My attitude to the swan princess. The composition of the fabulous image of Pushkin's swan princess


The Swan Princess: Character Story

The swan maiden is found in the folklore of different peoples of the world, and, as a rule, a graceful bird will certainly marry the main character. Russian folk art is no exception. However, he presented the most vivid image in a work about the king and his glorious son. The heroine of the fairy tale, Princess Swan, acts as a magical assistant to her savior. A wise girl is also distinguished by her captivating beauty.

History of creation

Alexander Sergeevich spent several years before he presented to the readers the adventures of Tsar Saltan and his offspring. The writer, while whiled away the months in Mikhailovsky exile, painstakingly collected material, wrote down stories and legends overheard from ordinary people. The basis for the work was the folk tale “Knee-deep in gold, elbow-deep in silver”, and the poet borrowed some details from the fairy tales of the nanny Arina Rodionovna. In 1832, a poetic work under the long title "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess" was published.

The striking character of the poetic work was the Swan Princess - a character completely taken from folklore. The maiden in the form of a swan is one of the oldest archetypes and is of great importance in the symbolism of myths and legends. In pre-Christian Rus', a luxurious bird enjoyed special reverence, was called the king of birds, graceful, graceful girls were compared with it. In folklore, the White Swan knows the secret of living water and rejuvenating apples, embodies wisdom and magical power, fidelity and chastity.

The swan from the tale of Tsar Saltan absorbed the features of three beauties from Russian legends: Vasilisa the Wise, Elena the Beautiful and Sophia the Wise. With the first heroine, the princess is also related by origin: Swan is the sister of 33 sea heroes, and Vasilisa the Wise is the heiress of the sea sovereign.

Pushkinists suggest that the theme of the Swans is also taken from the epic about the hero Potyk, which was included in the collection of Kirsha Danilov. The details of the appearance - “the moon shines under the scythe, and the star burns in the forehead” - the author borrowed from another folk tale about a wonderful boy. However, in the work of the Brothers Grimm, the image of a maiden, in whose forehead a star burns, also found a place.

However, Alexander Sergeevich endowed “his” princess Swan and the work as a whole with some features, the female image eventually became unique. So, in not a single folk tale with a similar plot does the motif of rescuing a wonderful maiden occur, and the bird does not turn into a woman. The characterization of the heroine is also unusual: the author diluted her magical abilities with worldly wisdom.

The Swan Princess in the Tale of Tsar Saltan

The main characters of the work are Tsar Saltan, who married a commoner, and his son Gvidon, who immediately after birth was thrown into the sea by the envious courtiers with his mother. The key female image is embodied by the Swan Princess, who helps the prince return to his homeland, reunite with his family and find happiness.

The magic bird lived on the island of Buyan, which is located somewhere "beyond the sea." A barrel was nailed to its shores with the prince and his mother imprisoned in it. Gvidon's meeting with the Swan happened during a hunt: the young man saved the feathered bird from a hungry kite, in return for receiving a promise of reciprocal help.

Guidon erected a city on the island. Turning with the help of the Swan Princess into a mosquito, then into a fly, then into a bumblebee, the prince travels with shipbuilders to his homeland and there overhears his father's conversations about the wonderful things that fill the world. In order to lure Saltan to visit Buyan, the young man gets an outlandish squirrel that gnaws golden nuts with emerald filling and knows how to sing, invites 33 heroes to visit - Lebed also tried. However, Saltan, unaware that Gvidon is his son, still cannot get together.

Finally, the king found out about the princess, whose beauty overshadows the light of God. She turned out to be the Swan saved by Guidon. Saltan deigned to get to the island, where he met with his family, and Gvidon married a beautiful bird-maiden.

Screen adaptations

The heroes of Pushkin's fairy tale first came to life on film in 1943: directors Valentina and Zinaida Brumberg gave children a black-and-white cartoon, where the Swan Princess is voiced by actress Maria Babanova.

In color, an animated film based on the work appeared in 1984, on which Ivan Ivanov-Vano and Lev Milchin worked together. In the cartoon, the princess speaks in the voice of the brilliant Lyudmila Ivanova.

