Male Indian names and meanings - choosing the best name for a boy. Modern Indian names and their meaning Indian names in a


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Indian (Hindi) names

Indian female names

Abha- shine

Avani- Earth

Avanti- modest

Amala– clean

Amita- infinite, immeasurable

Amrit, Amrita- immortal

Ananda- happiness

Anjali- offer

Anila- air, wind

Anima- insignificant

Ankita- marked

Asha- hope

bala– young

Bharat– India

Vasanta- spring

Vijaya- victory

Vidya- called

Vimala– clean

Wally- crawling

Gopinath- leader

Gori– white

Devi- goddess

Devika- little goddess

Derga– inaccessible

Jaya- victory

Jyoti– light

Jyotsana- Moonlight

Jita- song

Divya- divine

Ila- Earth

indira- beauty

indu- bright

Cala- artistic

Kali- black and time eater

Kalpana- fantasy, imagining

Kalyani- auspicious and wedding

Kamala– red

Kant, Kanti- beautiful, desirable

Kiri- amaranth flower

Cor- princess

Kumari- daughter

Laxmi, Lakshmi- target

Lalit- playful

Lalita- child, teenager

Lata- the escape

Leela, Leela- a game

Madher- sweet

Madhu– honey

Mayan- illusion

Makta- liberated

Mala– necklace

Manjula- melodic

Maneesha– wisdom

Marwa- sweet marjoram

Mira, Mirra- prosperous

mohana– enchanted

Mohini- bewitching

Neha- love the rain

Nile– blue, dark blue

Neelam– sapphire

Nikhila- all, whole

Niche- night

Padma- Lotus flower

Padmavati- like a lotus flower

Padmini- has lotus flowers

Parvati she is from the mountains

Perva– eastern

Pernima- full moon

Pratibha– talented

Pratima- idol, statue

Priya- beloved

Punita- holy, pure

Purnima- full moon

Rajni- queen

radha– successful

Rakna- created

Rani- queen

Ratna- precious stone

Rachan- created

Rashmi- a ray of sunlight

Reshmi– silk

Ria, Ria- singer

Sanjana- creator

Sandhya- twilight

Sarala- directly

Saraswati- owner of the lake

Sarika- parrot

Swarna- good color


Sima- border, restriction

sita- from the myth of Rama's wife who was kidnapped by Ravanna

Sitar- star

Sitta- from the myth of Rama's wife who was kidnapped by Ravanna

sonal– golden

Sri- beauty that illuminates

Sulabha- easy, simple

sumana- good-natured

Sumantra- a good adviser

sumati- prone to good

Sunita, Sunity- tactful

Tara- star

Uma- linen

Usha- dawn

Harsha- delighted or happy

Chanda- bright or violent

Chandana– sandalwood

Chandrakanta- loved by the moon

Shakantala- bird

Shakti- power

Shanta- tranquility, serenity

Shanti- peace, quiet

Sharmila- comfort, protection

Shivali- Beloved of Shiva

Shila- behavior

Shobha- shine

Shyama, Shyamala– black, blue

ashvoya- wealth

Ash- wish, desired

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Indian (Hindi) female names and their meaning


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Like any nation, in any country, India has developed its own traditions and customs. And, of course, these canons directly relate to Indian names.

According to Hindi laws, Indian male names are selected in accordance with the wishes of older family members, also relying on astrology. In general, male names are assigned depending on the religion and caste to which the newborn boy belongs.

Basic rules for choosing a name

All Indian male and female names are assigned, adhering to some rules:

  • Long and complex names are not accepted. Short ones that are easy to pronounce and repeat are welcome.
  • The name must carry a certain meaning. Represent good intentions and wishes. Or identify concepts that carry a positive message.
  • Names do not have to be unique. In India, generally accepted are considered a sign of bad taste. Thus, the same names are often found, they are also the most popular Indian male names.

Names from A to E

Aditya is the sun.

The one who bears this name believes in himself, in his family and in his people. It is characterized by the worship of the Higher powers, bows to idols.

Brahma is the source, the creator.

The bearer of the name proclaims lofty ideas. Naturally gifted with talents. Possesses leadership qualities and sets himself far-reaching goals.

