Pisces man in love and family life. What is a Pisces man in sex? What does a Pisces man like in sex? Pisces man love compatibility

Lidia Lunkova

The patronage of the zodiac sign Pisces begins on February 21 and ends on March 20. This is the last 12 sign of the zodiac, so it is believed that he has absorbed little by little from each previous one. Pisces is ruled by Neptune - emotional, with a great deal of romanticism, often detached from everyday hustle and bustle.

Characteristics of Pisces men

The Pisces man is not demanding in life, but in love he expects a full return from a loved one. To make his dream come true, he needs such a person who will help unlock the potential of the abilities and talents of this zodiac sign.

They are always ready to help. Moreover, they leave their interests to the last plan. First, they will help a friend (relative), and only then they will start their own affairs and tasks. This emotional people who can flare up and start to get nervous because of any trifle. Therefore, they are primarily take care of your heart and nervous system- these are the weak points of Pisces.

These are dual natures, two fish swimming in different directions symbolize this. All their lives they suffer from conflicting desires

Advantages and disadvantages

Men born under the sign of Pisces cannot be called decisive. They like to shift responsibility onto other people's shoulders, being, as it were, "out of business" - this is their main drawback. But their strength is the ability to love truly and sincerely, surrendering completely to their soulmate.

Temperament and character

The characteristic of Pisces according to the zodiac sign says that they are born as if tired. They do not have enough energy to overcome, resolve many issues, cases, obstacles. Everything affects them negatively: heat, wind, rain, snow, a quarrel at work. They become even more lethargic and tired, preferring to lie on the couch and relax.

There are other Pisces that are less common. They are overly active and are able to start a bunch of things, in the end, not finishing a single one. They can stay awake for days and nights, exhausting themselves to the point of exhaustion.

On the way in front of a great danger, they can remain imperturbable, when, like minor troubles, the shortcomings of life infuriate them.

When choosing clothes, these people are often somewhat sloppy, formal suits are not for them. Often they rely on their own fantasy and mysticism.

Water and the sign of Pisces give this man "fluidity". He literally goes with the flow, not wanting to overcome the obstacles that arise on the way. He would rather wait until they resolve themselves than take any action to resolve them. The water element rewarded these people with high sensitivity, frequent mood swings. Even because of minor troubles, a person can become discouraged for several days.

Water and the sign of Pisces give this man "fluidity". He literally goes with the flow.

Water is incompatible with Fire. Communication with Air is possible, if only Water is not afraid of cloudiness and nebula. The ideal partner will be a person from the elements of Earth and Water.

TO positive character traits Fish can be classified as:

  • attraction,
  • sociability,
  • friendly attitude,
  • compassion.

Negative Traits:

  • character change,
  • short temper,
  • excessive emotionality,
  • pessimism,
  • laziness.

The Pisces man, under the auspices of the water element, is such a “fish” that tries to bypass all sharp corners, deftly maneuvering between them. For a comfortable existence, it is better to choose a place to live near water bodies. As a last resort, get an aquarium at home. Home for them is a place to relax and contemplate beauty.

Relationships between Pisces men and women never develop rapidly. They are not of the breed that rush into the pool with his head. A female partner can wait for a marriage proposal from him for years. It is likely that he will still make the responsible step of marriage by the age of 35, or even older.

Relationships of Pisces men with women never develop rapidly

He does not strive for wealth, he is content with little. Therefore, if you have chosen such a chosen one as a couple, be prepared to earn good money. No, Pisces will not sit on the neck, but they will not try to climb the career ladder or change their field of activity for the sake of increasing their well-being. It often happens that a wife earns more than her husband, but this does not bother him at all. At the same time, from the emotional side, everything will be fine in the relationship between the Pisces man and his chosen one. He does not skimp on the manifestation of care and attention. He likes to receive in return the same attitude towards himself.

The appearance of the girl when choosing is important to him. He is a connoisseur of beauty, a lover of contemplation. And even if there is a written beauty next to him, he will still look around, looking for no less charming women. With this, the second half of Pisces will have to come to terms. To make the union really strong, it is better for a couple to have common interests in addition to family life.

