My thoughts after reading Goncharov's novel Oblolov. Composing reflections on the pages of a novel of bummers


Autumn evening. There is no one at home, and I am reading Goncharov's novel. Strange all the same hero - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He patiently endures all the blows of fate, resigns himself to constant crop shortages in the village and Zakhar's laziness, to the fact that he is constantly deceived, robbed, and abused by his inherent kindness. He does not seek to achieve wealth, fame, position in society. His soul is filled with serenity and peace. In a word, a loser, an empty dreamer.
But why are those who seem to be more successful drawn to him? After all, Oblomov's house never happens

Empty, although the owner himself does not like to return visits. A lot of different people always revolve around him. Why do they need Ilya Ilyich - weak-willed, lazy, almost never getting up from his worn sofa? Or maybe he really is a worthless person, and next to him others feel their own importance more fully? So no. If this were the case, would the smart, energetic Stolz be drawn to him? Would the charming Olga Ilyinskaya fall in love with him? I think that they all strive to change Oblomov, because he is talented, and they feel it. They are attracted to him by honesty, spiritual purity, lack of self-interest. It seems to me that if Oblomov were an ordinary person, businesslike, successful, they would lose interest in him. And next to him they calm down after the worldly fuss, rest their souls.
Oblomov does not strive for anything, nothing can change the usual course of his life. Having passed various life tests, he remained the same Oblomov. He retained in himself the ability to love and forgive, and this is a great gift that makes a person happy. But did Oblomov himself feel happy? Probably yes, according to his criterion of happiness. He completely renounced worldly problems, worldly fuss. There is no envy, greed, fear in his soul - peace reigns in it. While reading the novel, I was surprised in places, indignant in places, but after analyzing what I read, I thought: Oblomov is not the product of the author’s artistic imagination, because such people still live on earth. They are not only in literature, but also in life. Although in modern conditions, people like Stolz are probably needed. He is a German, a man with a different mentality than the Slavs. But Goncharov does not paint Stolz as a thoroughbred German. Two cultures merged in Stolz. Part of Stolz's soul is Russian. But at the same time, he inherited the German industriousness, business acumen. Stolz is a man of action who knows his own worth. He creates the future with his own hands. One may be surprised that such a person is a friend of Oblomov. They are too different. But it is Stolz who often rescues Oblomov, because he sees the golden heart of Ilya. He tries to save Oblomov, but as the saying goes, it's hard to help a horse that isn't pulling. It is a pity that Stolz lost the battle for Oblomov.
Often actors who play negative characters say that they are trying to find something good in their characters. I also tried to see positive features in Oblomov. His negative features were formed due to his upbringing: he did not have to work, others worked for him.
Reading the novel, I was glad that we are not brought up like that now. We have a different life in which the Oblomovs have no chance to survive. But at the same time, there are eternal values: cordiality, kindness, honesty and spiritual purity, which it would not hurt to adopt from Oblomov. As, however, and the professionalism of Stolz.

At the very beginning of I.A. Goncharov's novel "Oblomov", the author reveals the image of the protagonist, but not only his appearance, manners, habits, but also feelings, thoughts. One can even feel the very outcome of the novel after this description, an infinitely long introduction of readers into the life of Oblomov: one day of his existence alone occupies a quarter of the novel.

So what is this Ilya Ilyich Oblomov? A man of "pleasant appearance, with dark gray eyes, but with the absence of any definite idea." Indeed, Oblomov had no idea, because. he did not even bother to ask himself such a difficult task. He was just too lazy to think of anything. Although Oblomov could not stop thinking, he often tormented himself with tasks: to go or not to go to Oblomovka, whether to meet Olga, even whether to start reading. But he was so weak-willed, careless and lazy that he usually simply could not solve these problems: "Rarely did this anxiety freeze in the form of a definite idea, even more rarely turned into an intention." It all ended with him groaning, sighing, or simply falling asleep. All life flowed slowly, monotonously and boringly for him.

Guests visiting Oblomov, such as Volkov, Sudbinsky, Penkin, Alekseev, invite him to dinner, to the evening, just to have fun. But they still could not budge him - he even "dress is not ready."

