Is it possible to open a museum in a private house. How to open a museum from scratch: a business plan with calculations


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Private museums are a promising and interesting direction for organizing your own business. This niche is in stable demand in Russia, especially in cities with developed tourism. How to open your own museum and make money on it? A ready-made museum business plan will help to understand these issues.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a museum

Each business has positive and negative sides that an entrepreneur will certainly face - the simplicity and complexity of the organization, competition, payback, etc.

Advantages of the museum business:

  1. Does not require licensing. To open such a business, you do not need to obtain a license to operate. For example, to create a magazine, you need a license from the Ministry of Press. For a museum enterprise, such documents are not required.
  2. The relevance of the idea. Museums always attract tourists and lovers of antiquity. Among them are major collectors who prefer to book private tours.
  3. Ease of organization. There is no need to maintain a large staff.
  4. Fast payback.


  1. Location dependent. If the museum is located far from the cultural center of the city, it will not be of interest to tourists.
  2. Seasonality. Most of the visitors are tourists from other cities and countries. They usually travel in the summer. There will not be a large flow of visitors during the off-season.
  3. Availability of specialized knowledge. It is important to correctly arrange the items in the expositions so that they complement each other and create a single composition. In addition, special storage conditions must be created for each exhibit - temperature and humidity conditions, and special lighting for written sources and paintings.
  4. Reliable security is needed - even the largest museums are robbed if they contain items valuable to collectors.

Definition of subject matter

The choice of topics is determined by a number of factors:

  1. The presence or absence of experience in the museum field. If there is no experience, consultations of specialists are necessary - professional museum workers and collectors.
  2. Knowledge of the topic. It makes no sense to choose an unfamiliar topic - this is a sure sign of failure. For the project to be successful, an entrepreneur must work with topics familiar to him or gain this knowledge by reading literature, communicating with colleagues, attending conferences and webinars of professionals.
  3. Having your own collections. Most private museums were formed from private collections and gradually expanded. Own collection is a big plus. Most famous museums were formed on the basis of such collections.
  4. Competition. All existing museums are potential competitors. The primary task is to lure visitors from them. It will not be easy, but quite feasible with the right approach to project implementation and a good advertising campaign.
  5. tourist attraction of the region. For example, creating your own museum enterprise in St. Petersburg or the Crimea is much more profitable than somewhere in the outback.

When choosing a topic, it is necessary to take into account all these factors, they are all interconnected and complement each other.

Additionally, it is necessary to analyze the target audience. It will show how visited the museum of a particular subject will be.

Since the primary task of an entrepreneur is to make money on visitors, this factor should be the main one.

After choosing a topic, you need to decide on the type of enterprise.

Museums are of two types:

  • closed;
  • open air.

Business organization


Any business must be registered.

There are two registration options:

  • entity;
  • individual entrepreneur.

Most private museums in Russia are registered as individual entrepreneurs. There is no need to formalize the status of a legal entity.

To obtain an IP, the following documents are required:

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. Receipt for payment of state duty.
  3. Application form P21001.
  4. Application to the tax office.

To register an IP you need:

  1. Apply. There are two ways - at the place of residence and through the Internet. The second option is the most common.
  2. Select OKVED code. This code tells the authorities how the type of business activity is registered.
  3. Write an application (form Р21001).
  4. Pay the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles.
  5. Register with the tax office.

There are examples of registration of private museums as non-profit associations. This status does not prohibit the entrepreneur from deriving commercial benefits from his activities and gives him the opportunity to receive financial support from the state.

Location and search for premises

The ideal place is the cultural or historical center of the city. The main flow of visitors is tourists. Most of them will not look for a museum on the other side of the city, especially if it has just opened and has not yet gained mass popularity.

Advantages of opening a museum in the city center:

  • convenient transport interchange;
  • higher visitor flow.
  • high rent - you will have to compete with large offices and enterprises for which the high cost of rent is not a problem;
  • the dense development of the city center creates difficulties for organizing a tourist destination - this is an additional cost for rent.

Museums that cannot afford to rent in the city center also find a way out - they open in abandoned industrial and historical sites - factories, workshops, military hospitals, barracks, libraries, galleries, houses where prominent personalities lived.

