Museums in the days of school autumn holidays. Scenario of the program for the autumn holidays


Autumn holidays last only a week, and this is far from the best week of the year. There is slush on the street, the mood is so-so, you want to sleep until dinner, bury yourself in TV and watch cartoons.

But the best vacation is a change of activity, so don't waste your time and take the holidays into your own hands.

A few rules for a good vacation:

  • In the first two or three days that fall on the weekend, allow the child to be lazy and do nothing at all. Sleep, eat, get stuck in the tablet, take a walk to the nearest cinema - that's all right. Autumn holidays are needed for a respite. A few days of seal rest will be just right.
  • Then you need to do your homework in order to forget about them, like a nightmare, until the end of the week and not remember every evening that the lessons have not been done, but time is running out.
  • And only then come to grips with entertainment.

Where to go on vacation

Don't sit at home. If there is no way to escape for a week and go to, spend more time outdoors. When you get tired of collecting leaves and acorns for crafts, come up with something more exciting.

Museums, exhibition centers and theaters are preparing special programs for the autumn holidays. For some 10 minutes spent looking at posters, you will make a program for all the holidays.

Allow your child to choose which activities he wants to attend, so as not to drag him out of the house against his will.

2. Go to another city

A good way to spend your holidays when everything in your hometown has already been explored. The main thing is not to choose an excursion in a travel agency, but to go on your own.

Choose one of the neighboring cities, find the sights you want to visit, book a hotel for a couple of days and go.

Explain to your child how to use city maps, how to navigate unfamiliar streets, how to politely ask for directions and specify where the bus is going. Such studies are even more interesting than new museums and exhibitions.

At the same time, show the children how to plan a trip correctly, where and how to buy tickets, what services to use to find a hotel. It will be useful for high school students, especially if they are going to study in another city.

3. Find the deepest puddle in the park

Fighting bad weather is useless, so use it. Fun for younger students: bring rubber boots, a stick, a marker and a ruler. Mark the stick and go measure the depth of the surrounding puddles. Record the results in a special notebook. In addition, each puddle must be sketched.

If you take measurements every day for a week, you will get a finished project that will come in handy at school. This will help to look at the slush from a different angle and spur interest in research.

4. Lay out a maze of leaves

On a walk in the park, take advantage of what nature has given and lay out a labyrinth from the leaves. First, you will work hard to make an interesting track. Then the kids will play with it.

5. Ride a horse

This is not about a five-minute ride in the park, but about a full-fledged lesson in an equestrian club. Horse riding is an active sport that will keep you warm in any weather. And getting to know the horses will cheer you up: the horses are warm, huge, each with a unique character.

6. Take part in a charity event

Volunteer with older students: help organize a charity event, spend a day at an animal shelter, plant a tree, or help clean up the playground. Socially useful work ennobles and gives a lot of interesting experience.

What to do at home

When rain and wind are keeping you out, find something warm and cozy to do. Someone likes quiet activities, but someone does not want to sit at the table and collect another craft from leaves and cones. For such there are entertainment more interesting.

7. Host a board game championship

Bring out a new board game every night to keep the whole family busy. Record the results in a table so that at the end of the holidays you can summarize and distribute prizes.

Aerobatics - come up with your own board, draw cards and write down the rules.

8. Start exercising

On the autumn holidays, you should not get out of the regime too much. After the first days of unbridled rest, you need to return to the working rhythm so as not to go to school completely broken.

But try waking your child up early during the holidays. It's time to introduce family into the daily routine with some fun music.

9. Throw a pajama party

At school, children communicate a lot with classmates, so there may not be enough staff during the holidays, especially towards the end of the week. Encourage your child to invite friends to a pajama party with cartoons (or movies, depending on the child's age), funny and not-so-healthy snacks, and horror stories.

10. Get a pet

If you wanted to, then the autumn holidays are the time. The child will have a lot of free time, which he will spend on a new friend, and the animal will be able to adapt to your home in a week.

During the holidays, the child will learn the basic rules for caring for an animal and will be able to integrate communication with him into his schedule.

11. Have a Dress Up Marathon

It requires a little more imagination than other activities, but the result is more fun.

