Museums of Prague, helping to broaden one's horizons. Cultural Prague

Published: April 1, 2013

Cultural Prague. Museums and art galleries in Prague

Prague is a city of high culture and arts. Therefore, once here, you will definitely need to visit the most famous of the galleries. Many travel companies in the Czech Republic offer excursions to certain places. Can you find them in such a way as ads. However, to know what exactly you want to visit, read a small announcement of the main galleries in Prague.

National Gallery

This institution is the largest museum of fine arts in the capital. The museum is open from 10 am to 6 pm, all days except Monday. This place is visited not only by tourists, but also by locals, as it strikes the imagination and gives inspiration. If you like artistic Prague, the National Gallery website will guide you through ticket prices and discounts.

Bohemian Monastery of Saint Agnes

This gallery is also national and presents expositions of ancient art. As a permanent exhibition - an exhibition of works from the times of Central Europe and Bohemia, Austrian and German art, medieval crafts. If you read news in the Czech Republic, you can track changes in expositions and get exactly the one that is closest to your liking.

Monastery of Saint George

This gallery of ancient art is located at Prague 1 - Prague Castle. The permanent exhibition is: an exhibition of baroque and mannerist art; the identity of the artist and his studio in the Baroque period; art from the reign of Emperor Rudolf. Many tour companies in the Czech Republic make excursions to this gallery.

Palace of Kinsky

The exhibition halls of this gallery are located in Prague 1, at Staromestske nam. 12. The permanent exhibition is landscapes of the 17th-20th centuries.

House of the Black Mother of God

This gallery is a museum of Czech cubism. Looking through the ads, you can find a lot of offers to visit this institution. The permanent exhibition is Czech Cubist art. However, not only the exhibition is impressive, the building itself is historically valuable, because it is the most famous cubist building in the capital, built by Gochar, a famous architect, at the beginning of the 20th century. If you are interested in Prague, the art site will tell you a little interesting about this and similar houses. There are interesting notes in the news in the Czech Republic.

Sternberg Palace

If Prague attracts you as a city of excellent art, then you should definitely visit the Sternberg Palace. It contains an exhibition of European art, ranging from ancient times to the Baroque era. The gallery is located at Prague 1, Hradcanské nam. 15.

Trade and Exhibition Palace

Tour companies in the Czech Republic offer contemporary art lovers a visit to this institution. It contains works of art from the 19th-21st centuries, Czech and international art, including a collection of French art from the 19th to the 20th century.

Castle Zbraslav

If you're scrolling through ads looking for non-European art exhibitions, then Zbraslav is perfect for you. There are an exhibition of Asian art, there is an oriental collection.

Here you will admire the art of Japan, find an art store, touch the art of Japanese sculptures through touch, and also get acquainted with the art of India, China, Tibet, Islam, etc.

Prague, whose website you can easily find, will also offer you other exhibition galleries, such as the House of the Golden Ring, whose exposition is dedicated to the velvet revolution and art after 1989. There is also Troy Castle, which is a museum of wine and vinotheque. Watch the news in the Czech Republic in the field of art and then you will always be aware of the events, which exhibition or gallery presents a new exposition.

News in the Czech Republic often talk about new art exhibitions. Prague is a city of beautiful views, which are enclosed in art galleries performed by artists of various directions.


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The Czech Museum of Fine Arts is known for its extensive collection of paintings, which contains real gems: works by Alfons Mucha, Vojtěch Ginais, Josef Capek, Emil Filla, Antonin Slavicek, Vaclav Shpala, Kamil Lhotak and others. It all started in 1963, when the future museum took shape Regional Gallery of the Central Bohemian Region.

At the same time, for the first time, monographic exhibitions of contemporary art of the Czech Republic were organized, an exposition of drawings by Otto Gutfreund in Mlada Boleslav, Robert Piesen in the Nelahozewsi castle in 1964 and an exhibition of paintings for the Divine Comedy by Yaroslav Vozniak took place.

This was followed by the presentation of works by the surrealist Frantisek Janousek. Thus, the gallery's collection made it possible to trace the history of Czech art from the first half of the 20th century. All four masters belong to the best Czech artists of the 20th century. Robert Pisen was considered a symbol of the struggle for creativity free from censorship, although he painted mainly landscapes, which later, as historical upheavals, were replaced by abstract paintings.

The Second World War also influenced the work of Frantisek Janoušek: after it, he moved from lyrical impressionism to cubism, and then to absurdism. Yaroslav Vozhnyak, an artist, graphic artist and sculptor, who, in addition to the Divine Comedy, was inspired by mythology and the New Testament, did not escape the motifs of hopelessness and despair.

