On which channel will Andrey Malakhov be presenting. Andrey Malakhov: what is the latest news about him


The scandal on Channel One led to Andrei Malakhov's fans daily reading the latest news about him in order to keep abreast of events. After being fired and switching to another channel and a new program, many events happened in the life of the TV presenter.

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Andrey Malakhov resigned from the country's main channel in the summer of 2018, so all the latest news about him became "hot" instantly ..

Andrey Malakhov increased his citation in the media

The departure from Channel One was very actively discussed by the media. For the month of August, the presenter has risen in the citation rating by 8 positions. The showman's new place of work, as well as an open letter to Konstantin Ernst, aroused great interest among journalists, where he thanked all his colleagues for their cooperation, wished good luck to the new host of "Let them talk" Dmitry Borisov.

Photo: Andrey Malakhov on Russia 1, live talk show

Andrey Malakhov held the release of the Comedy Club program

For the first time, Garik Martirosyan announced that Malakhov would become the new host of the famous comedy show. On his page on Instagram, he said that he and Volya were very tired of the audience, so they decided to update the composition of the presenters. They decided to offer this place to Andrei Malakhov, who had just left Channel One. Laysan Utyasheva, the wife of Pavel Volya, published similar information in her profile.

Photo: Andrey Malakhov at the Comedy Club

The published information caused surprise, many Comedy Club fans could not believe their ears. But the famous showman nevertheless appeared in one of the episodes of the humorous program. He went on stage, started joking, but all the jokes looked like notes for the next issue of "Let them talk."

Garik Martirosyan and Pavel Volya, who were in the hall at that time, listened to his jokes and kicked him out of the stage in disgrace. It became clear to everyone that the residents simply beat Malakhov's dismissal and his transition to a new channel. Andrei will not lead the Comedy Club. Leading programs remain the same.

Andrey Malakhov arrived in Kyiv

From the latest news about him: a well-known TV presenter flew to the Ukrainian capital to interview the widow of the former Russian deputy Denis Voronenkov. His wife was opera diva Maria Maksakova. The singer herself invited Malakhov to tell him in an interview about her life together with the ex-deputy.

Since all direct flights from Russia to Ukraine have been cancelled, the showman had to fly via Riga. In an interview, Maria spoke about meeting her husband, and also that he often comes to her in a dream. The singer said that after the death of her husband, she reconciled with her mother, with whom she had been at odds for many years.

Photo release "Live" with Malakhov

Andrey Malakhov invited Boris Korchevnikov to air

After his dismissal from Channel One, Malakhov went to work on the Russia 1 channel. He became the host of the program "Live", which was previously hosted by Boris Korchevnikov. Boris's contract ended and he headed one of the Russian Orthodox channels. Andrey Malakhov decided to invite Boris to the first broadcast of "Live" to discuss the facts from his biography, the latest news about him, and talk about pressing problems. Other stars of Russian show business were also invited to the broadcast.

The transfer lasted 1.5 hours. During this time, the TV presenters managed to discuss their first meeting, the most difficult topics that they had to work with, personal life issues. Excerpts from the first works of Boris Korchevnikov on television were shown. During the broadcast, Malakhov spoke about the fact that he would soon become a father, explained why he had not created a family for so long. His wife Natalya Shkuleva was also a guest of the program.

Boris Korchevnikov and Andrey Malakhov in "Live"

The scandal around the programs of Shepelev and Malakhov

Dmitry Shepelev and Andrey Malakhov, who are now working on different channels, provoked a new television scandal. They chose the same theme for their programs. Moreover, these issues were released on the same day, with a frequency of 45 minutes. The hosts simultaneously discussed the accident that Nikolai Karachentsev got into.

The rating of the project "Live" is rapidly falling

After the change of presenter, the program "Live" became less popular. She was watched much less often. With what it is connected, critics do not comment yet. The first issue of the talk show collected only 5.4% of the rating, the next day - 3.9% and the next day - 2.3%.

Andrey Malakhov attended the wedding of Rudkovskaya and Plushenko

On September 15, 2018, one of the most beautiful couples in Russian show business, Yana Rudkovskaya and Evgeni Plushenko, performed a wedding ceremony. A large number of famous guests were invited to the holiday, including the new host of the Live Broadcast project. Andrey Malakhov has been friends with Yana and Zhenya for a long time, so he posted a joint photo, told about the latest news about them on his page.

