Modular paintings in the interior. What are modular paintings


Modular paintings will allow you to create a special, unique interior style in the room. A series of elements merging into a single composition looks fresh and dynamic. Today we will figure out how to make a modular painting with our own hands in order to be able to express our own individuality. Detailed master classes will help you learn the basics of creating real masterpieces, and as a result, you will become the owner of an unusual decor decoration.

What are modular paintings

For a long time, beautiful canvases have replaced Soviet carpets. This is a modern way to quickly and inexpensively decorate any room, whether it's a discreet office or a cozy bedroom. The main difference between segment paintings and ordinary ones is that they are divided into several elements that visually merge into a single whole.

The range of sizes will allow you to fit a beautiful decor into a room of any size. In addition, the constituent elements can be shifted relative to each other vertically or horizontally, arranged symmetrically or randomly.

Interesting! A special group consists of works on a glass base, but their creation requires special paints and printers.

Functions of modular panels

Wall decor performs a number of interesting functions:

  • creating the illusion of movement in the room;
  • attracting the attention of guests;
  • displacement reception - expansion of the boundaries of the room;
  • creating a stylish interior with taste.

Types of modular canvases

Depending on how many separate particles the canvas consists of, there are such types of them:

  • diptychs are an option consisting of 2 segments that fit perfectly even into the interior of a small room;
  • triptychs - contain 3 segments that are most common among users, and from this they began to be considered classics of the genre;

  • penaptihi - consisting of 4 pieces, freely located on the wall;
  • polyptych - from five and more elements of a solid canvas.

Remember! To decorate small rooms, you should not use compositions from many segments, so as not to overload the area.

In order to design a room, you can not adhere to strict rules. With the possibilities of today's printing industry, you don't have to be a professional artist to create modular paintings at home. Isn't this a challenge for a true creative mind?

How to choose canvases for different rooms

Before you learn how to create modular canvases with your own hands, you need to figure out which room this or that canvas model is suitable for.

  • Bedroom. To decorate the walls of this cozy and secluded place, you should remember that this is a room for privacy and relaxation. That is why in the images you should not choose aggressive or sharp lines, bright colors. For the bedroom, a subdued, calm landscape or a beautiful abstract image is most suitable, which must be in harmony with the rest of the rest room, as a sharp resonance will draw all the attention only to the wall element of the interior.

  • The living room is a place for joint rest of the whole family, therefore it is a testing ground for bold experiments and combinations of light or bright colors. The dimensions of the canvas should be related to the dimensions of the room. Huge wall compositions will look ridiculous in a small living room, and small images will simply get lost in a large space.

  • In the design of children's rooms, bright, saturated colors are often used, and their number can be the most numerous. If a wide palette has already been used in the decor, then it is better not to choose active tones for additional decor. Few children will appreciate abstraction, so it is better to pay attention to images of animals, cartoon characters and fairy tales.

  • If a teenager's personal space is being designed, it is better to involve him in the choice of design. It is better to find out in advance what kind of decoration a teenager wants to see in his room. You can invite an older child to use photos with his friends, favorite musicians or actors for a collage.

  • For the hallway, choose simple canvases. This is due to the fact that guests and residents do not stay in this room for a long time, so it is not worth spending a lot of effort and money on decoration. At the same time, it is worth remembering that the entrance hall is the beginning of the house, so the image should set the tone for the overall impression of the home.

  • Before you start making a decorative element for the kitchen, you need to find a place for it where it would not get dirty later. If the footage of the walls allows, then it is better to choose a still life or any other “delicious” motifs for wall paintings.

The process of making modular paintings with your own hands

When you have decided on the location of the future location of the work, you need to choose a topic. We do not recommend choosing a portrait, as a divided face does not look quite appropriate.

You can simply download any high-resolution image you like from the Internet and print it on fabric, paper or canvas.

Modular pictures from photo wallpaper

To your attention, a master class is not a topic: a modular picture from photo wallpapers. For work you will need:

  • printed drawing;
  • wooden blocks or 2 cm foam panels;
  • furniture stapler or glue gun.