In 1969, three historical houses were reconstructed on Gusova Street near the Old Town Square, where the gallery settled. The museum itself has undergone all the same perturbations as the artists exhibited in it: during the period of normalization, contemporary art was banned, the collection was confiscated, and then returned to the owners as part of the restitution of 1993. Since that time, it has received its current status and name.

Currently, the museum presents one of the most extensive collections, which contains works in several dozen styles - from neoclassicism to cubism, from fauvism to lettrism.

The Prague Museum also owns the pearl of baroque architecture in Kutná Hora, a cultural center and art workshop for children at the Jesuit College. In the capital, the museum is also an open specialized library.

Here you can delve into the scientific file of the museum, borrow biographical materials on the history of art, visit the depository. The museum also provides commentary tours, consultations on 20th and 21st century art history, and reproduction rights to exhibited works.

České muzeum výtvarných umění v Praze Address Husova 19-21

National Museum in Prague

It is the largest museum in the Czech Republic. His area of ​​interest extends to a range of natural science subjects, including specialized fields and the social sciences. The museum consists of five specialized institutes: the Natural History Museum, the Historical Museum, the National Museum Library, the Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures and the Museum of Czech Music.

National Gallery

The National Gallery in Prague has a large collection of Czech and world art. The following premises are open to the public:
Monastery of St. Anezka Bohemia- Collection of Ancient Art (Medieval Art in the Czech Republic and Central Europe)
Monastery of St. George- Collection of ancient art (Art of the Rudolphian period, Baroque art)
Palace of Kinsky-Exposition of Czech landscape painting of the 17th-20th centuries
Sternberg Palace- European art from antiquity to baroque
Veletrzhny Palace- Visual arts of the 19th-21st centuries
Manege of Prague Castle, Wallenstein Manege- showroom
House At the Black Mother of God- Museum of Czech Cubism
Castle Zbraslav- Collection of Asian and Oriental Art.

National Technical Museum in Prague

Engaged in the history of science and technology. Among its exhibits are such unique items as astronomical instruments of the 16th century, in which Tycho Brahe worked, or the first Czechoslovak car. Permanent exhibitions tell about the measurement of time, about transport, film and photo technology, acoustics and astronomy.
Address: st. Kostelna 42, 170 78 Prague 7, phone: 220 399 111

Art and Industry Museum in Prague

It collects, processes and preserves the past and present of artistic crafts, applied arts and design. The museum has permanent exhibitions dedicated to fashion, glass, ceramics, applied graphics and photography.

Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague

The interests of the museum extend mainly to the development of Czech art of the twentieth century. At present, the territory of the former Jesuit dormitory in Kutna Hora is being reconstructed for its needs, which will begin its work in 2007. The museum solves the still existing problem of lack of space for exhibiting collections by implementing smaller or larger projects and series of exhibitions from its collection, both in the premises of its own building on Hus Street, in the Carolinum or in the premises of some regional or foreign institutions. Address: st. Husa 19-21, 110 01 Prague 1, phone: +420-222 220 218

Museum of the Capital City of Prague

The main building of this museum on Florence houses the permanent exhibition Historical Prague - the history of the city and its inhabitants from prehistoric times to 1784. The most unique and popular exhibit is Langweil's model of Prague, created in 1826-1834. Address: On Porzycy 52, 180 00 Prague 8.
The museum also owns Villa Muller. This villa has become one of the best works of the world-famous architect Adolf Loos and, at the same time, it is one of the most famous modern buildings in the Czech Republic. Address: Above the castle reservoir 14 / 642, 162 00 Prague 6 - Strzesovice
The exhibits of the Museum of the Capital City of Prague can also be seen in Podskala customs building at Viton. There is a permanent exhibition The History of the Disappeared Podskalia - Ships on the Vltava. Address: Rasina embankment 412, 120 00 Prague 2

Jewish Museum

The Jewish Museum has one of the richest collections of Jewish studies in the world, consisting of 40,000 items and 100,000 books. It is unique not only for its scale, but, above all, for the fact that all objects belong to the same territory - the Czech Republic and Moravia. Thus, the entire collection presents a complete picture of the life and history of Jews in this region. The Jewish Museum owns the following objects: the Maisel Synagogue, the Spanish Synagogue, the Old Jewish Cemetery, the Klaus Synagogue, the Ceremonial Hall (the building of the Prague funeral society), the Robert Gutmann Gallery and the Educational and Cultural Center.

Prague is a city with a high concentration of interesting places, works of art and historical sights. Practically every house, every lane, every square in the historical center has a rich history and its own collection of “interesting things”. But if you want to get to know the Czech capital even better and get acquainted with its masterpieces, visit the museums of Prague. There are plenty of them in Prague. And connoisseurs of art, and lovers of history, and those looking for unusual sights - everyone will be able to find something interesting for themselves. We have collected the most popular and interesting museums in Prague - choose and travel with benefit and pleasure!