If there is no money to rent or buy premises, expositions can be shown in other museums. They will take a part of the profit for themselves, but they will independently solve all organizational issues.


Expositions of private museums are formed by:

  • private collections;
  • rental of individual exhibits or entire collections in other museums.

REFERENCE: The first museums in Russia were formed on the basis of private collections. Thus, the Hermitage, which arose in 1764, was replenished for the first time only with private collections. For example, the famous Siberian collection of gold jewelry first belonged to Peter the Great and only in the second half of the 18th century was transferred from the Kunstkamera to the Hermitage, where it is still kept.


Recruitment is an important and responsible moment. The staff is the face of the museum. The success or failure of this business depends on how well he performs his work.

To organize a museum you will need:

  1. Guide. He must know the expositions perfectly, find the connection between the exhibits and understand the historical context of the finds. Ideally, this is a professional historian or museum worker. In addition, he must speak foreign languages ​​​​in order to arrange excursions for foreign tourists.
  2. Restorer. Most archaeological finds need to be restored. For example, ceramic dishes usually arrive at museums broken - they need to be restored. This can only be done by a professional restorer.
  3. Security guard. It makes no sense to open a museum without proper security - it can be quickly robbed.
  4. Cashier-accountant. In small museums, the position of accountant is usually assigned to the cashier. This allows you to save on the maintenance of employees.
  5. Appraiser. Collections need to be replenished regularly. It is impossible to buy exhibits without a professional appraiser - there is a risk of overpaying or stumbling upon a fake.

Financial plan

Start-up investments and running costs

Initial investment:

  • purchase or rental of premises - from 50 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of furniture for expositions - 200 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of equipment to support the temperature and humidity regime - 100 thousand rubles;
  • payment of state duty - 800 rubles;
  • advertising - 60 thousand rubles;
  • salary of employees - 150 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of exhibits - from 100 thousand rubles.


The profitability of such an enterprise depends on:

  • tourist attraction of the city;
  • the location of the museum;
  • seasonality;
  • exhibits and public interest in them.

The average cost of an entrance ticket is 200 rubles. Additional income - the services of a guide and paid permission to photograph the exhibits.

Guide services - 1000 rubles. The fee for using the camera is 100 rubles.

Monthly earnings - 400 thousand rubles.

Profit calculation

Every month, the income from the work of the museum is 400 thousand rubles. Taxes, utility bills, and employee salaries are deducted from this amount.

Net profit - 200 thousand rubles.

Payback - from 1 year.

The museum business is not new, but still relevant type of entrepreneurial activity. Most domestic museums were formed from private collections. You can still make money on this today. Exhibits can be bought absolutely legally - without the fate of black archaeologists and other antiquities hunters.

As one of the ways of income from the category "for the soul" can be called organizing your own museum and on a variety of topics.

Let us immediately state that a private museum can become a commercial project only under certain conditions:

1. Unique unhackneyed theme;

2. Location in tourist areas; The most profitable are private museums in places of recreation for tourists; For example, in small villages on the Black Sea coast. This is explained by the fact that tourists are attracted to these places by the opportunity to relax on the sea, but since the villages are small, the entertainment package for tourists is usually very modest. In fact, only on vacation are people ready to fully enjoy every minute and, accordingly, spend a lot of money on leisure; One disadvantage of this orientation of a private museum is seasonality.

3. The museum must be part of another commercial project; For example, you are engaged in some kind of craft, making unusual souvenirs. In this case, you can organize a museum of your work, combined with a craft store. Or you are the owner of a guest house on the sea coast. In order to attract guests to yourself and provide them with quality leisure, you can completely organize an original museum on the territory of your hotel. There can be many variations. The accompanying income part of the museum, in addition to paying for visits, may be charging for photos with exhibits.

4. You can make the museum a part of a commercial excursion program and collect payment from the organizers of the excursion route.

5. On certain days (eg Friday, Saturday and Sunday) it is possible to arrange spectacular thematic performances (on your own or with guest actors). For example, a museum of medieval weapons and armor can organize impromptu jousting tournaments, etc. In a museum of ancient musical instruments, you can play the hurdy-gurdy with a parrot on your shoulder before leaving, collecting "donations". You can actively involve visitors in performances.