Vishal - large, voluminous.

A person who has leadership and dominance in his blood. Strives for perfection, idealizes himself and others. Partly a perfectionist.

Ganesh is a wise god.

The name is given in honor of the Indian half-elephant, half-man, who possessed incredible wisdom and intelligence. A person bearing this name attracts good luck and prosperity.

Devdan is a divine gift.

Sincere, open man. Witty and funny, they are usually called the "life of the company."

There are no common Indian male names for the letters E and Yo. This is due to the pronunciation and dialect characteristic of the people.

Names F to M

Names starting with the letters Z and Z are also missing. As with any nation, only certain sound combinations are common in Hindi.

Ibrahim is the father of the family and clan.

A person with a strong character. Self-sufficient and balanced. Outwardly, he is always calm, but often a storm of emotions is hidden behind this calmness. Ibrahim's distinctive qualities are that he is monogamous, devoted to his family and the only chosen woman (but do not forget that there are exceptions to every rule).

Kama - beloved, desired.

Name and voluptuousness, symbolized with Cupid. And a man with that name is most often sociable, easily giving compliments, prone to narcissism. Loves attention and flirting. But at the same time, having chosen his half, he is sincerely and wholeheartedly devoted to her.

Lakshman - lucky, prosperous.

A man who is confident in his abilities, in control of his emotions. Causing the respect of others, is most often a leader and usually holds the situation in his hands. Bold and brave, capable of heroic deeds.

Masud (Massoud) - happy.

A sane and balanced man. Calmly and balancedly reacting to the most difficult situations. Honor and good name comes first. Any family, choosing a given name for their boy, prophesies a stable life for him.

Names H to T

Nanda - bright joy.

Like many male Indian nandas, it is rooted in the distant past. This was the name of the great leader of Gokula. Hence its direct characteristics that have passed through the centuries. Brave, strong, a true leader, as well as a person who can lead. Wayward commander, while truly fair and sincere.

There are no names beginning with O.

Pranaya is innocent, pure love.

Despite the fact that the name itself personifies such a bright concept as love, Pranay is inherently an active and purposeful leader both in love and in other areas of life.

Ravi - clarified, the sun.

Sociable and inquisitive, Ravi is characterized by excessive naivety and complacency. Usually a man with this name is generous and ready to share even the last piece of bread. At the same time, such generosity borders on weak will and lack of firmness of character.

Sadhir is a wise, positive hero.

Sadhir from early childhood has an enviable patience and perseverance. He will teach homework until he is sure of one hundred percent knowledge. He will seek his favorite passion by all available means. He will climb the career ladder, not aggressively, but very persistently.

Toril - character.

In Scandinavian countries, the name Toril is usually given to girls. But the Indian male names, the list of which is being considered, includes the name Toril. In India, Toril is a truly masculine name that carries an active life position, firmness of spirit and character. A man with this name can become the very “wall” in every sense that millions of beautiful Indian women (and not only them) dream of. The main thing is not to lead him astray and give him the opportunity to fulfill himself, even if sometimes it looks very strange.

Names from U to C

Usha - awakening, dawn.

Often, Indian male names, quite soft in pronunciation, carry a completely different meaning. So the soft-sounding name Usha characterizes its bearer as a self-confident, courageous hero. Possessing himself even in the most non-standard situations and capable of making balanced and firm decisions.

Firdaus - heavenly, divine.

A man who appreciates the customs and traditions of his kind. Honors relatives and ancestors. An honest and open person who does not aspire to be a leader. But at the same time, he is an excellent worker who, for the sake of the team and achieving the goal, will move mountains.

Harish - leader, "lord of the monkeys."

A man striving for power and glory. Most often he achieves what he wants, but at the same time he is truthful and fair. An optimist and leader by nature, Harish is always cheerful, smiling and able to charm even the most serious and incredulous interlocutor.

Chandan is sandal wood.

A man with the bright name Chandan is most often a noble and seductive hero of women's dreams. At the same time, he stands firmly on his feet, appreciating stability and well-being. It has an unshakable will to live and infects those around it. Radiant, incorrigible romantic, prone to grand gestures.

Shandar - proud.