What kind of women will definitely like the Pisces man?

This man needs a strong and understanding woman. She should not make claims over trifles, cause jealousy. The guy of this sign cannot be called a particularly jealous person, he will trust his beloved. But if you openly do everything to evoke this feeling, he will not remain indifferent. Stability and security are what he values ​​most in a relationship.

Pisces man is a connoisseur of peace and prosperity in family life

So, what kind of women do Pisces like?

  • beautiful and well-groomed,
  • wise,
  • calm,
  • caring.

These are the main features that the ideal girl for Pisces men should have. Their peculiarity is that they do not fully believe that they are really needed and loved. Therefore, the girl will have to try to prove it and more often confess her love to her partner.

How to understand that a Pisces man is in love: the main signs

You met your "prince" - Pisces on a white horse, but you can't understand that the Pisces guy is in love? In the behavior of a man in love, there are some specific signs.

The first thing that appears in this person new is openness. He talks a lot about himself, hiding nothing. At the beginning of the relationship, he gives the chosen one not only attention and care, but also gifts, while asking for nothing in return. He perfectly understands how to care for a woman in order to achieve her location. He approaches this with full responsibility. The first signs of Pisces falling in love appear almost immediately, they cannot be confused with anything.

A loving Pisces man goes on about a woman. The main thing is that she does not start using it for selfish purposes, which in the end can lead to a break in relations.

It often happens that this person falls in love with unworthy people (alcoholics, parasites, drug addicts, etc.). He tries to change them, to help, but in the end he is disappointed and leaves.

What are the ways to conquer Pisces men?

You liked the guy of this water element, but you don’t know how to conquer Pisces and make this person fall in love with you? To attract the attention of any man, and Pisces in particular, is quite real, the main thing is to know how to do it right.

Pisces often hover in the clouds, dream a lot, and are not practical. If you liked this man, then, first of all, you should show him the similarity of your views on life and the same interests. The psychology of these people is simple: they believe in mysticism, so you can convince them that your meeting is not accidental and destined by fate.

A crying girl will surely attract his attention. He just can't get past

To find an approach to it, it is important to know how to behave with Pisces. When talking, let him tell what he wants, and along the way ask questions that will make it clear that you are interested in him as an interlocutor. According to reviews, such communication will eventually lead to friendship, and it will smoothly flow into something more. So, to please the Pisces guy, you need:

  • share a passion for mysticism and everything inexplicable,
  • surround with care and tenderness,
  • take care of household issues (being already in a relationship),
  • do not rush a man to make decisions,
  • periodically leave him alone so that he can philosophize about the meaning of life.

Pisces often hover in the clouds, dream a lot, do not differ in practicality

Love for Pisces is practically the goal of life, so attracting them for a serious relationship is not so difficult. For them, the main thing is sincere feelings, understanding, spiritual connection and calmness. He shows his love openly, purely, naked in front of the second half. Therefore, if he does not feel a response, he is offended and closes in himself.

Good compatibility of Pisces men in love with representatives of the water element: Cancers and Scorpions

These are absolutely harmonious unions. Peace and understanding reign in them. Also Pisces goes well with earthly representatives: Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo. The element of fire does not suit Pisces at all, an alliance with Air is possible, but only if both give in to each other and make compromises.
Pisces compatibility table with other signs

Sex with Pisces: what is it like in bed?

Sex for the zodiac sign Pisces is not in last place, rather, it is the second place (after sincere feelings in a relationship with a loved one). Pisces love variety in bed, they have a very developed imagination, so the couple is unlikely to be bored. But if the temperaments are radically different, then Pisces will begin to suffer, and as a result, their interest will disappear. They try to please their partner first, not themselves.

The Pisces man always knows how to surprise his partner in bed. He is a crazy inventor. More often prefers sex at home in a cozy environment than in other places. He is a great lover adrenaline is not their way.

