Is it possible to make money on sports betting, how to do it? How to make money on sports betting - step by step instructions How to quickly raise money on bets.


Is it possible to make money on bets?
My experience
Your opinions

I am interested in what place bets occupy in your life, how much time do you devote to this business and do they bring you some kind of regular income? What is it for you: just entertainment, excitement or a source of passive income? In your opinion, is it possible to really make money on bets? And if so, what strategies do you follow, what is their effectiveness?

I hope that there are those who will unsubscribe in the comments below and share their thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, I'll share mine.

Betting I started seriously three and a half years ago. For the first time I became interested in this business in my first years of university, when during important matches of the Champions League some of my classmates came with tickets from bookmakers for these matches and discussed those they had bet on. I was immediately interested in this business, since my specialty is of an intellectual nature, and I was always looking for sources of additional income that can be acquired simply due to my knowledge in a certain area. And additional income was really necessary, since a lot of money was spent on studies and a hostel in the capital, and my family was not wealthy. Therefore, I often asked those who are involved in this to explain to me the rules of betting, the meaning of certain designations in betting lines, but initially everything seemed like a “dark forest”. Before I decided to look into this issue seriously and independently through the Internet.

Very quickly, I began to delve into all the intricacies of the betting industry and it turned out that all the designations in the bookmaker lines are extremely simple and logical. For a long time I had the idea to really try to bet, but I did not dare, because we all know what a stereotypical vision of this kind of occupation in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In this regard, I also had doubts whether it was a scam, or a pumping out of money, because making predictions for matches without making bets, everything went so well and it seemed to me that everyone can easily win a lot of money from a bookmaker. However, if everything is so simple, then why have I never heard of many people doing this and having a permanent income from bets.

So I put it off for a long time, but one fine day I decided to put my first 100 hryvnias into the online bookmaker and place a bet with a coefficient close to two. Well, as they say, beginners are always lucky, and the first bet turned out to be winning, but it ended with a big "validol". This raised a lot of hope in me. The next couple of bets also passed, but then one by one the bets began to fall off, often in matches the teams began to present surprises. It turned out that it is easier to guess events when you do not place bets, but when you do something, something seems to go wrong on purpose. At that moment, you realize that luck is one of the key success factors in betting, and since I am not lucky in life in winning matters, the idea of ​​​​taking up this hobby began to disappear. In addition, through a series of victories and defeats, I successfully lost my first deposit.

That day I decided that it was a bad idea and I should forget about it. However, in my head I keep thinking about what went wrong, where I miscalculated and which betting option has the best chance of winning. I stopped betting, after which all my predictions for matches began to come true again, which annoyed me pretty much, because without making a bet, I was missing out on a good profit. This thought haunted me.

While I was debating whether I should try betting again, I began to devote more time to watching matches of different European clubs, since before that I was not an avid football fan. I have always had favorite teams or players in any sport, so I always watched only matches with their participation, rooting for my own, but did not pay enough attention to others, which is unacceptable in the world of betting, because when betting on a game, you need to know the level, potential , players and uniforms of the opposing team. Initially, I bet on those clubs for which I supported and knew, not on purpose, of course, I just didn’t know the possibilities of other teams. Even then, it became clear to me that this was the wrong approach, the same as betting only on your favorite teams. I have always been objective and balanced in all matters, I have never succumbed to excitement. I knew my purpose of betting and tried to find an approach that would bring positive results. For this, you had to study.

I started following all football clubs in the top Premier Leagues, and in some leagues some teams in the lower divisions as well. He also tried to delve into tennis and basketball. I read forecasts and analyzes of sports experts, began to capture the strengths and weaknesses of certain teams, get acquainted with football players with great potential, their skills and the potential of their contribution to the development of their club's game.

Watching the matches was not enough, as I understood the importance of developing my own betting strategy, so I started reading articles by well-known handicappers on the principles and discipline of betting, as well as getting acquainted with various betting strategies. I did one of the most important actions, which is the key in any lesson - I thoroughly mastered the information.

While I was doing informatization, I started betting again, trying various strategies that I managed to find out on the net. Each of them has a place to exist, each can be profitable in a certain segment. I tried completely different bets: on totals, on outcomes, with odds, special offers. Unfortunately, every strategy and style of betting at one point is overtaken by a crisis. And you, having suffered a significant series of defeats, do not see any other way how to move on to a different strategy. So I went from one to the other, to the third, fourth, and again returned to the original. Then I realized that there is no perfect strategy that would work like clockwork and really bring a constant income.

During these one and a half or two years, I won, lost, withdrawing small winnings (as I bet insignificant amounts), which allowed me to make some additional purchases (which created a positive effect from betting); however, then he made new deposits, started all over again, and as such there was no “big win” effect. Initially, I didn’t look for it, I thought, thanks to the rates, to earn an extra hundred or two for simple daily needs. However, over time, I wanted more, but the analysis of wins and losses over the years when calculating showed that I was actually in the red. The minus was small (about 1-1.5 thousand hryvnias), which did not upset me, because, in my opinion, for acquiring any experience you will pay your price one way or another, and mine turned out to be not so big. At the same time, I understood that the final indicator is a minus in the distance, so it would not work to build passive additional income from betting. I had to accept this fact and look for other ways.

The need for passive independent income increased at the moment when I set myself a new high goal, for the achievement of which a lot of funds are needed, which no salary today (taking into account all monthly living expenses and needs) is able to provide. In this regard, I tried to look for new schemes and ways of making such an income, which in the end did not suit me, but played a role in the approach to betting and its perception.

The motivation that came from outside also played an important role in returning to betting. From everything that I read and watch, I always try to take something useful or motivating. I also get a lot of interesting thoughts from feature films, which are often based on real events, and film various options for earning income in a short time.

So, in one of the coolest movie "On the Edge" I caught the phrase of one of the characters, which sounded something like this “... I love my country for the fact that here everything that I had and lost, I can always return in double the amount ...” Something like that. And this idea just settled in my thoughts.

I immediately drew an analogy with betting. Indeed, in the line for any match there are always good bets with a coefficient of 2 or close to it. This prompted me to divide my bank into several parts and play on principle of compensation. That is, if I lose my fixed bet, then I make the next one with odds. 2, but the size of the bet must be twice as much as the amount lost. Thus, in case of winning a new bet, you return the amount that you lost, and besides, you still get a plus exactly as much as the size of the first lost bet was equal to. This strategy turned out to be pretty good, but soon I merged my entire bank when the “black streak” came (which happens always and for everyone). And so, after 4 losses in a row, I simply did not have enough money for a new bet with compensation for the lost. As a result, I had to shelve this strategy.

