Men's collection of Tina Kandelaki. TV presenter Tina Kandelaki: biography, personal life, career and interesting facts All men of Tina Kandelaki


Vasily Brovko is a Russian entrepreneur, founder of the Apostol Center for Strategic Communications and director of communications, analytics and strategic research at Rostec Corporation.

The future businessman was born on February 6, 1987 in the city of Zhukovsky near Moscow. The boy's parents were engaged in science. Vasily grew up as a street boy, loved to chase the ball with the guys and even was a member of a professional youth football team. Thanks to sports, the boy realized what a team and responsibility are, and also brought up leadership qualities in himself.

Brovko studied at the Lyceum with a mathematical bias, after which he applied to the Moscow State University. Initially, the young man planned to enter the Faculty of Economics, but the atmosphere in the family eventually influenced the choice of specialty. The fact is that Vasily's parents at home vigorously discussed political problems in the country and abroad. Yes, and the young man himself read a lot of literature with pleasure, in which the heroes were political strategists and PR people.

Vasily Brovko graduated from the Department of Political Science of the Faculty of Philosophy. By the way, while still in his second year, the young man created the first project - the youth Internet magazine And after high school, the young man plunged into the field of television.


At the initial stage of his professional biography, Vasily Brovko became a producer of political and entertainment programs "Conversation without rules", "Black and White", "Political League". Later, Vasily headed the prime-time broadcasting of Mayak radio programs, and then created the Apostol Media Center for Strategic Communications, which promotes projects in the Russian and international markets.

Vasily quickly realized that the Internet segment should not be ignored. Therefore, Brovko launched the Post TV channel and the programs “Unrealistic Politics” with, “No Country for Old Men” with, “Fantastic Breakfast” with, “ Video Version” with, “Real Sports” with, “Men's Games” with and others . In addition, Brovko promoted the blogger's popular video channel "+100500".

Vasily came up with the idea of ​​the growing national educational project "Smart School", which is based on the school-park format. The school promotes an individual approach to each student; in teaching, project activities are used that are as close to reality as possible. The educational program consists of a number of main components, which include in-depth study of foreign languages, work, school sports.

The project includes annual educational forums, visits to regional educational institutions, development of the Smart School.rf Internet resource, through which direct communication is carried out with representatives of the Public Chamber, the State Duma and the Government of the Russian Federation. Tina Kandelaki also participated in the creation of the Smart School concept. Later, "Smart School" was transformed into an educational project that has no analogues in Russia. Funds from private investors were attracted to implement the project.

Also, together with the TV presenter, Vasily Brovko participated in the creation of AM-Invest, a company that invests in the development of Internet startups and computer software for secondary schools.

At the end of 2013, the businessman joined the directorate of the Rostec corporation and managed to achieve great results in this position. A year later, Rostec entered the top three leaders among state-owned corporations in Russia according to the rating of the Medialogy company. And in 2015, the brand value reached 31.2 billion rubles, which allowed Rostec to be among the first 15 expensive brands in Russia.

The fruitful work of the company resulted in an approved plan for the next ten years, according to which the annual revenue should reach 17% per annum and increase the corporation's profit to 6 billion rubles. It is also expected to increase the share of civilian products to 50%.

In addition to Rostec, the young entrepreneur is on the board of directors of the group and a number of other enterprises, including Electronics and RT-Inform.

Personal life

Until recently, the personal life of an entrepreneur was hidden from prying eyes. Vasily Brovko met his wife Tina Kandelaki through work, because young people have been working on joint projects together for several years. The romantic relationship of the star was hidden from the public for a long time. Even, which took place back in 2015, became widespread only in June 2016.

Brovko and Kandelaki are not in a hurry to become parents yet, but Kandelaki's children from their first marriage live with their spouses - daughter Melania and son Leonty.

Brovko has remained faithful to his favorite game since childhood - football. The entrepreneur is an ardent fan of the St. Petersburg "Zenith" and the Russian team. As a professional PR man, Vasily worked on the "Concept for the development of youth football in Dagestan", intended for the Anji football club. Also, the young entrepreneur was organizing the presentation of the star player of the Makhachkala team Samuel Eto'o.

Vasily Brovko now

In mid-2017, an enthusiastic post dedicated to her husband's work appeared on the page of Tina Kandelaki. In the comments to the joint photo that the couple took at the CIPR conference, the largest IT industry forum in Eastern Europe, the TV presenter rejoiced at the success of her husband, who united talented youth around him. According to Tina, Vasily gives them a chance that the ideas of young specialists in the field of IT technologies will be accepted by society.