If there are no real feelings in a couple, then cool sex alone will not help keep Pisces. Sex with a man born under the sign of Pisces is a fun adventure that should be fueled every day with new products.

What to do if the Pisces man left?

Usually, if a representative of this sign leaves the family, then this is forever. He will cut you out of his life immediately. He does not like to enter the same river twice and will in every possible way ignore attempts to get through to him. “Does not call - does not write” - this is just about him.

How to bring the Fish back home to a smooth backwater? Practical Tips:

  • Take a break. During this time, the man will think about everything, perhaps even realize that he made a mistake.
  • Postpone claims. Otherwise, you will alienate the chosen one even more.
  • Show feminine cunning. You can pretend that you accidentally got in their way or went to the same store. Love for mysticism will play into your hands here. Say that it is fate that does not allow you to disperse.
  • Arouse pity in Pisces. They will not be able to calmly look at you crying.
  • Admit your guilt and do not criticize the Pisces man. Even if it's difficult for you and you're not really at fault, this tactic will help bring him back.

What to give a Pisces man?

Thinking about what to give Pisces, for example, for a birthday? They are unassuming in this matter. They are not one of those people who wait for the holiday for the sake of gifts. You can even leave him without this part of the celebration, he will not be offended. But if you still decide to present something, then choose interesting things from the category of palmistry, esotericism, mysticism. These can be necklaces or amulets, handmade knives with mysterious drawings on the handle, signet rings from the same area. Practical gifts from the household series are also suitable.

January 11, 2018, 03:39

Representatives of the Pisces sign, especially men, have emotionality and sensuality.

They love to dream, they have developed imagination and intuitive thinking. Therefore, in their head they have a certain image of a woman that they are trying to find. Most of the time it's pretty controversial. A woman who seeks to become a companion of a Pisces man must combine the incompatible, resembling the fairy-tale character Vasilisa the Wise or other metaphorical characters.

Pisces men - what are they?

Despite outward calmness and coldness, they are very emotional and vulnerable. Their distinguishing feature is charm. Therefore, the Pisces man can be very attractive. But the men of this sign themselves like the types of internally unusual, with a twist and an inner core.

  1. Pisces man prefers femininity and softness in everything. He definitely likes good looks, good style and moderation. Extravagant, rude, harsh women scare them away. Much more attracted by the mystery and romance, combined with confidence.
  2. Pisces men love self-confident, rational, practical women. And at the same time, sensuality, gentleness, refinement, the ability to support and listen to the interlocutor are important to them.
  3. Pisces is a fickle zodiac sign, so predictable women get bored of them quickly. Try to arrange surprises for him, to please him with something new every day. And it doesn’t matter which ones, the main thing is the effect of novelty and surprise.
  4. Pisces quickly get carried away, can "hover in the clouds", make unpredictable decisions. They often have extreme mood swings. Therefore, you need to gently “return it to the ground”, while showing tact, patience and firmness. If you are used to “leading” in relationships, the Pisces man can allow you to do this, but do not show your dominance. Praise and encourage him more often, talk about what good qualities and pluses he has.

If you can inspire him, he will be able to achieve good heights in his career, move to a higher level. The main thing is to believe in him, and he will move mountains. This zodiac sign feels great and is able to understand a partner, but it also expects reciprocity from him. Therefore, try to talk more, listen and support the man. Hugs, tenderness, affection, softness - these are the qualities that these men like.

But all this should be moderately combined with determination and a rational mindset. Therefore, Pisces men impress women with decisive and self-confident men, because they themselves are indecisive and not self-confident, they need boasting and encouragement. But if you manage to show gentleness and understanding, combined with confidence, then success is guaranteed. The Pisces man will do everything to make you happy and satisfied.

What kind of women repel Pisces

Frivolous women who themselves do not know what they want will not attract the attention of this man. If you do not want to take responsibility in difficult situations, solve important life problems without relying on a man, then these relationships, alas, are short-lived. Selfishness, commercialism, tactlessness, rudeness, humiliation can also push him away. If you are used to sort things out with the help of scandals and tantrums, this man is not for you.

