Musical subject-developing environment mbdou. "organization of a developing educational environment for musical education with preschool children in the context of the implementation of the fgos"


One of the characteristic trends in modern preschool education is the creation in a preschool institution

aesthetically-developing object-spatial environment. Researchers have found various definitions of this concept. Both object-spatial, and socio-cultural, aesthetic-developing, cultural-educational environment, etc. are considered. But with a difference in names, it is always about creating an optimal environment that provides psychological comfort for the child's personality (Scheme 32).

The environment of a preschool institution is currently considered as a condition for the child to realize his abilities, a means of educating personal qualities, an enriching development factor that serves as a background and mediator in personal developmental interaction with adults and other children.

At the same time, various areas of development and education of children are carried out in a preschool educational institution, the creation of an environment for which will have certain specifics. We are interested in the artistic and aesthetic direction, and above all, musical education as an integral part of it, and the features of creating a developing environment for its more effective implementation.

E.P. Kostina, a specialist in the problems of musical education, considers it as a process of organized introduction of children to musical culture and believes that one can speak of a musical subject-developing environment as a means of introducing a child to musical culture.

Thus, the musical environment becomes one of the components of the pedagogical system and represents the musical arrangement of the life of children.

Based on the analysis of this problem, the author argues that for the musical education of children, a rich musical subject-developing environment is needed, including the musical environment of preschool educational institutions, families, cultural and educational institutions.

Musical educational environment of preschool educational institution includes:

block of organized (regulated) musical activity: musical activities and entertainment, holidays and other activities using music. Here the child hears musical works for the first time, gains knowledge, skills and abilities, a positive emotional background is created here, a desire is formed to continue to meet with music;

■ block unregulated (joint with the teacher and independent) musical activities of children in a group outside of class:

- joint musical activity with the teacher- in games: role-playing with the use of musical repertoire, musical and didactic, musical and creative, etc.; in the process of conditionally figurative and conditionally schematic modeling of the content, nature of music, means of musical expression, etc.;

- independent musical activity of children outside of classes, arising at the initiative of children - songs, musical games, exercises, dances, as well as song, musical-rhythmic, instrumental children's creativity.

Musical and educational environment of the family, where is unregulated musical activity of children, This:

■ joint with parents (according to the content, it is adequate to the similar activities of a teacher with children in a preschool educational institution) organization of family leisure (L.N.

Komisarova, G. V. Kuznetsova):

■ holding family holidays;

■ visiting museums, theaters (dramatic, musical (opera, ballet, musical), puppet) with the child;

■ creation of a “home museum” (for example, a museum of a favorite composer);

■ collections of children's musical toys and musical instruments, home orchestra, home "theatre" (puppet, drama);

■ organization at home of various musical activities for children, entertainment using music;

■ availability of a music library of artistically valuable works;

■ independent work (similar to the independent musical activity of children in preschool educational institutions). The musical activity organized by the parents gives the child rich impressions, which are a powerful stimulus for his creative manifestations. In addition, he is offered various models of behavior, which is important for his socialization, for the development of relationships with others.

The musical and educational environment of cultural institutions andeducation, aimed at the musical education of children,

attending preschool institutions (concerts, music school or art school, theatrical performances, etc.).

In general, the musical educational environment has its own structure. It consists of subject And musical components.

The musical component is represented by audio-musical information, i.e. music, regardless of its source. Everything else, including musical instruments, toys, manuals and music extraction tools (tape recorder, etc.), belongs to the subject component. Thus, the subject-developing environment is a system of material objects of the child's activity.

Since the child gradually enters the spaces of the objective (man-made) world and social relations, in addition to the objective and social, they distinguish development environment, in which the child's social interactions take place that affect his

Scheme 32


The peers and adults surrounding the child make up his habitat, and adults, in addition, are the organizers of the pedagogical process. In the social component of the environment, such an essential moment as the organization of a motivating factor, emotional background of the environment. Maintaining such a background, creating comfortable conditions for the child and cultivating his musical creativity, is an important task for the teacher.

There are a number of requirements for the design of a musical subject-developing environment (S.L. Novoselova, E.P. Kostina):

■ take into account the need to develop leading children's activities;

■ the environment should be aimed at the zone of proximal mental development (L.S. Vygotsky);

■ the musical environment should correspond to the structure of the child's cognitive sphere, i.е. contain both conservative (already known to the child) components and problematic ones to be investigated;

■ unfulfilled desire to immediately apply the acquired knowledge leads to the fact that knowledge is not consolidated; and vice versa - the knowledge constantly used by the child lives and is enriched.

