ON THE. Nekrasov "Who should live well in Rus'": description, heroes, analysis of the poem


Rus' is a country in which even poverty has its charms. After all, the poor, who are a slave to the power of the landowners of that time, have time to reflect and see what the fat landowner will never see.

Once upon a time, on the most ordinary road, where there was a crossroads, men, of whom there were as many as seven, accidentally met. These men are the most ordinary poor men who were brought together by fate itself. The peasants have recently left the serfs, now they are temporarily liable. They, as it turned out, lived very close to each other. Their villages were adjacent - the village of Zaplatov, Razutov, Dyryavin, Znobishin, as well as Gorelova, Neelova and Neurozhayka. The names of the villages are very peculiar, but to some extent, they reflect their owners.

The men are simple people, and willing to talk. That is why, instead of just continuing their long journey, they decide to talk. They argue about which of the rich and noble people lives better. A landowner, an official, an al boyar or a merchant, or maybe even a sovereign father? Each of them has their own opinions, which they cherish and do not want to agree with each other. The dispute flares up more strongly, but nevertheless, I want to eat. You can't live without food, even if you feel bad and sad. When they argued, without noticing it themselves, they walked, but in the wrong direction. They suddenly noticed it, but it was too late. The peasants gave the maz a full thirty versts.

It was too late to return home, and therefore we decided to continue the dispute right there on the road, surrounded by wild nature. They quickly build a fire to keep warm, because it is already evening. Vodka - to help them. The argument, as it always happens with ordinary men, develops into a brawl. The fight ends, but it does not give any result. As always happens, the decision to be here is unexpected. One of the company of men, sees a bird and catches it, the bird's mother, in order to free her chick, tells them about the self-assembly tablecloth. After all, the peasants on their way meet many people who, alas, do not have the happiness that the peasants are looking for. But they do not despair of finding a happy person.

Read the summary To whom in Rus' to live well Nekrasov chapter by chapter

Part 1. Prologue

Met on the road seven temporarily assigned men. They began to argue who lives funny, very freely in Rus'. While they were arguing, evening came, they went for vodka, lit a fire and began to argue again. The argument turned into a fight, while Pahom caught a small chick. A mother bird arrives and asks to let her child go in exchange for a story about where to get a self-assembled tablecloth. The comrades decide to go wherever they look until they find out who in Rus' has a good life.

Chapter 1. Pop

The men go on a hike. Steppes, fields, abandoned houses pass, they meet both the rich and the poor. They asked the soldier they met about whether he lives happily, in response the soldier said that he shaves with an awl and warms himself with smoke. They passed by the priest. We decided to ask how he lives in Rus'. Pop argues that happiness is not in well-being, luxury and tranquility. And he proves that he does not have peace, at night and during the day they can call to the dying, that his son cannot learn to read and write, that he often sees sobs with tears at the coffins.

The priest asserts that the landlords have scattered over their native land, and now there is no wealth from this, as the priest used to have wealth. In the old days, he attended the weddings of rich people and made money on it, but now everyone has left. He told that he would come to a peasant family to bury the breadwinner, and there was nothing to take from them. The priest went on his way.

Chapter 2

Wherever men go, they see stingy housing. The pilgrim washes his horse in the river, the men ask him where the people from the village have disappeared. He replies that the fair is today in the village of Kuzminskaya. The men, having come to the fair, watch how honest people dance, walk, drink. And they look at how one old man asks the people for help. He promised his granddaughter to bring a gift, but he does not have two hryvnias.

Then a gentleman appears, as they call a young man in a red shirt, and buys shoes for the old man's granddaughter. At the fair you can find everything your heart desires: books by Gogol, Belinsky, portraits and so on. Travelers watch a performance with the participation of Petrushka, people give the actors drinks and a lot of money.

Chapter 3

Returning home after the holiday, people from drunkenness fell into ditches, the women fought, complaining about life. Veretennikov, the one who bought the shoes for his granddaughter, was walking, arguing that the Russian people are good and smart, but drunkenness spoils everything, being a big minus for people. The men told Veretennikov about Nagoi Yakim. This guy lived in St. Petersburg and after a quarrel with a merchant ended up in prison. Once he gave his son different pictures, hung on the walls and he admired them more than his son. Once there was a fire, so instead of saving money, he began to collect pictures.

His money melted, and then only eleven rubles were given by merchants for them, and now pictures are hanging on the walls in the new house. Yakim said that the peasants did not lie and said that sadness would come and the people would be sad if they stopped drinking. Then the young people began to sing a song, and they sang so well that one girl passing by could not even hold back her tears. She complained that her husband was very jealous and she was sitting at home as if on a leash. After the story, the men began to remember their wives, realized that they were missing them and decided to quickly find out who lives well in Rus'.

Chapter 4

Travelers, passing by the idle crowd, are looking for happy people in it, promising them a drink. The clerk was the first to come to them, knowing that happiness is not in luxury and wealth, but in faith in God. He told me that he believes and that he is happy. Following the old woman talks about her happiness, the turnip in her garden has grown huge and appetizing. In response, she hears ridicule and advice to go home. After the soldier tells the story that after twenty battles he remained alive, that he survived the famine and did not die, that he was happy with this. Gets a glass of vodka and leaves. Stonecutter wields a large hammer, his strength is immeasurable.

In response, the thin man ridicules him, advising him not to show off his strength, otherwise God will take away that strength. The contractor boasts that he carried objects weighing fourteen pounds with ease to the second floor, but recently he lost his strength and was about to die in his native city. A nobleman came to them, told them that he lived with the mistress, ate very well with them, he drank drinks from other people's glasses and developed a strange illness. He was mistaken several times in the diagnosis, but in the end it turned out that it was gout. The wanderers drive him out so that he does not drink wine with them. Then the Belarusian told that happiness is in bread. The beggars see happiness in large alms. The vodka is running out, but they haven’t really found a happy one, they are advised to seek happiness from Ermila Girin, who runs the mill. Yermil is ordered to sell it, wins the auction, but he has no money.

He went to ask the people in the square for a loan, collected money, and the mill became his property. The next day, he returned to all the kind people who helped him in difficult times, their money. Travelers were amazed that the people believed in the words of Yermila and helped. Good people said that Yermila was a clerk for the colonel. He worked honestly, but he was driven away. When the colonel died and it was time to choose a steward, everyone unanimously chose Yermila. Someone said that Yermila did not correctly judge the son of a peasant woman, Nenila Vlasyevna.

Yermila was very sad that he could let down a peasant woman. He ordered the people to judge him, the young man was fined. He quit his job and rented a mill, determined his own order on it. Travelers were advised to go to Kirin, but the people said that he was in jail. And then everything is interrupted because, on the side of the road, a lackey is whipped for theft. The wanderers asked to continue the story, in response they heard a promise to continue at the next meeting.

Chapter 5

The wanderers meet a landowner who takes them for thieves and even threatens them with a gun. Obolt Obolduev, having understood people, started a story about the antiquity of his family, that while serving the sovereign he had a salary of two rubles. He recalls feasts rich in various foods, servants, which he had a whole regiment. Regrets the lost unlimited power. The landowner told how kind he was, how people prayed in his house, how spiritual purity was created in his house. And now their gardens have been cut down, houses have been dismantled brick by brick, the forest has been plundered, there is not a trace left of the former life. The landowner complains that he was not created for such a life, having lived in the village for forty years, he will not be able to distinguish barley from rye, but they demand that he work. The landowner weeps, the people sympathize with him.

Part 2

Wanderers, walking past the hayfield, decide to mow a bit, they are bored with work. The gray-haired man Vlas drives the women from the fields, asking them not to interfere with the landowner. In the river in boats the landowners are catching fish. We moored and went around the hayfield. The wanderers began to ask the peasant about the landowner. It turned out that the sons, in collusion with the people, deliberately indulge the master so that he does not deprive them of their inheritance. The sons beg everyone to play along with them. One peasant Ipat, without playing along, serves, for the salvation that the master gave him. Over time, everyone gets used to the deception and so they live. Only the peasant Agap Petrov did not want to play these games. The duckling caught the second blow, but again he woke up and ordered Agap to be flogged in public. The sons put the wine in the stable and asked to shout loudly so that the prince could hear up to the porch. But soon Agap died, they say from the prince's wine. The people stand in front of the porch and play a comedy, one rich man breaks down and laughs out loud. The peasant woman saves the situation, falls at the feet of the prince, claiming that her stupid little son was laughing. As soon as Utyatin died, all the people breathed freely.

Part 3. Peasant woman

To ask about happiness, they send to the neighboring village to Matryona Timofeevna. There is hunger and poverty in the village. Someone in the river caught a small fish and talks about the fact that once the fish were caught larger.

Theft is rampant, someone is dragging something away. Travelers find Matryona Timofeevna. She insists that she does not have time to rant, it is necessary to clean the rye. Wanderers help her, during the work Timofeevna begins to willingly talk about her life.

Chapter 1

The girl in her youth had a strong family. She lived in her parents' house without knowing the troubles, there was enough time to have fun and work. One day, Philip Korchagin appeared, and the father promised to marry his daughter. Matrena resisted for a long time, but eventually agreed.

Chapter 2. Songs

Further, the story is already about life in the house of the father-in-law and mother-in-law, which is interrupted by sad songs. They beat her once for her slowness. The husband leaves for work, and she has a child. She calls him Demushka. Her husband's parents began to scold often, but she endures everything. Only the father-in-law, old man Savely, felt sorry for his daughter-in-law.

Chapter 3

He lived in the upper room, did not like his family and did not let him into his house. He told Matryona about his life. In his youth, he was a Jew in a serf family. The village was deaf, through thickets and swamps it was necessary to get there. The landowner in the village was Shalashnikov, only he could not get to the village, and the peasants did not even go to him when called. The quitrent was not paid, the police were given fish and honey as tribute. They went to the master, complained that there was no quitrent. Threatened with a flogging, the landowner nevertheless received his tribute. After some time, a notification arrives that Shalashnikov has been killed.

The rogue came instead of the landowner. He ordered to cut trees if there is no money. When the workers came to their senses, they realized that they had cut a road to the village. The German robbed them to the last penny. Vogel built a factory and ordered a ditch to be dug. The peasants sat down to rest at lunch, the German went to scold them for their idleness. They pushed him into a ditch and buried him alive. He went to hard labor, twenty years later he escaped from there. During hard labor he saved up money, built a hut and now lives there.

Chapter 4

The daughter-in-law scolded the girl for not working much. She began to leave her son to his grandfather. Grandfather ran to the field, told about what he overlooked and fed Demushka to the pigs. The grief of the mother was not enough, but also the police began to come often, they suspected that she had killed the child on purpose. The baby was buried in a closed coffin, she mourned for a long time. And Savely calmed her down.

Chapter 5

As you die, so the work got up. The father-in-law decided to teach a lesson and beat the bride. She began to beg to kill her, the father took pity. Around the clock, the mother mourned at the grave of her son. In winter, the husband returned. Grandfather went out of grief from the beginning to the forest, then to the monastery. After Matryona gave birth every year. And again came a series of troubles. Timofeevna's parents died. Grandfather returned from the monastery, asked for forgiveness from his mother, said that he had prayed for Demushka. But he did not live long, he died very hard. Before his death, he spoke about three ways of life for women and two ways for men. Four years later, a praying man came to the village.

She talked about some beliefs, advised not to breastfeed babies on fast days. Timofeevna did not listen, then she regretted it, says God punished her. When her child, Fedot, was eight years old, he began to pasture sheep. And somehow they came to complain about him. It is said that he fed the sheep to the she-wolf. Mother began to question Fedot. The child said that he did not have time to blink an eye, as out of nowhere, a she-wolf appeared and grabbed a sheep. He ran after him, caught up, but the sheep was dead. The she-wolf howled, it was clear that somewhere in the hole she had babies. He took pity on her and handed over the dead sheep. They tried to flog Fethod, but the mother took all the punishment upon herself.

Chapter 6

Matryona Timofeevna said that it was not easy for her son to see the she-wolf then. Believes that it was a harbinger of hunger. The mother-in-law spread all the gossip around the village about Matryona. She said that her daughter-in-law croaked hunger because she knew how to do such things. She said that her husband was protecting her. And so, if it weren’t for her son, they would have long ago been beaten to death with stakes for such things.

After the hunger strike, they began to take the guys from the villages to the service. First they took her husband's brother, she was calm that in difficult times her husband would be with her. But in no queue they took away her husband. Life becomes unbearable, mother-in-law and father-in-law begin to mock her even more.

Picture or drawing Who lives well in Rus'

Other retellings and reviews for the reader's diary

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  • Astafiev

    On May 1, 1924, Viktor Petrovich Astafiev was born in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. His family was peasant. He was the third child. When the boy was 7 years old, his father went to prison. A couple of years later, he was left without his mother, she died

  • Summary War and Peace 1 volume in parts and chapters

    In the first volume, the reader is introduced to the main characters: Pierre Bezukhov, Andrei Bolkonsky, the Rostov family, and Princess Mary. The reader is also given a description of the first military operations with France and a description of historical figures.


In what year - count

In what land - guess

On the pillar path

Seven men got together...

Seven not at all attached,

In that area abandoned,

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

From adjacent villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted too.

They agreed, as of old, - they argued ... -

From the older generation

That one, the Soviet one,

Although from the countryside, -

It has been read...

Read and Nekrasov

Light Nikolay Lyakseecha...

And, as they agreed, they argued

At least take out the saints:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the farmer,

Now he is for the landowner ...

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan said without hesitation,

Luke said - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom strained

In a tablet beaten looking:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmoud said: to the king!

To each his own

The lanes are wandering around:

He went to the car service

Get the piston for the tractor,

And he walked to the track

So that his ancient "Niva"

Already the second day stalled

Taken in tow.

And the third with linden honey

To the gypsy dealer

And two brothers Gubina

In Kidalovo coven,

Pahom - so homeless ...

Mahmoud - he is a clear matter:

Got away from friends

Uzbek countrymen,

Found a Russian wife

And quickly became obsessed

And beget children...

They go to be bold,

Yell - do not calm down,

Like on TV

Gathered on the talk show...

They didn't notice the controversy

How the dark night fell

Still dew combustible,

Yes, the knocker knocked ...

But experienced men

Don't lose heart, dear

They lit a fire, formed,

Two ran for vodka ...

No ent pokedov

You can't, don't ask...

Ate and ate

They drank - but argued:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

Roman yells that the farmer -

Now he is for the landowner!

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan screams without rest,

Luke is buzzing - ass,

No, stupid manager! -

The Gubin brothers got stuck,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pahom is swaggering,

The tablet is no longer looking:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud yells: to the king!

And the night, the terrible night,

At least gouge out the last eye -

Grabbed in hand-to-hand -

The dark forest hummed!

And no, in a warm office

Sitting at the computer

And Google quietly rummaged

And everything was calmly found out:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

But since antiquity it has been verified

Grandfathers established -

Plenty of cones stuffed! -

What is the truth-womb clean

The Internet doesn't!

It could, of course,

On-line catch and farmer

And to the Duma deputy

Write in email

And to the fat manager

Go to the site with a question

Ass in contact to calculate

And even in the oligarch

With clever hackers

Organize a ministerial...

But there's no chance here

What can unsubscribe!

King? At the press conference

For all Rus' it is allowed

Ask your questions...

And we are silent about the answer!

Having waved at a difficult matter,

To this virtual

Not at all masculine

Men decided:

As it used to be in the old days

Walk, take a walk

Where by hitchhiking, by train,

And where is the peshkodalchik

For Mother Rus'!

And the tablecloth is samobranochka ...

As in a fairy tale - we do not need!

What kind of fairy tales...

Until fairy tales now ...

You go from mountain to hill -

You will find both a house and a crust,

And drinks and snacks

And this is my God!

alcohol, solvents,

various dyes,

rocket launchers,

Where's the cologne...

And how is it, at Nekrasov's

Everything is beautifully painted

Painted, painted:

What, they say, a pood of bread,

Yes, a bucket of vodka

Yes, in the morning - cucumbers,

Yes, at noon would be on a jug

cold kvass,

And in the evening by the teapot,

Such as Sukhov's ...

Reading - drooling -

Pour and serve:

Oh what fun it was

Feel free in Rus'!

That life was a collective farm,

That life was Soviet,

Soviet "stagnant" -

With wide feasts -

Here are self-assemblies of the century!

You a hole from the lamb -

We wound up self-made

They stole ... the land was sold

And they rented it out!

They fought with the urks,

Then the Chinese with the Turks

Not rye will be sown with buckwheat

(And there's nothing to eat here...)

And not oats with wheat,

And rice with beans, yes with soy,

Or maybe hemp...

And then on arable land

Godfathers came in large numbers -

cottage villages,

Forests, fields, lakes

They put up a fence!

And the rest of the men

Hired as guards

And a homeless brother

Chasing from the gate...

Still on arable land

factories built,

Foreign iron

Free to collect.

Their factories are broken

Long since razed to the ground

And from other people's profits

Sailing across the ocean!

But - work places,

They are very eager

For just three pennies

There are men out there...

And what would be for the Fatherland -

Yes, there is nothing right:

Yes, only smoke and slag! -

Tajik is there like a donkey ...

But it's south... north

Where the field is full of clover

The river of milk flowed,

Yes, sour ... and now

Not heard in the plowman's field,

The fields are not plowed at all:

All the youth have gone

Let the men sleep.

Forests standing in the fields,

Harvesters are like lizards

Rust to the south,

As in the ancient Yura.

So we are without self-branching ...

Already we are on restructuring

endured this,

What God forbid!

Let's fix the old Niva

And we'll sit down the old fashioned way,

And let's get in all the way!

They said they got down to business:

Jets in the carburetor

Blowed out, poured oil -

In the box - vegetable oil,

And the tar is in the salen block.

Yes, the valves have been debugged,

You look - and earned,

grunted, snorted,

She blew black smoke...

Everyone exhaled, grunted

And the whole company got in ...

She is twice as much

Known inside...

And got in... and went

And they go to Rus' ...

Gasoline sometimes runs out -

Get birch sap

Moonshine will be added...

And if downhill -

That is without gasoline at all -

Roads are free

In abundance in Rus'!

Everywhere the Niva is old,

Battered and rusty

Passes - oh-oh-oh!

And if it happens somewhere

There is a Mirgorod puddle,

Which wide

And the goldeneye is rare, really,

Will fly again...

In which pikes are found,

Whales are sometimes born

And then - enemy submarines

They pop up at night...

They give gas - and with a walker ...

And if they sit in a puddle,

That's seven men -

Harnessed to the tow...

Or just taken out by handles,

Put on the path

And... rolling again.

Chapter 1

About the peasant's share

Spoken and sung

And more - drunk ...

Why should we ask the peasants:

Baffle, bewilder,

Throw questions,

Care, mow...

Not yet at work

I don’t want to tell tales,

Although in my soul I leave,

And yet not for him...

No days off at the construction site

Works for seven

And seven of us in the trailer

Construction site lives...

And there they chew and wash,

Erase, pray to God,

So that they are laid off

Do not accidentally fall

Since the competition

The mouth hangs over them.

In our wagons

twelve millionaires

(And how many in the cellars

The same illegals!)

Live freely, have fun

On Mother Rus'.

Gave them an apartment

Or at least a communal apartment

Soviet power...

Yes, even before the revolution

Rented work room

In the basement, but with the family!

And the population multiplied...

As now - it didn’t cuddle ...

And then he could not -

Went with children and wives

And different icons

And others to the king...

And the then king, father,

Son-in-law to the German kings

Bang from rifles, -

Thank you for that! -

So that the kids do not go

With icons to the king!

They asked for a little:

So-and-so on trifles

And a day, no more

Well, ten o'clock...

Now even more

They work. humbly

They sit in their wagons

And to where - no, no!

And so that, as in the Soviet

Epoch - seven hours...

Forgotten about it

And filled with cement

Silence about this

And hooked teeth...

Who else should we ask

Men laughed...

Clearly, not a serviceman

Soldier not shy

Who serves the Motherland,

And remember tomorrow!

Politics - squalor:

Hot spots - many

And it's good if mothers

Two hundred cargo will be brought ...

And not to the black miner

Ile to the hard worker of the mountain,

Or just, brothers, to the welder -

What is there - I'm silent!

They are mired in inertia...

Yes, what is there, even in space, -

For no money

I won't fly myself! -

Live, is it fun

Free in the sky?..

Not to ask them, of course.

About happiness in Rus'.

That's how they roll

Sing, sin and repent,

In general, they philosophize

As usual:

Our paths are right

We have endless work

And stray from the cause of the right

Never destined...

Yes, here you shave with an awl,

And maybe you hope

And where are you going

From this track!

Is it uphill or downhill -

One way we go

And all around...

As long as they argued

Look: the car is new

Stuck in a rut...

In the car of this father

The surrounding village...

Trusting in God

Got in a Mercedes...

And here in our area

UAZ is needed, it means ...

UAZ God will not give out,

UAZ pig will not eat!

Kruchin's father is sitting,

And the tractors don't seem...

Gone somewhere in the past

Especially - Belarus ....

Here the men came -

They hooked it up at once, pulled it

And they pulled out the father

Entirely mud!

And as it should

Nekrasov is written

It's been planned in my heart for a long time

They asked the question:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

After all, we fought here,

Take out the saints...

Roman considers: a farmer,

He seems to be for the landowner ...

Demyan, that the deputy

Luka again - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers interpret,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom with a tablet, -

He with his plot:

Like, a fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud repeats: to the king!

Respond to us with mercy

Respond to us honestly

And if anything - I'm sorry:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

What is happiness according to you?

Peace, wealth, honor...

At the rural father's

Do not count everything...

Although anything happens

Others and with "chambers",

They take without "knowing honor"...

My Soul Hurts? - So we know...

Listen to confession...

Such soul-destruction

overseas series...

And then they will come and "donate"

Cursed bandits:

Don't take it, but take it!

As long as the temple is rebuilt -

What you can't burn.

And how do you build, build,

Here is the translation

In Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Where is this people...

Where to rebuild everything again -

And so - what year!

And with a grandmother's penny

There will be no turn...

And a mature man,

Well, like you, robbers,

Walking around God's temple...

So how can you be saved

And we interrupt

And between two rush

Distant shores:

Old women and thieves?..

To be saved is the right thing, -

The Gubin brothers said, -

Let's move around

Here is this ancient Niva

For a new Mercedes!

She is miserable -

This ignition:

Will it fade, will it fade

Not how much we ride

How much we drag ...

And your crossover

They would travel all over Rus' at once, -

Don't slow down here -

And instantly recognized, recognized

Who is having fun.

Feel free in Rus'...

And what about me, dear ones,

My arrival is not small,

There, here I wander,

And then they will call to the lord,

So, go to the city!

