Carob husband. Svetlana Rozhkova: biography, career and interesting facts


The childhood of Svetlana Rozhkova

Svetlana Rozhkova was born in the city of Mozhaisk, the center of the district of the same name in the west of the Moscow region. Her first days of life were marked by an unusual occurrence. On the way from the maternity hospital to the village of Gubino, where Svetlana's parents lived at that time, the envelope with the newborn fell out of the sleigh. An extraordinary event ended successfully. The baby was soon found 2 kilometers from Gubino on a snow-covered roadside.

All of Svetlana's early childhood was spent in a village near Moscow. She remembered those carefree times with the pleasant smell of vegetables from her grandmother's garden, delicious cabbage soup cooked in a Russian oven and the aroma of flowers growing in the front garden. 4 years after the birth of their daughter, Svetlana's parents moved to Kislovodsk for permanent residence.

The young years of the future pop artist passed in this city. During her school years, she was often punished for misbehaving in class. Despite her restless nature, Svetlana studied well, was fond of sports and choreography.

According to Svetlana's stories, even when she was at school, being a member of a dance group, she understood that she had a comedic gift. In one of the next competitions, an incident occurred with her, which the local newspaper later wrote about. During the dance, the elastic on her skirt burst and the attribute of the outfit fell to her feet.

By inertia, Svetlana, remaining in her underwear, continued her performance. Then, entangled in a skirt, she herself fell and crawled backstage on all fours. It seemed that failure was inevitable. But the very next day, the newspaper wrote about a talented team from Kislovodsk, which became the opening of the season and managed to revive the classics with a humorous episode with the fall of the soloist.

Education of Svetlana Rozhkova

At the age of 17, Svetlana decided to enter the Leningrad Theater School. But the first attempt failed. Returning to Kislovodsk, she began to work as a host of concerts at the Philharmonic. Six months later, Svetlana again found herself in the city on the Neva. Here she entered the creative workshop of pop art at the Lenconcert, where she studied in 1984-1985. Among her first teachers was Isaac Romanovich Shtokbandt. In 1986, Svetlana graduated from GITIS named after Lunacharsky.

Svetlana Rozhkova "In-Law"

After studying in Leningrad, Rozhkova ended up in the city of Kyzyl. Judging by her memories of that period, it was the time of the formation and formation of the future famous comedian. Touring the Republic of Tuva and the country with the vocal and instrumental ensemble "Ayan" was difficult for Svetlana and sometimes with unpredictable consequences. Perhaps Rozhkova would have remained an artist in the category of "promising" if fate had not brought her together with Regina Dubovitskaya, the host of "Full House".

Svetlana Rozhkova-RODDOM

Now Svetlana often performs in a well-known television program and is a permanent participant in it. With special warmth, the audience refers to her legendary monologue from the author Alexei Tsapik "Svekruha".

Personal life of Svetlana Rozhkova

The first husband of Svetlana Rozhkova was Andrei Bogdanov, with whom she left for Kyzyl. There their daughter Yana was born. The couple lived together for 6 years. Svetlana does not say anything bad about those years, but she does not share happy events either. Subsequently, Andrei emigrated to the United States of America.

His current life can be called quite successful. Have a home and a good job. Despite the fact that the former spouses broke up a long time ago, they maintain friendly relations. On a spiritual level, their adult daughter Yana continues to connect them. Svetlana met her second husband in Kislovodsk when she worked as an entertainer. Yuri Evdokunin is a singer. Their youngest daughter Varvara is a school student.

Career humorist Svetlana Rozhkova

Svetlana considers her debut on stage to be a performance at the age of 5, when she declared poems about a bear with a clubfoot on stage in the Philharmonic building. After graduating from GITIS in 1986, she began working at the State Philharmonic in Kislovodsk. Her solo program was "Seance of Laughter Therapy".

During her tour of the Republic of Tuva, Svetlana had to perform at frontier posts more than once. At one of these concerts, the commander of the detachment asked Svetlana to perform one more number as an encore. But since there was nothing suitable in the repertoire, she was offered to read the charter of the guard service. The success was amazing. A young girl with a European appearance in a Mongolian dress stood on the stage and enthusiastically read about the duties of a border guard. There was a lot of applause then.

