Friske Zhanna's grave: description, how to find. A year and a half later: A monument was erected on the grave of Zhanna Friske (photo, video) The monument to Zhanna Friske


The monument on the grave of Zhanna Friske (1974–2015) was erected at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery in Moscow. Photo of the grave. Obituary for pop star, actress and singer. .

Zhanna Friske is a brilliant pop star, actress and singer.

Zhanna Friske (1974–2015)- Russian pop star, actress And singer. Real name - Zhanna Vladimirovna Kopylova, in childhood she was engaged in dancing, gymnastics, amateur art. She got into show business in 1996, since the formation of the group "Brilliant". She moved from staging choreography to vocals, and together with the group she recorded four discs. Since 2003, she switched to a solo career, having managed to record a single album "Jeanne". She regularly participated in rating television projects, appeared in gossip columns, starred in advertising campaigns, which attracted the attention of the general public. Film roles in successful blockbusters based on books also contributed to the popularity. S. Lukyanenko.

Monument to Zhanna Friske at the cemetery - photo of the grave

The monument to Jeanne Friske is a composition of light and black granite with a bronze statue as a central element.

In December 2016, they opened on her grave, created by sculptors Levon Manukyan And Ivan Volkov. made in full growth and represents the singer in an evening dress, flowing with soft folds to the ground. The statue is set on a light gray granite foundation. Nearby rises a vertical stele with a rounded top made of black polished granite. On it, commemorative information about the deceased is carved and covered with gold leaf, as well as

“How much happiness you gave, love gave to relatives and friends. We remember you and love you very much, and nothing can change that.” It is with these words that Anna Semenovich addresses one of the most beautiful and cheerful singers of the national stage, Zhanna Friske, who left us more than a year ago.

Another year of horror in the Friske family

On the anniversary of death, a lot of people gathered at the cemetery - relatives, friends, colleagues, fans, everyone came to honor the memory of the singer, actress, just a good person and a beautiful woman.

Dmitry Shepelev with Plato, the son of Friske, whose appearance everyone was waiting for, did not appear at the cemetery. However, a three-year-old boy handed over in a bag to his grandparents

The past year for the Friske family was not easy, however, they have been living in a nightmare since 2013, when they were diagnosed. the star and her parents cannot find a common language in any way on the issue of custody of Plato. In addition, Rusfond announced the loss of several million rubles from Jeanne's accounts.

Where is the grave of Jeanne Friske?

Even after making such a terrible diagnosis - brain cancer, no one wanted to put up with the disease. The whole world collected money to help Jeanne, there were so many compassionate, generous and sympathetic people that there was enough money to help children suffering from oncology. Zhanna was treated in the best clinics in the world, but fate persistently and quickly decided everything differently.

The artist died on June 15, 2015, she did not live less than a month before her 41st birthday. It was mourning for the whole country. Zhanna Friske died in the arms of her best friend, a former member of the Brilliant group Olga Orlova, in her parents' house near Moscow. Three days later, on June 18, 2015, they said goodbye to Zhanna at the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, which is located next to the house of the singer's parents.

Friske's grave is located near the place where Myalek Khairullovich Mukhametshin, a master of sports in judo, who died in 2012, was buried. A little further, in the other direction, is the grave of Evgeny Pepelyaev, a fighter pilot who passed away at the age of 94. According to flower sellers, the shop located nearby has never been so crowded before as after the artist's funeral.

Friske's grave itself is located not far, 30 meters from the entrance, in the eastern part of the cemetery. Plot number - 118 C, 15th row, 7th grave. So far, there are few burials. As the father of the deceased star, Vladimir Borisovich, admits, they have plans to arrange a family burial at this place.

How to get to the cemetery?

Friske's grave is always strewn with white irises and roses - Jeanne's favorite flowers. The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is located in the urban district of Balashikha in the Moscow region on the Nosovikhinsky highway. Getting here is not difficult, you can do it using public transport or by your own car. By metro you need to get to the station "Novokosino", from there by bus number 760 k, 760, 706. Anyone can come, see what the grave of Zhanna Friske looks like, honor the memory of the artist and lay flowers.

Cemetery address: Moscow region, Balashikha district, Nosovikhinskoe highway. It can be reached by metro and bus. Route No. 760 departs from the Schelkovskoye station, bus 706 departs from Vykhino. By car, subject to average traffic congestion, it will take 20 minutes to get to the place from the center of Moscow. You need to drive along the Nosovikhinsky highway and cross the streets:

  • Krasnozvezdnaya;
  • Silver;
  • Central.

Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery is one of the largest in the capital. Heroes of Russia and sailors from the Kursk submarine, famous artists and artistic figures are buried here. Friske's grave after the funeral was sprinkled with sand, ennobled and lined with granite stone around the perimeter. The funeral service was held in the Elokhov Cathedral.

Hopeless fight

Recall that the ex-soloist of the group "Brilliant" Zhanna Friske for a year and a half courageously tried to defeat a terrible disease, brain cancer, and died on June 15, 2015, a few weeks before her birthday (July 8). The initially doomed struggle with the disease became so long thanks to millions of fans who could not remain indifferent and helped the star's family pay for expensive treatment. There was enough money in full, a total of 70 million rubles was collected, but this did not help.

Monument on the grave of Friska

Jeanne's parents have been looking for suitable sculptors for a long time who will make a monument in honor of their daughter. The sketches of the sculpture have already been evaluated by my mother and sister, by the way, they did not like everything. Enough remarks have been made: a very tight dress, bulging eyes, rough hands, sharp knees. Ivan Volkov and Levon Manukyan presented the preliminary results of the work.

Work on the monument has been going on for a month, according to the sculptors, the most difficult thing is to depict a face from the photos provided by the singer's sister Natalya. The sculpture is made of clay in Zhanna Friske's full height, 165 cm, and 5 are reserved for the height of the heels. Close stars want to erect a monument without unnecessary pathos in a narrow circle of family and friends. The order was handed over to the sculptors in the spring, but all the proposed sketches did not suit the singer's relatives.

Within six months from the date of the death of the artist, the relatives were not up to the monument, they shared the inheritance, so the grave of Zhanna Friske was ennobled only with a modest wooden cross, flowers and toys. Initially, the father, Vladimir Borisovich, wanted to erect a monument in the form of an angel with wings, which Zurab Tsereteli was supposed to do.

Fan Suggestions

There were many offers, the artist's relatives turned to fans for help. One of the most successful options was a project from St. Petersburg. Jeanne in full growth in a white dress and, as always, with a beaming smile. Sister Natalya herself offered several ideas, fans were bombarded with many different proposals. Someone suggested depicting Jeanne with wings, sitting on a staircase, "going" to heaven.

There were some weird ideas like this one. Her beloved dog with irises in its teeth runs towards the singer. The animal died after the death of the mistress, falling under the wheels of a car.

One fan suggested a creepy version, which was immediately smashed to smithereens by fans and relatives. She advised to create a sculpture of Jeanne with her son in her arms. “What does Friske’s grave look like with a monument, where does she keep her son, who is alive? There is no place for the living in the cemetery, ”the fans expressed their indignation. Zhanna loved life and accepted all trials with dignity, including the last one.

Zhanna Friske is a famous Russian singer and actress who died in the prime of her career. Relatives remember her not only as a talented and vibrant artist, but also as an incredibly strong person. The news of the sudden illness of the star shocked all her fans. For a whole year, the singer courageously struggled with an incurable disease, but the chances were initially unequal. The talented woman passed away on June 15, 2015. Where was Zhanna Friske buried, and how to find her grave today?

Sunset of the brightest star of domestic show business

The news that Zhanna Friske was diagnosed with cancer shocked all her colleagues in the show business of the artist and her many fans. As soon as this information appeared in the media, a fundraising for treatment was opened. In record time, they managed to raise an incredible amount. Our whole country was worried about Zhanna, the topic of her health and well-being was constantly discussed. Shortly before the death of the singer in the press, there were reports of an improvement in her condition. Only much later it turned out that close artists were simply afraid to say that recovery was not expected. Zhanna Friske died on June 15, 2015, without recovering from a long coma. The artist spent the last days in her home, under the constant supervision of close relatives and friends. Where was Zhanna Friske buried, and how was the farewell to the star?

How was Zhanna Friske seen off?

On the eve of the funeral, a civil memorial service was held at the Crocus City Hall. Everyone could say goodbye personally to the famous singer. Eyewitnesses recall that the queue did not decrease during the entire event. People of different ages carried flowers, many cried and were depressed. In his subsequent interviews, Zhanna Friske's father will talk about what he initially wanted to see at such a difficult moment, only the closest ones were nearby. But given the fame and popularity of Jeanne, this was impossible. In addition, it would be selfish enough to deprive fans of the opportunity to personally say goodbye to their favorite. It would be wrong to refuse a civil memorial service in such a case. But the church funeral service and funeral, it was decided to organize less public.