They are very touchy and vindictive, they perceive criticism sharply, although they try not to show it, but, having closed, they become cold and aloof. It will be very difficult to return warm relations in this case. Jealousy, too, should not be provoked in Pisces. This can lead to a break in the relationship, he will simply decide that he is not good enough for you. And continue to search for the ideal. Another taboo that Pisces men will never forgive is cheating. They will not fight for your love in this case, they will simply leave forever, slamming the door. And this is not because he does not love you, Pisces simply do not forgive betrayal.

Pisces is the final twelfth sign of the zodiac. It symbolizes the completion of everything, summing up. It is quite difficult to understand the men of this sign. Two fish swimming in opposite directions mean the duality of nature and the presence of seemingly incongruous qualities in such a person.

The nature of male fish

Such men are distinguished by softness, sensitivity and vulnerability. He has a good ability to listen to the interlocutor and empathize with him. Therefore, it often becomes a vest for friends, including women in difficult life situations. Subsequently, such communication may well go over the relationship, because loving Pisces man easily attracted to a new companion.

At heart, Pisces men are romantics who love to build "castles in the air." They are very delicate and will not bother with unnecessary questions to a person, noticing his bad mood. Such a man can be confidently entrusted with his personal secrets - he will not tell anyone about them, especially if he is warned. Pisces love everything mystical and mysterious. They are attracted to various subcultures and informal groups. This zodiac sign is ruled by the planet Neptune, which gives a person excellent abilities in art and creativity.

Pisces men in love

They tend to idealize their partner, endowing her with non-existent qualities. Due to their inconsistency, it is sometimes difficult to understand What kind of women do Pisces men like?. On the one hand, they like calm, homely, sensitive girls. On the other hand, the partner must be proactive and be prepared for sudden changes in the mood of her companion. Men of this sign love attention to their person. They have an innate charm, so they are rarely left alone. Spiritual closeness and common interests are important for them.

how men love fish

Confidence, lack of commercialism, kindness, support in all endeavors - this is what What do Pisces men like in a woman?. They need to be praised more often and have a heart-to-heart talk - then they open up and reciprocate. A loving Pisces man knows how to surround his companion with care, affection and attention.

Because of their sentimentality and impressionability, fish easily fall in love. But they can also easily cool down. One carelessly spoken phrase, a manifestation of rudeness and tactlessness, undeserved criticism - and such a man will quickly disappear over the horizon. Reconnecting later won't be easy. However, fish are not vindictive and know how to forgive.

In their youth, men of this sign often have many short romances with completely different women. Sometimes it is difficult to answer the question: How Pisces Men Love And what do they really need? In love, he goes headlong, completely worshiping his chosen one. He will demonstrate his loyalty, openness, sacrifice. But when the feelings subside, the fish may notice that their image does not correspond to reality.

Over the years, fish become wiser, they value home comfort and for family ties they certainly need a woman who is practical and will keep a joint budget. Often, fish are indecisive in the matter of registering a marriage, and the woman herself has to hint at going to the registry office. Deep down, they seek stability. Among Pisces men there are many people of creative professions: actors, singers, musicians. This must be taken into account when linking fate with such a person.

Pisces men in sex

Such a man loves to deliver sensual pleasures to his partner. He will appreciate the romantic atmosphere and activity on the part of a woman. His companion is sure to be satisfied. The Pisces man does not forget about himself. He loves a variety of positions, unusual places for making love. To understand What do Pisces men love about sex? We need to talk openly with them and express our suggestions. He is always open to experiments and unusual fantasies. At the same time, insincerity in the bed of the fish is easily determined, so it will not work to imitate an orgasm with the fish. Satisfaction in intimacy will strengthen relationships with such a man.

The sign that closes the zodiac circle is considered the most mysterious, we are talking about people born under the sign of fish. If a girl was born between February 20 and March 20, then she was also lucky to be mysterious and extraordinary. And the strong half of the society that has fallen into the network of these ladies is, in turn, interested in the question of what kind of men women like fish.

