Prayer of those who ask for a successful birth. Prayers to the saints for easy childbirth


Prayer for an easy birth

Prayer for a speedy delivery

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name), and help in this hour, may your burden be safely resolved. O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, even if you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of Yours, who requires help, most of all from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and be born and bring a baby into the light of this world, at the right time and vouchsafe light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, even if the time has come to be a mother, and implore Christ our God, who has incarnated from You, to strengthen me with His strength from above. As if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, from the Eternal Father, begotten to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the goodwill and assistance of the Holy Spirit, deigned to be born from the Most Holy Virgin as a baby, I will give birth and be laid in a manger. Lord Himself, in the beginning He created a man and a wife to hide him, giving them the commandment: Grow, and multiply, and fill the earth; have mercy on your great mercy to your servant (name), who is preparing to give birth according to your commandment. Forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, by Your grace, grant her the strength to safely get rid of her burden, keep her and the baby in health and goodness, protect me with Your Angels and save from the hostile actions of evil spirits, and from all evil things. Yako God is Good and Humanitarian, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Lord, help me, a servant of God, not idle, to be safely relieved of the burden and grant a healthy baby.

I ask you, Fedorov Mother of God, help me at this hour from the burden will be resolved. Save and save me and my child.


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    Girls, I want to post a couple of prayers that a pregnant woman should read. Prayers strengthen us in spirit and our babies in tummies. And the Lord protects. These prayers help in childbirth and when carrying a baby! For all believing mothers: Prayer ...

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    Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, even weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help in this hour, let your burden be safely resolved. O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, I don't...

  • Prayers for childbirth

    Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, even weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name), and help in this hour, may your burden be safely resolved. O All-Merciful...

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  • prayers Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), and come to my aid during my illnesses and dangers with which everyone gives birth poor daughters of Eve. Remember, O Blessed One in Women,...

  • Prayers

    Prayers of pregnant women for a successful pregnancy, childbirth and the birth of healthy children PRAYER OF A PREGNANT WOMAN FOR A SUCCESSFUL PERMISSION Oh, Glorious Mother of God, have mercy on me, Thy servant (name), and come to my aid during ...

All women, without exception, are afraid of the upcoming birth, especially for primiparas.

Many have heard from friends and grandmothers about how hard it is to give birth, non-primiparas remember the pain of attempts and contractions of previous births.

All fears are justified, because a woman wants to give birth to a beautiful and completely healthy baby.

What kind of assistance during childbirth can be provided to a woman in labor to relieve fears and pain?

Prayers for childbirth

Psychological assistance to a pregnant woman plays an important role during childbirth. And in ancient times, and now, many Orthodox women believers cannot imagine pregnancy and childbirth without turning to the Almighty for help.

During pregnancy, a woman should lead a healthy, correct lifestyle, not allowing bad feelings and thoughts to take possession of her. During pregnancy, a woman should be the most pure psychologically and spiritually.

Many women who prayed during childbirth to God or the Mother of God said that at some point the pain subsided, and a feeling of peace appeared. Reading a prayer during contractions calms, and a woman does not feel pain so acutely.

From time immemorial, in difficult times, people prayed and asked for help in front of the icon "Help in childbirth." Also, there are other icons in front of which a prayer during childbirth helps a woman in labor: “Jumping a Baby”, “Healer”, “Quick Listener”, “Feodorovskaya”

Prayer during childbirth to help a woman in labor has long been applied to each icon separately. Next, we will give you an example of prayer in front of the icons “helper in childbirth” and “leaping baby”.

Women in labor and pregnant women most often turn to these icons for help. Their help is really invaluable, they help to stop bleeding, relieve severe pain, and contribute to a successful birth process.

Prayer during childbirth to the icon of the Mother of God "Help in childbirth"

“O Holy Mother of God, our merciful Mother! Reveal on us, in the sorrow of those who are and in the sins of your servants (names) who are always abiding, your mercy and do not despise us, your sinful servants.

We resort to You, Most Holy Theotokos, realizing many of our sins and praying: visit our weak souls and ask Your beloved Son and our God to give us, Your servants (names), forgiveness.

