Flour: proper storage. Flour: shelf life and storage conditions


As a rule, flour refers to those products that it is customary to stock up in an apartment or house for a long time. But proper storage of flour in an apartment is not as simple a task as it might seem at first glance. Indeed, flour has a long shelf life, but improper storage conditions almost always cause unpleasant living creatures to appear in the flour, which makes the entire stored stock unusable. And the most unpleasant thing is that flour or cereals that are stored in bags not far from that bag or other container with flour, where pests have already started, will also be spoiled in a very short period of time. Alas, until now, not everyone knows how to properly store flour for a long time so that such "evil spirits" do not get to it, and even the owners of large-scale commercial stocks of flour do not always do it right.

How to properly store flour

Storage temperature

Favorable temperature - from +5 to +15 ° C. At temperatures below 0 ° C, flour can be stored for 2 years or more.

First of all, before storing flour, you should carefully inspect it at the time of purchase. Of course, every experienced seller knows how to store flour for a long time so as not to risk his own money, because if bugs appear in flour bags, you will have to get rid of more than a dozen kilograms of the product and suffer considerable losses. Ideally, flour should be stored in whole bags or packages at low humidity in a store warehouse. All that the buyer can do to protect himself from spoiled flour is to check if the flour in the bags has stuck together from moisture, and if there are black dots, worms or bugs in it. Unpleasant, but often the flour is sold in opaque or paper packages, which makes such verification impossible. Well, in this case, it remains only to check the integrity of the package, the release date and specifically how much flour of this manufacturer can be stored.

Our great-grandmothers also knew how to store flour in an apartment in order to protect its pests. A glass jar is the best way to store flour in an apartment, our ancestors thought so and were absolutely right. Tightness is what will protect any product from unwanted living creatures. Many will say that the shape and size of glass containers do not always allow for economical use of space in the apartment, but today there is a huge selection of sealed containers made of various materials that are an excellent alternative to glass containers. It is entirely possible to place flour for long term storage in such a glass or plastic container fitted with rubber seals to keep the lid tight. It should be noted that metal containers are not suitable for storing flour, since they are not leak-tight.

Where to store flour

How long to store flour

Wheat flour is stored for 6–8 months, rye flour for 4–6 months, and at low temperatures, flour can be stored for up to two years or more.

It is also important to know where to properly store flour, because the appearance of insects is not all that can spoil it. Firstly, the container with flour should not be in direct sunlight. Secondly, it has no place where dampness prevails. A dark, dry and cool place is ideal conditions for long-term storage of flour in an apartment. A small bag of salt, a clove of garlic, a bay leaf or chili pepper in a container where the flour will be stored for more than one month will not be superfluous. It does not matter whether flour is stored in bags in a warehouse or in a special container in an apartment, the main thing is that it is not subjected to sudden changes in temperature. It should not be placed near it products with intense aromas, including coffee, spices, tea, and cleaning products.

It is also important to know not only what to store flour at home, but also how long you can do it. Every product has an expiration date and should be adhered to. So, under acceptable conditions, light flour can be stored in bags or containers for up to one year, and light flour for up to 9 months. Wholemeal flour is characterized by storage for six months. But homemade flour should be used as soon as possible, namely within two weeks.

Flour is used frequently. It is the basis for the preparation of salty and sweet pastries, desserts and even sauces. Therefore, some housewives are purchased for the future. So that stocks do not have to be thrown away, learn how to store flour correctly.

