almost the most ancient city in Russia.
From the category of “lethal” there was a question about which people a certain headdress corresponds to. After reading the answers, some ladies, including me, laughed to tears: we only knew the word “kokoshnik”.

What is panga, aishon and tukhya, we could not imagine. And only then, at home, the lifesaver Wikipedia explained that panga is a Mordovian female headdress, aishon is Udmurt, and tukhya is Chuvash.

The dictation ended with a quatrain:

“I like all nations very much.
And he will be cursed three times
Who dares, who tries
Blacken some people."

It was necessary to determine who the author was. I chose Rasul Gamzatov. My young colleague Yulia thought that these lines belonged to Fazil Iskander. I won: my answer was correct. But Yulia beat me in the task about the capitals of the republics. She knew that Maikop was the capital of Adygea. And here I am, no.
The results of the "Great Ethnographic Dictation" will be announced on November 4. The maximum number of points that can be scored is 100.

But I think for many participants the result is already known. It became clear to us that we live in a really huge country, the history of which can be studied all our lives, and still there will not be enough time.

And if you want to take an online test, follow the link

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