The One, Most Pure and Blessed, we place all our hope in Thee: Most Merciful Mother of God, keep us under Your protection.

Prayer during childbirth to the icon of the Mother of God "Jumping the Baby"

“Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, even weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help in this hour to let your burden be safely resolved.

O all-merciful Lady Theotokos, even if you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of your help, who requires it, most of all from You.

Grant her blessings at this hour, and even have a baby to be born and bring into the light of this world at the appropriate time and smart light in holy baptism with water and spirit.

We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, even if the time has come to be a mother, and implore Christ our God, who has incarnated from You, to strengthen me with His strength from above. Amen."

Pregnancy is a great event of carrying a child under your heart, so higher powers will help you, the main thing is to ask them for help sincerely, with a pure heart. Believe God and the Mother of God and you will be rewarded.

How to relieve pain during contractions

It is often said that pain during labor is stronger than during childbirth, so the main task with the help of a woman in labor is to relieve pain. It is not always possible to reduce it with the help of prayer, but you should not forget about it either. Sometimes it is useful to read it as a kind of mantra that allows you to focus not on painful sensations.

To reduce pain between contractions, your husband can help you a lot:

  • Stroke the lower abdomen with light movements from the center to the sides, so you will calm the pain syndrome due to the relaxation of the muscles of the thighs, abdomen and perineum.
  • The lumbar region can be massaged more strongly, even a fist massage will help relieve pain after a contraction.
  • You can rub the thighs on the outside with fists and palms in a standing and lying position.
  • A good movement is when you feel for the bones of the pelvis, press on them and move them to the stomach, then try to push them apart. It relieves pain well.

It is also possible to relieve pain by taking a position that is comfortable for you, but remember that pain during contractions is always present, so be a strong woman and everything will be fine.


Prayer is an assistant in childbirth

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos

Icon of the Mother of God
"Birth Assistant"

Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, weigh the birth and nature of the mother and child, have mercy on Your servant (name), and help in this hour, may your burden be safely resolved. O All-Merciful Lady Theotokos, even if you did not demand help in the birth of the Son of God, give help to this servant of Yours, who requires help, most of all from You. Grant her blessings at this hour, and be born and bring a baby into the light of this world, at the right time and vouchsafe light in holy baptism with water and spirit. We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, praying: Be merciful to this mother, even if the time has come to be a mother, and implore Christ our God, who has incarnated from You, to strengthen me with His strength from above. As if His power is blessed and glorified, with His Beginningless Father, and His Most Holy and Good and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, our God, from the Eternal Father, begotten to the Son before the age, and in the last days, by the goodwill and assistance of the Holy Spirit, deigned to be born from the Most Holy Virgin as a baby, I will give birth and be laid in a manger. Lord Himself, in the beginning He created a man and a wife to hide him, giving them the commandment: Grow, and multiply, and fill the earth; have mercy on your great mercy to your servant (name), who is preparing to give birth according to your commandment. Forgive her voluntary and involuntary sins, by Your grace, grant her the strength to safely get rid of her burden, keep her and the baby in health and goodness, protect me with Your Angels and save from the hostile actions of evil spirits, and from all evil things. Yako God is Good and Humanitarian, and we send glory to You, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Conspiracies and customs

Do not forget that at the time of childbirth, you should untie all the knots in your clothes, unbutton the locks, buttons, let your hair down and unlock the padlocks. Conspiracies are read between contractions and stroked on the stomach from top to bottom, and then on the sides.
1. Christ was born, and we are waiting for the baby. Amen.

2. Until the candle burns out, then she will give birth. Amen.

3. Isaiah, rejoice the human race through our Savior Christ. Amen.

4. Jesus Christ in heaven, a living soul in calves, may my words be molded, strong, lighter than stone, lighter than a sharp knife, lighter than a damask knife. Teeth, key, mouth, lock. Lord, receive my spirit. Amen.

5. Mother of God, stand at the head, light a candle not for peace, light a candle for health. Guardian Angel, deliverer of sufferers, save, save. Save the slave (name) from death. Amen.