6. To attract visitors, it is imperative to create his online business card, otherwise no one will simply know about him, and residents at his location are unlikely to visit him regularly. The fact is that a museum is a specific entertainment facility, which is quite enough to visit only once, in some cases once a year. Thus, in order to receive income from museum activities, museum owners must take care of a constant influx of new visitors.

7. Ideally, to start such a project, you already own a suitable premises, since the business is not stable, and the rent will need to be paid constantly.

Ideas for organizing private museums:

1. Fairy tale characters;

2. Museum of Folk Crafts;

3. Thematic museum of some era or people;

4. Product Museum: Museum of chocolate, handmade soap, etc.

5. Museum with exhibits made of unusual materials (ice sculptures, wax museum, etc.)

6. Museum of inventions and technical innovations;

7. Museum of private collections (paintings, records, bells, shells, etc.)

If you seriously intend to engage in this business, your activities should be registered in the appropriate organizational and legal form.

Suitable for registration of museum activities OKVED code 92.52"Museum Activities and the Protection of Historic Sites and Buildings".

The most optimal system of taxation for conducting museum activities would be simplified taxation system at a rate of 6% on income.

In order to start applying it, you must submit an application for the application of a simplified taxation system when registering with the tax authorities.

In addition to ensuring a minimum tax burden, the simplified taxation system is also attractive due to the absence of the obligation to maintain accounting records and submit accounting reports on time (no need to draw up a balance sheet, income statement, etc.).

Moreover, museum activities are classified as privileged activities for application reduced rates of insurance premiums in PFR, MHIF and FSS (not 34% as for other organizations, but 26%).

Reduced rates of insurance premiums for the period 2011-2012 as part of:

  • PFR - 18%,
  • FFOMS - 3.1%,
  • TFOMS-2.0%,
  • FSS - 2.9%.

We remind you that insurance premiums are calculated from the salaries of the museum staff.

The main conditions: the use of the simplified tax system, income from museum activities must be more than 70%.

After several decades of desolation, Surkov's brewery in the center of Arkhangelsk, founded 100 years ago, was sold at auction. As a result, the city budget received 34.2 million rubles, and the new owner, the StroyTekhnologiya company, received three emergency buildings of the former brewery and the obligation to use the object restored in strict accordance with the historical appearance only as administrative and commercial premises or for "non-destructive production."

The project for the reconstruction of the building is almost ready. Most likely, another shopping center will open on the historical squares. The commercialization of the project is also evidenced by the fact that a pub has already been opened on the first floor of the plant. Many historians of Arkhangelsk hoped that the famous building would still be given over to an exposition that would tell about the history of brewing in the North. By the way, it is very entertaining, because until now the "secret" of Surkov's beer has not been revealed, and many modern brewers only copy the recipe.

Now the question arises as to whether an object with a cultural function can be attractive for investment? And what is this cultural function - the purpose of the building, its age or architectural features? - says Andrei Sokolovsky, co-owner of several interactive art projects. - We are accustomed to a clear division: the library cannot generate income, so it should be on the balance sheet of the city, and the shopping center is a commercial facility, so the museum does not belong in it.

European trends are such that today museums and libraries are located in shopping centers, large shops are located in museum complexes. And cultural objects themselves can and should generate income. It just takes the right approach.

The average payback period for a new museum is about five years. However, you can get income much faster if you know some secrets of running a museum business.

If we talk about art, then significant investments are required to create a high-quality museum collection. The museum, of course, cannot pay off only through the sale of entrance tickets, these incomes are hardly enough to support economic activities, - says Alexander Gubanov, executive director of the online art auction "ARTLOT 24" in St. Petersburg. - The successful business model of a modern museum provides for its own gallery and infrastructure facilities that provide additional monetization opportunities.

Among the private museums that successfully use this model in St. Petersburg are the Erarta Museum of Contemporary Art and the Faberge Museum.

So, one of the types of additional income can be called the holding of temporary commercial exhibitions by the museum, tickets for which can cost more than visiting the museum's permanent exhibition. In addition to exhibitions, the museum can also host other third-party events - lectures, master classes, presentations, concerts.