At the same time, it is quite wealthy and profitable, but for this you need to have a lot of funds available, then you can guarantee that you will not only not lose your invested funds, but also significantly increase them. I think this strategy is ideal for wealthy people.

Significant and most motivating for the formation of a new approach to betting for me was film "Focus" , namely the scene on the football field where the smart and prudent hero of Will Smith makes bets against an avid gambler (Chinese rich man, businessman) and loses all the time. He raises the stakes until he hits the big jackpot (winning everything he had + everything the Chinese bet). Thus, Will Smith doubled, it seems, the 1.2 million he had. And despite the fact that the last winning bet was a set-up, when asked by his companion what he would do if he didn’t win this time, he replies that he would double to win.

This moment, the thoughts and logic of the protagonist made me pay special attention to the study of the theory of probability in the field of betting. As much as you don't want to, you won't lose all the time. And if you decide what to bet on, then you need to calculate the percentage probability of a certain event in the match.

Many other films and literature on similar topics have helped shape basic principles of betting . They are: excellent awareness in a particular sport; discipline; lack of excitement; calmness and patience; development of competent bank management (which will leave only 10% chances that the bank will be merged); fixed rate; ban on All-in bets; focus on profit at a distance; calculation of the probability of entering a bet (chances) and the feasibility of its application; application of statistics.

Only by adhering to these principles do I really slowly but surely make a profit from sports betting.

Successful betting does not allow you to take into account only your own awareness in a certain sport, in a team, etc. Also taken into account need to include statistics , which works, perhaps, more often than any information on the upcoming match. In addition, you need take into account modern trends and team motivations , and evaluate the chances of the realization of an event . AND all these elements inseparable, their must be evaluated in symbiosis , since the assessment on one parameter makes your choice vulnerable.

For example, you may know that Barcelona is one of the top teams in the world, it has star players (Messi, Neymar, Suarez, etc.), and you once followed the games of this team and thought that she has no equal, but a year later, waiting for the second leg of the Champions League between Barca and Juventus, you bet on the victory of the Catalans and at least two goals scored, at the same time wondering why the bookmaker gives such big money for these events coefficients. Based on your available information, you are missing out on statistics that indicate that the team is currently in a conversion crisis, that Barça failed to score against Juventus in the first leg, and that the opposition is in great shape and shows the best defensive play this year. By omitting statistics and current trends, you are deliberately miscalculating the chances of the team you are going to bet on.

Based on probability theory, I chose main position for your bets . I very rarely bet on team wins, and even more often on winning with a handicap (0), because I think that any game is unpredictable, the ball is round, the field is green, and you never know how the game scenario will turn: in the last seconds, the opponent can to snatch a draw, or a red card can confuse the whole mood and plans of the team for the game. In those matches where the winner is almost always clear, the odds are so small that they do not allow you to bet, and where they are high, the probability that the team will not win is high.

On bets Total Under (TM) I never bet either, because practice shows that if I bet on TM in a match, where logically and with all the analysis there should not be more than 2-3 goals (as in the Premier League), as luck would have it, they stuff a full basket.

For this reason, my choice fell on betting on goals and individual totals . I consider it the most rational bet, since the essence of a football match is that if a team wants to win and take three points, it must score. The whole point of football is to score more goals than your opponent. In connection with the above, bets on goals look the most rational.

When betting on the line, I pay attention to matches where good odds are given on the goals of the teams that are most likely in a particular confrontation. If the odds on the team's goal are too low, then I often take the "over (1)" bet, if I think that the team will definitely be able to score a goal, but is able to score more. Often, bets on such events are given when more or less equal opponents meet and the odds for winning one fluctuate around 2, and the second 3-3.40. If you have a good understanding of the team's abilities, the skill of its key players and the form at the moment, then such bets always turn out to be profitable, especially if you include several of these in an accumulator.

So, in my opinion, the bet on more than one Real Madrid goal in the Champions League final against Juventus was valuable. The coefficient was 1.70. I was sure that Real Madrid would definitely score their one goal, because the team scored in every match in a year and more than once. The deterrent was the fact that Barça could not score a goal against Juventus in two matches, however, although I support Real Madrid, I am always extremely objective in terms of betting, so I understood that the current Barça does not managed to score, because the team is lost under the constant pressure of the opponent, they do not know how to play second number, so the opposition of Juve has borne fruit and dispersed the opponent. And to be frank, in my opinion, Barcelona is a team of one great player who, with solid resistance, can only hope to win if their great player performs a miracle, bypasses all the defense and scores a goal on a “blue platter”.

Real Madrid is first and foremost a team, despite Cristiano Ronaldo's big role in it. For half of the season, he was not noticeable, for which he again fell under criticism, but his team is currently so well-coordinated and each of the players is so skilled that they calmly and confidently won without him. Sometimes playing with the reserve squad, the results of the team were even better. Thus, I had every reason to expect Real Madrid to score against Juventus. If Ronaldo had not done this, just anyone could have done it: Marcelo, and Benzema, and Modric, and Isco, and Hames, and Vazquez, and Ramos, and Asensio (which he did), and others. This is due to the high individual skill of each of the players of this club, ingenuity in attack, and most importantly, the lack of fear of playing second in the match in order to lull the opponent’s vigilance and “shoot” at a moment when no one expects.

As we all know, my assessment of this bet was more than justified.

In addition to pre-match bets on the line, I consider it very profitable live betting . They come, probably, more often than the pre-match ones. In live, you can catch bets on the goals of favorite teams that lose during the match, and the odds for their goal increase, or bet in the second half on another goal scored, if there are all the prerequisites for this.

All my bets start at odds of 1.50, otherwise they are simply not viable for accumulating profits. Each rate must be fixed, no more than 10% of the available Bank. No bet, no matter how hard or hard it is, is worth going all-in. As soon as you make such a bet, it does not go through in a mean way. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the correct bank management is the basic rule of any earnings.

Having formed all the basic principles and rules of my betting, I decided to apply to them the approach and attitude that I mentioned earlier.

I identified sports betting with trading on stock exchanges on which brokers successfully earn. As here, on the stock exchanges, bets are made on the increase or decrease in the value of shares, goods or currencies. In turn, exchanges seem much more complex and unpredictable, since certain global or smaller events in the world of economics, politics and corporate management can influence the fall or rise in the rate. However, none of the courses that go down at a distance does not guarantee that at one fine moment, just when your bet expires, it will not decide, for unknown reasons, to jump for a couple of seconds, and then continue its fall. In this regard, I consider betting a more predictable, predictable and expedient investment.

