Is it possible to talk with the dead. An amazing way to get in touch with the dead


It is believed that when a person dies, he leaves his body and continues to exist in the form of a spirit, soul, consciousness, a bunch of energy. The etheric body enters another form of reality that cannot be seen from the world of the living. It is very difficult to feel the presence of a deceased person with the help of five senses, but this does not mean that it is impossible to communicate with him.

After a person's spirit reaches the "other side", he still remains in emotional contact with the people who loved him in life. Many try to send word that they are all right.

How do they do it?

After the spirit only gets to the “other side”, it most likely does not yet know how to contact the people left on earth. But, probably, other inhabitants of the other world, deceased relatives, angels and spiritual mentors give a hint on how to do this. But the fact that the spirit of the deceased will send a message does not mean that someone will be able to receive and understand it.

It is very difficult to imagine how a deceased person feels, watching the suffering of loved ones, not being able to calm them down.

As time passes, the spirit of the deceased person tries to signal that it still exists. There are a lot of signs sent from the “other world”. The most common signs are flickering light bulbs, changing the position or falling of a photograph hanging on the wall, malfunctioning household appliances, deviations in the behavior of pets, the appearance of butterflies or birds, the appearance of smells that the deceased person loved, special songs that sound on the radio, etc. .

The most common method of communication used by deceased people is communication through sleep. Quite often, people have dreams in which a loving person appears and conveys a message. Such a dream seems very distinct and real.

During sleep, the mind and consciousness of a person are relaxed and open to the perception of information. It is much easier for the spirit to make contact than during daytime wakefulness, when there is a “porridge” of thoughts and emotions in a person’s head.

Not all dreams in which the image of a deceased person is present are real contact. Very often, the subconscious can itself cause such dreams in a person. As a rule, with real contact with the spirit of the deceased, a message of love, confidence and emotional connection is transmitted. Often, dead people convey knowledge or warning about the future.

How to independently contact the other world?

You can contact a loved one simply by referring to him mentally. The fact is that the souls of loved ones are able to hear the thoughts of a person. There is no guarantee that at the very moment they are addressed, they are not busy and listening. But, with due perseverance, you can wait for an answer. Such a response, as a rule, will come with some delay in time.

Communicating with the spirit of the deceased in real time can be quite difficult. This is exactly what professional mediums do. Without proper training and talent, it is quite difficult to make such contact on your own.

There is a way to communicate with the spirit yourself. To do this, you need to relax, imagine a well-lit place in which pleasant music plays and mentally invite the deceased to a conversation. If everything succeeds, then the person will have the opportunity to ask a few questions to the spirit.

The difficulty lies in not confusing real contact with your imagination. But this can also be easily verified. With real contact, things will be discussed that are hard to think of and imagine in everyday life. Images and pictures of unfamiliar things will appear in your head. Thoughts will come from outside.

It is hard enough to live, realizing that you will never be able to communicate with your loved one again. But you should not be upset in advance. The dead do not leave us forever, they just change the form of existence.

When someone close to us dies, the living want to know if the dead hear or see us after physical death, whether it is possible to contact them, get answers to questions. There are many real stories that support this hypothesis. They talk about the intervention of the other world in our lives. Different religions also do not deny that the souls of the dead are next to their loved ones.

What does a person see when he dies?

What a person sees and feels when the physical body dies can only be judged from the stories of those who survived clinical death. The stories of many patients whom doctors were able to save have much in common. They all talk about similar sensations:

  1. A person watches other people leaning over his body from the side.
  2. At first, strong anxiety is felt, as if the soul does not want to leave the body and say goodbye to the usual earthly life, but then calmness comes.
  3. Pain and fear disappear, the state of consciousness changes.
  4. The person does not want to go back.
  5. After passing through a long tunnel in a circle of light, a creature appears that calls for itself.

Scientists believe that these impressions do not relate to what the person who has gone to another world feels. They explain such visions with a hormonal surge, exposure to drugs, brain hypoxia. Although different religions, describing the process of separation of the soul from the body, speak of the same phenomena - observing what is happening, the appearance of an angel, farewell to loved ones.