Svetlana especially remembered the First competition in speech variety genres, which was held in the city of Gorky. Then, for the first time, age restrictions were lifted for participants. The competition was held in 3 categories: monologues, skits and musical numbers. Svetlana, together with Sergey Piloyan, as a result received the title of laureates in the 2nd category. In those days, this was an extraordinary event - the second prize went to artists from the outback.

At the end of the 20th century, Svetlana was first noticed in the Smehopanorama program with host Yevgeny Petrosyan. And at the dawn of the 21st century, she began to perform in the famous Full House program. Svetlana received the worthy title of Honored Artist of Russia at the end of August 1996.

Sparkling character, self-sufficiency, striving for heights and temperament distinguish Svetlana Rozhkova from other pop artists. Her popularity continues to grow, and new performances excite the public. Now the famous humorist lives in the Russian capital and often visits the city of her childhood and youth, Kislovodsk.

She often performs in well-known programs, in particular the TV shows "Laughter Room", "Women Forward", "Full House, Full House". Svetlana works closely with talented monologue writers, including Alexei Tsapik, Georgy Terikov, Yuri Sofin, Gennady Bugaev, Andrey Novichenko. Despite various difficult moments and troubles, Svetlana believes that her life was a success.

After the transfer of Boris Korchevnikov, it became known about the illness of Svetlana Rozhkova. Doctors made a disappointing diagnosis for the artist of the colloquial genre. The comedian continues to perform, however, not in such a large number as before, after all, the disease makes itself felt. Let's talk about this wonderful comedy actress and find out the latest news about her health.

Svetlana Anatolyevna Rozhkova was born in 1965 in the city of Mozhaisk. The girl spent all her childhood in a village near Moscow, enjoying carefree times. A few years later, the family moved to live in Kislovodsk.

During her school years, Sveta was distinguished by eccentric behavior, she was often punished. However, she studied very well, despite such restlessness.

She was a member of a dance group. During one of the performances, Sveta got tangled in her skirt and fell. She, as if nothing had happened, continued her performance, and even began to beat the unfortunate fall. All viewers took it as a conceived humorous episode and were delighted with the acting abilities of the young artist. Even then, Svetlana had a comedic gift.

After an unsuccessful admission to a theater university in Leningrad, the girl returns to Kislovodsk and becomes the host of concerts. Six months later, the artist again went to Leningrad and entered the creative workshop of pop art.

In 1986 she graduated from GITIS. She went on tour around the country as part of an ensemble. Perhaps her career would not have advanced further if it were not for her acquaintance with Regina Dubovitskaya and Full House. And for the first time they noticed the artist in the program "Smehopanorama".

Svetlana Rozhkova is now a star participant in this television program. The audience especially loves her monologue "In-law".

In 1996, she became an Honored Artist. The public loves Rozhkova for her amazing humor, temperament and sparkling character.

Personal life

The comedian got married twice. The first time she married in her youth for the musician Andrey Bogdanov. A daughter, Yana, was born in the family. In this marriage, Svetlana pulled everything on herself, for Andrey, music was more important than his wife and daughter. A few years later, the couple separated.

The comedian met her second husband in the city of Kislovodsk when she worked as an entertainer. The singer Yuri Evdokunin became the chosen one. The artists began to work together, joint rehearsals brought them closer. Many did not advise Yuri as a husband, saying that he was a real womanizer. Svetlana Anatolyevna needed an official marriage stamp to get an apartment. She herself invited Yuri to marry her, he quickly agreed. The couple live together happily ever after. They had a joint child - a daughter, Barbara.


The state of health of the artist was often tested. Twice Svetlana was between life and death. The first clinical death happened many years ago. Rozhkova herself says that this happened out of ridiculous stupidity. She never drank alcohol, but here she took and drank a large amount of alcohol on an empty stomach. The body reacted very sharply, the woman lost consciousness. She was taken to the hospital, where doctors diagnosed cardiac arrest. Doctors quickly carried out the necessary procedures, and the organ started working.

The second life-threatening episode happened in Kislovodsk. A car ran over Rozhkova, she found herself on the hood. If not for the snagged sweater, the actress could have slipped under the wheels, and then everything would have ended much sadder. The husband who was nearby urgently delivered Svetlana to a medical institution.

The victim's condition was very serious. Resuscitators literally pulled the woman out of the other world. And then Svetlana Rozhkova's illness was treated by the best surgeons and traumatologists. The artist claims that during the period of clinical death she saw the same corridor and the light at the end of the tunnel. The doctors still managed to normalize the condition, and the patient came to her senses.