Another guest who often visited Oblomov was Mikhei Andreevich Tarantiev. Not for nothing, not just like that, he comes to dine with Oblomov, but for his own benefit, and later even steals a lot of money from him. This is a real swindler, who only knows how to profit with the help of cunning inventions and invented tricks. Although he was very capable as a child, he did not have the opportunity to apply these abilities in his studies, but he remained a “theorist” for life. “No one will judge any general worldly question or a complicated legal matter better than him: he will now construct a theory of actions in this or that case and very subtly sum up the evidence.” It was this ability of his that he used to get quitrent from Oblomovka.

Oblomov at first treated Tarantiev well, even thought that he helped him, perhaps because Tarantiev believed that he was honoring everyone with his visit. But later, having learned about the meanness, Oblomov finally broke with him and kicked him out. He himself realized that Tarantiev was a nonentity (but not without the influence of Stolz: they quarreled after his departure).

Why were Oblomov and Stolz such close friends? Perhaps not only because they grew up together, but because they were "so different from each other." Stolz with his lively mind, thirst for action, striving for the fullness of life, and Oblomov with his laziness, "pigeon tenderness" and "pure soul". Stolz perfectly understands Oblomov, knows that he needs to be stirred up, perhaps even by force to force him to leave, to change his lifestyle, the surrounding atmosphere. Stolz tries to do all this, but to no avail. Oblomov shirks each time, finds excuses (says that he will come "later"). It seemed that everything was lost, there was no more chance.

But a cute image of Olga appears. And in the sleeping soul of Oblomov, feelings awaken. But he is afraid to understand these feelings, he does not know what is happening in him.

Olga herself fell in love with Oblomov very much. She saw in him not only what everyone saw, but also what few people noticed: his tenderness and purity, his inability to lie and do meanness. Stoltz also noticed these properties of Oblomov's soul. Perhaps because Stolz and Olga were very similar; they had common interests, common goals. Olga hoped to awaken in Oblomov a craving for life, she thought that he would change thanks to her, she wanted to convey her interests to him.

But Oblomov, as soon as he returned from Olga and crossed the threshold of his house, he fell into an atmosphere of laziness and inactivity: you don’t need to get used to anything, the usual environment, ordinary people, ordinary news. Everything fell into its usual place. Because of fictitious fears, it was inconvenient and too lazy to appear at Olga's house, it was scary to meet her: what if someone thinks something?

Oblomov had no choice but drowsiness, dreams and worthless thoughts. Although, if he had listened to Olga, everything would have been different. But this did not happen.

And so he spent the rest of his life. What was it that influenced him so much that it crushed him with its exorbitant weight? - Oblomovism!

Autumn evening. There is no one at home, and I am reading Goncharov's novel. Strange all the same hero - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He patiently endures all the blows of fate, resigns himself to constant crop shortages in the village and Zakhar's laziness, to the fact that he is constantly deceived, robbed, and abused by his inherent kindness. He does not seek to achieve wealth, fame, position in society. His soul is filled with serenity and peace. In a word, a loser, an empty dreamer.

But why are those who seem to be more successful drawn to him? After all, Oblomov's house is never empty, although the owner himself does not like to return visits. A lot of different people always revolve around him. Why do they need Ilya Ilyich - weak-willed, lazy, almost never getting up from his worn sofa? Or maybe he really is a worthless person, and next to him others feel their own importance more fully? So no. If this were the case, would the smart, energetic Stolz be drawn to him? Would the charming Olga Ilyinskaya fall in love with him? I think that they all strive to change Oblomov, because he is talented, and they feel it. They are attracted to him by honesty, spiritual purity, lack of self-interest. It seems to me that if Oblomov were an ordinary person, businesslike, successful, they would lose interest in him. And next to him they calm down after the worldly fuss, rest their souls.