Did Dmitry Shepelev leave Jeanne shortly before his death?

The secular farewell ceremony was attended by all the closest relatives and friends of the singer. No one saw only the civil spouse of Jeanne - Dmitry Shepelev. Rumors immediately appeared in the yellow press that he was not too worried about the death of his beloved woman. Later it turned out that Dmitry was in Bulgaria at that time. He went to rest, taking with him a common son with Jeanne, Plato. As soon as Shepelev found out about what had happened, he hurried back to Moscow, leaving the child with his parents. The common-law husband was one of the first to arrive at the church for the funeral. The son of Zhanna Friske was specially left at the resort. At that time, the baby had just turned its first year, there was no need for him to be present at the funeral.

Joan's funeral

The funeral service for the popularly beloved artist took place in the Elokhov Cathedral in the early morning. The funeral ceremony was held in the presence of all the relatives of the deceased. Remarkably, it was in this temple that Jeanne was baptized in infancy. However, there is no secret meaning in such a choice of the cathedral. The Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery was chosen as the burial place of the singer. A large number of very famous people came to the funeral - Zhanna Friske's colleagues from the world of music and cinema. The date and place were not announced in advance. But despite this fact, numerous fans of the artist's work came to the cemetery. On her last journey, Jeanne, like many other prominent cultural figures, was escorted by thunderous applause.

Which celebrity personally said goodbye to Zhanna Friske?

It was impossible to keep the funeral of a star of this magnitude a secret from the media. And yet, thanks to the measures taken in advance, the number of reporters at the cemetery turned out to be insignificant. Many famous people were seen in the funeral procession. Among them is Philip Kirkorov, who looks genuinely upset. Sergey Lazarev, Lera Kudryavtseva, Sergey Zverev, Svetlana Surganova also came to say goodbye to Jeanne. The best friend of the deceased, Olga Orlova, also came to the cemetery. It was she who supported Jeanne to the last and spent her last days at her bedside. In total, about 100 people attended the funeral ceremony.

The mystery of choosing a burial place

The funeral was organized by the artist's parents and sister, as well as some of her closest friends. Many fans are interested in the principle by which the cemetery was chosen, where Zhanna Friske was buried. Nikolo-Arkhangelsk was chosen primarily for its geographical location. This cemetery is located not far from Friske's house, where her relatives live, and Zhanna herself spent her last days here. There are more prestigious and famous ancient necropolises in the capital. However, the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery also has a decent reputation. Heroes of Russia, sailors who died on the Kursk submarine, famous athletes and artists are buried here. For the burial of Zhanna, her parents purchased a family plot. Vladimir Friske, the singer's father, said in one of his interviews that he plans to someday be buried next to his daughter.

Documentary chronicle from the funeral

At all mournful ceremonies, many celebrities and Jeanne's relatives were present in dark glasses. The death of the artist shocked her surroundings so much that almost no one could hold back her tears. At the same time, no one wanted to demonstrate their grief in front of the cameras of journalists. But even this logical measure of psychological protection gave rise to gossip to the “yellow press”. Some publications wrote that the funeral of Zhanna Friske slightly upset her common-law spouse, Dmitry Shepelev, who also did not take off his dark glasses at the cemetery. There were comments in the newspapers about the reaction to the tragedy of some other famous people. It is known for certain that at the moment when the coffin was lowered into the grave, the father of the star, Vladimir Friska, became very ill. The man had to be seated on a chair, he refused medical assistance. The site of the cemetery where Zhanna Friske was buried was especially carefully guarded against the penetration of strangers. The cordon was removed only after all relatives and colleagues said goodbye to the singer and left. Only then could the fans who came to the cemetery be able to lay flowers.

True chronology of events

The exact date of Zhanna Friske's death is June 15, 2015. The first information in the media about the death of the artist appeared only the next day, June 16. Public reaction was mixed. Many people simply did not believe what had happened. Zhanna was worried and prayed by her fans all over the country and even outside of Russia. Until the very last moment, it seemed that the star was about to recover and very soon reappear on the stage. But the miracle didn't happen. On June 16, 2015, it was raining heavily, it seemed that nature itself, together with the whole country, was mourning the death of Jeanne. A civil memorial service was organized on 17 June. The concert hall "Crocus City Hall" was chosen for its holding. But even he could not accommodate all comers at the same time. People stood in line, came in, said goodbye and gave way to the next. The funeral took place the day after the farewell at the Crocus City Hall.

What monument was erected on Friske's grave?