Think about what each new day will be dedicated to. For example, Monday - to the sea, Tuesday - to the sky, and so on. On Monday, put on vests or something striped, assign roles (who is the captain, who is the boatswain) and communicate until the end of the day as if you were on a sailing ship. During the day, have time to scrub the deck, load supplies into the hold (that is, go to the store and fill the refrigerator). At the same time, tell the child everything related to “marine” affairs: why watches are needed, what a compass is for, how to navigate by the stars, and so on.

This marathon is combined with any other entertainment. Choose exhibitions, cartoons and games on a given topic.

Costumes are made from improvised materials. Dressing up helps to quickly immerse yourself in the topic. Don't forget to take pictures in person.

12. Make new sweets every day

Cookies, pies and everything that will help you get more warmth and energy on autumn evenings. At the same time, teach your child how to cook.

13. Make a feeder

It will be quite cold soon, but you will have time to make a bird feeder out of anything: wood, a tin can or a plastic bottle. Perhaps it is useful not only for birds.

The new school year has not yet begun, and the autumn holidays are inevitably approaching. Someone was lucky with a vacation week earlier, someone - later. The first lucky ones have already rested from 8 to 13 October. On the horizon are the traditional holidays that have returned to many schools. They will be held from October 28 to November 4. What to do with a child during a well-deserved weekend?

A complete list of all the events that take place during the autumn holidays can be viewed. In the meantime, we will introduce you to the most important.

October 29 to November 4 The Week of Games and Toys will be held at the Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills. The country of games, in which adults and children are invited, is a big world. Visitors are invited to become its "indigenous" inhabitants, to know its beauty and diversity, to learn crafts, dances and songs, to look at the world of the game from the outside. The guests of the holiday are waiting for novelties in the world of games and toys, folk games from all over Russia, fun games and attractions, entertaining scientific and educational programs, experiments, experiments, exciting master classes, a fair of original games.

Family game program "Big Game Library" will be held November 2, 3 and 4 and will give children the opportunity to play with their parents, and adults - to be in the world of childhood.

The family program starts at 11:00, 13:30 and 16:00.
The event is free with registration.

And what is childhood without favorite cartoons! October 25 to November 4 Moscow hosts the Big Animation Festival. During the festival, you can see the best of the author's animation. This year marks the 50th anniversary of our favorite cartoons: The Bremen Town Musicians, Gena the Crocodile, Well, you wait!, Umka and Winnie the Pooh. BFM guests will have special screenings and meetings with animation characters. A new section of the BFM - Through the Looking-Glass - is dedicated to spectator animation.
One of the central events is the "Cartoon Factory" - a playground in the Museum of Moscow, where children can not only see how cartoons are made, but also take part in their production. Inside the Factory, the pavilions of the Cartoon Network and Boomerang TV channels with characters from The Amazing World of Gumball, The Truth About Bears, and Tom and Jerry will be waiting for the kids.

Ticket price: from 300 rubles.

By the way, several premieres intended for family viewing will be released in Moscow cinemas during the autumn holidays:

  • "Oorfene Deuce Returns" - in the hands of Oorfene is the magic book of the sorceress Gingema, which fulfills any desire of its owner, which means that the Scarecrow the Wise, the Brave Lion and the Tin Woodman are in danger.
  • "Selma in the City of Ghosts" is about an ancient book of spells that opens the way to other worlds and the City of Ghosts, where the key to the past of the main character is located.
  • "Elcano and Magellan's voyage around the world" is about the difficult trials of navigation and the greatest discovery.
  • "Robo" is about the adventures of 12-year-old Mitya Privalov and his friend, the rescue robot A-112.
  • "The Addams Family" is about a family where dad likes to walk in inclement weather, mom thinks black is the brightest color, and children have a graveyard as their favorite playground.

The fact that during the vacation period there are already two! premieres of cartoons about all kinds of "evil spirits" - not by chance. After all, these days from 31 October to 1 November Halloween is celebrated in Western countries. The event is slowly but surely capturing the Russian expanses. So, 27th October Halloween will be celebrated with the Kids Rock Fest family music festival. With their fancy costumes and loud squeals, children will scare away autumn melancholy, bad grades and viruses. The program includes: a costumed rock concert, a "pumpkin" science show, a play about kind ghosts.