Also, almost every museum has its own "exit through the souvenir shop" - an additional source of income from the store at the museum, which sells themed books, postcards, souvenirs and miniature copies of sculptures. Approximately on the same principle of creating a museum, an initiative group of Arkhangelsk search engines decided to go. In December, a new "Military Museum" was opened in the capital of Pomorye, its exhibits were things found during the expeditions. Visitors can learn about military operations during the Intervention and the Great Patriotic War on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region.

Visitors can also get acquainted with the work of search engines and their unusual finds, - says one of the founders of the "War Museum" Alexei Sukhanovsky. - The average ticket price in this segment is about 300 rubles. All exhibits can be touched by hands - this is one of the trends to attract visitors in the modern museum business.

Marina Bjornsgård, Deputy Director for Development of the Art Deco Museum, believes that a number of conditions must be met to ensure attendance at the exposition. Firstly, it must present unique samples, secondly, it must be geographically accessible and, thirdly, it must provide a high level of communication (excursions and educational projects based on the exposition).

For people to come to the museum, you need to surprise. Often they try to achieve this with the use of modern lighting or graphic effects. The most promising direction now is interactive museums, where the visitor not only walks through the halls, but also performs some actions himself, interacts with the exhibits. It can be, for example, a "museum of entertaining science" or a petting zoo. Such an idea looks promising for a province that has not yet been spoiled by such entertainment, - Oleg Tkach, financial director of the Greenwood trade and exhibition complex, notes.

The Northern Maritime Museum in Arkhangelsk also thought about how to attract visitors. The renovated building in the city center, new expositions and the maritime theme itself, it would seem, should attract visitors, and therefore generate income.

We have come to the conclusion that if we do not arrange presentations, various events in the museum and do not work with travel agencies or with schools, then the flow of visitors will be very small, not like shopping centers, - he believes. O. Director of the Northern Maritime Museum Yevgeny Tenetov. - I am sure that a museum, even the most modern one, cannot generate income. At best, it can work to zero - to earn money for its own development.

According to Tenetov, a museum or an art space is always a growth point for the development of a territory.

As the head of the cultural and production cluster "Kolomenskaya Pastila" Elena Dmitrieva notes, in small towns the appearance of a museum, a cultural object stimulates the opening of related businesses, increases the value of real estate, makes it possible to create new products and types of economic proposals, the main of which is not knowledge, but impression .

Now most of the opening museums in the regions of the North-West are focused on tourists. Basically, these are small expositions dedicated to some kind of folk craft, where the main role is played by an interesting story of the guide and a visit to a large souvenir shop.

A good move is the organization of a museum in which the historical part is combined with entertainment, for example, as in the Museum of Soviet Slot Machines, notes Anna Karganova, director of the Russian Abstract Art Foundation.

Approximately along this path, private museums have gone, which are opening in tourist-attractive areas of the Arkhangelsk, Murmansk regions and Karelia. Whether they survive, time will tell, and competent strategic planning can help them in this.

Creative people approach entrepreneurship outside the box, turning a hobby into a business. Museum opening: features, profitability, business plan for the implementation of the original project with the calculation of return on investment.

The museum is often associated with historical and monumental areas - local history, art, military. In fact, absolutely any thing can be exhibits, the main thing is that the interest of the general public should be present. Often the idea to organize a museum as a business comes to the mind of an established collector, and then it remains to solve administrative issues.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before proceeding with the implementation of the idea, it is necessary to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the project to open an exhibition hall:

pros Minuses
1 The activity is not licensed, special permissions and approvals are not needed. Expensive good location. If the place is rented, then there is a risk of terminating the contract and moving the collection, you will have to start all over again.
2 The entrepreneur is able to do all the work himself. Extensive staffing is required only in large museums. Business usually has a seasonality and a shift in the bulk of visits towards weekends.
3 If a novice businessman has rare and unusual objects, then this increases the likelihood of successful development of the business. To adequately assess the significance of the collection, it is necessary to have special knowledge and skills.

When implementing a business idea, you need to pay attention to critical points. For example, to schedule the museum so that people have the opportunity to visit the institution on Saturday and Sunday, as well as in the late evening hours.

Instructions for action

If we are not talking about the “museum at home” format, then first you need a business plan with calculations of basic indicators both for the ideological inspirer of the project and for attracting investors from outside:

  1. Enterprise concept.
  2. Registration with state bodies.
  3. Room selection.
  4. Repair and equipment.
  5. Staff.
  6. Advertising.
  7. Financial calculations.