6. As the waters go, let the woman in labor say:
I trust the Mother of God, in her hands.
Take off, Mother, from me flour.
Save, save and defend, help me in childbirth.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

7. In case of prolonged torment, one should turn out the man's trousers, lay them on the floor and, standing with his back to them, step over them, as if backing away. At the same time they say:
Do not go, spool, through the womb,
do not look for the baby, he is here,
he goes - his mother and father are waiting.
The Mother of God blesses, the womb releases into the world.

8. When the birth is too long, you need to sprinkle water from your mouth on the woman in labor and say:
Water from your mouth, baby from you.

9. Put a couple of testicles in a mug of water and say:
Like a chicken laid eggs easily
So would you, slave (name),
The child brought it easily.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Then give a spoonful of this water to the woman in labor. She quickly and easily gives birth.

10. They put a thimble on the ring finger and baptize the navel of the woman in labor with it, while saying:
Iron door, unlock the bolt.
Stone mountain, golden domes,
holy crosses,
God bless
Pierce the waters, start childbirth, whom God gives.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

11. If it is unbearable to endure long labor pains, let the woman in labor turn in the direction where the sun is in the sky, and if it is night, then the moon. She needs to cross herself three times and say this:
Oh my God,
I stand, slave (name), in front of you.
Before me are two thrones,
On the thrones of those, Jesus and the Mother of God sit,
They look at my tears.
Holy Mother of God
Holding golden keys
she opens meat caskets,
releases from the womb:
from my flesh, from hot blood.
Lord, take away the aches,
pinches, pain inside!
How the Mother of God gave birth without torment, without pain,
open the gates of bone.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

12. A woman in labor is baptized three times and says:
I cross myself three times
God bless.
Queen of heaven, I will pray to You.
Take the golden keys
unlock mountains of meat, shed blood,
and to me, slave (name), come on in the arms of the baby
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit

The birth of a child for a believer is not just a physiological process, but a miracle. When a baby is born, it is a great event, a big milestone for every family. But for a woman it is also a great physical test. Therefore, believers read a prayer to help childbirth.


The long months of pregnancy are filled with both anticipation and excitement. Young mothers who are members of the church community should especially diligently attend the temple during this period. There are special prayers that are read to get help in childbirth. As a rule, they are turned to the Mother of God. After all, she was so perfect that even such a test passed easily. Therefore, the Virgin Mary, like no one else, can understand a woman in labor.

Awe before the unknown, fear for the child, his fate - a whole gamut of experiences arises during this period. A Christian woman who is expecting a child should rely on God, often come to Communion. This is beneficial both for her and for the fetus. After all, Orthodoxy considers a person to be a living soul immediately after conception, so prayers are pleasant to him. For easy childbirth, they pray in front of the Fedorovskaya icon. This image was considered the patron of the royal family, many women from this family turned to him.

Who can you pray

In past centuries, medicine was not so well developed, childbirth was an ordeal that often ended tragically. This, of course, was reflected in the fact that people were looking for help from above. It is rather difficult for the woman in labor to read the prayer directly during childbirth. For her, this can be done by relatives - husband, parents, friends. There is also plenty of time before the fights start. During pregnancy, you can turn to different saints:

  • Virgin Mary in front of the icon "Jumping the Baby";
  • Great Martyr Catherine;
  • Righteous Elizabeth and Zechariah (parents of St. John the Baptist);
  • Before the image "Assistant in childbirth."

Of course, one can and should turn to Christ Himself. As our creator, who has assumed human nature, He understands any problem, both spiritual and related to the physical body. Prayer before childbirth should be regular.

There are indulgences for pregnant women before communion, strict fasting is not required, it depends on the woman herself - she can abstain from one type of food, everything should be within her power. Perhaps, for the health of the baby, doctors will completely prohibit fasting. You can still proceed to the sacraments.

During Lent, you need to calculate your capabilities. A woman wants to make a feasible sacrifice to God - this will certainly have a positive effect on the state of the child's soul. As well as attending services. Animal protein can be seen as vegetable, but if there is an urgent need, you can eat meat. Only do it out of necessity, and not for pleasure, avoiding delicacies. It is enough to cook a piece of lean meat.