Is it true that dead people see us

To answer whether dead relatives and other people see us, you need to study different theories that tell about the afterlife. Christianity talks about two opposite places where the soul can go after death - this is heaven and hell. Depending on how a person lived, how righteous, he is rewarded with eternal bliss or doomed to endless suffering for his sins.

When arguing whether the dead see us after death, one should turn to the Bible, which says that souls resting in paradise remember their lives, can observe earthly events, but do not experience passions. People who, after death, were recognized as saints, appear to sinners, trying to guide them on the true path. According to esoteric theories, the spirit of the deceased has a close relationship with loved ones only when he has unfinished business.

Does the soul of a deceased person see their loved ones

After death, the life of the body ends, but the soul continues to live. Before going to heaven, she is present for another 40 days near her loved ones, trying to console them, ease the pain of loss. Therefore, in many religions it is customary to appoint a commemoration for this time in order to guide the soul to the world of the dead. It is believed that the ancestors, even many years after death, see and hear us. Priests advise not to argue whether the dead see us after death, but to try to mourn the loss less, because the suffering of relatives is difficult for the departed.

Can the soul of the deceased come to visit

When the connection between loved ones was strong during life, these relationships are difficult to break. Relatives can feel the presence of the deceased and even see his silhouette. This phenomenon is called a phantom or ghost. Another theory says that the spirit comes to visit for communication only in a dream, when our body is asleep and the soul is awake. During this period, you can ask for help from deceased relatives.

Can a dead person become a guardian angel

After the loss of a loved one, the pain of loss can be very great. I would like to know if the deceased relatives hear us in order to tell about their troubles and sorrows. Religious teaching does not deny that dead people become guardian angels for their kind. However, in order to receive such an appointment, a person during his lifetime must be deeply religious, not sin, and follow God's commandments. Often the guardian angels of the family are children who left early, or people who have dedicated themselves to worship.

Is there a connection with the dead

According to people with psychic abilities, there is a connection between the real and the afterlife, and it is very strong, so it is possible to perform such an action as talking to the dead. To contact the deceased from the other world, some psychics conduct spiritualistic sessions where you can communicate with the deceased relative and ask him questions.

In Christianity and many other religions, the ability to call a dead spirit with the help of some kind of manipulation is completely denied. It is believed that all the souls that come to earth belong to people who committed many sins during their lifetime or who did not receive repentance. According to Orthodox tradition, if you dream of a relative who has gone to another world, then you need to go to church in the morning and light a candle, help him find peace with a prayer.


There are people who are able to see the dead and this, so to speak, is part of their duties. But is it necessary for an ordinary person? In this case, we are talking about psychics who are familiar with such "visions".

There are cases when ordinary people are able to observe the same thing. Is it possible to learn this or is it all a gift? Naturally, only selected people can see the dead, and many of them are completely unaware of their interesting features. After all, often, such a gift develops throughout life and can appear at any moment. Of course, there are several opinions on this matter. So, the priests believe that a person is able to see the dead.

Only now, most likely this is far from being dead, but the devil who took on his appearance. This is a completely normal state of affairs. Thus, demons play tricks on people, appearing to them in the form of one of the dead. How to see the dead without any gift? Such a combination of circumstances can in no way be called a kind of ability, usually such a phenomenon occurs rarely, no more than twice in a lifetime. Basically, you can observe dead people immediately after their death.

And no gift is needed here, they come by themselves. This phenomenon happened more than once. In this case, we are talking about those same demons. Therefore, in this set of circumstances, no matter how strange it sounds, you need to be careful. Of course, a person will be in a state of shock, but, nevertheless, one should gather all the will into a fist.

In no case should you do what the deceased person asks. The only exception is the case when he came in a dream. If everything happens in reality, you need to keep the situation under control, no matter how creepy and scary it is. This phenomenon is the most common and quite common today. It does not require any gift at all.

There is another, so to speak, coincidence. A person lives calmly and at one fine moment begins to see the dead. Moreover, they appear to him often, and after a while they can not only be seen, but also heard. What it is? How to see the dead and is it safe? Of course, all this can be attributed to those same demons, but not everything is so simple. In some cases, such a combination of circumstances is a manifestation of the gift of vision.