A lot of time has passed since then. The comedian managed to cope with all the trials. Recently, Svetlana Rozhkova’s illness was again talked about. In one of the interviews, the talented actress said that now she is again struggling with a serious illness that threatens her life.

A few years ago, doctors made a serious diagnosis. The luminaries of medicine made disappointing forecasts, they said that perhaps only a few years remained to live. At that time, Svetlana did not tell anyone about what kind of diagnosis it was, only close and dear people.

Last news

Not so long ago, the actress became the main character of the program "The Fate of a Man" with host Boris Korchevnikov. On it, the comedian told many interesting stories from her life, and also shared news about her health. Then Rozhkova announced her serious illness. Everyone began to speculate what Svetlana Rozhkova was sick with. Many attributed her oncology of the last stage.

At the end of February, she gave an interview to Starhit, where she answered all the rumors and speculation about her condition. It turned out that Svetlana Anatolyevna was suffering from a serious autoimmune liver disease.

The artist found out about him completely when she turned to a medical institution with complaints of a shaky heart. After a complete examination, it became clear that the heart was fooling around as a result of blood intoxication, which was provoked by disorders in the liver.

The actress assured that, fortunately, surgery would not be required, only if complications arise. You will need to undergo expensive treatment. Colleagues and friends from the "Full House" immediately responded to the trouble and offered to help with money. Rozhkova claims that no help is needed, there are still enough funds.

The family and friends of the artist were very supportive of her. There were those who tried to cash in on this situation. For example, various fortune-tellers and psychics called, offering dubious services, consisting in instant healing.

Every month, Rozhkova goes to her doctor, undergoes examinations about the treatment course of medicines. According to doctors, the development of Svetlana Rozhkova's disease was slowed down in time, now the disease is not progressing as rapidly as before.

The state of health of Svetlana Anatolyevna can be called quite satisfactory. She continues to perform on stage. Of course, due to illness, you have to significantly reduce the load, as well as abandon many interesting projects. In general, the colloquial artist does not complain about her life and looks to the future with optimism.

Russian humorist, conversational artist. Honored Artist of Russia (1996).

Svatlana Rozhkova. Biography

Svetlana Anatolyevna Rozhkova was born in Mozhaisk on February 16, 1965. Her mother for a long time Elena Mikhailovna worked as an administrator of the State Philharmonic at the Caucasian Mineral Waters in Kislovodsk.

Svetlana Rozhkova said in an interview: “As a girl, my mother wanted to have a bunch of children, but I was so active that this desire left her immediately after I grew out of diapers ...”

Svetlana studied for a year (from 1984 to 1985) at the Creative Workshop of Variety Art at the Lenconcert. In 1986, she graduated from GITIS and in the same year became an artist of the State Philharmonic at the Caucasus Mineral Waters, where she performed with the solo program “ Laughter therapy session».

In the late 1990s, Svetlana Rozhkova first appeared in the television comic magazine Smekhopanorama, the author and permanent host of which is the famous Yevgeny Petrosyan.

Since 2001, Rozhkov has become a regular participant in the Full House TV show on the Russia 1 channel. The talented humorist was noticed by Regina Dubovitskaya herself, the host of the Full House. After the very first monologue on TV, Rozhkova was nicknamed "the main mother-in-law of the country." Svetlana Anatolyevna performs monologues in images, as well as musical numbers. Especially famous are her numbers “Mother-in-law”, “Desdemona”, “Schoolgirl”, couplets “Love suffering”, etc.

Svetlana Rozhkova. Personal life

The first husband of Svetlana Rozhkova was a drummer Andrey Bogdanov. Now the musician lives abroad, and Svetlana has a daughter, Yana, left by him. The girl became a linguist: she speaks four languages ​​- English, Norwegian, Italian and Spanish.

For the second time, the artist married a singer and director Yuri Evdokunin, whom they met in Kislovodsk, where the entertainer worked. In this marriage, a daughter, Barbara, was born. She entered Moscow State University. M.A. Sholokhova, studied vocals in the workshop owner of a unique voice ( range is four octaves)

In one thousand nine hundred and sixty - some year, in the maternity hospital of Mozhaisk, at 5 o'clock in the morning, on February 16, a joyful children's cry was heard, announcing the world about the birth of a female, which later, parents: mother - Elena Mikhailovna Rozhkova, and father - Anatoly Ivanovich Rozhkov was called by the affectionate name Svetlana. The child quickly gained weight and at the appointed time, the mother and child were discharged from the hospital.