And you are on our Nivushka.

It is soul-saving

And everywhere passing ...

And the priest is ruling

Does he recognize me?

Lord have mercy on you

The Lord recognizes the meek...

The Lord is high

And sponsoring deputies

Can't see far...

On the Niva you will roll up to them, -

So total lapel

From the very gates...

What's from the crossserver window,

Even if you cut two axles,

You don't know, you don't see

What is there, in Rus'!

Well, it didn't happen anyway.

That car, Soviet

to the new German

Change guys...

Yet they bowed

And kissed the pen,

And everyone is blessed

Keep the path far

Since a foreign car

By Craft as a gift ...

After all, neither Nissan nor Lexia,

Neither complete set

Can't cancel

Holy grace...


Well, how can we do without a fair,

Well, how about without a party

In the village of the great Prahovo

The men are walking...

There are girls with laughter

Some with fur, some with holes,

Yes, half the world has gathered here:

Walk, so walk.

Well, right here we find out

That's right, let's try

Well, for sure - let's get to the bottom -

Who do not ask:

Who's having fun

Feel free in Rus'!

They go to the market

They go to the main square -

How many are traded here

Nothing to trade! -

And how many are dabbling here

Appreciate and pout...

Ride, kiss

And they dance - do not appease ...

"Tatarga-matatarga -

daring fair

With frisky dancers,

Mostly sober…”

Yes, sober only until the time -

Get rid of the burden

Pocket coppers...

Our habit is Russian,

The path is narrow

Yes, we are talking about that

Let's not help...

Everything is well described there.

Our Nekrasov! -

All the marketplace is a disgrace,

Everything is a shambles...

All roam-lu-li!

And dancers with harmonies -

Not a little came in large numbers,

Already Indo from America

Walking with a harmonica:

Good-bye, my dear girl, good-bye!

I go to Alabama...

And my love story have the end

Goodbye dear

I'm off to Alabama!

Might be the last time

On you taram-there-there.

I was in Oklahoma

I stenciled the container.

Oklahoma jumped -

I didn't even notice...

I found my wife

On the New Floundland Peninsula...

This is and this is

Glory to you Lord!

We are New York girls

We are nayanki!

We won't disappear anywhere

Not at any party!

We are the Chicago boys

We are hedgehog guys!

If someone touches Chicago -

Shiny knives.

Our banjo played

I put a cent for twenty-five:

Come out to the octagon, -

Ours will endure again!

The banjo rang loudly:

I'll give you twenty-five cents.

Our little gang

Hooted again.

Living in Washington is not bad

Not life, but simply paradise!

Tired of kerosene, -

Prick and sunbathe!

Oh, my mother-in-law

Give me a hangover!

Your plastic cat

So it doesn't move!

Oh, son-in-law you, my son-in-law,

Something I can't believe:

Under Kansas Man

Everyone moves!

Past mother-in-law's blog

I don't go without jokes

Then I’ll drop something in the email,

I'll show you in touch!

And the local harmonists,

Russian harmonists

Of course, they respond

Try to keep:

You are a man, you are a man

Rusty car...

I thought to jump for a century -

The spring broke...

Perestroika passed,

The shootout has begun...

To conduct a roll call -

There is not a shish left!

mortgage, mortgage,

What have you done!

Impotent man

Done instantly!

Raise, bastards, minimum wage,

And people keep dying and dying...

What are you raising?

And you are not allowed to eat!

Harmonist, harmonist,

Purple erysipelas:

Oh, trouble, trouble, trouble -

Only because of Etova!

The ditties rang for a long time

And with pictures like this:

Earned a half

And they drank to the penny.

So the old beggar woman

There is nothing left to drop:

Druzhka from the friend removed the shavings -

It made my heart feel better...

Yes, how is it with Nekrasov,

At Nikolai Lyakseich, -

We have strayed from the truth

And lost the thread...

Write poems, it's -

Plow and harrow:

“It’s not the violent winds that blow,

Not mother earth sways -

Noises, sings, swears,

sways, rolls,

Fighting and kissing

The people are on holiday!”

Two centuries have passed

What has changed...

The people are noticeably at a loss

And drinks for the missing...

And for a long time they called:

"who are happy,

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

But everyone around was laughing:

“Who, they say, have read,

Burnt, what have you got ...

Who do not ask here -

Laugh without measure fun

Freely in Rus'! .. "


There is an old KAMAZ

The man in the shoulders is not small

Potatoes and beets

Thinking of trading...

His trade is brisk

He himself flies in threes,

The very one that

Where are you flying, they say, Rus'?

Came - not dusty

Come and bow down

Seven burly men.

He knocked on his knees

He shook a little

And the crown of the head itched

(Let's write better - temyachko)

That farmer...

In an apron, in a robe,

With hidden "traumatic"

Yes, you can barely grab -

When there are seven

Fit randomly.

Ten he is not timid,

He is not fragile,

But there were so many

Can't describe in verse

And do not rhyme -

Since only "mother" ...

But the men bowed

And hats off

And then shared

History is simple:

We ourselves, - apparently read, -

Agreed, - so God counted, -

And here we carry our cross -

Seven completely restless,

From the realm of the Forsaken

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

From adjacent villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted too.

Agreed, as of old, - argued -

Well, just like Nekrasov

Light Nikolay Lyakseecha...

Agreed and argued

At least take out the saints:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman considers: a farmer,

You're like a landlord...

Demyan, that the deputy

Luke insists - ass,

No, the stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers interpret,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pahom is forgetful

A little mumbling inconsistently:

Like, a fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmud his: to the king!

Answer us according to your conscience ... -

After all, there is no sadder story -

What to ask, inquire:

I don't want to tempt fate

No matter how you squint your eyes ... -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Let me be the landowner

But you look at things

And judge for yourself

Do I have fun

Feel free in Rus'!

I'll start from a long time ago

And I will tell you

About the family tree -

Whatever there is...

My great-grandfather is in the local parish

Walked properly in the elders ...

That was under the landowners,

That was under the kings...

At the master's clerk,

Epic, storyteller

And at the parish was listed

Psalmist, reader...

Pious breed...

And after the king gave freedom, -

He is a milling business

For eight suppliers

Started here. Nekrasov himself

Came here...

I won't lie - maybe

I wrote off Yermila from him,

Or maybe not from him.

And my grandfather said by the way

(Is he telling a fairy tale!)

What was in the Mazai family ...

Like rivers flowing into the sea

Smoke rises to the sky...

Revolutions broke out

Reamers, resolutions,

Citizen - God save! -

Rus' moved from the axis ...

And here we almost healed

Feel free in Rus'...

The land was rich

There is no order, no way ...

And so collective farms

We changed the combo...

But the enemy of the native hut

He came and robs, burns ...

"The earth, you see, is rich ..." -

And the terrible "ordung" awaits!

Through all the steppes and tracts

Growing up - so-so-so!

Father left the tractor

And moved to the tank.

For Rus', for Stalin they shouted

Near Leningrad and Moscow

“The tanks rumbled across the field,

The soldiers went to the last battle ...

A blank hit the armor,

Farewell dear crew ... "

And what will remain of the tank -

You won't give a penny on market day!

And what will happen from the tanker ...

But man is stronger than armor...

And so they converged in a clean field

They and us, we and them...

Father burned four times

"It burned, it burned, but it didn't burn!"

And death, fascist infection,

I've taken aim many times...

Changed drives and tracks

And they sang, looking at the dawn:

“They say, in the next attack

I will definitely burn…”

But apparently the ancestors prayed -

And a flour miller and a grain grower, -

Grinded, grinded

And Hitler was driven into a coffin ...

Why all this song?

Think and ask...

Riding home in wagons

Legless cripples,

But they breathed fun

Feel free in Rus'...

Oh, how fun it was to breathe

Feel free in Rus'!

Father of the call of the first

Came from the war with medals

For courage with medals,

But without a hand...

Him to us on a lorry

Brought with respect...

Was elected chairman

Worked with mother

She is then a milkmaid,

The girl was...

Stoves with pipes stuck out

And into these pipes are rough

At night the wind sang...

They broke, hunched,

The village was raised - to the city

Support that village!

Legless - wagons,

Fed by echelons,

Who robbed - the one from the pay and ...

And our dad is without a hand

Plowed for four ...

But what would be bitter to try -

No-no, no-no, no-no!

Although I went to the chiefs,

And mother in silence -

Cans for handles and

Loaded milk...

Bottomless cans

Forty liters each ... tons

Doi, drain, drag,

Yes, just do not crack!

And gave birth to six of us -

That's it, ordered the Motherland!

And yet, who ordered it?

The Russian soul asked

Our plain is sad,

Where the lark sang...

I was born last...

The latter is not a freak ...

That year with the Father of Nations

Farewell to all the people ...

And our collective farm is under the father,

Everything else was an example -

By that time it was listed as:


Yes, it was under the Union and

Have you planted corn?

They poisoned the pesticide...

But still, still, still

Still not bad lived

Not bad in Rus'

Lord save us all!

And now, according to the restructuring

Thirty years have passed

Our order is in threes

Gone... and hello!

The earth is the same

There is no order, how not!

Yes, brothers, in the nineties,

When the brothers are hungry, -

Well, right, as in the Civil, -

Well, almost with clippings,

I walked through the fields...

And that's not how we were robbed,

How do these loans

The bankers are ripping us off...

The lads are now in the collectors -

The collector is pretty cool!

From that and instead of Burushka, -

We cut them long ago! -

Australian horse meat

Now they are being taken to Rus' ...

Yes, here's the left sausage

From soy, palm oil,

And also GMOs.

And there is no meat

And there is no hearing

But here - a hundred varieties -

For a hundred hungry mouths!

Why did this happen?

Since capital

Invisible poison

Soaked all souls ...

And what is going on in the state -

Not what is needed

For the Russian peasant

And what to the young lady ...

Let everyone die of cancer -

The bourgeois would not gasp -

For them, Mother Russia -

Raw material...


Goes downsizing

Around one "pragmatics"

And there is no love for people ...

On this one on "pragmatics"

According to the market "mathematics"

The village was just abandoned

The industry has been demolished!

Again comes illiteracy

Orphanhood, unemployment,

Just like before the revolution

But here's the problem:

Then - the ancient era! -

Needed a village

The grain was exported

And wait - they pump gas!

That's why with "pragmatics"

According to market dogma

A man like a worker

No one needs...

And to cover up the case -

To our Soviet system

They pour such a tub,

So, hemorrhoids...

Like, half the country was sitting,

And the floor, they say, in the guards ...

Although, in fact

Sitting even less

Under those leaders...

And what exactly, brothers -

I won't surprise you

Swear, so swear -

That's why I love Rus'!

Now half the country is trading,

And half the country is stealing

And the same - in the watchmen

Under the current leaders!

Yes, let it be with the Tatars,

Under the prince under any,

Although under Ivan the Terrible,

When building a fortress ...

What about the collective farm ... The main thing is

It would be a nice job!

And then they took it, threw it away,

And the general good...

After all, not everyone has a kulak

There is a gut.

And our land was sold -

Look for her, fist!

And here we sit at the Motherland,

How fistulas are on the navel!

All the youth have gone

Yes, the old man slept -

Rus' covered with holes

And now everything is a draw!

We need a chairman

And the Stalinist collective farm ...

And Borka ... he is a traitor

Threw everyone down the drain...

And behold, they are in trouble all around,

They steal, drink and burn...

They burned my first tractor...

What kind of "zer gut" is there!


And me with my sausage

Ran into the market...

Well, well, amused by a fairy tale,

Well, served!

And then they bowed:

Have mercy and save!

We have seen all this

Feel free in Rus'!

peasant woman

But even though it was not listed -

Babye! - in the beginning list,

But as you, right, remember -

After all, they are men! -

Not everything is between men... -

Roman said thoughtfully...

Find a happy

Demyan continued affectionately,

And the Gubins finished:

Let's touch the grandmother!

As thought, so said

As said, so done

But the question is who?...

And really, who to ask...

Not a dilapidated switch,

Which with coiled

Checkbox here on the step

Meets trains...

We're rolling in a car

She's in a hutch

Lost her age.

The barrier goes down -

Walks to bargain:

The salary is not great

And the kids in the city...

Comes with radishes in spring

And with onions, and with salad,

Then with a garden berry,

Then comes the mushrooms.

Chanterelles, milk mushrooms, mushrooms,

Oily, boletus,

And then a boletus!

There are few buyers...

Where are the helpers...

And I can't see my husband...

In winter, waving a crowbar

Ice breaks at the crossing and

With a whisk, with a shovel

In your seclusion

The age of women will live ...

The frenzied train rushed by

And in the windows everything is blocky ... -

But this song is sung...

Let's talk about this...

The barrier rises:

Bye Bye,

We drove...

We drove, we drove -

Here is the regional city

Spread over the hills

Arched along the river

With extinct factories

With great trumpets

In which there is not a haze!

During the Batev era

He is glorified,

In the age of John

And in the Troubled Ages.

Here the ancestors partisans

And even the Bonaparte

They were not taken prisoner by a miracle ...

And partisan again

In recent times

And the iron Wehrmacht

Broken back here.

Well, the factories are glorious,

Built under Stalin

Known all over Russia -

What to talk about...

Well, in general, the name of the city,

You can drop it here.

And what happened to him, glorious, ...

Again Batu marched

Ile Hitler with the Bonaparte

Made a parade...

No, what is it -

They would be uncovered instantly

And turned into smoke!

There's something a little harsher here.

Tunguska meteorite

Or an ancient plague...

City, famous in chronicles

miraculous transformation

Turned around nonetheless

In a continuous flea market -

People poke each other

Last sell...

Inflate, steal, snatch...

And yet our wanderers -

Until the women are now eager, -

Question to ask, of course -

No more...

To recognize and find out

To reveal the truth to the world:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

They look - a beauty rides

And become staunch slender,

Like in a fairy tale - high chest,

And the hair is dyed... -

Well, I don't know what.

It's just a white swan

Millionaire's wife

Escaped from the guards

Decided to walk...

And so they dared

Laugh, get angry:

Forgive me, - they shout, - beauty,

Wait, wait!

We bow down to you,

And we ask: no offense

Our difficult dilemma

The problem is reckless

Take it and decide! -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

The girl stumbled

Turned on them

Confused, confused

And her gaze faded...

And sat down on a bench

Sat down in front of a bar...

And it's pasted on the pole

And on the pole it says:

"Luba, Nadia, Vera,

cottage, sauna, love,

Twenty four hours,

Natasha, Masha, Dasha

And Sonya Marmeladova ... "

All pillars are marked

On all the pillars,

And, in general, there is nothing to do -

The men were silent:

They are a seasoned people

But so what! - out of hand...

Well, what will I answer you

By honor and conscience,

That there is no sadder story -

In order not to divorce you -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'...

I also ran to school

Haven't known trouble yet

I played with the boys

At the dance and then...

I'm addicted to smoking

And I learned to drink

And after the first drink

Pulled onto the mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...

How did you finish school

I do not remember. Like a doctor

I cleaned up for the third time.

And I hear: "Never!"

And I wanted love

I wanted a baby

Without a husband, even a child -

It's not my will...

Then I cried for a long time

I wanted to run away to my grandmother

Village forever.

Yes, my grandmother is dead

Deserted village

And you're not going anywhere

From the word: "Never!"

My friend Lyubochka -

So miserable -

Moved to Moscow a long time ago

Dispel sadness-longing:

To Moscow, to Moscow, to Moscow...

And there provincial women -

Natalkam and Tamarochkam:

Panel, panel. Panel...

And there she is a good fellow

Arranged a trip

And took out the red girl

In a sky-high brothel...

I'm here at least with a passport,

I work in my homeland

I cry to the procuress

Yes to the local cop...

And there she got

Remained a slave

And the third year from Lyubochka -

At least SMS!

I'm alive now - I don't know

In what country - I do not know

Or maybe there is no Lyubochka -

Save her Lord!

And there was little vodka, -

After all, soberly try

Lie down on a mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...


And I started smoking

And there is money - tingle,

And what will they give - to sniff,

But they won't give it - so - so ...

And there was a time before

In our green city

And they were, as in Ivanovo,

We are the city of brides!

But our factory was sold,

But it's all ruined

They destroyed our whole life -

What is there to say...

Laughed: "Komsomol"!

In a short tee...

Well, now they're gone...

Around the constitution

freedom of prostitution

Unemployment everywhere

And the poor - just darkness -

Take care of them all

Both zone and prison.

Our constitution

Rowing not according to the instructions:

All options and features

Offshore, restitution

(all the same - prostitution!)

They damage us.

Our constitution

Since the bourgeois revolution ...

And tears are flowing and...

And money - for cordon!

And here it is glued around:

Love love love,

Cottage, love and sauna

And even barbecue!

But kebabs and stuff -

After all, this is not about us:

We have a strict diet.

They give us doping.

Where to go - to the marketplace?

A cashier at a supermarket?

The last cleaner?

So it's already busy

Tajik, Uzbek,

And also a man!

Where is this seen:

The man at the checkout clicks...

Pinned the man!

And I want to eat, I want to eat...

And the output is on the panel ...

I'm standing at the restaurant:

Oh don't sing, don't sing, don't sing!

Marry late, die early,

Goodbye dear!

But there would be a factory,

Yes, I would work there!

winder, knitter,

Yes, even in OTC ...

I would be a Komsomol, -

What an anguish! -

Yes, I'm sure I'd marry

My man was not from the "roof"

And let him beat and drink,

But only would be, was!

And the pioneer kids

We would play rackets

But this story is amazing.

It hardly comes back ... -

Listen to the poor thing

Well, give it a puff... -

And the men fumbled

And mint Belomorina

She pulls ten hands ...

Since the Gubin brothers,

Pomeranian consent -

Don't smoke, for the life of me!

I'll ask you boys

Where does it all go

Why did it all give up

Did you succeed according to Daless? ..

And how is Dimidushka

Pig, Mad Mammon

Fed - I don’t know mail! -

Stupid grandfather?!

Yes, I know, I know - a sinner,

Burn me in hell, fry,

I pray to God fervently

When I'm not drunk!

Yes, I know - do not lather:

"Cottage, love and sauna" -

There are no washcloths!

But who lives vile,

Where I had no choice...

Where by force, where by vodka

They dragged me onto the mattress...

Oh, one more time

Many, many more times...

Better forty times a time

Than once - forty times ...


So who's vile life

Built all this around

"Freedom" cursed,

Like a millstone

Tied around your neck?

And now I'm diagnosed

Remained unemployed.

And at twenty-eight

I sit and wait for the end...

Well, why are you sad?

Well, they hung their noses

Now you see for yourself -

Lord save you all! -

How am I having fun...

And who is fun to live with

Feel free in Rus'! -

Here the men are downcast

They threw off their hats in front of her:

Sorry for the demand, my dear,

Don't blame us fools! -

Scored that there are little things -

She hasn't accepted yet.

Didn't take any...

Well, here's another, started:

It's not about women

Happy looking.

Do you remember Nekrasov,

Our school program, -

What did the woman say to them...

You need to know the program:

"I'm not trampled with my feet,

Not tied with ropes

Not pierced with needles...

What else do you want?

And I'm trampled in every way -

Not the first night to the master,

A thousand and one!

And knitted and crucified

And how the veins are stabbed -

Come and have a look!


Go to the farmer

(Let him go for the landowner!)

Yes, to the Duma deputy,

Yes, even to the priest,

Let the stupid manager

Or to the fat oligarch,

to the lop-eared minister,

Or maybe the king!

That's what you need to ask them -

Even bite your elbow, -

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!..


And here's the last chapter

Last, cherished

Now we find out

We'll get to the truth...

Let's get to the bottom and find out

According to Father Nekrasov,

According to Gogol, according to Gorky,

According to Fyodor Mikhailych,

Yesenin, Platonov,

According to Sholokhov, well ...

According to Shukshin, Vampilov,

Vysotsky, Rubtsov,

Or with your mind...

Let's find out and calculate

And we'll understand everything about everything

No more arguing

Didn't argue, didn't argue

And every person

I would have learned for a century:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

Even if you fall off the shelf at midnight,

So ask right now

That would be clearly minted -

Don't shake your throat

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

So that in the alley with a knife -

Oh, God save! -

And here we would not hesitate,

"Who lives happily,

Feel free in Rus'!

And I'll remind you the version

Pokedova one:

Roman yelped there: to the farmer,

Like, a farmer for a landowner ...

Yes, to the Duma deputy, -

Demyan said without hesitation,

Luke said - ass,

No, stupid manager! -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Well, Pakhom strained

Pointing at the tablet with his hands:

Yes to the fat oligarch

to the lop-eared minister,

Mahmoud said: to the king!

Our dear king, father,

Doesn't know the truth...

And he knew, dear,

Just like sleeping...

And the men went

Leaving the Niva old

In the bushes behind the roundabout,

In order not to get to the traffic cops,

That is, to the gibedeshniks, -

Have no insurance...

Nothing on the paw

Give the kids...

They went, as usual,

On foot, supposedly

Entered the Mother See

Under the May chime ...

And then they died...

Here their traces are lost,

Well, just like Ivanovich

Cheerful person:

"A man came out of the house

With a rope and a bag ... "

And then seven of them went

And not even on foot.


To the Abandoned Province

Long Abandoned District,

Villages of Nepahano,

To these villages:

Likvidovo, Banditovo,

Driven, Driven,

Kidalovo, Brosalovo,

Omitted the same

Nobody comes back...

Nobody to catch up


And make no noise.

One Andrei Vadimovich

Didn't compose, didn't invent -

Looked with one eye

And briefly wrote...

“What I didn’t see, I don’t know,

I didn’t hear - I don’t print ...

What's in the line

Don't take that! -

This is how it was written

Fell off the pen

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'!

And pity the men

Remembering their labors, -

Let's all be well...

And yet, what they did not see -

Let's keep quiet, let's not lie ...

Maybe they didn't die

The sinners did not disappear ...

It wasn't like that,

For the man to disappear!

Were there such rati,

Such a plutocracy

And even - democracy -

He outsmarted everyone!

Beaten by serfs,

Peter twisted into ropes,

Not killed in Grazhdanka,

Past collective farm...

They fused the fascists

They melted down the Reichstag

And they were sent into space:

Let's go, no problem!

What are they going to do now

And each of us hopes

What does this glomerulus have

Tail untangled...

And what disappeared?

So it's a disguise

How creepy those roads are

In which now ...

There's a clever trick

The enemy is always waiting...

Or maybe Putin

Who knows in advance! -

stuck in the office

And they drink tea in a bite

And they talk about life...

Who's having fun

So he and get off!


I don't judge without time

Departed Nekrasov,

He lived like Raskolnikov

On the top floor...