Time: from 12:00 to 15:00.
Ticket price: adult - 800 rubles, children - 1400 rubles.

On any day of the holidays, the Darwin Museum invites the guys "Walk the path of evolution". Its participants return to 3.5 billion years ago, and, answering questions, can follow the emergence and development of various species on Earth.

Travel departure time: daily from 10:00 to 18:00, except Monday.
Ticket price: full - 70 rubles; preferential - 30 rubles.

In addition, the museum has several exhibitions:

  • "I can't help but dig" is an opportunity to look at those for whom the solid substance under our feet is the best place to live.
  • "Crows", where you can be surprised at the examples of resourcefulness and ingenuity of smart birds living in the city, see albino white crows and abnormally colored jackdaws and rooks.
  • "Plants and Animals: Parallel Worlds" is a story about what a camel and an aloe, a Galapagos iguana and a mangrove tree, a lotus and an emerald hummingbird, a chinchilla and an edelweiss have in common.

Ticket entry to the museum.

You can also get closer to scientific thought in the Biological Museum. Timiryazev - in the unique laboratory "Transparent Science". Here, dozens of scientific instruments, hundreds of entertaining exhibits and thousands of experiments are waiting for the children. So many interesting things are collected in one room that it is enough for a whole science museum. Here you can find out: how the cells of organisms and the human body are arranged, where color comes from in nature, whether plants breathe, how animal integuments are arranged, why we need skin, why hair turns gray, how joints work and much more. Visitors will find answers to these questions with the help of digital and optical microscopes, binoculars, and interactive exhibits.

On weekends, any visitor can come to the laboratory.
Ticket entry to the museum.

On the first day of vacation - 27th October - here you can visit the festival "All Mushrooms". Participants will have a special program with microscopes and master classes. Mushrooms and lichens can be examined under a microscope. And also be surprised that a mushroom is not only a hat on a leg. At the festival, you can see "atypical" mushrooms: yeast and mold.

Time: 12:00-16:00.
Ticket price: children - 400 rubles, adults - 280 rubles.

The State Museum of Contemporary History of Russia during the autumn holidays invites children and parents to the exhibition “Transport of Russia. Through time to the future. Here you can get comprehensive information about the history of the development of the Russian transport complex - from the signing by Alexander I of the manifesto on the establishment of the country's first unified transport management body to the latest achievements in this area. The exposition is based on original exhibits from the museum's stock collections, branch museums of the Ministry of Transport, private collections and companies in the transport industry. There are also interactive multimedia programs, video projections and photo frames with photo, video and documentary materials - which allow you to get the most complete picture of the main periods of formation and development of the domestic transport system.

The exhibition will run until November 3, 2019.
Entrance to the museum is free.

Young geniuses will also like the new science show of the Smart Moscow project, which can be visited during the holidays 26 and 27 October, 2 and 3 November at KC ZIL.
"Anatomy" is an interactive program for those who are ready to find out where a person's heart and kidneys are, how our brain works, and how triceps differs from quadriceps. The child will count all the bones of the skeleton, look at the main organs as parts of a mechanism, understand how his body works, and learn how to take care of his health.

Start at 12:00, 15:00 and 18:00.
Ticket price for a child - 1950 rubles. Entrance is free for parents.

Until November 3 in Moscow, at the sites of universities, the project "Engineering Holidays" is being held, the program of which includes: lectures, seminars, master classes, excursions and laboratory workshops. The children will be told about the technologies of the future, will be helped to decide on the choice of a profession, and will also be introduced to the structure of universities and the organization of the educational process. High school students will learn about the basic principles of design, learn how to choose methods for developing geometric models and make parts on a 3D printer, perform laboratory work, create audio and video content, get acquainted with the basics of architectural layout and 3D animation.

Participation is free with mandatory registration.

Traditionally, theaters are carefully preparing for the autumn holidays. October 29 to November 4 the festival-competition of theaters "Troubadour" will be held on the stage of the Ryumina center. The festival program includes performances: “Waffle Heart”, “Once upon a time there was Fip”, “The happiest octopus”, “Terrible Mrs. Murphy”, “Daughter of the sky”, “Children of the crow”, “Smart dog Sonya”, “Wii. #Terrible hike" and "Snail in the house".

