"Mobile Blonde" Ksenia Merz called Mitya Fomin the father of her child. Stars before and after plastic surgery: the best photos of Russian and foreign celebrities Ksenia Merz biography children


Outrageous, bright and self-confident Ksenia Merz is a frequent guest of popular Russian talk shows. As a rule, she is invited there as a "star" expert, but often the odious socialite Merz herself acts as the heroine of scandalous broadcasts. Of the latest sensational stories with her participation: the beating of a housekeeper, an attack on a photographer, material claims against her lover Alexander Zdasyuk, an audio scandal on Malakhov’s air ... For all her publicity, Ksenia manages to remain a “mystery woman”, whose exact age and real name are unknown. Only some facts from her biography and personal life, in particular, concerning the ex-husband of the oligarch Valery Demichev, are available to the general public. We will talk about who Ksenia Merz is (before and after plastic surgery photos below), who she was in her youth, whose wife she is today, whether she has children, and we will talk about other facts from her personal life further.

Who is Ksenia Merz: biography and personal life, photo from Instagram

The frequent appearance of Ksenia Merz on various television shows has undoubtedly increased interest in her biography and personal life (photo from Instagram below). That's just to get any information about the scandalous blonde before her marriage to the oligarch, with all the desire, it will not work out. In the public domain there are no reliable references to the date of birth, real name, education of Xenia. Merz herself does not comment on questions about her past, in particular, childhood and family.

Facts from the biography and personal life of Ksenia Merz, a selection of photos from Instagram

What is known about Xenia? In the past, she was the wife of the oligarch Valery Demichev, thanks to whose patronage she became the host on Muz-TV. An interesting position captivated the girl so much that her husband gave an ultimatum - he or work. And although Ksenia chose a family, in the end, their marriage broke up. According to Merz, Demichev constantly reproached her for being unattractive and made young mistresses. The girl decided to leave her husband and start a new life. Since, through the efforts of her ex-husband, Ksenia was not taken on television, she tried herself as a businesswoman and opened her own beauty salon. This allowed Merz to remain a socialite and be inside the star party. Over time, Ksenia returned "to the telly" thanks to her outrageous behavior and scandalous novels. She became a regular on such talk shows as "Let them talk", "Actually", "Live". Recently, Merz has been trying himself as a singer.

"Forever young" Ksenia Merz: what is the real age of the scandalous star

The bright appearance of the “forever young” Ksenia Merz raises a question regarding the real age of the scandalous TV star. The fact is that Ksyusha herself does not give any comments on this matter. Only in one of the old interviews did she briefly mention that at that time she was 38 years old. Using a simple calculation method, journalists suggested that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972. There is no more accurate information regarding the age of Ksyusha.

What is the real age of the scandalous and "forever young" talk show star Ksenia Merz

If we assume that Ksenia was born in 1972, then at the moment she should be 45 years old. To be frank, Merz does not look like a “berry woman”. Most likely, the secret of Xenia's youth lies in numerous beauty injections and plastic surgeries. Naturally, the socialite herself does not comment on such accusations against her.

Ksenia Merz and her beloved: who is her ex-husband-oligarch and who claims to be a new husband

A topic that should be given special attention concerns the beloved of Ksenia Merz, or rather, who her ex-husband is an oligarch and whether there are contenders for the role of a new spouse. Despite numerous high-profile novels, Ksyusha was officially married only once. As mentioned above, her husband was the oligarch Valery Demichev. Merz met her ex-husband long before he became a big businessman and owner of the Russian Monolith. In a marriage with Demichev, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, Stephanie.

Who is the ex-husband of Ksenia Merz and which of her last lovers claims to be the new husband

When the girl was only 4 years old, the couple broke up, but continues to maintain friendly relations. Demichev cannot be called a popular public person, and his name rarely appears in the domestic media. Unlike his ex-wife, Valery prefers to do business rather than appear on television. Almost immediately after the divorce, the bright blonde Merz started a high-profile romance with the former lead singer of the Hi-Fi group, Mitya Fomin. It was rumored that Mitya and Ksyusha were planning a wedding, but the star couple never made it to the altar. Later, in her interviews, Merz repeatedly hinted at Fomin's unconventional orientation and the facts of his betrayal of her with other men. After Mitya, Ksyusha often appeared in the company of interesting young people. By the way, her last romance with a young fitness trainer Alexander Zdasyuk ended in a loud scandal. Merz accused the young man of impersonating another person and demanded that he compensate the moral damage caused to her in court.