Art galleries: where to experience art in Prague

National Gallery in Prague

The National Gallery in Prague is the second oldest gallery in Europe (only the Louvre is older!) The collection of fine art is extensive and is located in several ancient palaces in different parts of Prague. In fact, this is a whole complex of museums, and in each of them not only the exposition is of interest, but also the building itself. This is where the exhibition halls of the National Gallery in Prague are located: the Kinsky Palace, the monastery of St. Anezhka Czech, Salmovsky Palace, Schwarzenberg Palace, Sternberg Palace, Wallenstein Manege, Exhibition Palace. Let's talk about some of these places separately.

Goltz-Kinski Palace (Palác Kinských)

The exquisite rococo building stands out for its intricate decoration, elegant pink facade and unusual location (the building is slightly "pushed" forward compared to neighboring buildings). We talk more about it in. The Goltz-Kinsky Palace hosts exhibitions of drawings and graphics. Also located here is the National Gallery Information Centre, a café and a museum shop.

Address: Staroměstské náměstí 12, Prague 1 - Staré Město, 110 00
Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00-18.00

Monastery of St. Anezhka Czech, National Gallery in Prague (Klášter sv. Anežky České)

The Gothic architectural complex was built in the 13th century for a monastery founded by St. Anezka of Bohemia, who came from the princely family of the Přemyslids. We also talk about the history of the monastery and the knightly order created under it in the story of the Crusader Square in. Today, the buildings of the monastery house an exposition of the National Gallery of Prague, which presents Czech and European art of the Middle Ages.

Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00-12.00
Address: Anežská 12, Prague 1 - Staré Město, 110 00

Sternberg Palace in Hradcany

The beautiful Sternberg Palace also houses the exposition of the National Gallery. This is quite natural, because the wealthy Sternberg family, who owned the palace from the end of the 16th century until the end of World War II, always patronized art. Josef Sternberg has collected an excellent collection of paintings by famous artists. And today in the exposition of the museum you can see the works of Rembrandt, Goya, Rubens, El Greco and other masters.

The Sternberg Palace is located on Hradchanska Square, but it is well “hidden” - to get inside, you need to go through the left wing of the Archbishop's Palace.

Working mode


Salmovsky palace (Salmovský palác)

Another palace that sheltered the expositions of the National Gallery of Prague is Salmovsky. It is also located on Hradchanskaya Square. And it was also once owned by representatives of the Sternberg family - a large Latin letter S and a coat of arms in the form of a crown still remind of the family. Later, the palace changed several owners. Well, today this building hosts art exhibitions of the National Gallery.

Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00 (Monday closed).
Children under 18 and students under 26 enter free. Adult ticket - 300 kroons, reduced - 150 kroons.
Address: Hradčanské náměstí 1, Prague 1 – Hradčany, 110 00

Schwarzenberg Palace (National Gallery, Schwarzenberský palác)

Another beautiful palace on Hradcany Square, and again the National Gallery of Prague! An amazing Renaissance building, completely covered with sgraffito paintings, is the Schwarzenberg Palace. It is unique in that it largely retained its original appearance, characteristic of the Renaissance. The building was created in the middle of the 16th century, and initially it belonged to the Lobkovitsky family. And in the 18th century, the palace passed into the possession of the wealthy Schwarzenberg family, who gave it its current name.

Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00 (Monday closed).
Children under 18 and students under 26 enter free. Adult ticket - 300 kroons, reduced - 150 kroons.
Address: Hradčanské náměstí 2, Prague 1 – Hradčany, 110 00

Exhibition Palace (Museum of Modern Art, Fair Palace, Veletržní palác)

In old Prague there is a place (and not even one!), which also presents contemporary art. The unusual name of this building is due to the fact that once there were fairs of samples of goods. The functionalist building was erected in the 30s of the XX century, then reconstructed after a big fire in 1974. Today it houses an exhibition of contemporary art from the Prague National Gallery.

Address: Dukelskych hrdinů 47, Prague 7 - Holešovice, 170 00.
Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00 – 18.00; mon. day off.
Ticket price: 300 kroons, reduced 150 kroons.

Alphonse Mucha Museum (Muchovo muzeum)

A real gift for art nouveau fans. The exposition of the museum will help you get acquainted with the work of the legendary modernist, whose works adorn many of Prague's sights. In the museum, you can not only look at Mucha's creations, but also "look" into his workshop, which is recreated using photographs and original furniture.