Next, I came across an article by one person who suggested a way to accumulate the required amount (up to a million) by monthly setting aside insignificant amounts in your savings account at interest. The analysis of his method seemed to me very good, safe and rational, but unbearably difficult and lengthy. To achieve your goal, you had to postpone for many, many years. In addition, this method did not take into account the fact that at the level of our living and salaries, at which one salary is not enough for a month, the idea of ​​​​saving will end sooner or later at the first shortage of money, difficulties, etc. However, the very idea and direction seemed right to me. Based on it, I came to check whether my bank in the BC office can function according to principle of "Deposit".

For this purpose, I have analogy with a real bank deposit.

Let's say I make a deposit to a bank account in the amount of 10, 20 or 100 thousand rubles. The amount is not important at the moment, for clarity I will take 10,000 rubles. The bank opens deposits from 10% to 25% per annum (approximately) for the amount of the deposit. Thus, if you invested 10,000 r. at 25% per annum, then in a year you will receive only 12,500 rubles, or if this is a deposit for three months, then from 3% to 7% of the deposit. Your benefit looks meager, even if you invested one hundred thousand rubles in relation to your contribution, and financially it does not bring you any income.

By the same principle, I decided to conduct an experiment and invest 10,000 rubles. to the BC account (conditional), set a goal for myself and check how long it will take me to achieve it with accurate bets according to my strategy, and whether I will succeed at all. The main rule was not to withdraw funds from the account until the end goal was reached or until the failure, similar to a bank deposit.

Bets on the principle of "Deposit".

Type of bets: line + live.
Odds: 1.5 to 2.5 (on average).
Initial bet amount: 1000 rubles (10% of the bank).
Pot size target: 100,000 rubles.
Number of bets per day: from 1 to 7.

In the first month of betting, I made bets in the amount of 1000 rubles. The average betting odds were 1.7-1.8. As a result, given that during this period there were both a series of winnings and not very successful betting days, in exactly one month my initial bank increased by 120%, I already had 22,000 rubles (with kopecks) in my account.

When the bank reached 30,000 rubles, I increased the fixed rate to 2,000 rubles, which was already less than 10%. I didn't want to raise it to 10 percent, so that there would be more chances not to drain the bank and go by age. As for me, it is better to go slowly, but without fear of burning out. As a result, somewhere at the level of 50,000 rubles in the bank, I raised the amount of the fixed rate to 3,000 rubles and set this rate to the flesh until I reached my goal - 100,000 rubles (that is, the size of the fixed rate was 4-5% of the bank.

Thus, making bets according to my clear rules and system, I managed to increase my initial bank by 1000% in 3 months and a few days. Which bank will offer you this? Yes, it takes a lot of patience and discipline, but this format can really help you save up a substantial amount in just one year. And our goals and dreams, I think, are worth putting some 10,000 rubles aside for one year.

According to my calculations for the year it is possible to reach the mark of more than 1 million.

After conducting many such experiments, I am still inclined to argue that sports betting, with the right approach and self-control, can be a full-fledged source of income. Moreover, they can become the basis of your financial independence, but for this you need to devote a couple of years to this. Although in this matter it all depends on the size of your initial bank. The bigger the pot you start with, the faster and bigger your profit will look.

Personally, I do not yet have an alternative honest way of passive income that could fulfill my goals and needs.

An ordered betting system, with rational planning and management, can actually make money bring money;)

These are MY thoughts on the subject under discussion.

I posted this article here because there are a lot of people on the Intelbet site who have much more experience in betting, and I would like to hear exactly their thoughts on whether it is really possible to make money on bets or is it just fun. If you have any examples from your own experience and life, do not be afraid to share and comment. I need to know the opinion of people who have devoted themselves to this field for many years.

Thank you all for your attention! I hope at least someone will share their thoughts.

Risking everything to become richer - would you be able to dare? Gambling people are willing to spend some money to try their luck, but lotteries are not the only option. You can start betting on the Internet with a small amount. Who knows, maybe you will add to the list of lucky ones.

It is real to make money on bets without investments, as there are services that offer different bonuses. In addition, part-time work on the network is always available, due to which it is easy to raise start-up capital. It is better to risk the free money that you collect through networking than to get it out of your pocket.

Sports betting without investment

It is impossible to make money by betting without analyzing matches and making predictions. Be sure to read. There are several important points that beginners forget about. Remember that you are registering on bookmaker sites solely to receive money, and not for the sake of excitement.

Also learn more about . The article tells about surebets, and also presents the best bookmakers. Learn to predict the results of games, the only way to achieve stability.

To start without starting capital, as already mentioned, you can use. In addition, collect no deposit bonuses on the websites of the following bookmakers:

  1. Sportingbet – €400 free bet per registration.
  2. 1xBet - complete the task every day on the main page and get prizes.
  3. Exbinog - up to 120 Euro for each new client.
  4. EuropaBet - all beginners get $5 on their balance.
  5. BetFair - 20 Euro for each new client.

Unexpected events constantly occur in sports, outsiders win and favorites lose, so even professionals sometimes fail to make the right prediction. The business is very risky, and the profitability is so low that it simply does not make sense to risk your money.

Profitable Forex bets

Where exactly the risks are justified is in binary options. Bets are placed on the movement of exchange rates and prices of stocks, futures, commodities and other assets. Making them is also simple, and you don’t have to wait long for the result. You can bet that in 5 minutes Google stock will fall in price or gold will rise in price.

You need to open such rates on the websites of brokers, and the most popular of them is. The company offers a user-friendly interface, many assets and the opportunity to earn on bets without investment. Beginners participate in the promotion and can open 9 options (1000 rubles each) for free:

This opportunity should not be missed, especially since a bonus will also be credited for making a deposit (its size depends on the amount). To open an option, you need to select an asset, specify the amount, time and direction of the chart:

As you can see, the Euro/Dollar currency pair is selected, and the chart shows how quotes change. For example, 1000 rubles were bet on the fact that the indicator will rise up in 5 minutes:

Why was money put on this particular option? A strategy was applied, indicators helped to determine what changes should take place. The probability of winning was high, the bet played and brought 850 rubles of net profit:

You can make at least 50 bets per hour (you can open parallel options). If at least 30 of them turn out to be winning, the profit will be significant. Starting capital decides a lot here, because the higher the bet, the more solid the profit. The most important thing is not to rely on luck, but to conduct a cold calculation, taking into account various tips and signals.