An ultrasound picture of the unborn child

The famous showman does not hide from the public that he and his wife Natalia are expecting their first child. He decided to be even more frank with his fans and posted an interesting photo on the page. On it, Andrei lies on the couch, and the doctor makes him an ultrasound. The presenter later explained that it was a symbolic shot. He wanted to demonstrate that he was looking forward to the arrival of the first child in the family. Andrey Malakhov does not plan to show real photos of his baby in the womb, so you will not find them in the latest news about him and his biography.

Photo from ultrasound

Opening of the New Wave contest

Among the latest news about him: in 2018, Andrei Malakhov was invited to become the host of the New Wave contest. The last time he appeared as a host was at the competition in 2004, so the fans were waiting for his return. When Andrey appeared on the stage, a huge cake was brought to him. At the end of the evening, a large number of people came up to the stage to give him flowers. This touched Malakhov, because usually bouquets are given to famous stars, not leading ones.

At the end of the evening, Andrei gave a short interview to reporters. The journalists thanked him not only for giving answers to their questions, but also for the fact that by leaving Channel One he gave me the opportunity to earn money. Only the lazy did not write articles and notes about the scandal between the leading and main channel of the country.

Photo on the "New Wave", 2018

In a video interview, Andrei Malakhov admitted to reporters that he had not read the latest news about him and Channel One. Occasionally, he was informed by information read on the Internet and newspapers, colleagues and friends. However, he abstracted from all rumors and gossip in order to maintain his mental health. The host said that he had not even watched the program dedicated to his departure. He denied the rumor that he left to work for another channel because of the big money. “Money is an important, but not a decisive factor in work,” Andrey answered all those who were so interested in this issue.

Malakhov spent only one day on the New Wave. The next day, he left for Moscow to oversee the preparations for the release of "Live". He is not only the host of this project, but also a producer, moderator and financially responsible person.

The presenter dedicated one of the subsequent episodes of Live to the New Wave contest. He invited young and already famous stars of Russian show business to the program. The showman called Nikolai Baskov to revelations, who told the audience about his personal life and relationship with Victoria Lopyreva.

Andrey Malakhov will spend vacation with a nurse

For 10 years in a row, the famous TV presenter has been holding the Vacation with Andrei Malakhov competition. Anyone can submit an application for the competition. The team chooses the most sincere and kind letters. In 2018, Elena Lykosova, a nurse from Megion, became the winner. The woman did not know anything about the existence of the competition. The application was submitted by her daughter. The showman personally came to the nurse at work to announce that she would spend a vacation with him. They will go on vacation on October 5th.

Malakhov with Elena Lykosova (winner of the Vacation with Malakhov contest)

Dmitry Shepelev accused Malakhov of inhumanity

In September 2018, Dmitry Shepelev gave an interview to Arguments and Facts. In it, he talked a lot about his "Actually" program. At the end, he was asked a question about a colleague: “What do you think about Andrey Malakhov's transition to the Russia 1 channel? Shepelev did not say anything about the transition from one channel to another. But he added that Malakhov acted inhumanly towards him, Jeanne and their son Plato. He covered himself with good intentions, but he just wanted to put on a show.

Malakhov and Natalya Shkuleva will become parents for the first time

The wife of Andrei Malakhov in the latest news about him said that their first child would be born in November 2018. The couple dreamed of a child for 6 years, but only now their dreams have come true. During his married life, Andrei managed to become a godfather for the children of colleagues and friends. He even deducted part of his earnings for the construction of temples. Good deeds God did not leave without attention, and therefore sent the long-awaited baby.

Photo: Malakhov with his wife Natalya Shkuleva

Now Natalya Shkuleva is beaming with happiness. She rarely appears at social events, but at the same time she appeared at the premiere of the Live program. Natalya chose a spacious outfit, but the audience still understood that the woman was expecting a baby. Natalia and Andrey hide the gender of the future baby, but most fans believe that the couple will have a girl. The baby, who is about to be born, will be the first grandchild for both Malakhov's parents and Shkuleva's parents.