The stepfather of the mother, grandfather Fyodor, having drunk drunk for joy, famously drove up to the entrance of the maternity hospital on a sleigh drawn by a gentle gray mare. The path was long, to the village of Gubino, which is 18 km from Mozhaisk. The mother and the baby settled down on the fresh straw and soon, laying the baby beside her, dozed off peacefully. Grandfather Fyodor, sitting on the irradiation, yelled songs all the way. After N-th amount of time, the sleigh drove into the native farmstead. Grandmother Ulyana ran out of the hut, and a minute later, in the night, her piercing cry was heard: "Where is my granddaughter, Herods !!!". There was no one in the sleigh, apart from the straw and the mother. The baby is gone!!! Women squealed in two throats. And grandfather Fyodor, having instantly sobered up and assessed the situation, barked in a general's bass: "Shush, chickens, you lost a child along the way! I'll bring it right now!" He turned the sleigh around and drove in the direction of Mozhaisk. Grandpa was right. 2 km from the village of Gubino, on high snow, lay a colorful envelope in which a child was peacefully snoring. Thus began the life of pop artist Svetlana Rozhkova.

"My early childhood was spent in the suburbs, and my memory forever retained the smell of bird cherry, fresh cucumbers" from the garden "and the aroma of fresh milk and cabbage soup cooked by Baba Julitta in a natural Russian stove. My relatives lived in poverty, so I spent the first 2 months in an ordinary basket , with whom, before my birth, grandfather Fyodor went to the forest for mushrooms. Luckily for me, my mother had a lot of milk, so much that, in addition to me, she fed a sick, helpless orphan pig named Vaska. So I got a "milk brother", this fact had a positive effect on the fate of the adult boar Vasily, whom none of the household could ever let "for meat" and he wandered around the farmstead and hut like a dog, died of old age and was buried with honors in the garden.

4 years have passed and the Rozhkov family changed their place of registration. The decisive role in the relocation of the family was played by the father - Anatoly Ivanovich. A native of the Stavropol region, he, as a true patriot of the region and a man of great endurance, spent all these years "in ambush", that is, in the communal apartment of his mother - Anna Ivanovna in the city of Kislovodsk, and nevertheless achieved his goal, after 4 years "beautiful Elena" surrendered and moved with her daughter to her husband forever.

"My childhood and youth passed in Kislovodsk, I live in this city in adulthood. I left it for good many times and returned every time. I know this city by heart and love it immensely."

It was difficult for Sveta to grow, about people like her they say - fidget.

"As a girl, my mother wanted to have a bunch of children, but I was so active that this desire left her immediately after I grew out of diapers."

At school, Sveta studied well, but had bad behavior. Sports, choreography, stamps and animals, hikes, books and Timurovsky raids, scrap metal collection, Komsomol assignments and finally a passion for the theater.

“One evening, after a rehearsal, I was returning home with the director of the theater studio. We were chatting about this and that, and suddenly she asked: “Sveta, why do you want to become an actress?” I joked:

"Valentina Ivanovna, I have one life, and if I become an actress, I will live many lives." She stopped abruptly, gasped, her eyes wide. I quietly asked: "What's the matter with you, Valentina Ivanovna?!" And then she uttered a phrase after which I became numb and my eyes fell out of their sockets - "Sveta, you repeated the words of Sarah Bernhardt!" At 17, I had already made up my mind. My parents dreamed of my university students in Leningrad, and I secretly took the documents to the theater university, of course I failed, but I gained experience, returned to Kislovodsk and went to work at the Philharmonic - leading concerts. Six months later, I was sent to the Leningrad creative workshop of variety art at the Lenconcert. Leningrad is my second love! I have been a part of it for 2 years. My first teachers: I.R. Shtokbandt, A.S. Shvedersky, O.I. Alshitz opened a whole world for me, called - colloquial stage.

After Leningrad, my artistic destiny brought me to Tuva, Kyzyl. This is a difficult period in my life: formation, formation, serious disagreements with the deputy. Minister of Culture of the Republic T. V. Oskal-ool, endless tours of the Republic and the country with VIA "Ayan". But I was almost 20 years old, I was full of strength and optimism, so I was able to overcome everything.

Tours are a kaleidoscope of cities, transfers, hotel "service", "joys of catering", "concerts and, of course, curiosities."

