Musical entertainment for the preparatory group in the dhow. Musical entertainment in the form of a concert for children of middle and older groups "Musical drop


Municipal preschool educational institution

Kindergarten No. 1 "Kolobok"

Synopsis of musical leisure in a group preparatory to school.

Topic: "Introduction to the work of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky."

Prepared by: teacher Tutushina M.N.

music head Svishcheva V.A.


The purpose of the event: To acquaint children with the work of the great Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Event progress:

Host: Hello guys! We have gathered today to get acquainted with the work of the famous composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. Guys, do you know who the composer is? A composer is a person who writes music. So Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was a composer and wrote a lot of beautiful music, and he also wrote a lot of music for children. Let's listen to a melody from Tchaikovsky's "Children's Album" called "Polka".

Music sounds, at the conclusion of the composition, the queen of "Music" enters the hall.

Music Queen: Hello guys! I heard the very beautiful music of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and decided to visit you!

Host: Hello Queen of Music! Our children love to listen to music.

Music Queen: Yes? Well, now I'll see how much the guys know about music and musical instruments. I will give you riddles, and you listen carefully and try to solve all of them.

    Seven sisters are very friendly

Each song is very necessary.

You can't compose music

If you don't invite them. (Notes)

    They hit each other

And they sing in response

And they shine like two pennies, -

Musical ... (cymbals).

    He writes music for us

plays the melody,

He will put poems on a waltz.

Who composes songs? (Composer)

    Music needs not only a "writer",

We need someone who will sing. He ... (performer).

    The one who does not sing songs, but listens,

It's called, guys, ... (listener).

    If the text is combined with the melody

And then do it together

What you will hear, of course,

It is called easily and simply - ... (song).

    My mother sang this song to us

When the cradle rocked. (Lullaby)

The shot beats, it helps to walk. (Drum)

    We lower the hammers on the iron planks

And a cheerful sound flies! What's ringing? (Metallophone)

Queen of Music: What good fellows you are! All my riddles have been solved. Let's now listen to another tune from the "Children's Album", it's called "Neapolitan Melody".

Host: And now guys, let's find out a little about the life of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

Queen of Music: Guys Tchaikovsky wrote music very melodic, smooth, but if it is processed and arranged, it will turn out to be a wonderful rhythmic melody, to which we will now arrange a physical education session.

Presenter: Children, few people know that Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky also wrote poetry. Now Lera will read us an excerpt from the poem "Lily of the Valley".

Oh, lily of the valley, why are you so pleasing to the eyes!

Others have flowers, more luxurious and magnificent,

And the colors in them are brighter, and the patterns are more fun, -

But there is no charm in them mysterious yours.

Children listen to the melody "Nanny's Tale".

Presenter: And now, the girls will dance a dance with ribbons to the music of Tchaikovsky.

Host: Guys, what time of year do we have now? You know, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky has an album called The Seasons. Let's listen to a piece about October and see paintings by Russian artists dedicated to autumn.

Leading: We listened to the melody, looked at the pictures, and now let's draw an autumn landscape and present our drawings to Queen Music.

Children draw. Music by Tchaikovsky.

Queen of Music: Thank you so much for such wonderful gifts. I also want to give you a sweet gift.

Queen of Music: Guys, I really enjoyed visiting you, I am very glad that you are getting acquainted with the work of such great composers as Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. But it's time for me to say goodbye. Goodbye!


In the preparatory group

"Guess the melody"

Prepared and hosted:

Tereshchenko O.A.


To the music children enter the hall, stand in a semicircle.

(As leading is the music director).


Without music, Without music
Can't live at all.
Don't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
And you won't spin in the dance,
and you won't march
And a fun song
you will not sing on a holiday.
So let today in a round dance
music will come to us,
And each along with the music
dance and sing!

The guys sing the song "I draw"


Guys, today Princess Music called me and said that she was bewitched by an evil wizard who does not like music and now she will not be able to come to us for the holidays. And we will be able to spend the holidays without songs and dances?

Let's help the princess of music?

Then we need to pass some tests. You are ready?

1 trial

You need to guess which fairy-tale hero performs his song.