It’s hard to make money on bets without investments, so it’s better to work online first and collect the necessary amount. In parallel with this, learn to trade or analyze sports events. Alternatively, use , find useful articles on the web and rewrite them in your own words. This makes learning much more efficient, and you will quickly collect start-up capital.

Is it possible to make money on bets?
My experience
Your opinions

I am interested in what place bets occupy in your life, how much time do you devote to this business and do they bring you some kind of regular income? What is it for you: just entertainment, excitement or a source of passive income? In your opinion, is it possible to really make money on bets? And if so, what strategies do you follow, what is their effectiveness?

I hope that there are those who will unsubscribe in the comments below and share their thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, I'll share mine.

Betting I started seriously three and a half years ago. For the first time I became interested in this business in my first years of university, when during important matches of the Champions League some of my classmates came with tickets from bookmakers for these matches and discussed those they had bet on. I was immediately interested in this business, since my specialty is of an intellectual nature, and I was always looking for sources of additional income that can be acquired simply due to my knowledge in a certain area. And additional income was really necessary, since a lot of money was spent on studies and a hostel in the capital, and my family was not wealthy. Therefore, I often asked those who are involved in this to explain to me the rules of betting, the meaning of certain designations in betting lines, but initially everything seemed like a “dark forest”. Before I decided to look into this issue seriously and independently through the Internet.

Very quickly, I began to delve into all the intricacies of the betting industry and it turned out that all the designations in the bookmaker lines are extremely simple and logical. For a long time I had the idea to really try to bet, but I did not dare, because we all know what a stereotypical vision of this kind of occupation in the countries of the post-Soviet space. In this regard, I also had doubts whether it was a scam, or a pumping out of money, because making predictions for matches without making bets, everything went so well and it seemed to me that everyone can easily win a lot of money from a bookmaker. However, if everything is so simple, then why have I never heard of many people doing this and having a permanent income from bets.

So I put it off for a long time, but one fine day I decided to put my first 100 hryvnias into the online bookmaker and place a bet with a coefficient close to two. Well, as they say, beginners are always lucky, and the first bet turned out to be winning, but it ended with a big "validol". This raised a lot of hope in me. The next couple of bets also passed, but then one by one the bets began to fall off, often in matches the teams began to present surprises. It turned out that it is easier to guess events when you do not place bets, but when you do something, something seems to go wrong on purpose. At that moment, you realize that luck is one of the key success factors in betting, and since I am not lucky in life in winning matters, the idea of ​​​​taking up this hobby began to disappear. In addition, through a series of victories and defeats, I successfully lost my first deposit.

That day I decided that it was a bad idea and I should forget about it. However, in my head I keep thinking about what went wrong, where I miscalculated and which betting option has the best chance of winning. I stopped betting, after which all my predictions for matches began to come true again, which annoyed me pretty much, because without making a bet, I was missing out on a good profit. This thought haunted me.

While I was debating whether I should try betting again, I began to devote more time to watching matches of different European clubs, since before that I was not an avid football fan. I have always had favorite teams or players in any sport, so I always watched only matches with their participation, rooting for my own, but did not pay enough attention to others, which is unacceptable in the world of betting, because when betting on a game, you need to know the level, potential , players and uniforms of the opposing team. Initially, I bet on those clubs for which I supported and knew, not on purpose, of course, I just didn’t know the possibilities of other teams. Even then, it became clear to me that this was the wrong approach, the same as betting only on your favorite teams. I have always been objective and balanced in all matters, I have never succumbed to excitement. I knew my purpose of betting and tried to find an approach that would bring positive results. For this, you had to study.

I started following all football clubs in the top Premier Leagues, and in some leagues some teams in the lower divisions as well. He also tried to delve into tennis and basketball. I read forecasts and analyzes of sports experts, began to capture the strengths and weaknesses of certain teams, get acquainted with football players with great potential, their skills and the potential of their contribution to the development of their club's game.

Watching the matches was not enough, as I understood the importance of developing my own betting strategy, so I started reading articles by well-known handicappers on the principles and discipline of betting, as well as getting acquainted with various betting strategies. I did one of the most important actions, which is the key in any lesson - I thoroughly mastered the information.

While I was doing informatization, I started betting again, trying various strategies that I managed to find out on the net. Each of them has a place to exist, each can be profitable in a certain segment. I tried completely different bets: on totals, on outcomes, with odds, special offers. Unfortunately, every strategy and style of betting at one point is overtaken by a crisis. And you, having suffered a significant series of defeats, do not see any other way how to move on to a different strategy. So I went from one to the other, to the third, fourth, and again returned to the original. Then I realized that there is no perfect strategy that would work like clockwork and really bring a constant income.

During these one and a half or two years, I won, lost, withdrawing small winnings (as I bet insignificant amounts), which allowed me to make some additional purchases (which created a positive effect from betting); however, then he made new deposits, started all over again, and as such there was no “big win” effect. Initially, I didn’t look for it, I thought, thanks to the rates, to earn an extra hundred or two for simple daily needs. However, over time, I wanted more, but the analysis of wins and losses over the years when calculating showed that I was actually in the red. The minus was small (about 1-1.5 thousand hryvnias), which did not upset me, because, in my opinion, for acquiring any experience you will pay your price one way or another, and mine turned out to be not so big. At the same time, I understood that the final indicator is a minus in the distance, so it would not work to build passive additional income from betting. I had to accept this fact and look for other ways.

The need for passive independent income increased at the moment when I set myself a new high goal, for the achievement of which a lot of funds are needed, which no salary today (taking into account all monthly living expenses and needs) is able to provide. In this regard, I tried to look for new schemes and ways of making such an income, which in the end did not suit me, but played a role in the approach to betting and its perception.

The motivation that came from outside also played an important role in returning to betting. From everything that I read and watch, I always try to take something useful or motivating. I also get a lot of interesting thoughts from feature films, which are often based on real events, and film various options for earning income in a short time.

So, in one of the coolest movie "On the Edge" I caught the phrase of one of the characters, which sounded something like this “... I love my country for the fact that here everything that I had and lost, I can always return in double the amount ...” Something like that. And this idea just settled in my thoughts.