Address: Panská 7, Praha 1 - Nové Město, 11000

Prague Castle Picture Gallery

The art gallery, created by Emperor Rudolf II at the end of the 16th century, is located in the northern part of the second courtyard of the Prague Castle. The emperor was a passionate admirer and connoisseur of art and collected a unique collection of paintings and sculptures. True, only an insignificant part of that collection has survived to our time - the Swedish troops, who plundered the Prague Castle in the middle of the 17th century, took away most of these valuables, and the other part was transported to Vienna when the Habsburgs began to rule the country. And yet today in the gallery of Prague Castle there is something to see. Today you can see paintings by Titian, Rubens, Veronese and many other famous European artists here.

Lapidarium of the National Museum

The name Lapidaria comes from the Latin lapis, meaning "stone". The fact is that sculptural masterpieces that once adorned the streets and squares of Prague are collected here. Here, the original monuments and sculptures are protected from the effects of nature. And the city itself today is decorated with their skillful copies. In particular, it is here that the originals of many sculptures of the Charles Bridge are kept.

House "At the Black Madonna" - Czech Cubist Museum

In the heart of the Old Place is a building that stands out both in its appearance and content. The house "At the Black Madonna" houses the Museum of Cubism, where you can see expositions of cubic paintings, statues, dishes and furniture. The delightful spiral staircase inside the house also deserves special attention. Well, the unusual name of the house is associated with a small sculpture of the Virgin, located outside. This house, by the way, is part of ours.

Opening hours: Thursday 10.00 - 19.00, from Wednesday to Sunday - 10.00 - 18.00.
Address: no. 19, Ovocny trh, Prague 1

Kampa Museum (Museum of Modern Art)

History on the island of Kampa closely coexists with modernity. Once upon a time, the so-called Owl's mills were located in this building (their owner was Vaclav by the name of Owl). And now in a picturesque park there is the Kampa Museum - a museum of modern art. The exhibits that you will see there may seem incomprehensible and contradictory, but they will definitely be remembered and hardly leave you indifferent. The exposition begins already in the courtyard of the museum: for example, it is hard not to notice the huge 6-meter "Chair on the Vltava". Nearby, by the river, there is a remarkable sculptural composition "March of Penguins across the Vltava River". True, small yellow figures “march” not through, but along the river and, moreover, glow in the dark. In the same place, in the park near the museum, you cannot pass by huge faceless babies cast in bronze. These are the creations of the sculptor David Cherny, who at one time made a lot of noise, like almost all the works of this author.

Address: U Sovových mlýnů 2, Praha 1 – Malá Strana, 118 00
Working mode: 10.00 – 18.00.
Ticket price: 220 kroons, preferential - 110 kroons, family - 340 kroons.

History museums in Prague: time travel

Prague Castle

Prague Castle is a unique castle complex, created in the 9th century, the cultural, spiritual and political center of the Czech Republic. Prague Castle is included in the UNESCO list - the whole complex is a kind of museum and is of great historical and cultural value. In addition, inside the Prague Castle there are several different museums and interesting expositions:

  • Prague Castle Picture Gallery(we already mentioned it above);
  • Exposition "St. Treasures" in the Chapel of the Holy Cross(a unique treasury with the most valuable jewelry, relics, unique old textiles and other artifacts from);
  • Exposition "History of Prague Castle" in the Old Royal Palace;
  • Historical expositions in gunpowder Mihulka tower;
  • Remodeled interiors Rozhemberg Palace;
  • Historical expositions in the houses on the charming Golden street;
  • Exposition of torture instruments in Daliborka tower;
  • Toy Museum;
  • Art collection in Lobkowicz Palace.

Detailed information about the opening hours, Prague Castle facilities, ticket prices, as well as tips for visiting the complex can be found on the description page.

Prague Tower Museum -Jindřišská věž tower

The ancient Gothic tower is part of the church of St. Gendrich. This is the highest bell tower in Prague, which also houses Prague Tower Museum and a restaurant. Being inside the Jindrish Tower, you can listen to amazing chimes - they play a beautiful melody every hour. The repertoire of these watches is so great that they say that no one has ever heard two identical compositions from them.

Address: Jindřišská, Praha 1 - Nové Město, 110 00
Opening hours: from November to March 10.00 - 18.00; from April to October 10.00 – 19.00.
Ticket price: 120 kroons, preferential - 80 kroons, family - 290 kroons.

Powder Tower

Inside the Gothic Powder Tower there is also a small museum where you can get acquainted with the history of Prague and the life of the royal court of the XIV century. In addition, a spiral staircase of 186 steps leads up to the observation deck of the tower, which offers a beautiful view of the Old Town.

Working mode: from November to February 10.00 – 18.00; in March and October 10.00 – 20.00; from April to September 10.00 – 22.00. Entry closes 30 minutes before closing.