Ticket price: from 400 rubles.

During the autumn holidays the International Great Children's Festival will also present its program. Children and parents will be able to see productions: Fairy tales of a simple pencil, Scarlet Sails, AliSSA, Fly Ts, Gray Neck, City of the Clown Peak, Moira of the Petrograd District, Snowstorm and Save the Super Squirrel.

Ticket price: from 300 rubles.

Theater center "On Strastnoy" October 28 to November 3 theatrical festival "Art Migration for Children" will be held. On the stage you can see performances of theaters from the regions of Russia, in the repertoire of which there are performances for children staged no earlier than the 2017-2018 season by young directors. The playbill includes the following performances: “... and his name was Domino”, “The Terrible Adventures of Johann Unferzagt”, “I am”, “The Nutcracker”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”, “Let's not fly away anywhere, Hedgehog” and “Tonya Glimmerdal.

In many schools in Moscow, the autumn holidays of 2017 begin according to the traditional schedule - from October 28th. Where to go with a child in November, when the weather is no longer conducive to long walks, and you want to spend the holidays with benefit? Our selection will offer some ideas where to go during the school holidays to relax and learn a lot.

The Darwin Museum has prepared an extensive program of activities for schoolchildren who are passionate about science and natural history.
During the school holidays, schoolchildren are offered master classes - “PROinsects”, “The world under a microscope”, classes “the world of robots”, “Pioneers” and “The world in Lukoshka”, excursions, interactive expositions, exhibitions, quests, and much more!

Address: st. Vavilov, 57.

Go to the theater with your child

The Sphere Theater in the Hermitage Garden will tell the story of the Rose, the Fox and the Little Prince - Antoine Exupery's kind and wise tale is suitable for a trip with schoolchildren of any age. Great start to the holidays!
October 30 at 19:00, the Sphere Theater, Karetny Ryad, Building 3, building 6, Hermitage Garden, tickets - from 1000 rubles.

The Children's Musical Theater named after N. Sats within the framework of the festival of musical theaters "See the Music" invites you to the performances of the children's theater "Karambol" from St. Petersburg.
On November 1 at 19:00 for middle-aged schoolchildren (category 12+), children's theater artists will present the musical "Joseph and His Amazing Dreamcoat" from the famous Andrew Lloyd Webber.

The Vakhtangov Theater invites young schoolchildren to celebrate the end of the holidays at the play "Puss in Boots" - a favorite fairy tale that has become a classic, performed by talented students of the Shchukin School, will captivate not only first-graders, but also their parents.
November 5 at 12:00, Arbat street, 26, tickets from 150 rubles.

You can buy tickets to the theater for the autumn holidays in the section or in the section. To do this, select only the date and performance of interest, then make a purchase.

The Center for Oceanography and Marine Biology Moskvarium will reveal the "mystery of the four oceans". An amazing show that takes you to a fantasy land will introduce young viewers and their parents to the mysterious world of killer whales, dolphins, sea lions, walruses and other inhabitants. "The Secret of the Four Oceans" is not just a performance, it is an exciting journey through time and the elements.
Moskvarium, Prospekt Mira, 119, building 23, all days of school holidays, tickets from 1500 rubles.

The Rise of the Machines Museum is not just an exhibition of metal sculptures. This is a real immersion in the reality of transformers, heroes of comics and science fiction films. All exhibits of the exhibition are real art objects, converted from different items that were subject to recycling. In the museum you can meet Autobot and Decepticon, superheroes of the Marvel universe, Transformers and many other favorite characters - which will not leave any schoolchild indifferent.
The doors of the museum are open daily; entrance ticket to the museum for a student under 10 years old - 500 rubles.
On Saturdays and Sundays at 13:00, the show-performance "Transformers. THE SECRET OF LIFE" is held in the museum - the ticket price for a student is 1500 rubles.
Volgogradsky prospect, 42, bldg. 2

Theater "Workshop P.N. Fomenko" launched a new project for children - lectures for schoolchildren and parents "Journey into theatrical history".
Lectures will be of interest to schoolchildren of both younger and middle age - after all, they will be able to look into the very backstage of the theater and listen to what spotlights, curtains, theater mechanisms, and much more ...
Address: Taras Shevchenko Embankment, 29. Ticket price - 750 rubles.

