On a small raft: the most scandalous statements of Yuri Loza. Yuriy Loza: Ukrainians told me "We will hang you"



"I understand what kind of mud is going to be poured on me now," Loza said and continued: "But, say, 80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung badly." "At that time, everything was perceived, everything was liked"

Soviet and Russian singer, composer and songwriter Yuri Loza, whose popularity came in the 80-90s of the last century, criticized the musicians of the legendary Western bands for "the inability to sing and play", which caused a flurry of mocking comments from bloggers. On the air of the program "Salt" with Zakhar Prilepin on the REN TV channel, the author of the hit "Raft", answering the question whether his music, which he loved in his youth, "sticks", admitted that it "has passed a serious filtering skill."

Noting that he himself "can do a lot, knows a lot", Loza said that many of the bands that he liked before, now he cannot listen, because "as a professional" he understands that this is done "badly, crookedly and obliquely." "I understand what kind of mud is going to be poured on me now," Loza said and continued: "But, say, 80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung badly." “At that time, it was all perceived, everyone liked it,” he complained.

Inherited from Loza and other well-known Western groups. So, he stated that "The Rolling Stones have never tuned their guitar in their entire life, and Jagger (group leader Mick Jagger - approx. website) never hit a single note, so what can you do. "" Keith Richards couldn't play then, and he still can't. But there is a certain drive in this, some kind of buzz. Many project their youth onto these groups, but they were very weak," the Russian singer believes.

(Sayings about "crooked and oblique" Led Zeppelin and Rolling Stones from 26:39)

"Jimmy Page and Keith Richards shot themselves"

Vine's words caused hundreds of reposts and comments, mostly ironic - both mildly mocking and obviously offensive. For example, excerpts from Loza's statements were posted on his blog by the well-known radio producer, TV and radio host Mikhail Kozyrev, sarcastically titled the post "Deep thoughts of great people".

Leader of the Time Machine Andrey Makarevich reacted rather rudely: "That's the trouble. And our Yura can do everything - only nobody fucking needs it."

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov / PhotoXPress.ru

About the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin

The exchange of courtesies between Yuri Loza and the producer of the Rolling Stones has been talked about all week. More than a hundred articles have been written on this topic, many of which have been published in the most respected publications. It's hard to believe, but it all started with the musician's statement, which he said on the air of the REN-TV show. Vine was invited to the program as a guest. It was about the work of world rock bands. Yuri, not shy, expressed his opinion.

“80 percent of what is sung by the Zeppelins, that is, Led Zeppelin, is impossible to listen to. Because it is played and sung badly. At that time, everything was perceived, everything was liked. The Rolling Stones never tuned their guitar in their entire life, and Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do. Richard (Keith Richards - editor's note) couldn't play then, and he can't play now. Well, it happened, ”said the musician in the Salt program.

Vine's words spread all over Runet and caused a wide resonance in society. It is worth noting that Rolling Stones fans have created many humorous photo collages on this topic.

The most striking thing is that the criticism of the musician reached the producer of the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin, Jimmy Douglas. In an interview with reporters from the National News Service, he admitted that he had never heard of Vine before. He was outraged by such a critical assessment of the Russian legendary rock bands.

// Photo: Mikhail Zhukovich / PhotoXPress.ru

It is worth noting that Yuri was not at a loss and in response invited Mick Jagger to sing a duet.

“We could very well perform on the same stage. I look at it like a pro. I would say: we will earn good money, and we will do a big PR campaign. 'Cause he's going to be great here, if he sings the verse of "The Raft," it'll be funny and cool and wonderful. And I would sing Satisfaction, - said Loza on the radio station "Moscow Speaks". - They want, they need, let them go. I’m sitting here, everything is fine with me, they are also self-sufficient.”

About Zemfira

Yuri Loza did not pass by the work of his stage colleague Zemfira, who in early April completed her tour of Russia with resounding success. By the way, the popular singer has long haunted the musician. Either he sees political undertones in her actions, or he is not satisfied with the lyrics of her songs. Zemfira's two Moscow concerts as part of the Little Man tour brought together more than 60 thousand people in total, but in an interview with NSN, Loza admitted that this figure does not seem impressive to him.

“Here, they tell me that Zemfira has collected 60 thousand ... Of the 15 million people living in Moscow, 60 thousand elite-minded comrades who think that they understand the meaning of Zemfira's songs are within the limits of statistical error. No need to inflate an elephant out of a fly! Putin out of 140 million Russians is watched by 100 million, while they understand what he said, 50 million - this, I understand, is a figure, ”Yuri Loza compared. - Plus statements, like, "I'm leaving" - and some went to look at Zemfira for the last time. All these are PR steps, which should be treated with understanding.”