From the Powder Tower begins our fascinating audio walk with a guided tour "" - in it we tell a lot of interesting things about the tower and many other sights of the Old Place.

Strahov Monastery (Strahovský klášter)

On the territory of the ancient Strahov Monastery is located Literary Museum and Strahov Art Gallery with over 1500 paintings on display. In addition, the churches of St. Roch and the Ascension of the Virgin, as well as the famous monastery library, whose history goes back 800 years!

Working mode:

Art Gallery: 9.30 - 17.00, lunch break 11.30 - 12.00. Ticket price 120 kroons, concessionary ticket 60 kroons, family ticket 200 kroons. Children under 6 years old enter free of charge.

Library: 9.00 - 17.00, lunch break 12.00 - 13.00. Ticket price 100 kroons. Students under 27 years old - 50 kroons.

Address: Strahovské nádvoří 1/132, Praha 1 – Hradčany, 118 00

In the Strahov Monastery, ours ends - in it we tell many interesting stories and curious facts about this and many other places in Prague.

Charles Bridge Museum (Museum Karlova mostu

Museum on Crusader Square, entirely dedicated to one of the main attractions of Prague. The exposition of the museum offers a glimpse into the history of construction, consider the layout of the building, learn a lot of interesting facts about its construction, as well as about its predecessor - the Yuditin Bridge. There is also a nice coffee shop in the building.

If you are traveling with an iPhone, we invite you to! In it you can hear a lot of interesting things about the history of the bridge, the amazing bridge towers and the statues that adorn it.

Military Museum in Prague (Army Museum, Armádní muzeum Žižkov)

The exposition of the Army Museum illustrates the military history of the Czech Republic in the 20th century, starting from the period of the First World War. Here is a collection of weapons, military medals and orders, military uniforms, as well as historical photographs, letters and many other exhibits that keep the memory of the history of the Czech state.

Address: U Památníku 2, Prague 3 – Žižkov, 130 05

Jewish Museum (Židovské muzeum)

Museum complex that tells about the history, culture, traditions and customs of the Jewish community of the Czech Republic. One of the oldest Jewish museums in the world with an extensive collection of 100,000 books and 40,000 religious items. The exposition is based on cult objects and artifacts collected by the Nazis during the Second World War in order to arrange a “Museum of non-existent peoples”. The museum periodically hosts concerts and thematic exhibitions.

Address: U Stare skoly 1, Prague 1 – Josefov, 110 00

Museum expositions are also located in the following objects:

  • Robert Guttmann Gallery (Praha 1, U Staré školy 3),
  • Information and Reservation Center (Praha 1, Maiselova 15),
  • Klaus Synagogue (Praha 1, U Starého hřbitova 3a),
  • Maisel Synagogue (Praha 1, Maiselova 10),
  • Ceremonial Hall (Praha 1, U Starého hřbitova 3a),
  • Pinkas Synagogue (Praha 1, Široká 3),
  • Spanish synagogue (Praha 1, Vězeňská 1),
  • Ancient Jewish cemetery (Praha 1, Široká 3).

Museum of Communism (Muzeum komunismu)

The exposition of the museum will allow you to plunge into the era of the totalitarian regime, vividly reminding you of communist propaganda, the army, censorship and other aspects of life.

Working hours: 9.00-21.00
Ticket price: 190 kroons, reduced 150 kroons.
Address: Na Příkopě 10, Prague 1 – Nové Město, 110 00

Museums in Prague to help you broaden your horizons

National Technical Museum

The National Technical Museum of Prague has a rich history - it was founded in 1908. Since then, over many decades, it has accumulated its treasures - an interesting collection of exhibits that reveal developments in the engineering and technical fields, as well as in the field of astronomy, transport, various technologies, natural and exact sciences.

Address: Kostelní 42, Prague 7 - Holešovice, 170 00
Working mode: Tue-Fri. 9.00-17.30; Sat-Sun 10.00-18.00; mon. day off.
Ticket price: CZK 190, reduced CZK 90, family CZK 420.

National Museum

A beautiful neo-Renaissance building from the end of the 19th century, dominating Wenceslas Square, is the main building of the National Museum of Prague. Until 2018, the building is undergoing a comprehensive reconstruction.

The National Museum is the main state museum of the Czech Republic, which owns five scientific institutes and museum complexes located in different parts of the city:

  • Museum of Natural History;
  • Historical Museum;
  • Naprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures;
  • Museum of Czech Music;
  • Library of the National Museum with an exposition of the Museum of the book.

The largest National Museum in the Czech Republic presents a variety of collections that tell about the history of Bohemia and neighboring countries, as well as related to paleontology, zoology, ethnography, numismatics, culture and other areas.