1. Water

2. Cheburashka

3. Little raccoon

4. Baba Yaga

5. Cat Leopold

6. Dunno

2 test

You need to guess what instrument sounds, show how it is played.

1. Pipe

2. Drum


4. Trumpet

5. Guitar

6. Harp

Musical pause.

The guys perform the dance "Lavata"

3 test

Guys, today I have all the words in the songs mixed up. I start to sing, but the words don't come out. This evil wizard tried ...

Here listen:

  1. “A fly was sitting in the water,” and the real song was “A grasshopper was sitting in the grass.”
  2. "I am a bun, I am a bun!" - "I am the Water One, I am the Water One!",
  3. Grandpa lived with two funny pigs" - "Grandma lived with two funny geese",
  4. “The plane flies, flies, sways” - “The blue carriage runs, sways.”
  5. “A goat was born in the forest” - “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”,
  6. “Little duck is cold in winter” - “Little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

4 test

Riddles about musical instruments.

  1. Everyone knows in Rus'

Just ask someone about it!

She only has three strings

But she is the love of the country.

Vanya will come out behind the wattle fence

And he will play "tribble" and "nonsense". (Balalaika)

  1. Very ancient and simple

Tool, empty inside.

Sticks beat hard

The rhythm of the ensemble is set.

He is always happy

Lead the parade. (Drum)

  1. I'll tell you, my friend,

In ancient times

A gentle breeze blew

In a reed tube.

The man suddenly heard

Gentle melodic sound

And was born at that moment

Musical instrument.


Smooth bow movements tremble the strings,

The motive murmurs from afar, sings about the lunar wind.

How clear the overflowing sounds are, they have joy and a smile.

A dreamy motive sounds, it plays ...


Well done boys! And now a musical break.

The phone rings, the presenter listens and tells the children that Princess Music has been disenchanted and will now always be with us in class, at home, on the street, and in the forest. And now let's dance a farewell dance for her "The giraffe has spots, spots are everywhere."

Surprise moment for kids. Giving away sweet gifts!

Scenario of musical and educational entertainment for children "Journey to the village of Lozhkino"

musical director of MBDOU No. 6 of the town. Yashkino, Kemerovo region

Target: Formation of rhythmic abilities of children of senior preschool age in various types of musical activities.


1. Contribute to the development of children's metrorhythmic skills.

2. To develop the ability of children to compose greeting songs.

3. Develop fine motor skills, rhyming declamation with the help of finger games.

4. Continue to form the ability to move and change the sequence of movements in accordance with the parts of the music, finish it at the end of the music, clearly switch from one movement to another.

5. Develop a sense of rhythm when playing on spoons and in a musical and didactic game.

6. Teach children to sing to the soundtrack smoothly: listen to the accompaniment, coordinate movements with singing

7. To achieve expressiveness of movements, friendly joint performance of communicative exercises

8. Develop creative skills, imagination in inventing imitative movements and static poses.

9. Contribute to the development of the emotional sphere.

10. Cultivate a sense of tolerant behavior towards each other.

11. To form a desire to discover new opportunities in oneself, showing creative activity, curiosity

Children enter the hall, greet the music director

M. R. Guys, in the morning I went to kindergarten and thought how interesting it is to say hello to you and came up with. Look.

◆ Show the rhythm pattern "Good afternoon",

(at the end he says the word hello, breaking it into syllables).

M. R. And how else can you say hello with gestures, who will show us?

◆ Children follow the rhythmic pattern suggested by the child

M. R. now let's say hello to the guests and get to know them.

(Children greet adults and get acquainted with a song, return to duty, walk in a circle, pass in pairs through the center of the hall and stop in two lines).

How friendly you are!

You probably play the same way?

Do you solve riddles the same way?

Do you even sing and dance together? (Conspiratorially).

And tell me, are you just as friendly and naughty?

I guessed! Are all friends in this room?

Well, we'll check it out now.

Come on, repeat after me.

(The guys repeat all the movements after the music director)

1. All friends are in our gym!

(children clap their hands - 1-2-3, 1-2-3).

You and we, and you and me!

Yes Yes Yes! (1-2-3, 1-2-3).