About Angelina Jolie

Being a media person, Yuri Loza is interested in the work and fate of not only his colleagues, but also other famous personalities. So, the news about the deterioration in the condition of Angelina Jolie did not leave the attention of the performer. There was a rumor in the media that the Hollywood actress had anorexia. Yuri showed compassion for the film star and jokingly suggested a possible solution to her problem.

About Vladimir Putin

Of course, Yuri Loza listened attentively to the recent Direct Line with Vladimir Putin. The President received appeals from the population of the country and clarified the situation on topical issues. Among the questions there were also humorous ones, for example, about strong words. "Happens. For yourself only. There is such a sin in Russia, we will pray for it,” Putin said. However, Loza was very surprised to learn that the guarantor of the constitution is able to swear.

“Putin has never cursed on the air. Putin never cursed at the conference. I don't know where he swears if he says he does it. Let him do it as much as he likes, if no one hears, - Yuri Loza reasoned on the air of NSN. - If he says that he swears, yes, for God's sake.

About the anthem of the Russian Federation

When journalists asked the composer and singer what question he himself would ask the president during the Direct Line, Loza gave a very unexpected answer. It turns out that if he had been given such an opportunity, Yuri would have asked Vladimir Putin when the Russian anthem would be changed.

“No one can remember the words of the anthem. Unsuccessful adopted the anthem. Why not write a good one? - the author of the song "Raft" was indignant on the radio "KP". - The anthem is not sung, it should come from the heart, but it doesn't. The importance of the problem lies in the fact that every day in the country begins with the performance of the anthem, so the text must be impersonal and written by a group of authors.”

Once one of the most popular singers of the Russian stage, Yuri Loza, has recently never ceased to amaze the public. His statements are often so bold that for many they become a real shock. There are all sorts of speculations online about what Loza is saying. Some suggest that the musician has obvious problems and he should turn to specialists, while others argue that the extraordinary surge of activity of Yuri Eduardovich is an ordinary PR, otherwise Vine artificially attracts attention with loud and disturbing public statements.

One of the loudest scandals with Loza is his recent statement about the great Russian cosmonaut, pioneer, conqueror of space and the pride of Russia - Yuri Gagarin. Judging by the words of Yuri Loza, he does not at all consider Gagarin's merits to be in any way significant. In an interview with the Zvezda TV channel, the singer said: “You understand what it is. Gagarin was the first. Gagarin did nothing, he was lying. He is the first most important astronaut." He also compared Yuri Gagarin with the group Beatles and attributed the merits of the cult group and the first cosmonaut only to the fact that they were at the right time and in the right place. As for the Beatles, Loza claims that their success is due to the fact that it was at that time that televisions appeared in every home and therefore they were the first musicians that everyone heard. If they appeared 10 years earlier or 10 years later, the Beatles would not have become so famous.

Over the past few months, Yuri Loza has managed to question the successes and merits of many people and musical groups. For example, the singer said about The Rolling Stones that they "have never tuned their guitar in their entire lives", and the leader of this group Mick Jagger"Didn't hit a single note." ABOUT Jimi Hendrix Loza stated that he "played poorly." He also accused the musicians of the group of unprofessionalism. Led Zeppelin: "80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung badly."

Yuri Loza about Shnurov: “People go to Shnur's concerts not for music and songs. This is a pop bum, and his alleged aesthetics are a violation of prohibitions. He creates the illusion that he is trying to cross the line. If he just sings, people won't understand him. But fans go to concerts to watch him vomit or strip naked. There is a goofy swearing, and everyone knows the swearing, it cannot be a work of art.

About Lazarev and Eurovision: “I can wish him to lose. Fly out with a bang, so as not to drag this competition to Russia. We've had enough! I spat as I watched. What is Russian in it - in Lazarev ?! In addition to the surname ... The Swedes wrote the song for him, the British wrote the text. The singing will be in English… This is a competition for an Irish housewife. Why do we need it at all?!”

About Mozart: “He has 20% original, very beautiful, brilliant works. Otherwise, he quoted himself. Rossini is the same.

About Zemfira: “Here, they tell me that Zemfira has collected 60 thousand ... Out of 15 million people living in Moscow, 60 thousand elite-minded comrades who think that they understand the meaning of Zemfira's songs are within the framework of statistical error. No need to inflate an elephant out of a fly!

Yuri Loza in the shortest time has become one of the most scandalous Russian pop stars. The musician himself makes excuses and claims that all his supposedly scandalous messages are being misrepresented by journalists, although in fact he meant something completely different and did not try to offend or humiliate any of the named ones: “Journalists need a scandal, so they twist everything, turn it upside down head. I just said that compared to today's cosmonauts and what they do, Gagarin did nothing special, except that he was the first to fly into space. And he is a great Gagarin, because he did it first. He was in the same suit, practically immobilized, nevertheless, he opened the way to space.