I immediately drew an analogy with betting. Indeed, in the line for any match there are always good bets with a coefficient of 2 or close to it. This prompted me to divide my bank into several parts and play on principle of compensation. That is, if I lose my fixed bet, then I make the next one with odds. 2, but the size of the bet must be twice as much as the amount lost. Thus, in case of winning a new bet, you return the amount that you lost, and besides, you still get a plus exactly as much as the size of the first lost bet was equal to. This strategy turned out to be pretty good, but soon I merged my entire bank when the “black streak” came (which happens always and for everyone). And so, after 4 losses in a row, I simply did not have enough money for a new bet with compensation for the lost. As a result, I had to shelve this strategy.

At the same time, it is quite wealthy and profitable, but for this you need to have a lot of funds available, then you can guarantee that you will not only not lose your invested funds, but also significantly increase them. I think this strategy is ideal for wealthy people.

Significant and most motivating for the formation of a new approach to betting for me was film "Focus" , namely the scene on the football field where the smart and prudent hero of Will Smith makes bets against an avid gambler (Chinese rich man, businessman) and loses all the time. He raises the stakes until he hits the big jackpot (winning everything he had + everything the Chinese bet). Thus, Will Smith doubled, it seems, the 1.2 million he had. And despite the fact that the last winning bet was a set-up, when asked by his companion what he would do if he didn’t win this time, he replies that he would double to win.

This moment, the thoughts and logic of the protagonist made me pay special attention to the study of the theory of probability in the field of betting. As much as you don't want to, you won't lose all the time. And if you decide what to bet on, then you need to calculate the percentage probability of a certain event in the match.

Many other films and literature on similar topics have helped shape basic principles of betting . They are: excellent awareness in a particular sport; discipline; lack of excitement; calmness and patience; development of competent bank management (which will leave only 10% chances that the bank will be merged); fixed rate; ban on All-in bets; focus on profit at a distance; calculation of the probability of entering a bet (chances) and the feasibility of its application; application of statistics.

Only by adhering to these principles do I really slowly but surely make a profit from sports betting.

Successful betting does not allow you to take into account only your own awareness in a certain sport, in a team, etc. Also taken into account need to include statistics , which works, perhaps, more often than any information on the upcoming match. In addition, you need take into account modern trends and team motivations , and evaluate the chances of the realization of an event . AND all these elements inseparable, their must be evaluated in symbiosis , since the assessment on one parameter makes your choice vulnerable.

For example, you may know that Barcelona is one of the top teams in the world, it has star players (Messi, Neymar, Suarez, etc.), and you once followed the games of this team and thought that she has no equal, but a year later, waiting for the second leg of the Champions League between Barca and Juventus, you bet on the victory of the Catalans and at least two goals scored, at the same time wondering why the bookmaker gives such big money for these events coefficients. Based on your available information, you are missing out on statistics that indicate that the team is currently in a conversion crisis, that Barça failed to score against Juventus in the first leg, and that the opposition is in great shape and shows the best defensive play this year. By omitting statistics and current trends, you are deliberately miscalculating the chances of the team you are going to bet on.

Based on probability theory, I chose main position for your bets . I very rarely bet on team wins, and even more often on winning with a handicap (0), because I think that any game is unpredictable, the ball is round, the field is green, and you never know how the game scenario will turn: in the last seconds, the opponent can to snatch a draw, or a red card can confuse the whole mood and plans of the team for the game. In those matches where the winner is almost always clear, the odds are so small that they do not allow you to bet, and where they are high, the probability that the team will not win is high.

On bets Total Under (TM) I never bet either, because practice shows that if I bet on TM in a match, where logically and with all the analysis there should not be more than 2-3 goals (as in the Premier League), as luck would have it, they stuff a full basket.

For this reason, my choice fell on betting on goals and individual totals . I consider it the most rational bet, since the essence of a football match is that if a team wants to win and take three points, it must score. The whole point of football is to score more goals than your opponent. In connection with the above, bets on goals look the most rational.

When betting on the line, I pay attention to matches where good odds are given on the goals of the teams that are most likely in a particular confrontation. If the odds on the team's goal are too low, then I often take the "over (1)" bet, if I think that the team will definitely be able to score a goal, but is able to score more. Often, bets on such events are given when more or less equal opponents meet and the odds for winning one fluctuate around 2, and the second 3-3.40. If you have a good understanding of the team's abilities, the skill of its key players and the form at the moment, then such bets always turn out to be profitable, especially if you include several of these in an accumulator.

So, in my opinion, the bet on more than one Real Madrid goal in the Champions League final against Juventus was valuable. The coefficient was 1.70. I was sure that Real Madrid would definitely score their one goal, because the team scored in every match in a year and more than once. The deterrent was the fact that Barça could not score a goal against Juventus in two matches, however, although I support Real Madrid, I am always extremely objective in terms of betting, so I understood that the current Barça does not managed to score, because the team is lost under the constant pressure of the opponent, they do not know how to play second number, so the opposition of Juve has borne fruit and dispersed the opponent. And to be frank, in my opinion, Barcelona is a team of one great player who, with solid resistance, can only hope to win if their great player performs a miracle, bypasses all the defense and scores a goal on a “blue platter”.

Real Madrid is first and foremost a team, despite Cristiano Ronaldo's big role in it. For half of the season, he was not noticeable, for which he again fell under criticism, but his team is currently so well-coordinated and each of the players is so skilled that they calmly and confidently won without him. Sometimes playing with the reserve squad, the results of the team were even better. Thus, I had every reason to expect Real Madrid to score against Juventus. If Ronaldo had not done this, just anyone could have done it: Marcelo, and Benzema, and Modric, and Isco, and Hames, and Vazquez, and Ramos, and Asensio (which he did), and others. This is due to the high individual skill of each of the players of this club, ingenuity in attack, and most importantly, the lack of fear of playing second in the match in order to lull the opponent’s vigilance and “shoot” at a moment when no one expects.

As we all know, my assessment of this bet was more than justified.

In addition to pre-match bets on the line, I consider it very profitable live betting . They come, probably, more often than the pre-match ones. In live, you can catch bets on the goals of favorite teams that lose during the match, and the odds for their goal increase, or bet in the second half on another goal scored, if there are all the prerequisites for this.

All my bets start at odds of 1.50, otherwise they are simply not viable for accumulating profits. Each rate must be fixed, no more than 10% of the available Bank. No bet, no matter how hard or hard it is, is worth going all-in. As soon as you make such a bet, it does not go through in a mean way. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the correct bank management is the basic rule of any earnings.

Having formed all the basic principles and rules of my betting, I decided to apply to them the approach and attitude that I mentioned earlier.

