Museum of Life. The Museum of Folk Life and Ancient Technologies of Belarus invites you


In Belovezhskaya Pushcha, on the edge of an ancient hornbeam forest near the Pererovo farm, not very long ago, a museum of folk life and ancient technologies was opened, which is especially interesting for tourists from different countries. And our compatriots visit it with special interest. And I will tell about the main attraction of this place a little later.

Once upon a time there was a forestry with stables and a strong wooden forester's house. A house-museum was built right on the surviving foundation of the old manor. It recreates the life of almost four generations of rural residents of the Pushcha, who lived in the 19th century.

As usual, you will find all the maps, route, prices and opening hours at the end of this article. And we drove up here with a guide in a car that I rented in Minsk.

I suggest you watch a short video.

Read about how I ended up in the depths of the Belarusian Belovezhskaya Pushcha on a rented car. And if you want to get deeper into the history of what happened in the protected area for many centuries, I suggest reading: "".

Well, we park in a small parking lot. There is no one else in this ancient forest except us. Spring, it's a little damp because of the last night's rain, birds are singing all around us and ... crazy air! So thick and fresh at the same time that they just want to breathe and breathe.

In the middle of the forest there is a gate, around a small fence. Old-timers say that it is enough to protect themselves from uninvited wild animals, which are found in abundance in the forest. Numerous forest animals and birds are carved on the wooden pillars of the gate, and at the top there is a reed roof made of dried reed stalks.

In front of the entrance there are huge half-sawn logs resembling a cut sausage.

We laughed looking at them. Do you know what they are used for? To be honest, this question of the guide baffled me. My brain, “poisoned” by oxygen, refused to offer at least some acceptable versions. 🙂

Only after my desperate “give up”, the guide explained that bicycles are parked here. And how did I not think of it before!

Later, near the hotel on the territory of Belovezhskaya Pushcha, I met similar and even longer sausages, where it is really very convenient to park bicycles!

Lanterns were installed along the forest path leading to the territory of the museum-reserve of folk life.

It gives me a feeling of some kind of unreality of what is happening. It is very difficult to combine the primeval forest and these patches of modern civilization. The memories of Lewis' fairy tales about magical Narnia come to mind. There, after all, there was also a lone lantern in the forest, and it was from here that fairy-tale magic began. This thought helps my brain to calm down and perceive the world around me even more enthusiastically. 🙂

Our guide draws attention to the cones firmly fixed in the trunk and asks a new problem: why don't the cones grow on branches?

And again a small stupor. But there is a version about squirrels that they are hiding their prey. It turned out that not really. In fact, this is the work of local woodpeckers. To make it more convenient for them to eat, they firmly press the cones into the bark of the tree, and then calmly peck out the nuts from it.

On the territory of the museum stands the main building of the courtyard - a residential building. As it was in the old days, its roof is covered with aspen chips.

They did not change the windows, they left the old ones so that the spirit of that time could be felt more clearly.

Forged cleats are attached to the doors, around there is a palisade with an unfinished upper part. This was done to protect against numerous wild animals so that they could not jump over it and enter the territory of the forestry.

Near the house, as expected, there is a well.

Exhibits for this museum were collected in all the surrounding villages of the Pushcha. Surprisingly, in the attics of modern village houses, many things of that distant past that are irreplaceable for rural residents have been perfectly preserved.

These are barrels for oil and mortar, barrels and tubs of various sizes and purposes,

towels embroidered with a cross and hand-woven bedspreads; purses with lids woven from bast and straw. In them, our ancestors kept, suspended from the ceiling, homemade, very tasty sausage.

Found winter skates (how they don’t look like modern ones 🙂)

and the so-called "postols" - galoshes sewn by hand from rubber patches.

And even "overnight stays", special cradles in which small children were placed on a still warm stove to keep warm.

But the wall in the house (or “bins”) was not heated in any way - there the peasants kept homemade pickles, seeds, and vegetables.

A special amulet hangs from the ceiling next to the baby's cradle.

As the ancestors believed, that any person who has a negative, having looked at this composition, will automatically leave all his negative thoughts inside it. They seem to “cling” to straw figurines, remain in this trap and can no longer harm anyone.

Every corner of the village house used to have its own purpose. In the passage there were millstones and a mortar, in which grain was ground for various cereals and flour. In the so-called "woman's corner" - this was the kitchen - there were items necessary for cooking and for women's everyday work - butter churns, pails, various utensils.

And of course, the main breadwinner and heater of the house: the stove.

There are shovels and tongs, and cast iron.

Further, the whole family could stay in the bedroom for the night. There were walkers, a cradle, and beds. I was very surprised by the height of an ordinary bed: it was not so easy to climb on it. But the guide explained that the air is warmer closer to the ceiling. That is why the sleeping place had to be equipped as high as possible.

The most honorable place in the house has always been the "Red Corner" with icons.

Among them, the “ancestral icon”, which patronized this family according to the Genus, was especially revered. The images of the Savior and the Virgin were necessarily present. Under the icons there always had to be a bowl - a small tub that served to knead the dough for baking bread and other floury sweets.

Technologies of Belarusian antiquity

There have always been "women's" and "men's" work and crafts in the countryside. Needlework, spinning, weaving were considered women's. The guests of the museum will be sure to be surprised and interested by the loom of double-base weaving standing here.

In the modern List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Belarus, this type of weaving is singled out as original and not found anywhere else.

And also spinning accessories and devices for felting.

Men dressed skins and sewed shoes. They also prepared tools for hunting and fishing.

Belarusian Sommelier

Next to the residential building is a tavern code-named "Khutorok".

Everything here is as it was many years ago: large and heavy tables with heavy benches made of oak, overhanging wooden beams. The stove is heated with firewood and it exudes a unique smell of a rural warm house. The walls are decorated with the skins of wild animals.

Visitors can be treated to very tasty and satisfying simple country food - cabbage soup with sauerkraut, unsurpassed potato pancakes with sour cream, potatoes with cracklings from a pig grown by oneself. All these homemade dishes are simply delicious! And herbal teas emit such a unique aroma that they want to breathe again and again!

But I imagined all this "theoretically", reading the menu. Our excursion program was limited in time, so we had to think on the go. 🙂

All these homemade goodies can be served on the outdoor veranda. For this, long wooden tables and benches are installed here. And next to it are forest animals and birds skillfully carved from wood.

But without the next item of the program, an excursion to the Museum of Folk Life is not complete. Perhaps this is the main feature of this place, the aroma of which is in the air. And moonshiners will smell it already at the entrance. 😆

After all, everyone here, without fail, is offered a glass of “puschanka” - moonshine, which is chased right there according to old technologies. 50 grams of this signature drink with a sandwich and a glass of juice to wash it down are included in the ticket price.

Pushcha moonshine

In a separate room, covered with reeds, in the “brovarna” the famous Pushcha pervach is made. It is located in a separate building, behind the "Khutorkom".

There is an official permit for the production and sale of moonshine. Only a few moonshine stills in Belarus have such a privilege. I met another copy a little later, in the Dudutki museum complex.

There is such a bike that Bialowieza moonshine used to be delivered even to the Kremlin. At first, the museum had one moonshine still, but, over time, a second one appeared.

They tell a story that once such a tincture was treated to N.S. Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, who came to Belovezhskaya Pushcha to hunt. Khrushchev liked the drink very much.

He confessed to the huntsman that he had never tried such excellent moonshine anywhere and even asked about the recipe for creating a drink, “which for forty days is infused with forty herbs and cures forty diseases.” After some time, food specialists came to the huntsman's house, wrote down in detail the recipe and the subtleties of the technology for preparing the tincture they liked. This is how Belovezhskaya Gorkaya was created and went on sale. Now she is famous all over the world.

Our guide enthusiastically told us about all the intricacies of preparing this amazing alcoholic drink and its magical properties.

Watch a short and very emotional story.

Additional joys of the museum of Belarusian life

For the rest of tourists there is a guest house, hiking and cycling excursion routes are thought out. Nearby in the forest there is a small pond where you can fish.

Also, in late February - early March, a folk festival "Opening of Shrovetide Week" is held, and in July - "Festival of Ancient Traditions" with folk games, tasting of ancient national dishes and master classes of artisans.

For visitors who want to get to know the intricacies of handicrafts, training workshops on pottery, weaving, woodcarving are held.

But this is all theoretical information, not tested on myself. 🙂

On the territory of the museum complex there is a toilet (of the toilet type), designed in the style of other buildings.

And a couple of washbasins, probably also "M" and "F". 🙂

Price and location

The Museum of Nature is located on the territory of the Belovezhskaya Pushcha Reserve. You can get here from different cities of Belarus. You can do it yourself (by city bus or car) or go on a guided tour.

Price visits to the museum of folk life and ancient technologies are included in the total price. And it is 100,000 Belarusian rubles (335 rubles or $5.1).

Coordinates: 52.64624, 23.92566.

The map can be enlarged to better see the territory and find a museum of Belarusian life.

I arrived in Belovezhskaya Pushcha in a rented car from Minsk and spent 2 unique days in the reserve.

If you want to stay in this place longer (and I highly recommend it), then you can easily rent through a hotel room in this region, and on the service you can choose accommodation in any area.

During my trip to Belovezhskaya Pushcha, I stayed at, which is located right on the territory of the reserve. You can read more about it.

Here are the prices valid for April 2016 and a list of all the services that Belovezhskaya Pushcha provides for its guests.

The map below shows other sights of Belarus, where I managed to visit. You can see more about each of them.

The Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics is located in the basement of the monument to the Conquerors of Space. This unique architectural monument was opened on November 4, 1964. The authors of the project are architects M.O. Barshch, A.N. Kolchin and sculptor A.P. Faydysh. The monument is made of polished titanium, has a height of 110 meters and an inclination angle of 77 degrees.

The museum itself was opened on the initiative of the Chief Designer of Rocket and Space Systems S.P. Korolev on April 10, 1981, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Yu.A. Gagarin's space flight. The exposition of the museum presents personal belongings of figures in the rocket and space industry, archival documents, film and photographic materials, samples of souvenirs of fine and decorative arts related to the theme of space exploration. The pearl of the collection, updated after the reconstruction, are full-scale samples of rocket and space technology and interactive exhibits (for example, the rendezvous and docking simulator).