Loved Mother Russia

And I carried the pain in my soul ...

"Come out to the Volga,

Whose groan is heard

Over the great Russian river?

We call this moan a song ...

That barge haulers wander towed ... "

To Russia unwashed

He looked like a prison...

"To whom, to whom?" - inquired...

He replied: "No one!"

I also came up with Grishenka,

Which song is new

Over Rusya composed ...

He is happy in the end

Walked over the Volga ...

Its central Vladimirsky

Waiting with this song...

Let me not live as a monk,

Didn't make a single stake...

But I would not write again

Everything that Nicholas ...

What has changed...

Yes, in general - nothing!

We dreamed of the commune...

But now she's not there...

Trading souls again

And Chichikov the scoundrel...

Again around bureaucrats

Strangled new growth...

What else would you add...

Already accepted the cross - carry:

Since then, life is fun

Feel free in Rus'...

It's so fun to live

Laugh, well, to tears ...

And these ... if released -

Send them to Davos:

That's where they find out

Answers to the question...

Payment instructions (opens in a new window) Yandex.Money donation form:

Other ways to help

Comments 43


43. Lucia : Reply to 35., Silvio63:
2018-01-14 at 15:02

That's better, have a laugh

You won't surprise anyone with madness in Russia. But if someone can be surprised by something in Russia, then this is a new degree of insanity. This in Russia never ceases to amaze.

Russian life, at least Russian life of the 20th century, was created by lunatics for lunatics. Created well. Created strong. Created for a long time. The madmen who created it are no longer there. There are no those crazy people for whom it was created. But the madness remains.

I seem to have done a lot of good for Russia; I unraveled the code of madness that encoded Russian life. I am not a populist. In vain I will not fool the Russian people, exhausted by madness. I didn't crack the code of madness. But I found the point from which madness radiates in all directions, atoms, cells and millimeters of Russian life.

This point is Russian literary criticism.

It all started with Belinsky. Belinsky is our all Russian madness. For some reason, it is believed that our everything is Pushkin. But this is not true. This untruth was invented by those who wanted to hide the truth about Belinsky and about the point of insanity.

Belinsky was accidentally released from the lunatic asylum. It happened on December 14, 1825. The guards left to protect the Winter Palace from the Decembrists. Therefore, random people guarded the madhouse that day. They did not know who Belinsky was. That he had crazy parents. That he is crazy from birth. That the madhouse is his homeland. That he was born and raised in a madhouse. That under no circumstances should he be let out of the lunatic asylum. Therefore, they believed Belinsky when he said that he would only leave the lunatic asylum for half an hour. Stroll along the Moika embankment. And then immediately back to the lunatic asylum.

He has not returned back.

The Rotoseevs, who released Belinsky from the lunatic asylum, were beaten with gauntlets. Then they were hanged together with the Decembrists. Then they were exiled to life hard labor in Siberia. And Belinsky, while he was being caught, managed to write several Reviews of the Current State of Russian Literature and become a literary critic.

Belinsky was tormented by demons all his life. They went inside Belinsky at his birth. Demons are feminine. One demon was called Morality. The other is Spirituality. The third is the Natural School. Fourth - The need to overthrow the monarchy in Russia. The demons haunted Belinsky day and night. Belinsky himself was not happy with these demons and wanted to get rid of them. But there was no exorcist. Belinsky had only one way to get rid of his demons - to transfer them to someone else. For example, Russian writers.

Belinsky agreed with Pushkin to transfer his demons to him. Almost already passed. But Pushkin caught himself in time, wrote the poem "God forbid I go crazy" and, in order not to accept Belinsky's demons, died in a duel. Then Belinsky agreed with Lermontov. But Lermontov also managed to die in a duel and get away from the demons of Belinsky. Then Belinsky agreed with Dostoevsky. But Dostoevsky was also afraid to take his demons from Belinsky. Therefore, Dostoevsky, in order to be as far away from Belinsky and his demons as possible, went into exile to the Kazakh steppes. Only Gogol was not afraid to take demons from Belinsky. Gogol was generally the most courageous man among Russian writers. But then Gogol got scared too. Belinsky could not forgive Gogol for this, he wrote a frankly unfair "Letter to Gogol" and gave all of himself to be torn to pieces by his demons.

Dobrolyubov had fewer demons than Belinsky. There were only two of them. And they were male. One demon was called Real Day. The other is a Ray of Light. Dobrolyubov, his demons also interfered with his life. But Dobrolyubov did not give up. He wrote articles about demons “A Ray of Light in the Dark Realm” and “When the Real Day Comes” so that the demons would come out of him through the articles. The Ray of Light has indeed come out. But True Day still didn't come out. The real day remained with Dobrolyubov inside.

I don't know what happened to Pisarev. Pisarev himself did not know this either. Pisarev had no demons. But Pisarev had a voice. Apparently, Pisarev was struck by lightning at birth. Therefore, Pisarev was haunted all his life by a voice that told him that boots were higher than Pushkin. In the end, my mother revealed to Pisarev his secret. There was lightning at the birth of Pisarev. But she did not hit Pisarev. She got into the portrait of Pushkin. The portrait hung in the hallway of the Pisarevs just above the boots of the obstetrician, who took delivery from Pisarev's mother. After a lightning strike, Pushkin's portrait fell under his boots. So the boots turned out to be higher than Pushkin. But Pisarev did not believe his mother. It seemed to Pisarev that lightning had hit him after all.

With Chernyshevsky everything was standard for a Russian critic. There are no voices there. Only demons. Two, neuter. Impatience and Democracy. But Chernyshevsky defeated his demons. The demons constantly tormented Chernyshevsky with the question “What to do? What to do?”, and Chernyshevsky mimicked them with the question “Who is to blame? Who is guilty?". The demon Impatience could not stand such a mockery and left Chernyshevsky. But the demon Democracy remained in Chernyshevsky. Then Chernyshevsky imitated the preparation of the revolution. Chernyshevsky was sentenced to life imprisonment in Siberia. Chernyshevsky calculated everything correctly. In Siberia, the demon Democracy could not stand the Siberian cold and there, inside at Chernyshevsky, he froze. Then Chernyshevsky lived quietly - without demons.

Until 1917, demons remained in Russian criticism. They were either more or less. But under Soviet rule, there were no more demons inside the critics. Soviet critics had only voices. All demons from the inner world of Soviet critics were knocked out by the Soviet authorities.

However, there was one demon. The demon's name was Gap. The demon climbed inside to Tynyanov. The demon constantly whispered to Tynyanov that all modern literature is not Eternity. Not real. Not Pushkin. Not that. Everything is not right. Mandelstam is not. Kharms is also not the same. It's just a gap. And Eternity, the present, and that was before. When was Pushkin. And Tynyanov wanted to get into modern literature. But the demon Gap did not let him go there.

Tynyanov's demon was the last demon in Soviet literary criticism. Then there were only voices. They were almost affectionate. They whispered something about generations. About rural prose. On the search for a social hero. Critics of the voices were not afraid, they listened to them willingly and trusted them in everything.

The demons returned under Gorbachev. Under Yeltsin, they began to flourish. Along with the voices. Under Putin, they finally blossomed.

There were a lot of demons. They all got mixed up. They are now both feminine, masculine, and neuter at the same time. The main demons are Glamour, Pasternak, Booker, Detective, Format, Circulation, Bourgeoisness, Soviet Empire, Orthodox Faith, Liberal Value. There is also the demon Feminism. And the demon Russian Patriot. And the demon Stability. There are many others. Can't count them all. They don't just sit inside anymore. They now sound like voices outside.

After the madness of Russian criticism, Russian literature could no longer come close and often to madness. But I am afraid. I'm afraid of the demons inside her and the voices around her.

But I have shown the point from which madness spreads to all aspects of Russian life. Despite the fear. Now let Russia do whatever it wants with its crazy point. Let her heal for a long time. Let him operate quickly without anesthesia. Let him declare it a museum of Russian madness. Let it expand its boundaries. Let him leave – as Russia basically does – everything unchanged as it is.

42. Lucia : Reply to 35., Silvio63:
2018-01-14 at 15:01

But these are not vile stishats Lucia In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet, Thick, crouching, red as copper, A contractor is going along the line on a holiday, Going to see his work. : "Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! .. With God, now go home - congratulations! (Hats off - if I say!) I expose a barrel of wine to workers And - I give arrears! .. "Someone- then "hooray" shouted. They picked it up Louder, friendlier, longer ... Look: With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ... Here even the lazy could not resist! ..”

Their artistic value, of course, is very small. The poor fellow generally traveled for citizenship. No poet.
He is partly excused by the fact that all this stupid public simply did not foresee. what their howling can lead to. Then, after the 17th, all these smart people like them ran around like scalded cockroaches.

41. Descendant of subjects of Emperor Nicholas II : Reply to 27., Lucia:
2018-01-14 at 13:28

So they don’t need Snow White, but they need Red.

How stale, in a plebeian (but natural) way, it turns out to be syronized by a literary person who has settled on from the Shelter of graphomaniacs.
A complete lack of literary flair, not to mention basic good taste.
After all, it would have been said not "Red Lady", but "Little Red Riding Hood", - it would have been both deep and elegant, and, in fact, incomparably more caustic, if our "noblewoman" wanted to show her Nordic wit.

And this one is taken to judge other people's poems.

40. Abaza : Answer to 39., water:
2018-01-14 at 07:21

Did you get your thirty pieces of silver? You, Abazinsky, definitely got it, since the damned USSR collapsed by you and by you personally. Yes, by the way, it seems that Mr. “comrade” Sobchak was one of the first to shout in Moscow about the so-called occupation of the Baltic states, apparently they threw off directive from the Washington regional committee - it's time for the Baltics, as the most "occupied by Soviet invaders" and "the most suffering" in the USSR, to "liberate themselves." I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR ..

With the local anti-Soviet natives, who were not finished off in the local forests, there were the same dense anti-Soviet people, supposedly Russians, like you, Abazinsky.

Ek got hooked! So it hit the mark.
I knew about the moods of the Latvians and the Baltic states back in the early 1970s. And the fact that they openly called us Russian occupiers, and the fact that every Friday they showed "forest brothers" on TV and listed their "exploits". He also knew the mood of the Russians living there, "almost Europe!" So don't worry. While you were playing with dolls, I paid my debt to the Fatherland for three years. And I did not run around Europe in search of a culturally good life. Like some "advisers".

39. water :
2018-01-14 at 01:51

Got your thirty pieces of silver?


You, Abazinsky, definitely got it, since the damned USSR collapsed by you and by you personally.

Yes, by the way, it seems that Mr. "Comrade" Sobchak was one of the first to shout in Moscow about the so-called occupation of the Baltic states, apparently they threw off a directive from the Washington regional committee - it's time for the Baltic states, as the most "occupied by Soviet occupiers" and "the most suffering" in the USSR " be released."

I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR.


With the local anti-Soviet natives, who were not finished off in the local forests, there were the same dense anti-Soviet people, supposedly Russians, like you, Abazinsky.

I know from the stories of my friends, among whom there are both Latvians and relatives who were declared pro-Soviet Latvians as traitors, and Russians, and not only Russian occupiers.

I was then in Hungary, where the ashes of Nagy Imre (Imre Nogy), the chairman of the Hungarian Council of Ministers, who was killed in 1958, were solemnly and pathetically reburied in October 1956.

1956 - the year of the "great" TsERUSH revolution.

Imre Nod was executed, of course, “by order of the bloodthirsty USSR,” as it “unexpectedly turned out” only by 1989.

And then B.N. came to Hungary. Yeltsin, came to the Hungarian parliament and, almost on his knees, asked to forgive all ... Russians for not letting the Hungarians "breathe the American air of freedom" in 1956.

38. Kiram : Answer to 36., Abazinsky:
2018-01-14 at 00:24

Quite right! Nowadays, Russian "non-citizens" suffer for a reason. This is payback for what you mentioned. The vast majority of Russians wished to live separately in Baltic Europe. And then they were shown the door. The same story with the independence of Ukraine. Look at the statistics of voting for independence by regions of Ukraine. After 25 years, it fired.

37. Abaza : Reply to 34., Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 23:52

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

Only one thing, on the eve of the elections, the muddy wave of leftist revenge is gaining strength. The rhymes are really ... not very good, but such is the structure of this dregs.

36. Abaza : Answer to 32., water:
2018-01-13 at 23:50

Dunka, who is eager to go to "Europe" - Turkey, pretends to be an "angel in white felt boots." Only the nomenklatura Dunka, who escaped to "Europe" - Hungary, has the right to pose as an "angel in white boots". Do not bury yourself, water. Lukia-Chernova was mistaken! The Baltic states, which, because of you - the Vlasovites, ended up in Europe, and then in the European Union. In Russia, no one was waiting for us and is not waiting, yet.

I remember when the Union began to collapse from the Baltic states, the Russians there stood in the same chain with the local natives for secession from the USSR. Got your thirty pieces of silver?

35. Silvio63 : Reply to 34., Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 23:32

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

But these are not vile verses Lucia

In a blue caftan - a venerable meadowsweet,
Fat, squat, red as copper,
A contractor is walking along the line on a holiday,
He goes to see his work.
The idle people make way decorously...
Sweat wipes the merchant from the face
And he says, akimbo pictorially:
"Okay ... something ... well done! .. well done! ..
With God, now home - congratulations!
(Hats off - if I say!)
I expose a barrel of wine to workers
And - I give arrears! ..“
Someone cheered. Picked up
Louder, friendlier, longer... Look:
With a song, the foremen rolled a barrel ...
Here even the lazy could not resist!
Unharnessed the people of the horses - and the merchant
With a cry of "Hurrah!" I rushed along the road ...
Seems hard to please the picture
Draw, general? .. "

34. Lucia :
2018-01-13 at 20:45

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that kids don’t go with icons to the king! ((((((((((((((((((((Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

vile verses. I don't know what this post means...

To pretend to be an "angel in white felt boots"
Only the nomenklatura Dunka, who broke into "Europe" - Hungary, has the right.

Don't bury yourself, water.

30. M. Yablokov : Answer to 23., Alexander Vaskin, Russian priest, officer of the Soviet Army:
2018-01-13 at 16:17

I don't do charity work. Especially in regards to schismatics and renegades. Clear?

29. Oleg V : answer 18, Lucia:
2018-01-13 at 15:56

Do not be offended, gnome. Who else would you be if you thought I was Snow White.

What are you, baby? Well, this is not fortune-telling on a camomile - offended, not offended, loves, does not love, ...
To whom in Rus' it is good to live is a block, snow-whites cannot afford to be allowed. Don't even bother. Only you will be exhausted and your children, dear gnomes, God forbid, you will leave them orphans.
And there will be poor, miserable Snow White, alone with unwashed, dirty, pro-Soviet peasant Russia. And then came the answer: "I sent you."


Russophobia, Urengoy you are a "girl", this is in your story about the bride's bouquet.

Russophobia is when Dunka, who is rushing to "Europe" - Turkey, pretends to be an "angel in white boots."

That's right, don't write!

In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. 'Cause when the daylight comes you'll be dirty


And if you write, then don’t show it to anyone, and even better, as Yablukov advises all “aristocrats” - wipe the children’s snot, if you shout louder than everyone else about your large number of children.

Or is that also just a lie?

"And to cover up the case -
On our Soviet system- And you, dwarf, also love slander against the Tsar-martyr? Maybe you respect Matilda? Eco, how hooked you are, baby! Everything is as written: according to your liking. In your fairy-tale kingdom, you call your ideological comrades-in-arms "gnomes", and I, as there was nothing to share before, remains the same to this day. It is not for royal dignity to run away from the people, no matter how rebellious it is. As you know, "the courage of the city takes." But distributing aid to the families of the dead, which might not have been, is a property of aristocratic weakness. Who was there, right to blame - God alone now knows. Martyrdom, before the so-called revolt of 1905, and after the revolutions of 1917, are two different things. Everything could have been different in the fate of Russia from one right decision. History, however, does not know the subjunctive mood, and therefore we are Russian

Do not be offended, gnome. Who else would you be if you thought I was Snow White.

15. Oleg V : answer 12, Rodelena:
2018-01-13 at 00:19

Agree. These are two meters of excellent, ... let's say ... snickering. In general, this is the most elegant of all the elegant Russophobias I have read recently. Ridicule is not God's work, but vice versa. The devil is a misanthrope. Sometimes he giggles behind his back, and sometimes he makes people look ridiculous. Parodists know this well when they parody someone's lines or compose epigrams for people. The MAIN difference is that PERSONAL mockery is a small evil, and IMPERSONAL, indiscriminate, is already a mockery of the people. Whatever he was, but laughing at people is a sin. Especially in such a difficult time. When the parody is impersonal, it is acrimony. The author is also in trouble. In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. Because when the daylight comes, you'll be dirty.

Lena, as soon as you moved to Turkey, you became so white and fluffy that an oriental marshmallow is in chocolate. With Russia now you are clearly not on your way, you will only stain your bright clothes on the gloomy humor of Russians about themselves.
Write your ornately "bright" about Russia in the spirit of oriental wise criticism for subsequent generations of Janissaries. You look, they will believe you that silent silver is more precious than talking gold.

13. Oleg V : answer 9, Lucia:
2018-01-12 at 23:40

And you, gnome, also love slander against the Tsar-martyr? Do you respect Matilda?

Eco, how you got hooked, baby! Everything is as written: according to your liking.
In your fairy-tale kingdom, you call your ideological comrades-in-arms "gnomes", and I, as there was nothing to share before, remains the same to this day.
It is not for royal dignity to run away from the people, no matter how rebellious it is. As you know, "the courage of the city takes." But distributing aid to the families of the dead, which might not have been, is a property of aristocratic weakness.
Who was there, right to blame - God alone now knows. Martyrdom, before the so-called revolt of 1905, and after the revolutions of 1917, are two different things. Everything could have been different in the fate of Russia from one right decision. History, however, does not know the subjunctive mood, and therefore we are Russian

12. : Reply to 7., Lucia:
2018-01-12 at 22:50

What an abomination. Either slander against the martyr tsar, then Fr. Gleb Grozovsky.

Agree. These are two meters of excellent, ... let's say ... snickering. In general, this is the most elegant of all the elegant Russophobias I have read recently. Ridicule is not God's work, but vice versa. The devil is a misanthrope. Sometimes he giggles behind his back, and sometimes he makes people look ridiculous. Parodists know this well when they parody someone's lines or compose epigrams for people. The MAIN difference is that PERSONAL mockery is a small evil, and IMPERSONAL, indiscriminate, is already a mockery of the people. Whatever he was, but laughing at people is a sin. Especially in such a difficult time. When the parody is impersonal, it is acrimony. The author is also in trouble.
In difficult times, in especially difficult times, you need to write only light. The rest, if you can not write - do not write. If you can't stop writing, write, but don't show it to anyone. Because when the daylight comes, you'll be dirty.

Elena Rodchenkova

10. Kiram : Answer to 3., Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 21:47

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that the kids don’t go with icons to the king! apparently, young and at school, the history of Russia was given to you very truncated.Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:

The essence of the issue is not in the text of the petition, but in the fact that "the tsar fired rifles so that kids with icons would not go to the tsar."
To you, baby, everything that is not to your liking is an abomination. The Fathers of the Church teach: "as is the nature, such is morality." This is for you, mother of all morality they say. Start with yourself, then the abomination of others, you Snow White, will seem like holiness.

6. Oleg V : answer 4, Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 19:03

The patriotic poets are alive, not extinct in Russia, and with them brilliant poetry, in the spirit of Nekrasov's love for Russia and its people. Kudos to the author and full respect ..

5. Oleg V : answer 3, Leonid-K:
2018-01-12 at 18:52

Dear Xenia, you are apparently young and at school you were given a very truncated history of Russia. Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:
"Petition of workers and residents of St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905"
and understand what the author wrote in this poem.

Not really. This priest was offended by the editors that they have abolished censorship for all kinds of "sedition". According to modern mothers, she, the editors, would somehow combine the current liberal-church razmamaism with strict Soviet censorship, then you see, everyone in Rus' would live well and heal, and first of all, the builders of developed capitalism.

4. Leonid-K : A wonderful poem, quite worthy of the memory of Nekrsasov
2018-01-12 at 18:08

Such that the peasants saw in search of the one who “Who lives well in Rus'”, and Nekrasov did not see. The author very vividly described who and how lives today in Rus'. Marvel at the skill of the author. The outline of the poem is Nekrasov's, and life is ours. Poetry is alive in Russia!

3. Leonid-K : Answer to 2., Ksenia Balakina:
2018-01-12 at 17:47

I obviously don’t understand something, Dear editors ...... I went with my children and wives And various icons And others to the king ... And the then king, father, To the German kings, my son-in-law Bang out of rifles, - Thank you for that! -So that kids don’t go with icons to the king! ((((((((((((((((((((Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

Dear Xenia, you are apparently young and at school you were given a very truncated history of Russia. Type in the Internet search (Yandex, Google) the line:
"Petition of workers and residents of St. Petersburg on January 9, 1905"
and understand what the author wrote in this poem.

2. Ksenia Balakina : Re: Whom in Rus' to live well...
2016-05-15 at 19:17

I clearly don’t understand something, dear editorial...

Went with children and wives
And different icons
And others to the king...
And the then king, father,
Son-in-law to the German kings
Bang from rifles, -
Thank you for that! -
So that the kids do not go
With icons to the king!

Yes, and about rural priests somehow .... mercilessly.

In what year - count

In what land - guess

On the pillar path

Seven men came together:

Seven temporarily liable,

tightened province,

County Terpigorev,

empty parish,

From adjacent villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Crop failure, too,

Agreed - and argued:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

Demyan said: to the official,

Luke said: ass.

Fat-bellied merchant! -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Old man Pahom pushed

And he said, looking at the ground:

noble boyar,

Minister of the State.

And Prov said: to the king ...

Man what a bull: vtemyashitsya

In the head what a whim -

Stake her from there

You won’t knock out: they rest,

Everyone is on their own!

Is there such a dispute?

What do passers-by think?

To know that the children found the treasure

And they share...

To each his own

Left the house before noon:

That path led to the forge,

He went to the village of Ivankovo

Call Father Prokofy

Baptize the child.

Pahom honeycombs

Carried to the market in the Great,

And two brothers Gubina

So simple with a halter

Catching a stubborn horse

They went to their own herd.

It's high time for everyone

Return your way -

They are walking side by side!

They walk like they're running

Behind them are gray wolves,

What is further - then sooner.

They go - they perekorya!

They shout - they will not come to their senses!

And time does not wait.

They didn't notice the controversy

As the red sun set

How the evening came.

Probably a whole night

So they went - not knowing where,

When they meet a woman,

Crooked Durandiha,

She did not shout: “Venerable!

Where are you looking at night

Have you thought about going?..”