Since Tuva borders on Mongolia, our team often performed in frontier detachments. And here is one of those concerts. I worked out my number and the commander of the outpost turned to me with a request to perform something else, since the soldiers, far from their home, are very pleased to look at a young Russian girl. I was at a loss, I had nothing else in my repertoire, and the political officer came to my aid. He said: - It's not a problem! Here is the charter of the guard service for you, go to the stage and read! And now imagine the picture. At a distant outpost, standing in front of a microphone, in a Mongolian dress, a girl of European appearance and not understanding anything, reads: - The company commander is obliged to check the distribution of guard personnel, according to the table of posts ... And I must say, the success was amazing. The soldiers applauded me so much that I had to repeat the reading of the regulations for an encore!” Relationships in a large touring team developed in different ways.

I remember a 3-month tour of Siberia, 8 pop groups, and musicians are a special caste of people, and if they dislike someone, they all don’t, they peck, pull, get. The soloist of VIA "Marie" did not like it. And here is a "green" concert in Yoshkar-ola. The birthplace of the singer. She sings lyrical songs on stage in a long, toe-length national dress. And at this time, a guitarist and a saxophonist from another group, in the service room under the stage, are manipulating with a syringe, injecting water into the cracks between the stage boards, exactly under the singer's feet. The singer sang for a long time, so there was a lot of water. And here is the final chord, applause, she proudly sails away from the microphone - Homeric laughter in the hall. In the place where the singer had just sculpted - a huge puddle!

Then there was GITIS them. Lunacharsky. "It so happened that our teacher changed skills almost every year on the course. The eccentric M. Rapopport, the talented N. Britaeva, the darling E. Lipovetsky and the brilliant A. Barmak. I was lucky once again, A. Barmak was a despot and tyrant on the stage: "Once again, Sveta, choose the main thing, concentrate on the main thing, now your image is like jelly, something like snot, Work!" He harassed me, got to the liver, and I still played the baby in the children's sandbox, and mute Catherine in "Mother Courage" by B. Brecht, and a nurse in "Satellites" by V. Panova, and much, much more." 5th year of GITIS, graduation performance, state exams and participation in the All-Union competition.

"The 1st All-Union competition in pop speech genres in Gorky. For the first time in history, there is no age limit for participants. Of the artists, only pathologically lazy and mentally ill did not come to this competition - 158 participants! Competed in 3 categories: 1. Monologues , 2. Sketches, sketches, 3. Musical numbers It was possible to participate in all 3 categories at the same time, the artist S. Piloyan and I determined for ourselves the 1st and 2nd. We received the title of laureates in the 2nd category. was a sensation! For the first time in history, artists from the provinces received the 2nd prize! The wonderful director E.V. Butenko prepared us for this victory and rightfully shared it with us. Subsequently, with this master, I prepared a lot of numbers and two solo programs. This director taught me to be an artist. After the competition, I had a choice of Moscow or Kislovodsk, the capital scared me with its uncertainty, and I returned home to the Philharmonic at the CMV. "The Philharmonic is a state within a state. Life flows here according to its own special laws, and the most important argument is success with the viewer, the most important criterion for success is the occupancy of the hall. Artists are not friends, they compete with each other, the best ones have tours.

"Summer. Heat. Sochi. The tour is over. We, led by the soloist, foreman, party organizer Viktor Antonovich Korkish (in everyday life, just Vitya Korkishko) at the railway station. Half a ton of equipment. The train is served 20 minutes before departure. We found out where the numbering of the cars came from, calculated about a distance, we unloaded the equipment, we are waiting. Suddenly an announcement on the radio: "Attention, numbering from the tail of the train." Everything is topsy-turvy. Half a ton of equipment!!! ", overtakes a puffing train with a wheelbarrow in his hands. Hooray! Loaded. Driven. Unloading. Suddenly, like a shot, The sound of a police whistle and a cry: "Here it is my car!" Two run towards - a representative of the authorities and a man in a blue uniform cap. And immediately to Korkishu: “Why did they steal the car without asking?” He, a respectable person, justifies himself: “Yes, I asked, I go, I look - a car, a man is sitting on it, I go to him - how much does it cost? - he says - a quarter! no time to bargain, I paid. I thought - the owner, but it turned out just a passerby sat down to rest! And he sold me a wheelbarrow for 25 rubles! "(A ticket to Kislovodsk cost 18 rubles) Here it is business in Russian! We remembered this car for Antonych for 3 months."