Proper storage conditions

Flour stored wisely will stay usable longer. To do this, follow some rules:

  • air temperature - affects the taste of the product and the ability to persist. Stick to the range from +5 to +20 degrees. Higher values ​​negatively affect the binding properties of the flour. The product can also be stored in the cold, for example, on a balcony, at temperatures below zero degrees. In this case, the shelf life of the flour will be increased. It is important to avoid sudden changes in temperature. This negatively affects the quality of the product;
  • humidity - should not exceed 60%, regardless of air temperature. In a damp room, wheat, buckwheat, corn or any other flour will quickly deteriorate. Moreover, fungus can develop in a humid environment. Also avoid the formation of condensate, which provokes dampness of the product and the appearance of mold;
  • lighting - it is not recommended to leave flour in direct sunlight. It is better to choose a shaded place, for example, a closet. In extreme cases, you need to wrap the container with the products in foil. So ultraviolet rays will not penetrate through its walls;
  • protection against pests - flour storage conditions must be organized in such a way that insects cannot damage the product. Therefore, the room should be regularly cleaned and ventilated. In cleanliness, pests appear much less often. If they were nevertheless found in the product, then it is no longer worth using it, because insect larvae may be present in it.

It is important to know that only good flour will be stored for a long time. If low-quality raw materials were used for production, then the product will quickly lose its properties.

Also, for storing flour, you need to choose a place where there are no sharp odors. Do not leave even carefully packaged products near detergents or any other chemicals.

Where is the best place to store

Choose a storage location depending on the amount of flour. For example, in food production enterprises, the conditions will be significantly different from those at home. At factories, it is customary to organize bulk storage of flour, or as experts call it - bhm. As part of this method, special containers are used - silos. They protect products from pests, moisture and the sun.

At home, tare storage of flour (in bags) is more common. Thus, you can place a large number of products even on the balcony. In this case, it is better not to use polyethylene bags. They do not allow air to pass through, which can lead to moisture.

Ideal bags made of natural fabric. Even in winter, they will perfectly save the product. Bags should be inspected as often as possible to avoid the appearance of beetles. Moreover, small rodents, such as mice, are very fond of eating flour. Therefore, you need to place several mechanical mousetraps near the bags.

Perfect for storage bags made of natural fabric

A large number of products can be stored in special barrels. They can be made of metal or plastic. When choosing, pay attention to the lid of the container. It should fit snugly against the barrel. Poor-quality plastic containers may have an unpleasant odor. In order not to spoil the products, you should refuse to buy such a barrel.

When the question arises - what is the best way to store flour in a small amount, you should pay attention to glass containers. It is ideal for bulk products, as it is odorless and does not allow moisture to pass through. The lid of the glass container must be airtight.

Also, many people prefer to store flour in wooden containers. This method should be treated with special attention.

Wood is a material with a fairly high moisture content. If it is poorly dried during the manufacture of containers, this can adversely affect the quality of the flour.

It is worth storing in wooden barrels only those products that will soon be used. For example, in this container you can keep the product in the kitchen.

Sometimes products are left in paper bags that manufacturers use for packaging. In general, this container is suitable for storage. But the fact is that after opening the package, dust, moisture and insects can get into it. This negatively affects the duration of storage. It is necessary to close the paper bag very carefully with a clothespin.

The paper bag is suitable for storage, but after opening, close it with a special clothespin

In general, flour storage containers should be dry and clean. To wash it, do not use household chemicals with pronounced odors.

Shelf life

The shelf life of flour depends on many factors. These include:

  • grade;
  • wheat quality;
  • storage conditions;
  • grinding

The shelf life of wheat flour at temperatures up to +20 degrees is no more than 8 months. If you leave it on the balcony in winter, you can extend its life. At temperatures below zero degrees, products remain usable for 24 months.

Premium wheat flour contains significantly less vegetable fat than corn, oat or soy flour. This indicator affects the duration of storage. For example, corn and soy flour have a shelf life of only 3-6 months, provided that all basic rules are followed. If the maximum allowable air temperature level is exceeded, then it must be used faster.

The shelf life of rye flour is 6 months. But if you leave it at a temperature below zero degrees, then the products will retain their properties for 2 years.

Is it possible to store and use flour after the expiration date? The fact is that this product has binding properties, which are very important in the process of making flour products. With prolonged or improperly organized storage, he loses them. This negatively affects the quality of the finished product.

In general, it is not very difficult to organize optimal conditions for storing flour. It can be left in the pantry, closet or even on the balcony. But do not forget to regularly inspect the container with the product, so as not to miss the moment of the appearance of pests or the development of mold.