Coordinates: 55.82300800,37.63980400

Museum Estate Kuskovo

The Kuskovo estate is a cultural monument of the 18th century, as well as one of the earliest examples of country residences in Russia for summer holidays. It was intended for majestic receptions, theatrical crowded festivities and festivities. More than 20 unique architectural monuments have survived to this day. Only here is the only French park in Moscow with wonderful ponds, pavilions and marble sculpture.

In 1919, the estate turned into a museum, and since 1938, after the only museum of ceramics in Russia was transferred to Kuskovo, it was renamed the State Museum of Ceramics and Kuskovo Estate. Today it is one of the world's largest repositories of glass and ceramics collections from various countries, from ancient times to the present.

Every year, exhibitions and concerts are organized here, ancient traditions of festivities, festivities and receptions are revived.

Coordinates: 55.73533800,37.80757500

Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time

Museum of V. A. Tropinin and Moscow artists of his time - a Moscow museum in Zamoskvorechye, dedicated to Russian art. XIX century.

The backbone of the museum's collection is the work of the Moscow portrait painter Vasily Tropinin. Also on display is a Russian portrait of the XVIII - 1st floor. XIX century (artists: Ivan Vishnyakov, Alexei Antropov, Ivan Argunov, Fedor Rokotov, Dmitry Levitsky, Vladimir Borovikovsky, Orest Kiprensky, Pyotr Sokolov, Alexander Bryullov and others). For 40 years, the museum's collection has increased almost 10 times.

The museum also contains a large number of works of decorative and applied art of the same time (porcelain, glass, bronze, beadwork, etc.).

The museum was founded in 1969 by the famous Moscow collector F.E. Vishnevsky, who donated to the city a mansion and 250 works of art in painting, graphics and decorative and applied arts. (Vishnevsky donated only about 800 works of art to various museums in the country, the voluntary nature of these gifts is being discussed).

The museum is located in a lane between B. Ordynka and B. Polyanka, in a restored building of the old merchant estate of the Petukhovs of the early 19th century. This is a building of the 1st third of the 19th century, which was the main house of the city merchant's estate. This is one of the rare examples of such buildings preserved in Zamoskvorechye. The estate also includes a preserved wooden outbuilding built in 1883. The property is recorded on the plan of Moscow in 1793.

The estate was damaged in a fire in 1812 and was rebuilt. “It consisted of a stone house with a wooden mezzanine and an outbuilding. The architectural feature of the mansion is the entrance to the building in the form of a portico. In the interior of the house, a cast-iron staircase from the middle of the 19th century has been preserved.

This building has never left private hands. The house was presented to Vishnevsky by the descendant of the former owners, the polar explorer Nikolai Petukhov, who, due to his merits, the Soviet authorities left this house in his ownership. Then, together with the collection, Vishnevsky donated it to the museum. Second building

Russian Submarine Museum

The Museum of the Russian Submarine Fleet was opened in July 2006. So far, the museum, in the Severnoye Tushino park, has only one exhibit - a large diesel submarine - B 396. The boat was built in Nizhny Novgorod at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, according to the project of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of MT (St. Petersburg).

The submarine was named "Novosibirsk Komsomolets" and served in the Arctic and Atlantic Oceans from 1980 to 2000. In 2003, the boat was converted into a museum at Severmashpredpriyatie in Severodvinsk.

The opening of the museum is timed to a round date - the 100th anniversary of the Submarine Fleet. The re-equipment touched not only the internal structure of the boat, which was expanded - for the convenience of visitors, doors were made in the sides.

Visitors can view all 7 compartments of the boat. The interior environment is maximally preserved - navigation devices, radars, sensors, submariners' cabins. In some compartments there are figures of submariners in military uniform.

A small exhibition hall will allow you to get acquainted with the personal belongings of the crew. In the near future, the museum should be replenished with new exhibits: an amphibious aircraft, a modern warship, a sailing ship. A museum building, a lighthouse, a square with stands and flagpoles will also be built - all this is presented on a skillfully made layout.

Coordinates: 55.85431100,37.45614100

State Museum named after M. A. Bulgakov

State Museum. M. A. Bulgakov is the only official museum in Russia dedicated to the writer's work.

The museum was opened in March 2007. Bulgakov's first Moscow address, where he settled in the autumn of 1921, served as the place for the opening of the museum. The exposition of the museum is based on the collections of the nieces of the writer V.M. Svetlanova and E.A. Zemskoy. The M.A. Bulgakov. In 2010, the museum received its ownership of furniture and items from the writer's apartment, located in Nashchokinsky Lane.

The museum constantly holds exhibitions, concerts, literary evenings.

Coordinates: 55.76690500,37.59289600

Museum of the Cold War (Bunker-42 on Taganka)

The Cold War Museum (exposition Bunker-42) is a former secret military facility - the Spare Long-Range Aviation Command Post (GO-42), located underground at a depth of more than 60 meters, near the Taganskaya metro station.

After the secrecy was removed, Bunker-42 was sold by the Federal Property Management Agency to the private company Novik-Service. Since 2006, the object has been restored and now there is a museum operating there, the area of ​​​​which is more than 7000 sq.m.

The underground bunker itself, with all its communications, became the main element of the museum exposition. Visitors are given the opportunity to see a copy of the command post, a cinema hall, a dining room, an entertainment area, and look at the engineering systems of the bunker.

The exposition hall will acquaint you with Soviet propaganda posters, half-century-old Soviet-made radio stations, and personal protective equipment. Each visitor receives a bright red pass from the Soviet Ministry of Defense with their name and a photo of an unknown person wearing a gas mask.

The unusual architecture of "Bunker-42", as well as its huge area, allow holding various events - conferences, exhibitions, presentations, weddings, corporate holidays, filming.

Coordinates: 55.74181300,37.64932800

Museum of Archeology of Moscow

The Museum of Archeology of Moscow is located at a depth of 7 meters in an underground pavilion, at the site of large-scale archaeological excavations that took place here in 1993-1996. Its main goal is to give an idea of ​​the medieval capital, as well as the history of the development of Manezhnaya Square. The museum contains general information about various methods of archaeological research and introduces the rich material culture of the city of the 15th-18th centuries.

The basis of the exposition is the abutments of the Voskresensky bridge dating back to the 16th-17th centuries, discovered during excavations. Also, the Museum presents many interesting items found in the historic center of the city. Among them you can admire examples of the material culture of Muscovites - a collection of tiles, smoking pipes, as well as religious objects from the necropolis of the Moiseevsky Monastery.

The local thematic, sightseeing, costumed and interactive tours will acquaint tourists with the history of excavations at Manezhnaya Square. The institution has an archaeological club where children can get acquainted with authentic artifacts found on the territory of the Moscow region and Moscow. Having been here, you will spend your leisure time excitingly and learn a lot of new things.

Coordinates: 55.75343700,37.61228400

Mineralogical Museum named after Fersman

Mineralogical Museum. Fersman is the largest museum not only in Russia, but throughout the world, which contains more than 140 thousand exhibits from all over the world. These are various forms of minerals, natural crystals, precious stones and much more, including the unique work of stone masters.

The museum was founded in St. Petersburg in 1716, and in 1943 was moved to Moscow. In 1725 the museum was placed under the jurisdiction of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1956, the museum was named after A.E. Fersman, one of the oldest curators of the museum, former director, organizer of the largest expeditions, the results of which greatly enriched the collection of exhibits.

The Mineralogical Museum is currently located in one of the buildings of the 19th century estate "Neskuchny Sad". The museum is open to visitors from Wednesday to Sunday, from 11.00 to 17.00. On Wednesday there is an opportunity to visit the museum for free!

Coordinates: 55.71791900,37.59408300

State Historical Museum

The State Historical Museum is the largest national historical museum in Russia. The museum's collection has been formed for almost a century and a half and includes about 5 million historical artifacts from ancient times to the present day.

The Historical Museum was established in February 1872 by decision of Emperor Alexander II. The first Museum Charter, compiled by Count A.S. Uvarov, was approved in August 1874. During its existence, the museum has been renamed several times.

The museum building, built in 1875–1881, is an architectural monument in itself. Such famous artists as I.K. Aivazovsky, V.M. Vasnetsov, V.A. Serov, S.A. Korovin, I.E. Repin. The interiors of the museum are made in the style of certain historical eras. The paintings contain replicas of the famous frescoes of churches and princely palaces.

Coordinates: 55.75540300,37.61777800

Autoville Vintage Car Museum

Autoville is a place for everyone: for couples and young boys and girls who are in search, for business people and just curious. This is a unique place for the metropolis, which not only slows down the pace of metropolitan life, but also takes you back in time. The museum presents a lot of retro cars that will not leave indifferent either avid motorists, or novice motorists, or even people who have little knowledge of cars.

After a long walk, you can sit quietly in a restaurant or cafe, and digest everything you see over a delicious lunch. As a keepsake, you can buy yourself a souvenir in the Chaika boutique.

Coordinates: 55.73103700,37.57806700

Museum "Russian felt boots" in Moscow

The Russian Valenki Museum, founded in 2001 by V.M. Timoshchenko (general director of CJSC Gorizont), is completely dedicated to such irreplaceable shoes - felt boots. Valenki are a kind of symbol of Russia, with its endless expanses and broad soul.

In the exposition of the museum you will see a wide variety of exhibits: here are felt boots of the 19th century, skillfully embroidered by craftswomen, and modern designer models. Also, you will be introduced to the methods and tools of hand felting, the stages of industrial production of felted shoes and watching a video film allows you to trace the birth of felt boots from a pile of sheep's wool to a finished product.

Originally Russian, such comfortable, healing footwear, of course, has its own history and traditions, which are presented in the museum brightly and colorfully. An excursion to the world of felt boots will appeal to all generations: children will be allowed to touch the exhibits with their hands, teenagers can try on the shoes they like and take pictures, and for the older generation, the song “Valenki” performed by Lidia Ruslanova will allow you to return to your youth.