In the format of a feature film, the fairy tale entered the Soviet cinematographic piggy bank with the light hand of Alexander Ptushko. Actress Ksenia Ryabinkina appeared as a magical bird that turned into a beautiful girl. The year the picture was created is 1966.

In American cinema, there was also a place for Swans, however, far from Pushkin's heroine. In 1994, the Swan Princess cartoon was released, directed by former Disney employee Richard Rich. This was followed by a series of sequels: "The Swan Princess: The Secret of the Castle", "The Swan Princess: The Secret of the Enchanted Kingdom" and four more full-fledged cartoons. In the films, the main heroine of royal blood is bewitched by an evil lord: during the day, the girl lives in the form of a bird, and only with the advent of darkness does she turn into a man. Voiced by Princess Michelle Nicastro.

  • The image of the Swan Princess entered the property of the fine arts of Russia. In 1900, the artist Mikhail Vrubel painted a picture in which a fairy-tale character appears in a white-winged robe. The girl looks at the viewer with a farewell look filled with kindness and sadness. They say that the work was created by the author, impressed by the opera of a compatriot.

  • At the end of the 19th century, the composer created a wonderful opera based on the fairy tale. In 1928, the ballet "The Swan Princess" was staged to this music, and 80 years later the composition received a new life thanks to the Olympic champion. The author's performance on the water "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" pleases Russians on New Year's holidays. The water fairy tale is a mixture of art and sports, the production involves circus performers, dancers, athletes, whose list of achievements includes Olympic victories. The role of the Swans is played by Alla Shishkina, the Olympic champion in synchronized swimming.


“They say there is a princess,
That you can't take your eyes off.
During the day, the light of God eclipses.
Lights up the earth at night.
“Hello, my beautiful prince!
Why are you as quiet as a rainy day?
Saddened by what?
“But the wife is not a mitten: you can’t shake it off a white pen, but you can’t plug it into a belt.”
“Know that your fate is close, because this princess is me.”

“... You are the bright star of the mysterious world,
Where do I ascend from the narrowness of the earth,
Where the tuned lyre awaits me,
Where the dreams warmed by you are waiting for me ... "

Pyotr Vyazemsky

All fairy-tale folklore stories about the transformation of a person into a Swan, including the classic Russian image of the Swan Princess, date back to the Hyperborean tradition.

The sea deity Forkiy, the son of Gaia-Earth and the prototype of the Russian Sea Tsar, was married to the Titanide Keto. Their six daughters, who were born within the Hyperborean borders, were originally revered as beautiful Swan maidens. Prometheus, in the great tragedy of Aeschylus, spoke about the Forkids, like the Swans, living on the edge of the earth, shrouded in eternal night.

Fairy-tale creatures, according to legend, as befits Swan maidens, often appear by the river, shed their swan plumage and splash in the cool water. Swan maidens, throwing off their swan attire, turn into magical beauties.
The image of the Swan, the Swan-Man and swan symbolism runs through the entire history of the culture of the peoples of Eurasia: from the ancient ladle in the form of a Swan, found during excavations of a primitive site (III-II millennium BC) in the Middle Urals and petroglyphs of Lake Onega to tender ancient goddesses with swan wings. Winged maidens with stylized plumage are also found on Russian embroideries.

The Swan Maiden (Leda, Lada) is an ancient and comprehensive image. The plot of a person's marriage to a Swan or turning into a Swan is common among many peoples; it is also reflected in a number of folklore images, incl. The Swan Princess.

And Pushkin, with some incomprehensible instinct, caught the true, divine nature of the Swan from the fairy tale told to him by Arina Rodionovna. The poet was looking for the main line of events, which then so freely connected all his thoughts. In the first version, magical transformations and other miracles occur thanks to the Queen Mother. In the final - they are created by the Swan Princess. The main secret and miracle is that in his long journey to this amazing insight, the poet came close to the ancient folk origins of the image of the divine Swan. A portrait-description of the eternally young goddess, as the young prince Gvidon saw her:

Here she flaps her wings
Flew over the waves
And to the shore from above
Dropped into the bushes.
Startled, shaken off
And the princess turned around:
The moon shines under the scythe,
And in the forehead a star burns;
And she is majestic
Acts like a pava;
And as the speech says,
Like a river murmurs.