Asked, laughed

Whipped, witch, gelding

And jumped off...

"Where? .." - exchanged glances

Here are our men

They stand, they are silent, they look down...

The night has long gone

Frequent stars lit up

In high skies

The moon surfaced, the shadows are black

The road was cut

Zealous walkers.

Oh shadows! black shadows!

Who won't you chase?

Who won't you overtake?

Only you, black shadows,

You can not catch - hug!

To the forest, to the path

He looked, was silent Pahom,

I looked - I scattered my mind

And he said at last:

"Well! goblin glorious joke

He played a trick on us!

After all, we are without a little

Thirty miles away!

Home now toss and turn -

We are tired - we will not reach,

Come on, there's nothing to be done.

Let's rest until the sun! .. "

Having dumped the trouble on the devil,

Under the forest along the path

The men sat down.

They lit a fire, formed,

Two ran away for vodka,

And the rest for a while

The glass is made

I pulled the birch bark.

The vodka came soon.

Ripe and snack -

The men are feasting!

Kosushki Kosushka is an old measure of liquid, approximately 0.31 liters. drank three

Ate - and argued

Again: who has fun to live,

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman shouts: to the landowner,

Demyan shouts: to the official,

Luke yells: ass;

Fat-bellied merchant, -

The Gubin brothers are screaming,

Ivan and Mitrodor;

Pahom shouts: to the brightest

noble boyar,

Minister of the State,

And Prov shouts: to the king!

Taken more than ever

perky men,

Cursing swearing,

No wonder they get stuck

Into each other's hair...

Look - they've got it!

Roman hits Pakhomushka,

Demyan hits Luka.

And two brothers Gubina

They iron Prov hefty, -

And everyone screams!

A booming echo woke up

Went for a walk, a walk,

It went screaming, shouting,

As if to tease

Stubborn men.

King! - heard to the right

Left responds:

Butt! ass! ass!

The whole forest was in turmoil

With flying birds

By swift-footed beasts

And creeping reptiles, -

And a groan, and a roar, and a rumble!

First of all, a gray bunny

From a neighboring bush

Suddenly jumped out, as if tousled,

And off he went!

Behind him are small jackdaws

At the top of the birches raised

Nasty, sharp squeak.

And here at the foam

With fright, a tiny chick

Fell from the nest;

Chirping, crying chiffchaff,

Where is the chick? - will not find!

Then the old cuckoo

I woke up and thought

Someone to cuckoo;

Taken ten times

Yes, it crashed every time

And started again...

Cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo!

Bread will sting

You choke on an ear -

You won't poop! The cuckoo ceases to crow when the bread is scorched ("choking on an ear," the people say).

Seven owls flocked,

Admire the carnage

From seven big trees

Laugh, midnighters!

And their eyes are yellow

They burn like burning wax

Fourteen candles!

And the raven, the smart bird,

Ripe, sitting on a tree

At the very fire.

Sitting and praying to hell

To be slammed to death


Cow with a bell

What has strayed since the evening

From the herd, I heard a little

Came to the fire, tired

Eyes on men

I listened to crazy speeches

And began, my heart,

Moo, moo, moo!

Silly cow mooing

Small jackdaws squeak.

The boys are screaming,

And the echo echoes everything.

He has one concern -

To tease honest people

Scare guys and women!

Nobody saw him

And everyone has heard

Without a body - but it lives,

Without a tongue - screaming!

Owl - Zamoskvoretskaya

Princess - immediately mooing,

Flying over peasants

Rushing about the ground,

That about the bushes with a wing ...

The fox herself is cunning,

Out of curiosity,

Sneaked up on the men

I listened, I listened

And she walked away, thinking:

"And the devil does not understand them!"

And indeed: the disputants themselves

Hardly knew, remembered -

What are they talking about...

Naming the sides decently

To each other, come to their senses

Finally, the peasants

Drunk from a puddle

Washed, refreshed

Sleep began to roll them ...

In the meantime, a tiny chick,

Little by little, half a sapling,

flying low,

Got to the fire.

Pakhomushka caught him,

He brought it to the fire, looked at it

And he said: "Little bird,

And the nail is up!

I breathe - you roll off the palm of your hand,

Sneeze - roll into the fire,

I click - you will roll dead,

And yet you, little bird,

Stronger than a man!

Wings will get stronger soon

Bye-bye! wherever you want

You will fly there!

Oh you little pichuga!

Give us your wings

We will circle the whole kingdom,

Let's see, let's see

Let's ask and find out:

Who lives happily

Feel free in Rus'?

"You don't even need wings,

If only we had bread

Half a pood a day, -

And so we would Mother Rus'

They measured it with their feet!” -

Said the sullen Prov.

"Yes, a bucket of vodka," -

Added willing

Before vodka, the Gubin brothers,

Ivan and Mitrodor.

“Yes, in the morning there would be cucumbers

Salty ten, "-

The men joked.

“And at noon would be a jug

Cold kvass."

"And in the evening for a teapot

Hot tea…”

While they were talking

Curled, whirled foam

Above them: listened to everything

And sat by the fire.

Chiviknula, jumped up

Pahomu says:

"Let go of the chick!

For a little chick

I'll give you a big ransom."

– What will you give? -

"Lady's bread

Half a pood a day

I'll give you a bucket of vodka

In the morning I will give cucumbers,

And at noon sour kvass,

And in the evening a seagull!

- And where, little pichuga, -

Gubin brothers asked, -

Find wine and bread

Are you on seven men? -

“Find - you will find yourself.

And I, little pichuga,

I'll tell you how to find it."

- Tell! -

"Go through the woods

Against the thirtieth pillar

A straight verst:

Come to the meadow

Standing in that meadow

Two old pines

Beneath these under the pines

Buried box.

Get her -

That box is magical.

It has a self-assembled tablecloth,

Whenever you wish

Eat, drink!

Quietly just say:

"Hey! self-made tablecloth!

Treat the men!”

At your request

At my command

Everything will appear at once.

Now let the chick go!”

- Wait! we are poor people

I'm going on a long road,

Pahom answered her. -

You, I see, are a wise bird,

Respect - old clothes

Bewitch us!

- So that the peasants' Armenians

Worn, not worn! -

Roman demanded.

- To fake bast shoes

Served, did not crash, -

Demyan demanded.

- So that a louse, a foul flea

I didn’t breed in shirts, -

Luke demanded.

- Wouldn’t the onuchenki ... -

Gubins demanded...

And the bird answered them:

"All the tablecloth is self-assembled

Repair, wash, dry

You will be ... Well, let it go! .. "

Opening a wide palm,

He let the chick go.

Let it go - and a tiny chick,

Little by little, half a sapling,

flying low,

Went to the hollow.

Behind him, a foam rose

And on the fly added:

“Look, chur, one!

How much food will take

Womb - then ask

And you can ask for vodka

In day exactly on a bucket.

If you ask more

And one and two - it will be fulfilled

At your request,

And in the third, be in trouble!

And the foam flew away

With my darling chick,

And the men in single file

Reached for the road

Look for the thirtieth pillar.

Found! - silently go

Straight, straight

Through the dense forest,

Every step counts.

And how they measured a mile,

We saw a meadow -

Standing in that meadow

Two old pines...

The peasants dug

Got that box

Opened and found

That tablecloth self-assembled!

They found it and shouted at once:

“Hey, self-assembled tablecloth!

Treat the men!”

Look - the tablecloth unfolded,

Where did they come from

Two strong hands

A bucket of wine was placed

Bread was laid on a mountain

And they hid again.

“But why aren’t there cucumbers?”

"What is not a hot tea?"

“What is there no cold kvass?”

Everything suddenly appeared...

The peasants unbelted

They sat down by the tablecloth.

Went here feast mountain!

Kissing for joy

promise to each other

Forward do not fight in vain,

And it's quite controversial

By reason, by God,

On the honor of the story -

Do not toss and turn in the houses,

Don't see your wives

Not with the little guys

Not with old old people,

As long as the matter is controversial

Solutions will not be found

Until they tell

No matter how it is for sure:

Who lives happily

Feel free in Rus'?

Having made such a vow,

In the morning like dead

Men fell asleep...

Chapter I. POP

wide path,

lined with birches,

stretched far,

Sandy and deaf.

Along the side of the path

The hills are coming

With fields, with hayfields,

And more often with inconvenience,

abandoned land;

There are old villages

There are new villages

By the rivers, by the ponds...

Forests, floodplain meadows Poemnye meadows - located in the floodplain of the river. When the river that flooded them during the flood subsided, a layer of natural fertilizers remained on the soil, which is why tall grasses rose here. Such meadows were especially valued.,

Russian streams and rivers

Good in spring.

But you, spring fields!

On your seedlings are poor

It's not fun to watch!

"No wonder in the long winter

(Our wanderers interpret)

It snowed every day.

Spring has come - the snow has affected!

He is humble for the time being:

Flies - silent, lies - silent,

When he dies, then he roars.

Water - everywhere you look!

The fields are completely flooded

To carry manure - there is no road,

And the time is not early -

The month of May is coming!

Dislike and old,

It hurts more than that for new

Trees for them to look at.

Oh, huts, new huts!

You are smart, let it build you

Not an extra penny

And blood trouble!

Wanderers met in the morning

More and more people are small:

His brother is a peasant-bast worker,

Artisans, beggars,

Soldiers, coachmen.

Beggars, soldiers

Strangers didn't ask

How is it easy for them, is it difficult

Lives in Rus'?

Soldiers shave with an awl

Soldiers warm themselves with smoke -

What happiness is here?

The day was already drawing to a close,

They go the way,

The pop is coming towards.

The peasants took off their hats.

bow low,

Lined up in a row

And gelding savrasoma

Blocked the way.

The priest raised his head

He looked and asked with his eyes:

What do they want?

“No way! we are not robbers!” -

Luka said to the priest.

(Luke is a squat man,

With a wide beard.

Stubborn, verbose and stupid.

Luka looks like a mill:

One is not a bird mill,

What, no matter how it flaps its wings,

Probably won't fly.)

"We are men of power,

Of the temporary

tightened province,

County Terpigorev,

empty parish,

Roundabout villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Crop failure too.

Let's go on something important:

We have a concern

Is it such a concern

Which of the houses survived

With work unfriended us,

Got off food.

You give us the right word

To our peasant speech

Without laughter and without cunning,

According to conscience, according to reason,

Answer truthfully

Not so with your care

We will go to another…”

- I give you the right word:

When you ask a thing

Without laughter and without cunning,

In truth and reason

How should you answer.

"Thank you. Listen!

Walking the path,

We got together casually

They agreed and argued:

Who has fun

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

Demyan said: to the official,

And I said: ass.

Fat-bellied merchant, -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Pahom said: to the brightest

noble boyar,

Minister of the State.

And Prov said: to the king ...

Man what a bull: vtemyashitsya

In the head what a whim -

Stake her from there

You won’t knock out: no matter how they argued,

We did not agree!

Argued - quarreled,

Quarreled - fought,

Podravshis - dressed up:

Don't go apart

Do not toss and turn in the houses,

Don't see your wives

Not with the little guys

Not with old old people,

As long as our dispute

We won't find a solution

Until we get it

Whatever it is - for sure:

Who wants to live happily

Feel free in Rus'?

Tell us Godly

Is the priest's life sweet?

You are like - at ease, happily

Do you live, honest father? .. "

Downcast, thinking

Sitting in a cart, pop

And he said: - Orthodox!

It's a sin to grumble at God

Bear my cross with patience

I live ... but how? Listen!

I'll tell you the truth, the truth

And you are a peasant mind

Dare! -


What is happiness, in your opinion?

Peace, wealth, honor -

Isn't that right, dear ones?

They said yes...

- Now let's see, brethren,

What is the ass peace of mind?

Start, confess, it would be necessary

Almost from birth

How to get a diploma

the priest's son

At what cost popovich

Priesthood This refers to the fact that until 1869 a graduate of the seminary could receive a parish only if he married the daughter of a priest who left his parish. It was believed that in this way the "purity of the estate" was maintained. bought,

Let's better shut up!

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Our roads are difficult.

Coming The parish is an association of believers. we have a big one.

Sick, dying

Born into the world

Do not choose time:

In stubble and haymaking,

In the dead of autumn night

In winter, in severe frosts,

And in the spring flood -

Go where you are called!

You go unconditionally.

And let only the bones

One broke,

No! every time it gets wet,

The soul will hurt.

Do not believe, Orthodox,

There is a limit to habit.

No heart to endure

Without some trepidation

death rattle,

grave sob,

Orphan sorrow!

Amen!.. Now think.

What is the peace of the ass?..

The peasants thought little

Letting the priest rest

They said with a bow:

"What else can you tell us?"

- Now let's see, brethren,

What is the honor of the priest?

A tricky task

Wouldn't make you angry...

Say, Orthodox

Who do you call

Foal breed?

Chur! respond to demand!

The peasants hesitated.

They are silent - and the pope is silent ...

Who are you afraid to meet?

Walking the way?

Chur! respond to demand!

They groan, shift,

- Who are you talking about?

You are fairy tales,

And obscene songs

And all the bullshit? ..

Mother-popadyu sedate,

Popov's innocent daughter

Seminarian of any -

How do you honor?

Who is after, like a gelding,

Shout: ho-ho-ho? ..

The kids got down

They are silent - and the pope is silent ...

The peasants thought

And pop with a big hat

Waving in my face

Yes, I looked at the sky.

In the spring, that the grandchildren are small,

With the ruddy sun-grandfather

Clouds are playing

Here is the right side

One continuous cloud

Covered - clouded

She fainted and cried:

Rows of gray threads

They hung to the ground.

And closer, above the peasants,

From small, torn,

Merry clouds

Laughing red sun

Like a girl from sheaves.

But the cloud has moved

Pop hat is covered -

Be heavy rain.

And the right side

Already bright and joyful

There the rain stops.

Not rain, there is a miracle of God:

There with golden threads

Skeins are scattered…

“Not by themselves ... by parents

We are somehow ... ”- the Gubin brothers

They finally said.

And the others agreed:

“Not by themselves, by their parents!”

And the priest said, “Amen!

Sorry Orthodox!

Not in condemnation of the neighbor,

And at your request

I told you the truth.

Such is the honor of the priest

in the peasantry. And the landowners...

“You are past them, the landowners!

We know them!"

- Now let's see, brethren,

Otkudova wealth

Popovskoe is coming?..

During the near

Russian Empire

Noble estates

It was full.

And the landowners lived there,

eminent owners,

Which are no longer there!

Be fruitful and multiply

And they let us live.

What weddings were played there,

What babies were born

On free bread!

Though often cool,

However, well-meaning

Those were the gentlemen

The parish was not alienated:

They got married with us

Our children were baptized

They came to us to repent,

We buried them

And if it happened

That the landowner lived in the city,

So probably die

He came to the village.

When he dies by accident

And then punish firmly

Bury in the parish.

You look to the rural temple

On the funeral chariot

In six horses heirs

The deceased is being transported -

The ass is a good amendment,

For the laity, a holiday is a holiday ...

And now it's not like that!

Like a Jewish tribe

The landowners scattered

Through a distant foreign land

And in native Rus'.

No more pride now

Lie in native possession

Next to fathers, with grandfathers,

And many possessions

They went to the barryshniks.

oh damn bones

Russian, nobility!

Where are you not buried?

What land are you not in?

Then, the article ... schismatics The schismatics are opponents of the reforms of Patriarch Nikon (XVII century).

I'm not sinful, I didn't live

Nothing from the schismatics.

Luckily, there was no need

In my parish is

Living in Orthodoxy

Two-thirds of the parishioners Parishioners are regular visitors to the church parish..

And there are such volosts

Where almost entirely schismatics,

So how to be an ass?

Everything in the world is changeable

The world itself will pass...

Laws, formerly strict

To the dissenters, softened,

And with them and priestly

Income checkmate Mat - zd.: the end. Checkmate is the end of a game of chess. came.

The landlords moved

They don't live in estates.

And die of old age

They don't come to us anymore.

Wealthy landowners

devout old ladies,

who died out

who settled down

Close to monasteries

Nobody is now a cassock

Don't give a pop!

No one will embroider the air Air - embroidered bedspreads made of velvet, brocade or silk, used in the performance of church rites.

Live from the same peasants

Collect worldly hryvnias,

Yes pies on holidays

Yes, eggs oh saint.

The peasant himself needs

And I would be glad to give, but there is nothing ...

And that's not for everyone

And sweet peasant penny.

Our favors are meager,

Sands, swamps, mosses,

The cattle walks from hand to mouth,

Bread itself is born Sam is the first part of invariable complex adjectives with ordinal or quantitative numbers, with the meaning "so many times more." Bread itself is a friend - a crop twice as large as the amount of grain sown.,

And if it gets good

Cheese land-breadwinner,

So a new problem:

Nowhere to go with bread!

Lock in need, sell it

For a real trifle

And there - a crop failure!

Then pay exorbitant prices

Sell ​​the cattle.

Pray Orthodox!

Great disaster threatens

And this year:

Winter was fierce

Spring is rainy

It would be necessary to sow for a long time,

And on the fields - water!

Have mercy, Lord!

Send a cool rainbow

To our skies Cool rainbow - to the bucket; sloping - to the rain.!

(Taking off his hat, the shepherd is baptized,

And listeners too.)

Our poor villages

And in them the peasants are sick

Yes, sad women

Nurses, drinkers,

Slaves, pilgrims

And eternal workers

Lord give them strength!

With such works pennies

Life is hard!

It happens to the sick

You will come: not dying,

Terrible peasant family

At the moment when she has to

Lose the breadwinner!

You admonish the deceased

And support in the rest

You try your best

The spirit is awake! And here to you

The old woman, the mother of the deceased,

Look, stretching with a bony,

Callused hand.

The soul will turn

How they tinkle in this hand

Two copper pins Pyatak is a copper coin worth 5 kopecks.!

Of course, it's clean

For the requirement Treba - "the administration of a sacrament or a sacred rite" (V.I. Dal). retribution

Do not take - so there is nothing to live with.

Yes, a word of comfort

Freeze on the tongue

And as if offended

Go home... Amen...

Finished the speech - and the gelding

Pop lightly slapped.

The peasants parted

They bowed low.

The horse moved slowly.

And six comrades

As if they were talking

Attacked with reproaches

With selected big swearing

On poor Luke:

- What did you take? stubborn head!

Rustic club!

That's where the argument gets in! -

"Nobles bell -

Priests live like princes.

They go under the sky

Popov's tower,

The priest's patrimony is buzzing -

loud bells -

For the whole world of God.

Three years I, robots,

Lived with the priest in the workers,

Raspberry - not life!

Popova porridge - with butter.

Popov pie - with filling,

Popovy cabbage soup - with smelt Smelt - cheap small fish, lake smelt.!

Popov's wife is fat,

Popov's daughter is white,

Popov's horse is fat,

Popov's bee is full,

How the bell tolls!

- Well, here's your praise

Pop's life!

Why was he yelling, swaggering?

Climbing into a fight, anathema Anathema is a church curse.?

Didn't you think to take

What is a beard with a shovel?

So with a goat beard

Walked the world before

than the forefather Adam,

And it's considered a fool

And now the goat! ..

Luke stood silent,

I was afraid they wouldn't slap

Comrades on the side.

It became so

Yes, fortunately the peasant

The road bent

The priest's face is strict

Appeared on a hillock ...

CHAPTER II. VILLAGE FAIR Yarmonka - i.e. fair.

No wonder our wanderers

They scolded the wet

Cold spring.

The peasant needs spring

And early and friendly,

And here - even a wolf howl!

The sun does not warm the earth

And rainy clouds

Like milk cows

They go to heaven.

Driven snow, and greenery

No weed, no leaf!

Water is not removed

The earth does not dress

Green bright velvet

And like a dead man without a shroud,

Lies under a cloudy sky

Sad and naked.

Pity the poor peasant

And more sorry for the cattle;

Feeding scarce supplies,

The owner of the twig

Chased her into the meadows

What is there to take? Chernekhonko!

Only on Nicholas of the spring Spring Nikola is a religious holiday celebrated on May 9 according to the old style (May 22 according to the new style).

The weather turned up

Green fresh grass

The cattle enjoyed.

The day is hot. Under the birches

The peasants are making their way

They chat among themselves:

"We're going through one village,

Let's go another - empty!

And today is a holiday

Where did the people disappear to? .. "

They go through the village - on the street

Some guys are small

In the houses - old women,

And even locked up

Castle gates.

The castle is a faithful dog:

Doesn't bark, doesn't bite

He won't let you in the house!

Passed the village, saw

Mirror in green frame

With the edges of a full pond.

Swallows soar over the pond;

Some mosquitoes

Agile and skinny

Hopping, as if on dry land,

They walk on the water.

Along the banks, in the broom,

The corncrakes creak.

On a long, rickety raft

With a roll, the priest is thick

It stands like a plucked haystack,

Tucking the hem.

On the same raft

Sleeping duck with ducklings...

Chu! horse snore!

The peasants looked at once

And they saw over the water

Two heads: a man's.

Curly and swarthy

With an earring (the sun blinked

On that white earring)

Another - horse

With a rope, fathoms at five.

The man takes the rope in his mouth,

The man swims - and the horse swims,

The man neighed, and the horse neighed.

Float, scream! Under the grandmother

Under the little ducks

The raft is moving.

I caught up with the horse - grab it by the withers!

I jumped up and went to the meadow

Child: the body is white,

And the neck is like pitch;

Water flows in streams

From horse and rider.

“And what do you have in the village

Neither old nor small

How did the whole nation die?

- They went to the village of Kuzminskoe,

Today there is a fair

And a temple feast. -

“How far is Kuzminskoe?”

- Yes, it will be three miles.

"Let's go to the village of Kuzminskoye,

Let's watch the holiday-fair! -

The men decided

And they thought to themselves:

Isn't that where he's hiding?

Who lives happily? .. "

Kuzminsky rich,

And what's more, it's dirty.

Trading village.

It stretches along the slope,

Then it descends into the ravine.

And there again on the hill -

How can there not be dirt here?

Two churches in it are old,

One old believer

Another Orthodox

House with the inscription: school,

Empty, packed tightly

Hut in one window

With the image of a paramedic,


There is a dirty hotel

Decorated with a sign

(With a big nosed teapot

Tray in the hands of the carrier,

And small cups

Like a goose by goslings,

That kettle is surrounded)

There are permanent shops

Like a county

Gostiny Dvor…

Wanderers came to the square:

A lot of goods

And apparently invisible

To the people! Isn't it fun?

Say there is no cross Procession - a solemn procession of believers with crosses, icons, banners.,

And, as if before the icons,

Men without hats.

Such a sidekick!