The museum's unofficial slogan is: "It's warm and cozy here, like in felt boots!"

Coordinates: 55.72544300,37.64707400

Museum of Creativity and Life in the GULAG (at the society "Memorial")

The Museum of Creativity and Life in the Gulag is affiliated with the Memorial Society, whose collection began to be replenished in 1988. Today, it has about 2000 exhibits. All of them are authentic objects of camp art and life (1920-1960). The main share of the exposition is represented by graphic works of imprisoned artists - portraits, landscapes, interiors, genre sketches.

The authors of the works were both unknown amateurs and recognized masters, such as M. Rudakov, Yu. Sooster, L. Kropivnitsky, M. Sokolov, B. Sveshnikov, V. Shukhaev. The exposition of the museum is represented by a significant number of handicrafts and household items - tools, clothes, utensils. Also, you can get acquainted with samples of camp propaganda, printed materials, personal belongings of convicts. The main part of the camp documentation is stored in the Memorial archive. In 1998, an illustrated catalog of the museum collection was released.

The museum collection is complemented by a large number of photographic materials (about 12,000 pieces). Here are original photographs and copies of photographs reflecting the work and life of Gulag prisoners during the period of political repression in the USSR (1920-1980).

Museum exhibits are widely used in exhibitions and are available for publication.

Coordinates: 55.77137100,37.61443700

House-Museum of Fyodor Konyukhov

The Fyodor Konyukhov House Museum in Moscow is located on Kozhevnicheskaya Street. This is an interesting place, telling about the life and achievements of the great Russian traveler. Fedor Filippovich Konyukhov, born in 1951, is a writer, author of nine books, an artist, and has been an Orthodox priest for several years. Konyukhov is famous for his travels, he is the first Russian to visit the South and North Poles and the Seven Peaks.

The Konyukhov Museum is located in the museum complex at the chapel of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, who is considered the heavenly patron of travelers and sailors. In addition to the museum, the creative workshop of Fyodor Filippovich is located here.

Coordinates: 55.73046200,37.64299800

Museum of public catering in Moscow

The Museum of Public Catering in Moscow, founded in April 1977 on the initiative of the city's oldest chefs, will tell you about the art of cooks. The founder of the museum was the Deputy Minister of Trade of the USSR Nikolai Zavyalov. He also led the first tour. There are 12 exhibition halls for the exhibits of the museum.

In the historical hall you will be told about the development of cooking since ancient times, you will be introduced to old recipes for long-forgotten dishes. You will be met by costumed figures made of wax - a street seller of sbitnya (a popular drink among the people), a servant of Peter the Great, a lackey of an expensive restaurant.

Of interest are the tools and personal belongings of such culinary luminaries as S.F. Grishina, V.A. Sidorova, F.I. Obryadin, P.V. Abaturov, N.I. Kovaleva. Among the exhibits is the gift of Yuri Mikhailovich Luzhkov - a book of old recipes published 130 years ago and causing great interest among professionals.

The building where the museum is located was built in the old Moscow style on the territory of the Staro-Rogozhskaya Zastava, in 1806. After changing several owners, it was transferred in 1975 to the Moscow Trust of Restaurants. On the first floor was equipped "Culinary", and on the second - a museum.

Colorfully designed stands will tell you about the life of the city's culinary community. Particularly impressive is the Kitchen of the 21st Century exposition, where, along with high-tech equipment, information technologies are used to conduct online cooking master classes.

Coordinates: 55.74320200,37.66771700

Museum "Lights of Moscow"

Museum "Lights of Moscow" - a museum that acquaints its visitors with the history of street lighting in Moscow. It is located in the very center of the city - in the Armenian lane, house 3, in the building of the white-stone boyar chambers of the 17th century. The museum was formed on the basis of an exhibition dedicated to the 250th anniversary of street lighting in Moscow, opened in December 1980.

Here you can get acquainted with the history of street lighting in Moscow. The museum presents a variety of light sources: light, oil, kerosene, gas lamps, lamps and light bulbs, of various shapes and sizes. Visitors can light the ancient lanterns and feel like a lamplighter or a belated traveler. This is a modern museum, not only in terms of the time of creation, but also in concept - here you can touch a lot with your hands and figure out how it works on your own, and everything that turns on can be turned on. The exposition of visitors will find a large number of photographs with views of the capital. One of the halls of the museum is dedicated to electric clocks.

The tour continues with a bus trip around Moscow with stops in the most illuminated places - on Red Square and Sparrow Hills, on Kutuzovsky Prospekt. The museum also conducts other excursions, interactive programs and master classes.

Coordinates: 55.76097800,37.63545600

The Museum of Soviet Slot Machines in Moscow is located on Baumanovskaya Street, 11. Here are collected, if not all, then most of the slot machines produced in the USSR. A tour of the museum will help many people return to a carefree childhood, when a glass of soda with syrup cost 3 kopecks, and a session of the exciting Sea Battle was 15 kopecks.

Remembering happy years, people again return to circles at the school of young pioneers and the dome of the planetarium, hold fun starts and play football until late in the evening with friends in the yard. After all, then there were no computers and game consoles. This pleasant nostalgia makes you remember forest hikes in the summer pioneer camp, games of “Cossack robbers” and “lightning”, fervent songs by the night fire.

The exposition of the museum is represented by a unique collection of slot machines produced in the USSR since the mid-1970s, numbering more than 60 exhibits. Here you will see "Sea Battle" and "Air Battle", "Sniper" and "Interceptor", "Auto Rally" and many others. The main advantage of the collection is that all the machines have been restored and work exactly the same as they did decades ago.

The museum regularly takes part in cultural events (SuperDiscoEka 90s, Afisha Picnic in Kolomenskoye, Solyanka). You can celebrate a birthday with friends, or order several slot machines for a corporate party.

Coordinates: 55.76707400,37.67979700

State Darwin Museum

The State Darwin Museum, founded in 1907 by Doctor of Biology, Professor Alexander Fedorovich Kots, is the largest natural science museum, with an area of ​​more than 20 thousand square kilometers, with collections of about 400 thousand museum items.

The beginning of the future Darwin Museum was laid by the preparations of birds made by Alexander Fedorovich at the age of nineteen, presented at the fourteenth exhibition of the All-Russian Society of Acclimatization, which brought Alexander recognition of his taxidermy skills and a silver medal.

Among the exhibits of the museum you will find all kinds of life on Earth - from the simplest organisms and ending with the crown of the creation of nature - man. Especially for children, the museum exhibits samples of the skin of a wolf, a bear and other animals that they can touch.

In one of the halls there are machines with buttons depicting various birds, by clicking on which you will hear the imitated voices of these birds, and you can also use "live scales" and find out your weight in mice, cats, bears and elephants.

Coordinates: 55.68982100,37.56106700

Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812

The Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812 is part of the Historical Museum of Moscow and is a military-historical museum complex, opened in memory of the Great War.

In 2009, the Government of the Russian Federation approved a plan to open the Museum of the Patriotic War of 1812. On the 200th anniversary of the start of the war, on September 4, 2012, the complex was opened. The first guest of honor was D. A. Medvedev, who signed the book of the museum center. For ordinary visitors, the complex opened 2 days later - on September 6th.

The museum is located on two floors of the pavilion, which was built specifically for this center. The construction was carried out under the guidance of engineer-architect P.Yu. Andreeva. The exposition area of ​​the museum occupies about 2000 square meters.

The museum collection includes more than 2,000 items, including ancient documents and maps, uniforms, weapons, a collection of numismatics, decorative and applied arts, household items for military personnel, as well as paintings, sculptures, graphics and miniatures.

An important place in the entire collection is given to a saber that belonged to Emperor Napoleon I, personally handed over by him to P. A. Shuvalov, the count who saved Bonaparte from a crowd of angry Frenchmen on the way from Fontainebleau to the famous island of Elba.

Museum guests will be able to appreciate the features of the exhibition complex - a multimedia system integrated into the exposition, showing a video sequence for any section and reproducing battle maps.

Coordinates: 55.75533900,37.61775400

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin

Museum of Fine Arts named after A.S. Pushkin is one of the most famous Russian museums.

The first stone of the Museum was laid on August 17, 1898. The design of the building was selected on a competitive basis. The project of the architect R.I. Klein. It was assumed that the museum should resemble an ancient temple, so the main building of the museum is raised on a podium and decorated with an Ionic colonnade along the facade. The interior decoration of the museum emphasizes the presented expositions.

Initially, the Museum was created as an educational auxiliary and was under the jurisdiction of Moscow University.

The grand opening took place on May 31, 1912 in the presence of Emperor Nicholas II. The museum even then had collections of original works of painting, graphics and sculpture.

In 1923, it was decided to establish a Museum of Old Western Paintings on the basis of the museum. In the same year, the Museum was removed from the subordination of the university, and it became a state one.

During the Great Patriotic War, most of the funds were evacuated to Novosibirsk and Solikamsk. Since 1944, restoration work began to repair the building, which was significantly damaged during the war.

Currently, the museum is the main cultural platform in Moscow, which regularly holds exhibitions of world significance. The museum is an obligatory item of every excursion program. The museum combines four types of expositions: a sculptural and architectural exposition of casts, a section of the art and culture of ancient civilizations, an art gallery of the 8th-20th centuries, and an exposition of the Department of Private Collections.

Coordinates: 55.74730300,37.60586700

Museum of vintage cars on Rogozhsky Val

The Museum of Retro Cars on Rogozhsky Val is an exhibition hall that displays various cars and motorcycles. The main bias is made towards the Soviet automobile industry.

The museum contains Soviet cars of various times - from the pre-war era to the last "Muscovites". In general, the "Muscovites" are presented in full, including the unique model 400-421, preserved in a single copy.

The exposition of the museum widely presents motorized carriages, Soviet motorcycles, as well as rare sports cars, in particular, the legendary sports Estonia-8. The museum has a whole hall of trucks, which is extremely atypical for similar exhibition halls. In this hall, cargo ZILs, GAZs and MAZs are presented.