What facial operations did Ksenia Merz do: a selection of photos before and after plastic surgery

The bright appearance of the TV star Ksenia Merz prompts reflections on the plastic surgery on her face that she did (before and after photos below). The first thing that catches the eye of even the layman is the shape of Xenia's nose. In confirmation of the assumption about the done rhinoplasty, the too thin profile and the upturned tip of the nose testify. It can be seen that Merz's nose has changed if you compare the early and recent photographs of the woman.

A selection of photos before and after plastic surgery on the face, which was done by Ksenia Merz

In addition to rhinoplasty, Ksenia Merz changed the shape of her lips and cheekbones. Also, experts suggest that the woman did blepharoplasty - an operation to change the shape of the eyes. A socialite is also suspected of having a circular facelift operation (before and after photos below). We hope that now you know more about the biography, age, children, career and personal life of the scandalous Ksenia Merz. And a selection of the following photos from Instagram will show you what the first wife of the oligarch Valery Demichev and the former girlfriend of Alexander Zdasyuk look like today.

Ksenia Merz - outrageous, bright, self-confident. She can often be found at social events. Merz is invited to participate in scandalous TV shows. Viewers still do not know how old Ksenia is and what her real name is.

The girl prefers to keep personal information away from prying eyes. The journalists managed to find out that the girl was married to an oligarch, but today the couple is officially divorced.

Biography of a socialite

Xenia often appears on the air, users of social networks are actively interested in her life. The journalists never managed to find out anything about Xenia's wedding. Merz does not want to talk about childhood, youth, parents.

Valery Demichev - ex-husband Ksenia, it was he who helped his wife become a radio host, which brought her popularity. The girl devoted all her time to work, which is why the first misunderstandings with her husband began. Xenia had to leave work, but it still did not help save the marriage.

Merz claims that her husband believed that he deserved a more spectacular girl and was repeatedly seen in the company of frivolous girls. This alignment of events did not suit Ksenia, and she decided to break up with the oligarch. The husband helped that all the ways on television were closed to the ex-wife. Merz had no choice but to open his own salon.

After some time, Ksenia again appeared on television. She is often invited to the show “Let them talk” and “Really”. Ksenia decided not to stop there and try herself as a performer, and she didn’t do it badly, the audience is satisfied with her performances.

Ksenia always tries to look bright. The girl does not tell reporters about her age, but, apparently, her age is slowly approaching 40.

The girl does not look her age. What is Xenia's secret? Most likely, Merz corrects his appearance with the help of plastic surgeons. The socialite does not discuss this topic with journalists.

Xenia's personal life

Ksenia's personal life has always interested readers the most. Who is her ex-husband and are there any contenders for the hand and heart of an outrageous lady? We know that Xenia was officially married just one time.

Ksenia and Valery met when the young guy did not yet have so much money. Ksenia gave birth to her daughter Stephanie from her beloved husband.

Young people lived together for 5 years. After the divorce, the child sees his own father, and young people maintain good relations.

Valery is not a public person, unlike his ex-wife, almost nothing was mentioned about him in the press. After the couple officially developed, Ksenia began a new relationship with Mitya Fomin.

The young man proposed to the girl, but for some reason the wedding did not take place. After parting, the Socialite gave interviews several times, where she talked about the fact that Mitya Fomin was more interested in same-sex marriages, so they could not have a normal relationship.

Xenia claims that there were facts of change. After parting, the girl often appeared in public, accompanied by young men.

Merz's last relationship was with fitness trainer Sasha. The couple parted scandalously, it even went to court. The girl claims that the young man had consumer goals for her.

Information appeared in the press that Merz was cheating on her husband with Mitya, so perhaps Stephanie is not the oligarch's own daughter. Business lady I've had multiple abortions in my life. The radio host decided to leave one of the pregnancies, but she was not interested in the question of who the real father of the child was.

It was convenient for her to live with Alexander. Mitya Fomin regrets that he missed so many years when his daughter was very young and was not with them. The socialite is sure that Fomin will become a good father, but she does not consider his person as a potential husband.

Was there plastic?

Despite the estimated age of the girl, she looks too young. Obviously, plastic surgery was not done here. If you look at the photo of Merz, then her nose catches the eye first of all.

It can be seen with the naked eye that the shape of the nose has been changed. On the Internet you can find photos of Merz in his youth and now, these are literally two different people.

Ksenia pumped up her lips a little and changed the shape of her cheekbones. There is an assumption that the business woman did plastic surgery on her eyes. If you compare the before and after photos, it is noticeable that the face has become more toned.

Perhaps this is all the information that we wanted to tell about the socialite Ksenia Merz. The girl regularly posts photos on social networks and communicates with her subscribers.