At the same time, it is noted that whether this environment will become developing, whether the child will want and be able to master it in his activity, depends on the competence of the adult, his benevolence and interested attitude towards the musical activity of children, especially independent. The developing impact of the artistic and aesthetic environment can only be realized by a teacher who is passionate about music, showing interest in musical games, demonstrating to children the possibilities of the musical object environment, creating creative situations, awakening interest in musical games and toys. As a result, children often play with them in a creative way.

When developing and evaluating the musical environment, it is recommended to rely (E.P. Kostina and others) on the following criteria for its quality.

Content quality. The musical environment should reflect the entire spectrum of children's musical activities.

The blocks of the environment components correspond to the logic of the development of children's musical activity (perception, reproduction, creativity), each provides an orientation towards the presentation in the environment of all types of children's musical activity:

■ perception of music - aids that help perceive works;

■ music reproduction - aids that encourage performing activities (singing, playing or dancing, instrumental music-making);

■ musical and creative activity - aids that encourage creative improvisation in various types of musical activity).

This is ensured by a variety of children's musical instruments, educational musical games and toys, visual didactic aids, various audiovisual aids (tape recorder) and a set of cassettes for them and other technical means (TV, VCR).

The content of the musical environment should reflect the principle consistency in mastering musical activity: it must correspond to the age of children and the content of their musical activity, therefore, the content of the environment should be complicated by age levels. The content should provide opportunities for obtaining from the environment the necessary information for musical and creative activity.

The dynamism of the content of the environment provides interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it. TO Structure quality. The musical environment should be presented in the form of modules, including transforming details, which keeps the children's interest alive. It should be organized in such a way that it visually presents all types of children's musical activities and creates conditions for the active interaction of children with any manuals, musical instruments. Mini-centers are convenient for the deployment of musical activities by one child, two children or a subgroup.

The environment involves flexible integration and zoning, which provides for the complete and partial transformation of the game modules of mini-centers, which provides a diverse functional load for children.

Tatyana Zhukova

For musical raising children needs rich musical subject-developing environment(musical environment, and for the development of the personality of preschoolers, there should be a teacher next to them, enthusiastic music able to realize creative potential musical environment and manage the development of children's creativity.

The child receives the basic knowledge and skills at a special organized classes in the music room, and it is more effective to consolidate them in independent activity, i.e. in a group. That is why the teachers of our preschool educational institution are very thoughtful and attentive to the design and organization of a musical developmental environment in groups, strive to make it interesting and rich. When creating conditions for musical and creative development of children, we take into account that the environment in all age groups must first of all be comfortable and safe for the child, benefits must comply with hygiene requirements, the rules for protecting the life and health of children.

The forces of our educators in each group created subject zones for the development of creative abilities of preschoolers. Here, our students have the opportunity in a playful way to consolidate the knowledge gained at classes: perform familiar songs, accompanying yourself on children's musical instruments; sketch the plot of your favorite song or stage it using costume elements. You can often see how children divided into subgroups, are divided into singers, musicians and spectators.

At organization of the subject environment, as well as in the process of developing its components, we faced the problem of lack of material funds for the purchase of various equipment, allowances and children's musical instruments. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, but this problem contributed to the development of creativity of teachers, parents and children, since many components environments were made by hand with minimal material costs.

In our opinion, the use of non-standard musical equipment, made by the hands of educators, is very useful, as it allows you to provide dynamism musical environment, its constant updating, and this, in turn, arouses children's interest in musical activity, motivation, and then the need for it.

In the production of manuals, we try to use pure colors, objects of different sizes from a variety of materials. Often these sounding attributes allow the child to "hear" the world. They are easy to perform, require a minimum of materials and are functional for the tasks performed. So, for example, to make musical box, it is enough to take a soap box, fill it with buttons, different in size and texture, paste over it with adhesive tape. The resulting tool allows:

To teach the child to compare individual sounds that are contrasting in timbre and sound coloring;

Cultivate a desire to use sounding items in various activities.

Just as easy to do "squeakers", "violinists" etc. (linen bags filled with small items from different quality materials: cereals, seeds, sand, starch, etc.)