How to protect from bugs. Video

Flour storages must be clean, therefore, before laying the products, they are subjected to thorough cleaning. If infestation is detected, it is necessary to carry out disinfection, and then airing to remove odors.

Relative humidity in the room should not exceed 70%. Flour can be stored in unheated and heated warehouses. Long-term storage of flour is carried out in unheated warehouses, and the temperature in them depends on the season.

Flour intended for retail trade usually comes in bags. Each batch of product received for storage is placed in a separate stack. The bottom row of bags is placed on solid wooden underlays to prevent sweating from contact with the cold floor. The distance from the walls to the stack must be at least 0.5 m, and the passages between them must provide free access to each stack.

During long-term storage, the stack is shifted at least twice a year, always changing places of the upper and lower bags.

As a rule, stores store relatively small batches of flour, which ensure an uninterrupted supply of the population for 10-45 days. At the same time, the temperature is preferable not higher than 10-18 0 C. In stores, it is necessary to strictly monitor the proximity of goods, since flour easily absorbs odors.

Change in the quality of flour during storage. Flour storage is divided into two stages. At the first stage, the baking qualities of flour are improved. For some time they remain at the achieved level. Then the second stage begins, characterized by a deterioration in the quality of the flour.

The first stage is called ripening. Freshly ground flour is not used in baking, since it produces low-quality bread (small volume, low yield, etc.). Therefore, freshly ground flour must undergo aging under favorable conditions, called ripening, as a result of which its baking properties are improved. Maturation is mainly wheat flour.

The maturation of flour is associated with oxidative and hydrolytic processes in lipids and a decrease in enzyme activity to a certain level. After maturation, the flour becomes lighter due to the oxidation of carotenoids, which give it a yellowish color. As a result of the enzymatic oxidation of phytin, phosphoric and other organic acids are released, i.e. increases the absorption of mineral elements. But most importantly, baking properties are improved by strengthening gluten. This effect is exerted by peroxides that oxidize parts of sulfhydryl groups (-S-H-) with the formation of disulfide bonds (-S-S-) between protein molecules that form gluten. When proteins interact with products of hydrolysis and fat oxidation, lipoproteins are obtained that reduce the extensibility of gluten. Thus, if the flour after grinding had a weak gluten, then after maturation, a weak gluten acquires the properties of a medium one, and a medium one becomes strong, a strong one becomes very strong, even a deterioration in quality is possible, for example, very strong gluten, crumbling.

Wheat varietal flour ripens at room temperature for 1.5-2 months, and wallpaper - 3-4 weeks. Flour intended for long-term storage must be immediately cooled to 0 0 C, then maturation will continue for a year. If flour with weak gluten must be used immediately, then the ripening process can be accelerated up to 6 hours due to its aeration with warm air.

The maturation of rye flour lasts 2-4 weeks under the same conditions as wheat flour, while the same processes take place in it.

When ripe, the baking properties of flour reach an optimum, they remain for some time, and then the quality of the flour begins to deteriorate.

The processes that reduce the quality of flour during storage include caking, sweating, self-heating, mold, rancidity, souring, the development of insects and mites.

Flour caking begins with its compaction. Compaction is a natural physical process that occurs in any flour. Flour, which is a loose medium, is compacted under the influence of its own weight, but at the same time it does not lose its flowability and freely pours out of a bag or silo. The compaction of flour in silos is much faster, therefore, it is necessary to constantly loosen it by forcing air or using a vibrating bottom. Tracing also occurs in the lower bags of the stack during long-term storage of more than 3-4 months. The lumps formed in the flour harden strongly when dried. To prevent caking, it is recommended to shift the stacks periodically, i.e. bags from the lower rows are placed in the upper ones, and vice versa. Strongly packed flour is sifted to separate lumps, which are then broken.

sweating flour observed with sharp fluctuations in indoor air temperature and can lead to mold. Soaked flour molds very quickly. It must be dried immediately and poured into clean bags. Soaked flour should not be stored next to dry flour, as mold first appears in the soaked area of ​​the bag, then spreads throughout the bag, and then moves to dry bags.