The fact is that it occurs mainly in children. Therefore, there is no one to even explain to a poor child what is happening to him, because the parents, of course, will not believe, and they will also take him to a psychologist. Of course, this does not occur at every turn, but still it takes place. What to do in this case? In general, the situation is quite interesting, it is not worth trying to share what happened with the environment. They probably don't get it right. But then how do you do it?

In this case, it is better to seek support from people who have also experienced this. Like there are no other options. In general, you can tell your family everything, but they definitely won’t understand it. It is likely that they will simply begin to “joke” about this, so to speak, and nothing more. Such people should seek support in specialized forums.

There is one more case of development of similar possibilities. Here we are talking directly about psychics. They, as a rule, know about their gift from childhood. After all, all this does not arise from nowhere. Usually, this ability is inherited through the maternal or paternal line. In this case, there is nothing surprising, everyone knows about it. How to see the dead without a special gift?

Some people with such abilities become mediums and talk with the dead in order to find out the answers to their questions. Often psychics help others with their problems. This practice is called professional help. Some mediums arrange their sessions in specialized rooms, while others conduct receptions at home.

Here, everyone is as they wish, so be it. Psychics have this gift and they develop it in every possible way throughout their lives. To do this, it is worth reading a lot of books and doing practical research in these areas.

And finally, the last case when people want to see the dead, but do not know how to do it. Of course, there are no educational institutions where this is taught, all this is obtained only in one's own practice. So is it possible to become a medium and see the dead? In general, this is possible in principle, but it will take a lot of effort. It is recommended to start training with a science such as esotericism. You should delve into this material in order to understand everything.

Such a gift must be developed in every possible way, only in this case it can be easily used. Only now there is an opinion that the ability to see the dead in the future can lead to various kinds of mental disorders. In addition, this gift is quite capable of passing to the child. Only in that case it is worth considering, but does he need it? Anyone who sees the dead is hardly happy about it. After all, living with this is not so easy.

Therefore, before trying to acquire this ability or develop it in every possible way, you need to think several times. Is it necessary? Is it worth it? And why is it needed at all? One should not strive to understand the world of the dead, there is nothing good in this. Mankind will never know what is there until everyone gets into this "environment". There is no need to rush things and anger otherworldly forces. Everything will take its course.

Clairvoyants, mediums and psychics are those people who can see and talk with the dead. Is he capable of handling his ability on his own? Often not, which is fraught with a number of unpleasant consequences.

There is an opinion that some people have the gift not only to see the dead, spirits and other otherworldly entities in a dream, but also can communicate, receive information from parallel worlds. Usually such people are called clairvoyants or mediums. Such stories of communication with the other world in a dream have not been proven by science, but scientists are not able to refute this evidence either. Believe it or not, it is the choice of each person.

But there are examples from the life of different people that cause a huge number of questions. Whether there is a life after death? What are the souls of dead people trying to convey to us? Is it possible to contact in a dream with the dead when it is significantly necessary? There are no definite answers, but meetings with the mysterious and inexplicable have always been and will continue to occur.

According to Edgar Cayce, an American mystic of the 20th century, death is like moving from one place to another. And when we move, we do not stop communicating with loved ones through means of communication: telephone, Internet, letters. Sleep is the very means communication with souls in other dimensions.

Prophetic dreams as a method of communicating with the dead

Among the people, dreams in which a person receives information from sources unknown to science,. In such dreams, a person can see a warning about something in the future or predict an event. As a rule, prophetic dreams are a rare and exceptional event. A well-known example in history is the prophetic dream of the scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, in which he saw his table of chemical elements. But there are also examples from the life of ordinary people: friends, acquaintances or neighbors. Most often you can hear stories about dreams of warnings.

if you dreamed of a dead person or a ghost, you should not be afraid of such a dream. We must think about what accompanied such a dream, with whom or what did you have to face? What did the dead want to convey to the living, in what mood is the soul in that world? It is no coincidence that such meetings take place in a dream. Dreaming is an intermediate state of consciousness. During daytime activity, the human brain is loaded with the worries and affairs of everyday life, therefore it is not attuned to the subtle energy wave of its inner consciousness. In the state of sleep, everything happens the other way around: brain activity slows down, the person is in an immovable state, and it becomes possible to receive information that the brain had no idea about when awake. In most cases, the dead are dreamed of by their close relatives, with whom they were closely connected during life. Contact can occur when the person is less than a year old. During this period, it is believed that the soul is in places dear to her during her lifetime. Sometimes the dead come to ask for help. Waking up, it is worth saying the request out loud and doing what the soul asked.