The child, who was named Shandar, has been gifted with talents since childhood. He happily reaches for knowledge, loves to learn and achieve new goals. In addition to the basic knowledge gained and career growth, a young man is very easily interested in everything new and thus has several hobbies. Also, men with this name have developed creativity and an irresistible sense of humor.

There are no names starting with the letter C, as well as the remaining letters of the alphabet.

famous indian names

Indian names for men, in addition to being common in their own country, also have international fame.

For example:

  • Aditya Pancholi.

The most handsome man in Bollywood. An exemplary family man and an adherent of a sports lifestyle.

  • Ravi Avimili.

An ingenious engineer working for IBM. He has over 500 different patents to his credit.

  • Vishal Thakkar.

Unfortunately, he is not known for achievements, but for a sad event - he is a victim of plastic surgeons who left him without a nose. The story of Vishal stirred the hearts of people all over the world. Popularity also varies.

Indian names, although they have an unusual sound and often seem very unusual, are mostly interpreted in bright and positive terms. Many of them are known not only in their own country and among the indigenous population, but throughout the world.

The population of India speaks many languages ​​and almost all religions of the world exist in India. Therefore, in different regions, Indians call their children differently, based on their rules, language and religion.

We all know from films such Indian names as Zita, Geeta, Khan or Nuri. But, like in any other country, in India there are traditional names and modern ones.

A survey was conducted on one of the Indian sites: "What will you name your baby?"
The response options were as follows:

  • Indian name (1170 votes - 14%)
  • name of God in Hindi (1160 votes - 14%)
  • modern name (5687 votes - 68%)
  • traditional name (336 votes - 4%)

As you can see, the modern name has become the clear leader.

By the way, for some Indians their birth name is different from their official name. And many children have three names at once, as part of religious teachings.

So what are the most popular modern male and female names in India now? See our Top 100 Indian names and their meanings.

50 Modern Male Indian (Hindi) Names

Aarav - wisdom, musical note
Aarush - the first ray of the winter sun
Advik - unique
Akarsh - that which is divine
Anirudh (Aniruddh) - limitless
Arnav - sea, ocean
Aayush - longevity

Bhavin - winner, exist

Vaibhav - the richest
Vivaan - full of life
Vihaan - morning, dawn

Gurkiran - the ray of light of the guru

Darshit - pay homage
Devansh - Part of God
Jayesh - winner, triumphant
Divit (Divit) - immortal
Divyansh - the divine part
Dhruv - guiding star

Eshan - Lord Shiva

Indrajit - the conqueror of Indra
Indranil - another name for Lord Shiva, sapphire

Kiaan - king

Lakshay - Goal
Lakshit - aimed

Madhup - honey bees
Mitul - limited friend

Neerav - Quiet
Nishith - night

Ojas - abundance of energy

Pranay - romance
Priyansh - the most valuable part of something

Ranbir - brave warrior
Rachit - invention
Reyansh - a ray of light, part of Lord Vishnu
Rohan - Ascending

Samar (Samar) - talk in the evening
Sahil (Sahil) - guide, mentor, guide

Tushar - snow

Uthkarsh - excellent, perfect

Faiyaz - artistic, artistic

Hansh - like God
Harikiran (rays of God)
Himmat (Himmat) - courage
Hiran - golden

Chirag - lamp

Shaan - peace
Shlok - Anthem
Shray - credit, merit
Shreyas - good

Yakshit - one who made forever, permanent

50 modern female Indian (Hindi) names

Aaryahi - Goddess Durga
Hell (Adah) - decoration, ornament
Additri - Goddess Lakshmi
Advika - one who is unique
Alisha (Alisha) - bright, noble, noble
Anaya - God answers
Anvi - goddess of the forest
Anika - grace, grace
Aradhya - One worth worshiping
Ahana - the first rays of the sun

Bhavya - one who is magnificent

Vanya - merciful, gift of God
Vardaniya - giving good luck
Vedika - consciousness
Vritika (thought)

Drishya (Drishya) - image, look
Jivika - source of life
Jiya - cute

Eva (Eva) - living

Zara (Princess)

Inaaya - empathy
Ira (Ira) - vigilant

Kavya - a poem
Kashvi - shining
Keya - flower
Kiara (Kiara) - dark-haired
Khushi - happiness, joy