Hello friend on the right!

(Turn to the right, nod your head).

Hello friend on the left!

(Turn to the left, nod your head).

We are a family!


2. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Give your hand to the one on the right!

Give your hand to the one on the left!

We are a family!

3. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Smile to the one on the right!

Smile to the one on the left!

We are a family!

4. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Scare the one on the right!

Scare the one on the left!

We are a family!

5. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Push the one on the right!

Push the one on the left!

We are a family!

6. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Have pity on the one on the right!

Have pity on the one on the left!

We are a family!

7. In our hall, all friends -

You and we, and you and me!

Hug the one on the right!

Hug the one on the left!

We are a family!

8. In our hall, all friends -

You and us, and you and me!

Kiss the one on the right!

Kiss the one on the left!

We are a family!

M.R. I see, I see, I hear, I hear! You are really friendly guys.

Today I dreamed of an amazing city, very beautiful and unusual. I visited the store "Amazing things" in it. You do not believe? Look, I bought this hat there. Now I will try it on the teacher.

Educator.“Attention, attention, a fast train is leaving from the kindergarten station “Rodnichok”. Next on the route is the village of Lozhkino. The train leaves in a few minutes.

M.R: Have you ever been to the village of Lozhkino? Do you want to visit? Then we need to hurry. The train leaves in a few minutes.

1. "Walking with a stop on the step" Hungarian folk melody

(Children scatter around the hall, taking seven clear steps, starting with the right foot. On the count of eight, the children turn around in the other direction).

M. R. Guys, we're already late. Let's hurry up.

2. "Running and jumping with claps." "Pizzicato" music by Delibes

(Children perform four running steps, then three jumps in place with hand claps).

M. R.: well, we got to the station, here is our train. Conductor? Where is the conductor? There is a train, but no conductor. How do we get inside. Guys, think...

(Children suggest that you need to put on a "transforming hat" on the teacher. The teacher puts on a hat and turns into a guide. She speaks, changing her voice).

Educator: hello fellow passengers! Here are your tickets, take your seats according to the tickets.

(Children are given cards with a graphic image of various rhythms, exactly the same images are attached to the chairs. The children sit on the appropriate chairs and slap their rhythms. The music director checks that the children have taken their places correctly.

If desired, the children lay out their rhythmic pattern on the flannelograph with large and small bells and slap it).

M.R. You can hit the road.

(musical accompaniment sounds).

M.R. It's boring just to go and I suggest you play with our fingers.

Flower (finger game model)


The flower is always laughing

The left hand rests on the palm of the right in the form of a bowed bell. Open your palm to the word "laughs"

If the rain falls on him

the right hand rises over the left with clicks

If a butterfly sits on it

the right hand is retracted to the side and, moving the fingers, approaches the left

If the wind strokes him.

right hand, without touching the left, strokes the flower

The flower is always laughing

make a bell with your right hand

The flower does not fight with anyone,

wrists and elbows join, hands turn

He is obedient, not at all stubborn

clench and unclench fists

It's good to be his mom.

palms turn towards themselves and lie on the chest

M.R.:- let's listen to the sound of the train wheels. The big wheels knock like this (slaps quarters) and the small wheels knock like this (eighths).

(The teacher invites the children to clap the proposed rhythmic patterns: boys on plastic sticks, and girls on castanets).

M.R:- now, our wheels will sound at the same time. This group of children will represent the big wheels, and this one will be the small ones.

Scenario of musical leisure on the topic: "Journey to the country of music" in the group preparatory to school

Musical director Pozdorovkina Tatyana Viktorovna. MKDOU No. 7 Pavlovsk, Voronezh region


* To consolidate children's knowledge of the genres of music (song, dance, march).

* Consolidate and expand the knowledge of children: about wind, percussion and string instruments, introduce the history of the emergence of these groups of instruments.

*Bring to the understanding that a person is the creator and performer of music.

*Develop emotional responsiveness, ear for music, sense of rhythm and creativity.

* Cultivate a steady interest and love for music.

* Continue to develop performing skills, play melodies in an ensemble.