The steps are standard for the development of any business, but everywhere has its own characteristics.


In the museum business, it is important to decide on the format and theme of the institution. People's tastes are changing rapidly, so universal and enduring values ​​are chosen, or, conversely, something outrageous. For example, a lot of thrill-seekers go to the museum of erotica or instruments of torture.

It is easier in cities with an initial tourist orientation - people come to rest, try to get new impressions and broaden their horizons. Such a contingent will come to the museum on its own, the task of the owners is to clearly indicate their presence on maps, reference books, and guidebooks. A lot of effort goes into attracting an audience and creating a place of pilgrimage to an ordinary, unremarkable destination.

Museums are usually of 2 types:

  • in room;
  • open air.

There are also mono-museums and a mix of different themes united under one roof.

A good solution would be to combine entertainment and educational functions, for example, as it is done in the Darwin Museum, with elements of the show program, color music, and demonstration of film materials. Another niche in business is focusing on a narrow range of interests of a large audience.

This path was chosen by the museum of UFOs, boxing, retro cars. Fans in these areas number in the thousands, with constant updating of the exhibits, a stable flow of customers is ensured.

The artistic orientation is considered traditional - galleries and passages with paintings, photographs, installations. Visitors must be given the opportunity to purchase their favorite works.

Any private museum, created not for pure art, but for financial gain, receives a significant part of its income from the sale of additional services, the sale of original exhibits or copies. Often a fee is charged for permission to film and photograph on the exhibition grounds.

Before you open your museum, it is important to make sure that a similar institution does not operate in the city and its environs. Otherwise, the idea is doomed to failure - visitors will go to a well-known and popular place. Even if you make the most of advertising tools, pulling off an already small audience from competitors will be too expensive and unprofitable.


After the main direction of activity is chosen, it is necessary to formalize the business. You can register a museum in 2 ways:

  1. Private enterprise in the form of LLC or IP.
  2. Non-profit association.

In the second case, the focus is not on making a profit, but on acquiring a national and cultural status, with support from the state and subsidized activities.

If the theme of the exhibition concerns archaeological finds and valuable exhibits, then it is necessary to obtain approval from the Ministry of Culture. Otherwise, no special permits or licenses are required.


The territory for placing exhibits is selected for the intended purpose. If an open-air museum is planned, then a land plot with a lease term of more than 20 years or acquired as a property is required.

Any room is suitable for a closed exhibition. The organizers specifically choose abandoned production areas to save money and for the sake of a large space. Small expositions are placed in halls with a small quadrature. Since it is assumed that several people are present in the room at the same time, a minimum of 40 square meters is calculated. m.

Basic requirements for the premises:

  • separate location;
  • entrance for transport and parking place;
  • installation of a fire and security alarm system;
  • availability of communication systems.

It all depends on the specific type of collection and the form of project implementation. Lease payments will be included in the fixed costs of the business, so it is better to find a profitable option in advance. If it is known in advance that the exposition will be open for several months of the year, then it is beneficial to conclude an agreement only for this period.

When renting premises, there is a risk of termination of the contract. Since location stability is a key factor in museum activities, the best way out is to invest in the acquisition of real estate.

Repair and equipment

The design of the premises is carried out in accordance with the general idea of ​​the project. In some cases, repairs are not carried out. For example, in an open-air museum, a site is fenced off, and exhibits are placed on the territory according to a developed plan. A traditional showroom may need a themed design that needs to be remodeled, restored or intricately refurbished.

Usually the museum needs to install:

  1. Fire and security alarms.
  2. Shelving structures.
  3. Showcases.
  4. Fixing systems for walls, floors, ceilings.
  5. Furniture for visitors.

Most often, exhibitions are held indoors, so it is necessary to take care of high-quality lighting in the halls and equip exhibits with additional lighting.

If an interactive model of the functioning of the museum is envisaged, then screens, a stereo system, and computer panels will be required. To prevent damage to the collection, the exhibits are protected from direct contact with people. But most visitors are attracted by the opportunity to touch interesting things, so it makes sense to allocate a zone where some of the objects are allowed to be viewed close up.