Dead people can come in a dream in different ways. It is worth remembering the details: how you are dressed, how old you are, is there any smell. Clean and beautiful clothes speak of a harmonious state of mind; youth and beauty will also be a good sign. A pleasant smell speaks of a cozy place of the soul. Be sure to pay attention to the state after sleep. With a positive awakening, one can judge that the deceased person in the afterlife feels good.

Examples of contact with dead people in a dream

Edgar Cayce story

This story was told by the son of Edgar Cayce according to the memoirs of his father.

Not yet an old woman, with whom E. Casey had previously worked, suddenly died of an illness, and after a while, several years later, she appeared in a dream to her colleague. The story was very exciting for everyone. The father said that in his sleep he heard a knock on the window. Then he began to hear a voice, realizing that someone was talking to him from another world. He found out who wanted to talk to him, it was a girl who worked with him many years ago. She was well brought up during her lifetime and strictly observed the rules of lady behavior, so she asked, without changing her habits, to open the door for her in accordance with the rules of etiquette. Which is what Casey did, letting her into the house. Having examined the girl, he noticed that her body was smoky and slightly transparent. In conversation, she said that she was confused and asked for help, realizing that she had died and no longer knew who to turn to now. She spoke about the cause of her death, that she died of a stomach ailment during an operation. After death, she continued to suffer from the disease, so the doctor who operated on her died, and already being next to her, who died, completed the operation. Now she is healthy. She was no longer aware of the time after death, the years flew by in minutes. In order to understand the time, they explained to her that she needed to wait for the white light that would lead her, but for now, she needed to pray and meditate.

mother comes to son

Jay's mother was a heroin addict and when he was 14 she went missing. Jay believed that she was dead due to drug deals. Due to her addiction, the woman's social circle was criminals. But, despite this way of life of the mother, the son remained faithful and close to her, even in the most difficult periods, as he loved her very much, and the mother took care of her son as best she could. Two months after her disappearance, Jay saw his mother in a dream. In his dream, he was driving along the road and crossing the old railway bridge, just beyond the bridge he saw the spirit of his mother, who wanted to warn him about something. In the dream, he also realized that his mother had died a violent death, and her body was severely torn. His mother brought him to a wasteland behind the bridge and began to explain something, pointing down with her hand. This place turned out to be a fresh grave. Jay was filled with a sense of liberation from invisible shackles, and he suddenly woke up. After awakening, the son felt a deep relief that he now knew for sure that his mother was dead, but her soul felt good.

Father communicates with daughter

Adult daughters learned about the death of their father. When the funeral was over, Janet - one of the daughters - dreams that she is sitting in an armchair, greatly experiencing the departure of her father. In the same room, the spirit of the father appears. According to Janet's story, she clearly understood that she could speak with her soul. Her father was busy putting himself in order. The daughter began to ask her father if she could help him during her lifetime, as she felt guilty for not making an effort to save her father's life with treatment in another clinic. To which the father replied to Janet that she should not worry, because after death he felt better. Janet, after having a dream, realized that it was a real contact with her father, because she felt light in her soul, and also all her undertakings went uphill.

A way to communicate with the dead in a dream

And finally, about one way to try to tell a dead person in a dream about something important.

Before going to bed, think about what you need to say to a person who is no longer alive. Lying in bed, start repeating your sentences in order to fall asleep with these thoughts. Perhaps this exercise will help you meet with a dead person, and if you are very lucky, you will be able to remember this contact. But if this meeting in a dream cannot be remembered, but it happened, upon awakening a feeling of joy and relief will come, and then everything will become clear whether there was contact with the deceased or not.

The topic of communication with the souls of the dead is always of great interest. But why do we need this? Now few can answer this question. Although in ancient times people knew that deceased ancestors could pass on a lot of valuable information from the other world and provide assistance. For example:

convey traditions;
influence natural phenomena;
warn of danger;
give advice in solving life situations;
help in healing.