Myra - myrrh
Mahika - dew drops
Mishti - nice person

Navia (Navya) - new
Neysa - pure, cleanliness
Nitya (constant)

Pari - unearthly beauty
Parinaaz (Parinaaz) - sweet, fairy
Pihu - Pava woman
Prish (Prisha) - beloved, gift of God

Riya - singer

Saanvi - Goddess Lakshmi
Samaira (Samaira) - enchantment, enchantment
Sana (Sana) - radiance, diamond
Sara (Sara) - princess
Siya (Siya) - Sita (wife of Rama)

Tanya (Tanya) - queen of fairies
Tara - rocky hill
Tiya - bird

Hrishita - satisfied, happy

Charvi - beautiful lady

Shanaya - the first ray of the sun

Yashvi (Yashvi) - fame, fame

A correctly chosen name has a strong positive impact on the character and fate of a person. It actively helps to develop, forms positive qualities of character and state, improves health, removes various negative programs of the unconscious. But how do you pick the perfect name?

Despite the fact that there are interpretations in culture of what male names mean, in reality, the influence of the name on each boy is individual.

Sometimes parents try to choose a name before birth, making it difficult for the baby to form. Astrology and numerology of choosing a name have squandered all serious knowledge about the influence of a name on fate through the ages.

Calendars of Christmas time, holy people, without consulting a seeing, perspicacious specialist, do not provide any real help in assessing the influence of names on the fate of a child.

And the lists of ... popular, happy, beautiful, melodious male names completely turn a blind eye to the individuality, energy, soul of the child and turn the selection procedure into an irresponsible game of parents in fashion, selfishness and ignorance.

Beautiful and modern Indian names should first of all suit the child, and not the relative external criteria of beauty and fashion. Who don't care about your child's life.

Various characteristics according to statistics - positive features of the name, negative features of the name, choice of profession by name, the impact of the name on business, the impact of the name on health, the psychology of the name can only be considered in the context of a deep analysis of subtle plans (karma), energy structure, tasks for life and kind of a particular child.

The theme of the compatibility of names (and not the characters of people) is an absurdity that turns inside out on the interactions of different people the internal mechanisms of the influence of a name on the state of its carrier. And it cancels the entire psyche, the unconscious, energy and behavior of people. It reduces the entire multidimensionality of human interaction to one false characteristic.

The meaning of the name has no literal effect. For example, Jagdish (world ruler), this does not mean that the young man will be a strong ruler, and the bearers of other names will be weak. The name can weaken health, block the heart center and he will not be able to give and receive love. On the contrary, it will help another boy to solve problems for love or power, it will greatly facilitate life and achieve goals. The third boy may not bring any effect at all, whether there is a name or not. Etc. Moreover, all these children can be born on the same day. And have the same astrological, numerological and other characteristics.

The most popular Indian boy names of 2015 are also misleading. Despite the fact that 95% of boys are called names that do not make life easier. You can focus only on a specific child, deep vision and wisdom of a specialist.

The secret of a male name, as a program of the unconscious, a sound wave, vibration, is revealed by a special bouquet, primarily in a person, and not in the semantic meaning and characteristics of the name. And if this name destroys the child, then there would be no beautiful, melodious with a patronymic, astrological, blissful, it would still be harm, destruction of character, complication of life and aggravation of fate.

Below are a hundred Indian names. Try to choose a few, the most suitable in your opinion for the child. Then, if you are interested in the effectiveness of the impact of the name on fate, .

List of male Indian names alphabetically:

Abhay - brave, fearless
Ajiit - indomitable
Ajit - invincible
Ajitt - indomitable
Aditya - the sun
Amar - immortal
Amit - infinite, immeasurable
Amrit - immortal
Anand - happiness
Anant - endless, without end
Ananta - endless, without end
Anil - air, wind
Aniraddha - has no obstacles
Anish - supreme
Anker - young tree
Anuj - born after, younger
Anupam - incomparable
Aravind - lotus
Arjun - white
Arjuna - white
Arun - the redness of the rising sun
Aruna - the sun
Asim - limitless
Ahil - complete
Ashok - without grief
Ashoka - without grief