Self-heating flour- this is an increase in the temperature of flour as a result of the processes of respiration and development of microorganisms occurring in it. Most often, self-warming is observed when storing wet flour. Elevated temperature and high humidity favor the development of microorganisms - molds and bacteria. And microorganisms, in turn, destroying the organic substances of the flour, emit a large amount of heat, due to which there is a further increase in temperature. Under the influence of microorganisms and high temperature, the quality of flour deteriorates: it darkens, clumps and acquires a putrid or moldy smell and a bitter taste.

molding flour- the most common type of damage to it. Flour acquires increased acidity, an unpleasant musty smell that is usually transferred to bread. Flour molding, as well as self-heating, is most often observed when storing flour with high humidity.

rancidity of flour- the main process that occurs in flour during long-term storage as a result of hydrolytic and oxidative processes in lipids. Rancidity occurs under the action of atmospheric oxygen with the participation of the flour enzyme lipoxygenase, but it can be of a microbial nature. The process is accelerated by storing flour in the light and increasing the storage temperature. The rate of rancidity of flour is also affected by its quality. Flour obtained from grain with reduced baking properties begins to turn rancid after a few months, while flour from grain of normal quality can be stored under the same conditions for up to a year.

Rancid flour has an unpleasant smell and taste, which adversely affects the quality of finished products. As a result of the accumulation of various products of lipid oxidation, it can acquire toxic properties.

Souring flour- one of the most characteristic changes that occur during storage of flour. The reason for this is the breakdown of fat under the action of flour enzymes, if the flour has a standard moisture content. With increased moisture content of flour, an increase in acidity occurs mainly as a result of the vital activity of microorganisms, mainly molds.

Development of insects and mites leads to a decrease in the quality of flour. Such flour is harmful and unsuitable for food use.

Shelf life of flour is set by the manufacturer of products at an ambient temperature not higher than 25 0 С and a relative humidity of 70%. Under such conditions, varietal wheat flour is usually stored for 6-8 months, rye varietal flour - 4-6, corn and soy flour not deodorized - 3-6, deodorized soy flour - 12 months. Storing flour at low temperatures (about 0 0 C and below) extends the shelf life of flour to 2 years or more.

Questions for self-examination

1. By what signs is the type of flour determined?

2. Make a comparative analysis of the chemical composition of wheat and rye flour.

3. Distinctive features of wheat pasta flour.

4. What are the distinctive features of the chemical composition and nutritional value of soy flour?

5. What are the varieties of wheat flour for baking?

6. What are the types of all-purpose flour?

7. What indicators determine the grade of flour?

8. How is the quality of raw gluten determined and what quality groups is it divided into?

9. What indicators of wheat flour characterize its baking properties?

10. What is the role of wheat flour gluten in shaping the quality of bread?

11. What characterizes the indicator of flour quality - the falling number?

12. By what indicators are the baking properties of rye flour evaluated?

13. What methods determine the "strength" of wheat flour?

14. How does the fineness of grinding flour affect its baking properties?

15. What processes occur during the ripening of wheat flour?

If you're used to stocking up on groceries, learn how to properly store flour. Due to inappropriate conditions, various insects and harmful microorganisms start up in it, which is dangerous to health. We will reveal all the secrets of the correct preservation of the product of different types, in various containers, so that it does not lose its original qualities.