The museum needs a department to provide additional services - the sale of goods and souvenirs, a photo platform, holding master classes. It is necessary to allocate a small area for the needs of staff, administration and sanitation.


A large number of employees are involved in large-scale museum projects:

  • tour guides;
  • collection specialists;
  • managers;
  • show organizers;
  • auxiliary workers;
  • guards;
  • accountant.

The owner can organize and present a modest exhibition on his own, attracting third-party organizations for individual needs - advertising, security, record keeping.

The staff is better to recruit specialists with experience in the museum field. Private business attracts employees from public institutions with higher salaries and a variety of activity formats. Therefore, with sufficient funding, it will not be difficult to hire qualified personnel.

Here you can download for free as a sample.

The initial stage of launching a project to open your own museum will not do without advertising costs. If the target audience is clearly defined and not numerous, then it is enough to create a high-quality optimized website, pay for the first places in the issuance of search sites and post information on thematic forums.

In a situation where the museum was conceived for a wide range of visitors, it is necessary to act on a larger scale:

  1. Cooperation with educational institutions and municipal authorities.
  2. Installation of signs and information boards in crowded places.
  3. Internet advertising.
  4. Announcements in the media.
  5. Representation of interests at thematic conferences and exhibitions.
  6. Conclusion of agreements on mutually beneficial work with competitors - domestic and foreign.

A traditional museum housed in a large room can provide halls for exhibitions of exhibits from other areas, thereby expanding the audience, which at the same time will get acquainted with the main collection.

Museums conduct educational, entertaining and educational activities. The more active excursions, lectures, master classes are organized, the more famous the institution gets and the flow of visitors increases.

Video: how to open a private museum in Russia.

Financial calculations

To determine the amount of investment and the profitability of the museum, it is necessary to have information about the traffic, seasonality, and ticket prices. For example, for the opening of an exhibition of weapons in a closed room of 50 sq. m. will need to invest (subject to ownership of the collection and the building):

If the acquisition of premises and exhibits is included in the number of expenses, then the cost of launching a project increases by 3-10 times. The collection may be wholly owned by the entrepreneur, or some of the items may be borrowed elsewhere - there are many nuances regarding the formation and evaluation of the exhibition.

Fixed monthly costs include:

  • Communal expenses;
  • salary;
  • taxes;
  • advertising;
  • administrative.

With the passage of time and the growth of the museum's popularity, marketing costs will decrease to a minimum, although the activity to attract visitors cannot be completely stopped. The average monthly business costs are 250,000 rubles.

Visiting exhibitions costs Russians at least 50 rubles, the average cost is 300 rubles. Pricing is based on the group nature of museum trips - families, school classes, tourist groups. The ticket price is over 500 rubles. is unaffordable, therefore, such prices are set by establishments focused on a financially secure narrow category of customers.

With a work schedule with 2 days off a week, during the period of maximum activity, the museum receives up to 50 people daily. Monthly income is 330,000 rubles, profit - 80,000 rubles, profitability - 24%. However, such indicators are achieved within a few months, the rest of the time the revenue barely covers the costs. With a successful combination of circumstances, investments in the project pay off in 2 years.

According to entrepreneurs who opened a private museum, this business is very specific. Even with large investments and correct calculations, it is easy to fail - the demand for museum valuables is almost impossible to predict.

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Business plan

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Reviews (7)

The site contains a business plan for the museum, which we recommend to draw the attention of thoughtful and serious people who would like to have a promising business. Yes, each museum is not just one exposition, it is a certain world that needs regular additions and updates. In this way, it will be possible to attract people here, to achieve their interest and recognition of the institution. And ultimately, the profitability of the project will depend on people.

If in doubt, study the finished document, which will show you the real prospects and relevance of this case. However, much here will depend on your imagination. What kind of museum will it be? Artistic or ethnographic, maritime or thematic, dedicated to clothes, dolls, utensils, coins? Or maybe your museum will offer places for a variety of expositions? It is worth thinking about this in advance.

When studying information on the opening of the museum, remember that at the first stage it is important to decide on the premises and the first exhibition. The room should be spacious enough to accommodate exhibits and visitors, bright, located in a crowded place, preferably in a separate building. Another nuance: the selection of guides who could captivate museum visitors with their story, interest them so that they would like to come back here again.