You should not literally follow all the rules if there is toxicosis, poor health. The main goal of a woman is to maintain a good state of mind, to bear a healthy child. God should not be imagined as a harsh overseer. Church life should bring joy, spiritual uplift, and not deprive the last strength.

A new soul comes into the world

There are many different prayers for the birth of a child. Which one to choose is a matter of personal preference. It is important to avoid conspiracies, turning to sorcerers. During childbirth, the daughter should read prayers to the Mother of God, you can ask for help from saints known for miracles of healing. Although pregnancy is not a disease, it is still an ordeal, especially for the first time.

If the birth has already begun, the future grandmother can become an assistant. Prayer can be read to any saint of your choice, the main thing here is the power of faith with which the words are pronounced. Only this should not be some kind of “insurance”, but a sincere appeal to the Living God, to the Mother of God.

After giving birth, a prayer of gratitude is definitely needed. Relatives can order a thanksgiving service. The woman herself should thank Christ for giving strength to resolve safely. Also, every day now you need to pray for your child, ask him for health and salvation of the soul.

First Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in honor of the icon of Her "Help in Childbirth"

Accept, Lady Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Your servants who flow to You. We see You on a holy icon in the womb bearing Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ. If and without pain you gave birth to Him, both the mother of grief, weight and weakness of the sons and daughters of men see. The same warmth, clinging to Your wholesome image and tenderly kissing this, we pray to Thee, the All-Merciful Lady: us, sinners, condemned in illness to give birth and in sorrows to nourish our children, mercifully spare and compassionately intercede, our babies, who also gave birth to them, from a heavy deliver sickness and bitter sorrow; grant them health and well-being, and nourishment from strength will increase in strength, and those who feed them will be filled with joy and consolation, as even now, through Your intercession from the mouth of the infant and the pissing Lord, He will give His praise.
O Mother of the Son of God! Have mercy on the mother of the sons of men and on Your weak people: soon heal the illnesses that come upon us, quench the sorrows and sorrows that are upon us, and do not despise the tears and sighs of Your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow, before the icon of Your fall, and on the day of joy and deliverance, accept the grateful praise of our hearts. Offer up our prayers to the Throne of Your Son and our God, may he be merciful to our sin and infirmity and give mercy to His leading His name, as yes, we and our children will glorify Thee, the Merciful Intercessor and the faithful Hope of our kind, forever and ever . Amen.

Prayer one

The most beautiful, wise, wonderful virgin, St. Great Martyr Catherine! Having thoroughly studied all Hellenic wisdom, oratorical art and philosophy, and medical science well, you desired more enlightenment, but having believed in Christ, in a vision you saw the Eternal Infant in the arms of his Most Pure Mother, who gave you the ring of immortal betrothal to Him. Fierce, then, having endured torment, heavy blows and cruel wounds, and the darkness of the prison, and members of the fragmentation on wheels, by the power of Christ you were healed from all this. Going to the execution, you prayed like that, glorious great martyr: “Lord, Jesus Christ! Those, the trees, will call upon me Your all-holy name, fulfill in the good forgiveness of everything, if they need it, so that Your greatness is sung from all forever. Wives, tormented by birth diseases and calling for your help, showing intercession, you, Saint Catherine; therefore, even now, with love and reverence of those who pray to you, and with faith, warmth, and tears from the bottom of your heart, women who come running to you, do not reject, hasten to help them and free them from difficult births, so that having given birth to children, they will raise them in the fear of God, thanking you, most glorious Catherine, for the help shown to them, and glorifying God for you with all their house. Amen.