Now Vine is in the top news. For some, Vine's statements cause laughter, while others were truly offended, for example, Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov called the musician an asshole. A new petition has appeared on the well-known Change.org platform, calling for nothing less than to ban the musician from any creative and concert activity. The author and the users who signed the petition explain their decision by the fact that the singer allows himself narrow-minded and stupid statements that discredit the honor and dignity of people. “This “personality” dared to challenge the achievements of the first cosmonaut of the earth, Yuri Gagarin, saying that he did nothing, but just lay there. This offends not only the patriotic feelings of Russian citizens, but also all people who are somehow related to astronautics!

Yuri Loza commented on the website scandal surrounding his critical statements against world music legends.

“80% of what is sung by Led Zeppelin is impossible to listen to, because it is played and sung badly ... The Rolling Stones have never tuned their guitar in their entire life, and Jagger never hit a single note, so what can you do. Keith Richards couldn't play then, and he can't play now."

Yuri Loza

After an angry attack on the Rolling Stones and Led Zeppelin (on the air of the Salt program on REN TV), Yuri Loza became a real hero of the Internet. A couple of days after the glory that fell on him, the “helmsman” criticized Mozart and Zemfira. With a request to announce the entire list of claims, we contacted Yuri via Skype: on his "little raft" he sailed all the way to New York!

Hitting "for everyone"

"Yuri, what happened?" Why are you so angry? Everyone was offended, even Emil Dimitrov was called "garbage".

- I voiced my opinion. The presenter Zakhar Prilepin asked a question about my likes and dislikes - I answered. I have the right? But some dishonest comrades took and pulled quotes from my statements, compiled and gave out in an ironic way - "great thoughts of great people." Readers, subscribers attacked me, no one began to understand.

“It's terrible, of course. But personally, however, I always thought that about colleagues - either good or nothing. Kirkorov should have been crying with envy: everyone is discussing not his new show, but your attack on everyone.

- Every medal has two sides. Someone tried to put me in a negative light, and made me the most popular blogger. I became a media occasion!

- Cool twist!

- Offers poured in. They are ready to accept me as a host, commentator, expert in places where I did not even expect! Somewhere they even offered to become a full-time columnist. I jumped on a step on which I did not expect to see myself! I was invited to “Rain” the other day to the “Round Table”.

The Rolling Stones are far from the Vine... / Twitter

- But “Rain” is not “patriots”, not “ours”!

“I mean, even those who are against me are trying to hear what I say. This is indicative. My blog appeared on the radio - just talk, talk, everyone is interested.

Against Makarevich and Alibasov

- In the same program "Salt" you said about yourself: "I am a piece goods." But not everyone agrees. Even Alibasov, with whom you once started together, allowed unkind things towards you.

- You are strange. People ask Alibasov about music ... And what did he say, by the way?

- That your raft sank.

Alibasov has never been a musician. He played drums in his youth. When I brought him the song "Raft", it was in "Integral", he said that the song was g ... If a person did not recognize a potential hit, how can you talk to him about music at all? When I came to the Ust-Kamenogorsk Philharmonic, Alibasov led amateur performances there in the Metallurgists' Palace of Culture - a provincial little club on the outskirts, the team played slurred music. With my arrival, they began to represent something of themselves. The entire rise of Integral began with my appearance in this team. And Alibasov put on the light, organized tours and sold tickets.

– Makarevich took himself out of our community by calling all his colleagues “worms”. What should I talk to him about? I express my point of view, he expresses his.

Shevchuk does not understand

- Shevchuk is closer to me. And he recently said: “The time is now, you can become a hero or a bastard in one minute.” Do you agree?

– There are always two points of view on every event. In the eyes of the defenders of Donbass, the people who bring them humanitarian aid are heroes. In the eyes of those who consider the Donbass separatists, they are accomplices of the separatists.

Anna Netrebko helped the Donetsk theater. The entire Western world turned against her. Is she a hero or an antihero? Shevchuk does not understand this, he abandoned the image, but the decoding of the image is required - to explain to people.

- His remark “It is very important not to add evil to this world”, in my opinion, does not require decoding.

- Guys, there is such a philosophy of the cat Leopold - "let's live together." Near the Ukrainian school, young people are jumping and shouting: "Moskalyaku to Gilyak." I am a Muscovite, they say: "We will hang you." Should I hug them? The philosophy of the cat Leopold does not fit here.

– Do you remember the cartoon about Little Raccoon? He was angry, walked with a stick, and an evil monster looked at him from the lake. But when he smiled at his reflection, he saw the same cute character.

“But it was them with a stick—not me!”

Quoted Stalin

Are you planning to go into politics?

I have been offered this for a long time. I consulted with the family - they decided not to. I will have to vote in accordance with party discipline, as party leaders suggest. What if I don't agree? I will have to vote against mine.