I identified sports betting with trading on stock exchanges on which brokers successfully earn. As here, on the stock exchanges, bets are made on the increase or decrease in the value of shares, goods or currencies. In turn, exchanges seem much more complex and unpredictable, since certain global or smaller events in the world of economics, politics and corporate management can influence the fall or rise in the rate. However, none of the courses that go down at a distance does not guarantee that at one fine moment, just when your bet expires, it will not decide, for unknown reasons, to jump for a couple of seconds, and then continue its fall. In this regard, I consider betting a more predictable, predictable and expedient investment.

Next, I came across an article by one person who suggested a way to accumulate the required amount (up to a million) by monthly setting aside insignificant amounts in your savings account at interest. The analysis of his method seemed to me very good, safe and rational, but unbearably difficult and lengthy. To achieve your goal, you had to postpone for many, many years. In addition, this method did not take into account the fact that at the level of our living and salaries, at which one salary is not enough for a month, the idea of ​​​​saving will end sooner or later at the first shortage of money, difficulties, etc. However, the very idea and direction seemed right to me. Based on it, I came to check whether my bank in the BC office can function according to principle of "Deposit".

For this purpose, I have analogy with a real bank deposit.

Let's say I make a deposit to a bank account in the amount of 10, 20 or 100 thousand rubles. The amount is not important at the moment, for clarity I will take 10,000 rubles. The bank opens deposits from 10% to 25% per annum (approximately) for the amount of the deposit. Thus, if you invested 10,000 r. at 25% per annum, then in a year you will receive only 12,500 rubles, or if this is a deposit for three months, then from 3% to 7% of the deposit. Your benefit looks meager, even if you invested one hundred thousand rubles in relation to your contribution, and financially it does not bring you any income.

By the same principle, I decided to conduct an experiment and invest 10,000 rubles. to the BC account (conditional), set a goal for myself and check how long it will take me to achieve it with accurate bets according to my strategy, and whether I will succeed at all. The main rule was not to withdraw funds from the account until the end goal was reached or until the failure, similar to a bank deposit.

Bets on the principle of "Deposit".

Type of bets: line + live.
Odds: 1.5 to 2.5 (on average).
Initial bet amount: 1000 rubles (10% of the bank).
Pot size target: 100,000 rubles.
Number of bets per day: from 1 to 7.

In the first month of betting, I made bets in the amount of 1000 rubles. The average betting odds were 1.7-1.8. As a result, given that during this period there were both a series of winnings and not very successful betting days, in exactly one month my initial bank increased by 120%, I already had 22,000 rubles (with kopecks) in my account.

When the bank reached 30,000 rubles, I increased the fixed rate to 2,000 rubles, which was already less than 10%. I didn't want to raise it to 10 percent, so that there would be more chances not to drain the bank and go by age. As for me, it is better to go slowly, but without fear of burning out. As a result, somewhere at the level of 50,000 rubles in the bank, I raised the amount of the fixed rate to 3,000 rubles and set this rate to the flesh until I reached my goal - 100,000 rubles (that is, the size of the fixed rate was 4-5% of the bank.

Thus, making bets according to my clear rules and system, I managed to increase my initial bank by 1000% in 3 months and a few days. Which bank will offer you this? Yes, it takes a lot of patience and discipline, but this format can really help you save up a substantial amount in just one year. And our goals and dreams, I think, are worth putting some 10,000 rubles aside for one year.

According to my calculations for the year it is possible to reach the mark of more than 1 million.

After conducting many such experiments, I am still inclined to argue that sports betting, with the right approach and self-control, can be a full-fledged source of income. Moreover, they can become the basis of your financial independence, but for this you need to devote a couple of years to this. Although in this matter it all depends on the size of your initial bank. The bigger the pot you start with, the faster and bigger your profit will look.

Personally, I do not yet have an alternative honest way of passive income that could fulfill my goals and needs.

An ordered betting system, with rational planning and management, can actually make money bring money;)

These are MY thoughts on the subject under discussion.

I posted this article here because there are a lot of people on the Intelbet site who have much more experience in betting, and I would like to hear exactly their thoughts on whether it is really possible to make money on bets or is it just fun. If you have any examples from your own experience and life, do not be afraid to share and comment. I need to know the opinion of people who have devoted themselves to this field for many years.

Thank you all for your attention! I hope at least someone will share their thoughts.

Everyone who has ever bet on sports hoped to win! Of course, not everyone succeeded, someone won, and someone lost, but there were always those who won more often than others. As a rule, people who win at bookmakers with enviable constancy already know one secret.
The secret of how to beat the bookmaker, the secret that I will tell you today!

To do this, you only need:

  • - access to the Internet;
  • - a couple of hours of free time, every day;
  • - patience and attentiveness;
  • - little knowledge in sports and in football in particular.
The highest football odds + fast payouts + 4,000 rubles bonus! Reliable BC. Register!

Any of you can earn $5,000 monthly!

Why did I decide to tell you about this?

How to make money on sports betting? What exactly do I earn? What will be discussed?

I have been following the events on the football fields of Europe and the world for a long time. And I can't imagine my life without this sport! I live it and enjoy matches both day and night.

Surely each of you at least once was asked the question: “You often watch football matches, but what do you get from it? After all, your hobby takes a lot of time, but there is no return on it!” Previously, like everyone else, I could only answer that I enjoy the process and simply relax. And then one day I thought, is it possible to get something else from watching football matches, except for pleasure ...?
After much deliberation, I came to the conclusion that thanks to my passion and knowledge in the field of football, I can earn good money by betting in bookmakers on the Internet.

How can you make money on sports betting (football)? The answer to this question is very simple. All of you know that football is an impressive industry, most of which is occupied by bookmakers, which actually help me to get a stable income on the Internet.

To begin with, I tried many different options for the game, but in the beginning, apart from pleasure, I did not receive any profit. But, soon, I was able to come up with something that brings me money every day, bringing my monthly earnings to tens of thousands of dollars.

Good money with minimal risk!

What exactly needs to be done to make money on sports betting? I want to tell you about the accumulator bet (or how to call it correctly - the combined bet) and how to earn large sums of money on it. To do this, you need to select several games in any bookmaker's office. For example, let's take the group stage matches of the European Championship 2012: England-France and Ukraine-Sweden. Let's take two victories - the British and Ukrainians. The odds for these events are 3.2 and 2.5, respectively. We put an express, at which these coefficients are multiplied. As a result, we get the final coefficient equal to 8.0. By betting only 5 dollars, in the case of two successful outcomes, we will get a win of 40 dollars, that is, a net profit of 35 dollars! And if one of the matches does not work, do not be discouraged. Choose two more eligible matches with similar quotes and bet $5 again and this time you will definitely get lucky.
The winnings will fully cover all the costs of betting, and we will reach a net profit at the same odds of $30 ($40 - $10), which is very good.