Appearance in musical corners of the new allowance « Musical mittens» , aroused genuine interest in our children and contributed to the solution of tasks for the development of rhythmic perception.

Tool "Bear's Pants"(plastic coat hangers with multi-colored rustling packaging for flowers attached to them, which is cut into a small strip) helps to solve the following tasks:

Teaching children to exhale independently and smoothly through the mouth;

Developing the skills of proper breathing through the nose, increasing the volume of the lungs;

Encouraging children to desire to imitate the sounds of nature, develop imagination (leaf rustling, wind blowing).

In our practice, we also use manuals developed by the teacher - musician E. Y. Matvienko "Funny Cubes". We made cubes from square cardboard boxes decorated with self-adhesive colored paper. The main thing is that the cube is light and not traumatic. Images on the cubes were also made from self-adhesive colored paper in the form of applications. The manual looks bright, aesthetically pleasing and thus makes you want to play with it.

game in "Cube Orchestra" allows you to feel and reproduce the metric pulse of speech and music, to develop communication skills, auditory attention, elementary music playing skills in the orchestra, to cultivate interest in playing the musical instruments.

A game "Rhythmic Cube" helps to develop auditory attention, rhythm in older preschoolers; use "sounding gestures"- claps, flip flops, clicks, stomps, etc.; to consolidate the skills of direct counting; evoke positive emotions from the game.

It should be noted that when designing and creating subject zones for the development of children's creative abilities, we try to musical environment organically adjacent to the theater and art corner. These types of children's activities are closely connected, interpenetrating and, as it were, flow from one another. In the corners for theatrical activities different types of theaters. Children are happy to play puppet theater scenes, small fairy tales that "voiced" with help musical instruments, and if desired, they can sketch the plot of their favorite fairy tale. It is gratifying to see how the doll comes to life in the hands of a child. These dolls are made by the hands of our educators with the participation of children from older age groups. Our parents are a big help.

Smeshariki Theatre.

Thus, summing up the above, we can conclude that organization of a musical subject-developing environment requires the following principles:

1. the principle of taking into account the age and individual characteristics and inclinations of children;

2. the principle of functional and emotional comfort of children in environment(musical object environment is comparable to the eye, the actions of the hand, the growth of the child);

3. the principle of consistency (periodic enrichment and updating of the content subject environment to maintain a steady interest of children in creative activities).

Compliance with these principles helps to form creative activity in our pupils, the ability to think creatively, and grow up as creatively developed people.

TOE integration

Interaction with parents

Requirements for musical education in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard

On January 1, 2014, the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FSES DO), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 10/17/2013 No. 1155, entered into force. Read our article for the leader.

The first thing you should pay attention to, having familiarized yourself with the program of musical education according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution, is the focus of the document on the socialization and individualization of the development of the child's personality, starting from 2 months and ending at 8 years.

Musical activity is a means and a condition for a child to enter the world of social relations, to discover and present his "I" to society. This is the main guideline for specialists and educators in the interpretation of the content of the program of musical education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

The main content of the educational field "Music", to which we have become accustomed in the logic of the Federal state requirements for the structure of the main educational program in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, is now presented in another educational field "Artistic and aesthetic development" within the framework of musical education according to the Standard, along with two types of art : pictorial and literary.

This is a big plus in terms of making it easier to combine multiple art forms. The most important thing in the musical development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is the communication of children with works of art, the development of artistic perception, the sensual sphere, the ability to interpret artistic images, in this all types of art are the same. The purpose of any of them is to reflect reality in images, and therefore the task of each specialist, educator is to teach the child to perceive, think, decorate the ideas of an artist, director, writer.

The goals of musical education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Education are the formation of conditions for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; development of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art through projects on musical education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard; perception of folklore, music, fiction; encouragement to empathize with literary characters; implementation of independent creativity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Tasks of musical education in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard of DO Implementation of the goal involves the solution of a number of tasks:
acquaintance of the child with the wonderful world of music;
development of musical erudition and culture among preschoolers; color and musical development of children in preschool educational institutions;
formation of a sense of respect for music as an independent art form, holidays and traditions;
development of perception, empathy for musical works and images, development of children's skills - sound sensory and intonation, where music acts as a language, one of many, acquaintance of children with the world of man, his emotions, the world around him, the world of objects.