Now the Rostec company, whose director for special assignments is Vasily Brovko, has become one of the companies involved in the digital transformation of sectors of the Russian economy and individual entities according to a plan developed by the Russian government.

Vasily Brovko continues to develop the Smart School project. The next educational institution will open in Irkutsk in 2018. The school will accept 1,000 students, of which 150 are orphans. The architectural appearance of the building will be recreated by specialists from CEBRA (Denmark).


  • 2009–2012 - "Infomania"
  • 2010 - transfer "+100500" by Maxim Golopolosov
  • 2010-2011 - "The Right Choice"
  • 2010-2011 - Food for Strength
  • 2010-2011 - "Russia in numbers"
  • 2011 - "Moscow 24/7"
  • 2012 - political talk show "Kamikaze Flight"
  • Daily and weekly show for the Russian lottery "Gosloto"

They say about people like Tina - she made herself. Bright, smart, ambitious, Kandelaki from childhood got used to being responsible for her decisions and going to the end in any business. It is not easy for a man next to such a woman, but Tina was lucky to meet someone who was not afraid to connect his life with a strong woman. But did he calculate his strength?


Her previous husband was not like that at all. Tina met him when she first moved to Moscow - Andrei Kondrakhin was a businessman who managed to become a reliable shoulder for his beloved in her first years in Russia. They were not easy: Tina lived in a rented apartment, knocked on the thresholds of editorial offices in search of work, missed her relatives who remained in Georgia. Andrei brightened up her loneliness, supported, helped. The case naturally ended with a wedding, to which Tina, who despises conventions, came in a black dress. Children of the same weather were born: Melania in 2000, Leonty in 2002. The active Tina returned to work quickly: when her youngest son was one year old, she already shone on the air of STS. Difficult years gave way to successful ones - her programs broke records in ratings, new projects opened, Tina developed and improved, life was interesting!

What could not be said about her wife. Andrei Kondrakhin always dreamed of becoming an artist, but the need to earn money outweighed. Together with a partner, he opened a network of dental clinics, but never managed to get high from an unloved business. Relations with his wife also went wrong - Tina became uninteresting with her husband. “We have different speeds, different goals, different approaches to life, different ideas about the family. That is, we grew up in different people. In this connection, in the past few years, they have become very distant from each other and lived parallel lives, ”explained the presenter a year after the divorce. She was in no hurry to start a new relationship, explaining that it is unlikely that teenage children will accept an outsider in the house. But this man was already by her side.


They first saw each other at the "Pioneer Readings" in 2008 - even before Tina's divorce. Vasily Brovko was only 21 years old, she was 10 years older, but he still managed to attract the attention of the successful Kandelaki. At first, only professional: together they began to make the Unreal Politics program.

While Tina was not free, Brovko did not take any active steps, although he increasingly wanted to be with her. And after the divorce, Kandelaki saw him only as a business partner for a long time: the couple’s friends said that Vasily had to “run for a long time” to prove what he was worth.

Finally, Brovko's perseverance was rewarded. In 2016, Kandelaki admitted that she married her business partner - and this time the dress was white. “Two years ago we realized: if we don’t do it now, we won’t do it ever again. When children were not born in your marriage or even before it, when you live together for a long time, you want changes to take place in your life, ”Tina confessed.

A new marriage seemed to open a new, more feminine side in her. She publicly confessed her love to her husband on social networks, touchingly congratulated him on his birthday and did not skimp on generous gestures. Once Vasily received a joint trip worth about a million rubles as a gift from his wife - but what can you not do for the sake of your beloved?

However, the business side of Kandelaki has not gone away either - she sees this as one of the ways to remain attractive to her husband. “Working men develop automatically, but we have to keep a family, raise children and develop at a speed parallel to the satellite. Difficult, but there is no choice if you do not want to be alone. Therefore, thank you for increasing the speed all the time and not letting my excitement slow down! ”, Tina said. But is her theory true?

12 years is not in favor of Tina

The popular blogger Lena Miro was the first to express her suspicions. The girl was not too lazy to analyze the behavior of Vasily Brovko in social networks and found that the man actively “likes” photos of a young participant in the show “The Bachelor” Nicole Sakhtaridi. “Now we put ourselves in the place of Tina, bunny, and we understand that there is nothing good in this situation. Where Tina is, and where Nicole is, can be seen with the naked eye. And Tina is visible to you, and even to her husband Vasya, who “likes” a young body, and not an old wife who is sloppy. And Vasya’s “likes” are a humiliation, from which to betrayal is a step or even less, ”the media stole the publication on Miro’s blog into quotes. Nicole Sakhtaridi is really young, beautiful, sexy, and besides, she is 12 years younger than Tina. But is it so easy to seduce Vasily Brovko with this?