4 main safety factors

Flour storage conditions must be observed both in industrial production and at home. Manufacturers focus on 4 aspects:

  1. Air temperature. In the room where flour is contained, the temperature range should be between 5-25 ° C. If the upper limit is exceeded, then the binding qualities of the product will begin to decline. It is acceptable to keep on a balcony or in a cold place, but the temperature should not be below 0 ° C. The main task is to prevent sudden jumps in temperature indicators in order to avoid the appearance of mold or heating.
  2. Humidity. This parameter should not be higher than 70% regardless of temperature. When the air is damp, then any flour quickly deteriorates. Such an environment is favorable for the reproduction of fungi and mold. If, due to fluctuations in humidity and temperature, condensation forms on the container, this leads to dampening of the contents. The smell and gluten of the spoiled product will differ from the original characteristics.
  3. Lighting. The flour should not be exposed to direct sunlight. An ideal place for storage would be a closet with doors. Warehouses with large stocks should be shaded.
  4. Prevention and protection against pests. This item is affected by all of the above aspects of savings. In addition, if the room is not clean, then pests may well choose it. Also, during long-term storage of spoiled flour, larvae and waste products of insects remain in it.

Do you know that…

Flour is able to absorb surrounding odors, so it is important to observe the correct commodity neighborhood. Detergents, household chemicals, products with a pungent odor should not be stored near bags with flour products.

Types, varieties and expiration dates according to GOST

The shelf life of wheat flour and storage conditions are regulated by the regulatory document GOST R 52189-2003 “Wheat flour. General technical conditions". It says that the shelf life is set by the manufacturer, based on the type and variety. High-quality products retain their properties from 6 to 8 months. The higher the quality, the longer the shelf life.

If we talk about other types of flour, then the content is regulated by GOST 26791-89 “Grain processing products. Packing, marking, transportation and storage. From it it follows that:

  • properties of rye flour remain unchanged for 4-6 months;
  • corn and soy non-deodorized - 3-6 months.
  • soy deodorized - up to a year.

There are many varieties of flour products. It is produced both from cereals and from seeds (pumpkin), fruits (chestnut) and dried berries (bird cherry)

What to look for when buying


If you buy flour in a package, then the first thing you need to pay attention to is the marking or label. Often the label is attached to bags, not paper bags.

The marking must contain information:

  • about the variety;
  • manufacturer;
  • date of manufacture;
  • terms and conditions of storage.

Flour is packed in paper bags or sacks. In any case, the packaging must not be damaged. The quality of the product depends on its integrity. Bags and sacks may become wet or damp if stored incorrectly. It's easy to check. Run your hand over the entire surface of the packaging. It should be dry, without smudges and diaper rash.

Organoleptic indicators

If we talk about the taste and other qualities of flour, then pay attention to:

  • Smell. Flour should not smell musty, damp or rotten. A sour smell is a sign of depravity.
  • Taste. Before buying, it is worth making a tasting of the goods. First, it should not crunch on the teeth. Secondly, if the product is of high quality, then it tastes pleasant and sweet.
  • consistency or structure. To check flour products, remember them in your hands. If during this movement you hear a quiet crunch, this indicates its high quality and dryness. If the lump holds its shape after compression, this is a sign that the product is damp.
  • Color. It must correspond to the type and grade of the product that you purchased. You can check this indicator with a few drops of water. If liquid is added to a handful of flour, then a quality product will not change color. If a reddish or bluish tint appears, then the raw material contains bran or immature grains.

What color should this or that variety be?

How to store at home

The storage of flour at home must comply with all the requirements indicated by the manufacturer on the product packaging. It is important to consider several points at once:

  • humidity and air temperature;
  • cleanliness of the premises;
  • choice of container;
  • accurate control of expiration dates.

It is important for a good housewife to choose the right place and container in which the flour will be constantly contained. If the product lies at home for a long time, then its quality should be checked periodically.


So that the flour does not deteriorate, monitor the temperature and humidity. The temperature must not exceed 25 °C. The closer it is to 5 °C, the less likely it is to spoil.

If it is possible to place flour in rooms where the temperature is closer to zero, then the shelf life of the product increases. Such an environment can be in the basement, pantry, but it is important to take into account the humidity of the air. It should not be higher than 70%. The higher this figure, the faster the flour will disappear.

Note to the owner


The shelf life of flour directly depends on the room where it is located. At home, the best places for her would be:

  • pantry;
  • lumber room;
  • basement;
  • balcony;
  • separate wardrobe with lockable doors;
  • lower shelves, closer to the floor, in the kitchen.