No music, no music
Can't live at all.
Don't dance without music
Neither polka nor hopak.
And you won't spin in the dance,
And you won't march
And a fun song
You will not sing on a holiday!
Let the music fill everything around
Long live music, our common friend!

To the music, the Music Fairy enters the hall.

Music Fairy.

I call myself a fairy of music, friends!
And now I will meet you.
Take a look at my outfit -
There is a whole scale on the dress.

There are various icons
Even the treble clef.
I want to invite you friends
To the world of music and happiness.

Children, do you like music? What is music? What is music for? Do you want to know where the music came from? Then come with me to the Land of Music. There you will find many interesting and unusual things.

To the music of the polonaise, the children enter the hall.

Music Fairy. Here we are in the country of music. There is always music here. Do you know how music is born? (composed by composers). Yes. Composers are the most important inhabitants of my country. They compose music, and other inhabitants of this country help us to hear it. Who are they? (Musicians). Of course, musicians. And there are a lot of them in my country. How do they help us hear music? (using musical instruments). You're right. There are a lot of musical instruments in my country. Maybe you can name some of them?

Children name different musical instruments.

Music Fairy. Well done! You know a lot of tools. Today I will show you only a small part of the musical instruments of my country. And my riddles will help you find them:
To play on it
You may not know the notes
We will take sticks in our hands
Let's beat him harder.

That's right, a drum. And which of you guys will say which drum is an instrument - percussion, string or wind. (Shock) .and percussion instruments appeared before anyone else. After all, any solid object can be shock. Ancient people performed rhythmic dances, helping themselves by tapping a stick on a dry piece of wood, or beating one stone against another. When people learned to process the skins of animals, they noticed that if the skin of an animal is pulled over a wide vessel and hit with a stick on the dried skin, a loud sound will be produced. So the first drum appeared, and then the tambourine. What other percussion instruments do you know?(Spoons, tambourine, etc.) a little later, people learned to make tools from wood. They poured dried peas into a wooden or birch bark box - rattles and maracas were obtained. What other wooden instruments do you know?

We are spoons - talkers,
At least we have a dance, at least ditties!
We'll knock merrily
We invite everyone to dance.

I am a cheerful sonorous tambourine!
We will not be bored with you!

Let's take these instruments and play them.

Children's orchestra performs a cheerful Russian folk melody.

Presenter: How much fun you have Fairy Music in your Land of Music. And we saw very interesting instruments - bells. Will you show us how to play with them?

Fairy Music performs an exercise with the children.

The bells woke up(stretch on toes)
Stretched, pulled...(looking up)
High, high
They are nice and easy!
The breeze flew by
shook the bells,
(the boy “breeze” runs among the children)
Left, right swayed(tilts to the sides alternately)
And quietly ducked!(squat, hands behind head)
Wind, fly away(boy - “breeze” runs away)
Don't break the bell!
Let them ring in the hall here
(ringing bells)
Bring joy to music!

Music Fairy: Now guess another riddle:

Oh, she's ringing, she's ringing
Makes everyone happy with the game
And only three strings
She needs music.(Balalaika) .

That's right, balalaika. Balalaika is a stringed instrument. What other stringed instruments do you know? (The children answer. In distant, distant times, when there were many wild animals in the forests, man invented a weapon for hunting them - a bow and arrows.(Shows ). You probably know how bows are made. They take a thick branch, bend it and tie the two ends of this branch with a bowstring. When a person pulled the bowstring and then released it, the bowstring made a pleasant melodic sound. The thinner the bowstring was and the tighter it was stretched, the more subtle and gentle the sound. Then a man pulled several strings of different thicknesses. This is how the first stringed instruments appeared. See what stringed instruments are on my table? Name them.(Children answer ). Listen to the song with guitar accompaniment.

Listening to the soundtrack of music performed by the guitar.

Music Fairy: And now I will ask you another riddle:

If you blow into it
He sings very cheerfully
Everyone plays it
Guess right away!
“Doo-doo-doo, yes-yes-yes!” -
This is how she always sings.
Not a stick, not a tube.
But what is it?(Pipe).