Types of activities in the musical development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standards of Education In infancy (2 months - 1 year) - emotional communication with parents in a relaxed form, perception of children's music, poems, songs, tactile-motor games. At an early age (1 year - 3 years) - this is the perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poems, looking at pictures, physical activity.

For preschoolers, musical development according to the Federal State Educational Standard (3 years - 8 years) takes place in the form of various games, including a role-playing game as the main activity of preschoolers (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's instruments) and motor (mastery of basic movements) forms of activity of the child.

Programs and technologies for the musical development of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard In accordance with the Standard, musical education according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution is carried out on the basis of a program developed by the music director, and in addition to the main general educational program, it may include copyright developments and technologies.

The program of musical education according to the Federal State Educational Standard in the preschool educational institution is aimed at kindergarten students, their needs, interests, as well as the capabilities of the children's institution.
In accordance with the standard, the time for the part formed by the participants in educational relations is 40% of the time the child spends in kindergarten, which provides opportunities for the creativity of the music director.

Psychological and pedagogical support for preschoolers in musical development according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Respect for children by adults, participation in the formation of positive self-esteem of preschoolers, confidence in their own strengths and abilities;
The use of forms and methods in musical education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard that are appropriate for the age of children and their individual abilities (it is forbidden to artificially accelerate or slow down the development of children).

Building an educational process based on the cooperation of adults with children, focused on the capabilities and interests of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development.

Assistance of adults in the friendly attitude of pupils to each other and their interaction in various types of children's activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard;
Support for the interest, initiative of preschool children in specific activities for them within the framework of musical education in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard;
Providing pupils with the opportunity to choose - materials, forms of activity, participants in common activities and communication; Protecting children from all forms of violence - physical and psychological.

What are the goals of the standard within the framework of musical education in the preschool educational institution according to the Federal State Educational Standard
Providing by the state equally equal opportunities for each child to receive high-quality preschool education Providing state guarantees of the level and quality of education based on the unity of mandatory requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the CEP, their structure and the results of their development
Preservation of the unity of the educational space of the Russian Federation regarding the level of preschool education.

Musical subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution

4. Audiovisual aids: transparencies, compact discs, phonograms, audio and video cassettes, video discs).

Approximate content of music zones by age groups

List of materials for children from 2.5 to 4 years old (1st and 2nd junior groups):

left-handed dolls;

Figurative musical "singing" or "dancing" toys (cockerel, cat, bunny, etc.);

Toys-instruments with a fixed sound - organs, hurdy-gurdies;

Toy-instruments with sound of indefinite height: rattles, bells, tambourine, drum;

A set of unvoiced figurative instruments (harmonicas, pipes, balalaikas, etc.);

Attributes to musical mobile games;

Flags, sultans, scarves, bright ribbons with rings, rattles, autumn leaves, snowflakes, etc. for children's dance creativity (according to the seasons);

Desktop screen with glove toys;

Tape recorder and set of program audio recordings;

Singing and moving toys;

Musical pictures for songs that can be made on a cube and in the form of a large album or separate colorful illustrations.

List of materials for children 4-5 years old (middle group of kindergarten):

In the musical zone for independent activities of children 4-5 years old, it is advisable to have benefits for the younger group (listed above), as well as additionally:


Noise instruments for children's orchestra;

Little books “We sing” (they contain bright illustrations for familiar songs);

flannelgraph or magnetic board;

Musical and didactic games: "Three Bears", "Recognize and Name", "In the Forest", "Our Orchestra", "Flower-Semitsvetik", "Guess the Bell", etc.;

Attributes to mobile musical games: "Cat and Kittens", "Hen and Cockerel". "Hares and the Bear", "Pilots" and others;

Musical ladders (three-step and five-step), on which there are small and large birds or small and large nesting dolls;

Ribbons, colored handkerchiefs, bright sultans, etc. (attributes for dance improvisations in the season;

Desktop screen and a set of toys;

Musical toys (sounding and noise) for creative music making:

A tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings.