Main building of the Museum(under renovation until 2018): Václavské náměstí 68, Praha 1 – Nové Město, 110

Naprstek Museum - Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures

The exposition of the museum, located on Bethlehem Square (Betlémské náměstí) in the Old Town, is an interesting ethnographic collection collected by the traveler Vojta Naprstek (whose name the museum is named after). In addition, the museum regularly hosts lectures and educational programs. The exposition is part of the National Museum.

Address: Betlemske nam. 1, Prague 1 - Staré Město, 110 00

Working mode: Tue-Sun. 10.00 - 18.00, closed on Monday.

Czech Museum of Music - Museum of Musical Instruments

The Music Museum in Prague is located in the baroque building of the former church of St. Mary Magdalene. The museum collection contains about 400 unique musical instruments, each of which is of great value. In addition, concerts and thematic exhibitions are regularly held here. The Music Museum is part of the National Museum.

Address: Karmelitská 4, Praha 1 - Malá Strana, 118 00

Museums in Prague dedicated to famous people

Franz Kafka Museum

The Franz Kafka Museum is located in a brick building of a former factory. This is one of the many places associated with the name of the famous writer of the 20th century, who was born, raised in Prague and spent most of his life here, the author of the works "The Trial", "The Castle" and many others. In the halls of the museum you will see manuscripts of famous works, diaries of the writer, photographs related to his life. As well as bright audiovisual works based on the plots of Kafka's works.

Address: Cihelná 2b, Praha 1 - Malá Strana, 118 00
Opening hours: 10.00 - 18.00.
The ticket price is 200 kroons, the reduced ticket is 120 kroons, the family ticket is 540 kroons.

Antonin Dvorak Museum (Muzeum Antonina Dvořáka)

A museum dedicated to the famous Czech composer Antonin Dvořák is located in the Michna Summer Palace (Michnův letohrádek). It is part of the National Museum. The exposition tells about the life of the composer and his many travels, which Dvořák loved very much.

Address: Ke Karlovu 20, Praha 2 - Nové Město, 120 00

Museum of Bedrich Smetana (Muzeum Bedricha Smetany)

The museum dedicated to the life and work of the great Czech composer Bedrich Smetana is located in a beautiful location on the banks of the Vltava, not far from Charles Bridge, in a neo-Renaissance building.

Address: Novotného lávka 1, Praha 1 - Staré Město, 110 00

Museum of W. A. ​​Mozart and the Dushekovs (Bertramka)

The great Mozart loved Prague very much, and Prague loved him. Here, a grateful audience was always waiting for him, here he liked to visit and create. The exposition of the museum will be of interest to everyone who is interested in the life and work of the composer - here are his personal belongings, manuscripts, posters, documents, and even part of the musician's hair. Concerts are regularly held within the walls of the museum, allowing not only to remember the author, but also to enjoy his music. A visit to the museum will allow you not only to learn about the life of Mozart, but also to immerse yourself in his era. After all, the museum is located in an old manor with a beautiful park. Once it belonged to the Dusek couple, who often visited the composer when he came to Prague. By the way, it was here that he completed the famous opera Don Giovanni. And the world premiere of the opera took place at the Estates Theater in Prague (we tell more about it in the tour of the Old Town with an audio guide).

Address: Mozartova 169, Praha 5 – Smíchov, 150 00

Museum of Fine Arts
The Czech Museum of Fine Arts in Prague opened in 1963. The main exhibition complex on Husova Street houses changing exhibitions of Czech and foreign artists of the 20th century.
Address: Husova street 19 - 21 Prague 1
Opening hours and entrance ticket: daily except Mon from 10:00 to 18:00 ticket 50 CZK

People's Gallery
The history of the National Gallery of Prague begins in 1796. The gallery owns six objects. The Kinsky Palace on Starogorodskaya Square, the St. George Monastery (Baroque in the Czech Republic) in Prague Castle, the Sternber Palace (European art from antiquity to the late Baroque) on Hradcany, the Monastery of St. Agnieszka Český (European medieval art), Zbraslav Castle (Asiatic art) and the Exhibition Palace at Veletržna Street, Prague 7, where works of modern art (XIX - XXI) are collected, including a collection of French impressionists.
Address: Palac Kinskych Staromestske nam. 12 Prague 1
Opening hours: Open daily except Mon from 10:00 to 18:00

People's Museum
You will immediately see the majestic building of the National Museum in Prague, once you are on Wenceslas Square. It crowns the square. The Folk Museum is the largest in Prague and has different collections: the Natural History Museum, the History Museum, the Museum of African, Asian and American Cultures, the Czech Museum of Music and the Folk Museum Library. In addition to the main building on Wenceslas Square, the museum owns a lot of other historical objects.
Address: Vaclavske namesti 68 Prague 1
Opening hours: daily from 10:00 to 17:00; ticket 80 CZK