Photo: Inara Prusakova/,,,

"Autumn Mess"

Game program during the autumn holidays.

Slide #1

Leading: Hello dear guys! Today we will hold a very interesting and fun competitive game program with the cheerful name "Autumn Mess". I will try to make sure that everyone takes part in our program, having fun from the heart, so that all the guys remember our competitions.


Explain the game.

Music Intro #1

Slide #2

Presenter: And now for you guys

I guess riddles...

It's green with flowers

Ready to meet the sun

Fresh, elegant, silky

Emerald thin... (leaf)

On the green edge

two green girls

They croaked loudly: "Kwa-kva!

"Green around the grass!"

Those loud wahs

Amphibians ... (frogs)

Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness of the forest.

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (hedgehog)

Grey, scary and toothy

Made a stir.

All the animals ran away.

Scared the animals of those ... (wolf)

Wears a gray vest

But the wings are black.

You see, twenty couples are circling

And they shout: Karr! Carr! Carr! (crow)

Not a lumberjack, not a carpenter,

And the first worker in the forest. (woodpecker)

It's like a tiny call. (lark)

I don't walk and I don't fly

And try, catch up!

I am golden.

Well, look at the fairy tale! (fish)

He lives in the very pool,

Depth master.

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. (som)

She had a drink in her mouth.

She lived underwater.

Scared everyone, swallowed everyone,

And now - in the boiler hit. (pike)

Slide #3

CONTEST:3 people For the game: glasses, 3 blindfolds

Disposable cups are placed on the floor. Goal: Step over each glass blindfolded without crushing a single one. After the participant is blindfolded, the glasses are removed.

Music intro #2

Slide #4

CONTEST:2 people For the game: 2 blindfolds

Two blindfolded people make a "gate". The rest of the children go through the "gate", one at a time: on tiptoes, crawling.

Children depicting the "gate" should hear and catch as many people as possible.

Music intro #3

Slide #5

For the game: 30 clothespins and 3 blindfolds

Leading: Well, now, guys, let's compete in speed and agility. I suggest playing next competition "Clothing". For this game, I need 2 pairs, each of which is a boy and a girl.

The winner is the pair whose forward player collects clothespins from their partner.

Music intro #4

Slide #6

I choose 5 people, and they are partners for themselves

COMPETITION: "Nimble button"

Now I invite you guys to remember fairy tales, riddles, songs. We'll have a fabulous music quiz. The main condition for the quiz participants is not just to remember the correct answer, but if it is a song, then to sing lines from this song.

The host reads out the questions, the player who knows the correct answer presses his button, whose button is the first to beep, this pair answers

For the game: 5 hats with a sponge, 5 chairs


    Which fairy tale character pierced a hole in a cauldron with his nose? Pinocchio.

    What words did the boy “attribute in the corner” in his drawing?

May there always be sunshine, may there always be sky...

    What word ends the riddle: “Two ends, two rings, and in the middle ...” Carnation.

    Who was the grasshopper friends with? He did not touch the booger and was friends with the flies.

    What is the same color in winter and summer? Christmas tree

    Hanging on the fence, a piece of paper. What is written on it?

Lost dog named Druzhok.

    What is left of the gray goat after a walk in the forest?

Horns and legs

    The Bremen Town Musicians believe that there is nothing better in the world than ...? Than friends wander around the world.

    Who can eat small children in Africa if they go for a walk there? Barmaley

    Where does friendship begin? Well, friendship starts with a smile. .

    What is the favorite dish of the Thieving Magpie? Kashka

    What causes a dog to bite? Only from the life of a dog can a dog bite.

    Which pear should not be eaten? light bulb

    What song did the brave captain sing in trouble and in battle?

Captain, captain, smile, because the smile is the flag of the ship ...

