Taurus man and Virgo woman: compatibility. How will relationships develop in marriage: Virgo woman and Taurus man, compatibility of earth signs


A very pleasant couple. A woman loves her man, and he enjoys communicating with her.

Here, a man acts as an adviser and mentor, takes responsibility - in a word, contributes to the material and personal growth of his chosen one.

Virgo-Taurus compatibility: how to seduce a Taurus man?

Taurus men pay attention to luxurious and relaxed girls, but fall in love and marry intelligent, calm and economic ones - after all, it is with this type of women that Taurus feels most comfortable. Taurus is drawn to Virgo's poise and classic sense of style, while the Virgo woman draws attention to Taurus' humor and ... a certain mess in his image. And, of course, as an Earth woman, Virgo highly appreciates the sense of self-confidence radiated by Taurus. Virgo and Taurus have good compatibility in sex, however, Taurus's too everyday attitude to the physical act and his jokes on this topic can somewhat jar the Virgo woman, for whom love is something serious and sacred.

What does an ideal couple look like: a Virgo woman - a Taurus man?

An ideal couple is a strong union based on mutual calculation. Many people are jarred by this definition, but the rest of the couples meet violently, marry and divorce just as violently, while Virgo and Taurus live happily together for many years, basking in the rays of not fiery, but warm and strong feelings. Perhaps this union can also be described as ordinary human happiness. Both love the land, so most often this couple acquires their own country house by old age - the good thrift of Taurus allows. They love to talk about money, plans for the future, what to buy for their house and how to raise their children - they are happy with these simple things, they are good with each other and do not have to pretend to be who they are not.

What are the difficulties in the union of a Virgo woman and a Taurus man?

Taurus, oddly enough, is much more patient than Virgo and condescending to her grumblings and complaints about the mess ... for the time being. If Virgo angers Taurus, the release will be enormous, and it will take a long time to reconcile. Also, Taurus does not tolerate criticism in his address. Paradoxically: Taurus loves critical sensible people, but if someone criticizes him, it will not seem enough to you. This couple has few problems: the main difficulty, perhaps, is the so-called "midlife crisis", when a person begins to desire enchanting passions and adventures. Alas, this share does not pass even such reasonable and "home" people as Virgo and Taurus.

First of all, Virgo should understand and accept the mess of Taurus: this is a true friend who walks with him throughout his life. It is inhumane to deprive a partner of such devoted friends. Taurus can calmly put on a wrinkled shirt in the light - even if it was bought for a fabulous sum - and this horrifies the Virgin, while the man himself does not understand the reason for the Virgo's discontent: the main thing is the essence. A wrinkled Savile Row shirt remains a Savile Row shirt in any form. Only female cunning and timely ironing will help here, dear Virgos.

The compatibility of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman is such that this love union most often turns out to be excellent for both partners. Both show warm feelings for their loved one, and understanding and harmony reign in such a family. The Taurus man is able to show his best qualities - this is perseverance and perseverance in achieving any goals. But besides this, he is very economic, and is able to maintain life in order. The Virgo woman, for her part, is distinguished by great responsibility, and is very diligent and hardworking. Each of them is attracted to the other by his qualities, and they can be strongly connected by common goals, caring for each other, financial situation, children, and so on.

In society, this couple shows itself from the best side, and may seem very pretty and pleasant. The Virgo woman clearly shows a benevolent attitude towards her man, and he is very happy with her company and strives to fulfill her desires. The Taurus man plays the role of a leader and mentor, he takes full responsibility for their union - and tries to ensure that his beloved does not need anything, either materially or in terms of feelings and emotions in their relationship.

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The Virgo woman, on the other hand, respects her Taurus very much, and almost idolizes, considering him an ideal partner for herself. The same one is very happy with such an attitude towards his own person, and of course he tries with all his might to thank the Virgin and make her happy. As a result, both are "in chocolate" in such a relationship, and almost nothing can shake this union.