Prayer for help in childbirth - text was last modified: July 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

Glorious Mother of God! Have mercy on your servant and come to my aid during my pains and dangers, with which all the poor daughters of Eve give birth. Remember, O Blessed One in wives, with what joy and love you hurried to the mountainous region to visit your relative Elizabeth when she was hoping for a child, and how wonderfully your blessed visit had an effect on mother and baby. From your inexhaustible mercy, grant me, your unworthy servant, to wait for a child. Grant me such grace that the child, now nurturing under my heart, having been born with joy, like the holy baby John, worships the Divine Lord the Savior, that out of love for us sinners, he humbled himself and became a baby himself. The indescribable joy that filled your immaculate heart when contemplating your newborn Son and Lord, may it console the sorrow that belongs to me to endure amid the pains of birth. The life of the world, my Savior, born of you, will save me from death at the hour of childbirth and let him join the fruit of my womb to the number of God's chosen ones. Hear, Blessed Queen of Heaven, my humble prayer and look at the poor sinner with your affectionate look: do not quarrel with hope for your great mercy and fall me, helper of Christians, healer of the sick, with your maternal cover during my torment and pain, so that I can be vouchsafed to test on myself that you are the Mother of Mercy, and that you always glorify your mercy, which never rejects the prayers of the poor and frees all who turn to you during sorrow and illness. Amen.

Prayer - Blessing of pregnant women

Lord our God, Creator of all life! You, with the help of the Holy Spirit, prepared the glorious Virgin Mary for a worthy life for your Son. You filled John the Baptist with the Holy Spirit and commanded him to rejoice in his mother's womb. Look at these women asking for Your Blessing for themselves and their children. Fill them with deep joy, for the miracle of the beginning of a new life is taking place before their very eyes. Accept the ardent desire of those who humbly ask You to preserve their offspring, which You called into existence. May, with Your help, their children happily see the light of day and be vouchsafed the grace of Holy Baptism. May they faithfully serve You and attain eternal life in heaven. Amen.

Prayer of a mother expecting a child

Blessed Virgin Mary, when God preached to You, then You swore to Him "Here I am the Lord's servant: let it happen to me according to Your word!" You kept your promises - you never sinned anywhere. Mary, Mother of God, in this state I feel so close to God. These words flow from my heart, because I believe and love Him sincerely.

My God, prepared for her motherly calling. You, Mother of God, keep me everywhere, so that I will always be faithful to God as His child, as a wife, as a mother of a loving child. Amen.

Prayer to the Mother of God to help women during childbirth

Blessed Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ, You know about the difficult condition of mothers at the birth of their children, have mercy on Your servant (name) and help her give birth to a child without difficulties. O All-Merciful Lady Mother of God, You did not need help in the birth of the Son of God, but give help to Your servant who requires it from You.

Give her grace-filled power at this time, and let the baby, who is to come into the world, receive the light of reason in Holy Baptism in time. We fall down to you, Mother of the Most High God, and pray: any merciful one to this mother, when the time comes for her to give birth, and beg the one born of You, Christ our God, to strengthen her with His Power from Heaven. Amen.

Prayer of pregnant women for a successful birth

Almighty God, Creator of everything visible and invisible! To You, beloved Father, we resort, gifted with the mind of knowledge and creative will, for You, at Your own will, created our race, with inexpressible wisdom creating our body from the earth and breathing into it the soul from Your Spirit, so that we would be Your likeness. And although You could create us, as well as angels, immediately by Your only desire, but Your Wisdom wanted the human race to increase because of men and women in the order of marriage established by You. You wanted to bless people so that they grow and multiply, and fill not only the earth, but also the angelic hosts. O God and Father, may Your name be forever praised and glorified for all that You have done for us!

I also thank You for Your mercy, that with Your will, as a result of Your wonderful creation, I not only arose and replenished the number of the elect, but that You blessed me in marriage and sent me the fetus of the womb. This is your gift, your, God, mercy is created, Lord and Father of spirit and body! Therefore, I turn to You alone and with a humble heart I ask You for mercy and help, so that what You do in me by force is preserved and brought to a prosperous birth. I know, God, that man does not have the authority and power to choose his own path. We are too weak and prone to fall to bypass all the networks that, by Your permission, the evil spirit has prepared for us, and avoid the misfortunes into which our frivolity throws us. Your wisdom is limitless. Whomever You wish, You will preserve unscathed through Your Angel from every misfortune. Therefore, I, merciful Father, commit myself in my sorrow into Your hands and pray that You look at me with the eye of mercy and save me from all suffering. Send me and my dear husband joy, O God, Lord of all joy! So that we, seeing Your blessing, serve and worship You with all our hearts in a spirit of joy. I do not want to be removed from what You have imposed on our entire race, commanding to give birth to children in illnesses. But I humbly ask You to help me endure suffering and send a successful conclusion. And if You hear this prayer of ours and send us a healthy good child, then we promise that we will again bring him to You and consecrate him so that You remain for us and our seed a merciful God and Father, as we swear always together with our child to be yours. faithful servants. Hear, Merciful God, the prayer of Your last servant, fulfill the request of our heart, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Savior, incarnated for us, now abides with You and the Holy Spirit and guides in eternity. Amen.