Pisces women are incredibly feminine, so next to them any men will feel like heroes, conquerors and knights. Another gift endowed with women of this sign is the ability to love, so millions of men are looking for ways to win a woman born under the sign of Pisces. And in this matter you need to be extremely responsible and honest, since only this sign has a fragile and quivering soul.

To understand who suits a fish girl according to the sign of the zodiac and in general, it is enough to get acquainted with the character and main features of this sign. Pisces women are characterized by devotion to the family, obedience to their man, sensitivity and vulnerability, slight self-doubt and suspiciousness, kindness, caution and peacefulness.

At the same time, astrologers note that this woman is afraid of poverty, which means she will look for a self-sufficient and successful partner. In fact, a fish girl can like a dream man who will have several qualities:

  • physically and spiritually strong;
  • sensitive;
  • practical;
  • compassionate and kind;
  • generous;
  • wise;
  • erudite and versatile;
  • firm and resolute;
  • consistent man.

A woman born under the sign of a fish will always need a strong shoulder, that is, one who becomes an authority for her will be able to fall in love with a fish girl. If a man gives her a sense of security and reliability (ideally, he will have a strong physique), she will trust him. However, with all this, the Pisces man should be an exemplary family man and a practical economic person.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family Relations Expert. Family psychologist.

If in the case of other signs of the zodiac, astrologers can clearly give an answer which man is intended for this or that woman, then with fish everything is much more complicated. This girl, almost from childhood, draws herself a portrait of the ideal male prince, carries him inside her heart until the very moment she meets him, and nothing can convince her to move away from her fantasies.

What sign suits a fish girl?

Due to their ephemeral nature, penchant for illusions and daydreaming, astrologers say that it will be difficult for Pisces women to build a strong and long-term marriage. Their illusory vision of life and family can be supported by earth signs, such as a Taurus man or Capricorn. Taurus will be able to conquer them with their self-confidence, generosity and thriftiness.

It can be more difficult with Capricorn, since he needs not only admiration and care for him, but also 100% fidelity, even in the thoughts of a woman. And it is sometimes difficult for fish to control their fantasies, so misunderstandings can arise. But at the same time, Capricorns can provide the fish with a golden cage and all the benefits, so in return these women will be ready to create the best family nest.

How to win a fish woman?

Born under the sign of fish, a man first needs to simply attract her attention to himself. To do this, you need to follow several recommendations of astrologers and psychologists, namely:

  • You can conquer the fish with gallantry, it is enough to know the rules of etiquette and manners for this lady to have a weakness for a particular man.
  • A man needs to show how much he has in common with a girl, continue the quotes that she says or guess what books and films they are from. Pisces are creative personalities, they cannot stand narrow-minded, narrow-minded men next to them.
  • Pisces loves to help, so a man will always have a reason to talk with her closer. In such a case, it is important not to overdo it so that the fish do not feel the implausibility of the requests.
  • In a conversation, the initiative should lie with the man, since at first the fish are silent, following the interlocutor. In a conversation, a man needs to show his intellect and the versatility of development.
  • Pisces girls love interest in themselves because of their insecurity and suspiciousness, so a man should cheer her up with his enthusiastic looks.
  • Pisces love to laugh heartily, so a man with a sense of humor has a chance to conquer such a girl. The main thing is not to be familiar, since at the very beginning the distance is important for a girl.
  • Girls love to explain something and teach others, therefore, in each such case, you need to admiringly listen to her recommendations, without contradicting them.
  • A man needs to be decisive in the direction of the fish girl, but at the same time not be rude, tough and impudent.
  • Having surrounded the fish with care, a man will be able to fully receive her love, care and devotion in return, this is perhaps the most grateful sign of the zodiac.
  • Pisces will always be drawn to light and positive men who easily cope with any difficulties.

Advice! A man needs to literally exterminate harsh words and jargon from his vocabulary, as creative ephemeral fish are drawn to everything beautiful. It will be difficult to earn her trust, but in no case should you put pressure on her and show obsession.