Neither he nor Kandelaki herself began to comment on the scandalous post, continuing to lead her usual life. A life in which, in addition to career, sports and self-development, for some time now there has been the most important thing - love.

Andrei Kondrakhin is a well-known creative person, a successful businessman, and a caring father. The artist is a graduate of the Moscow Higher School of Artistic Crafts. An undeveloped personal life with a famous TV presenter did not affect the development in a creative direction and the opening of exhibitions and new projects. A successfully and timely built business at a young age allowed to exist on dividends that ensure prosperity.

Clinic - business from scratch

In the difficult 1994, Kondratiev founded a dental office with only two medical places, which later expanded to a huge medical center with modern equipment and the latest materials. The clinic accommodates a department for dental implantation, a dental center. Later, it was possible to open a reproductive department, which practices surgical intervention with IVF for couples who dream of a child, as well as gynecological surgical interventions.

Currently, the painter is not dependent on the clinic, the processes are managed by another leader, at the hour when Andrei devoted himself completely to painting.

Tina Kandelaki - part of life

The actor introduced the notorious TV presenter Kandelaki to the young businessman Kondrakhin. A date without serious intentions grew into a life together, and later into marriage. The businessman's relatives took the union ambiguously, considering Tina's reputation not too noble. However, Andrei himself was convinced of the decency of his beloved. At first, Kondrakhin was engaged in children, while Tina was making a career. The marriage showed great promise, but in 2006, arriving abroad, the TV presenter and the famous got into a car accident. Andrey for a long time withstood the pressure of public opinion about the imaginary betrayal of his wife. In 2009, having completed the construction of a luxurious apartment together with Tina, he told his wife that he was going to devote his life to painting and close business projects. Kondrakhin gave the medical center to another director, after which Kandelaki demanded a divorce. The couple also had a difference in views due to the fact that Kondratiev was perceived by the public only as Kandelaki's husband.

Photo: Andrei Kondrakhin personal life

Relations between Tina and Andrey improved after a gift presented to them - a pearl necklace, but in the summer of 2009 a raider takeover of the clinic was committed, after which the businessman organized a protest in which Kandelaki refused to participate, and even appropriated a beauty salon into her possession. According to the TV presenter, this protest could interfere with her further political career.

A versatile person is successful in everything!

The services of the medical center are used not only by famous compatriots of Kondrakhin, but also by foreign clients.

In the course of business development and promotion, Andrey began to show interest in socio-political actions in the state, defended the range of interests of wounded entrepreneurs.

At present, the creator opens personal exhibitions, to which his ex-wife is not without interest.

The painter is a descendant of the artist, his children Leonty and Melania are also fond of drawing, but the artist does not want to impose anything on them, leaving the offspring the right to choose their own path in life.

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Tina Kandelaki has long made a successful career on television and radio, acted in films, participated in the political life of the country, and also became a successful business lady. Despite such a busy work schedule, she was able to improve her personal life: the Georgian beauty recently admitted that she had married a second time. Now next to Kandelaki is a strong and intelligent man, by the way, her business partner, who was able to charm a popular TV presenter.

Tina was born in 1975 in Tbilisi. Her father worked as an economist, and her mother was a narcologist by profession. After school, the future TV presenter studied as a specialist in plastic cosmetology, but soon transferred to the faculty of journalism. After graduating, the girl left for Moscow, where she entered the Institute for Advanced Studies of Radio and Television Workers. Her career began on music radio stations and TV channels. Since 2002, Kandelaki has hosted the programs "Details" and "The Smartest" on the STS channel, thanks to which the energetic and witty girl has a lot of fans. Since 2009, she has become the host of the Two Stars program, as well as the New Wave music festival. For her creative work, Tina has received numerous awards, recognized as the most stylish and best presenter.

In the photo, Tina Kandelaki with her ex-husband Andrey and children

She met her future husband, businessman Andrei Kondrakhin, when she had just begun her career on television. But young people met for two years before getting married. In 2000, a daughter, Melania, appeared in the family, and two years later, a son, Leonty. For a long time, the spouses were considered an ideal couple, in whose personal life love and harmony reigned. But after eleven years, the marriage cracked, and quarrels and misunderstandings began to occur in the family. In 2010, the couple divorced, and the ex-husband left the country. Now that some time has passed and relations have improved, Kondrakhin often comes to Moscow to see his children.