Prayer for difficult childbirth

To whom shall I call, Mistress, whom shall I resort to in my sorrow; who should bear my tears and sighs, if not you, the Queen of heaven and earth: who will deliver me from the captivity of sins and iniquity, like you, Mother of life, Intercessor of the human race? Hear my prayers, pamper me and have mercy in my sorrow, protect me in troubles and misfortunes, free me from malice and sorrow and all kinds of ailments, save me from enemies visible and invisible, subdue the hostility of envious people and ill-wishers, may I be protected from slander and human malice; and especially from the shameful habits of my flesh, deliver me. Cover me in autumn with your grace, may I find peace, joy and cleansing from sins. I entrust myself to your maternal intercession; become my mother and hope, cover, help and patronage, joy, consolation and an early helper in everything.

O miraculous Mother of God! Everyone who approaches you does not leave without your all-powerful help; for the sake of this, I, unworthy, resort to you: save me from sudden and furious death, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment. I strive to receive the Kingdom of Heaven and appeal to you with tenderness of heart: Rejoice, Mother of God, our zealous intercessor, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer - Blessing of a woman after childbirth

God, all blessings come from You, make sure that this mother, strengthened by Your Blessing, always gives due thanks to You and, together with her child, is always under Your protection. The Lord, gave her the joy of motherhood, then bless her so that she tirelessly thanks for her offspring, together with him she achieved eternal bliss, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Prayer for the caress of breastfeeding

(of the Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary in front of her icon, called the Nurse)
Accept, Virgin Mother of God, the tearful prayers of Your servants who are lost to you. We see You on the holy icon, how You feed Your Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, in Your arms and with the milk of Your breast.

You painlessly gave birth to Him, but on the other hand, you look with pain at the maternal sorrows and infirmities of the sons and daughters of men. Therefore, in hot tears, clinging to your image and kissing it with excitement, we pray to you. , from a serious illness and bitter sorrow deliver. Grant us health and strength, so that those who feed happily gain strength, and feeding them are filled with joy and joy, because until now, through your intercession with the lips of babies, they receive food from their mother’s breasts, the Lord administers his praise.

O Mother of the Son of God, take pity on the mothers of the sons of men, on my children of yours: heal the diseases that haunt us, quench sorrows and sorrows, and do not despise the tears and sighs of your servants. Hear us on the day of sorrow before your icon, those who run, and on the day of joy and deliverance, accept the grateful glorification of our hearts. Lift up our prayers to the throne of Your Son and our God, may he be merciful to our sins and weaknesses and not limit his mercy for those who know His name, so that we and ours glorify You, the gracious Intercessor and the faithful hope of our kind forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer - Blessing of pregnant women after Liturgy

Lord our God, Creator of all life! You, with the help of the Holy Spirit, prepared the glorious Virgin Mary for a worthy dwelling for your Son. You filled John the Baptist with the Holy Spirit and commanded him to rejoice in his mother's womb.

Look at these women asking for Your Blessing for themselves and their children. Fill them with deep joy, for the miracle of the beginning of a new life is taking place before their very eyes. Accept the ardent desire of those who humbly ask You to preserve their offspring, which You called into existence. May, with Your help, their children happily see the light of day and be vouchsafed the grace of Holy Baptism. May they faithfully serve You and attain eternal life in heaven. Amen.

Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers. Welcome to the site administration

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