The museum organizes thematic excursions dedicated to the history of the AZLK plant and Muscovite cars, general excursions telling about the cars of famous people, as well as about the development of the automotive industry in our country.

The museum is open daily from 10:00 to 21:00.

Coordinates: 55.74259800,37.67711900

Museum of the history of vodka

The Museum of the History of Vodka is located in Moscow. Within the walls of the Izmailovsky Kremlin. The thematically integral collection of the museum, demonstrating the 500-year history of Russian vodka from the moment of its invention to the present day, contains more than 600 types of this drink, old vodka recipes of the 18th century, posters, photographs and documents from different time periods of Russian history (tsarist and presidential decrees, works of famous writers on the topic).

Museum "Sphere"

Museum "Sphere" appeared in Moscow in 2007. To date, 3 expositions are presented here - unique collections of cameras, microscopes and telephones. Technique from different times has been combined in one place and now there is an opportunity to touch rare models in the truest sense of the word. "Sphere" is a new word in museum business. Here, touching and experimenting with models is only approved. The museum managed to fall in love with fans of science and technology, and especially children and their parents. In addition to the permanent exhibition, various exciting games and practical exercises are held here.

Coordinates: 55.72806500,37.43303600

Museum "English Compound"

To touch the history of Britain, it is not necessary to visit London, you can get by with a museum located in Moscow on Varvarka.

The chambers in which the museum is located were built by no means by English representatives. In the 15th century, they were built for themselves by a certain bed-keeper Ivan Bobrischev, and then, when trade relations with England began to improve, this unique monument of Russian architecture became the seat of English merchants and the British embassy.

This was the reason that the museum acquired the status of an English courtyard. Visitors to this museum are waiting for fascinating excursions, which are conducted by the characters of the corresponding era. Here you can not only learn about life and get acquainted with the art of Eastern Europe of the Renaissance, but also attend inspiring chamber concerts or historical and literary productions, which acquire a special charm due to the unique acoustics of the state chamber in which they are held.

The English Compound is a unique island of European culture in Russia.

Coordinates: 55.75229700,37.62689700

Lenin Museum

The Lenin Museum in Moscow is a branch of the State Historical Museum. This museum itself is a unique monument of national culture and history. After the memorial complex in Ulyanovsk, the Lenin Museum can be called the largest and oldest exhibition and research center, whose activities are devoted to the study of the life and work of V. I. Ulyanov.

The Lenin Museum is located in Kitai-Gorod in the building of the Moscow City Duma. Its funds contain a unique collection of philocarts, philately and phaleristics, which are dedicated to the history of the USSR and Leninist themes.

Coordinates: 55.75633300,37.61866600

State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchusev

State Museum of Architecture named after A.V. Shchusev is a unique museum center dedicated to the history of architecture. This is one of the world's largest research and archival centers for the study and preservation of architectural heritage. Today the museum is housed in the former mansion of the Talyzins on Vozdvizhenka.

The museum was founded in 1934. Then it was located within the walls of the Donskoy Monastery. The building on Vozdvizhenka has been used since 1945, when Academician A.V. Shchusev, whose name the museum bears today, began to actively engage in the creation and development of the Museum of Russian Architecture, in which the brightest monuments of national architecture were presented.

Seminars and lectures are regularly held on the territory of the museum.

Coordinates: 55.75247700,37.60742400

Arkhangelsk house of Peter I

This small wooden house of a completely “non-royal” look was built by Russian and Dutch craftsmen for Peter I in 1702 on Markov Island near Arkhangelsk. The tsar lived there for two and a half months, watching the construction of the Arkhangelsk fortifications and the navy.

Several times the house changed its location, burned, restored and reconstructed, moved again, until, finally, in the 30s of the XX century it was transferred to the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve, where it is located to this day.

Today, this building of two log cabins, with a cold vestibule and a corridor, is located in the southern part of the Sovereign's Court. The reconstructed interiors house the memorial museum of Peter the Great.

Coordinates: 55.67264800,37.66503100

State Museum of V.V. Mayakovsky

Opening date of the State Museum named after V.V. Mayakovsky falls on January 1974. The building of cultural interest is located in Moscow, in the house where the great poet lived from 1919 to 1930.

At the heart of his collection are the museum-type funds of the Vladimir Mayakovsky Library, which was organized in 1938. At present, the museum fund has 50 thousand items of storage. The manuscript-documentary fund contains 12 thousand items, at the heart of this collection are Vladimir Mayakovsky's notebooks in the amount of 68 pieces.

12,000 protected items were also found in the fund of visual materials. The main place in its composition is occupied by works of graphics, painting and sculpture, advertising, a poster, a fund of photo negatives and sound recordings.

The Mayakovsky family fund has 20,000 protected units. It was bequeathed to the museum by the poet's sister L. V. Mayakovskaya, it contains letters, documents, manuscripts belonging to the poet's sisters and his mother.

The memorial fund contains 2,300 items of storage - family heirlooms and personal belongings of Mayakovsky. Among them, a special place is occupied by the sisters' watches, grandfather's checker and the engagement ring of the poet's mother.

There are 250 thousand items in the book fund, among which 5 thousand belong to the rare book fund. The heart of the fund is the works of V. Mayakovsky, which he wrote during his lifetime, his memoirs, newspaper controversy and publications in Russia and abroad.

The structure of the museum includes an exposition department, which develops plans for exhibition events and improves the existing exposition.

Coordinates: 55.75920900,37.62911600

Museum of Private Collections

The Museum of Private Collections is a department of the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, opened on January 24, 1994 on the initiative of the Moscow collector Ilya Samoilovich Zilberstein, the owner of the richest collection of Russian and Western European art.

This seemingly small building has 17 halls with a total exposition area of ​​about 1000 square meters. The museum collection contains about seven thousand works of Russian and Western European art of the 19th and 20th centuries, including painting, graphics, sculpture, applied art and photography.

Here you can see collections created over the course of several generations, which include not only works of art, but also memorial items, as well as the creative heritage of outstanding artists of the 20th century - Vladimir Veisberg, David Shterenberg, Georgy and Orest Vereisky, Alexander Tyshler and others .

Coordinates: 55.74755300,37.60725700

Museum-workshop of Zurab Tsereteli

How to get there: metro station Barrikadnaya, metro station Belorusskaya, then walk along the fence of the Zoo for 5-10 minutes. Go

Coordinates: 55.76649122,37.57691658

Museum of theatrical puppets at the SATTK them. S. V. Obraztsova

The museum at the world-famous State Academic Central Puppet Theater named after S.V. Obraztsov was established in 1937. Among its first exhibits were the works of the last of the wandering puppeteers I.A. Zaitsev and the Efimov brothers. Now this collection, which is one of the largest in the world, contains more than 3,500 dolls from 60 countries.

Here you can see unique puppets, including puppets from antiquity, puppets of Russian, Italian, Japanese and other theaters of the world. Here there is an opportunity not only to admire these dolls, but also to understand how they are controlled, to see how the artists work with the dolls. It also stores the rarest materials related to the history of Russian and world puppet theater: scenery models, photographs, posters, performance programs, rare written documents, archival materials and much more. In the library of the museum you can get acquainted with the special literature dedicated to the puppet theater.

Coordinates: 55.77412200,37.61442200

Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War

The Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War was established in 1986, and opened its doors to visitors on May 9, 1995 in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the end of the Great Patriotic War.

About fifty thousand exhibits tell about the history of the war, the memory of which is kept by every Russian family. The museum includes a military-historical exposition, reflecting the tragic history of the war years, and an art exposition.

In the Victory Park, located next to the museum, there is an exhibition of military equipment, which occupies one of the key places in the museum. Engineering fortifications, rare pieces of equipment from the Great Patriotic War and captured military vehicles attract attention. The exposition is a success among the younger generation, which learns the history of the war from living examples. The exhibited equipment allows you to see firsthand how our fathers and grandfathers fought.

Coordinates: 55.72962900,37.51165700

USSR Museum at VDNKh

The USSR Museum at VDNKh is located in the second pavilion of VDNKh. In the museum, you can look at objects that entered our everyday life during the Soviet Union, remember forgotten things and the former appearance of familiar everyday objects.

Some exhibits of the museum are reminiscent of the official past of our country - for example, numerous portraits of V. Lenin, busts of I. Stalin and K. Voroshilov, propaganda leaflets of different times. However, one should not forget that today the creators of the museum can also take an ironic look at history - for example, in one of the rooms visitors will be met by the mausoleum Lenin, who, when approached, begins to breathe actively.

The Museum of the USSR is designed to remind you of the life of that time - in one of the halls, the typical atmosphere of an apartment of the late sixties is recreated - dishes, tin cans for cereals, wallpaper of that time, a guitar in the corner, a bulky record player - a rarity, and, of course, toys that grew millions citizens of the country. Here you can also play slot machines or try to call a friend from a phone booth that has long disappeared from our streets.

Coordinates: 55.82840800,37.63141400

Panorama Museum "Battle of Borodino"

On the territory of the former village of Fili, now on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, there is the Battle of Borodino Panorama Museum. The museum is the center of the historical and memorial complex dedicated to the Patriotic War of 1812.

The museum not only provides an overview of a significant historical period for Russia, but is itself a historical monument. The exposition began in 1883, when the officers of the Grenadier Corps set up a milestone on the site of the burned down hut of the Military Council. In 1887, the Kutuzovskaya Izba itself was restored. In 1912, in memory of Field Marshal M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, next to the hut, the Chapel of the Archangel Michael was erected. In 1940, an obelisk was moved to the territory of the complex from the mass grave of soldiers who died from wounds received in the Battle of Borodino. In 1958, the museum-historical complex was supplemented with a bronze bust of M.I. Kutuzov. To date, the museum also includes the Triumphal Arch (previously standing on Tverskaya Zastava Square) and the Monument to the Glorious Sons of the Russian People.

Coordinates: 55.73890200,37.52318100

Museum of Entrepreneurs" patrons and philanthropists

Moscow, M. Oktyabrskaya, st. Donskaya, d. 9, building 1, then five minutes on foot

Opening hours: from 13:00 to 18:00 on weekdays.