Earlier, star numerologist Clara Kuzdenbaeva predicted that Natalia and Andrey's first child would be born in 2015. However, this did not happen. Accusations immediately fell on Clara that her predictions did not come true. Later, the showman admitted that in 2015 his wife was indeed pregnant, but there was a miscarriage. Having met the host at one of the social events, Clara reassured him and said that she and Natasha had everything ahead. There will definitely be a child. And so it happened.

Malakhov spoke about the touching relationship with his wife

The showman told reporters that he and his wife Natalya Shkuleva have a very warm relationship. Natasha tries to be with her husband as often as possible. If this is not physically possible, she supports Andrei virtually and remotely. The TV presenter regularly receives messages from his wife. It is very important for him, he appreciates it. Especially when difficult changes took place in the showman's life. The wife remains a reliable rear for the leader.

The TV presenter helped Evgeny Osin go for treatment

In the summer, information appeared in the media that the singer, famous in the 90s, was suffering from alcoholism. But he does not even want to hear about help. Eugene locked himself in the apartment and does not let anyone in.

Dana Borisova and Andrei Malakhov decided to come to the rescue. The young people managed to convince Evgeny to open the door and accept help. They gave him moral support, helped to connect with people who are ready to bring his physical and mental state back to normal.

Evgeny Osin was very upset by separation from his wife, so he became addicted to alcohol. In addition, the former youth idol did not have a permanent job. He worked odd jobs. The musician did not recognize himself as an alcoholic. He only asked relatives and friends to give him money for an operation on his legs. Alcohol abuse led to the fact that the artist could not move independently.

The figure of TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, who seemed to have become the eternal face of the evening television on Channel One, in the summer of 2017 became one of the central figures in show business and media news. Malakhov's unexpected and rather sensational transition to a competing TV channel has become perhaps the main television event of the whole year. We will find out why Andrei Malakhov left Channel One, what are the latest news about his future fate.

The news that Malakhov, who recently hosted a talk show called “Let them talk” on the main television channel of the country, is leaving the team in which he worked for exactly 25 years, since 1992, has become so sensational that it is not believed immediately.

Indeed, over a quarter of a century, the figure of Malakhov, who grew from a correspondent and host of a secular section of the morning broadcast into the host of almost the highest-rated evening talk show, has become inextricably associated with the channel, and it was unusual and surprising to imagine Malakhov working somewhere else.

The rumors were soon confirmed, and speculation began about the reasons for leaving. Some said that Andrei Malakhov was constantly under pressure, demanding more politics and state propaganda in his program.

Others said that the whole point is that Malakhov's wife is expecting a baby in the fall, and the TV presenter volunteered to sit with the baby on maternity leave in the first years of his life, for which he received a sharp and insulting refusal at the place of work.

What motives drove Malakhov in reality and what happened recently behind the scenes of Channel One now, of course, will not be reliably told to us. If you trust the comments of Andrei Malakhov himself, then he presented approximately the following version of why he left Channel One.

According to Malakhov, the attitude towards him on the first button of Russian television has not changed much over the years of his work.

He came there as a young intern who brewed coffee for senior colleagues and ran to the store for alcohol for them, and was perceived by his colleagues as a secondary character. Although over the decades of work, Andrey Malakhov has grown in a professional sense very noticeably, he was treated condescendingly in many respects, not allowing him to become more than just a show host.

At the same time, people like Ivan Urgant, who came to the channel much later, not only host their own programs, but also produce them, determine the topics and guests of the programs, etc.

In a word, Malakhov compared his career on Channel One with a marriage that started out of love and ended with habit and calculation. At some point, the leader's patience ran out, and he decided to leave the job.

Where is Andrey Malakhov now: latest news

The main competitor of the first channel, the VGTRK holding, could not help but take advantage of the situation, which called Malakhov to work on the Rossiya channel. Malakhov is already working on this channel, where he hosts the program “Live”.

The former host of this talk show, Boris Korchevnikov, left to lead the Orthodox TV channel. Malakhov himself in “Let them talk” was replaced by the host of the program “Time” Dmitry Borisov.

As they say, on the channel "Russia" Malakhov received much more freedom in his work. By the way, the presenter denied rumors that the reason for leaving his previous job was pressure to add politics to the show.

On the contrary, Malakhov is glad that he can devote much more time to such topics at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, since it is quite difficult to keep the level of interest in his shows and high ratings on secular and everyday scandals alone.