Many are interested in who the socialite Ksenia Merz is, her biography on Wikipedia (height, weight, how old), personal life (latest news) and photos on Instagram, family - parents (nationality), husband and children.

Ksenia Merz - biography

Ksenia was born in 1972 in Moscow, and this is presumably, like her name, since some sources say that her name is Oksana, and as for the surname, it is not known whether she is real or not. Regarding her parents, the school she graduated from, and the presence of higher education, nothing is also known. In a word, the biography of this lady, who is today called a socialite and businesswoman, is a huge white spot.

Today, as well as in recent years, this bright blonde with expressive lips constantly attracts attention. In addition, she herself does everything for this, constantly appearing at various social events and rating TV shows.

Many are interested in who is the ex-husband of Ksenia Merz? It is known that this is the owner of the construction company "Russian Monolith" - Valery Demichev.

As she herself says, at first her husband allowed her to work on the Muz-TV channel, but since she began to spend much more time in the studio than at home, she made a choice - work or family. And since Ksenia was more interested in a busy life, full of bright events, secular society and the attention of the public, she peacefully broke up with her husband, maintaining normal relations with him.

After the divorce, she made every effort to be called a socialite. The woman constantly appeared on television, made scandals and even brawls there, dressed flashy and defiantly put on makeup. For example, in one of the episodes of the “Let them talk” program, she attacked the photographer with her fists, and on a talk show that discussed the divorce of Hollywood stars Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, without batting an eye, she stated that she had a mansion on the Cote d'Azur standing nearby with the house of this star couple. Somehow, she made a scandal at Sberbank, accusing employees of exemplary service only to VIP clients, and not paying attention to ordinary ones.

Those who follow her antics also pay attention to her appearance, believing that she is the result of plastic surgeons, while the socialite herself keeps intrigue and does not comment on such statements.

Ksenia Merz - personal life

As we have already said, the husband of the diva was Valery Demichev, who owns the Russian Monolith construction company. Ksenia noted more than once that they got married when her husband had just begun to take the first steps in his business. The couple had a daughter, Stephanie, and over time, her husband's affairs went uphill, which made it possible to significantly improve the well-being of the family - they first rented a house in Zhukovka, which was considered an elite village near Moscow, and then acquired a mansion on Rublyovka.

But soon the relationship of the spouses began to burst at the seams - the wealthy Demichev was no longer satisfied with his wife, who, as he believed, began to grow old, and he started a young mistress. Ksenia, again, as she herself claims, having taken her four-year-old daughter, she left her husband, and then again solid white spots - according to one information, she moved to her mother’s apartment, and according to another, she sold the jewelry donated by her husband and bought a house in the capital .

True, the ex-husband even now gives money for the maintenance of his daughter and himself regularly meets with her on weekends.

After the divorce, Ksenia got herself a boyfriend - singer Mitya Fokin. At first, there were even rumors that they wanted to get married, but soon the romance ended, and the separation was not without Xenia's scandalous confessions that Fokin was cheating on her with men and was simply unbearable in everyday life.

Whether the socialite has someone now is unknown, although there are rumors that a new lover is taking place, however, it is not known who is their initiator.

Many are interested in where Ksenia Merz is now and what she is doing. You can learn about this from her Instagram page, where the restless lady constantly shares fresh photos and the latest news from her life with subscribers, and, by the way, there are a lot of them - more than 100 thousand.

And in short, Ksenia does not change herself, and constantly makes loud statements or gets into juicy stories, not allowing herself to be forgotten.

Not so long ago, she stated that her daughter was attacked by a "zombie tutor" in mathematics, which she was provided by the agency, and in the summer of 2017 she had a fight with her employee (as you know, Ksenia is the owner of a beauty salon). Moreover, their brawl was filmed by cameras that are located in the cabin. Ksenia, who was decently beaten by an employee because she accused her of stealing and fired her, wrote a statement to the police, demanding punishment for the guilty.

At the end of November 2017, Merz took part in the TV show “Actually” and announced to the whole country that her ex-boyfriend Mitya Fokin could well be the father of her daughter. And, by the way, the topic: Ksenia Merz and her daughter Stephanie - who is the father of her daughter, was of interest to many, since the lady herself fueled interest in her.

Fokin himself was also present at the show, and did not react to such a statement in any way, because, as he admitted later, he was confident in himself. Indeed, a DNA test showed that he was not Stephanie's father, and besides, the polygraph on the show found that at one time a socialite had an abortion from Fokin.