There are different ways to communicate with the other world. One of them is Spiritism. Spiritualism is communication with the souls of the dead, calling them up with the help of various methods, including through mediums.
But in order for the Seance to be successful, a positive attitude of all participants is necessary. It is also very important to correctly address and choose the spirit with which you are going to communicate. Since there is very little psychic energy in the world of spirits, and during the session, participants release psychic energy, many different spirits are eager for contact, and not always positive ones. Only if the mood of the participants and the facilitator is correct, only then will communication be with the spirit that is being called. If there is fear, disbelief, or other negative emotions, then low-level spirits come to such energy. Because of this, the participants in the ceremony themselves may suffer. Surely many have heard stories about unsuccessful sessions where objects were flying, the spirit was cursing, or that after the session one of the participants never recovered.

A seance can be held with a saucer, with a pendulum and in other ways. Also part of spiritualism is mediumship, when a medium enters into contact with the spirit. And thanks to his ability to feel and see the world of spirits, a person becomes an intermediary between people and their dead relatives.

But the most ancient and most natural way to communicate with the world of the dead is through shamanic rites. The shaman himself is the person who always makes the connection between the world of people and the world of spirits. And, of course, he sees and hears the souls of the dead. With the help of a shamanic rite, a shaman can:
- communicate with the dead;
- restore, revive and strengthen the family;
- in the same way, the shaman accompanies the souls of the dead to another world, when for some reason they did not find peace and did not go to the world of their ancestors

If the soul of the deceased did not go to another world, but remained in ours, and returned to his loved ones, then most often this brings a lot of inconvenience and destroys the life of the living. When the soul of the deceased is near his relatives in this world, they, feeling his presence, begin to think about him, worry, suffer. The souls of the dead feed on this energy and remain in this world due to it. As a result, a living person suffers, and the soul cannot go to another world.
For example, if the soul of the deceased spouse is next to the widow, then no other man can be near her. He will subconsciously feel that the place near her is occupied.

If something like this happens, then you need to urgently contact the shaman.

In my practice, there was such a case: My student Katerina from the Urals had her husband killed. She was left with two sons, wonderful boys, 4 and 7 years old. At first, Katerina herself was very upset by the loss of her beloved and only man in her life. But thanks to spiritual practices, she quickly coped with a difficult condition. And after a while she discovered that her children began to catch cold constantly. At first I didn’t pay attention, because all children get sick, especially if they went to kindergarten. But one evening I accidentally heard the youngest son talking to the folder by ear. And when I listened, it turned out that the child sees his father and communicates with him. The soul of the deceased father did nothing bad to his son, but through communication the energy of the child flowed to the father, so the boy began to get sick. This story ended well, we performed a shamanic ritual and helped the soul of the deceased husband return to another world. Now the kids don't get sick.

You can also talk to the soul of the deceased through hypnosis. This method is more suitable for people who have not practiced trance states yet, or are afraid, or there is a need for only one-time communication with the soul of the deceased. Of all the types of hypnosis, Gyud hypnosis is the most suitable.

The greatest number of contacts with the other world in ordinary people occurs through a dream. Often a person is afraid of such dreams, and tries not to tell anyone about them. This fear is due to ignorance. It is important to know that dead souls cannot do anything bad to us.
In a dream, a person is safe! But if you want to understand what they are talking about in a dream, then you need to tune in correctly. Before going to bed, place a notebook with a pen by your head. Lying in bed, completely relax, on the inner screen, imagine the face of the ancestor with whom you want to communicate. And imagine it until the feeling of a living presence appears. This means that contact has been established with him. Then formulate a question and ask it mentally, clearly, respectfully, and go to sleep. In the morning, as soon as you wake up, write down the whole dream in detail. Do not put it off until later, the memory of a dream is erased very quickly.

If you want to constantly receive the help of your ancestors, if you feel that you need to work with your family, then you need an amulet. This is a special amulet for communicating with the other world, which protects its owner. The spirit living in it will protect you from other spirits and souls that may try to contact you in the hope of receiving energy.

The book "SECRETS OF THE DEAD" has recently been published - this is the rarest and only work about the world of the dead! This is where you will get the maximum knowledge about the other world.

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