Segmented wallpaper canvases require special preparation of the image chosen for implementation in the interior. In many photo salons, you can be offered for review already selected catalogs of options. You can also apply with a downloaded image or even draw your own personal pattern. It will be competently divided into parts in a graphic editor and printed on the necessary material. If desired, you can purchase at any hardware store.

  1. First, a frame for a modular picture or a foam base is made. Take wooden blocks with a section of 2 x 2 cm, and build as many frame frames as you want to create a canvas from. Or cut foam sheets of appropriate sizes. Remember that the dimensions of the foam base should be slightly smaller than the area of ​​​​the pieces of wallpaper, since the pattern will also have to fall on the side of the segment.
  2. Cut out the images, leaving a small allowance for the sides and a small twist on the wrong side of the frame.
  3. Lay all the cut out elements from the wallpaper face down, put the appropriate wood frames or foam base on top.
  4. Fix the pieces of photo wallpaper with a hot glue gun, first bending the edges to the wrong side of the wooden frame. For a foam base, hot glue may not be suitable, as it can melt the material, so it is better to use special glue or a furniture stapler. It is important that it is better not to fix only those parts of the picture that are on the wrong side when wrapping, otherwise the entire surface of the photo will wrinkle.

Interesting! In the same way, you can create modular paintings from photographs by printing them on photographic paper of the appropriate size.

Fabrication of modular fabrics

Another material that is commonly used for handmade art is fabric. For this type of decor, you can use a variety of bright patches, which are many in any home.

The main advantage of this method is that you do not have to try to match the edges of the modules. In this regard, the work will go much easier and more fun.

The step by step instructions are as follows:

  1. First you need to decide on the future number of modules and their size. For fabric material, it is better to prepare not polystyrene, but wooden frames.
  2. Cut the cloth according to the size of the modules, not forgetting about 5-6 cm for the next bend.
  3. Attach frames to the inside of the finished cut elements.
  4. Using needles or pins, temporarily secure the fabric to the frame.
  5. Turn over and check the correct location of the fabric, consistently fasten the allowances to the frame using a construction stapler. It is better to start with the long sides, gradually moving to the short ones. At the very end, the corners are fixed.
  6. The wrong side can be closed with a stretcher made of a piece of chipboard or plywood.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of decorative elements in a modern interior. Choose images that complement and emphasize the stylistic direction of the room, adding comfort and creativity to it. Do you have experience in creating segment paintings? Share your secrets in the comments.

Video: Simple modular paintings with a wooden base

Man has long sought to decorate his home, including paintings. The oldest paintings were drawings on stone walls. These were mostly scenes from hunting and just drawings of animals. This was, perhaps, the birth of design, interior, decor... Times passed and of course ideas, tastes, fashion, opportunities, technologies, needs changed. Design and decoration have undergone great changes and stepped forward thanks to the development of technology, new materials.

More recently, the concept of a painting was classical and static - subjects, landscapes, portraits, still lifes on a single small or large canvas, in a modest or beautiful frame. Now these are art objects of very diverse shapes, images, and color schemes. One of the most interesting in this regard are modular paintings. Come to the online store of modular paintings to get acquainted with a large assortment and choose the most suitable option for your home or as a gift. Paintings on any subject, from flowers and landscapes to views of cities, sky and space.

Modular paintings are paintings consisting of several fragments-modules, they are, as it were, cut into several horizontal and vertical parts. These parts may not be the same in size, but all these modules in the end, of course, make up a single whole image. Also, the modules can be located at different heights and this gives movement and lightness even to large, large-scale images. Therefore, modular paintings are not enclosed in frames and baguettes. This limits them and they lose their individuality and originality. With the help of modular paintings, you can not only emphasize the individuality of your interior, decorate an apartment, office or house, but also visually change, adjust the space: visually expand the room, make the ceiling higher. That is, it is not only aesthetics, but also functionality. Such a young trend in interior decor has already had its own unusual offshoots. For example, paintings on metal. They are engraved on an aluminum "canvas", sometimes with 3D inserts. Sometimes, oil-painted canvas is used in metallic modular paintings.