Perhaps the most unusual and attractive female image is The Swan Princess, a painting by Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel, written on the basis of the stage image of the heroine of N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov’s opera The Tale of Tsar Saltan based on the plot of the fairy tale of the same name by A. S. Pushkin . The party of the Swan Princess was sung by his wife N. I. Zabela-Vrubel. The princess from Vrubel's canvas is mysterious and enigmatic, her face is sad. The Swan Princess is depicted against the background of twilight descending over the sea, a narrow strip of sunset on the horizon and a distant city.
In the gathering twilight with a crimson streak of sunset, the princess swims away into the darkness, and only turned around for the last time to make a farewell flap of her wings.

Aria of the Swan Princess from Rimsky-Korsakov's opera

There is something mysterious and disturbing in this work of the artist - it is not for nothing that The Swan Princess was Alexander Blok's favorite painting.

* * *
A train splattered with stars
Blue, blue, blue eyes.
Between earth and heaven
Whirlwind raised fire.

Life and death in eternal whirling,
All - in tight silks -
You are open to the milky ways,
Hidden in storm clouds.

Stuffy fogs fell.
Turn off, turn off the light, pour the darkness ...
You - with a narrow, white, strange hand
She gave me a torch cup in my hands.

I'll throw a torch cup into the blue dome -
The milky way will spread.
You alone will rise above the whole desert
Expand the comet plume.

Let the silver touch the folds
With an indifferent heart to know
How sweet my suffering path is,
How easy and clear to die.


The charm of native nature, the proud and tender sincerity of a fabulous bird girl. Arcane charms yet subjugated evil sorcery. Loyalty and firmness of true love. Might and eternal force of good. All these features are combined into a wonderful image, wondrous by its unfading freshness and that special majestic beauty inherent in folk tales.

Friends who have developed spiritual vision will see the Swan Queen,
see the picture I described in the verse and see how she dances.
A fairy tale is a fairy tale according to the legend of the ancient gray-haired druids.
The fairy tale "QUEEN-Swan" is posted on the literary portal "Izba-Reading Room".
The tale reads well to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Swan Lake".


On a secret lake, in a dense forest -
The Swan Queen danced in a fairy tale.
The stars twinkled on the mighty bridge,
Goddess-Night kissed the forest district.

The spirits lurked behind the branches quietly fir,
And silently at the Queen - everyone looked.
They did not know her tears and the shore of goals,
They were all shy before her with fear.

All around subsided: winds, dreams, blizzards,
Fog covered the lake wonderfully with dew.
The sounds and waters of the living drop subsided,
Across the sky the Moon floated young, oblique.

And then there was thunder, and the lake came to life,
And shone like a divine empire.
It served as a haven for souls,
It shimmered like a sapphire diamond.

The Swan Queen - blossomed in the dance,
Her eyelashes lit up brightly.
The figure of a virgin is like a harp in shale,
And the dress blazed and shimmered hot.

She turned into a girl like dew,
Could hide in the fog, and the abyss.
And behind her twisted like a lapis lazuli braid,
An unbearable passion burned in her soul.

The girl loved the prince like the sun,
But he betrayed her and left her like a weed.
And the light went out, the light did not shine in the window,
A spirit walked around the house, a draft creaked.

The queen from grief turned into a swan,
And flew away forever to the ends of the universe.
And with the body forever then said goodbye,
Soul touched the beauty of imperishable.

And every year, on a clear Christmas night,
The Swan Queen flies over the lake.
And there is no more wonderful miracle-triumph in the forest,
When a girl flies over the water in a dance.

No one has seen a maiden of starry beauty,
But rumors circulate that she lives to this day.
From the eyes comes the light of heavenly purity,
She, like an angel, will come to life in my picture.