Virgo is able to bring her prudence to this couple, and the manifestation of practicality in a variety of everyday issues. Taurus can bring sensuality into this family (sometimes hidden behind external coldness), and the ability to defend the interests of their family to the end. Both - both Taurus and Virgo, are able to be peaceful and endure a lot from a loved one, but at the same time not lose themselves. Each of them is sensitive to the material side of life, and has the ability to carefully and scrupulously approach other everyday issues.

This couple often discusses their own future, and this gives them a feeling of closeness and harmony. Everyone finds that his partner cares about him, and takes into account his interests and - and, accordingly, both are confident in the common future and in each other. Both Taurus and Virgo are able to inspire and support at a difficult moment, give a good mood to a loved one, when they are sad or tired. This is important, since both are very hardworking and efficient - and can earn so much that they lose their last strength. Virgo's support will give Taurus the strength they need to take on new horizons in their careers and work, and bring financial success to their family and marriage.

Compatibility - Taurus man and Virgo woman. Good qualities

This union in terms of marriage will be very prosperous, and both the Virgo woman and the Taurus man will be happy in it. Yes, they may not wait for some crazy passions and brightness every day, but at the same time, the couple will always have something that they value much more - this is confidence in their partner, deep affection, very strong sympathy - and the desire to be with your loved one. man until the end of days. Sometimes this couple becomes truly ideal, and even if, in addition to feelings, there is a certain calculation in their marriage, this does not interfere with them, but rather helps.

Although they don’t have violent passions, they don’t have constant loud quarrels, finding out who is right and who is wrong, and all those manifestations of “hot love” that can be seen in many TV shows, or relationships of other incompatible zodiac signs. pleasing each other in small things, and showing attention, understanding and affection to each other. A warm and very strong feeling between them is what binds them tightly - and gives great human happiness every day.

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Taurus-Virgo is a very strong compatibility couple, and the basis and foundation of their marriage are common aspirations, and a practical view of their life and all its manifestations. They rarely lack finances, as they are able to save and save money for a “rainy” day without spending too much. This is simply not their nature.

Everyone in this pair - they are a Taurus man and a Virgo woman - prefer to spend a lot of time on earth. Therefore, this couple often acquires a plot with a house, and happily digs into the garden on the weekends - putting things in order. This makes them very happy.

The topics for communication in this love union are very diverse - but basically everything revolves around everyday issues, material things, and raising children. The simple things that unite them may seem mundane, but they are able to find joy in simplicity. Next to each other, they do not need to pretend and wear masks.

Compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in percentage is the highest of all signs, 90%. High compatibility in love relationships is due to their belonging to the same element. Both signs are under the auspices of the earth. They think in the same direction, are friendly and always competently approach household chores. Taurus and Virgo are distinguished by frugality, diligence. Is compatibility possible: Taurus is a man, Virgo is a woman and vice versa?

Character traits

To understand how compatible Taurus and Virgo are in love, sex and marriage, you need to consider the character traits and behaviors that are characteristic of both signs of the zodiac. Taurus in their temper and leadership qualities are somewhat reminiscent of a fiery Leo. They are purposeful, comprehensively developed. Contrary to the ideas about earth signs, Taurus are often involved in creative fields, they make excellent teachers, psychologists and good leaders.

Taurus is one of the hardest working signs in the whole horoscope, they make good husbands and wives. It can be very picky, highly appreciates everything around and even treats itself rather self-critically. Taurus is musical, gifted with many talents. To some extent, Telok is passive, if the situation in society is uncomfortable for him, he often gets sick. The sexual attraction of Taurus makes him interesting for the opposite sex, wives and husbands never run away from such people.

For Taurus, in addition to spiritual closeness, bodily closeness is very important. It can be surprisingly patient, but negative energy and feelings accumulate in it, and at one fine moment, a person flares up like a fire, and then all the enemies have to scatter. Virgos are often endowed with a beautiful appearance, good hearing, and are able to grasp everything on the fly. In many ways, Virgos are too scrupulous and clean, so in a relationship, the Virgo guy will harass Taurus with his cleanliness, the Virgo girl is more loyal in this regard. The thing is that Taurus, no matter how they put things in order, at their workplace or table there is always a creative mess.