What can be depicted in such pictures? Anything! It can be already familiar landscapes, still lifes, stories, portraits, including yours. Various color schemes in the form of abstractions and graphic images are very relevant now. Such solutions look very good in a modern interior with clear graphic lines of modern furniture and accessories, they can overlap or contrast with the main colors of design and decor.

In the modern field, modular paintings have gained great popularity. This fact has a rationale, because from year to year people want to be distinguished by their individuality, to create a comfortable environment around themselves, acquiring beautiful paintings for their home, including paintings. In this article, we will talk about them and how to hang a modular picture on the wall.

What is a modular picture?

Otherwise, such works of art are called segmented. They consist of parts that are united by a single theme. The elements are not fastened together, they are placed on the wall at a distance from each other. The picture is framed with a standard frame or baguette. At the ends, the pattern continues, due to which the canvas looks more voluminous. The picture looks different from different angles.

Diptych, triptych and polyptych - the name of modular paintings, which, respectively, consist of two, three, five or more elements. The name comes from Ancient Greece. Ancient Greek painters created huge partial paintings, consisting of several segments.

In the process of creating a diptych, triptych or polyptych, one drawing is divided into parts of different or equal sizes. Then, as a result of the connection, one image is formed on the wall. And how to hang a modular picture, we will tell further.

Of course, before you hang a picture on the wall, you need to choose the most suitable place. With all responsibility, you need to approach this stage. A well-chosen place contributes to the correct perception of the image and harmonious combination with the interior of the room.

It is enough to listen to the following tips:

  • A picture with a vertical pattern is best hung on the main wall to visually enlarge it, but horizontal images visually expand the wall.
  • Large segmented paintings are not suitable for a living room or hall; they do not fit well into a densely furnished interior.
  • Lighting is important. If you are dealing with an oil painting, then it is best to hang it in a darkened room to avoid rapid aging of the paints.
  • The painting is hung on the wall 1.5 meters from the floor.

How to determine the sequence?

So, you have chosen and bought a beautiful canvas, but you just can’t decide on the sequence and method of how to hang a modular picture. To begin with, we select the central segment, which is attached, of course, first.

A diptych or two-part painting is easy to hang. It will not be difficult for you to define the main module. Things are more complicated with the triptych. In this case, the center will be the middle segment. In a polyptych or a painting of 5 or more modules, any segment can be the central part. Having chosen the main module, you need to attach it to the wall and put marks corresponding to the corners of the picture.

It is important to draw a straight horizontal line, otherwise the whole canvas will hang at an angle. The indent between the parts of the picture should be within 2-4 cm.

Fixing a polyptych

How to hang a 5 piece modular painting? There is an algorithm for sequential actions, and it is as follows:

  1. Definition of the central part and its fixation. Most often, the main module is large.
  2. Side fixation. They must be placed parallel to the central module. The gap between the parts should not exceed 4 cm.

It is difficult for one person to understand the segments and understand how to hang a modular picture. It's better to do it together.

We place a diptych

A modular picture is characterized by several parts that make up one image. Now we will talk about how to hang a 2-part modular painting, or a diptych. Of course, you first need to determine the location.

Here are a few features of the placement:

  1. The first segment is placed at a distance of 2-4 cm from the second.
  2. The parallel must be clearly observed.
  3. If any segment needs to be shifted, then it is better to make measurements and notes in advance.
  4. It is better to hang a picture 1.5 meters from the floor.

How to arrange the triptych?

A triptych is a triple painting. Often it is represented by a large central part and two smaller sidewalls. Although sometimes there are identical segments. So, how to hang a 3-piece modular painting? First, let's answer the question about the origin of the name.

In ancient Rome, a triptych was a tablet intended for writing. Accordingly, these tablets consisted of 3 parts.

Arrange the triple canvas in three ways:

  • vertical arrangement will visually stretch the wall;
  • horizontally, which visually enlarges the room;
  • diagonally, the picture can be hung on a flight of stairs.

Not a single nail

Often people strive to bring their creative ideas to life by arranging the premises. For example, a person buys a segmented canvas and is wondering how to hang a 4-piece modular painting in a hurry and without tools. And there are several methods that simplify the process of placing the canvas on the wall.

So the methods include:

  • use of staples;
  • needles and hooks;
  • fixation with adhesive tape;
  • assistance of the Common system;
  • using liquid nails or glue.