Author: Galina Zholonkovskaya (White Wolf).
Picture from the Internet.
The fairy tale "QUEEN-Swan" contains sacred information,
the tale was written by me - according to the legend of the ancient gray-haired druids.
The mysterious sages who lived during the time of the Celts were able to make accurate predictions, preferred to live in the forest and even made their own horoscope, which is much more years and even centuries old than you can imagine. This is the horoscope of the Druids - it has more than two thousand years. For the first time, the horoscope of the Druids, or in other words, the Gallic horoscope, is mentioned in the chronicles of Christian monks, who for some reason needed to record the chronicle of the pagans. So, contrary to popular belief, the druids are not mythical creatures at all, but quite real people, priests of the Celtic tribes.
Druids, like their "colleagues" shamans and sorcerers from different countries, performed magical rites, sacrifices and predicted the future. Earthly people believed the sages unconditionally. In order to receive the honorary title of druid, a person had to spend twenty years in complete solitude, in the forest - so it is not surprising that young druids were not observed among the Celts.
The sorcerers considered the forest to be a holy place where a conditional portal opens for communication with unearthly creatures. The priests treated the trees as if they were living beings, endowing them with soul and even character. They argued that every tree, like a person, has its own specific features, advantages and disadvantages. Each requires certain living conditions. The Druids also had a favorite plant - mistletoe. It was used in healing, and in predictions, and in managerial affairs, and in sacrificial rites, so they prepared in advance for the collection of mistletoe. The priests believed that mistletoe drugs would neutralize any known poison. Love for this magical plant, by the way, has survived to this day; Europeans decorate their homes for Christmas with wreaths of mistletoe leaves.
The Celts at one time occupied a colossal territory, by and large - all of modern and well-known to tourists Western Europe. It was they who laid the foundation of Western European civilization. Like any self-respecting pagans, each separate settlement needed its own priest, able to talk with the gods without much difficulty. But in addition to communicating with higher powers, the druids were also required to record the heroic deeds of the Celts, preferably in poetic form, so they took only poets to the druids - otherwise nothing would have happened. In those distant times, the “position” of a druid was considered extremely honorable, which is not surprising. Both petty rulers and kings turned to the priests for advice, they were also exempted from military service and paying taxes.
True, for example, among the Irish, the druids quickly lost their poetic abilities and turned into an analogue of modern village healers, but the Gauls - the ancestors of the current French - treated their priests much more reverently, elevating their wise elders almost to the category of demigods, or, at least , heavenly messengers. Remember at least the famous stories about Asterix and Obelix - the ancestors of the French treated their "wizards" extremely respectfully. The Gauls even had holidays dedicated to the Druids - Samhain and Beltane. Under the leadership of the priests, the residents of all nearby settlements took part in the celebrations. It was believed that during the days of these holidays the line between the worlds became thinner, and messengers from other worlds could come to visit.
As for the horoscope itself, the Druids drew inspiration for its creation again from trees. According to their science, the date of birth of each person is associated with a certain plant. At the same time, the Druids attached great importance to the winter and summer opposition of the Sun, the spring and summer equinoxes. Actually, the position of the Sun relative to the Earth is the basis of their horoscope. In accordance with it, the fate of a person, his future, character and abilities depend on the removal of the Sun from the Earth on the day of his birth. Therefore, each sign of the druid horoscope has two periods of validity.
Druids believed that in order to change your destiny for the better, you need to establish a connection with your tree: communicate with it with the help of touch. It was believed that in bad times a person should go to the forest or garden, find a tree corresponding to the date of birth, and talk to it, lean against its trunk and physically imagine how the energy of the tree flows into his body. After that, it was supposed to bow to the tree, thank it and finally decorate it with a ribbon.
This is how the horoscope of the Druids looks like (in parentheses are the periods in which this tree rules). It was believed that the tree provides the greatest magical power and, as a result, the greatest help to its person during periods of its supremacy.
Apple tree (June 25 - July 4, December 22 - January 1)
Fir (July 5 - July 14, January 2 - January 11)
Elm (July 6 - July 25, January 12 - February 24)
Cypress (July 26 - August 4, January 25 - February 3)
Poplar (5 August - 13 August, 4 February - 8 February)
Cedar (August 14 - August 23, February 9 - February 18)
Pine (August 24 - September 2, February 19 - February 28/29)
Willow (September 3 - September 12, March 1 - March 10)
Lipa (September 13 - September 22, March 11 - March 20)
Hazel (September 24 - October 3, March 22 - March 31)
Rowan (October 4 - October 13, April 1 - April 10)
Maple (October 14 - October 23, April 11 - April 20)
Walnut (October 24 - November 2, April 21 - April 30)
Jasmine (November 3 - November 11, May 1 - May 14)
Chestnut (November 12 - November 21, May 15 - May 24)
Ash (November 22 - December 1, May 25 - June 3)
Hornbeam (December 2 - December 11, June 4 - June 13)
Figs (December 12 - December 20, June 14 - June 23)
Oak (Spring Equinox: March 21)
Birch (Summer Equinox: July 24)
Olive (autumn equinox: September 23)
Beech (Winter Solstice: December 21/22)
It is believed that if you plant "your" tree near the house, it will bring good luck to the house.