Slide number 7

Leading: Now we have just made sure that everyone, you know very well and love fairy tales, riddles, songs. But, I really want to check how quickly and deftly you will cope with the next task. Our next contest is called "Balloon". For the game, I need 3 teams of 5 people each. The task is as follows: Try to race balloons in tablespoons across the room. The winner is the team, all the players of which have never dropped the ball from the spoon.

For the game: 3 inflated balls, 3 tablespoons

Music intro #5

Slide #8

Leading: Our next contest is called "Rvachi". 4 people compete in this competition.

Players are given a newspaper sheet and offered 10 seconds. break it into as many pieces as possible.

After completing the task, it is announced that the winner will be the one who quickly glues back his sheet with the help of adhesive tape.

For the game: 5 sheets of newspaper, 5 rolls of tape, 5 scissors.

Music intro #6

Slide #9*

Leading: And here "Word Game", designed for those who wish to show their logical thinking, to reveal their intellectual abilities.

5 teams of 3 people participate.

GAME WITH spectators:

Competition of intellectuals

1. What word consists of half a letter? (Field, fields, regiment.)

2. How many letters G do you need to make a big pile of hay? (One hundred - stack.)

3. A rooster crowed and woke up one person. How many roosters does it take to wake up ten people? (One.)

4. How many ends does one stick have? (Two.) What about five? (Ten.) What about six and a half? (Fourteen.)

the host sums up the results, checks the words and displays the winning team.

Slide #10

COMPETITION: "Leaf fall" - I choose 3 people

You will be given the commands:

"sun" - we dance rock and roll;

"Bouquet" - we cuddle 2 people to each other;

“wind” - we circle around ourselves, shouting “uuuuuuuuuuuu”;

"puddle" - we stand in a circle and take hold of the shoulders;

"Leaf fall" - we run and choose a partner for ourselves.

I will call the teams in discord, your task is not to go astray! Be careful!

Ready? Well then let's go!

Music intro #7

Slide #11

Leading: And now, guys, I propose to test how carefully you can listen to other people. Our next competition is for attentiveness and responsiveness.

I offer, to you, the chant "Superfashionista".

Purpose of the chant: You guys should clap if the things I name can be worn, and stomp if they can't.

Shout text:

I once met

One Superwoman.

You don't see this

And never meet.

I saw a skirt on her ... (claps)

Not one, but two at once ... (Stomp)

On the shoulders of a fish coat ... (Stomp)

And a pot on his head ... (Stomp)

Boots on her feet ... (claps)

With high heels ... (claps)

And earrings hang in my ears ... (claps)

And tights on the arm ... (Stomp)

The scarf dangles around the neck ... (claps)

Glasses on the nose, like a shadow ... (claps)

A fan is tangled in the hair ... (Stomp)

And there is a belt on the belt ... (Claps)

And she also has a blouse on ... (claps)

Cane umbrella in hand ... (claps)

A jellyfish hangs on his shoulder ... (Stomp)

And a briefcase on a leash ... (Stomp)

There is a ring on the finger ... (claps)

And on the neck a bowler hat ... (Stomp)

And also a heart pendant ... (claps)

And a cambric scarf ... (claps)

If you meet that girl

Remember this nonsense

But I want to wish you

You won't meet such fashionistas.

FOLDER: Color dances

Slide #12

GAME: "Locomotive"

In this game, we all become one after another in a string, holding on to the belt or shoulders of the person in front. The head of the train - the "locomotive" - ​​runs fast, often and unexpectedly changes direction.

You and I must follow him and at the same time not break away from the train.

Leading: I will name the part of the body that you must grab while moving (stomach, knees, nose, heels, etc.). Ready? The answer is "Yes!" Then let's go!

Music intro #8

Slide #13

Leading: Who knows what a casino is? Now I suggest you play Musical Casino. I have recorded fragments of fast and slow melodies. Everyone participates in the game. I suggest that players make bets: guess which melody will sound - fast or slow.

Players who bet on a fast melody stand to the right of the leader, those who bet on a slow one - to the left. Those who didn't guess are out.

The game continues until one person remains - the winner of the music casino.

For the game: Musical fragments sound ... ..


Slide #14

Leading: So our program has come to an end. You played wonderfully today, answered questions, had fun, supported each other. See you guys!

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