– You once said in an interview: “Russia is not perfect, but if we don’t have another, we should accept this one.” Maybe not accept, but rather try to fix something?

– I practically quoted Stalin. In response to the remark of one of his officials, “Well, that’s the kind of people we have!” he once remarked: “I have no other people for you!” It must be corrected by systematic, well-thought-out steps. It's very easy to break. It's hard to build. I once lived near the pool on the site of the first Cathedral of Christ the Savior. I always thought: wow, the majestic structure was destroyed in order to dig a hole for the pool. These are incommensurable things.

Do you want to overthrow this government? Do you have something better?

- And what about the officials who steal from us - after all, they are also Russia?

“I have always suggested reducing the gap between rich and poor. How to reduce is the topic of a separate, long conversation. Let's hurry up your questions, it's time for me to get on the plane.

- Yes, I forgot to ask: what are you in New York for?

- A line from your own song: "let's forgive our enemies." Maybe we should at least let Savchenko go?

- Complete nonsense. All right, I have to go.

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Popularity is a capricious lady. It comes when you least expect it. The name of Yuri Loza is now on everyone's lips, he is the most discussed person in show business. And not because he released a new hit or staged a world-class show. And because he encroached, it would seem, on the sacred ...

Yes, probably, Vine has not been talked about so much since the release of his song “The Raft”, that is, read it, for 30 years already. And the path to glory turned out to be banal simple. It was worth saying in the Salt program on REN TV that the guitar had never been tuned in the Rolling Stones in their entire life, Mick Jagger did not hit the notes, and a little later it was stated that Mozart and Beethoven were engaged in self-copying, as the forgotten performer was immediately remembered by the whole a country!

- Yuri, what, however, you raised a wave of indignation! Specially such provocative judgments were voiced?

Behind all this inflated scandal are certain people who pulled my phrases out of context. They wanted me to get punched in the nose and feel bad. And I felt good! I had a sharp rise in popularity. I have already received several interesting commercial offers: to become a commentator and blogger on major Internet portals.

- So what did they distort in your statements?

People began to quote pieces without trying to understand in what context it was said. They write to me: “How could you, you bastard, say that Led Zeppelin has bad music?” Fir-trees-sticks, but I didn’t say a word about music at all! I said that a certain number of compositions were badly played - it was only about the performance. Yes, listen to them yourself! In any encyclopedia it is written that the musicians for the last five years of the band's existence were on drugs, living in a fog. Since 1985, the group has resembled a mobile infirmary - one was taken out of an overdose, then the other from a drug crisis. They were shaking and shaking. They arranged sprees, which were legendary! Hotels after their departure got up for a major overhaul! And this way of life could not but be reflected in the way they played. Alkaloids leave the body in a week, and they did not even have two days to recover. They did everything in a state of serious overload. Jimmy Page, the band's famous guitarist, couldn't play his solo on take 20 at the studio recording! And all this is heard!

Maybe it was not necessary to touch the "sacred cows"? Indeed, for many, the Rolling Stones, Led Zeppelin are the idols of youth, practically a religion.

Well, of course! But you need to understand that when you are young, you follow fashion, admire what is heard. And when a certain age comes, the outlook on life changes. Guys, you have stuck your idols out of nowhere - that's what I'm trying to explain to everyone! Here I will say: the Pesnyary group sang better than the Beatles! And now imagine what will begin! How?! Who are the "Pesnyars"?! How can you compare?.. I can! As vocalists, Pesnyary were five times better, because their voices were stronger. Why did the Beatles thunder all over the world? Yes, they just had better promotion!

And I’ll say one more seditious thing, for which the Vine will be devoured with giblets: sbiten is twice as tasty and ten times more useful than Coca-Cola. Do what you want with me!

- Everything Western is easy to criticize. Especially now. And what about ours, are they all geniuses?

Vysotsky wrote brilliant songs towards the end of his life. Couldn't sing. He couldn't finish the concerto... From modern ones? I have said a hundred times that Borya Moiseev cannot sing. He has no hearing. But he is promoted, he is a star, there are much more of him on the air than me. They tell me you're just jealous. What?! I suggest everyone to open their eyes: stop labeling based on the degree of promotion. Assess professional excellence.

- Your oratorical skills have been appreciated by many. And those who twist their fingers to their temples are much more...

Yes, spit on them at all! The dog barks - the caravan moves on. Let them criticize. My phone is melting, what a flurry of messages: “Yura, we are with you, well done, thank you!” So there are normal people. And idiots - well, why should I argue with them, or what, I will? An unfamiliar Vasya Pupkin writes and demands: “Explain yourself!” I answer him: why should I report to you? Vasya Pupkin has no ears to hear, well, what can I do? ..

Olga Lesina

Photo by G. Usoev

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