Andrey Malakhov will host the program "Live" on the channel "Russia 1".

The TV presenter leaves Channel One and switches to Russia 1, where he will host the popular talk show Live.

According to him, Malakhov has already met with the talk show staff. The first episode of the program is expected to air at the end of August.

In addition, Andrey Malakhov will act as a co-producer of a number of projects on the Rossiya 1 TV channel.

Earlier, on the air of Channel One, the talk show “Let them talk” without Malakhov was aired for the first time. The issue was dedicated to him and his career in television. Dmitry Borisov acted as the host. He did not confirm that he would work in the Let Them Talk program on an ongoing basis.

Andrei Malakhov himself - according to the official version - went on maternity leave, as he and his wife are expecting their first child. However, the appearance of a TV presenter on Russia 1 will be a refutation of this version and will testify in favor of the fact that the conflict with the leadership became the real reason for leaving Channel One.

The TV program of the channel "Russia" "Live" is a real chronicle of our life. For many years, prime-time viewers have been gathering in the studio and in front of their TV screens to learn about issues that concern everyone. About what the whole country will discuss. Something you can only see on Live!

Andrey Malakhov live broadcast from 16 04 2018

The love story of this star couple began in front of millions of viewers in the popular television project Dom-2. A priest and father of two small children, Walter Solomentsev, renounced his priesthood and left his family to become a TV star and achieve reciprocity from the new chosen one Olesya. Just four months ago, in this studio, Walter's pregnant wife Galina tried to return her prodigal husband and with tears begged her rival not to destroy their family. But then Olesya just laughed at her. Today, the story takes an unexpected turn. Olesya is already crying, Walter left her like his wife and threatens with reprisals. Why Olesya had to run away from Walter at night without things, grabbing only her passport. Why does he want to take revenge on her and what role did Walter's wife Galina play in this story, who is about to give birth to his third child.

Andrey Malakhov live today's episode watch online

Watch online Andrey Malakhov live broadcast today's episode on any mobile device (tablet, smartphone or phone). Regardless of the installed OS, be it Android or iOS on iPad or iPhone. Open the series on your phone or tablet and immediately watch online in high quality HD 720 and absolutely free.

Still "Live ". According to a source familiar with the situation, Andrey Malakhov will host a talk show on the TV channel “ Russia 1 ".

Malakhov will lead on “ Russia 1”"Live", - RIA Novosti quotes a source familiar with the situation.

The source also clarifies that Malakhov managed to meet with the program team, and the first broadcast of the program with the new presenter will take place at the end of August. It is also reported that Andrei Malakhov will become a co-producer of television projects, and it is likely that on “ Russia 1” may appear similar to the program "Tonight " project.

First " did not know: the media reported that "First channel " did not know about the departure of Andrei Malakhov

The media and social networks continue to build versions of what made the permanent host of the TV show on the central TV channel leave both the show and the channel. They sorted out such versions as rivalry with another TV presenter, a change in the concept of the show and Malakhov's personal happiness with his wife Natalya Shkuleva, because of which the television authorities suggested that Andrei choose - work or family ().

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/ Wednesday, August 16, 2017 /

Topics: Incidents Moscow City

Andrey Malakhov moves from "Channel One" on " Russia 1” where to host the talk show "Live ", which was previously hosted by Boris Korchevnikov.

The TV presenter has already met with the team involved in the creation of the program, a source familiar with the situation told RIA Novosti.

According to him, the release of a new program with Andrei Malakhov is scheduled for the end of August. The source also noted that the showman will not only be a TV presenter, but also a co-producer of a number of projects on the TV channel. It is possible that on Russia 1” an analogue of the program will appear "Tonight ", which Malakhov led to “ First ”.

Recall that earlier in the media information spread that Malakhov was breaking up with "First channel", and allegedly VGTRK was able to outbid him. Leading the new season "Let them talk " became a journalist Dmitry Borisov.

Some associated Andrey's departure with a possible maternity leave. Indeed, the other day the TV presenter made an official statement about the addition to the family.

Andrei Malakhov confirmed the pregnancy of his wife and is thinking of going on maternity leave

- I hasten to please good citizens and those who, during the six years of our marriage, attacked my wife with unceremonious questions about the perinatal situation in the family. Yes, Natasha and I are expecting our first child., he told the publication “ starhit".

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