Biography, life story of Xenia Merz

Ksenia Merz is a socialite, a former presenter on the Muz-TV channel, and now the owner of a beauty salon. She also became known as a rather scandalous person, as evidenced by numerous publications in the media.

Childhood and youth

Throughout this period of her life, the former wife of the oligarch, employed in the construction business, carefully concealed. It is only known that Ksenia (real name Oksana) was born in 1972. A similar situation exists with information about parents, about whom nothing is known for certain.

Life in a secular society

Xenia always liked being in public. Moreover, her bright appearance also contributed to this. In addition, marriage with one of the oligarchs helped her get into the glamorous party, which also contributed to her work on the Muz-TV channel. But, I soon realized that I had made a mistake. Ksenia spent much more time filming than at home. As a result, it came to a divorce. However, the couple broke up as friends (as Merz herself says).

After leaving TV, the socialite has a new hobby - a beauty salon. She also did not forget to stay in various TV shows, the broadcasts of which often ended in scandals. And in general, Ksenia has always been “sharp” with her words, which earned herself a rather scandalous reputation.

In addition to scandals, Ksenia was also a participant in the Mobile Blondes TV project.

Personal life

Valery Demichev is so far the first and only official husband of Xenia. The couple legalized their relationship back in the period when Valery was just starting to take his first steps in business, being engaged in the production of CDs. Over time, the scope of his activities extended to real estate, where he was able to earn decent capital. In marriage, a daughter, Stephanie, was born. When the baby was 4 years old, the couple broke up. The reason for this was Valery's desire to have a younger person at hand, which Ksenia herself did not measure up to. But, like a decent father, Demichev did not leave either his ex-wife or daughter without a means of subsistence.

Ksenia herself, too, was not alone for a long time, and started an affair with RњРёС‚ей Фоминым. But this relationship soon ended in view of the fact that (according to Merz), Fomin often hysterical. Yes, and often met with men.

And this time, the socialite did not have to be bored for a long time, however, she decided not to advertise her next passion.

Video Merz Xenia

Who is Ksenia Merz: biography and personal life, photo from Instagram

The frequent appearance of Ksenia Merz on various television shows has undoubtedly increased interest in her biography and personal life (photo from Instagram below). That's just to get any information about the scandalous blonde before her marriage to the oligarch, with all the desire, it will not work out. In the public domain there are no reliable references to the date of birth, real name, education of Xenia. Merz herself does not comment on questions about her past, in particular, childhood and family.

Facts from the biography and personal life of Ksenia Merz, a selection of photos from Instagram

What is known about Xenia? In the past, she was the wife of the oligarch Valery Demichev, thanks to whose patronage she became the host on Muz-TV. An interesting position captivated the girl so much that her husband gave an ultimatum - he or work. And although Ksenia chose a family, in the end, their marriage broke up. According to Merz, Demichev constantly reproached her for being unattractive and made young mistresses. The girl decided to leave her husband and start a new life. Since, through the efforts of her ex-husband, Ksenia was not taken on television, she tried herself as a businesswoman and opened her own beauty salon. This allowed Merz to remain a socialite and be inside the star party. Over time, Ksenia returned "to the telly" thanks to her outrageous behavior and scandalous novels. She became a regular on such talk shows as "Let them talk", "Actually", "Live". Recently, Merz has been trying himself as a singer.

"Forever young" Ksenia Merz: what is the real age of the scandalous star

The bright appearance of the “forever young” Ksenia Merz raises a question regarding the real age of the scandalous TV star. The fact is that Ksyusha herself does not give any comments on this matter. Only in one of the old interviews did she briefly mention that at that time she was 38 years old. Using a simple calculation method, journalists suggested that Ksenia Merz was born in 1972. There is no more accurate information regarding the age of Ksyusha.

What is the real age of the scandalous and "forever young" talk show star Ksenia Merz

If we assume that Ksenia was born in 1972, then at the moment she should be 45 years old. To be frank, Merz does not look like a “berry woman”. Most likely, the secret of Xenia's youth lies in numerous beauty injections and plastic surgeries. Naturally, the socialite herself does not comment on such accusations against her.

Ksenia Merz and her beloved: who is her ex-husband-oligarch and who claims to be a new husband

A topic that should be given special attention concerns the beloved of Ksenia Merz, or rather, who her ex-husband is an oligarch and whether there are contenders for the role of a new spouse. Despite numerous high-profile novels, Ksyusha was officially married only once. As mentioned above, her husband was the oligarch Valery Demichev. Merz met her ex-husband long before he became a big businessman and owner of the Russian Monolith. In a marriage with Demichev, Ksenia gave birth to a daughter, Stephanie.