How does a fish girl in love behave: signs of love?

If a man follows these recommendations, sooner or later he will have a question of how to understand that she is in love. What is interesting is the artistic and feminine fish girl, in the presence of sympathy, is immediately lost and behaves extremely constrainedly. Such behavior of a woman in love will not go unnoticed, she will blush, be silent or get lost in words.

Is a Pisces woman right for you?


Pisces women are extremely afraid of being rejected by a man who may like this subtle nature, which fuels her inherent self-doubt. Therefore, she will not be able to take the initiative into her own hands, which is why many men give up, considering themselves uninteresting to her. In fact, a chatty merry woman and a fish woman in love are diametrical opposites, and the signs of a woman in love are her shyness and stiffness.


Pisces women have been looking for a life partner for a long time, doubting their choice and not daring to take the first steps. But as soon as she finds the prince from her childhood fantasies and dreams, to be convinced of his reliability and reciprocity, she will surround him with care and love, will support her partner in everything. These women are valuable in that they are created for the family, they are ready to give the reins of government to a man.

Each sign of the zodiac has its own characteristics. People born under a certain sign have common behavioral traits in relationships with women, partners, and careers. Pisces is the twelfth sign in the zodiac horoscope. A man born under the sign of Pisces (February 20 to March 20) is ready to help even a stranger in trouble. This responsiveness often goes sideways to him, as he takes much to heart.

In communication, representatives of this sign behave with restraint, have a sense of tact and keep other people's secrets well. They are not vindictive, but they can be offended quickly. They leave quickly. Behind him, from his youth, the reputation of a person who is not adapted to life is fixed.

Pisces man in love and relationships

Pisces man attracts women with his tenderness, romance and softness. He is completely devoid of power and conflict, will not be jealous. It is impossible to find in him such qualities of a man as:

  • rigidity;
  • authority;
  • coarseness.

For some, this is the perfect man who can drive you crazy. He clearly knows how to feel everything that happens around and capture the emotional atmosphere. This allows him to understand well the needs and desires of a woman.

In love, he sometimes lacks realism. He can build an idealized image for himself, endowing him with the necessary character traits, and love him until the moment his imagination runs out. At the same time, a man may not notice that the invented image has nothing to do with reality. A Pisces man in a relationship with a woman can completely devote himself to her. Sometimes he has a desire to live only in her interests. It is natural for him to sacrifice his desires for the sake of his beloved.

It should be noted that Pisces is the most sensitive and emotional sign. They take everything emotionally.

It is sometimes very difficult for him to keep the surging emotions under control. At such moments, a storm rages in his soul. Sometimes men of this sign experience feelings such as:

  • uncertainty;
  • anxiety;
  • anxiety.

Such states do not last long. Subsequently, they are replaced by apathy, after - calmness, and as a result, a person feels peace. After appeasement, inspiration follows, and the final stage is an enthusiastic attitude towards life.

The soul of this type of man hurts and trembles, not finding harmony in the practical hard world. Thought interprets reality in its own way. They embody their ideal in sculptures and paintings, give themselves to children and family, and some shock those around them with an addiction to alcohol or a non-traditional orientation.

But still, it’s easy with them, because they will never offend, they will help, they know how to empathize and dream, they have kindness and gentleness. They always have money, and they can easily support a family. For the sake of loved ones, they are ready for self-sacrifice.

Love for the female sex in men of this sign takes no less than self-realization. Boys mature early and fall platonically in love: with a teacher, a high school student, or an inaccessible girl. Love for them comes secretly, imperceptibly grows, and the lover most often cherishes his dream alone, not daring to tell about his feelings.

An adult man can also love at the highest spiritual level, with an easel and a brush in his hands or prayers, with poetry and prose. They are overwhelmed with feelings, their speeches can drive them crazy, they idealize their beloved, forgive all shortcomings and tolerate any of her antics. Their sensuality excites a woman. She gives her the pleasure of earthly and spiritual love.