On the day of the funeral, a simple wooden Orthodox cross was erected in the cemetery. Zhanna Friske's grave was covered with a carpet of mourning wreaths and bouquets of flowers. As soon as close stars were able to gather their thoughts, discussions began on the sketches of the monument. Rumor has it that this moment caused a lot of controversy. Be that as it may, the monument was ordered from the famous sculptor Levon Manukyan. The traditional tombstone was complemented by a life-size statue of the deceased. The bronze Friske Zhanna Vladimirovna was cast on a clay sculpture made under the strict guidance of her parents and sister. The greatest difficulties arose with the execution of the face. The sculptor worked from portrait photographs chosen by the family. And several preliminary sketches were rejected by customers. Through numerous trials, the sculptor managed to create a statue that won the approval of the singer's relatives. Today, Zhanna Friske's grave looks appropriate. The height of the portrait sculpture is 170 cm (165 cm - the figure of a star and 5 cm - heels). The sculptor depicted Jeanne in a chic concert dress. On the monument, in addition to her full name, the date of Zhanna Friske's death, an Orthodox cross, the singer's autograph and an epitaph are engraved. What exactly to write on the gravestone, the relatives thought for a very long time, in the end they decided to dwell on the lines from her song: “We will miss you very much, we will remember you, even if you are far, far away ...”.

How to find the place where Jeanne is buried?

Friske Zhanna Vladimirovna remains a cult figure for Russian show business and her many fans even after her own death. Many lovers of her work regularly visit the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery. How to find the grave of a star yourself? The artist is buried near the eastern entrance to the cemetery. This is precinct 118-C. At the entrance, you can examine the information stand with the scheme of burials. The cemetery employees are always ready to show the way to the fans of the artist. The cause of Zhanna Friske's death is an incurable cancer. Despite the fact that more than 2 years have passed since the funeral of the artist, one of her admirers comes to her grave every day. Here at any time of the year there are fresh flowers and bouquets.

The life of the closest artist after her death

After the funeral of Zhanna Friske took place, the public was shocked by a series of scandals with the mention of her name. This fact seemed outrageous, given the artist's reputation as a calm and reasonable person. Moreover, Jeanne died really tragically, from an incurable disease. The most striking was the dispute over where the little son of the star should be brought up - with his father or in the family of Jeanne's parents. It was not possible to avoid disputes over inheritance. In addition, several times the media discussed the question of where did the substantial amount collected by the charitable foundation for the treatment of the artist herself go. It's no secret that the cause of Zhanna Friske's death is an oncological disease. Fundraising for the treatment of the singer continued almost until her death. The question of how the collected funds should be used in the event that they cannot help Jeanne herself was discussed especially seriously. However, today, 2 years after the death of the artist, the attention of journalists to her family is weakening. According to the official version, the "extra" donations were directed to the treatment of other cancer patients. Fans of the singer and actress can only believe that the conflicts between Dmitry Shepelev and the Friske family are in the past, and little Plato is not deprived of the attention of all his relatives.

The bronze sculpture of Zhanna Friske in full growth of the singer was made under the supervision of her family


On June 15, 2015, the artist died of cancer. The singer's relatives decided to perpetuate her memory in a monument. The sketches and ideas of the monument to Zhanna Friska were discussed by her relatives with fans on the Web. A theme group was even created in which fans were invited to share ideas. The artist's family was looking for masters who could convey her image for about six months, and then another five - it took her to manufacture.

Today, the statue was delivered to the Nikolo-Arkhangelsk cemetery, where the departed singer rests. When the monument was erected, the parents of the star Vladimir Borisovich and Olga Vladimirovna, as well as sister Natasha, were present, reports.

On a stone block, relatives knocked out the words from Friske's popular song "And the white sand on the sea": "I will miss you very, very much, I will remember you, Even if you are far, far away."

Monument to Jeanne Friske (photo) © Olga Rodina,

The bronze sculpture of Zhanna Friske was made under the supervision of her family. The bronze sculpture is made in Zhanna's natural height - 165 cm plus 5 cm - the height of the heels.

Making a statue is a very laborious process. Especially giving a portrait resemblance. Besides, we didn't want to do something pompous. And no one was called. Soon we will install another photo of Jeanne in a glass frame

shared with “StarHit” Natasha Friske.

It is worth noting that the first monument to Zhanna Friske appeared during the life of the singer back in 2012. Ekibastuz (Kazakhstan) sculptor Gamal Sagiden created a sculpture that was supposed to reach 6 meters in height. Fans then highly appreciated the portrait resemblance of the sculpture. But where the sculpture is now is unknown.

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