And imagine what kind of winnings you can get if you bet on an express bet not from two, but from three or four events. Let's take two more matches of the European championship: the Czech Republic-Greece and Russia-Poland. Let's bet on two wins - the Czechs for 2.4 and the Russians for 2.1. Multiply these coefficients by 8.0 and get a total coefficient of 40.32. This means that a $5 bet will give you a net win of $201.6.

After my first such bet passed, I decided that wiping my pants in the office for a meager salary was not for me. Now I earn my previous monthly salary in one day!

Where to start? Detailed action plan.

  • First step. To get started, go through a completely simple registration in bk. By choosing the best bookmaker, you can be sure that you will never run into payout problems. Remember, there are a lot of unscrupulous bookmakers.
  • Second step. Get acquainted with the work of the site, look through all the sections and learn about promotions (because sportingbet gives bonuses for winning accumulators, and this is additional income).

By registering with sportingbet, you can start receiving winnings today! To do this, make an initial deposit to your personal account and start implementing my method!

How to choose the right match?

Go to the menu of the bookmaker's website, where they give quotes for upcoming matches and select the championship in which you are well versed. I will now tell you how to specifically choose a game from this list.

How to make safe bets on sports? And how to put money on football?

Now I will reveal my secret. All the matches above have been shown to you only so that you can appreciate the scope of my method and the possibility of really big winnings.

Matches must be selected as follows - first of all, you need to figure out what a coefficient is? This is the multiplier, thanks to which you will receive a win after the event you have chosen ends with the desired outcome.
For example, you can take a match with such quotes as 1.45 for the victory of the first team and 6.1 for the victory of the second. Everyone who makes a bet on the victory of the first - $100, will receive a prize - $145, and if they bet on the victory of the second - $610.
And here it is necessary to decide what to bet on, on the victory of the first team or on the victory of the second team? Thanks to my extensive experience in sports betting, I was able to deduce the three most important rules that I suggest everyone use.

Three golden rules of win-win bets!

  1. It is ALWAYS necessary to bet on the team for which they give a lower odds, in no case should it exceed 1.55. Keep in mind that the lower the odds, the more reliable your bet will be!
  2. ALWAYS the odds for the other team should be several times higher. It should not be lower than 3.0 in any way. The higher the ratio, the better.
  3. NEVER place a bet if it doesn't fit either the first or second rule!

Why do you need to do it this way?
The answer is simple - I am not a supporter of unjustified risks, and all odds in bookmakers are formed depending on the alignment of forces in a future match.

Let me give you a specific example:
Let's take the match of the Ukrainian football championship, in which Donetsk Shakhtar hosts Ilyichevets from Mariupol at home, and Dynamo Kyiv also plays a derby with Obolon at home.
The coefficient for the victory of Shakhtar is 1.15 (suitable for the first rule), and for the victory of Ilyichevets - 11.5 (suitable for the second rule). The situation is similar in the second match: Dynamo Kyiv - 1.18, Obolon - 10.0. The total odds for the accumulator bet will be 1.357. You need to bet on such an event a larger amount, for example, I usually bet $ 500. As a result, Shakhtar and Dynamo win predicted wins, and I get a prize of 678.5 dollars.

As a rule, I choose several matches per day that fit my system perfectly. For novice players, I recommend replenishing your balance with at least $50 in order to be able to make 5 bets of $10 on the first day of the game.

Why doesn't everyone make money this way?

And who told you that they do not earn? I can explain everything to you, the fact is that the money that players who make bets randomly and thoughtlessly lose is won by those who make them wisely.

This article may be useful to those who really want to make money on bets. After all, more than 90% of the players, if their favorite team is playing and at the same time the odds for its victory do not fit into the framework of the methodology I have described, will still bet on their favorites. Despite the fact that this greatly enhances the feeling of watching the game, making such bets is strictly prohibited! If you consider it unacceptable to bet on your team's opponent, then it's better to just skip this match and find another one in the bookmaker's line.

If you came to bookmaking for the sake of making money, then composure is a necessary condition, only armed with composure can you become successful, stand out from the general mass of ordinary players and understand that this method really works! Don't wait for heavenly mana, start earning money now, immediately!!

With the advent of the Internet age, more and more people began to discover incredible opportunities for earning money without leaving home. In addition to full-fledged professions, such as a journalist, psychologist or manager, gambling has also become computerized, the most dangerous of which is betting. A lot of articles have been written about how to make money on bets and a huge number of methods have been developed, but every day the unfortunate players lose huge amounts of money, and the lucky ones can make a fortune.

What is sports betting

Fortunately for sports fans, today you can bet on almost all sports, but the most common are:

  • football;
  • tennis;
  • horse racing;
  • rugby;
  • hockey;
  • basketball.

To place a bet, it is not necessary to run to the stadium, hippodrome or ice rink, you just need to find a suitable bookmaker and deal with the complex betting system of any sport. Thus, sports betting can be done without leaving home, and it is much more convenient to analyze information in peace and quiet.

Action algorithm

So, you decided to try to make money on bets, found a bookmaker, but don't know where to start? Use the following simple algorithm of actions that will help you get a little comfortable in the world of betting.

  1. First you need to analyze all worthy bookmakers and choose the most suitable one.
  2. Then register on the site.
  3. Choose the sport that suits you best. It is desirable that you have more knowledge in this area.
  4. Now choose the most interesting and, in your opinion, profitable event.
  5. Choose the most likely outcome of the event.
  6. Specify the bet amount.
  7. Place a bet.

Knowing how to use a betting site does not mean winning money. Many beginner bettors lose huge amounts of money simply because they do not know some of the rules that modern sports betting works by.

Main rules of sports betting

So, if you follow a few simple rules, then in combination with your sanity and composure, they can bring considerable benefits on the difficult path of betting.