Saturday and Sunday by prior arrangement.

Museum of the factory "Red October"

Many favorite sweets, which include the famous chocolates and sweets Alyonka, Cancer Necks, Golden Key, Tretyakov Gallery and others, are made in one of the oldest confectionery factories in Russia - Krasny Oktyabr.

Since 1994, a museum has been opened in the factory building, which, together with a workshop for the production of handmade chocolate, is still located on Bersenevskaya Street, while a new factory building was opened on Malaya Krasnoselskaya Street.

In the lobby of the museum there are large stands and awards from which you can learn about the history of the factory. Visitors are told and shown the technology of making chocolate and caramel in the factory workshops and, of course, they are allowed to try everything. The tour ends with a tea party with a tasting of confectionery. The museum also has a souvenir shop where you can buy products with the Red October logo.

Coordinates: 55.74021900,37.60878400

Museum of Russian toys in Moscow

The Museum of Russian Folk Toys is located on the territory of the Izmailovsky Kremlin. The exhibits of the museum will tell you a fascinating story about the appearance of toys in Rus', will introduce you to all their diversity. You will also learn about the development of toy crafts. The purpose of the entire collection is to develop in visitors, regardless of age, a keen interest in folk toys, to open before them the magnificent world of Russian fairy tales and entertainment.

The Museum of Russian Folk Toys is not just a traditional display of an exposition, here, through an interactive game form, children are given the opportunity to express themselves creatively, to feel like a real master. The Museum of Russian Folk Toys hosts various excursion and educational programs: excursions, lessons, travel lessons, thematic events and classes.

Little visitors will be told about famous folk toy crafts, colorful wooden, clay, cloth, historical costume dolls and nursery rhymes, they will be introduced to toys from different parts of Russia - Dymka, Filimonovskaya, Polkhov-Maidanskaya, Kargopolskaya. The guide will tell you where Matryoshka actually appeared in Russia. Under the guidance of an experienced matryoshka maker, you can try to paint it yourself and take it as a keepsake.

Coordinates: 55.79481600,37.75024300

Pavilion-museum "Funeral train of Lenin"

The pavilion-museum "The Funeral Train of Lenin" is located near the Paveletsky railway station. The exposition of the museum is represented by a single exhibit - the steam locomotive U-127 with a trailer car. After the death of V.I. Lenin, this train delivered the body of the leader of the revolution from Gorki to Moscow.

The steam locomotive U-127 could be found on the Tashkent railway line. When it was transferred to the museum in 1937, it was repaired, restored and painted red.

The slogan "From the non-party to the communists" flaunted on the boiler of the hearse locomotive.

This small reserve of the Soviet era was practically not needed by anyone - neither the authorities nor tourists. Currently, the museum-pavilion is part of the exposition of the Museum of the Moscow Railway.

Coordinates: 55.73060200,37.64293300

Museum of Bells in Moscow

The Museum of Bells, opened in Izmailovo in 2006, was the result of the painstaking work of the Society of Church Bell Ringers, led by Igor Konovalov (senior bell ringer of the Moscow Kremlin cathedrals and the Cathedral of Christ the Savior). Research work has been carried out for 20 years. The exposition is represented by bells made in the 17th-20th centuries, as well as rare historical illustrations.

The museum is located in a wooden tower, behind the altar of the majestic St. Nicholas Church. This is not just a collection of exhibits, far away you can hear the bells ringing with a jubilant voice. Under the ringing of bells, you will be told about the history of individual multi-ton giant bells, about the secrets of creation and sound. The archives of the museum contain many interesting stories and legends.

Having risen to the upper tier, from where a magnificent view of the majestic five-domed cathedral opens, you can try to ring the bell yourself. But it is better to listen to the ringing of experienced ringers and you will be surprised to understand that the bells do not deafen at all. They amaze with their pure and majestic sound.

Coordinates: 55.79481600,37.75024300

Moscow State Museum "Burganov's House"

The museum "Dom Burganova" presents the work of A. N. Burganov, a famous sculptor in Russia. Alexander Burganov is a world-famous artist whose works are kept in museums and adorn the streets of European and American cities.

The Moscow State Museum "Burganov's House" is located in the historical part of Moscow, near the Old Arbat. The museum building was created on the basis of the workshop of Professor Alexander Burganov and is a romantic place where you can enjoy the work of the academician, as well as the works of modern and classical sculpture from Western Europe and Russia.

The museum was designed by the sculptor himself and embodies the artistic world of Alexander Nikolaevich. The atmosphere of the birth of unique works reigns here. Among the popular and permanent expositions of the "House of Burganov": "Garden" Sivtsev Vrazhek "," People-Legends "and" Sculpture of Alexander Burganov ", which is located in the exhibition pavilions and in the open air. The master's personal collection shows the art of ancient classics, Africa and Western Europe, folk art and medieval sculpture... Everything that makes up the artistic world of Alexander Nikolayevich Burganov is presented here.

Coordinates: 55.74656600,37.59698200

Museum of Entertaining Sciences Experimentanium

The Museum of Entertaining Sciences Experimentanium was created for a fascinating study of the laws of science and the phenomena of the surrounding world. The opening took place on March 6, 2011. In the Experimentanium, everyone can take a direct part in experiments and experiments. More than 200 interactive museum exhibits tell fascinating stories about mechanics, electricity, magnetism, acoustics, optical illusions, puzzles and much more.

Museum of the History of the Moscow City Psychiatric Hospital. Alekseeva (Kashchenko)

The museum is not only Kashchenko, but the entire national psychiatry is located on the territory of the Moscow Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 1 named after N.A. Alekseev. Hospital, until 1994, named after P.P. Kashchenko.

The hospital was built according to the project of the architect L.O. Vasiliev. Eclectic architectural style, brick style of the late 19th century. It was built at the expense of patrons on the initiative of the mayor N.A. Alekseev.

In the main building, the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" (1994) was restored, and on the territory - a chapel in memory of N.A. Alekseev (1994), a chapel was built - a monument to patrons. It was opened on May 24, 1894.

The museum funds store old case histories, reports, statements, photographs, portraits of hospital staff, pre-revolutionary case histories and things created by the hands of hospital patients. Also here you can find information about patrons, labor veterans, participants of the Great Patriotic War.

Having visited the museum, you will learn not only the history of the hospital and the formation of domestic psychiatry. You will be told about the principles of treatment of the mentally ill and about the delicate work of psychiatrists.

Coordinates: 55.70467700,37.60889100

Museum at the Moscow Art Theater

Museum of the Moscow Art Academic Theatre. Chekhov - Moscow Art Theater - was founded in 1923. Initially, the museum was located in the premises of the Moscow Art Theater. In 1947, the museum was allocated premises in building 3-a. The museum stores documents and materials related to the history of the Moscow Art Theater and its leaders. Here is a unique collection of personal belongings of theater workers, sculpture and graphics, paintings, stage costumes, scenery models, documentary materials.

Here you can see theatrical painting and graphics by A. Benois, N. Roerich, M. Dobuzhinsky, B. Kustodiev, A. Benz, A. Golovin. Also, there are exhibits associated with the names of Vs. Meyerhold, M. Bulgakov, B. Pasternak, F. Chaliapin, K. Stanislavsky, Vl. Nemirovich-Danchenko, O. Knipper-Chekhova, M. Gorky. Of interest is the artistic dressing room of K.S. Stanislavsky, office of Vl.I. Nemirovich Danchenko, artistic dressing room of the famous actor O.N. Efremov, located in the premises of the Moscow Art Theater named after A.P. Chekhov. There is also an exposition hall and the so-called "Ephraim Foyer".

The Moscow Art Theater Museum has two branches. This is the Museum-apartment of Vl.I. Nemirovich-Danchenko and the House-Museum of K.S. Stanislavsky.

Coordinates: 55.76026700,37.61339400

Mosfilm Museum

The Museum of the Mosfilm Cinema Concern is part of the legendary film studio, which for many years has been one of the most advanced not only in Russia, but also in Europe. The richest collection of museum exhibits is constantly changing - after all, many of them continue to be filmed in different films, and when some items are sent for shooting, others take their place. Also, here you can see a collection of cars dating back to the 20th century, scenery and costumes of actors.

Retro cars, despite their venerable age, are superbly restored and are on the move. This is the Peugeot phaeton of the 1913 release, and the open convertible of the Rolls-Royce of 1913, and the Russo-Balt of 1913, as well as the Volga from the movie Beware of the Car and Stirlitz's Mercedes-Benz from " Seventeen Moments of Spring.

A lot of surprises have been prepared for museum visitors - for example, the mock-up room will reveal the secret of a fire on a train from the movie "34th Ambulance", or the secret of transforming an ordinary chicken into a huge "Ryaba Hen" in the film of the same name by A. Konchalovsky.

Stands located in the studio introduce visitors to scenery sketches, makeup, awards and much more. Film sets are of great interest. Pavilions and outdoor venues are best seen with your own eyes - and you will have a rare opportunity to look into another era, without using a time machine.

Coordinates: 55.72276000,37.53255500

Museum-Estate Ostankino

The Ostankino Estate Museum, which was the grand summer residence of Count Sheremetev, tells about the history of Russian and European theatrical art.

The architectural and artistic monument consists of a boyar patrimony with a pond, the Church of the Holy Life-Giving Trinity, the master's house and an oak forest. The Ostankino estate, where the architects Camporesi, Starov and Brenna worked, was opened to visitors in 1919.

The palace-theater, built of Siberian pine in the classical style, is the only theater building in Russia with a stage, a hall, dressing rooms, machinery, which have survived to this day since the 18th century. Inside, the halls are decorated with cutlery, gilded carved wood and bronze.

Every year, Ostankino hosts the Sheremetev Seasons festival, which continues the theatrical and musical traditions of the estate.

Coordinates: 55.82508100,37.61465500

Museum "Bulgakov's House"

The Bulgakov House Museum is one of two museums dedicated to the famous author, which are located in the same courtyard on Bolshaya Sadovaya Street.