Jewish Museum
The Jewish Museum in Prague was founded in 1906. The main purpose of the creation of the museum was to preserve valuable art objects from the old Jewish synagogues, destroyed as a result of the reconstruction of the Jewish City at the beginning of the 20th century in Prague.
. Address: U Stare skoly 1 Prague 1
Opening hours: daily except Sat from 9:00 to 16:30; ticket 300 CZK

The Wax Museum
The collection of the museum contains more than 60 wax figures of world and Czech celebrities: politicians, artists, scientists, sportsmen. The museum presents many historical figures: the Czech princess Libushe and Charlie Chaplin, the brave soldier Schweik and Stalin, Lenin, Albert Einstein and many others.
Address: Prague 1, Palac RAPID, ul.28 rijna 13
Opening hours: every day from 10 am to 8 pm
Entrance ticket: adult ticket - 120 kroons, for children under 15 years old - 60 kroons

Alphonse Mucha Museum
Here are the works of the great Czech artist A. Mucha, who painted in the Art Nouveau style.
Address: Kaunicky palac Panska 7 P-1. Art. Mustek metro station
Opening hours: from 10 am to 6 pm

Museum of Toys (Muzeum graiek)
the second largest exposition in the world. Covers the period of the toy's life from the time of ancient Greece to the most popular toys of our time. Collected from all over the world.
Address: Prazsky Hrad Jirska 6
Opening hours: daily from 9.30-17.30
Entrance ticket: adults 40 Kc, children 20 Kc, family up to 4 people. 90 Ks

National Museum
permanent exhibition - the history of the city, starting from 1620. Various traveling exhibitions are also offered.
Address: st. Na Porici 52 Art. Metro Florenc
Opening hours: 9.00-18.00, closed - Mon.
Entrance ticket: adult - 30 CZK, children under 6 years old free of charge, family - 45 CZK.

People's Technical Museum
Transport (roads, air, railways), astronomy, history of photography and film technology, metallurgy, acoustics, development of telecommunication technologies. The museum has a permanent exhibition that tells about the invention and the history of the development of such technology: telephone, television, radio, camera, as well as the history of cinema. The museum has an equipped television center where everyone can try himself as a cameraman or TV presenter. In the hall, which presents a collection of curiosities, you can see an old bicycle, a sewing machine, a drawbridge model and other interesting things.
Address: Prague-7, Kostelni 42 From the metro station Hradcanska or Vltavska by tram 1, 8, 25, 26 v to the stop Letenske nam.
Opening hours: The museum's TV studio is open from 9 am to 12 pm Tuesday to Friday, and from 10 am to 5 pm on Saturday and Sunday.
Entrance ticket: adult 40 kroons, child 20 kroons. Opening hours: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed on Mondays.

Museum of ancient musical instruments
A new museum dedicated to the history of musical instruments has been opened not far from Prague Castle. The permanent exhibition is a collection of phonographs, gramophones, gramophones, music boxes, mechanical pianos and electrophones from the period 1870-1940. All items shown are in working order. At the request of visitors, the museum staff can not only tell about a particular exhibit, but also start any of the old devices.

Ethnographic Museum (Narodopisne muzeum)
The most complete ethnographic exposition on the territory of the Czech Republic and Slovakia, located in the Kinsky Villa (Empire building).
Address: Kinsky villa, Petrlske sady 98, Praha 5, Smichov. M Andel (B)

Museum Bedricha Smetana (Muzeum Bedricha Smetany)
The exposition is dedicated to the founder of Czech contemporary musical art (life, correspondence, original manuscripts). Currently being reconstructed. On the embankment in front of the museum there is a monument to B. Smetana.
Address: Novotneho lavka 1, Praha 1, Stare Mesto. M Staromestska (A), trams 17, 18.

Opening hours: from 10.00 to 18.00 daily, except Tuesday

Museum of Antonin Dvorak (Muzeum Antonina Dvoraka)
The exposition is located in the Mikhnevsky Summer Palace (the so-called "Villa America") - a baroque building built in 1712-1720. designed by K. I. Dientzenhofer. Dedicated to the life and work of the outstanding composer.
Address: Ke Karlovu 20, Praha 2, Nove Mesto. Ml. P. Pavlova (С)
Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 10.00 to 17.00

Bertramka (Bertramka)
The museum is located in the Bertramka manor (2nd half of the 17th century), where, during his visits to Prague, W. A. ​​Mozart visited his closest friends, the composer and pianist Frantisek Xavier Dusek and his wife Josephine, an outstanding singer of that time. Here Mozart worked on his opera Don Giovanni. The house is furnished in the style of the late 18th century, among the furnishings - a piano and a harpsichord, which were played by Mozart. In summer, classical music concerts are held in the villa and in the garden.
Address: Bertramka, Mozartova 169, Praha 5, Smichov. M Andel (B), trams 4, 6, 7, 9.