Reviews on the tale-tale "QUEEN-Swan" (VKontakte):
1. artist Yevgeny Shcherban
WELL DONE!!! 💪👍😊🌹🌹🌹

2. Alexey Golubev

3. Natalia Emelchenkova
Galina, beautiful, fabulous,
divine music by P. I. Tchaikovsky!
Thanks a lot! GOLD LIKE!!!

4. Tatyana Mishina
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful lyrics!

5. Olga Sarodoy
Beautiful fairy tale. Great.

6. Hope Zaichuk
Fabulous. Thank you.🙏🙏🙏🌹🌸🌺❤

7. Vladimir Shakhovsky

8. singer, poetess Elena Mikhailova
GREAT POSTS! Thank you!

9. Hope Dry
How lovely! thanks for the amazing lyrics!

10. Nina Ivanova
Hello dear...
Good morning and have a wonderful day...
I read poems - The Swan Queen ...
Wonderfully written and the music is of course lovely and
the picture is amazing too...
So you imagine a fabulous magical maiden,
how she turns from a swan into a princess,
very well described...
Goddess Night kissed the area ... delight ...
Fog covered the lake wonderfully with dew...
You know, I admire you all the time ...
My God, how are you, Galechka, smart ...
My God, who whispers these amazing magic lines to you,
in what bins do you store them ... great ...
Just Well done ... Class ..... Really .. I admire ... Thank you ...
The sounds and waters of a living drop subsided.. Fine...
All the best to you, Galechka ...
Clever...I hug you with all my heart...Good luck with everything...Bye...
Well, perhaps you have comprehended something that I will never know.
It's great ... of course for people I understand .. and people admire ...
You are smart dear...
Well, I don’t know, Galya, is it possible to compare ...
but I read the truth for a long time .. about Helena Blavatsky .. here she is a medium ..
She saw something that is completely unknown to us and unthinkable to imagine ..
so there are people with a special vision...
Well, Galya, you are so smart and understand everything and
you can probably sort it all out.
but people are mostly ordinary and simply do not understand this ...

11. Alexander Tomashevsky
Wonderful fairy tale! 👍
Magic story.
Thank you for the miracle!🌹🌹🌹

Feedback on the tale-tale "The Swan Queen" (literary portal Izba-Reading Room):
1. Member of the Russian Union of Writers - Eduard Strusberg
23.09.2018 13:17:07
Review of the work: SWAN QUEEN
[Galina Zholonkovskaya (White Wolf)] positive
Thank you, Galina, for the wonderful lyrics!

2. Krasik Elvira 09/23/2018 16:14:17
Feedback: positive
Wonderful, very beautiful! I am delighted!
Thanks for the congratulations, good days to you, Galochka!
I have a lot of new songs, there will be time, come in!

All Pushkin's works are brilliant and are considered the highest degree of human culture and education. The Tale of Tsar Saltan also belongs to this number. A fairy tale in verse about good triumphing over evil.

A striking example of purity and innocence in this tale is the Swan Princess. No wonder Pushkin portrayed the princess in the form of a swan. Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of wisdom, masculinity, nobility, rebirth.