The museum opened its doors on May 15, 2004 and immediately gained popularity. The creators of the museum expanded the usual idea of ​​the museum and created a cultural and educational center. A theater operates under him, lectures and seminars on the work of M.A. Bulgakov, concerts and poetry evenings.

The permanent exhibition of the museum is dedicated to the life and work of the writer. The museum has such exhibits as the author's folder, a portrait of the writer, his personal medical items that he used when he worked in the hospital. A special pride of the museum is the electronic exposition, which has absorbed more than five hundred photographs and documents. The museum constantly holds temporary exhibitions based on the works of Bulgakov, which change every month.

The museum also conducts tours of Bulgakov's Moscow sites. Particularly interesting are night excursions and excursions on a rubber-running tram.

Another interesting fact is that since 2005, the Behemoth cat has been living at the museum.

Coordinates: 55.76689600,37.59290700

Jewish Museum

A multimedia museum that occupies the entire spacious garage building. There is also the history of Jewry in 3D pictures, and the Center for Tolerance, which is going to be engaged in educational programs, and halls for contemporary art.

Biological Museum. K.A. Timiryazev

The museum presents exclusive sections on botany and physiology. Of particular interest is the unique interactive exhibition "Look at both!", dedicated to the secrets and mysteries of human and animal vision.

m. Barrikadnaya, Krasnopresnenskaya, walk past the zoo on the street. Krasnaya Presnya, 2nd turn to the right, red and white mansion

Museum of Water in Moscow

The Museum of Water in Moscow is located on the territory of the former Main Sewage Station, built in 1889. The station building was designed by the Russian architect M.K. Geppener, it is remarkable as a monument of industrial architecture. The building of the museum itself was erected in 1947-48.

This building houses the first information and environmental center "Museum of Water", the creator of which was JSC "Mosvodokanal". The exposition of the museum is dedicated to the education of a culture of water use, respect for our water resources and reveals the very concept of "Water is the essence of nature." It will help to understand how a person tamed water and turned it to his own good.

Traveling through the halls, you will see the entire history of the formation of water supply and sewerage systems in Moscow, starting with the Rostokinsky aqueduct and ending with modern facilities - membrane drinking water filtration units, an ultraviolet water disinfection unit. Showcases of historical halls will present you with authentic documents of past years - maps, handwritten albums, working drawings.

Of particular interest to visitors are the existing layouts of structures, electrified maps of water supply sources, schemes of technological processes for cleaning. With the help of the "virtual guide" you will be able to familiarize yourself with the theme of the halls.

Coordinates: 55.72852400,37.65696600

Roerich Museum

Museum named after N.K. Roerich is a structural subdivision of the International Center of the Roerichs and occupies the building of an old noble mansion in the center of Moscow.

The museum was created on the initiative of Svyatoslav Roerich, who believed that an organization of this kind should be primarily of a public nature, and not of a state nature. In accordance with the idea of ​​cultural values ​​as the property of society, the work of the museum was organized. In particular, various lectures, classical music concerts, and international conferences are regularly held on the premises of the museum.

The bulk of the materials presented in the museum is the legacy of the Roerichs, transferred to the disposal of the Roerich Foundation by their heirs in 1990. The central exposition of the museum is dedicated to the Living Ethics - the philosophy of cosmic reality. The pearl of the museum's art collection is a number of Himalayan sketches by N.K. Roerich. They form the basis of traveling exhibitions held in Russia and foreign countries.

Coordinates: 55.74671100,37.60332600

Museum of Packaging in Moscow

The Museum of Packaging is located in the very center of the capital. Under this, at first glance, discreet sign, an unusual exposition is hidden. On the stands you will see a variety of rare labels, boxes, bottles and boxes, through which you can easily trace the history of the state.

The collection of I.N. Smirenny, the organizer of the magazine "Package and Packing", served as the origin of the Museum of Packaging. Collecting vintage wrappers and packaging, he collected a huge number of exhibits. And for the anniversary of Moscow, in 1997, the first exhibition was organized - "Packaging from old Moscow". A year later, after the exhibition - "Two centuries of Russian labels", the museum registered in the building of the Polytechnic Museum.

The exposition of the museum is presented in three sections. The first of them is dedicated to the oldest samples of packaging business in Russia, the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 20th century. The most interesting exhibits relate to perfumery and confectionery production.

In those ancient times, there was no television advertising, its function was successfully replaced by beautiful packaging. At the same time, the first advertising slogans appeared. In this hall, you can find out what the name of the Krasny Oktyabr factory and the famous Babaevskaya factory were called before the nationalization in 1917.

The second hall represents the world of packaging from the times of the USSR, starting from the 1920s of the XX century.

There are exhibits decorated with works by Kandinsky, Rodchenko, Mayakovsky.

Finally, the last third hall of the museum will show modern packaging design, talk about new packaging materials, their development and recycling problems.

Coordinates: 55.77151600,37.63947800

Museum of Russian Costume and Life in Moscow

The Museum of Russian Costume and Life personifies the unique man-made history of our people, which is reflected in Russian clothing. The director of the museum, Svetlana Osinina, managed to put together a unique collection literally bit by bit, which will be presented to you in the halls of the museum.

National clothes are of great importance in the history of the cultural development of any state. After reading Russian fairy tales, you will see heroes in characteristic folklore outfits - Ivan Tsarevich in a kosovorotka, Vasilisa the Wise in a sundress and kokoshnik. All these outfits are decorated with rich ornaments and color symbols. The Museum of Russian Costume and Life has collected a unique collection of national folklore - blouses, scarves, sundresses, various jewelry from all over Russia. Here you can also see items that our ancestors used in everyday life - samovars, spinning wheels, chests and many other antiques.

The tour is accompanied by a fascinating story about the life and home life of people who lived in that distant time. It will be interesting to learn about the purpose of amulet dolls, as well as the semantic meaning of patterns on fabrics and in costumes.

Coordinates: 55.84921600,37.58722900

Museum of Perfume Art in Moscow

The Museum of Perfume Art in Moscow is located on Ilyinka Street, house 4 (Gostiny Dvor). The exhibits of the museum are samples of perfumery art, representing several historical eras. In terms of the richness of the collection, it is not inferior to the famous French museum located in the city of Grasse.

The exposition of the Russian museum is represented by double-sided mirrors from the first quarter of the 19th century, a spotting scope with bottles in the form of snails, which was brought from France and belonged to the wife of Heinrich Brocard, the founder of the first perfume factory in Russia. Here you will see an 18th-century mussel, scented vases. You will also be told the story of the legendary perfume "Red Moscow", the prototypes of which were the first Russian perfume "Empress's Favorite Bouquet", created in 1913 for the 300th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty. All kinds of smells envelop the visitor as soon as he steps on the threshold.

The showcase with the tools of master perfumers is represented by a gilded apparatus for distilling essential oils, all kinds of mortars, flasks, and pestles. Nearby is a table with ingredients: oakmoss, nutmeg skin, cardamom and much more ... If you add a pair of frog legs, a dozen rat tails and a vial of dragon tears, you will get a classic evil sorcerer set.

Next is a showcase with ladies' accessories, from the time of A.S. Pushkin, which were sprayed with perfume, going out into the world: all kinds of handkerchiefs, fans and gloves. Having received such a gift, which meant the favor of the girl, the gentleman carefully kept it next to his heart.

The exhibits of the third showcase are ancient embalming vessels. Here you will learn the history of the "Triple Cologne", which was formerly called "Cologne Water", was odorless and used for medicinal purposes. The museum has a huge bottle of "Triple", which was produced on special order for Stalin.

Coordinates: 55.75472300,37.62505900

Museum of the History of Cognac in Moscow

The Museum of the History of Cognac, founded in 2007, is located on the territory of the Moscow wine and cognac factory "KiN". The building was built in the Charente style. There are no other similar museums in Russia. The exposition of the museum tells about the long way cognac goes - from the vine to the aged, amber drink.

The museum presents many exhibits that give a complete picture of the cognac production process: the tools of labor of coopers, winegrowers and winemakers of the 19th - early 20th centuries. You will visit the cognac storage immersed in darkness and see the main exhibit of the collection - an old Charente alambic or alembic, created in 1900.

Museum guests will be taught how to properly taste cognac, to capture the different shades of taste and aroma of young and aged cognacs, they will show how to properly serve cognac and what gastronomic dishes it goes well with.

Coordinates: 55.86856900,37.45949100

National Museum of Russian Vodka in Moscow

The National Museum of Russian Vodka was opened in 2006 in Moscow, on Samokatnaya street at number 4, in Lefortovo. The exposition of the museum includes the collections of the famous historian A. Nikishkin, on the history of Russian vodka, which he collected for 15 years. Exhibits of the Kristall factory are also presented. The collection includes damask bottles, ancient tableware, a description of the technique for producing a forty-degree drink, and advertising leaflets.

Vodka has long become an integral part of Russian reality, so the association with it will be quite normal and natural. Almost all important events are associated with vodka - the birth of a baby, seeing off on a long journey, a wedding, a funeral. She was paid for minor services, that is, vodka, in fact, was an exchange currency. And in the 20s of the last century, in Siberia, vodka labels were in use along with credit notes. This drink, leaving an indelible mark on the folklore, Russian language, literally became part of the Russian mentality, everyday culture. No wonder foreigners, along with other symbols of our Fatherland (matryoshka, caviar, bear), often remember vodka.

The museum has a tasting room and a makeshift tavern, which skillfully created the atmosphere of the XIX century. In the tavern you can order national dishes: pancakes with beluga and sturgeon caviar, snacks. In the museum you can buy vodka in original souvenir packaging. Tours are conducted in two languages ​​- Russian and English.

Coordinates: 55.75648600,37.67926100

Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts

The Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts is the most popular Moscow museum, which owns the largest collection of works of art in Russia. The museum building is also recognized as an architectural monument and is under the auspices of the state.