Museum of Culture of the Peoples of Asia, Africa and America. Naprsteka (Naprstkovo muzeum)
It contains exhibits of the culture of the indigenous population of Africa, America and Oceania. The museum was founded in 1862 by Vojtěch Naprstek, the founder of the Czech Tourist Club, and was housed in one of his mansions. The collection was constantly replenished with donations from other members of the club, which forced Naprstek to build a new building specifically designed for the museum.
Address: Betlemske namesti 1, Prague 1, Stare Mesto. M Narodni trida (B)
Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 12.45 to 17.30.

Military History Museum (Vojenske muzeum)
The exposition is located in the building of the Schwarzenberg Palace and introduces the military history of the territory from primitive times to the emergence of the Czech Republic.
Address: Hradcanske namesti 2, Praha 1, Hradcany. IVI Malostranska (A) + tram 22 Prazsky hrad
Opening hours: May 1 to October 31 daily, except Monday, from 10.00 to 18.00.

Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts (Umeleckoprumyslove muzeum)
The exposition introduces the history of the development of various artistic crafts. The glass collection is one of the most valuable in the world. The museum is located in a neo-Renaissance building built in 1897-1901.
Address: Ulica 17 listopadu 2, Prague 1, Stare Mesto. M Staromestska (A)

Postage Stamp Museum
The museum is housed in the Vavra house (Varu dum), a former mill. The exposition was opened in connection with the philatelic exhibition "Prague-88".
Address: Varu dum, Nove mlyny 2, Praha 1, Nove Mesto. M Namesti Republiky, trams 5, 14, 26
Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 9.00 to 17.00

Monastery of St. Agnes (Anezsky klaster Prague)
Collection of Czech paintings of the 19th century. Here are paintings by Navratil, Manes, Alyosha, Brozhik and other, mainly Czech masters.
Address: Umilosrdnych 17, Prague 1, Stare Mesto. M Staromestska (A), Namesti Republiky (B) + trams 5, 14, 26 Revolucni
The collection of European art is located in the Sternberg Palace in Prague. This is the largest exposition of European art in the Czech Republic, which presents Dutch and Flemish paintings by world-famous masters (Rembrandt, Rubens, Brueghel), as well as French art of the 19th-20th centuries. (Cezanne, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Van Gogh, Matisse, Picasso, Chagall, Dufy, etc.).
Address: Hradcanske namesti 15, Praha 1, Hradcany. M Malostranska, Hradcanska (A), tram 22
The collection of modern Czech sculpture is located in the Zbraslav Castle (Zamek Zbraslav). Sculptures from the 19th and 20th centuries are exhibited here. (Myslbek, Shtursa, Bilek, etc.)
Address: Zbraslav nad Vltavou, Praha 5. M Smichovske nadrazi (B) + buses 129, 241, 243, 255 Zbraslavske namesti.

Troy Palace (Trojsky Zamek)
The baroque palace, built between 1679-1685, houses a permanent exhibition of 19th-century Czech art, as well as an exhibition of European faience.
Address: Praha 7, Troja. IVI Nadrazi Holesovice (C) + Zoo bus

House "At the Black Mother of God" (Dum U cerne Matky Bozi)
Museum of Czech Fine Arts. Permanent exhibition of Czech Cubism, as well as temporary exhibitions. The building itself is an interesting example of cubist architecture (1912).
Address: Ovocny trg 19, Praha 1, Stare Mesto. M Mustek (A, B).
Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 10.00 to 18.00

Strahov Art Gallery (Strahovska obrazarna)
Gothic painting (Madonnas), painting of the reign of Rudolf II, painting in the Baroque and Rococo styles.
Address: Strahovske nadvori 1, Praha 1, Hradcany. Pohorelec tram.
Opening hours: daily, except Monday, from 9.00 to 12.00 and from 12.30 to 17.00

Botanical Garden
Founded in 1897, at the same time it is the educational base of Charles University.
Address: Na slupi, Praha 1 Nove Place

Museum of Physical Education and Sports (Muzeum telesne vychovy a sportu)
It is located on the territory of the Tyrshov House. It introduces the history of the development of physical culture and sports in the former Czechoslovakia, a collection of medals and other sports trophies won by Czech athletes, with memorable exhibits of all-Sokol rallies.
Address: Ujezd 40, Prague 1, Mala Strana. Trams 12, 22 Hellichova
Opening hours: Tue-Sat. 9.00-17.00, Sun. 10.00-17.00

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