Today, S. Rozhkova is a participant in television programs: "Full House, Full House", "Laughroom", "Laughing Panorama", "Anecdote-Anecdote", "Joke After Joke", "Women Forward". Lives and works in Moscow. And very often happens in Kislovodsk.

"This city is my destiny! I don't know what awaits me around the corner, but thank God I'm lucky for good people. New numbers are born, I hope that they will bring joy to my viewers!"

The biography of Svetlana Rozhkova is full of difficult life ups and downs. From a young age, deciding to become a famous actress, the girl stubbornly strove for her goal. The girl's career quickly went up, and a well-chosen stage image soon made Rozhkova "the main mother-in-law of the country." Probably, it was Svetlana's resilient disposition and the support of loved ones that helped the actress overcome a terrible disease.

The childhood of the actress

Svetlana Anatolyevna Rozhkova was born in the town of Mozhaisk near Moscow on February 16, 1965. The mother of the future star of the "Full House" for a long time worked as an administrator of the state philharmonic society of the city of Kislovodsk.

The girl spent the first four years in the village of Gubino in her grandmother's hut. The little girl liked helping her granny, picking fresh vegetables from the garden and enjoying delicious food from a real Russian village oven. As the biography of Svetlana Rozhkova testifies, her childhood was carefree and colorful.

Four years later, the Rozhkov family moved to the city of Kislovodsk, where Elena Mikhailovna was sent to work. In Kislovodsk, Svetlana graduated from high school and spent the best years of her youth.

The temper of the future artist was cheerful and energetic. From childhood, Sveta was very mobile, and sometimes her parents could hardly cope with her. Despite her excellent studies, the girl's behavior could have been better. Mom was constantly called by teachers, whom the girl interfered with to conduct lessons.

Student years

From early childhood, Svetlana Rozhkova firmly decided to be a popular actress. She performed her first performances in front of a grateful audience - relatives and friends.

Having matured a little, the girl tried many activities. She was interested in literally everything: collecting scrap metal, collecting stamps, fulfilling Komsomol assignments, caring for animals. But the greatest pleasure for Sveta was sports and dancing. Soon Rozhkova enrolled in a theater studio. Motivating her choice, the girl repeated the words of the great Sarah Bernhardt: “I have one life, and by becoming an actress, I can live thousands of interesting destinies.” Thus, seventeen-year-old Svetlana decided on her future profession.

According to the biography of Svetlana Rozhkova, the family reacted to the daughter's decision with some misunderstanding. Therefore, after graduating from school, the girl secretly from her mother and father took the documents to the theater institute. The exams turned out to be too difficult, Svetlana did not enter. Deciding not to despair, the girl began working at the Kislovodsk Philharmonic leading concerts. Six months later, the leadership sent her to Leningrad to try her hand at a variety art workshop. Rozhkova's teachers were such masters as Isaac Romanovich Shtokbant and Anatoly Samoilovich Shvedersky. Soon Svetlana became a student of GITIS named after A.V. Lunacharsky.

The beginning of a creative career

After graduating from GITIS, Svetlana Rozhkova was sent to the Republic of Tuva to work. The young artist was appointed to the position of an employee of the Philharmonic of the city of Kyzyl. As a member of the Ayan ensemble, Rozhkova traveled to all corners of the Far East, Yakutia and other regions of the country. The creative team was a frequent guest in the border troops. The success of the young artist with the military was so great that she repeated almost every performance for an encore several times.

The first pop number Rozhkova was born spontaneously. In one of the military units, having exhausted all the numbers, Svetlana read the charter of the guard service. The improvisation came out so unusual that in the future she repeated the number more than once.

Soon, returning to her native Kislovodsk, Rozhkova begins her solo career with the whole program "Session of Laughter Therapy". During one of the numerous tours, fate brought Svetlana to the permanent host of the "Full House" Regina Dubovitskaya. The last one liked the performance so much that Rozhkova was invited to become part of the friendly team of sold-out people.

Stage partners of Svetlana Rozhkova

In less than 20 years of work in the Full House, the prima tried numerous images. But the most memorable were her matchmaker, mother-in-law and mother-in-law. Monologues on behalf of the heroines were repeatedly repeated in all programs with the participation of Rozhkova - “Laughing Panorama”, “Laughing Room”, “Anecdote-Anecdote”, “Joke After Joke”, “Women Forward”.