In the photo Tina Kandelaki with her second husband Vasily Brovko

After the divorce, the famous diva had many novels, but few men managed to win her favor. For several years, Kandelaki hid her personal life, and only recently it became known that at the end of 2015 she secretly married again. The chosen one of the 40-year-old presenter was the 29-year-old director of the Rostec state corporation, Vasily Brovko. But the beauty did not immediately pay attention to the courtship of a young admirer: he had to run after her a lot. Tina says almost nothing about children, believing that fans should only be interested in her career, and not her personal life. The 15-year-old daughter and 13-year-old son also do not want their mother to publish their photos. The family of one of the most fashionable Russian TV presenters lives in a two-story large house located in the prestigious village of Shelestovo. Kandelaki has been dreaming of such a cottage for a long time, and now she is enjoying her vacation in a wonderful place with two ponds, a forest, and sports grounds.

see also

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published on 05/22/2016

The interview of the most charming Georgian woman on Russian television, Tina Kandelaki, to the magazine "Russian Pioneer" shocked even readers accustomed to everything with her frankness. Not everyone admits that they lost their innocence with a militant of a criminal group, and even a heroin addict. All the more impressive is the next series of gentlemen of the Caucasian beauty, some of whom take pride of place in the ratings of leading Russian businessmen.

Creative Brovko

And now, on the personal front, Tina is all right - having reached the age of Jesus Christ, the presenter has got a lover who is suitable for her ... no, not yet as sons, but as much younger brothers. The lucky one was the former producer of the O2TV youth channel and the owner of the Apostol PR company, Vasily Brovko, who was barely 21 years old. Vasily is not as famous as some of Tina's former men, but he is constantly gushing with ideas. It is expected that some of them will significantly increase the popularity of Kandelaki, for whom there is not enough model appearance and the ability to fire words at the speed of a machine gun.

The first results of Brovko's work are already evident. The newly registered account of Kandelaki is being promoted very actively, and even more success has fallen to the share of the network program “Unrealistic Politics”. The popularity of the talk show, where Tina and Kommersant columnist Andrei Kolesnikov talk on political topics with characters completely distant from them, such as rocker Igor Sukachev and the supplier of elite oligarchic mistresses Petr Listerman, is growing by leaps and bounds, and the number of views is approaching 5 million.

Television people became interested in the project, and after tense negotiations with several federal channels, Unreal Politics was attached to REN TV. So since March 17, those who want to know if Boris Moiseev likes Barack Obama and whether the Tatu group dreams of reviving the Soviet Union have been watching Tina and Andrey on his frequencies.

Obviously, such a creative young man as Vasya is extremely useful to Tina, even if he cannot buy her apartments, yachts and luxury cars. Well, Kandelaki has enough other lovers to satisfy material needs.

Generous Kerimov

The richest of them, no doubt, can be called the owner of the Nafta-Moscow group, Suleiman Kerimov. He is not only a famous playboy, but also a dollar billionaire, not sparing money for numerous girlfriends. For example, Kerimov gave the singer Natalya Vetlitskaya a whole plane, sponsoring the return to the stage and television screen along the way. All the new clips that unexpectedly filled the air, seemingly long-forgotten Vetlitskaya, were paid for by Kerimov. They cannot complain about the stinginess of the oligarch and his other passions. The creative successes of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova and the daughter of the popularly beloved "Ostap Bender" - Archil Gomiashvili, fashion designer Ekaterina Gomiashvili were financed from the bottomless purse of the Dagestan billionaire.

For Kandelaki, the affair with Kerimov turned into a flurry of awards. At the end of 2005, they were first seen together, and the very next year Tina became the proud owner of TEFI from the Academy of Russian Television. (The first “TEFI” of her program “The Smartest” received in 2004, when the presenter attracted the attention of the elderly, but still not indifferent to the female beauty of the president of the television academy Vladimir Pozner).

Almost simultaneously, the Artifact agency and the music editorial staff of Channel One awarded Kandelaki the Astra award as "the most stylish TV presenter", and Glamor magazine awarded her an award in the "Form and Content" nomination.