The friendship of Taurus and Virgo very often develops into something more, but it is impossible to say that this is an unbridled passion from the first days of their acquaintance. Rather, these relationships can be called deliberate, rational, which are taken for granted, as something natural. It’s good for these people to even just be next to each other, silently, and so on a subconscious level they catch the thoughts of their soul mate.

Taurus woman and Virgo man

Compatibility of the horoscopes of Taurus and Virgo, the belonging of the zodiac signs to the same element. The earth controls them. All earth signs are interconnected. Relations between representatives of the earth look completely different than between fire signs that ignite like matches. Earthly influence makes Taurus and Virgo practical. They are always looking for constancy and some kind of dependence in a relationship.

Love relationship

The compatibility of Virgo and Taurus in love relationships is very high compared to other signs of the zodiac. The beginning of a relationship can not be called enchanting. It's more like a friendship that turns into love. A love relationship strengthens over time, so before marriage, it is advisable for Taurus and Virgo to live together for some time in order to understand how comfortable they are to be together.

The Taurus woman and the Virgo man are a strong family and romantic relationship. In bed, they are just crazy about each other. The only problem is that they are not used to expressing feelings in words, but in principle this is not so important when they begin to understand that there is a mental connection between them and extra words are completely unnecessary. For a Virgo man and a Taurus woman, there is nothing more important than to feel the presence of each other, only quick-tempered girls often roll up scandals from scratch because of jealousy, which the guy does not like at all, but if the love affair is very strong, then the partner always knows , how and how to win the trust of a partner.

If a Taurus girl passionately fell in love with a Virgo guy, then he can’t find a better wife. Building relationships is very simple for them, like putting together a mosaic. Guy Devy always knows how to choose the right moment for a gift, loves to pamper his soul mate in response to her tenderness. Taurus wives are passionate lovers and always know how to surprise their partner.


Virgo man and Taurus woman are able to maintain friendship, but the attractiveness of the girl cannot leave the friend indifferent, so such friendship does not always last long: the couple either end up falling in love with each other, or they constantly swear.

The compatibility of Taurus and Virgo in friendship does not spoil the irascibility of the Calf at all, because a more balanced friend always comes to the rescue and does not allow him to make mistakes in the heat of the moment. Understanding reigns in such a union, but only if neither of the partners has passionate feelings for the other.

business area

The working union of these signs causes the envy of competitors. If one of them was born in the year of the Dragon, then they will be able to sell anything. It is inherent in Taurus to work not only with his head, but also with his heart, so he often generates interesting ideas and draws up projects.

Virgo is more rational in this regard. A Virgo man and a Taurus woman together can avoid many business mistakes if they listen to each other. Everything will go like clockwork for them.

Problems in communication, how to keep in touch

Zodiac signs are used to living by the rules. This is a very big problem. They look at the world through the prism of dryness, insensibility. In family life, everything also goes according to the charter. Their mutual dryness sometimes seems terrifying, it seems as if two zombies live side by side. They need to pay more attention to the spiritual side of family life.

Misunderstanding in the families of Taurus and Devy happens very rarely, only in those cases when they do not fit according to the eastern horoscope, in other cases their union is harmonious, filled with ardent love, which does not pass until old age.

Taurus Man and Virgo Lady

Earthly representatives in relationships are generous, but deep down they are always waiting for the partner to respond with a similar act. Representatives of the earth signs of the zodiac, such as Taurus and Virgo, are associated with a volcano and prudence. They can both be reasonable, but Telok often goes about his emotions, rarely can hide them. The second sign has more rational thinking, and is not as hardy as Taurus.

Compatibility in love

The Taurus man and the Virgo woman have every chance to live a long life filled with happiness and harmony together, raise children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Such a union is more harmonious. A courteous and wise Virgo can stop her husband's despotism in time.

The main problem in relationships is that they very often return to the past, to negative moments in life, which makes it difficult to live in the present. It is worth looking for positive moments in the present and future, and the colors of life will seem even brighter.