A private museum is no longer such a rarity in our country. Although most entrepreneurs are still perplexed: how can you get an acceptable profit on organizing a museum? In fact, there is nothing fantastic about it. The main activity of a private museum is to present exhibits of a certain direction and attract visitors who, purely hypothetically, are willing to pay money to view this collection.

Quite a reasonable question: for what in this case will people agree to pay? And the success of the whole event depends on how correctly you will be able to solve the task assigned to you. The advantage in this matter belongs to active collectors who have been collecting some things for many years - coins, weapons, music records or even antiques. If the collection is rich enough, it may already be of interest to museum visitors. And if several collectors manage to unite, the value of the museum will increase significantly.

Such a hobby as collecting may well become the basis for a successful business. A variety of exhibits can be of interest to potential visitors to the museum, the main thing is to be able to serve it with the appropriate sauce. Items simply dumped in several heaps are unlikely to interest a person who accidentally came to you from the street. But competently and attractively designed stands and shelves will allow you to present your collection in the most favorable light.

Of course, the exhibits of the collection should be interesting to people. It can be watches made by masters of different eras, antique household items, dolls and much more. If your collection is not wide enough to make a full-fledged exposition, chat with like-minded people, light them up with your idea. But at the same time, remember: just the desire to create a museum will not be enough for you.

The first issue that you have to decide is related to finding a suitable location. It should be conveniently located and to some extent correspond to the image of your collection. To do this, you will need an appropriate design, made in the same style with the spirit of the exhibition, this will draw additional attention to your museum. In order to use the premises as a museum, you must obtain permission from the local authorities.

In order for the business to develop actively, you should carefully study all the subtleties and rules of its functioning. And a competent museum business plan, drawn up by professionals in their field, will provide you with invaluable assistance in this. After reading this document, you will understand how important it is to correctly assess factors such as the availability of stable funding sources, the level of competition, as well as the relevance of your idea. Don't forget about the state, as an experienced guide will help visitors to point out the most interesting items in the collection, which will increase the popularity of your private museum.

Museum business plan reviews (7)

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    Museum business plan

    Mukim Nazari
    Very good! Thank you! Everything is very detailed and easy to understand even for beginners.

    Mukim, thank you for your response. We are always happy when people try to create something not only for the sake of enrichment, but also for the benefit of other people. And the museum belongs to such projects. We hope that the business plan will help you organize this project. We wish you success.

    Museum business plan

    Hello! Thank you very much for your business plan. I received a lot of useful and necessary information from you. But, unfortunately, it doesn't work for me. The thing is, my father. the history teacher has been collecting various household and other items for a long time. After his departure, I continued his work, allocated a room of 4-4 m. and decided to exhibit the collected exhibits there, wrote short information both on objects and on the history of the village, etc. In 2014, in the year of culture, I was offered to organize a regional museum of local history with my exhibits. I agreed and even moved all the exhibits to the indicated room. However, the room turned out to be smaller than my home. Since they promised me to allocate another room, I continued to work.
    In 2015, they told me that the state was closing and asked me to take the exhibits wherever I wanted. So they returned home.
    Now I decided to expand the room to 60 square meters. m. and somehow enter the legal field such as individual entrepreneurs or NGOs so that the museum has an official status. We are not talking about commerce, loans, and it is useless, since I live in a small village. True, there are visitors, but these are schoolchildren and local residents.
    In light of the above, I just wanted to know what would be best for me to do and what to do in such a situation. So I started searching the Internet for information about museums and their activities.
    Once again, thank you for your response and even a little help. And I apologize for the frank opus. Good luck to you!

    Mohammed, thank you for the detailed review! On the contrary, we are pleased to hear when our work helps not only develop business, but also initiatives like yours. We wish you success and further development!

    Museum business plan

    I ordered a business plan for the museum and was very pleased with it. There is absolutely no need for great accuracy in numbers or other indicators. Everyone has their own idea different from many others. After studying the Plan, I ordered a second business plan for the production of furniture. I'm even happier with this plan. After combining this information, I have made a great plan for the creation of the Furniture Museum and now I am choosing an investor.

    God, thank you for your feedback. We are glad that both business plans turned out to be useful for you and wish you successful negotiations with investors!

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