Oblomov does not strive for anything, nothing can change the usual course of his life. Having passed various life tests, he remained the same Oblomov. He retained in himself the ability to love and forgive, and this is a great gift that makes a person happy. But did Oblomov himself feel happy? Probably yes, according to his criterion of happiness. He completely renounced worldly problems, worldly fuss. There is no envy, greed, fear in his soul - peace reigns in it. While reading the novel, I was surprised in places, indignant in places, but after analyzing what I read, I thought: Oblomov is not the product of the author’s artistic imagination, because such people still live on earth. They are not only in literature, but also in life. Although in modern conditions, people like Stolz are probably needed. He is a German, a man with a different mentality than the Slavs. But Goncharov does not paint Stolz as a thoroughbred German. Two cultures merged in Stolz. Part of Stolz's soul is Russian. But at the same time, he inherited the German industriousness, business acumen. Stolz is a man of action who knows his own worth. He creates the future with his own hands. One may be surprised that such a person is a friend of Oblomov. They are too different. But it is Stolz who often rescues Oblomov, because he sees the golden heart of Ilya. He tries to save Oblomov, but as the saying goes, it's hard to help a horse that isn't pulling. It is a pity that Stolz lost the battle for Oblomov.

Often actors who play negative characters say that they are trying to find something good in their characters. I also tried to see positive features in Oblomov. His negative features were formed due to his upbringing: he did not have to work, others worked for him.

Reading the novel, I was glad that we are not brought up like that now. We have a different life in which the Oblomovs have no chance to survive. But at the same time, there are eternal values: cordiality, kindness, honesty and spiritual purity, which it would not hurt to adopt from Oblomov. As, however, and the professionalism of Stolz.

Autumn evening. There is no one at home, and I am reading Goncharov's novel. Strange all the same hero - Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. He patiently endures all the blows of fate, resigns himself to constant crop shortages in the village and Zakhar's laziness, to the fact that he is constantly deceived, robbed, and abused by his inherent kindness. He does not seek to achieve wealth, fame, position in society. His soul is filled with serenity and peace. In a word, a loser, an empty dreamer.

But why are those who seem to be more successful drawn to him? After all, Oblomov's house is never empty, although the owner himself does not like to return visits. A lot of different people always revolve around him. Why do they need Ilya Ilyich - weak-willed, lazy, almost never getting up from his worn sofa? Or maybe he really is a worthless person, and next to him others feel their own importance more fully? So no. If this were the case, would the smart, energetic Stolz be drawn to him? Would the charming Olga Ilyinskaya fall in love with him? I think that they all strive to change Oblomov, because he is talented, and they feel it. They are attracted to him by honesty, spiritual purity, lack of self-interest. It seems to me that if Oblomov were an ordinary person, businesslike, successful, they would lose interest in him. And next to him they calm down after the worldly fuss, rest their souls.

Oblomov does not strive for anything, nothing can change the usual course of his life. Having passed various life tests, he remained the same Oblomov. He retained in himself the ability to love and forgive, and this is a great gift that makes a person happy. But did Oblomov himself feel happy? Probably yes, according to his criterion of happiness. He completely renounced worldly problems, worldly fuss. There is no envy, greed, fear in his soul - peace reigns in it. While reading the novel, I was surprised in places, indignant in places, but after analyzing what I read, I thought: Oblomov is not the product of the author’s artistic imagination, because such people still live on earth. They are not only in literature, but also in life. Although in modern conditions, people like Stolz are probably needed. He is a German, a man with a different mentality than the Slavs. But Goncharov does not paint Stolz as a thoroughbred German. Two cultures merged in Stolz. Part of Stolz's soul is Russian. But at the same time, he inherited the German industriousness, business acumen. Stolz is a man of action who knows his own worth. He creates the future with his own hands. One may be surprised that such a person is a friend of Oblomov. They are too different. But it is Stolz who often rescues Oblomov, because he sees the golden heart of Ilya. He tries to save Oblomov, but as the saying goes, it's hard to help a horse that isn't pulling. It is a pity that Stolz lost the battle for Oblomov.

Often actors who play negative characters say that they are trying to find something good in their characters. I also tried to see positive features in Oblomov. His negative features were formed due to his upbringing: he did not have to work, others worked for him.

Reading the novel, I was glad that we are not brought up like that now. We have a different life in which the Oblomovs have no chance to survive. But at the same time, there are eternal values: cordiality, kindness, honesty and spiritual purity, which it would not hurt to adopt from Oblomov. As, however, and the professionalism of Stolz.

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