This waterfall of awards was interrupted in an unexpected and sad way. Resting in Nice, Kerimov and Kandelaki on November 25, 2006 indulged in caresses right at the wheel of a Ferrari Enzo (only 399 cars were produced, for € 675,000 each). Exclusive car flew downhill and caught fire, Karimov got burns on 70% of his body and was treated for a long time, and his beloved escaped with lighter injuries. For some time, Tina hid the incident, justifying her absence on the air with an unexpected illness of mumps and categorically denied that she was traveling in the same car with Kerimov. But the truth still came out.

After that, in the relationship of the victims of the accident, something went wrong. Although Tina's official husband - the owner of the elite ASCON medical center Andrey Kondrakhin - supported his wife's lies, and the other half of Kerimov - Firuza had long given up on Suleiman's playboyism, they soon stopped dating, and last year Kandelaki did not even come to Kerimov for his birthday . This time with the excuse of suddenly catching the flu.

Glamorous Borodin

A holy place is never empty, and the owner of Nafta-Moskva was replaced by the president of the Bank of Moscow and the chairman of the board of directors of the investment company Troika Dialog, Andrey Borodin. This businessman, of course, is not as rich as Kerimov, but quite wealthy, sexy and, most importantly, outwardly glamorous. According to Profile magazine, the financier is ranked 10th in the list of the most influential bankers in Russia, and after a divorce that followed more than five years ago and episodic novels with several models, his heart turned out to be free.

Borodin fell seriously in love with Kandelaki. So it is not surprising that her status, thanks to a new passion, once again jumped - from a simple host of the program "The Smartest", she turned into its producer, for which funds were allocated for the OK Production company created specifically for this show. Moreover, work with TV academicians has resumed, and if someone of the level of Roman Abramovich does not unexpectedly enter the game, we can assume that Tina has the nearest “TEFI” in a bra ...

How could Kandelaki dream of such success at the end of the hungry 1990s, when she was just starting to work on Russian television and was patronized by Stanislav Sadalsky, although he had extensive acquaintances, but was not at all rich and not influential?

Chipped Vakhtang

And what about the very first partner who deprived the girl of innocence in 1993 on the bunk of his Tbilisi room? According to Kandelaki, the young man's name was Vakhtang, he was a militant of the Mkhedrioni paramilitary brigade of criminals, led by the politician and thief in law Jaba Ioseliani, who overthrew the first president of Georgia Zviad Gamsakhurdia. The gangster attracted Tina Vakhtang with tuned Zhiguli and an amazing resemblance to the American film actor Charlie Sheen.

Then the people of Jaba were in power, and they were paid by many, Vakhtang, by the standards of now poor Georgia, but then the prohibitively poor Georgia looked wealthy and generous. However, when she saw the young man, Tina's mother was horrified. One of the best narcologists in Tbilisi, with a trained eye, saw a heroin addict in her daughter's admirer and strictly forbade her to communicate with him.

The daughter rebelled, and in the future more than once secretly gave herself to her lover in a small room where his parents lived. But then she was convinced that her mother was right, so after several attempts to remove Vakhtang from the needle, parting became inevitable. Having replaced the drug addict militant with several other, no less hot Georgian guys, having assessed the unsightly everyday prospects based on the results of the novels and realizing that she had nothing more to catch in her homeland, Tina left for Moscow.

Patient Kondrakhin

The question arises: how does the legal husband endure all these adventures? With Andrei Kondrakhin, Tina, by all accounts, was extremely lucky. And not only because a wealthy medical businessman sponsored all the whims of a poor, beautiful wife at first. Distinguished by exceptional tolerance in intimate matters, he does not consider the process to be treason, which he himself described in an interview with the Seven Days newspaper as "domestic sex". Hence the complicity in the lie about the sudden mumps when Tina got into a car accident with Kerimov.

On the other hand, Kondrakhin's behavior, so uncharacteristic for cuckolds, may also be due to Kerimov's gratitude after supporting him in a conflict with criminal lawyer Dmitry Yakubovsky. Three months before the accident in Nice, Yakubovsky and his security guard, quibbling over the fact that Andrey had parked the car “incorrectly”, beaten him at the exit from the elite holiday village "Gorki-8".

At the Sklifosovsky Institute, the victim was diagnosed with a concussion and damage to the right eye, but Yakubovsky's influence made the prospects of the lawsuit filed by Kondrakhin doubtful. Therefore, everyone was very surprised when the authoritative hooligan himself offered a settlement and paid the battered $ 100,000. If the version that Yakubovsky did this at the urgent request of the Dagestanis Kerimov is true, then the reason for such a complacent attitude of Andrei to adultery is easily explained.

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