Who is the ex-husband of Ksenia Merz and which of her last lovers claims to be the new husband

When the girl was only 4 years old, the couple broke up, but continues to maintain friendly relations. Demichev cannot be called a popular public person, and his name rarely appears in the domestic media. Unlike his ex-wife, Valery prefers to do business rather than appear on television. Almost immediately after the divorce, the bright blonde Merz started a high-profile romance with the former lead singer of the Hi-Fi group, Mitya Fomin. It was rumored that Mitya and Ksyusha were planning a wedding, but the star couple never made it to the altar. Later, in her interviews, Merz repeatedly hinted at Fomin's unconventional orientation and the facts of his betrayal of her with other men. After Mitya, Ksyusha often appeared in the company of interesting young people. By the way, her last romance with a young fitness trainer Alexander Zdasyuk ended in a loud scandal. Merz accused the young man of impersonating another person and demanded that he compensate the moral damage caused to her in court.

What facial operations did Ksenia Merz do: a selection of photos before and after plastic surgery

The bright appearance of the TV star Ksenia Merz prompts reflections on the plastic surgery on her face that she did (before and after photos below). The first thing that catches the eye of even the layman is the shape of Xenia's nose. In confirmation of the assumption about the done rhinoplasty, the too thin profile and the upturned tip of the nose testify. It can be seen that Merz's nose has changed if you compare the early and recent photographs of the woman.

Socialite Ksenia Merz and fitness trainer Alexander Zdasyuk met for less than two months. However, in such a short period of communication, a woman bought expensive things for a young 23-year-old lover, treated her to restaurants and even paid for vacations abroad. In the studio of the talk show “Actually” with Dmitry Shepelev, Merz said that Zdasyuk deceived her vilely, impersonated another person, after which she accumulated resentment, and she decided to demand compensation for moral harm.

“At first he seemed intelligent to me. I really like smart people. We met for a month and a half at most, in the second week it became clear that this was not the person he claims to be, ”said Ksenia.

Merz and Zdasyuk met at an elite karaoke club. The man introduced himself as the son of the rector of one of the capital's universities, the socialite believed him. After a while, Ksenia realized that Alexander was not a person from her circle. The ex-wife of the oligarch decided to take revenge on her lover, she asked the personal security service to come to Zdasyuk's house and take him to her cottage. According to the young man, the woman threatened him and locked him in her mansion for several hours, demanding the return of about five million rubles.

The woman excused herself for the incident, telling guests and experts at the talk show studio that she had just gone grocery shopping and accidentally closed the door. During testing on a lie detector, experts found out that Ksenia really threatened her former lover, and Merz also harbored a grudge against former lovers.

“Not all are such stupid chickens, every chicken has a soul,” the ex-wife of the oligarch said on the show.

Then Mertz's housekeeper, Zulya, came to the talk show studio. The woman said that Xenia is cruel to all people. She humiliates, insults the attendants in her house and withholds wages. The maid provided an exclusive video for filming the program, in which the ex-wife of the oligarch screams and swears at Zuli.

“She treated us like slaves. I could no longer work in her house. You need to be treated, Xenia. I was cleaning the toilet, the door closed, she thought that I used her bathroom. And she didn’t pay, ”the housekeeper turned to Merz.

The heroine of Dmitry Shepelev's program "Actually" was the socialite Ksenia Merz. A woman 14 years ago gave birth to a daughter, Stephanie, and all these years she hid who the girl's father was. The former housekeeper of the socialite Zulya decided to reveal the secret, who is offended by the blonde because she mistreated her. On the air of the show, Zulya told who gave birth to her daughter Merz.


“She deceives everyone, she is a swindler, she deceived her husband. She always demanded a lot of money from him. And I can say that he is not the real father of her daughter, that's 100 percent. He is not Stephanie's real father. I can tell who the father is. This is the singer Mitya Fomin, ”the woman said.



Ksenia confirmed the words of a former employee and spoke about the affair with Mitya. “Yes, I had a relationship, I had an affair with him for a very long time. I left my husband twice on my own, and he brought me back. My mother has always guided me. She convinced me to return to my husband, ”Merz shared.

Mitya Fomin did not deny that he had met Ksenia, but the singer is sure that she did not give birth to a daughter from him: “Yes, I was in a relationship with Ksyusha. She was then in a civil marriage. I was alone at the time. This novel happened out of mutual sympathy.


Fomin agreed to undergo a DNA test, which showed that he was not the father of Ksenia's daughter. Mertz concluded that Stephanie's real father was her ex-husband.

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