So, how to hang a modular picture without nails? You can use staples. On the wall, draw a straight line the size of a paper clip in the place where the picture should hang. We make an incision along the line, then we make a small longitudinal incision in the center. We bend the edges of the wallpaper a little and pry with a knife so that they move away from the wall. Get a pocket.

Next, unfold the paper clip, as if it were holding a stack of paper. We press one end to the wall, and the other becomes a hook. We fill the cross made in the wall with glue, press the long part of the paper clip to it and press it with wallpaper.

After the glue has completely dried, you can hang the canvas. If you want to speed up the drying process, then it is better to buy instant glue.

Clothes hook

If there are no paper clips in the house, then there is another simple way. A clothes hook can come in handy in this matter.

We make an incision in the wallpaper and tear it off the wall slightly. Fill the cavity with glue and press the hook. We are waiting for complete drying.

This method resembles the first, in this case the hook is able to withstand small paintings.

We use adhesive tape

Regular tape can solve many problems. This is a great business item. So, for example, how to hang a 5-piece modular painting with tape?

For this, it is advisable to buy adhesive tape sold in a car dealership where spare parts are available. Scotch tape looks like thin foam rubber. A place for a picture is measured on the wall. We glue one piece of adhesive tape on the wall, and the second on the picture and fasten it together.

command system

In the modern world, there are special assistants - systems for attaching photos, posters and paintings to the wall. This method is quite simple.

The suspension system is easy to stick on and just as easy to remove from surfaces. A clear instruction on the sequence of actions is attached to the system.

Liquid Nails

This method is more traumatic for the walls. When the owner gets tired of the painting, the wall will be dismantled. But it is worth noting that liquid nails can withstand the heaviest canvases.

In the place where the picture will hang, we put a mark. On the reverse side of the canvas, we apply liquid nails around the perimeter. We press the picture in the wall and wait. After 5 minutes, the canvas will be tightly fixed.

People are constantly striving to improve their homes and apartments. More recently, the main attribute in the house was the carpet. And now people are increasingly choosing modular paintings, photographs and posters.

Modular paintings have one important feature: despite the fact that they consist of several segments that are mounted at a certain distance from each other, the image as a result looks holistic and harmonious. Depending on the number of modules, paintings are divided into diptych (two parts), triptych (three modules), polyptych (more than three segments). In addition, modular paintings are classified according to the materials of manufacture - canvas, glass, photographic paper. Each material has its own characteristics, analyzing which you can make a choice in the direction of one or another option.

Features of making paintings from different materials

To make a picture on glass, it is necessary to use solid tempered glass with a high density and cut it into segments corresponding to the parameters of the planned modules. Glass edges should be sanded with a special method to make them safe and smooth. A special film with a pattern is glued to each module, after which the panel undergoes heat treatment.

For a picture on photo paper, you first need to make a wooden frame. Then stick MDF plywood on it, the thickness of which is approximately 5mm. Now photographic paper with an image is glued to the workpiece. The composition is covered with a protective film to protect the product from dirt, moisture and UV rays.

Panels on canvas look very noble, you can be sure of this. Technologically, the process of producing modular paintings on canvas is much more complicated. First you need to apply the image to the canvas, and then wait a while until the fabric absorbs the paint. Then the canvas is covered with a protective solution, and a special film is additionally glued on top to protect it from moisture and fading. At the end, the resulting image is stretched onto a wooden frame of a given size.

What material is better?

To choose a modular picture, you first need to decide where it will hang and what will be depicted on it. For example, you like a modular picture with the sea, and you want to place it in the bathroom. In this case, it is best to give preference to glass, which is not afraid of temperature changes and high moisture. The same applies to the kitchen, where the painting can be damaged by splashes of water, grease, etc. If the kitchen is large and the wall on which the panel will hang is far from the stove and desktop, then it is quite possible to choose photographic paper or canvas.

If you have a refined taste, and it is important for you that the picture looks noble and expensive, choose a canvas. Modular panels on canvas are the best suited for the interior of the living room and bedroom. Even the participants of the famous Dom-2 project appreciated the paintings on canvas from, so they can often be seen in interiors while watching the show.