Babar - lion
Baber - born of a lion
Bazant - spring
Bazu - Dweller
Bala - young
Balarama - the power of God
Baleidva - the power of God
Bachmann - good opinion
Beybr - lion
Bijay - victory
Bijoy - victory
Bipin - forest
Boldev - the power of God
Brahma - creator, source
Brijesh is the king

Vasant - spring
Vazu - dweller
Vanada - giving rain
Vivek - knowing wisdom
Vijay - victory
Vikram - pace, striding
Vimal - pure
Vinay - promotion separately
Vipin - forest
Vipul - a lot
Vishal - big
Vishnu is the savior

Ganesh - god of the horde
Ganesha - lord of the horde
Gobind - seeker of the cow
Govind - cow seeker
Gopal - protector of the cow
Gotham is the best ox
Gotama is the best ox

Daamodara - waist cord
Damodar - waist cord
Damodara - waist cord
Dayaram - the compassion of Rama
Dayarama - the compassion of Rama
Debdan is a gift from God
Devdan is a gift from God
Devdas - servant god
Devraj - god-king
Juggernaut - world lord
Jagjit - world conquest
Jagdish - world ruler
Jaswinder - lightning strike
Jayant - victorious
Jay - victory
Jyotish - moon
Jirish - lord of the mountain
Jitender - the conqueror of Indra
Jitendera - the conqueror of Indra
Jitendra - Conqueror of Indra
Jitinder - the conqueror of Indra
Johar - greeting
Jadev - divine victory
Jayendra - victory of Indra
Jaywant - Winner
Dilip - protector of Delhi
Dinesh - day lord
Deepak - a small lamp
Dulip - Protector of Delhi
Dhawal - pure, white
Dhananjey - the victory of wealth

Ibrahim - the father of the multitude
Inderjit - the conqueror of Indra
Inderpal - protector of Indra
Indra - possesses taming (of rain)
Indrajit - Conqueror of Indra
Isha - protector

Kazi - beaming
Kalidas - Servant of Kali
Hookah - auspicious and wedding
Kama - desired, beloved
Kamal - red
Cambodia is a handsome king
Kapil - reddish brown
Kapila - reddish brown
Karan - ear
Karna - ear
Kiran - rays of the sun
Cystna - black, blue
Kishan - black, blue
Kishen - black, blue
Kishore - foal
Krishna - black, blue
Krsna - black, blue
Kumar - boy, son
Kunal - lotus flower
Kailash - crystal

Laxman - the presence of good luck
Lakshman - the presence of good luck
Lakshmana - the presence of good luck
Lal - caress, play
Lochan - eye

Madhav - from springtime
Madhukar - bee
Mazud - lucky
Manju - melodic
Manjunata - the pleasant lord of the mist
Mandip - lamp, opinion
Mani is a gem
Maninder - Indra's thinking
Manish - Lord of Opinion
Manu is a person
Massoud - lucky
Masood - lucky
Mahavir is a big hero
Mahatma - big soul
Mahinder - big Indra
Maendra - big Indra
Merali - flute
Merugan - six-faced
Merukan - six-faced
Mehmood - worthy of praise
Mohan - enchanted
Mohandas - Employee Mohan
Mohinder - big Indra
Mukesh - ruler, flour
Mukul - flourishing, flourishing

Naveen - news
Najendra - Indra of the serpent
Nanda - joy
Narayan - the son of a man
Narinder - Indra's man
Neirndra - Indra's man
Neelam - sapphire
Nirav - calm, quiet
Nitin is the right track
Nikhil - all, whole
Nishant - dawn, end of night
Natik - moral

Om - basic, sound
Orangzeb - worthy of the throne

Padma - lotus flower
Perushottam - the tallest man
Pistambar - yellow piece of clothing
Pollab - a leaf of hope
Pollave - a leaf of hope
Prabodh is good advice
Prabodhan - noble
Prabhakar - light maker, sun
prabhat - dawn
Prabhu is the creator, powerful
Pradeep - shining
Prazad - Offered to God
Prazanna - liked
Prakash - light
Pramod - happiness, rejoice
Praney - novel
Preynt - leader
prem - love
Pratap - dignity, majesty