List of materials for children 5-6 years old (senior group of kindergarten):

In addition to the materials of the middle group, the following is used:

Rattles, tambourines, drums, triangles, etc.;

Musical toys-instruments with diatonic and chromatic sound (metallophone, piano, button accordion, accordion, flute);

Homemade musical toys (noise orchestra);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations from the "Musical Primer";

Musical and didactic games: "Bee". "Musical Lotto", "Recognized and Name", "Steps", "Repeat Sounds", "Three Little Pigs", "Magic Top", "Musical Train", "Guess what sounds, etc.;

Attributes for outdoor games ("Round dance in the forest", "Raven", "Cat and Mice", etc.);

Children's drawings for songs and familiar pieces of music;

Screens: desktop and screen for the growth of children;

Musical ladders of three, five and seven steps - voiced;

Attributes for children's dance creativity: elements of costumes for familiar folk dances;

Multi-colored feathers, multi-colored gloves for musical improvisations behind a screen and other attributes;

Seasonal attributes for dance improvisations - leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.):

A tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings or discs.

List of materials for children 6-7 years old (preparatory group of kindergarten):

Musical instruments (maracas, tambourines, harp, children's piano, metallophone, bells, triangles, flutes, drums, etc.);

Portraits of composers;

Illustrations on the theme "Seasons";

Pictures for the manual "Musical primer";

Albums: "We draw a song" or "We draw and sing" with children's drawings in which they reflect their emotions and feelings about the music they listened to and favorite songs;

Graphic aid "Emotions" (cards depicting faces with different emotional moods) to determine the nature of the melody when listening to works;

Albums for viewing: "Symphonic Orchestra", "Folk Instruments", "Dances of the Peoples of the World", etc.;

Musical ladders (three-, five- and seven-step - voiced);

A set of homemade instruments for a noise orchestra;

Musical and didactic games: “Three Little Pigs”, “Three Flowers”, “Musical Umbrella”, “Rhythmic Lotto”, “Find Strawberries”, “Rhythmic Cubes”, “Name the Music Composer”, “Funny Record”, “Musical Chicks” etc.;

attributes for outdoor games (for example, "Hello, autumn", "Cosmonauts", etc.);

Attributes for children's dance creativity, costume elements for familiar folk dances (kerchiefs, wreaths, hats) and attributes for seasonal dance improvisations (leaves, snowflakes, flowers, etc.); multi-colored gloves, sultans, gas handkerchiefs or scarves, multi-colored ribbons, multi-colored feathers for musical and dance improvisations;

A tape recorder and a set of program audio recordings or discs.

Musical subject-developing environment of the preschool educational institution.

Everyone knows and has been proven by scientists that music enriches the spiritual world of a child, has an impact on the development of his creative abilities. The development of musical abilities depends on the psychological and pedagogical conditions and, of course, on a well-organized object-spatial environment.

The musical subject environment in groups should be focused on the material covered in the classes and the individual abilities of children. No type of musical activity can fully develop on a pure verbal level, outside the subject-spatial environment.

The musical subject-developing environment in the groups of preschool educational institutions is organized in three main blocks:

    music perception

    music playback

    musical and creative activity.

Each block, in turn, provides for an orientation towards the integrity of a certain type of children's musical activity.

The design of mini-music centers in groups of younger preschool age has a plot basis, in the older one it is didactic.

The structure of musical mini-centers is designed in the form of modules that have integrity and at the same time - transforming details that arouse keen interest in children. The musical object environment is commensurate with the eye, the actions of the hand, the growth of the child. The benefits of the developing environment are good, aesthetic, attractive, easy to use, and cause a desire to act with them.

Junior group

Picture albums for songs learned in music classes (or wonderful cubes)

Flannelgraph, figurines for flannelgraph (large and small animals, birds, musical instruments, vehicles)

Music library with a recording of children's songs (tape recordings of songs learned and taught with children performed by a music leader, children, educator, sounds of nature)

Record player

Attributes for musical and didactic exercises for the development of pitch, dynamic and rhythmic hearing in children. For example, on the development of sound-altitude hearing - "Bird and chicks"; timbre hearing - “Guests have come to us”, rhythmic hearing - “Who is walking”, dynamic hearing “Bells”.

Non-sounding instruments: balalaika, silent keyboard with stand, harmonica.

Sounding: harmonica, drum, tambourine, spoons, rattles, rhythm cubes. bells, singing tops.

Ladder of 3 steps, hand signs.

Any toys (2 ducks, 2 nesting dolls - large and small), scarves, masks, ribbons, sultans, dressing elements.

Noise instruments - jars, mittens with buttons, bottles with different fillers: peas, acorns, pebbles.