Right. The pipe belongs to the group of wind instruments. What wind instruments do you know?(Children answer ). Why do you think they are called that?(Children answer ). That's right, in order to get a sound, you need to blow into them, that's why they are called wind. A man blew into a sea shell, into a reed tube, into the horns of animals. Then a man came up with pipes, horns, flutes, pity, pipes. He improved the tools, came up with a lot of new ones. Let's play the game "Catch the pipe".

Game "Catch the pipe" (during the game, J.S. Bach’s “Joke” performed on a flute sounds)

One child plays the pipe, two others blindfolded catch him. The game is played 2-3 times.

Presenter: Guys, what wonderful instruments live in this country! But these instruments can play in an orchestra.

Listening to music performed by an orchestra of folk instruments.

Music Fairy: What musical instruments did we meet today?(With brass, strings and percussion) . Where did musical instruments come from? And now let's do a goodbye dance.

Pair dance (at the choice of the music director).

Music Fairy: Did you like my Land of Music? Do you want to be not only guests, but also residents of this country? Then you need to study music, try to learn more about it, learn to play a musical instrument. To do this, you need to be very patient, persistent, persistent. In the meantime, you go to kindergarten, come to visit me more often. You will learn a lot of interesting things about music here. Goodbye, see you again!

Children say goodbye to the Fairy of Music and leave the hall to the music.


At the noteBefore full of worries
She has been given an important task.
She is the basis of the scale,
She always needs to be there.

Re bring joy to everyone around
And for girlfriends chamomile tears.
Like a brook she calls
And everyone can hear from afar.

Mi loves peace, tranquility,
Magic golden month.
She dreams of beauty
And dedicates melodies to her.

F - visionary and poet
She has a bicycle
Winged with a bright lantern,
Rushing across the sky
F On him.

Salt loves the sun's bright light,
There is no lighter and cleaner note.
She grows beans in the garden,
You will certainly be served.

House notesLa from petals
She is a great connoisseur of flowers
Forest, garden, meadow,
Looks like herself
La on them.

A noteXi we are modest
She is the last one in the line.
Xi loves dreams and fairy tales
And baby blue eyes.

Every note has its own life
But together they are all family.
It contains seven magical"I" live
And they sing songs loudly.

Direction: Moral-patriotic.

Section: Cognition. Acquaintance with the surrounding world. man in history

cultures of the Russian North; life, traditions, nature, memories, famous people.

Purpose: Final consolidation of basic knowledge and concepts on a lexical topic:

"Russian North", through an entertaining quiz game.

Objectives: To analyze whether children are able to use previously acquired knowledge

about the Northern Territory. Learn to independently apply new terms and concepts in their own

answers. Activate the speech skills of children, along the way to consolidate the ability not to interrupt

listen to the answers to the end, complement each other. Continue to develop in preschoolers

moral and patriotic feelings for their small homeland, Arkhangelsk and respect for

famous countrymen.

Preliminary work: Parent meeting on the topic: “We all come from childhood!”,

Conversations: “The rich are the glad” (gifts of the northern region). “Memorable places of our city”,

“Four stations.”, “Nature of the native land”, “Inhabitants of the White Sea”, “How the city arose

Arkhangelsk”, “Mikhailo Lomonosov”, “Traditions, way of life, crafts of northerners”.

Acquaintance with the song and game heritage of the North, as part of musical didactics

cal games, together with the musical director.

Bus tour to the Museum of Wooden Architecture "Small Karely", excursion

to the children's library, topics: "Northern fairy tale writers: Shergin and Pisakhov".

"Old and new Arkhangelsk: streets and avenues", viewing postcards, slides, layouts.

Exhibition of drawings "Favorite city!", "Northern paintings".


(The music “We are starting KVN” sounds, the children enter the hall, stand opposite each other)

Host: We are starting KVN! Hello to all four winds! Today in this room there are two

great teams will compete and win. Hello Little Experts

big North. The team on the right is called the Polar Bears, the team on the left is the Reindeer.

Each team has prepared a greeting, but before we see it and appreciate it, I want

Ved.; And now we look and listen to the business card that the first team will present.

(Children play along on whistles, spoons, rattles)

Captain: Pomeranian ditties! Native, not overseas!!!