Most of her monologues are performed by Svetlana Rozhkova personally. The life biography, however, says that some scenes of the conversational artist are written for two. The creative tandem of Rozhkova and Igor Mamenko is successful. The duet became famous for such scenes as “Husband and Wife”, “Doctor and Sick”, “Mom and Son”, “Do not grunt!”, “Fishing”, etc.

Svetlana Rozhkova also performs with her husband Yuri Evdokunin. The performance of the spouses is always a stunning success.

Favorite authors of the "Full House" star

For Svetlana Rozhkova, a whole team of talented authors write monologues with pleasure. The artist collaborates with such well-known comedians as A. Tsapik, G. Terikov, L. Izmailov, L. Frantsuzov, A. Ras. Rozhkova gives way in creativity to young authors - A. Novichenko, Yu. Sofin, G. Bugaev, A. Shcheglov and others. The indefatigable nature of the Full House star is always ready for experiments.

Personal life of a comedian

The actress has been married twice. The first husband of Svetlana Rozhkova (biography will not let you lie!) Was a talented drummer and jazzman Andrei Bogdanov. The young people met at the Leningrad creative workshop of variety art, where members of the Ayan ensemble from Tuva staged their program. Bogdanov was one of the artists of the folk group.

Common classes brought the couple together at first as good friends. Soon friendship grew into sympathy, and then stronger feelings were born. Having a habit of always throwing herself into the pool with her head, eighteen-year-old Svetlana went down the aisle. After some time, she became an artist of "Ayan" and followed her husband to Kyzyl.

Like any woman, the future comedian dreamed of becoming a mother. Her wish came true pretty quickly, and one fine day a daughter was born, who was named Yana. However, the family idyll did not last long. After 6 years, the couple broke up, and soon Bogdanov emigrated to the United States for permanent residence.

Despite the first family failure, the actress did not become discouraged. She continued to perform well. At one concert, she was to dance rock and roll with singer Yuri Evdokunin. Joint rehearsals soon brought the partners closer. The personal life of Svetlana Rozhkova sparkled again with bright colors. The biography of her husband was so impeccable, and her behavior was so gallant that the artist plunged into a new magical relationship without hesitation. After some time, she will say that Yuri is the main man in her life. Soon their daughter Barbara was born, who later followed in her father's footsteps and became a singer.

The state of health of Svetlana Rozhkova

Despite her creative success, the life of an actress is not always smooth sailing. As the biography of Svetlana Rozhkova testifies, her personal life and children were not easy for her. A woman has had a weak heart since childhood, and her first pregnancy could have ended rather sadly. But Svetlana took a chance, and now she is a happy mother to two lovely girls.

Fate seems to be constantly testing Rozhkova for strength. Once, crossing the road, the actress was hit by a car. Due to her injuries, an operation was performed, during which Svetlana suffered a clinical death. The actress recalls the dark tunnel and her own flight, and the voice that said: "It's not time yet." This forced the humorist to return to earth.

And recently, Rozhkova found out about the terrible diagnosis made by her doctors. Svetlana is seriously ill with an autoimmune disease - biliary cirrhosis. A rare disease did not break the woman. She is being treated, obediently adhering to all the prescriptions of doctors, and continues to live, enjoying every day. In a word, the Full House star is set for a long and happy life.

Interesting facts in the biography of Svetlana Rozhkova

In the fate of the artist there were many funny cases. The girl experienced one of her first adventures immediately after birth, when she, a baby, was lost on the way home from the maternity hospital. Grandfather Fyodor so famously controlled the sleigh, which housed Sveta's mother and the newborn, that at one of the turns the baby literally slipped out of Elena's dozing hands and got lost in a snowdrift. The sleigh drove up to the hut without the main culprit of the joyful event. Fortunately, nothing happened to the child.

Another interesting fact is that for the first months of her life, the girl slept in a basket with which her grandfather went for mushrooms. The family was so poor that buying a crib for a newborn was beyond their means.

Today, as the biography says, Svetlana Rozhkova lives in Moscow with her family (husband and children). The eldest daughter Yana is a linguist and polyglot, the youngest Varvara graduated from the Moscow State University. M. A. Sholokhov and is building a career as a singer. The family often visits the artist's homeland in the city of Kislovodsk. Everything here is native and so dear to the heart. Here Svetlana Rozhkova feels truly happy.

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