But there is also a type of men who prefer sexual pleasures with different women to love. There are even female collectors. But even then they cherish, appreciate and respect their chosen ones. But if you make a decision about what is better, to return, leave or leave, then they will leave without explanation. They are not conquerors, so they will not arrange jealousy scenes and fight for you with an opponent. The love of such a man can be heaven or hell for you.

Pros and cons of Pisces men

Such a man always attracts a woman with her childlike appearance, which is reflected in his eyes. He is kind and gentle, attentive and gentle. But behind this appearance, an experienced manipulator, an expert in psychology, can be hidden. But he manipulates only from good positions. For his own benefit, he rarely tries to manipulate, but only waits for encouragement and attention. A Pisces man in a relationship with a woman will be calm and romantic.

However, it has flaws.

The positive qualities of men born under this sign are.

Men born under this sign are prone to weakness and stress that catches him at the most inopportune moment. He begins to look for support in bad habits - tobacco and alcohol. Some traits of his character can lead to a complete decline in vitality. T What situations arise if:

  • due to confusion, they cannot find the right solution;
  • quickly lose interest in the matter;
  • the love of fantasy prevails.

If a representative of this sign is left without control, then he will quickly get confused in life and slide to the very bottom. And from there it will get out only with the help of others.

behavior with women

If a woman starts dating a Pisces man, what kind of relationship they are, it is better to find out in advance. Representatives of the sign as a husband will be led. In a family, the spouse should be the leader. He so often leaves the real world that it is she who has to solve many problems. But with all this, his delicacy, sensitivity and kindness allow you to create something more in relationships and at home than being a breadwinner in the family. It will always be pleasant and interesting with him, since he is ready to do a lot for his wife, but only so that it does not cost him much work.

Only an active girl who is able to move such a man with her energy can stimulate a clumsy fish to work. The most suitable signs for Pisces are Capricorn, Taurus and Scorpio. The discipline and firmness of the spirit of these signs will not allow you to loosen up more than it should be.

Love and marriage

From a moral point of view Pisces are perfect for the role of a spouse. In a difficult situation, he will always support each member of the family, but not in deed, but in word. They are very gentle, and always help their spouse around the house, not ashamed to perform women's duties. But they do things for men under duress, and not at will. There are also negative aspects in family life with a Pisces man.

  1. Excessive pride. Even if they realize they are wrong, they will rarely take the first step towards.
  2. Touchiness. They are capable of being offended by their spouse for a long time, like children.
  3. Fatalism. They are incapable of decisive action.

For his beloved, this type of men will create the most comfortable environment. They are always devoted to their beloved and unable to change her. Very often he is unable to explain his love in words, but a reverent attitude and actions are better than any phrases. If they love a woman, then this is for life, and if she leaves, then the whole meaning of their life is lost. Then they look for a new object of sighing and passion for themselves.

sexual relations

Pisces are great lovers. But this is not because they have physical sexual skills, but because they have a rich imagination and high sensuality. For his beloved, he can turn simple intimacy into a real holiday.

There are pluses that distinguish representatives of this particular sign from the rest:

  • trying to please a woman;
  • sensuality;
  • eroticism.

Pisces as fathers

A child for a Pisces man is the meaning of his whole life. In relations with children, they are very responsive. The entire responsibility of upbringing falls on the spouse, and all paternal care is reduced to pampering the child. If dad starts to forbid something to the baby, then for him it comes as a surprise.

What to give this man

When communicating with a man of any sign, sooner or later there comes a moment when you need to give him a gift. Pisces are very difficult to please with a gift. His changeable mood affects preferences. He most often does not know himself what he wants to receive as a gift or an ordinary present. It is for this reason that it is necessary to focus on the most common gift options, such as household or electronic appliances.

In all areas of life, Pisces are very unstable. Because of the weak energy they are prone to fatigue. They can be filled with vitality again only in those moments. when their spirits rise. They are not used to struggling with difficulties, it is easier for them to go the other way or wait for time until everything works out.

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