Slave Indra - Indra of the Sun
Ravana is the name of the demon king of Ceylon who kidnapped Rama's wife, Sita.
Ravi - the sun
Rav Indra - Indra of the Sun
Ragout - fast
Raj is king
Rajan is king
Rajanikanth - lord of the night
Rajender - King's Indra
Rajesh - ruler of kings
Rajiv - lotus flower
Rajinder - King's Indra
Radshiv - lotus flower
Rahkesh - lord of the night
Ramakhandra - the moon of Rama
Ramakhandra - moon of Rama
Ranj - victorious in battle
Ranjit - victorious in battle
Ratnam - gem
Rahul - effective
Reijndra - King's Indra
Rishi - sage
Ratan is a gem

Sabhash - courteous
Savitar - sunny
Savitr - sunny
Sadhir - good and wise
Sandar - beautiful
Sandara - beautiful
sander is beautiful
Sanjay - triumphant
Sanjeev - Restorations
Sanjit - invincible
Sanjitt - invincible
Sandip - illuminated lamp
Sankar - making good luck
Saral - straight
Satish is the god of Sati
Sachin - pure
Sasha is the moon
Svapan is a dream
Swapnil - fabulous
Swaran - good color
Sekar - a crest that reaches its maximum
Seraj - the sun
Serendra - God's Indra
Seresh - god-ruler
Serinder - God's Indra
Serya - the sun
Sib - destroyer
Siddharth - Experienced Target
Siddhartha - Experienced Target
Sikander - protector of mankind
Sing - lion
Sohail - Canopus (star)
Sudarshan - correct vision
Sudarshana - correct vision
Suman - good-natured
Sumati - prone to good
Sunil - very dark blue
Sushil - good behavior

They call their children, I met such interesting Indian names, Sanskrit, familiar by ear both from hymns, and from mythology in general.
Sunny has already written that Indians choose their names from the stars.
I heard from other Indian acquaintances that they often give children the names of Hindu Gods, because then the Deity will patronize the child in life. And I have acquaintances of Hindus who bear the names of Gods. This Indian tradition is very similar to the Russian Orthodox tradition of naming a child according to the calendar, that is, in honor of the Christian saint to whom the day on which the child is baptized is dedicated, that is, they give him a name.

But some Indian names are just Sanskrit words, beautiful words for auspicious things, images, and even.
Found something interesting - Top 10 Most Popular Indian (Hindu) Names for boys and for girls.
Data published based on statistics. After some names, I wrote the meanings of these words, if I knew.

In India, there are several rules for choosing a name:

1. The name should be short.
2. The name should be easy to pronounce.
3. The name should be easy to remember.
4. The pronunciation and spelling of the child's name should not be difficult.
5. The name should not be too rare, but also too frequent.
6. You should be proud of this name, obviously meaning its meaning, meaning and relevance to your child.

Most Popular Indian Male Names

(for boys, that is)
1: Amit - Amit
2: Arjun - Arjun (translated as white, correlates with the legendary Arzhduna from the Mahabharata)
3: Aditya - Aditya (translated from Sanskrit as)
4: Pranav - Pranav
5: Samir - Samir
6: Nikhil - Nikhil (Nikil)
7: Arnav - Arnav
8: Rishi - Rishi (rishi is a sage)
9: Rahul - Rahul (probably very popular now and the boys are named after Rahul)
10: Anand - Anand (ananda is divine joy)

Other very popular Indian male names
Anil - Anil
Ajay - Ajay (Adzhey)
Pramod - Pramod
Abhishek - Abhishek (abhishek is a rite in Hinduism, by the way)
Tarun - Tarun

Top Indian female names

For girls;)
1: Maya - Maya (May) - illusion, illusiveness, this word came from Indian philosophy
2: Tara - Tara, Tara is in Buddhism
3: Shreya - Shreya
4: Arpita - Arpita
5: Ekta - Ekta
6: Kavita - Kavita
7: Laxmi - Lakshmi - wife, goddess of wealth, probably everyone wants to have their own Lakshmi
8: Jyoti - Jyoti (Jyoti) is just Light
9: Madhu - Madhu (Madu) means Honey
10: Aparna

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