Look where they go

Peasant hats Shlyk - “hat, hat, cap, cap” (V.I. Dal).:

In addition to the wine warehouse,

Taverns, restaurants,

A dozen damask shops,

Three inns,

Yes, "Rensky cellar",

Yes, a couple of zucchini A tavern is “a drinking house, a place for selling vodka, sometimes also beer and honey” (V.I. Dal)..

Eleven zucchini

Set for the holiday

Tents A tent is a temporary space for trade, usually a light frame covered with canvas, later with tarpaulin. in the village.

With each five trays;

Carriers - youngsters

Trained, poignant,

And they can't keep up with everything

Can't handle surrender!

Look what stretched out

Peasant hands with hats

With scarves, with mittens.

Oh, Orthodox thirst,

How big are you!

Just to douse the darling,

And there they will get hats,

How will the market go?

By drunken heads

The sun is playing...

Intoxicating, loud, festive,

Variegated, red all around!

The pants on the guys are plush,

striped vests,

Shirts of all colors;

The women are wearing red dresses,

The girls have braids with ribbons,

They float with winches!

And there are still tricks

Dressed in the capital -

And expands and pouts

Hem on hoops!

If you step in - they will undress!

At ease, new fashionistas,

You fishing tackle

Wear under skirts!

Looking at elegant women,

Furious Old Believer

Tovarke says:

"Be hungry! be hungry!

See how the seedlings got wet,

What spring flood

Worth to Petrov!

Ever since the women started

Dress up in red chintzes, -

Forests do not rise

But at least not this bread!

- Why are the chintzes red?

Did you do something wrong here, mother?

I won't put my mind to it! -

“And those chintzes are French French chintz - crimson calico, usually dyed using madder, a dye from the roots of a herbaceous perennial plant. -

Painted with dog blood!

Well… understand now?…”

By horse Equestrian - part of the fair, where horses were traded. pushed,

On the hill, where they are piled

Roe deer A roe deer is a type of heavy plow or a light plow with one share, which rolled the earth in only one direction. In Russia, roe deer were usually used in the northeastern regions., rakes, harrows,

Bagry, cart looms Cart machine - the main part of a four-wheeled cart, cart. It holds the body, wheels and axles.,

Rims, axes.

There was a brisk trade

With godfather, with jokes,

With a healthy, loud laugh.

And how not to laugh?

The guy is kinda tiny

I went, I tried rims:

Bent one - do not like it

Bent the other, pushed.

And how will the rim straighten -

A flick on the man's forehead!

A man roars over the rim,

"Elm club"

Scolds the fighter.

Another came with different

Wooden handicraft -

And dumped the whole cart!

Drunk! The axle is broken

And he began to do it -

The ax is broken! changed my mind

A man with an ax

Scolds him, reproaches him,

As if doing the job:

“You scoundrel, not an ax!

Empty service, don't give a damn

And he did not help.

All your life you bowed

And there was no affection!

Wanderers went to the shops:

Love handkerchiefs,

Ivanovo chintz,

helmets Harness - part of the harness, fitting the sides and croup of the horse, usually leather., new shoes,

The product of the Kimryaks Kimryaks are residents of the city of Kimry. At the time of Nekrasov, it was a large village, 55% of the inhabitants of which were shoemakers..

At that shoe store

The strangers laugh again:

Here are the goat's shoes

Grandfather traded for granddaughter

Asked about the price five times

He turned in his hands, looked around:

First class product!

"Well, uncle! two kopecks

Pay, or get lost!" -

The merchant told him.

- And you wait! – Admire

An old man with a tiny boot

This is how he speaks:

- My son-in-law does not care, and the daughter will be silent,

Sorry granddaughter! hung herself

On the neck, fidget:

“Buy a hotel, grandfather.

Buy it! - silk head

The face tickles, caresses,

Kissing the old man.

Wait, barefoot crawler!

Wait, yule! gantry

Buy boots...

Vavilushka boasted,

Both old and small

Promised gifts,

And he drank himself to a penny!

How I shameless eyes

Will I show my family?

My son-in-law does not care, and my daughter will be silent,

Wife - do not care, let him grumble!

And I’m sorry for the granddaughter! .. - Went again

About granddaughter! Killed!..

The people gathered, listening,

Do not laugh, pity;

Happen, work, bread

He would have been helped

And take out two two-kopeck coins -

So you will be left with nothing.

Yes, there was a man

Pavlusha Veretennikov

(What kind, rank,

The men did not know

However, they were called "master".

He was much more of a baluster,

He wore a red shirt

Cloth undershirt,

Lubricated boots;

He sang Russian songs smoothly

And I loved listening to them.

It was taken down by many

In the inns,

In taverns, in taverns.)

So he rescued Vavila -

I bought him shoes.

Vavilo grabbed them

And he was! - for joy

Thanks even to the bar

Forgot to say old man

But other peasants

So they were disappointed

So happy, like everyone

He gave the ruble!

There was also a shop

With pictures and books

Ofeni Ofenya is a peddler, “a petty merchant peddling and carting around small towns, villages, villages, with books, paper, silk, needles, cheese and sausage, with earrings and rings” (V.I. Dal). stocked up

With your goods in it.

"Do you need generals?" -

The merchant-burner asked them.

“And give the generals!

Yes, only you in conscience,

To be real -

Thicker, more menacing."

- And in what? kidding, friend!

Rubbish, or what, it is desirable to sell?

Where are we going with her?

You're naughty! Before the peasant

All generals are equal

Like cones on a fir tree:

To sell the shabby one,

Get to the dock Doka is “a master of his craft” (V.I. Dal). need,

And fat and formidable

I'll give it to everyone...

Come on big, portly,

Chest uphill, bulging eyes,

Yes, more stars! Those. more orders.

"And the civilian Those. not military, but civilian (then - civilian). don't you want?"

- Well, here's another with the civilians! -

(However, they took it - cheap! -

some dignitary A dignitary is a high-level official.

For the belly with a barrel of wine

And for seventeen stars.)

Merchant - with all due respect,

Whatever, that will regale

(From Lubyanka Lubyanka - street and square in Moscow, in the XIX century. wholesale center for popular prints and books.- the first thief!) -

Dropped a hundred Blucher Blucher Gebhard Leberecht - Prussian general, commander-in-chief of the Prussian-Saxon army, which decided the outcome of the battle of Waterloo and defeated Napoleon. Military successes made the name of Blucher very popular in Russia.,

Archimandrite Photius Archimandrite Photius - in the world Pyotr Nikitich Spassky, leader of the Russian church in the 20s. XIX century, repeatedly joked in the epigrams of A.S. Pushkin, for example, “Fotiy's conversation with gr. Orlova", "On Photius".,

Robber Sipko The robber Sipko is an adventurer who pretended to be different people, incl. for retired captain I.A. Sipko. In 1860, his trial attracted a lot of public attention.,

Sold the book: "Jester Balakirev" "Jester Balakirev" - a popular collection of jokes: "Balakirev's complete collection of jokes of a jester who was at the court of Peter the Great."

And "English milord" “The English Milord” is the most popular work of the 18th century writer Matvey Komarov “The Tale of the Adventures of the English Milord George and his Brandenburg Mark-Countess Frederick Louise”.

Put in a box of books

Let's go for a walk portraits

By the kingdom of all Russia,

Until they settle down

In a peasant's summer goreka,

On a low wall...

God knows what for!

Eh! eh! will the time come

When (come, welcome! ..)

Let the peasant understand

What is a portrait of a portrait,

What is a book a book?

When a man is not Blucher

And not my lord stupid -

Belinsky and Gogol

Will you carry it from the market?

Oh people, Russian people!

Orthodox peasants!

Have you ever heard

Are you these names?

Those are great names

Worn them, glorified

Protectors of the people!

Here you would have their portraits

Hang in your boots,

“And I would be glad to heaven, but the door

Such speech breaks

In the shop unexpectedly.

What door do you want? -

“Yes, to the booth. Chu! music!.."

"Come on, I'll show you!" -

Hearing about the farce

Come and our wanderers

Listen, stare.

Comedy with Petrushka,

with a goat Goat - this is how an actor was called in the folk theater-booth, on whose head a goat's head made of burlap was fixed. with a drummer Drummer - drumming at performances attracted the public.

And not with a simple hurdy-gurdy,

And with real music

They looked here.

Comedy is not smart

However, not stupid

Wishful, quarterly

Not in the eyebrow, but right in the eye!

The hut is full-full.

People crack nuts

And then two or three peasants

Spread a word -

Look, vodka has appeared:

Look and drink!

Laugh, comfort

And often in a speech to Petrushkin

Insert a well-aimed word

What you can't imagine

At least swallow a pen!

There are such lovers -

How does the comedy end?

They will go for screens,

Kissing, fraternizing

Chatting with musicians:

"From where, well done?"

- And we were masters,

Played for the landowner.

Now we are free people

Who will bring, treat,

He is our master!

“And the thing, dear friends,

Pretty bar you amused,

Cheer up the men!

Hey! small! sweet vodka!

Pouring! tea! half a beer!

Tsimlyansky - live! .. "

And the flooded sea

It will go, more generous than the master's

The kids will be fed.

Not violent winds blow,

Not mother earth sways -

Noise, sing, swear,

sways, rolls,

Fighting and kissing

Holiday people!

The peasants seemed

How did you get to the hillock,

That the whole village is shaking

That even the old church

With a tall bell tower

It shook once or twice! -

Here sober, that naked,

Awkward... Our wanderers

Walked across the square

And left in the evening

Busy village...


Not rigoy Riga - a sheaf drying and threshing shed (with a roof, but almost no walls)., not barns,

Not a tavern, not a mill,

How often in Rus'

The village ended low

log building

With iron bars

In small windows.

Behind that milestone building

wide path,

lined with birches,

Opened right here.

Not crowded on weekdays

Sad and quiet

She's not the same now!

All along that lane

And along the roundabout paths,

How far did the eye go

They crawled, they lay, they rode.

Drunk floundering

And there was a groan!

Heavy carts hide,

And like calf's heads

Swinging, swinging

Victory heads

Sleepy men!

People go and fall

As if because of the rollers

Buckshot enemies

Shooting at the men!

The quiet night descends

Already out into the dark sky

The moon is already writing a letter

Lord of pure gold

Blue on velvet

That wise letter,

Which neither reasonable,

Not stupid to read.

Buzzing! That the sea is blue

Falls silent, rises

Popular rumor.

"And we are fifty A fifty-kopeck coin is a coin worth 50 kopecks. clerk:

The request was made

To the head of the province ... "

"Hey! the sack has fallen from the cart!”

“Where are you, Olenushka?

Wait! I'll give you a gingerbread

You are like a nimble flea,

She ate - and jumped.

I didn’t give a stroke! ”

“You are good, royal letter Royal letter - royal letter.,

Yes, you are not written about us ... "

"Step aside, people!"

(Excise Excise is a type of tax on consumer goods. officials

With bells, with plaques

They swept from the market.)

“And I’m to that now:

And the broom is rubbish, Ivan Ilyich,

And walk on the floor

Wherever it sprays!

"God forbid, Parashenka,

You don't go to St. Petersburg!

There are such officials

You are their cook for a day,

And their night is a mess Sudarka is a mistress. -

So don't care!"

"Where are you jumping, Savvushka?"

(The priest shouts to the sotsky Sotsky - elected from the peasants, who performed police functions.

On horseback, with a government badge.)

- In Kuzminskoye I jump

Behind the station. Opportunity:

There ahead of the peasant

Killed ... - "Eh! .. sins! .."

“You have become thin, Daryushka!”

- Not a spindle The spindle is a hand tool for yarn., Friend!

That's what spins more

It's getting fatter

And I'm like a day-to-day ...

"Hey boy, stupid boy,

tattered, lousy,

Hey love me!

Me, simple-haired,

A drunken woman, an old one,

Zaaa-paaaa-chkanny! .. "

Our peasants are sober,

Looking, listening

They go their own way.

In the very middle of the path

Some guy is quiet

Dug a big hole.

"What are you doing here?"

- And I'm burying my mother! -

"Fool! what a mother!

Look: a new undershirt

You dug into the ground!

Hurry up and grunt

Lie down in the ditch, drink water!

Perhaps, the foolishness will jump off!

"Well, let's stretch!"

Two peasants sit down

Legs rest,

And live, and grieve,

Grunt - stretch on a rolling pin,

Joints are cracking!

Didn't like it on the rock

"Now let's try

Stretch your beard!"

When the order of the beard

Reduced each other

Grabbed cheekbones!

They puff, blush, writhe,

They moo, they squeal, but they stretch!

"Yes, you damned ones!

Don't spill water!"

In the ditch the women quarrel,

One shouts: "Go home

More sickening than hard labor!”

Another: - You're lying, in my house

Better than yours!

My elder brother-in-law broke a rib,

The middle son-in-law stole the ball,

A ball of spit, but the fact is -

Fifty dollars was wrapped in it,

And the younger son-in-law takes everything,

Look, he will kill him, he will kill him! ..

“Well, full, full, dear!

Well, don't be angry! - behind the roller

Heard in the distance. -

I'm okay...let's go!"

Such a bad night!

Is it right, is it left

Look from the road:

Couples go together

Isn't it right to that grove?

That grove attracts everyone,

Nightingales sing…

The road is crowded

What later is uglier:

More and more often come across

Beaten, crawling

Lying in a layer.

Without swearing, as usual,

Word won't be spoken

Crazy, indecent,

She is the most heard!

The taverns are confused

The leads got mixed up

Frightened horses

They run without riders;

Little children are crying.

Wives and mothers yearn:

Is it easy to drink

Call the men?

Our wanderers are coming

And they see: Veretennikov

(That the goat's shoes

Vavila gave)

Talks with peasants.

Peasants open up

Milyaga likes:

Pavel will praise the song -

They will sing five times, write it down!

Like the proverb -

Write a proverb!

Having recorded enough

Veretennikov told them:

"Smart Russian peasants,

One is not good

What they drink to stupefaction

Falling into ditches, into ditches -

It's a shame to look!"

The peasants listened to that speech,

They agreed with the barin.

Pavlusha something in a book

I already wanted to write.

Yes, the drunk turned up

Man - he is against the master

Lying on his stomach

looked into his eyes,

Was silent - but suddenly

How to jump! Directly to the barin -

Grab the pencil!

- Wait, empty head!

Crazy news, shameless

Don't talk about us!

What did you envy!

What is the fun of the poor

Peasant soul?

We drink a lot in time

And we work more.

We see a lot of drunks

And more sober us.

Did you visit the villages?

Take a bucket of vodka

Let's go to the huts:

In one, in the other they will pile up,

And in the third they will not touch -

We have a drinking family

Non-drinking family!

They don’t drink, and also toil,

It would be better to drink, stupid,

Yes, the conscience is...

It's wonderful to watch how it falls

In such a hut sober

Man's trouble -

And I would not have looked! .. I saw

Russians in the village suffering?

In the pub, what, people?

We have vast fields

And not much generous

Tell me, whose hand

In the spring they will dress

Will they undress in the fall?

Did you meet a man

After work in the evening?

Good mountain on the reaper

Put, ate from a pea:

"Hey! hero! straw

I'll knock you off!"

Sweet peasant food

All century saw iron

Chews, but does not eat!

Yes, the belly is not a mirror,

We don't cry for food...

You work alone

And a little work is over,

Look, there are three equity holders:

God, king and lord!

And there is another destroyer Tat - "thief, predator, kidnapper" (V.I. Dal).

Fourth, angrier than the Tatar,

So he won't share.

All gobble up one!

We have stuck the third day

The same poor gentleman,

Like you, from near Moscow.

writes songs,

Tell him a proverb

Solve the riddle.

And there was another - inquired,

How much per day do you work

Little by little, a lot

Pieces shove in your mouth?

Another land measures,

Another in the village of inhabitants

Count on fingers

But they didn't count

Because every summer

The fire blows into the wind

Peasant labor?

There is no measure for Russian hops.

Did they measure our grief?

Is there a measure for work?

Wine brings down the peasant

And grief does not bring him down?

Work not falling?

A man does not measure trouble,

Copes with everything

Whatever come.

A man, working, does not think,

What forces will break.

So really over the glass

To think that with too much

Will you fall into a ditch?

And what is shameful to look at you,

How drunks roll

So look, go

Like dragging from a swamp

Peasants have wet hay,

Mowed, dragged:

Where horses can't get through

Where and without a burden on foot

It's dangerous to cross

There is a peasant horde

On the roads Kocha is a form of the word "bump" in the Yaroslavl-Kostroma dialect., according to the fires Zazhorina - snowy water in a pit along the road.

Crawling crawling with whips Scourge - in the northern dialects - a large tall basket. -

The peasant's navel is cracking!

Under the sun without hats

In sweat, in dirt up to the top,

Sedge cut,

Swamp reptile midge

Eaten into the blood -

Are we prettier here?

Regret - sorry skillfully,

To the master's measure

Don't kill the peasant!

Not white women are tender,

And we are great people.

In work and in the spree! ..

Every peasant has

The soul is a black cloud -

Angry, formidable - and it would be necessary

Thunders rumble from there,

pouring bloody rains,

And everything ends with wine.

A charm went through the veins -

And kindly laughed

Peasant soul!

No need to mourn here

Look around - rejoice!

Hey guys, hey young people,

They know how to walk!

The bones waved

They roused the darling

And the prowess of the young

They saved the case! ..

The man stood on the roller,

Stamped with bast shoes

And after a moment's silence,

Admiring the fun

Roaring Crowd:

- Hey! you are a peasant kingdom,

Headless, drunk,

Noise - free noise! ​​.. -

"What's your name, old lady?"

- And what? write in a book?

Perhaps there is no need!

Write: "In the village of Basov

Yakim Nagoi lives

He works to death

Drinks half to death!”

The peasants laughed

And they told the barin

What a guy Yakim.

Yakim, poor old man,

Lived once in St. Petersburg,

Yes, he ended up in jail.

I wanted to compete with the merchant!

Like a peeled Velcro,

He returned to his home

And took up the plow.

Since then, it's been roasting for thirty years

On the strip under the sun

Saved under the harrow

From frequent rain

Lives - messes with the plow,

And death will come to Yakimushka -

Like a clod of earth will fall off,

What is dried up on the plow ...

There was a case with him: pictures

He bought his son

Hung them up on the walls

And himself no less than a boy

Loved to look at them.

God's disgrace has come

The village is on fire

And Yakimushka had

accumulated over a century

Ruble thirty-five.

Hurry to take a ruble,

And he first pictures

Began to tear off the wall;

Meanwhile his wife

fiddling with icons

And then the hut collapsed -

So blundered Yakim!

Merged into a lump of tselkoviki,

For that lump they give him

Eleven rubles...

“Oh brother Yakim! not cheap

The pictures are gone!

But in a new hut

Did you hang them up?”

- Hung up - there are new ones, -

Yakim said - and fell silent.

The master looked at the plowman:

The chest is sunken; like a depressed

Stomach; at the eyes, at the mouth

Bends like cracks

On dry ground;

And myself to mother earth

He looks like: a brown neck,

Like a layer cut off with a plow,

brick face,

Hand - tree bark,

And hair is sand.

The peasants noticed

What is not offensive to the master

Yakimov's words

And they agreed

With Yakim: - The word is true:

We need to drink!

We drink - it means we feel the power!

Great sadness will come

How to stop drinking!

Work would not fail

Trouble would not prevail

Hops will not overcome us!

Is not it?

"Yes, God is merciful!"

- Well, have a drink with us!

We got vodka and drank.

Yakim Veretennikov

He raised two scales.

- Hey sir! didn't get angry

Smart head!

(Yakim told him.)

Reasonable little head

How not to understand the peasant?

And pigs walk on earth -

They do not see the sky for centuries! ..

Suddenly the song burst out in chorus

Deleted, consonant:

A dozen or three youngsters

Khmelnenki, not falling down,

They walk side by side, they sing,

They sing about Mother Volga,

About the prowess of the youth,

About girlish beauty.

The whole road was quiet

That one song is foldable

Wide, freely rolling,

As rye spreads under the wind,

According to the heart of the peasant

Goes with fire-longing! ..

To the song of that remote

Thinking, crying

Youth alone:

“My age is like a day without the sun,

My age is like a night without a month,

And I, baby,

What a greyhound horse on a leash,

What is a swallow without wings!

My old husband, jealous husband,

Drunk drunk, snoring snoring,

Me, baby,

And sleepy guards!

So the young woman cried

Yes, she suddenly jumped off the cart!

"Where?" shouts the jealous husband,

I got up - and a woman for a braid,

Like a radish for a tuft!

Oh! night, night drunk!

Not bright, but stellar

Not hot, but with affectionate

Spring breeze!

And our good fellows

You didn't pass for nothing!

They were sad for their wives,

It's true: with his wife

Now it would be more fun!

Ivan shouts: "I want to sleep,"

And Maryushka: - And I'm with you! -

Ivan shouts: "The bed is narrow,"

And Maryushka: - Let's settle down! -

Ivan shouts: "Oh, it's cold,"

And Maryushka: - Let's get warm! -

How do you remember that song?

Without a word - agreed

Try your chest.

One, why God knows

Between field and road

The dense linden has grown.

Wanderers sat under it

And they said carefully:

"Hey! self-assembled tablecloth,

Treat the men!”

And the tablecloth unrolled

Where did they come from

Two hefty hands:

A bucket of wine was placed

Bread was laid on a mountain

And they hid again.

The peasants fortified themselves.

A novel for a sentry

Left by the bucket

Others intervened

In the crowd - look for a happy one:

They strongly wanted

Get home soon...


In the loud, festive crowd

Strangers wandered around

Called the call:

"Hey! is there no happy place?

Appear! When it turns out

that you live happily

We have a bucket ready:

Drink as much as you like -

We will treat you to glory! .. "

Such speeches unheard

Sober people laughed

And drunk and smart

Almost spat in the beard

Zealous screamers.

However, hunters

Take a sip of free wine

Found enough.

When the wanderers returned

Under the linden, calling the cry,

People surrounded them.

The deacon, fired, came

Skinny, like a sulfur match,

And loosened the fringes,

That happiness is not in pastures Pastures - in the Tambov-Ryazan dialects - meadows, pastures; in Arkhangelsk - belongings, property.,

Not in sables, not in gold,

Not in expensive stones.

"And in what?"

- In a good mood Compassion is a state of mind that disposes to mercy, goodness, goodness.!

There are limits to possessions

Lords, nobles, kings of the earth,

And wise possession -

The whole garden of Christ The Vertograd of Christ is synonymous with paradise.!

When the sun warms

Let me skip the pigtail

So I'm happy! -

"Where can you get a pigtail?"

- Yes, you promised to give ...

"Get out! you're joking!.."