The State Museum of Fine Arts was opened in 1912 on the initiative of the professor of Moscow State University, the famous art critic Ivan Tsvetaev. Initially, the museum was named after the Russian Emperor Alexander III, and only in 1937 did it acquire its modern name. To date, the museum's collection contains more than 560 thousand different works of art - paintings, sculptures, photographs, ancient coins and archaeological finds. Here you can admire the paintings of Van Gogh, Picasso, Monet, Renoir, Degas and other world famous artists.

Recently, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts celebrated the centenary of its foundation. But despite its venerable age, to this day it remains one of the leading museums in Russia, attracting art lovers from all over the country.

Coordinates: 55.74728600,37.60508600

Orlov Paleontological Museum

The Orlov Paleontological Museum is one of the largest natural history museums in the world. Its history began with the Kunstkamera founded by Peter the Great. Today the exposition of the museum is located on 5000 square meters.

In six richly decorated halls, the history of life on our planet from the most ancient geological period is consistently demonstrated. Various groups of extinct organisms are represented here. Museum exhibits were collected by different generations of Russian paleontologists around the country and abroad.

The first room contains the skeleton of a mammoth found in Siberia in 1842. Next, you can see samples of the most ancient organisms from the Precambrian to the Silurian periods. The Moscow Hall introduces the geological history of the region, the animals that lived in the region in different eras. The Late Paleozoic Hall presents the collection of Professor Amalitsky, collected in 1898-1914. Also in the museum there is a Mesozoic hall with skeletons of dinosaurs, and the last hall demonstrates a huge variety of mammals of antiquity.

Coordinates: 55.62363500,37.51433800

Museum of theft named after Yuri Detochkin

The Museum of theft named after Yuri Detochkin was organized in 2002 in Moscow. The museum is located in the Favorit Motors car dealership and every day on Kopteva Street it gathers curious tourists.

Near the entrance to the car showroom there are two exhibits of great interest - a stand-in motorcycle from the movie "Beware of the Car" and an old Opel. The motorcycle was bought for a substantial amount of money at a Christy auction, and the Opel car is famous for being one of the first stolen cars.

Inside the Detochkin Museum there is a large collection of original exhibits and, despite the small territory, the salon accommodates a large number of objects - from chisels used in the last century to modern alarms. The museum collection is replenished by specialists from the 7th department of the MUR, employees of the Favorit Motors car dealership and ordinary city dwellers. One of the most interesting objects is the Kalashnikov assault rifle, with which the car thief was wounded at the time of detention. The museum named after Yuri Detochkin also has a large collection of edged weapons - from axes to Cossack checkers.

Here everyone will be able to find a lot of new and interesting things for themselves, and will also be able to donate something from their collection to the hijacking museum.

Coordinates: 55.83198700,37.51835000

Bread Museum ". Moscow

Museum of Bread in Moscow, located in the entertainment complex "Kremlin Izmailovo". It contains documents, photographs that tell about the history of bread in Russia. Here you can find various baking equipment, forms, bread recipes. In the museum, visitors will be told about the traditions of bread-baking, they will be shown ancient objects with which bread was baked.

As you know, in Russia there is a tradition: those who break bread together remain friends for life. Until now, guests of honor are greeted with bread and salt, and therefore bread in Rus' has always been considered a symbol of friendship. In honor of this product, a museum was created in the Izmailovo Kremlin cultural and entertainment complex in Moscow. Visitors will be able to learn the history of the origin of bread in Russia, see various utensils and baking equipment. You can also learn the technology of making bread, old and modern recipes.

In addition, the museum contains exhibits of bread, among which the "youngest" belongs to the beginning of the 20th century, there are baking molds and equipment for making bread. Those items with which bread was prepared in the old days have changed a little by our time. But still, they remained practically the same. Visitors will get acquainted with the traditions that have existed in Russia since ancient times. The museum also holds master classes in baking bread.

Coordinates: 55.78950800,37.75382900

Museum of Technology of Vadim Zadorozhny

The Museum of Technology of Vadim Zadorozhny is one of the largest museums of vintage cars in Europe. It presents cars of Soviet political leaders, unique collections of Alfa-Roma, Horch, Delahaye, BMW.

The museum's collection began with a 1939 BMW Wartburg car accidentally bought by Zadorozhny, which took 10 months to restore. Now the museum has more than 1,000 exhibits, which are located on 6,000 square meters. The museum includes a library, restaurants, a car service, a club for motorists.

The first exposition of the museum 7 years ago was composed mainly of BMWs from the first half of the 20th century.

Today, the museum has collected more than 1,000 exhibits, some of which are truly unique. Here you can see the famous ZiS 115. This is the first car equipped with a hidden reservation system, which is provided by an armored capsule - a 4-ton capsule hidden under the car body. It has been experimentally proven that this particular ZiS 115 belonged to Stalin and that it was this ZiS that transported it. In addition, the museum presents unique collections of Alfa-Roma, Horch, Delahaye - brands whose manufacturers are no longer found on the market.

Cars are located on three floors. The basement includes an exposition of Soviet cars "Garage of the Land of Soviets". On the ground floor are foreign vintage cars dating back to 1902. The second showcases motorcycles, American cars, Formula 1 sports cars. Military equipment is located on the territory of the museum complex.

Coordinates: 55.79592500,37.29686700

Museum of Oriental Art

The State Museum of Art of the Peoples of the East, opened in 1918 and located in the Lunin House, is the only specialized museum in Russia, whose collection currently includes art and cultural monuments from more than 100 countries of Asia and Africa.

This is the largest cultural and educational center, which presents over 147,500 museum exhibits.

In the museum you can visit the following permanent exhibitions: The Art of Korea, The Art of China, The Art of Japan, The Art of Southeast Asia, The Art of the Caucasus, The Art of Iran, The Art of India, The Art of Middle Asia and Kazakhstan”, “The Art of Buryatia, Mongolia and Tibet”, “The Art of the Peoples of the North”, “Painting of Transcaucasia and Central Asia”, “Creativity of N.K. and S.N. Roerichs.

Temporary exhibitions of famous domestic and foreign cultural figures are also held here, and the only Gallery of Oriental Antiques in Russia operates.

Coordinates: 55.75500900,37.59918700

Moscow House-Museum of Yesenin

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary, in honor of the birthday of the great Russian poet, the Moscow State Museum of S.A. Yesenin was opened on Bolshoy Strochenovsky Lane. The grand opening took place in 1995.

The location of the museum was chosen for a reason, the poet's father lived in house number 24, and soon Yesenin himself (from 1911 to 1918). The museum is very unusual and is distinguished by an interesting artistic solution of the exposition. The central place in the exposition belongs to the memorial room, which is made of glass and is a three-dimensional showcase. Here are a bed, a table, a chest, books and other personal belongings of the poet. The room was conditionally furnished, since almost no reliable information has been preserved.

The second room in the museum is dedicated to the death of the poet, where photographs are presented that tell about this terrible day.

The main task of the museum is to acquaint visitors with the creative and life path of the poet. Visitors are greatly interested in the video materials shown, newsreels depicting Yesenin, his relatives and friends.

Museum of S.A. Yesenina is actively working in the field of numerous excursions, holding concerts.

Currently, the museum has been given another building, where, at the end of construction work, a whole modern complex dedicated to the work of Sergei Yesenin will operate.

Coordinates: 55.72682000,37.63068400

Museum "Underground Printing House of 1905-1906"

Museum "Underground Printing House of the Central Committee of the RSDLP 1905-1906" first opened its doors in 1923 and became a monument of the political history of Russia, during the First Russian Revolution, highlighting the history of the illegal activities of the RSDLP (b). Since 1924 it has been a branch of the Museum of the Revolution.

During the days of the First Russian Revolution, on Lesnaya Street, literally under the noses of the police, under the sign of a fruit shop ("Kalandadze's trade in Caucasian fruits"), an illegal printing house was opened. In fact, it was a hole dug in the ground, where one could get through a secret hole. The interior of the basement has been restored - it is a warehouse with fruit and cheese, in wooden boxes. At the bottom of the boxes were hidden piles of leaflets and illegal newspapers. Also here is the main tool - the American printing press.

The professionalism of the illegal printers was so high that the police never discovered the secret printing house.

The museum complex clearly shows the conditions and environment in which the underground workers worked, it will give you the opportunity to feel the spirit of that time.

Coordinates: 55.78178600,37.59317300

House-Museum of A.N. Ostrovsky

The museum is located in the old house where the famous playwright was born and is an architectural monument of the early 19th century. There is a beautiful garden around the house, and the interiors of the city estate preserve the atmosphere and mood of the life of the Moscow merchants.

The house-museum is a branch of the State Central Theater Museum. A. A. Bakhrushina. The collection contains personal belongings of A.N. Ostrovsky and his family, friends - actors and writers, as well as exhibits reflecting the history of Moscow in the early 19th century. The exposition presents sketches of scenery and costumes, photographic portraits, posters, manuscripts that give an idea of ​​the stage performance of A. N. Ostrovsky's plays on the stage of the Russian theater.

A visit to the museum will be interesting for both adults and children, for whom holidays, excursions are often held here, and in winter - a traditional Christmas tree.

Coordinates: 55.74023100,37.62627900

Museum of Ice Figures in Sokolniki

The museum is housed in a 700 square meter pavilion. Ice sculptures are located in the exhibition part of the pavilion, which occupies 500 square meters and is fully equipped with freezers, the temperature inside of which is -10 degrees all year round.

At the entrance to the exhibition part, everyone is offered additional warm jackets. The museum also has a cafe and a place for master classes and animation programs. You will be able to visit an ice room created with all the details of a real interior: a fireplace, chairs, a mirror, an ice bar with ice dishes and even an ice bed! You will also see favorite cartoon characters made of ice, alien creatures, fantastic insects, as well as a castle guarded by silent guards from the spell of an evil sorceress. The museum has a magical gate, passing under which you can make a wish that will come true.

Russian Museum suit and life embodies the unique man-made history of our people, reflected in Russian clothing.

Director museum Svetlana Osinina managed collect literally bit by bit unique collection which you will present in the halls of the museum.