How strong will the friendship be

These two signs have a lot in common, as friends they fit literally all signs. There is rarely a misunderstanding between Virgo and Taurus. Taurus will be able to build a family and a home faster, reach the top step at work, but for Virgo it is more common to communicate with people more often, she is not afraid to start everything from scratch, crossing out the past.

In such an alliance, quarrels and omissions very rarely arise. As a rule, their friendship lasts through the years. They are comfortable to be around, they are not afraid to share secrets, trusting their friend completely.

Are they compatible at work?

In tandem, a Taurus man and a Virgo woman, the guy will perform several functions: do hard work and generate ideas. Virgo in her work for the most part deals with customer acquisition and advertising. In work, the Virgo girl and the Taurus man have good compatibility.

If you are lucky, and in the workplace you have formed a similar union, the business will definitely go up. After all, none of the partners is used to giving up, by any means achieving their own goal.

What problems may arise

There are too many aspirations in the life of a Taurus man and a Virgo woman. For the most part, these desires are mundane. In order not to lose each other in the routine, they need to learn to relax, enjoy not only making money, but also spending it, otherwise what's the point.

Sometimes Taurus and Devy are too busy with home improvement to pay attention to a partner. The horoscope for 2016 says that earth signs should become more relaxed and do more rash, adventurous things.

How much does the year of birth affect people's connections

Whether the union of Virgo and Taurus will be successful depends on several factors:

The eastern horoscope largely determines the compatibility of Virgo and Taurus in a love relationship. It often happens that the information of the general horoscopes of Taurus and Virgo does not fully reflect the essence of the nature and behavior of a person in a relationship. That is why the year of birth is so important, and which animal patronizes a person.

  1. The rat makes people lonely, secretive, uncommunicative, unnecessarily closed and suspicious. For the Rat-Virgo man and woman Taurus, it is better to find other partners, although friendship between them is possible.
  2. The bull makes Taurus even more quick-tempered, such men often become domestic tyrants, but Virgo is not afraid of this. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman born under this sign can coexist normally in marriage, because a wise, courteous girl always knows how to tame her obstinate husband.
  3. Virgo man and Taurus Tiger woman are a great couple. In this family, the Sun of love always shines overhead.
  4. Rabbit and Goat make people more calm, compliant, cautious. This combination is good for a quick-tempered Taurus. A Taurus man and a Virgo woman born under these signs of the eastern horoscope will be able to build a strong family.
  5. The dragon can bestow incredible luck. Taurus and Virgo, born in the year of the Dragon, become a direct money magnet, everything they take on brings income. Tandem with the Dragon in any case will be favorable.
  6. There is no future for the Taurus and the Virgo Snake woman. The snake makes people quirky, wise and too straightforward; for a hot-tempered calf, this is far from the best set of qualities.
  7. Horse, Dog and Pig affect both signs positively. The Virgo man and the Taurus woman, under the auspices of one of the three animals, is an excellent fruitful union in which love and mutual understanding reign.
  8. The Monkey and the Rooster endow the earth signs with an unusual desire for them to put themselves on display, to be in the spotlight. For the Virgo man and the Taurus woman, under the auspices of the Rooster and the Monkey, there are absolutely no barriers.

He will pay attention to a beautiful, balanced woman. He will be pleased to communicate with her, her presence brings peace to his inner world, she will become his own. And this is the highest sign that such a woman was created for him. Getting her attention is not difficult, but proving the veracity of your feelings is not an easy task. The Virgo woman is quite a skeptical person. The Taurus man will have to prove his words with deeds, until he completely wins the heart of his beloved person. But the trust of a Virgo woman is worth a lot. Such a girl is full of sincere devotion, loyalty to you, she will zealously protect the heart of the Taurus man, keeping the fire of the hearth. The Virgo woman will gently help her man open up, she will feel the need for Taurus men in freedom and personal space. And calmly react to his delays at work, the postponement of a joint vacation, his gatherings with friends.
But the Taurus man should not abuse trust, if you lose it, it will not be possible to return it. For a Virgo woman, it is important to respect her feelings, her deeds. A Taurus man should show more often that you appreciate all her efforts. Don't forget to compliment her, wasn't it pleasant for you to wake up from words of love?