The princess is very grateful, kind, sympathetic. Prince Gvidon saved the swan from the kite, who wanted to kill her, knowing that he had only one arrow in order to get his own food. The swan turned out to be a girl and told the prince not to be sad about the arrow, but to go to bed. The next morning he woke up and saw the whole city, which she gave him as a token of gratitude, saving Gvidon himself and his mother from death. But her good deeds did not end there. Seeing that he was sad for his father, she helped him see him by turning him into a mosquito. Further, the princess helps to carry out Gvidon's whole plan so that his father Saltan finds out about his family. She gives him a squirrel that gnaws emerald nuts. He asks his brothers - sea heroes - to guard the city of Gvidon, and they agree, which speaks of their kindness. She even gives herself to him as a wife when he thinks of "a beautiful princess with a moon under her scythe and a burning star on her forehead." But it should be noted that she does not immediately admit and agree. It was not just that the sorcerer-kite seized her then. The swan asks him to carefully consider his desire, which speaks of her wisdom. As a result, it turns out that she is the most beautiful girl in the whole world, not only internally, but also externally.

The antipodes of the princess are Guidon's aunts and grandmother, who, out of envy, wanted to destroy him and the queen mother. Even knowing about their tricks, no one began to kill them, but simply sent them home.

One might also think that if the prince had not saved the Swan Princess from the kite, she would have helped him anyway, because she herself is kind and sympathetic. The Swan Princess has long been considered the ideal image of a Russian girl.

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Before meeting the eminent opera singer Nadezhda Zabela at Vrubel there were affairs, but none of them led to marriage. Hope became his muse, wife and guardian angel, protecting him until the last days of his life. She inspired him to create many works, including the most mysterious one - "The Swan Princess", and tried to do the impossible - to save him from madness.

They met at Savva Mamontov's Russian Private Opera, at the rehearsal of the play. When he first heard Zabela sing, he approached her backstage, kissed her hands and repeated: “What a lovely voice!”. It was love at first sight, he offered her a hand and a heart two days after they met. “Other singers sing like birds, but Nadia sings like a person,” said the artist. “The voice is even-even, light, soft-pipe and full of colors. And how much love was in this singing! The soul of the fairy tale merged in it with the soul of man. And what a look! A miracle, a miracle, a miracle!” - the composer M. Gnesin spoke about Zabela. In the summer of 1896, Zabela and Vrubel got married in Geneva.

Nadezhda Zabela was N. Rimsky-Korsakov's favorite performer: especially for her, he wrote the part of Martha in the opera The Tsar's Bride, she performed the main roles in the operas Sadko, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Demon and Eugene Onegin . Vrubel accompanied her at all rehearsals and performances, prompted the nuances of interpreting images, and created sketches of theatrical costumes. “The only thing he lived for was music,” wrote the artist S. Sudeikin. “Nadezhda Ivanovna remained a symbol, an ideal exponent of beauty for him.”

The artist often painted portraits of his wife, she inspired him to create the famous painting "The Swan Princess", although there is no portrait resemblance in this case. N. Rimsky-Korsakov wrote an opera based on the plot of "The Tale of Tsar Saltan" by A. Pushkin, in which Nadezhda Zabela performed the main part. Inspired by her performance, Vrubel wrote one of his most enigmatic works. The huge eyes of the Swan Princess are full of sadness, anxiety and, as it were, a premonition of trouble.

The stage appearance of Zabela in this role was the same as in the picture: “Her Swan Princess, also captured by Vrubel on the canvas, is a vision created by folk fantasy. Spiritualize these crystal-clear sounds with a bright feeling and spring girlish tenderness - and you, perhaps, will hear and see that Swan Princess, which Zabela was and which subsequently this Princess was not any of the performers, ”wrote after the performance.

In 1901, their son Savva was born, but happiness was overshadowed by the presence of a congenital defect in him - a cleft lip. Because of this, the artist began a deep protracted depression, which became the impetus for the development of mental illness. Her symptoms had appeared before, but the child's illness made them worse. At the age of 3, the baby died of pneumonia, which finally undermined Vrubel's mental health.

Since then, Vrubel spent a long time in psychiatric clinics, but his wife did not lose hope and tried to alleviate his condition in every possible way. Knowing how her singing affects him, she brought an accompanist to the hospital and sang for her husband. She tried not to betray her anxiety and supported the artist until the last days. That is why Nadezhda Zabela was called Vrubel's guardian angel. The woman showed extraordinary stamina, although she had to endure a lot: the death of a child, the illness of her mother, the death of her father, the madness and death of her husband. She survived Vrubel by only three years and passed away at the age of 45.

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