Tree and 2 birds (top and bottom)

middle group

An album with pictures for songs learned in music lessons in previous groups (several albums are possible: according to the seasons, about animals)

Children's drawings made at home for their favorite songs;

Flannelgraph with figurines of animals, birds, images of musical instruments, transport;

Figures for singing, jokes, to lay out rhythmic drawings with their help on a flannelograph. For example: large and small cockerels for the song "Cockerel", suns for r.n.p. "Sun", balls, flags, Christmas trees, planes, etc. (6 small and 4 large)

A music library of songs learned by children in this age group in previous groups currently being learned (in a recording performed by teachers, children).

Record player

Musical and didactic games for the development of emotional responsiveness, musical memory, musical thinking and games that help solve problems of the previous age group. For example, for the development of pitch hearing - “Swing”, for the development of rhythmic hearing - “Who walks how” (complication due to the introduction of different types of games); on the development of dynamic hearing - "Bells"; on the development of musical memory - "Sing a song from the picture."

Silent player with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, harmonicas, silent keyboard with stand.

Instrument toys: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythm cubes, bells, maracas, whistles.

Cards with tools, handkerchiefs, masks, dressing elements.

Ladder of 4 steps (2 toys B and M)

Five removable rubber bands, stave.

Hand signs (4 st.)

Senior group.

flannelgraph, chips (long and short stripes, large and small circles, flowers, Christmas trees - 6 small and 4 large), pictures for flannelgraph to create the plot of a song, dance (modeling)

Albums with drawings for songs ("Music primer")

Albums with drawings for songs that children loved (possibly copyrighted, with drawings by one child)

Attributes to music. fairy tales (pictures for flannelgraph), for staging (“Turnip”, “Teremok”)

Pictures for the development of poetic and song creativity in children (for example, to the poems of A. Barto) see p. ”, “Airplane” p. 115 “Magic Pictures”

Toy microphone.

Music library with recording songs: sounds of nature, music. fairy tales.

Record player.

Music-did. games: for the development of pitch hearing “Three Bears” or “Merry Matryoshkas” p. 76, for the development of dynamic hearing “Bells”, for the development of the ability to distinguish the duration of sounds (long, short sounds, dotted rhythm) “Rooster, chicken, chicken” p. .90; to distinguish genres of music. works: song, dance, march "Three Whales" p.93.

Unvoiced instruments 6 balalaika, silent keyboard with stand, harmonica - 3 pieces of different sizes).

On the picture: pipe, violin, saxophone, button accordion, accordion, accordion, flute, whistles, triol.

Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, bells, maracas, rumba, triangle, rattles, xylophone, music. hammers, various home-made noise instruments: on a hanger, luchi, bottles, felt-tip pens, mittens with buttons. Kinder jars with different fillings, somewhat identical (Hoop No. 3 2006, Musical Handbook No. 3 2007)

Plastic cubes (on the verge of sticking pictures by songs)

Ladder -5 steps (toy B. and M.)

Scarves, masks, ribbons, dressing elements

Music staff, notes.

Hand signs (5st.)

Portrait of composers D. Kabalevsky ("The Bunny Teases the Bear Cub"), P. Tchaikovsky ("The Doll's Disease"), R. Schumann ("The Soldier's March")

preparatory group

Flanelegschraff, sheet music.

A manual for teaching children the ability to determine the form of the work.

Pictures to create plots for familiar songs: to encourage poetic and song creativity.

Rebuses with the names of notes in words

Drawings with texts of nursery rhymes for which you can come up with a song.

Pictures from music. genres (song, dance, march) to encourage songwriting.

Illustrations for music. fairy tales

Attributes to fairy tales and songs for their staging

Music library (cassettes with recordings of songs performed by adults, children, individual cassettes for self-recording of their musical poetic creativity)

Record player.

Albums with drawings for songs learned with KA children this year, as well as in groups of previous ages.

Albums with children's drawings for favorite songs.

Narrative pictures that encourage songwriting.

Music-did games (the same as in the older group, but with more complicated tasks)

Unsound player with records, balalaikas, violins, pipes, saxophones, harmonicas.

Instruments: rattles, spoons, drum, tambourine, metallophone, rhythm. cubes, bells, maracas, castanets, rattles, xylophone, button accordion, accordion, noise on a hanger (see in the senior group)

Ladder 7 steps, hand signs

Song notes (large), musical staff, stripes (6 small and 4 large)

Scarves, masks, ribbons, kokoshniks.

Composer portraits.

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