Sensuality at a high level with elements of improvisation.


Such a union will not be rare, these two signs attract and fascinate each other. He is able to please the hearts of everyone, to bring confidence in the strength of relationships. Taurus and Virgo have similar moral principles and values, the same reverent attitude towards family and marriage. They won’t have to think for a long time on the topic of conversation; it won’t be difficult to find a common language. Both signs are ready to give their love and care to each other for free. Thanks to this, they will appreciate their partner, which will only strengthen their bonds of love. Virgo can easily open her heart to Taurus, teach him to share his experiences, talk about problems and find a solution together. In turn, Taurus will show Virgo that you should not rely on yourself all the time. There are people who are always ready to simply help, not wanting to benefit, not pursuing selfish goals.
Taurus and Virgo will fill their relationship with comfort, care, affection, mutual understanding. This will manifest itself in everything, the intimate side is no exception. The desire to please and surprise a loved one, to please him, will open all the facets of the fantasy of each sign - this will plunge them into a world of completely new wonderful emotions and sensations.

The Virgo man and the Taurus woman have a lot in common - this helps them reach an understanding on almost any issue. Both cannot be called overly emotional, and even more so explosive - on the contrary, they value peace and do not like to make noise without work. And even though the stars did not endow any of them with complaisance, Taurus and Virgo are easy with each other.

They quarrel little, and never over trifles. However, even if a conflict does occur, partners are unlikely to smash cymbals in a fit of anger. Because innocent utensils do not deserve such rough treatment: the Virgo man strives for accuracy in everything, and the Taurus woman touchingly loves her things. This example is indicative of any conflict situation - both partners are diligent to the marrow of their bones, and do not allow emotions to take over. Oh, this would be worth learning from most of the other signs - then, for sure, broken hearts and broken families (and also broken dishes) would be many times less!

Sometimes it seems that Taurus and Virgo consider emotions shameful. Representatives of both of these signs are typical introverts, so strict self-control for them is a natural state in communicating with other people, even with their halves. But as far as character is concerned, this is probably their only similarity. Otherwise, they are very different people, and this, I must say, is good, because we have before us a wonderful example of complementarity. Virgos of both sexes are endowed with such typically feminine qualities as sacrificial softness, sensuality, subtle intuition. Nevertheless, they are purely masculine in their intentions and convictions, fantastically hardy and unshakably self-confident. The bull is the leader of the human pack, whether it be a family, a work team or a group of friends. Virgos are subconsciously drawn to leaders, they are attracted by strength and power. A man of this sign is not at all against the fact that a woman will take a dominant position in a love relationship - but on one condition: if she is worthy of it. If she copes well with the role of the main one, with a strong hand she guides the family boat through all the storms of life.

Another quality that impresses the Virgo man in the Taurus woman is her thoughtful caution. Bulls never act recklessly, even if circumstances force them to rush to make a decision. No, it would be better for this woman to miss the train than to get into the wrong carriage in the heat of the moment! She needs to think carefully, study the situation, consult with experts - and only then come to the only correct conclusion. She is a logical and realist, and only believes in proven facts. But having already made a decision, Taurus will not doubt it for a second. And Virgo? He worries and doubts, rushes between a dozen options, so that in the end, having brought himself to a panic, he will point a finger at random - and even then he will not feel relief, continuing to worry and doubt. Such a thing. For such a man, it is happiness if his life partner takes all the global decisions on herself. He will gladly put things in order and create comfort in the house that she chooses. And she will choose, of course, the strongest building, with a solid foundation, thick walls and a good roof.

Taurus is comfortable with Virgo, Virgo with Taurus. You can replace the word “convenient” with “expedient”, since for a pair of representatives of the two most pragmatic signs of the zodiac circle there is no significant difference between these concepts. Once created, they will probably keep the union for life, and the years will not shake their deepest mutual respect. It is this, and also the commonality of views, that will become the guarantor of harmony in this pair of two earthly people in every sense.

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