An old woman came

speckled, one-eyed,

And announced, bowing,

What makes her happy:

What does she have in autumn

Born rap to a thousand

On a small ridge.

- Such a large turnip,

This turnip is delicious.

And the whole ridge is three sazhens,

And across - arshin Arshin is an old Russian measure of length, equal to 0.71 m.! -

They laughed at the grandmother

And they didn’t give a drop of vodka:

“Drink at home, old one,

Eat that turnip!”

A soldier came with medals

A little alive, but I want to drink:

- I'm happy! - speaks.

"Well, open up, old lady,

What is the happiness of a soldier?

Don't hide, look!"

- And in the first place, happiness,

What in twenty battles

I was, not killed!

And secondly, more importantly,

Me and during peacetime

Walked neither full nor hungry,

And death did not give!

And thirdly - for faults,

Great and small

Mercilessly I beat with sticks,

And at least feel it - it's alive!

"On the! drink, servant!

There is nothing to argue with you:

You are happy - there is no word!

Came with a heavy hammer

Stonemason-Olonchanin Olonchanin - a resident of the Olonets province.,

Shouldered, young:

- And I live - I do not complain, -

He said, - with his wife, with his mother

We do not know the need!

"Yes, what is your happiness?"

- But look (and with a hammer,

Like a feather, waved):

When I wake up to the sun

Let me unwind at midnight

So I will crush the mountain!

It happened, I do not brag

chipping stones

A day for five silver!

Pahom raised "happiness"

And, grunting decently,

Give the worker:

“Well, weighty! but will not

Carry with this happiness

Under old age is it hard? .. "

- Look, do not brag about your strength, -

Said the man with shortness of breath,

Relaxed, thin

(The nose is sharp, like a dead one,

Skinny hands like a rake

Like the spokes of the legs are long,

Not a man - a mosquito). -

I was no worse than a bricklayer

Yes, he also boasted of strength,

So God punished!

The contractor, the beast, realized

What a simple kid,

Taught me to praise

And I'm foolishly happy

I work for four!

One day I wear a good

I laid bricks.

And here it is, damned,

And apply a hard one:

"What is this? - speaks. -

I don't recognize Tryphon!

To go with such a burden

Aren't you ashamed young man?

- And if it seems a little,

Add by the master's hand! -

I said, angry.

Well, with half an hour, I think

I waited, and he laid,

And planted, scoundrel!

I hear myself - a terrible craving,

I didn't want to back away.

And brought that damn burden

I'm on the second floor!

The contractor looks, marvels,

Screaming, scoundrel, from there:

“Ah well done, Trofim!

You don't know what you did

You took down one at the extreme

Fourteen pounds!

Oh, I know! hammer heart

Knocking in the chest, bloody

There are circles in the eyes

The back looks like it's cracked...

Trembling, weak legs.

I've been dying since then! ..

Pour, brother, half a cup!

“Pour? But where is the happiness?

We will treat the happy

And what did you say!”

- Listen! there will be happiness!

“Yes, in what, speak!”

- And here's what. me at home,

Like every peasant

I wanted to die.

From St. Petersburg, relaxed,

Crazy, almost without memory,

I got into the car.

Well, here we go.

In the car - feverish,

hot workers

We got a lot

Everyone wanted one

How do I: get to my homeland,

To die at home.

However, you need happiness

And then: we drove in the summer,

In the heat, in the heat

Many are confused

Completely sick heads

In the car hell went:

He groans, he rides,

Like a catechumen, by gender,

He raves about his wife, mother.

Well, at the next station

Down with this!

I looked at my comrades

I myself was on fire, I thought -

Bad for me too.

Crimson circles in the eyes,

And everything seems to me, brother,

What do I cut peuns Peun is a rooster.!

(We are also peons Peunyatnik - a person who feeds roosters for sale.,

Happened to fatten a year

Up to a thousand goiters.)

Where do you remember, damned!

I have tried to pray

No! everyone is going crazy!

Will you believe? the whole party

Trembling before me!

Larynx cut,

The blood is gushing, but they sing!

And I with a knife: “Yes, you are full!”

How the Lord has mercy

Why didn't I scream?

I sit, I strengthen myself ... fortunately,

The day is over, and by the evening

It's cold, sorry

God over orphans!

Well, that's how we got there.

And I made it home

Here, by the grace of God,

And it became easier for me ...

- What are you bragging about?

With your manly happiness? -

Screaming broken to his feet

Yard man. -

And you treat me:

I'm happy, God knows!

At the first boyar,

At Prince Peremetiev,

I was a favorite slave.

Wife is a beloved servant

And the daughter, along with the young lady

Studied French too

And every language

She was allowed to sit

In the presence of the princess...

Oh! how prickly! .. fathers! .. -

(And started the right foot

rub palms.)

The peasants laughed.

- Why are you laughing, stupid -

Angered unexpectedly,

The doorman screamed. -

I'm sick, but can I tell you

What do I pray to the Lord?

Getting up and lying down?

I pray: "Let me, Lord,

my honorable illness,

According to her, I am a nobleman!

Not your vile sickness,

Not hoarseness, not a hernia -

noble disease,

What only happens

From the first persons in the empire,

I'm sick man!

Yes, the game is called!

To get it -

Champagne, Burgundy,

Tokay, Hungarian

You have to drink for thirty years ...

Behind the chair at the brightest

At Prince Peremetyev's

I stood for forty years

With French best truffle Truffle is a mushroom that grows underground. The French black truffle was especially highly valued.

I licked the plates

Foreign drinks

Drinking from glasses...

Well, pour it! -

"Get out!

We have peasant wine,

Simple, not overseas -

Not on your lips!

Yellow-haired, hunched,

Crept up timidly to the wanderers

Belarusian peasant,

It also reaches for vodka:

- Pour me a manenichko too,

I'm happy! - speaks.

“And you don’t go with your hands!

Report, prove

First, how happy are you?

- And our happiness is in bread:

I am at home in Belarus

With chaff, with a bonfire Bonfire - lignified parts of the stems of flax, hemp, etc.

Chewed barley bread;

Like a woman in labor you writhe

How to grab the bellies.

And now, by the grace of God! -

Filled with Gubonin

Give rye bread

I chew - I do not wait! -

Came some cloudy

A man with a twisted cheekbone,

Everything looks to the right:

- I go after bears.

And my happiness is great:

Three of my comrades

Bears broke,

And I live, God is merciful!

“Well, look to the left?”

I did not look, no matter how I tried,

What scary faces

The man writhed:

- The bear turned me

Manenichko cheekbone! -

“And you measure yourself with another,

Give her your right cheek

Correct ... "- Laughed,

However, they brought it up.

ragged beggars,

Hearing the smell of foam,

And they came to prove

How happy they are

- We have a shopkeeper on the doorstep

Meets with alms

And we will enter the house, so from the house

Escorted to the gate...

Let's sing a little song

The hostess runs to the window

With edge, with a knife,

And we are pouring:

“Come on give - the whole loaf,

Doesn't wrinkle or crumble

Hurry for you, but we argue ... "

Our wanderers have realized

That they spent vodka for nothing,

By the way, and a bucket

End. “Well, it will be with you!

Hey, happiness man!

Leaky with patches

Humpbacked with calluses

Get off home!"

- And you, dear friends,

Ask Ermila Girin, -

He said, sitting down with strangers,

Villages of Dymoglotov

Peasant Fedosey. -

If Yermil does not help out,

Lucky will not be declared

So there is nothing to stumble...

“And who is Yermil?

Is it a prince, a noble count?

- Not a prince, not an illustrious count,

But he's just a man!

"You speak smarter,

Sit down and we'll listen

What is Ermil?

- And here's one: an orphan

Yermilo kept the mill

On Unzha. By court

Decided to sell the mill:

Yermilo came with others

To the auction house.

Empty buyers

They fell off quickly.

One merchant Altynnikov

He entered into battle with Yermil,

Do not lag behind, traded,

He puts on a penny.

Yermilo how angry -

Grab five rubles at once!

The merchant again a pretty penny,

They went to battle;

The merchant with his penny,

And that one with his ruble!

Altynnikov could not resist!

Yes, an opportunity came out here:

Immediately began to demand

The makings of the third part,

And the third part - up to a thousand.

There was no money with Yermil,

Did he himself screw up

Did the clerks cheat

And it turned out to be rubbish!

Altynnikov cheered up:

“My, it turns out, a mill!”

"No! Ermil says

Approaches the chairman. -

Can't your grace

Intervene for half an hour?

What will you do in half an hour?

"I'll bring the money!"

- Where can you find it? Are you in your mind?

Thirty-five versts to the mill,

And an hour later the presence

The end, my dear!

“So, will you allow half an hour?”

“Maybe we’ll skip the hour!” -

Yermil went; clerks

exchanged glances with the merchant,

Laugh, scoundrels!

To the market square

Yermilo came (in the city

That market day was

He stood on a cart, we see: he is baptized,

On all four sides

Shouts: “Hey, good people!

Shut up, listen

I'll tell you a word!"

The crowded square has become silent,

And then Ermil about the mill

He told the people:

"For a long time the merchant Altynnikov

Wooed to the mill

I didn't make a mistake either

Five times consulted in the city,

They said: with rebidding

Bidding has been scheduled.

Nothing to do, you know

Carry the treasury to the peasant

Country road is not a hand:

I came without a penny

But look - they pissed off

Without rebidding bargaining!

Vile souls cheated

Yes, and non-Christs laugh:

“What are you going to do about the hour?

Where will you find money?

Maybe I'll find it, God bless!

Cunning, strong clerks,

And their world is stronger

The merchant Altynnikov is rich,

And he can't resist

Against the worldly treasury -

Her like a fish from the sea

To catch a century is not to catch.

Well, brothers! God sees

Sharing that Friday!

The mill is not dear to me,

The insult is great!

If you know Yermila

If you believe Yermil,

So help me out, eh! .. "

And a miracle happened:

All over the marketplace

Every peasant has

Like the wind, half left

It turned over suddenly!

The peasantry forked out

They bring money to Yermil,

They give who is rich.

Yermilo is a literate guy,

No time to write down

Put on a full hat

Tselkovikov, Lobanchikov,

Burnt, beaten, ragged

Peasant banknotes.

Yermilo took - did not disdain

And a copper nugget.

Still, he would begin to disdain,

When I got here

Other hryvnia copper

More than a hundred rubles!

The sum has already been fulfilled

And the generosity of the people

Grew up: - Take it, Ermil Ilyich,

Give it up, it won't disappear! -

Yermil bowed to the people

On all four sides

He went into the ward with a hat,

Keeping the treasury in it.

The clerks were surprised,

Altynnikov turned green,

How he is full of the whole thousand

They put it on the table!

Not a wolf's tooth, so a fox's tail, -

Went to bustle clerks,

Congratulations on your purchase!

Yes, Ermil Ilyich is not like that,

Didn't say too much.

I didn't give them a penny!

Look the whole city came together

Like on market day, Friday,

After a week of time

Yermil on the same square

The people counted.

Remember where everyone is?

At that time it was done

In a fever, in a hurry!

However, there were no disputes

And give a penny extra

Ermil did not have to.

Also, he himself said

An extra ruble, whose God knows!

Stayed with him.

All day with a purse open

Yermil walked and inquired:

Whose ruble? didn't find it.

The sun has already set

When from the marketplace

Yermil was the last to move,

Giving that ruble to the blind...

So this is what Ermil Ilyich is like. -

“Wonderful! the strangers said. -

However, it is desirable to know

What sorcery

A man over the whole neighborhood

Have you taken that kind of power?

- Not witchcraft, but truth.

Heard about Hell

Yurlov prince patrimony?

"Heard, so what?"

- It has a general manager

There was a gendarme corps

Colonel with a star

With him five or six assistants,

And our Yermilo is a clerk

Was in the office.

Twenty years old was small,

What is the will of the clerk?

However, for the peasant

And the clerk is a man.

You approach him first,

And he will advise

And he will provide information;

Where there is enough strength - will help out,

Don't ask for gratitude

And if you give it, you won't take it!

A bad conscience is necessary -

Peasant from peasant

Extort a penny.

In this way, the whole estate

At the age of five, Ermila Girina

Got to know well

And then they kicked him out...

They felt sorry for Girin,

It was difficult to new

Grabber, get used to,

However, there is nothing to do

Fitted in time

And to the new scribe.

He is not a line without a triplet,

Not a word without a seventh worker,

Burnt, from kuteynikov -

And God told him!

However, by the will of God,

He reigned for a short time,

The old prince died

The young prince came

Chased that colonel out.

Chased away his assistant

He drove the whole office

And he ordered us from the patrimony

Choose a Burmese.

Well, we didn't think long

Six thousand souls, all fiefdom

We shout: - Yermila Girin! -

How one man!

They call Yermila to the master.

Talking to a peasant

From the balcony the prince shouts:

“Well, brothers! be your way.

My princely seal

Your choice is approved:

The man is agile, literate,

I’ll say one thing: aren’t you young? .. "

And we: - There is no need, father,

And young, but smart! -

Yermilo went to reign

Over the whole prince's patrimony,

And he reigned!

At seven years of a worldly penny

Didn't squeeze under the nail

At the age of seven, he did not touch the right one,

Did not allow the guilty.

I didn’t bend my heart…

Stop! - shouted reproachfully

Some gray-haired priest

Narrator. - You're wrong!

The harrow went straight

Yes, suddenly waved to the side -

Hit a rock with a tooth!

When I started to tell

So don't throw away the words

From the song: or wanderers

Are you telling a fairy tale?

I knew Ermila Girin ... "

“But I didn’t know?”

We were one estate,

of the same parish,

Yes, we have been transferred...

“And if you knew Girin,

So I knew brother Mitrius,

Think, my friend."

The narrator became thoughtful

And, after a pause, he said:

- I lied: the word is superfluous

It went off the rails!

There was a case, and Yermil-man

Gone Crazy: From Recruitment

Little brother Mitrius

He improved.

We are silent: there is nothing to argue,

The master of the elder's brother himself

Would not order to shave

One Nenila Vlasyev

Weeping bitterly for her son

Shouts: it's not our turn!

Known to have screamed

Yes, I would leave with that.

So what? Ermil himself,

Done with recruiting

Began to grieve, grieve,

Doesn't drink, doesn't eat: that's the end

What's in the stall with a rope

Stopped by his father.

Here the son repented to his father:

“Since the son of Vlasyevna

I put it out of line

The white light is disgusting to me!”

And he reaches for the rope.

They tried to persuade

His father and brother

He is all the same: “I am a criminal!

The villain! tie my hands

Take me to court!"

So that it doesn't get worse

Father tied the heart,

Posted a guard.

The world has come together, making noise, clamoring,

Such a wonderful thing

never had to

Neither see nor decide.

Ermilov family

That's not what they were trying to do

So that we can reconcile them

And judge more strictly -

Return the boy to Vlasyevna,

Otherwise Yermil will hang himself,

You can't look after him!

Yermil Ilyich himself came,

Barefoot, thin, with stocks,

With rope in hand

He came and said: "It was time,

I judged you according to your conscience,

Now I myself am more sinful than you:

Judge me!"

And bowed at our feet.

Neither give nor take holy fool,

Stands, sighs, crosses himself,

We were sorry to see

As he is in front of the old woman,

Before Nenila Vlasyeva,

Suddenly fell on his knees!

Well, things worked out

With a strong lord

Everywhere hand; Vlasyevna's son

He returned, handed over Mitriy,

Yes, they say, and Mitriya

It's easy to serve

The prince himself takes care of him.

And for the fault with Girin

We have fined:

Penalty money recruit,

A small part of Vlasyevna,

Part of the world for wine...

However, after this

Yermil did not soon cope,

I've been walking like crazy for a year.

No matter how the patrimony asked,

Resigned from office

Rented that mill

And he became thicker than before

All the people love:

I took it for a prayer in good conscience.

Didn't stop the people

clerk, manager,

Wealthy landowners

And the poorest men

All queues obeyed

The order was strict!

I myself am in that province

Haven't been in a while

And I heard about Yermila,

People don't brag about them.

You go to him.

- In vain you pass, -

Said once arguing

Grey-haired pop. -

I knew Ermila, Girin,

I ended up in that province

Five years ago

(I traveled a lot in my life,

Our Grace

translate priests

Loved)… With Ermila Girin

We were neighbors.

Yes! there was only one man!

He had everything he needed

For happiness: and peace,

And money and honor

Honor enviable, true,

Not bought by money

Not fear: strict truth,

Mind and kindness!

Yes, I repeat to you

In vain you pass

He sits in jail...

"How so?"

- And the will of God!

Have any of you heard

How the patrimony rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

frightened province,

County Nedykhaniev,

The village of Stolbnyaki?..

How to write about fires

In the newspapers (I read them):

"remained unknown

Reason" - and here:

So far unknown

Neither the zemstvo police officer,

Nor the higher government

Not tetanus themselves,

What happened to the occasion.

And it turned out to be rubbish.

It took a military.

The Sovereign himself sent

He spoke to the people

That curse will try

And shoulders with epaulettes

Raise high

That kindness will try

And chest with royal crosses

In all four directions

Will start turning.

Yes, the scolding was superfluous here,

And the caress is incomprehensible:

Orthodox peasantry!

Mother Rus'! king-father!

And nothing more!

Having beaten enough

They wanted the soldiers

Command: fall!

Yes to the parish clerk

A happy thought came here

It's about Yermila Girin

The chief said:

- The people will believe Girin,

The people will listen to him ... -

"Call him alive!"


Suddenly a cry: “Ai, ai! have mercy!"

Breaking out unexpectedly

Disrupted the priest's speech

Everyone rushed to look:

At the road roller

They flog a drunken lackey -

Caught stealing!

Where he is caught, here is his judgment:

Three dozen judges met

We decided to give a vine,

And everyone gave a vine!

The footman jumped up and, spanking

skinny shoemakers,

Without a word, he gave cravings.

“Look, he ran like a disheveled one! -

Our strangers joked

Recognizing in him a baluster,

that boasted of some

special disease

from foreign wines. -

Where did the agility come from!

That noble disease

Suddenly it took off, as if by hand!

"Hey Hey! where are you, father!

You tell the story

How the patrimony rebelled

Landowner Obrubkov,

The village of Stolbnyaki?

“Time to go home, folks.

God willing, we'll meet again

Then I'll tell you!

In the morning I drove off

The crowd dispersed.

The peasants decided to sleep

Suddenly a troika with a bell

Where did it come from

Flies! and it swings

Some kind of round gentleman,

mustachioed, pot-bellied,

With a cigar in my mouth.

The peasants rushed at once

To the road, take off your hats,

bow low,

Lined up in a row

And a troika with a bell

Barred the way...


neighboring landowner

Gavrilo Afanasich


That trio drove.

The landlord was ruddy,

portly, squat,

sixty years;

Mustache gray, long,

Good fellows,

Hungarian woman with brandenburgers Hungarian with brandenburgs - a short men's jacket, reminiscent of the Hungarian national costume, decorated with a thick shiny cord.,

Wide pants.

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

Must have been overwhelmed

Seeing in front of the troika

Seven tall men.

He pulled out a pistol

Like himself, just as plump,

And a six-barreled barrel

Pointed at strangers:

"Don `t move! If you touch

Robbers! robbers!

I'll put it on the spot! .. "

The peasants laughed.

What kind of robbers are we?

Look - we don't have a knife,

No axes, no pitchforks! -

“Who are you? what do you need?"

- We have a concern.

Is it such a concern

Which of the houses survived

With work unfriended us,

Got off food.

You give us a strong word

To our peasant speech

Without laughter and without cunning,

In truth and reason

How should you answer

Then your care

Let's tell you...

"Excuse me: honest word,

I give noble!

- No, you are not noble to us,

Give me a Christian word!

Noble with a scolding,

With a push and with a poke,

That is unsuitable for us! -

“Hey! what news!

And yet, have it your way!

Well, what is your speech? .. "

- Hide the gun! listen!

Like this! we are not robbers

We are humble men

Of the temporary

tightened province,

County Terpigorev,

empty parish,

From different villages

Zaplatova, Dyryavina,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Crop failure too.

Walking the path,

We got together casually

We agreed - and argued:

Who lives happily

Feel free in Rus'?

Roman said: to the landowner,

Demyan said: to an official.

Luke said: ass,

Fat-bellied merchant, -

Gubin brothers said

Ivan and Mitrodor.

Pahom said: to the brightest,

noble boyar,

Minister of the State,

And Prov said: to the king ...

Man what a bull: vtemyashitsya

In the head what a whim -

Stake her from there

You won't beat it! No matter how they argued

We did not agree!

Argued, quarreled,

quarreled, fought,

Podravshis, thought

Don't go apart

Do not toss and turn in the houses,

Don't see your wives

Not with the little guys

Not with old old people,

As long as our dispute

We won't find a solution

Until we get it

Whatever it is - for sure,

Who wants to live happily

Feel free in Rus'?

Tell us godly

Is the landowner's life sweet?

You are like - at ease, happily,

Landlord, do you live?

Gavrilo Afanasyevich

Jumped out of the tarantass

Approached the peasants:

Like a doctor, a hand to everyone

I felt, I looked into their faces,

Grabbed by the sides

And rolled with laughter ...

“Ha ha! haha! haha! ha ha!"

Healthy landlord laughter

Through the morning air

Began to unravel…

Laughing to my heart's content,

The landowner is not without bitterness

Said, "Put on your hats,

Sit down, gentlemen! »

- We gentlemen are not important,

Before your grace

And we'll stand...

"No! No!

Please sit down, citizens! »

The peasants were stubborn

However, there is nothing to do

Sat on the shaft.

“Will you let me sit down?

Hey Troshka! a glass of sherry

Pillow and carpet!

Lay down on the rug

And after drinking a glass of sherry,

The landlord began like this:

"I gave you my word of honor

Answer honestly.

And it's not easy!

Although you are respectable people,

However, not scientists

How to talk to you?

First you need to understand

What does the word mean:

Landowner, nobleman.

Tell me, dear

About the family tree

Did you hear anything?

- Forests are not ordered to us -

We saw a tree! -

The men said.

“You hit the sky with your finger! ..

Let me tell you more clearly:

I am famous.

My ancestor Oboldui

For the first time commemorated

In old Russian letters

Two centuries and a half

Back to that. Says

That letter: "Tatar

Obolt Obolduev

Given the end of the good

Priced at two rubles:

Wolves and foxes

He entertained the empress,

On the day of the royal name day

Released a wild bear

With his own, and Oboldueva

The bear that skinned ... "

Well, do you understand, dear?

- How not to understand! With bears

A lot of them wobble

Prokhvostov, and now. -

“You are all yours, dear!

Be silent! you better listen

What am I talking about:

That Oboldui, who amused

Beasts sovereign,

Was the root of our kind,

And it was as it was said

Over two hundred years.