If the picture is intended for a nursery, you can choose photo paper. The image printed on it is much juicier and brighter, just what kids love. It is better not to hang glass, as a child may accidentally break it. It will not be a mistake to choose a painting on canvas, especially if it is selected in the room of a teenager who is beginning to appreciate stylish things.

Modular paintings today have become integral elements of any modern house or apartment. They certainly belong to the “modern” style, but many people just like a beautiful picture and it doesn’t matter if it fits into the overall interior. However, for us they are interesting not only from the point of view of the design of the room, but also, to a greater extent, as an object that can be made by hand, for any, even the most sophisticated taste.

Modular paintings - what is it

In the second half of the twentieth century, especially with the advent of the so-called "minimalism", the world learned about modular paintings from interior designers. Today, when a large amount of free space is assumed in living quarters, walls not covered with carpets and rooms not filled with “walls” are “asked” to decorate them by placing some bright “spot” on them.

Such conspicuous "spot" are modular paintings. But why "modular"? Because they are, in essence, one whole picture, divided into segments, or modules, which can be fixed either parallel to each other or in any other way.

It can be either a real picture (polyptych, triptych, diptych, etc.) drawn by the artist with oil or acrylic paints, or just ordinary photo printing.

You can choose any image for a modular picture, even seemingly completely unrelated to the theme and style of home decoration. However, corresponding to the taste of its owner.

You can choose any picture from the Internet, or order a picture in the form of a large family photo, or there is another interesting option for modular paintings for the interior - these are modular picture clocks.

You can also make a modular picture yourself from photo wallpapers by purchasing them at any appropriate store. We will talk about how to make modular paintings with our own hands in this article a little later, but now let's look at examples of how best to decorate the kitchen, nursery and parents' bedroom with the help of modular paintings.

Modular paintings for home interior

For the kitchen, it is best to choose an image of the appropriate theme of the room - it can be flowers, fruits or vegetables, as well as the sea, fountains or other water theme.

Inappropriate here will be cities, cars or youth, as well as erotic themes.

People come to the kitchen to eat, and everything should cause them not irritation or disgust, but positive emotions, cheer up and appetite.

It is known that orange, like red, causes a desire to eat, and green - soothes and improves digestion.

Therefore, thin people can add brightness to the kitchen with the help of a colorful modular picture, and those who want to lose weight, on the contrary, should avoid orange and red in the kitchen, it is better to choose something in pleasant soft green tones.

The same principle applies to the children's bedroom - avoid bright poisonous colors and use paintings in soft, pleasant colors. For modular paintings in the children's room, you can choose images of cartoon characters or baby animals.

In the living room, you can use different colors, as long as they are in harmony with the overall interior.

Images of nature, a modern night city, cultural monuments or cars would be appropriate here.

For the bedroom, you can use the image of people, animals and birds, flowers.

But how to make a modular picture with your own hands? It's not difficult at all. We will explain everything to you in detail.

How to make modular paintings with your own hands

Making a modular picture with your own hands is absolutely easy. Having mastered this interesting business, you can even earn good money on it. After all, people periodically change the interior of the house, and change its decorative design. In this article, we will not describe the process of making a modular picture from scratch, we will only say that on the Internet you can find many different photographs (or even use your own), having processed them in a special program, you can order their printing in a photo studio.

Here we will consider the simplest option for creating a modular picture from ready-made store photo wallpapers.

To make a modular picture with your own hands, you will need any murals bought in the store that we liked.

It is very simple to make a modular picture from an ordinary, solid one - you just need to cut one picture into several parts (modules). Then these parts must be carefully glued separately on pre-prepared and measured panels.

Attach a hook for fasteners at the back, and voila - our work is ready! Look how beautiful we did!

You can hang a modular picture to your taste by placing its segments together or separately.

The modular clock of the picture also looks very original. As a rule, they are sold ready-made. It is only necessary, following the detailed instructions, to properly hang all the details on the wall. The main thing here is not to confuse anything!

We hope that this article was useful for you, and you even learned how to make a modular painting with your own hands. In conclusion, we also suggest watching a video on the topic we have considered.

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