All these rooms should be well ventilated. Air needs to circulate. Additionally, it is recommended to check the humidity parameters.

If you are going to store flour in the kitchen, choose a place close to the floor for it. High temperatures, vapors rise to the ceiling, so the top shelves are not suitable.

Any grain products should not be exposed to light. It is better to keep the product in a dark place or in a light-tight container.


Where to store flour? Most often it is sold in paper bags. If you do not have a suitable container to pour the product, then you can leave it in the production paper packaging. The main thing is to carefully close the bag with a paper holder or clothespin. Air and moisture must not get into it.

It is better to pour the flour into a special container for long-term storage. Suitable for this purpose:

  • linen bag;
  • tight-fitting plastic container;
  • glass jar with a lid.

The main thing is that moisture does not get into the product. If the container does not close tightly, then it is important to check the flour from time to time, since pests can start in it.

Tip of the day

Periodically wipe the shelves where the flour stands with a weak solution or laundry soap.

How to store flour so that bugs do not start

Insects in home storage start if the product is not used for a long time or kept in favorable conditions for bugs.

To prevent the appearance of pests, use the old-fashioned methods. In a container, put 2-3 cloves of unpeeled per 2-3 kg of flour. It releases flavored substances that repel bugs. Also suitable for these purposes:

  • dry cloves;
  • calendula flowers;
  • Bay leaf.

Place the plants in a gauze piece of cloth and tie tightly so that they do not spill out.

How to recognize a damaged product and what to do with it

Do not use flour that is bitter, has a sour smell, or musty, which appears during long storage. It is dangerous to use such a product for food, because this is a sign of mold.

If there are bugs in the flour, then it is also better to throw it away. If the infected product is sifted through a sieve, then the bugs can be disposed of, but their larvae and excrement will not come out.

Note to the owner

If you notice that the flour is damp, dry it. To do this, pour a thin layer on a baking sheet and place on the bottom shelf of the oven at a minimum temperature for half an hour.

Flour is a product that must be stored in a special container and in a dry place. If the conditions are not met, then lush and fragrant pastries from such a product will not work. Spoiled bakery products lose their binding properties, and then you should not expect high-quality muffins, pancakes, pancakes or pizza.

Store properly and be healthy!

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Flour is considered an essential ingredient in the preparation of many foods.

Traditionally, flour is obtained by grinding grains of various cereals. The composition of flour contains carbohydrates, due to which it is considered one of the most valuable products in terms of nutritional value.

There are many tips and tricks for storing flour at home. As a rule, flour for the home is bought in small quantities, since it is not always easy to provide a place and conditions for its storage.

It is best to store flour in a dry, well-ventilated area at a temperature of +5-+20 degrees. Under such conditions, flour can be stored for 12-18 months.

When storing flour, avoid places near products with strong odors. Such products are various spices and spices, as well as tea and coffee. Flour easily absorbs odors and becomes unsuitable for further use.

Often, flour is sold in paper packaging. In order to avoid moisture ingress during storage at home, it is necessary to place a sealed paper bag with flour in polyethylene.

If the package has already been opened, it is best to pour the flour contained in it into a glass or metal container with a tight lid. Often, canvas bags are used to store flour.

If the flour is stored for a long enough time, then in order to avoid its souring or mold, it is recommended to dry it from time to time, having previously scattered it on a sheet of paper with a thin layer. It is best to then pour the flour into a new bag, but if it is not there, you must first dry the old one.

It is very important when storing flour at home to avoid the appearance of various insects in it, such as bugs, mealworms and other pests. Insects can simply eat part of the flour, and spoil the rest of it with the products of their vital activity. If insects are still wound up in the flour, it must be carefully sifted and poured into new bags.

In order to prevent the appearance of insects, a rather effective folk method is often used: a few unpeeled cloves of garlic are simply added to the container in which the flour is stored.

Special substances, phytoncides, secreted by garlic, repel insects without harming the flour itself. Dried calendula flowers can also be used for these purposes.

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