  • The main thing is to choose your sport, preferably only one type in which you are best versed. If you do not know not only how to make money on bets, but also the features of at least one sport, do not despair. Make a thorough preparation for the first bet: thoroughly study the rules of the game and refereeing, get acquainted with the strongest teams and famous players. In general, expand the knowledge base on a particular sport as much as possible.
  • Also choose one league that you will constantly follow. If you're a football fan, stop for example at the Premier League and keep track of every little change and every game.
  • To make good money on sports betting, you need to choose a decent bookmaker that not only offers good interest, but also fulfills all its promises. Having found such a bookmaker, use only its services, you should not experiment with your own money.
  • A very important point concerns the distribution of the budget. Allocate a specific amount that you can spend on bets throughout the season. Bet, for example, 1% of the total amount and in no case play with other people's money.
  • To get started, choose 100% winning bets, that is, events whose favorite is known in advance. It will take time to understand how to make money on bets, and by choosing obviously winning events, you can replenish your budget and motivate yourself for further growth.

The most popular types of bets

There are many types of bets, sometimes specific to a particular sport, so it is easy for a beginner to get confused in them. It depends on knowing how certain bets work, as well as which of them are the most winning ones, whether it is realistic to earn good amounts of money on bets. Consider the simplest and most common of them, present in all sports.

Single (Ordinary) - this is a bet on the result of a match. If your prediction is correct, the winnings will be the amount of the bet multiplied by the odds offered by the bookmaker. Let's look at an example of how it works. Let's say in the match Lokomotiv - Dynamo you bet 100 rubles. to win second. With odds of 2.10 for Lokomotiv, 3.10 for a draw and 3.30 for Dynamo, multiply the bet by 100 rubles. by a factor of 3.30. It will turn out 330 rubles, this will be your winnings.

Double chance (Double Chance) - a bet that involves 2 possible outcomes of the match. You can bet either on the absence of a draw (winning the first or second team), or on winning one team and a draw. Such a bet has more chances of winning than a single bet, which means that the odds are much lower.

What is a handicap

If you are not satisfied with how much you can earn on bets without special knowledge, go to the next step and study the handicap (handicap). This bet involves reducing the gap between the favorite and the outsider by charging the second with additional odds, that is, a handicap. Let's return to the Lokomotiv-Dynamo match. In this case, the bookmaker considered 1 team as the favorite and took away 1 point from it, which was received by the outsider team. So the ratios look like this:

  • Locomotive - 4.25 (-1).
  • Dynamo - 1.60 (+1).
  • A draw with a handicap (3.75).

Thus, if you bet on 1 team, the bet will win if they win by 2 goals. In the case of a bet on Dynamo, you will be satisfied with both a team victory and a draw. If you thought that there would be a draw, given the handicap, Lokomotiv should win by 1 goal.

Total bet

The bet is based on whether you agree with the bookmaker's prediction regarding the final score of the match. To know if you are betting good money, you will have to develop an analytical mind and logic, as well as have good intuition and some luck. The bet on total assumes the presence of all these components.

In the case of the Lokomotiv-Dynamo match, the bookmaker set the total at 2.5. If you bet on over, the match must end with more than three goals scored. Accordingly, if you bet on "under", then to win the match must end with the number of goals 2 or less.

Express rate

This is one of the most difficult bets where the player needs to predict the outcome of several events at the same time. If you want to make real profits from online sports betting, it is in your interest to learn this method. Its only drawback is its extreme complexity: the bet wins only if you correctly predicted all the outcomes included in the accumulator.

A huge plus of this method is the earnings in case of winning the bet - the coefficient is formed by adding all the components of the accumulator. This means that by investing only 100 rubles, if you win several bets with a total coefficient of 15.90, you will win 1590 rubles. Imagine what a win can be with a bet of more than 1000!

Football betting features

The most common sport in betting is football, and the most popular bet is single, that is, on the outcome of the match. It is denoted most often as 1X2, and in serious cups, where a draw is not recognized as P1-P2, that is, the victory of one or the other team.

The odds used by bookmakers often reflect the opinion of the majority of fans about the outcome of the game, but the figures are most often underestimated. If you are going to seriously figure out how to make money on bets, then you should learn to ignore the opinion of the majority and analyze on your own. Only then will you be able to earn.

Less popular is the bet on the score, since it is almost impossible to predict it. For the same reason, bookmakers set high odds, so gambling bettors now and then have a desire to take risks. As a rule, players divide championships into 2 categories: with high and low performance, and, based on this information, they try to predict the score.

The rarest bet is the bet on the removal from the field and warnings, since players do not receive red cards in every match. However, even here the betters found a pattern. Usually, an abundance of cards is found in matches of long-standing and ardent opponents, where victory is fundamentally important, and players go to any tricks to achieve it.

Horse racing betting

This ancient and expensive pastime has its roots in England, where the aristocracy adored watching horse races. Following the fashion, the Russian nobles soon adopted the tradition, so that horse racing became known in our homeland. Then sports betting gave the aristocrat importance and status, and winning and excitement went by the wayside. Today, this sport is less popular, but nevertheless, in the circles of rich people, it is still prestigious, which means that it is on the races that you can earn really decent, if not huge money.

Horse racing bets have several specific varieties, the names of which are usually indicated in their native English. Like most terms, they are difficult to translate, so they will be given in the original:

  • Place - a bet on the alleged winner of the race, you can also bet on the horse, which, in the opinion of the player, will come second.
  • Win - an ordinary bet on the alleged winner of the races.
  • Show - involves the definition of a horse that should enter the top three. It has a fairly low rate.
  • Double - the player names the winners of 2 races at once. There is also a double double when the better determines the favorite of 4 races.
  • Accumulator is perhaps the most interesting and gambling type of betting. The player names the winners of several races at once, and if the first bet wins, the winning amount is transferred to the 2nd bet, and so on.

Tennis betting features

This is a rather specific sport, and only professionals know how to make money on tennis bets. The fact is that in tennis the team is considered as a whole, but each player has his own personality, changes in mood and behavior. The favorite is also more difficult to determine than, for example. in football, however, the leader can be identified with varying degrees of certainty by analyzing the physical form of all players.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of tennis betting is the frequency of tournaments. Tennis matches take place almost all year round, so you can make money on bets permanently. Under these conditions, it is also convenient to track the condition and success of a particular tennis player, making him the only object of bets.

This is not as boring a game as it might seem. Betting on tennis is quite risky, as very often players give vent to emotions, which leads, if not to defeat, then to much worse results than expected. It is also interesting to make live bets, that is, right during the match, being on the field or watching the match via the Internet.

How to become a successful bettor

Starting to get acquainted with sports betting, it is important to understand that it is impossible to get a big jackpot right away. It is necessary to start with small bets, gradually increasing the amount if everything works out. It is also necessary to choose a game strategy, of which many have been developed. The main thing in betting is to carefully analyze the information and not make hasty decisions, otherwise a more patient player will break the jackpot!

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