1 child: We live in the North. We know a lot about him

You Pomeranian ditties and play and sing.

2 child: How a boat sailed along the Northern Dvina,

I am a fighting girl - Arkhangelsk City!

3rd child: Oh! North-North! Mosquitoes and midges!

I'll pick up yellow cloudberries in a box.

4 child: Grandfathers were codfish eaters, well, we are not far behind,

We catch the White Sea herring, salt and chew!

5 child: Our pride, our glory is Mikhail Lomonosov!

So that the Power became famous, I went to Moscow for the mind !!!

Sing together: Oh! Mind is good, but four is better!

All the same, our “bear” will receive the main prize!

Moderator: Thanks to the Polar Bears team! sit down. Let's listen to your opponents.

The Reindeer team presents its visiting card.

Captain: (speak with a Pomeranian singsong accent)

Hello to all four winds! Our girls, yes, robyata, day in and day out, plow in the field,

and at night everyone sings and dances.

KHOROVODAYA ​​PLYSOVAYA: "We curl the cabbage."

All together at the end of the dance: We both sing and dance

And play the flute!

Where can you compete with us

We are smarter not to find!

Moderator: The jury will evaluate your greetings, and we will start the FIRST competition.

It's called "WARM-UP". I will ask questions to each team in turn.

Correct answer - 1 point! You can’t interrupt, you can supplement. Let’s start!


1-Which king began to build a fleet in Arkhangelsk? (Peter 1)

2-What animal never changes its white fur to gray? (polar bear)

3- Who is Boris Shergin? (story writer)

4-Which great scientist was born and raised in the Arkhangelsk region? (M.Lomonosov)

5-What berry is called northern pineapple? (cloudberry)

6-What is depicted on the coat of arms of Arkhangelsk? (Archangel Michael strikes the angel of darkness with a spear)

7- What is shown on this postcard? (Museum of Small Karely)

8-What berry grows only in a swamp? (cranberry)

9-Who did the architect depict on the obelisk of the North? (reindeer breeder with deer)

10-By the decree of which king was our city founded in 1584? (Petra1)

11-What is shown on the postcard? (Solovki Islands)

12-What is the name of the pedestrian street-alley in the city center? (Chumbarovka)

13-How did the Pomors greet each other when they met? (hello to all four winds!)

14-What is named after Lomonosov in our city? (Project, Drama Theatre, University)

15-Which city stands on the banks of the Northern Dvina? (Arkhangelsk)

16-Which city stands on the shores of the White Sea? (Severodvinsk)

17-What kind of fish did the Pomors salt, smoke, boil, bake in kulebyaki and kurniki?

18-What is the name of the white whale sailing every year in the White Sea? (beluga whale)

Host: Well done! Did great!!! (the jury sums up the results of the 1st competition)

You have shown good knowledge about your native land. The next competition is


(on 2 easels there are tasks for each group of players, in the center of the sheet

the letter "A", rays with slots are drawn from it)

Host: Attention! Second contest! Postcards with views are laid out on the sotols near you

different cities. At my command, all the players run to their tables looking for postcards with a panorama

Arkhangelsk and insert them into the slots so that you get a Ferris Wheel. STARTED!

(the jury evaluates the result)

Leading: The third competition of experts, it is called "SMART AND SMART".

(two crossword puzzles are located in the center of the hall, children come up to them to read

and enter tasks in the cells. (With a little help from educators)


1-D.A. Medvedev awarded Arkhangelsk the title of a city of military ... .. (glory)

2-What is the name of the profession of a person who carves figures from animal bones?

(bone cutter)

3-Add the name of the monument, in honor of the heroes of the liberators on the embankment,


4-Wooden buildings in the Little Karely Museum are made without a single .... (nail)


1-This is the name of the young north wind and the song and dance ensemble in Arkhangelsk.


2-A natural phenomenon that happens only in the North, white .... (nights)

3-Transport that ran on rails in our city? (tram)

4-In honor of which astronaut is the street in the city center named? (Gagarina)

Moderator: While our jury is summing up the results of two competitions, we will provide

word to the team captains. They prepared our homework for us.

Let's listen to the story

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