My maternal great-great-grandfather

There was also that ancient one:

"Prince Shchepin with Vaska Gusev

(Another note says)

Tried to set fire to Moscow,

They thought to rob the treasury

Yes, they were executed by death,

And it was, dear,

Almost three hundred years.

So this is where it comes from

That noble tree

It's coming, my friends!"

- And you, about an apple

Are you coming out of that tree? -

The men said.

“Well, an apple is an apple!

Agree! Good, understood

You deal at last.

Now - you yourself know -

Than a noble tree

Ancient, so name,

Honorary nobleman.

Isn't that right, benefactors?"

- So! the strangers answered. -

White bone, black bone

And look, so different -

They are different and honored!

“Well, I see, I see: you understand!

So, friends, we lived

Like Christ in the bosom,

And we knew honor.

Not only Russian people,

Russian nature itself

Subdued us.

You used to be in a circle

Alone like the sun in the sky

Your villages are humble,

Your forests are dense

Your fields are all around!

Will you go to the village -

Peasants fall at their feet

You will go forest cottages -

centennial trees

The forests will bow!

Will you go arable land, cornfield -

The whole field is a ripe ear

Creeps at the feet of the master,

Pleasing to the eye and ear!

There are fish in the river splashing:

"Fat-fat until the time!"

There the hare stalks the meadow:

"Walk-walk until autumn!"

Everything amused the master,

Lovingly weed each

Whispered: "I'm yours!"

Russian beauty and pride,

White churches of God

Over the hills, over the hills,

And argued with them in glory

noble houses.

Houses with greenhouses

With Chinese gazebos

And with English parks;

Played on every flag

Played-beckoned affably,

Russian hospitality

And he promised kindness.

The French don't like

In a dream, what holidays

Not a day, not two - a month

We asked here.

Your turkeys are fat

Your liqueurs are juicy,

Their actors, music,

Servants - a whole regiment!

Five cooks and a baker

Two blacksmiths, an upholsterer,

Seventeen musicians

And twenty two hunters

I held ... my God! .. "

The landowner twirled

Fell face down on the pillow

Then he got up and corrected himself:

"Hey Proshka!" - shouted.

Footman, according to the master's word,

He brought a jug of vodka.

Gavrila Afanasyevich,

Taking a bite, he continued:

“It used to be in the late autumn

Your forests, Mother Rus',

Animated loud

Hunting horns.

Dull, faded

Forests half-dressed

Started to live again

Were standing on the edges


The landowner himself stood

And there, in the forest, the squatters Vyzhlyatnik - manages a pack of hounds on a crowded canine hunt: Vyzhlyatz - hound dog.

Roared, daredevils,

The hounds cooked with brew.

Chu! calls the horn!

Chu! the flock howls! huddled!

No way, according to the red beast

Let's go?.. whoo-lu!

Fox black-brown,

Fluffy, fluffy

It flies, sweeps its tail!

Sit down, sit down

Trembling all over, zealous,

Clever Dogs:

Perhaps the guest is waiting!

It's time! Oh well! don't give it away, horse!

Don't let go, little dogs!

Hey! hoo-hoo! darlings!

Hey! whoo-lu!.. atu!..»

Gavrilo Afanasyevich,

Jumping up from the Persian carpet,

He waved his hand, jumped,

Shouted! He imagined

What does he poison the fox ...

The peasants listened silently

looked, admired,

Laughed in the mustache ...

“Oh you, hunting canine!

Forget all the landlords

But you, primordially Russian

Fun! you won't forget

Not forever!

We are not sad about ourselves

We are sorry that you, Mother Rus',

Lost with pleasure

His chivalrous, warlike,

Majestic view!

It used to be us in the fall

Up to fifty will move

Into away fields Departure fields are places of gathering and overnight stays for hunters.;

Every landowner

One hundred hounds loose Napusk - a pack of hounds.,

Each has a dozen

Borzovshchikov Greyhound - manages a pack of greyhounds on a crowded dog hunt. on horseback,

At each with cooks,

With provision convoy.

As with songs and with music

We're moving forward

What is the cavalry

Your division!

Time flew like a falcon

The chest of the landowner breathed

Free and easy.

In the days of the boyars,

In the order of ancient Russian

The spirit has moved!

None of the contradictions

Whom I want - I have mercy

Whoever I want, I'll execute.

Law is my wish!

The fist is my police!

sparkling blow,

a crushing blow,

Cheekbone-worrrot blow! .. "

Suddenly, like a string, it broke,

The speech of the landowner was cut off.

Downcast, frowning,

"Hey Proshka! - shouted

He said: You know yourself

Is it possible without rigor?

But I punished - loving.

The great chain broke

Now we do not beat the peasant,

But paternal

We do not love him.

Yes, I was strict on time

And yet, more affection

I attracted hearts.

I'm on Bright Sunday

With all my fiefdom

Christed himself!

Used to be covered

There is a huge table in the living room

It has red eggs on it,

And Easter, and Easter cake!

My wife, grandmother,

Sons, even young ladies

Do not hesitate, kiss

with the last man.

"Christ is risen!" - Indeed! -

The peasants are talking.

They drink mash and wine ...

Before every revered

twelfth holiday

In my front rooms

The priest served the vigil.

And to that home vigil

Peasants were allowed

Pray - at least break your forehead!

Sense of smell suffered

Shot down after the patrimony

Bab wash the floors!

Yes spiritual purity

Thus, saved

Spiritual relationship!

Isn't that right, benefactors?"

- So! - answered the strangers,

And they thought to themselves:

"Kolom knocked them down, or something, you

Pray in the manor's house? .. "

“But, I will say without boasting,

The man loved me!

In my Surma estate

Peasants are all contractors,

They used to be bored at home

All on the other side

Leave in the spring...

Can't wait for autumn

Wife, little kids

And they wonder, quarrel:

What kind of hotel

The peasants will bring!

And for sure: over the corvee,

Canvas, eggs and living creatures,

All that on the landlord

Gathered from time immemorial, -

Hotels are voluntary

The peasants brought us!

From Kyiv - with jam,

From Astrakhan - with fish,

And the one who is more sufficient

And with silk:

Look, he smacked the lady's hand

And the bundle gives!

toys, treats for children

And to me, the gray hawk,

From Peter wine!

Sense learned, robbers,

Probably not to Krivonogov,

Will run to the French.

Here you walk with them

Have a brotherly conversation

Wife with her own hand

Pour them a cup.

And the kids are small

Sucking on gingerbread

Let the idle listen

men's stories

About their difficult trades,

About alien sides

About Petersburg, about Astrakhan,

About Kyiv, about Kazan...

So that's how, benefactors,

I lived with my fiefdom,

Isn't it good, isn't it?"

- Yes, it was for you, the landowners,

Life is enviable

Do not die!

“And it's all over! it's all over!

Chu! death knell!

The strangers listened

And for sure: from Kuzminsky

Through the morning air

Those sounds, chest aching,

Rushed. - Peace to the peasant

And the kingdom of heaven!” -

The wanderers spoke

And everyone was baptized...

Gavrilo Afanasyevich

He took off his hat - and piously

Crossed too:

“They are not calling for a peasant!

Through life according to the landowner's

They call! .. Oh, life is wide!

Sorry, goodbye forever!

Farewell to landlord Rus'!

Now not the same Rus'!

Hey, Proshka! (drank vodka

And whistled) ...


See how it's changed

Your face, unfortunate

Native side!


It's like everything is hidden

Dead! Where

You don't go, you get caught

Some peasants are drunk

excise officials,

Poles transit Poles are transitory - i.e. expelled from Poland for participating in the uprising.

Yes stupid intermediaries Mediator - in the period 1861-1874, a mediator was chosen from local nobles to resolve differences between the liberated peasants and landlords..

Yes, sometimes it will

Team. Guess:

Must have rebelled

Gratitude in abundance

Village somewhere!

And before what rushed here

Strollers, triple carts.

Dormezov gear!

The landowner's family rolls -

Here mothers are solid,

There are cute daughters

And frisky sons!

singing bells,

cooing bells

Listen to your heart's content.

And what are you doing now?

The picture is outrageous

What a step - you're amazed:

Cemetery suddenly blew,

Well, we're getting closer.

To the estate ... My God!

Dismantled brick by brick

Beautiful landowner's house

And neatly folded

Bricks in columns!

Extensive landowner's garden,

cherished for centuries,

Under the ax of a peasant

All lay down - the man admires,

How much wood came out!

Callous soul of a peasant

Will he think

What an oak, now felled by him,

My grandfather with his own hand

Once planted?

What's under that mountain ash

Our kids frolicked

And Ganichka and Vera,

Hooked with me?

What is here, under this linden,

My wife confessed to me

How heavy is she

Gavryusha, our firstborn,

And hid on my chest

Like a cherry blossom

Pretty face?

He would benefit

Radekhonek landlords

Estates to exhaust!

The village is ashamed to go:

The man sits - does not move,

Not noble pride -

You feel bile in your chest.

In the forest is not a hunting horn

Sounds like a robber's ax

Naughty! .. what can you do?

Who will save the forest?

Fields are unfinished

Crops are undersown

There is no trace!

O mother! oh motherland!

We are not sad about ourselves

You, dear, sorry.

You are like a sad widow

You stand with a scythe loose,

With an untidy face!

Homesteads are being translated

Instead, they breed

Drinking houses!

The dissolute people sing,

They call for earthly services,

Planted, taught to read and write, -

He needs her!

On all of you, Mother Rus',

Like a brand on a criminal

Like a brand on a horse,

Two words are scrawled:

Sophisticated Russian literacy

Don't teach!

And we have land...

Oh you, the land of the landowners!

You are not our mother, but a stepmother

Now… “Who ordered it? -

Idle hacks scream, -

So extort, rape

Your nurse!”

And I will say: - And who was waiting? -

Oh! those preachers!

They shout: “Enough to barter!

Wake up, sleepy landowner!

Get up! - study! work hard!..”

I'm not a peasant-bast worker -

I am by the grace of God

Russian noble!

Russia is not German

We have delicate feelings

We are proud!

Noble estates

We do not learn how to work.

We have a bad official

And he won't sweep the floors

Will not heat the oven...

I'll tell you without boasting

I live almost without a break

Forty years in the village

And from a rye ear

I can't distinguish barley.

And they sing to me: "Work hard!"

And if indeed

We misunderstood our duty

And our destination

Not that the name is ancient,

Dignity of nobility

Keep up the hunt

Feasts, every luxury

And live by someone else's work,

It should have been so before

Say... What did I study?

What did I see around?

I smoked the sky of God,

He wore the livery of the king.

Littered the people's treasury

And I thought to live like this for a century ...

And suddenly… the Righteous Lord!..”

The landlord sobbed...

Good-natured peasants

Almost cried too

Thinking to myself:

"The great chain is broken,

Torn - jumped

One end on the master,

Others for a man! .. "



Seven men meet on the high road in the Pustoporozhnaya Volost: Roman, Demyan, Luka, Prov, the old man Pakhom, the brothers Ivan and Mitrodor Gubin. They come from neighboring villages: Neurozhayki, Zaplatova, Dyryavina, Razutova, Znobishina, Gorelova and Neelova. The men are arguing about who is good in Rus', who lives freely. Roman believes that the landowner, Demyan - the official, and Luka - the priest. The old man Pakhom claims that the minister lives best, the Gubin brothers - a merchant, and Prov thinks that the king.

It starts to get dark. The peasants understand that, carried away by the dispute, they have traveled thirty miles and now it is too late to return home. They decide to spend the night in the forest, make a fire in the clearing and start arguing again, and then even fighting. From their noise, all the forest animals scatter, and a chick falls out of the nest of a warbler, which Pahom picks up. The mother warbler flies up to the fire and asks in a human voice to let her chick go. For this, she will fulfill any desire of the peasants.

The men decide to go ahead and find out which of them is right. Chiffchaff tells where you can find a self-assembled tablecloth that will feed and water them on the road. The men find a self-assembled tablecloth and sit down to feast. They agree not to return home until they find out who has the best life in Rus'.

Chapter I. Pop

Soon the travelers meet the priest and tell the priest that they are looking for "who lives happily, freely in Rus'." They ask the minister of the church to honestly answer: is he satisfied with his fate?

Pop replies that he bears his cross with humility. If men believe that a happy life is peace, honor and wealth, then he has nothing of the kind. People don't choose the time of their death. So the priest is called to the dying man, even in pouring rain, even in severe frost. Yes, and the heart sometimes can not stand the widow's and orphan's tears.

There is no honor to speak of. They make up all sorts of tales about priests, laugh at them and consider meeting with a priest a bad omen. And the wealth of the priests is not the same now. Before, when noble people lived in their family estates, the incomes of the priests were not bad. The landowners made rich gifts, were baptized and married in the parish church. Here they were buried and buried. Those were the traditions. And now the nobles live in the capitals and "foreign countries", where they celebrate all church rites. And you can't take a lot of money from poor peasants.

The men respectfully bow to the priest and go on.

CHAPTER II. country fair

Travelers pass through several empty villages and ask: where have all the people gone? It turns out that there is a fair in the neighboring village. The men decide to go there. A lot of well-dressed people walk at the fair, they sell everything: from plows and horses to scarves and books. There is a lot of goods, but even more drinking establishments.

Old man Vavila is crying near the shop. He drank all the money, and promised his granddaughter goat shoes. Pavlusha Veretennikov comes up to his grandfather and buys shoes for the girl. The overjoyed old man grabs his shoes and hurries home. Veretennikov is known in the district. He loves to sing and listen to Russian songs.

CHAPTER III. drunken night

After the fair, there are drunks on the way. Who wanders, who crawls, and who even rolls in a ditch. Groans and endless drunken conversations are heard everywhere. Veretennikov is talking to the peasants at the road post. He listens and writes down songs, proverbs, and then begins to reproach the peasants for drinking a lot.

A well drunk man named Yakim enters into an argument with Veretennikov. He says that the common people have accumulated many grievances against the landlords and officials. If they didn’t drink, then it would be a big disaster, otherwise all anger dissolves in vodka. There is no measure for peasants in drunkenness, but is there any measure in grief, in hard work?

Veretennikov agrees with such reasoning and even drinks with the peasants. Here the travelers hear a beautiful valiant song and decide to look for the lucky ones in the crowd.


Men walk around and shout: “Come out happy! We'll pour some vodka!" The people crowded. Travelers began to ask about who and how happy. One is poured, others are only laughed at. But the conclusion from the stories is this: a peasant's happiness lies in the fact that he sometimes ate his fill, and God protected him in difficult times.

The peasants are advised to find Yermila Girin, whom the whole district knows. Once the cunning merchant Altynnikov decided to take away his mill. He conspired with the judges, and declared that Yermila should immediately pay a thousand rubles. Girin did not have that kind of money, but he went to the marketplace and asked the honest people to chip in. The peasants responded to the request, and bought Yermila the mill, and then returned all the money to the people. For seven years he was a steward. During that time, he did not appropriate a single penny for himself. Only once he shielded his younger brother from the recruits, then he repented before all the people and left his post.

The wanderers agree to look for Girin, but the local priest says that Yermil is in prison. Then a troika appears on the road, and a master is in it.

CHAPTER V. Landowner

The men stop the troika, in which the landowner Gavrila Afanasyevich Obolt-Obolduev is traveling, and ask how he lives. The landowner with tears begins to recall the past. Previously, he owned the whole district, he kept a whole regiment of servants and gave holidays with dances, theatrical performances and hunting. Now the great chain is broken. The landowners have land, but there are no peasants who would cultivate it.

Gavrila Afanasyevich was not accustomed to work. This is not a noble business - to deal with the economy. He only knows how to walk, hunt, and steal from the treasury. Now his ancestral home has been sold for debts, everything is stolen, and the peasants drink day and night. Obolt-Obolduev bursts into tears, and the travelers sympathize with him. After this meeting, they understand that it is necessary to seek happiness not among the rich, but in the "Unwhacked province, Ungutted volost ...".



Wanderers decide to look for happy people among women. In one village, they are advised to find Matryona Timofeevna Korchagina, nicknamed the "governor". Soon the men find this beautiful, portly woman of about thirty-seven. But Korchagina does not want to talk: suffering, we urgently need to clean up the bread. Then the travelers offer their help in the field in exchange for a story about happiness. Matryona agrees.

Chapter I. Before Marriage

Korchagina's childhood passes in a non-drinking friendly family, in an atmosphere of love from her parents and brother. Cheerful and agile Matryona works a lot, but she also likes to take a walk. A stranger wooed her - a stove-maker Philip. Playing a wedding. Now Korchagina understands: only she was happy in childhood and girlhood.

Chapter II. Songs

Philip brings his young wife to his large family. It's not easy for Matryona. Her mother-in-law, father-in-law and sister-in-law do not give her life, they constantly reproach her. Everything happens exactly as it is sung in the songs. Korchagin is patient. Then her firstborn Demushka is born - like the sun in the window.

The master's steward molests a young woman. Matryona avoids him as best she can. The manager threatens that he will give Philip to the soldiers. Then the woman goes for advice to her grandfather Savely, the father of her father-in-law, who is one hundred years old.

Chapter III. Saveliy, Holy Russian hero

Savely looks like a huge bear. He spent a long time serving hard labor for murder. The cunning German manager sucked all the juice out of the serfs. When he ordered four hungry peasants to dig a well, they pushed the manager into the pit and covered it with earth. Among these killers was Savely.

CHAPTER IV. Demushka

The old man's advice was useless. The manager, who did not give Matryona a pass, suddenly died. But then another problem happened. The young mother was forced to leave Demushka under the supervision of her grandfather. Once he fell asleep, and the pigs ate the child.

The doctor and judges arrive, do an autopsy, interrogate Matryona. She is accused of intentionally killing a child, in collusion with an old man. The poor woman's mind almost goes haywire with grief. And Savely goes to the monastery to atone for his sin.

CHAPTER V. She-wolf

Four years later, the grandfather returns, and Matryona forgives him. When the eldest son of Korchagina Fedotushka turns eight years old, the boy is given into the shepherd. One day, the she-wolf manages to steal the sheep. Fedot chases after her and pulls out the already dead prey. The she-wolf is terribly thin, she leaves behind a trail of blood: she cut her nipples on the grass. The predator looks doomed at Fedot and howls. The boy feels sorry for the she-wolf and her cubs. He leaves the carcass of a sheep to the hungry beast. For this, the villagers want to flog the child, but Matryona takes the punishment for her son.

CHAPTER VI. Difficult year

There comes a hungry year in which Matryona is pregnant. Suddenly the news comes that her husband is being taken to the soldiers. The eldest son from their family is already serving, so the second one should not be taken away, but the landowner does not care about the laws. Matryona is horrified, before her there are pictures of poverty and lawlessness, because her only breadwinner and protector will not be around.


The woman goes on foot to the city and in the morning arrives at the governor's house. She asks the porter to arrange a meeting with the governor. For two roubles, the porter agrees and lets Matryona into the house. At this time, the governor's wife comes out of the chambers. Matryona falls at her feet and falls into unconsciousness.

When Korchagina comes to, she sees that she has given birth to a boy. The kind, childless governor's wife takes care of her and the child until Matryona recovers. Together with her husband, who was released from service, the peasant woman returns home. Since then, she has not tired of praying for the health of the governor.

Chapter VIII. woman's parable

Matryona ends her story with an appeal to wanderers: do not look for happy people among women. The Lord dropped the keys to female happiness into the sea, they were swallowed by a fish. Since then, they have been looking for those keys, but they can’t find them in any way.


Chapter I


Travelers come to the banks of the Volga to the village of Vakhlaki. There are beautiful meadows and haymaking in full swing. Suddenly music sounds, boats moor to the shore. It was the old prince Utyatin who arrived. He examines the mowing and swears, and the peasants bow and ask for forgiveness. The peasants wonder: everything is like under serfdom. For clarification, they turn to the local steward Vlas.


Vlas gives an explanation. The prince was terribly angry when he found out that the peasants had been given freedom, and he had a blow. After that, Utyatin began to act weird. He does not want to believe that he no longer has power over the peasants. He even promised to curse and disinherit his sons if they say such nonsense. So the heirs of the peasants asked that they, under the master, pretend that everything was the same as before. And for this they will be granted the best meadows.


The prince sits down to have breakfast, which the peasants are going to stare at. One of them, the biggest loafer and drunkard, had long volunteered to play the steward in front of the prince instead of the recalcitrant Vlas. So it spreads before Utyatin, and the people can hardly restrain their laughter. One, however, can not cope with himself and laughs. The prince turns blue with anger, orders to flog the rebel. One brisk peasant woman helps out, who tells the master that her foolish son laughed.

The prince forgives everyone and sails away in a boat. Soon the peasants learn that Utyatin died on the way home.


Dedicated to Sergei Petrovich Botkin


The peasants rejoice at the death of the prince. They walk and sing songs, and the former servant of Baron Sineguzin, Vikenty, tells an amazing story.

About the exemplary serf - Yakov Verny

There lived one very cruel and greedy landowner Polivanov, he had a faithful serf Yakov. The man endured a lot from the master. But Polivanov's legs were taken away, and the faithful Yakov became an indispensable person for the disabled person. The master is not overjoyed with the serf, he calls him his own brother.

Somehow, Yakov's beloved nephew decided to marry, he asks the master to marry the girl that Polivanov looked after for himself. The master, for such impudence, gives his opponent to the soldiers, and Yakov, out of grief, goes into a binge. Polivanov feels bad without an assistant, but the serf returns to work in two weeks. Again the master is pleased with the servant.

But a new problem is already on the way. On the way to the master's sister, Yakov unexpectedly turns into a ravine, harnesses his horses, and hangs himself on the reins. All night the master drives away the crows from the poor body of the servant with a stick.

After this story, the peasants argued about who is more sinful in Rus': landowners, peasants or robbers? And the pilgrim Ionushka tells such a story.

About two great sinners

Somehow a band of robbers led by ataman Kudeyar hunted. The robber ruined many innocent souls, and the time has come - he began to repent. And he went to the Holy Sepulcher, and accepted the schema in the monastery - everyone does not forgive sins, his conscience torments. Kudeyar settled in a forest under a hundred-year-old oak, where he dreamed of a saint who showed the way to salvation. The murderer will be forgiven when he cuts this oak with the knife that killed people.

Kudeyar began to cut oak in three girths with a knife. Things go slowly, because the sinner is already at a respectable age and weak. One day, the landowner Glukhovsky drives up to the oak tree and begins to mock the old man. He beats slaves as much as he wants, tortures and hangs him, and sleeps peacefully. Here Kudeyar falls into a terrible rage and kills the landowner. The oak immediately falls, and all the sins of the robber are immediately forgiven.