In the Shchukino area there is a sincere Museum of the life of Soviet scientists. It's hard to call it a classic museum - it's just a collection of good old things that at one time were the decoration of many professorial apartments. The creators of the museum are ordinary caring people from the HOA “Kurchatovskoye”, formed on the basis of houses where they gave apartments to scientists of the Kurchatov Institute. Walk around the museum and see objects of the Soviet era ->
It all started with the fact that in the mid-2000s, the heirs sold the apartment of the radiochemist Boris Kurchatov, brother of the famous academician Igor Kurchatov, the “father” of the Soviet atomic bomb. All the furnishings and personal belongings turned out to be useless and would have ended up in a landfill, but the neighbors saved these things, and later the HOA rented the premises of the former store in one of the Kurchatov houses and organized an exposition there. Over time, the exposition was replenished with personal items from other apartments.

National clothes It has big meaning in the history of the cultural development of any state.

After reading Russian fairy tales, you will see heroes in characteristic folk costumes - Ivana-prince in a kosovorotka, Vasilisa wise in a sundress and kokoshnik.

All these outfits are decorated with rich ornaments and color symbols.

Museum of Russian costume And life collected in himself unique collection national folklore - blouses, scarves, sundresses, various decorations from all corners Russia. Here you can also see the items that were used our ancestors in everyday life samovars, spinning wheels, chests and many other antiques.

During the school excursion, schoolchildren will visit the Museum of Peasant Life, where schoolchildren will be able to see household items, fabrics, clothing, furniture, tools, vehicles, dwellings, outbuildings - everything that surrounds a person in everyday life of that time.
The Museum of Peasant Life introduces the peculiarities of the life of the peasants of the Moscow region in the late XIX - early XX century. The museum was founded in 1982 and is one of the objects of the State Historical Museum-Reserve "Gorki Leninskie".
All things presented in the museum are authentic and therefore interesting as witnesses of a bygone era.
In the museum, schoolchildren will be explained why a peasant’s hut has a low lintel and a high threshold, they will tell why the bathhouse was considered a “nasty place”, how the peasants decorated their homes, they will show the “sugar loaf”, answer many questions about the peculiarities of life and life of peasants near Moscow.
This museum will surely interest schoolchildren who are passionate about folk traditions and folklore. It is an example of a typical peasant farmstead of the beginning of the 20th century for the Moscow region. Residential and outbuildings, the authentic atmosphere of a peasant hut allows you to get a vivid impression of the life of a village near Moscow at the beginning of the last century.
During the school excursion, students will be able to take part in games reflecting the national features and life of the peasant people, such as games with a ball, a rope, bones, pebbles, a hoop, walk on wooden stilts and much more.
Games are played outdoors from April to October.

Excursion accompanied by an exciting story about life and home way of life people who lived at that time.

Interesting will learn about purpose amulet dolls, and Also semantic meaning of patterns on fabrics and in suits.

Ball gowns, corsets, silks, cute hats, elegant shoes... It's easy to touch history, breathe in the delicate smell of bygone eras - the Moscow Fashion Museum was created for true connoisseurs of vintage collections.

The history of fashion is an interesting science

Fashion and costume museums operate in many European capitals. According to the fashion trends of the past, it is possible to restore pictures of the customs, mores and life values ​​of all sectors of society at different times.

There are many ways to study fashion. True connoisseurs of costume history know that you can still find unique pieces in private collections, among museum storerooms, and often the rarest things just gather dust in the forgotten chests of old apartments. Combining everything found into one living collection, restoring and systematizing is not an easy task. Reviews of visitors report that this is why ten years ago the first and only Fashion Museum in Russia was opened in Moscow.

How it all began

Feedback from visitors says that the idea of ​​​​creating a fashion gallery arose after the Valentino fashion house donated one of its collections to Moscow. And a year later, through the efforts of the future artistic director and famous fashion designer Valentin Yudashkin, a new state budgetary institution was registered.

For ten years, the Fashion Museum in Moscow did not have its own premises - all events were held in guest mode at other sites. Despite the difficulties, from the first day of its foundation, the museum participated in all the fashionable cultural events of the capital, invariably arousing public interest with original collections. Feedback from visitors said that the museum celebrated the housewarming only at the end of 2015, when, after many years of wandering, it finally received a permanent residence in Gostiny Dvor. The opening of the first exposition took place on December 23, 2015, when more than 100 clothing models demonstrating the fashion of the early 20th century were shown in the new exhibition halls.

From museum to exhibition center - ten years and dozens of exhibitions

Reading the reviews of visitors, you can find out that today the Fashion Museum in Moscow is a modern one where permanent exhibitions work, lectures, concerts, exhibitions are held. Master classes and non-standard programs such as "Night at the Museum" and "Night of the Arts" are very popular with visitors. And back in 2007, future employees and enthusiasts bit by bit collected the first exposition, starting to realize the idea of ​​​​creating a museum.

Dresses, outerwear, shoes and jewelry from Russia, the USA, England, France - today more than 2,000 exhibits are kept in storerooms. Here are collected different models - from designer exclusive to nameless and everyday. Many of the things, especially shoes and accessories, required serious restoration and careful maintenance. Feedback from visitors notes that thanks to the professionalism of staff and volunteers, today all the exhibits are in excellent condition.

How does the museum live

You don't get bored in the museum halls. Thousands of visitors have already been convinced of this, many of whom managed not only to see the collections, but also to participate in various gallery events.

Exhibitions and stationary expositions are far from all that the Fashion Museum pleases its guests with. Eminent fashion designers and fashion historians regularly give lectures here. "Symbols in Art", "Lace in a Modern Suit", "From Imperial Luxury to Soviet Chic" - the topics of the author's lectures are varied and exciting, and the presenters are real devotees of fashion history.

It also gives shelter to young talents - fashion shows are constantly held here by the staff, the authors of which are students of colleges and universities.

Exhibitions and expositions

Feedback from visitors explains that the expositions in the exhibition halls are always thematic. The themes here are selected unique, nothing similar is shown anywhere else in the capital. For example, the permanent exhibition "Anthology of the Long Dress" shows how women's fashion changed at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. And the exhibition “Man in Uniform. A look through the screen" introduces viewers to how historical military costumes are made for filming movies. One of the latest projects of the museum is the exhibition "On the noisy streets of Moscow" - a retrospective display of the fashion of three historical periods: the end of the 19th century, the 40s of the last century and Soviet fashion from 1950 to 1970.

An additional entourage to all the shows is added by the demonstration of films and documentaries about the history of fashion, which accompany each exhibition.

Working hours in the new house

In 2016, one of the largest under the name has a new permanent resident - the Fashion Museum. Address of the institution today: Moscow, st. Ilyinka, 4, entrance 1, second floor. On Tuesday, Wednesday, Sunday, the exhibition halls are open from 11:00 to 19:00, Friday and Saturday from 12:00 to 20:00, and on Thursday from 12:00 to 19:00. On Monday, the Fashion Museum, like most, is closed to the public.

The full ticket price is 150 rubles, for preferential categories (children, students, pensioners and disabled people) - 30 rubles. Here you can also book individual or group tours, the cost of which depends on the number of guests and the duration of the show.

As you know, in the culture of any country, national clothing occupies one of the main places. And it is not surprising, because it contains traditions that are passed down from one generation to another, the history of the people, the motives of national folklore, as well as the ethical, aesthetic values ​​and character of the people who are involved in its creation.

Russian folk costume, which was preserved in peasant life almost until the beginning of the 20th century, is a real monument to the spiritual and material culture of the nation and a separate era. It arose as a man-made object expressing the aesthetic feelings of each individual person. Folk costume at the same time is a kind of artistic image, the content value of which is inextricably linked with its purpose. It can rightfully be called one of the most massive varieties of folk art and arts and crafts in general.

It's no secret that our lives are changing rapidly. Fashion, technology, the interior of dwellings and the lifestyle itself are changing. We are increasingly forgetting how and under what conditions our distant ancestors lived.

Today, you can remember their way of life by visiting the unique "Museum of Russian Costume and Life", located in Moscow at the address: Altufevskoe shosse, 2, building 1.

Russian Costume Museum: exposition

For many years, ethnographic researchers, together with the founder and director of the Museum of Russian Costume Svetlana Osinina, traveled around the country, literally bit by bit collecting the unique man-made chronicle of our people, which was reflected in the Russian folk costume. As a result of long and patient research, a unique museum collection has emerged, which presents magnificent examples of clothing: women's and men's blouses, sundresses, skirts and scarves, kokoshniks decorated with silver, pearls, gold and gems. Here is a huge collection of original Russian national costumes, various household items, as well as samples of handicrafts of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Of particular interest to numerous visitors are indispensable companions of women's life - a spinning wheel and a loom, which fit perfectly into the interior of an old wooden hut with embroidered curtains and tablecloths, rugs and chests. Well, who will refuse to see a real Russian stove, which was once in every peasant's hut, or a unique collection of Christmas tree decorations of the last century.

Costume Museum: additional services

Excursions to the "Museum of Folk Costume and Life" are accompanied by an entertaining story about the way of life and the life of people at that distant time. Visitors will be interested to hear about the purpose of ancient amulet dolls, the semantic meaning of the original patterns on fabrics and national costumes.

In the "Costume Museum" in Moscow, you can not only stay, but also celebrate any celebration in a fun and exciting way, for example, a children's or adult's birthday. There will certainly be folk games and riddles, brownie jokes and a pleasant tea party near a real Russian samovar. Visitors will be able to try to make a ritual doll themselves, play on spoons, rattles and bells. The birthday boy and guests will be dressed up in folk costumes, and an interesting puppet show has been prepared for the kids.

Particularly noteworthy is the children's birthday program called "In Search of the Brownie Fedul", which takes place in an interactive form. Birthday for kids in the "Costume Museum" in Moscow is:

· Many interesting competitions;
· Creative tasks;
· Cunning riddles;
· Mobile ancient games;
· Training in weaving skills;
· Teaching painting.

An unforgettable holiday awaits every visitor of the Museum of National Costume!

The Museum of Russian Costume and Life in Moscow is the best place for a Sunday excursion.

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