After this story, the peasant Ignatius Prokhorov begins to argue and prove that the gravest sin is the peasant. Here is his story.

Peasant sin

For military merit, the admiral receives from the empress eight thousand souls of serfs. Before his death, he calls the headman Gleb and hands him a casket, and in it - free for all the peasants. After the death of the admiral, the heir began to pester Gleb: he gives him money, free, just to get the coveted casket. And Gleb trembled, agreed to give important documents. So the heir burned all the papers, and eight thousand souls remained in the fortress. The peasants, after listening to Ignatius, agree that this sin is the most serious.

At this time, a cart appears on the road. It rides to the city for a pension retired soldier. He is sad that he needs to get all the way to St. Petersburg, and the "piece of iron" is very expensive. The peasants offer the serviceman to sing and play on spoons. The soldier sings about his hard share, about how unfairly he was given a pension. He is almost unable to walk, and his injuries were considered "minor". The peasants drop a penny each and collect a ruble for the soldier.


Grisha Dobrosklonov

The local deacon Dobrosklonov has a son, Grisha, who studies at the seminary. The guy is endowed with excellent qualities: smart, kind, hardworking and honest. He composes songs and is going to enter the university, he dreams of improving the life of the people.

Returning from the peasant festivities, Gregory composes a new song: “The army is rising - innumerable! The strength in it will be invincible!” He will definitely teach his fellow villagers to sing it.

The work of Russian literature of the 19th century does not lose its relevance. The search for happiness can continue. Little has changed in the customs of modern Russia. A summary of Nekrasov’s poem “Who Lives Well in Rus'” by chapters and parts will help you find the right episode and understand the plot.

1 part


Seven men from different villages gathered on the road and began to argue about who lives happily and freely in Rus'. The meeting place and the name of the villages are chosen by the author with meaning. Uyezd - Terpigorev (we endure grief), volost - Pustoporozhnaya (empty or empty). Villages with names that convey the main characteristics of the life of peasants:

  • clothing from patches - Zaplatovo;
  • leaky things - Dyryavino;
  • without shoes - Razutovo;
  • shivering from illness and fear - Znobishino;
  • burnt houses - Gorelovo;
  • no food - Neelovo;
  • constant crop failures - Crop failure.

Who met on the road, what will be the name of the hero of the poem: Roman, Demyan, Luka, Ivan, Mitrodor, Pahom, Prov. Each of them puts forward his own version, but the men do not come to a consensus. Who can live happily in Rus':

  • landowner;
  • official;
  • merchant;
  • boyar;
  • minister;
  • tsar.

The men argue as only a Russian can. They each went about their business, but forgot about the goal. During the argument, they did not notice how the day ended, the night came. Old Pahom suggested that we stop and wait for the next day to continue our journey. The men sat around the fire, ran for vodka, made glasses from birch bark and continued the argument. The screams turned into a fight that frightened the entire forest. Eagle owls, a cow, a raven, a fox, a cuckoo admire the carnage. The warbler chick fell out of the nest and crept up to the fire. Pahom talks to the chick, explaining its weakness and strength. A hand can crush a helpless chick, but the peasants do not have wings to fly around all of Rus'. Other fellow travelers began to dream of their own: vodka, cucumbers, kvass and hot tea. The mother warbler whirled and listened to the speeches of the disputants. Pichuga promised to help and told me where to find a self-assembly tablecloth. Having learned about the wisdom of the bird, the peasants began to ask to make sure that the shirts do not wear out, the bast shoes do not wipe off, and the louse does not start.

"Everything will do the tablecloth"

Promised foam. The bird warned that one should not ask the tablecloth for more food than the stomach can withstand, and only 1 bucket of vodka. If these conditions are not met, for 3 times the desire will lead to trouble. The men found a tablecloth, arranged a feast. They decided that they would find out who lives happily on Russian soil, only then they will return home.

1 chapter. Pop

The peasants continued on their way. They met many people, but no one was interested in life. All the wanderers were close to them: a lapotnik, an artisan, a beggar, a coachman. The soldier could not be happy. He shaves with an awl, warms himself with smoke. Closer to the night they met a pop. The peasants stood in a row and bowed to the holy man. Luka began to ask the priest if he had a free life. The priest thought for a moment and began to speak. He simply kept silent about the years of study. The priest has no rest. He is called to the sick, dying. The heart aches and hurts for orphans and people leaving for another world. The priest has no honor. They call him insulting words, shun him on the way, compose fairy tales. They do not like either the priest's daughter or the priest. Not held in high esteem by the pop of all classes. Where does the priest get his wealth from? Previously, there were many nobles in Rus'. Children were born in estates, weddings were played. Everyone went to the priests, wealth grew and multiplied. Now in Rus' everything has changed. The landowners scattered throughout the foreign land, leaving only ruined possessions in their homeland. The priest complains about the schismatics who have appeared, who live among the Orthodox. The life of priests is becoming more and more difficult, only poor peasants give income. What can they give? Only a dime and a pie for the holiday. The priest finished his dreary story and moved on. The men attacked Luka, who claimed that the priests live freely.

Chapter 2 rural fair

  • Dirty hotel with a beautiful sign and a tray with dishes.
  • Two churches: Orthodox and Old Believers.
  • School.
  • Medical assistant's hut, where the sick bleed.

Wanderers came to the square. There were many tents with different goods. The men are walking among the malls, they are surprised, laugh, and look at the people they meet. Someone sells handicrafts, another checks the rim and gets hit on the forehead. Women scold French fabrics. One got drunk and does not know how to buy the promised gift for his granddaughter. He is helped by Pavlusha Veretennikov, a man without a title. He bought shoes for his granddaughter. The peasants left the village without meeting the one they were looking for. On the hillock it seemed to them that Kuzminskoye was staggering along with the church.

Chapter 3 drunken night

The men were moving along the road, meeting drunks. They

"crawled, lay, rode, floundered."

Sober wanderers walked, looking around and listening to speeches. Some were so bad that it becomes terrifying how the Russian people drink too much. In the ditch, the women are arguing about who lives harder. One goes as if to hard labor, the other is beaten by sons-in-law.

The wanderers hear the familiar voice of Pavlusha Veretennikov. He praises the smart Russian people for proverbs and songs, but is upset because of drunkenness to the point of stupefaction. But the man does not allow him to write down the thought. He began to prove that the peasants drink on time. In suffering people in the field, who works and feeds the whole country? For a drinking family - a non-drinking family. And trouble comes to everyone the same way. Ugly drunken men are no worse than those who were eaten by midges, eaten by swamp reptiles. One of the drunks was Yakim Nagoi. The worker decided to compete with the merchant and ended up in prison. Yakim loved paintings, because of them he almost burned down during a fire. Taking pictures, I did not have time to pull out the rubles. They merged into a lump, lost their value. The men decided that they could not overcome the hops of a Russian person.

Chapter 4 Happy

Wanderers are looking for the lucky one in the festive crowd at the bazaar. But all the arguments they meet seem absurd. There are no truly happy people. Peasant happiness does not impress wanderers. They are sent to Yermil Girin. He collected money from people in an hour. All the peasants chipped in and helped Yermil to buy the mill, to resist the merchant Altynnikov. A week later, Yermil returned everything to the penny, no one demanded more from him, no one was offended. Someone did not take one ruble from Girin, he gave it to the blind. The men decided to find out what kind of witchcraft Yermil owns. Kirin faithfully served as the headman. But he could not send his brother to the army, he replaced him with a peasant. The act exhausted Yermil's soul. He returned the peasant home, and sent his brother to the service. He resigned as headman and took the mill on lease. Fate still took revenge on the peasant, he was put in prison. The wanderers go further, realizing that this is not the happiest person in Rus'.

Chapter 5 landowner

Wanderers meet the landowner. The ruddy landowner was 60 years old. And here the author tried. He chose a special surname for the hero - Obolt-Obolduev Gavrila Afanasyevich. The landowner decided that they were going to rob him. He drew a pistol, but the men calmed him down and explained the essence of their dispute. Gavrila Afanasyevich was amused at the question of the peasants. He laughed his fill and began to talk about his life. He started with a family tree. The men quickly understood what was being said. The ancestor of the landowner was Oboldui, who is already more than 2 and a half centuries old. He entertained the empress by playing with animals. On the other hand, the family originates from the prince who tried to set fire to Moscow and was executed for it. The landowner was famous, the older the tree, the better the family. The wealth of the family was such that it seemed that one could not think about the future. The forests are full of hares, the rivers are full of fish, the arable land is flooded with grain. Houses were built with greenhouses, gazebos and parks. The landowners were celebrating and walking. Hunting was a favorite pastime. But gradually the power of the Russian landowner is leaving with it. Peasants if the master of gifts from all over the vast country. The long life ended quickly. Houses sorted out brick by brick, everything began to fall into disrepair. There is land left to work on. The landowner does not know how to work, he spends his whole life

"lived by someone else's work."

The peasants realized that the landowner was not the one they were looking for.

2 part. Last

Chapter 1

The wanderers reached the Volga. There was a lot of fun going around. The wanderers saw how the wonderful old man swaggered over the peasants. He forced to scatter the heroic haystack. It seemed to him that the hay had not dried up. It turned out to be Prince Utyatin. The wanderers were surprised why the peasants behave this way, if they have long been given freedom and the patrimony does not belong to the prince, but to them. Vlas explains to his comrades what the matter is.

Chapter 2

The landowner was very rich and important. He did not believe that serfdom had been abolished. He got hit. The children and their wives arrived. Everyone thought that the old man would die, but he recovered. The heirs of their father's anger were afraid. One of the ladies said that serfdom was returned. I had to persuade the serfs to continue to behave as before, before the free. They promised to pay for all the quirks of the parent. The prince's orders were as ridiculous as they were absurd. One of the old men could not stand it and told the prince. He was ordered to be punished. Agap was persuaded to drink and scream as if he was being beaten. They made the old man drunk to death, he died by morning.

Chapter 3

The peasants, believing in the promises of their heirs, behave like serfs. The Prince of the Last is dying. But no one fulfills the promises, the promised lands do not pass to the peasants. There is a lawsuit going on.

3 part. peasant woman

The men decided to look for happy people among the women. They were advised to find Matryona Timofeeva Korchagina. Wanderers go through the fields, admiring the rye. Wheat does not please them, it does not feed everyone. We reached the desired village - Klin. The peasants were surprised at every step. Strange, absurd work went on throughout the village. Everything around was destroyed, broken or spoiled. Finally, they saw reapers and reapers. Pretty girls have changed the scene. Among them was Matrena Timofeevna, popularly nicknamed the governor's wife. The woman was about 37 - 38 years old. The appearance of a woman attracts with beauty:

  • big stern eyes;
  • wide tight posture;
  • rich eyelashes;
  • swarthy skin.

Matryona is neat in her clothes: a white shirt and a short sundress. The woman could not immediately answer the question of the wanderers. She thought, reproached the peasants, they chose the wrong time for talking. But the peasants offered their help in exchange for a story. The Governor agreed. The self-made tablecloth fed and watered the peasants. The hostess agreed to open the soul.

1 chapter. before marriage

Matryona was happy in her parents' house. Everyone treated her well: father, brother, mother. The girl grew up hardworking. She has been helping with housework since she was 5 years old. A kind worker grew up, a lover of singing and dancing. Matryona was in no hurry to get married. But the stove-maker Philip Korchagin appeared. The girl thought it over all night, cried, but after looking at the guy more carefully, she agreed. Happiness was only on the night of the matchmaking, as Matryona said.

Chapter 2 Songs

Wanderers and a woman sing songs. They talk about a heavy share in someone else's house. Matrena continues the story of her life. The girl got into a huge family. The husband went to work, advised his wife to be silent and endure. Matrena worked for her older sister-in-law, the devout Martha, looked after her father-in-law, and gratified her mother-in-law. It occurred to Philip's mother that rye would be best grown from stolen seeds. The father-in-law went to steal, he was caught, beaten and thrown into the barn half dead. Matryona praises her husband, and the wanderers ask if he beat her. The woman tells. Philip was beaten for a slow answer to a question when his wife lifted a heavy pot and could not speak. The wanderers sang a new song about her husband's whip and relatives. Matrena gave birth to a son, Demushka, when her husband again went to work. The trouble came again: the master's manager, Abram Gordeevich Sitnikov, liked the woman. He didn't let go. Of the whole family, only grandfather Savely felt sorry for Matryona. She went to him for advice.

Chapter 3 Saveliy, Holy Russian hero

Grandfather Savely looked like a bear. He did not cut his hair for 20 years, bent from the years he had lived. According to the documents, my grandfather was already over 100 years old. He lived in a corner - in a special room. He did not let his family members in, they did not like him. Even his own son scolded his father. They called grandfather branded. But Savely was not offended:

"Branded, but not a slave!"

Grandfather rejoiced at the failures of the family: they were waiting for matchmakers - beggars came under the windows, the father-in-law was beaten in a drinking tavern. Grandfather collects mushrooms and berries, catches birds. In winter he talks to himself on the stove. The old man has many sayings and favorite sayings. Matryona and her son went to the old man. The grandfather told the woman why he was called branded in the family. He was a convict, he buried the German Vogel alive in the ground. Savely tells the woman how they lived. Times were good for the peasants. The master could not get to the village because there were no roads. Only bears disturbed the inhabitants, but even those men coped easily without guns:

"with a knife and a horn."

Grandfather tells when he was frightened, from which his back bent. He stepped on a sleepy bear, was not afraid, drove a horn into her and raised her like a chicken. The back crunched from heaviness, in youth it ached a little, and in old age it bent. In a lean year, Shalashnikov reached them. The landowner began to tear "three skins" from the peasants. When Shalashnikov died, a German, a strange and quiet man, was sent to the village. He forced them to work, unbeknownst to themselves, the peasants cut a clearing to the village, a road appeared. With her came hard labor. The German grip is to let it go around the world. Russian heroes endured, did not break. Peasants

"the axes lay for the time being."

The German ordered to dig a well and came to scold him for his slowness. Hungry men stood and listened to his whining. Savely gently pushed him with his shoulder, the others did the same. They carefully threw the German into the pit. He shouted, demanded a rope and a ladder, but Savely said:

"Give it up!"

The pit was quickly dug up, as if it never happened. Next came penal servitude, prison, and flogging. The old man's skin has become like dressed, the grandfather jokes, that's why it has been worn "for a hundred years", that it has endured so much. Grandfather returned to his homeland while there was money, he was loved, then they began to hate him.

Chapter 4

Matrena continues the story of her life. She loved her son Demushka, took him everywhere with her, but her mother-in-law demanded to leave the child with her grandfather. The woman was loading compressed sheaves of rye when she saw Savely crawling towards her. The old man roared. He fell asleep and did not notice how the pigs ate the child. Matryona experienced terrible grief, but even more terrible were the interrogations of the police officer. He found out whether Matryona cohabited with Savely, whether she had killed her son in conspiracy, or if she poured arsenic. The mother asked to bury Demushka according to the Christian custom, but they began to cut the child, “torment and plast”. The woman almost went crazy with anger and grief, she cursed Savely. Having gone crazy in her mind, she went into oblivion, when she woke up, she saw that her grandfather was reading a prayer over a small coffin. Matryona began to chase the old man, and he asked for forgiveness and explained that Demushka had melted the old man's petrified heart. All night Savely read a prayer over the child, and the mother held a candle in her hands.

Chapter 5

It has been 20 years since the son died, and the woman still regrets his fate. Matryona stopped working, she was not afraid of her father-in-law's reins. I could not make any more promises with my grandfather Savely. The old man sat out of grief in his room for 6 days, went into the forest. He wept so that the whole forest moaned with him. In autumn, grandfather went to the Sand Monastery to repent for what he had done. Life began to go on as usual: children, work. Parents died, Matrena went to cry at Demushka's grave. There she met Savelia. He prayed for Dema, Russian suffering, for the peasantry, asked to remove anger from his mother's heart. Matrena reassured the old man, saying that she had forgiven him a long time ago. Savely asked to look at him as before. The kind look of the woman delighted the grandfather. The “hero” died hard: he did not eat for 100 days and dried up. He lived for 107 years, asked to be buried next to Demushka. The request was fulfilled. Matrena worked for the whole family. The son was given at the age of 8 as a shepherd. He did not follow the sheep, and the she-wolf carried it away. The mother did not let the crowd flog her son. Fedot said that the huge she-wolf grabbed the sheep and ran. The boy rushed after her, boldly took away the animal from the gray one, but took pity on her. The she-wolf was covered in blood, her nipples were cut with grass. She howled as plaintively as a mother weeps. The boy gave her the sheep, came to the village and told everything honestly. The headman ordered the shepherd to be forgiven, and the woman to be punished with rods.

Chapter 6

A hungry year has come to the village. The peasants were looking for reasons in their neighbors, Matryona was almost killed for a clean shirt, dressed in Christmas. The husband was taken into the army, poverty became almost unbearable. Matryona sends the children to beg. The woman cannot stand it and leaves the house at night. She sings to the wanderers a song that she likes very much.

Chapter 7

Matrena ran at night to ask for help in the city from the governor. All night the woman walked, praying to God to herself. In the morning I reached the Cathedral Square. I learned that the porter's name was Makar and began to wait. He promised to start in two hours. The woman walked around the city, looked at the monument to Susanin, which reminded her of Savely, was frightened by the cry of a drake that fell under the knife. I returned to the governor's house early, managed to talk with Makar. A lady in a sable coat came down the stairs, Matryona threw herself at her feet. She asked so much that she began to give birth in the governor's house. The lady baptized the boy, chose the name Liodor for him. Elena Alexandrovna (lady) returned Philip. Matrena wishes the lady only joy and goodness. The husband's family is grateful to the daughter-in-law, with a man in the house, hunger is not so terrible.

Chapter 8

The woman was defamed in the district, they began to call a new name - the governor. Matryona has 5 sons, one is already in the army. Korchagina sums up her story:

"... It's not a matter of looking for a happy woman among women! ...".

Wanderers are trying to find out if the woman told them everything about her life, but she only tells them about troubles and grief:

  • Anthrax;
  • Work instead of a horse;
  • Scourge and loss of the firstborn.

The woman did not experience only "the last shame." Matrena says that the keys to women's happiness are lost by God. She tells a parable she heard from the holy old woman. God abandoned the keys, they were looking for them, but they decided that the fish had swallowed them. The warriors of the Lord went through the whole of God's world, finally found the loss. Women breathed a sigh of relief throughout the world. But it turned out that these were the keys to slavery. No one still knows where this fish walks.

4 part. A feast for the whole world

The wanderers settled down at the end of the village under the willow. They remember the master - the Last. Under the feast, they begin to sing and share stories.

Song Merry. It is sung like a dance priests and courtyard people. Only vakhlak did not sing. A song about the hard lot of a Russian peasant.

“It is glorious for the people to live in holy Rus'”:

He has no milk - the master took the cow for offspring, there are no chickens - the judges of the Zemstvo council ate, the children are taken away: the king - the boys, the master - the daughters.

Barshine song. The second song is sad and drawn out. The hero of the story is the unkempt Kalinushka. His only back is painted from a rod and whips. Grief drowns Kalinushka in a tavern, he sees his wife only on Saturday, he will "backfire" on her from the master's stables.

About the exemplary lackey - Yakov Verny. The story is told by the courtyard Vikenty Alexandrovich. The protagonist of the story is a gentleman, cruel and evil. For bribes, he bought a village for himself and established his own law. The cruelty of the master was in relation not only to the courtyards. He gave his own daughter in marriage, flogged the guy and "chased away (the children) naked." Polivanov had a serf - Yakov. He served his master like a faithful dog. The serf took care of the master, humored him as best he could. The old man began to get sick, his legs gave out. Jacob carried him in his arms like a child. Jacob's nephew Grisha grew up. Yakov asked permission to marry the girl Arisha, but the master himself liked the girl, he sent Grigory to recruit. The serf was on fire. He drank for 2 weeks, the master felt what it was like for him without an assistant. Yakov returned and devotedly again began to look after the landowner. They went to visit their sister. The landowner settled down carelessly in the carriage, Yakov took him to the forest. The master was frightened when he saw that they had turned off the road to the ravine. Frightened, he decided that he was waiting for death. But the serf laughed evilly:

"Found the murderer!",

Jacob did not want

"... dirty your hands with murder ...".

He made a rope and hanged himself in front of the master. He lay all night in a ravine, driving away birds and wolves. The hunter found him the next morning. The master understood what sin he had committed against the faithful serf.

A story about two great sinners. Ionushka began to tell the story of Father Pitirim from Solovki. Twelve robbers with ataman Kudeyar rampaged in Rus'. Suddenly, the robber Kudeyar woke up conscience. He began to argue with her, trying to gain the upper hand. He cut off the beauty's head, killed the captain. But conscience won. Disbanded the ataman gang, went to pray. For a long time he sat under the oak, asking God. The Lord heard the sinner. He suggested that he cut down a centuries-old tree with a knife. The chieftain set to work, but the oak did not give in to him. Pan Glukhovsky came to him. He began to boast that he kills easily and sleeps peacefully, without remorse. Kudeyar could not stand it, plunged a knife into the heart of the pan. The oak collapsed at the same moment. One sinner was forgiven by God for sins, freeing the world from another villain.

Peasant sin. The widower-ammiral received 8,000 souls from the empress for his service. Ammiral leaves a will to the headman. Freemen are hidden in the casket. After the death of the emmiral, a relative finds out from Gleb, where the free will is kept and burns the will. A peasant's sin is a betrayal among one's own. He is not forgiven even by God.

Song Hungry. The peasants sing it in chorus, like a beaten march, the words are approaching in a cloud and dragging the soul. A song about hunger, a man's constant desire for food. He is ready to eat everything alone, dreams of a cheesecake from a large table. The song is not sung with a voice, but with a hungry gut.

Grisha Dobrosklonov joins the wanderers. He tells the peasants that the main thing for him is to achieve a good life for the peasants. They sing a song about the share of people's and working life. The people ask God for few things - light and freedom.

Epilogue. Grisha Dobrosklonov

Gregory lived in the family of a poor, seedy peasant. He was the son of a deacon, who boasted of his children, but did not think about their food. Grigory remembered the song that his mother sang to him. Song "Salty". The essence of the song is that the mother managed to salt her son's piece of bread with her tears. The guy grew up with love for his mother in his heart. Already at the age of 15, he knows for whom he will give his life. There are two roads in front of a person:

  • Spacious, where people inhumanly fight among themselves for the sake of passions and sin.
  • Close, where honest people suffer and fight for the oppressed.

Dobrosklonov thinks about his homeland, he goes his own way. Meets barge haulers, sings songs about a great and mighty country. Gregory composes the song "Rus". He believes that the song will help the peasants, give optimism, replace sad stories.

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