Back to work after the holidays. How to tune in to work after the New Year holidays: a survival guide


On Monday, January 9, most of the Russian population will experience severe stress. On this day, residents of St. Petersburg, like many other cities of our country, will go to work after a long New Year's vacation. Such a vital perturbation can cause serious harm to the body of a Russian person - after all, the first working day, whatever one may say, is associated with serious experiences. Experts told Life about how to switch to operating mode with minimal losses.

Many business coaches, coaches and HRs recommend starting a new working year with a clean slate. To do this, it is necessary to complete all last year's affairs before the chiming clock and from January to plunge into a completely new life. According to Irina Zhilnikova, head of the press service of HeadHunter North-West, it is not too late to engage in time management even on New Year's Eve.

In order to feel like a specialist in full force in the first working week of January, you need to plan New Year's Eve and New Year's pastime in advance. First, do not leave all the unfinished business at the beginning of 2017. It is important to distribute the load and not postpone all projects for the post-holiday week. It is not too late to develop time management skills even on December 31, - Irina Zhilnikova is sure.

The most popular source for job search and employees recommended a way that is as simple as it is ingenious to easily join work after the holidays. According to Irina, in order not to be too hard to strain at work, you just need not to relax on vacation.

Of course, this does not mean that rest should be exchanged for reports, planning and other working moments. However, Irina Zhilnikova advises to prefer outdoor activities to “seal-style vacations”.

HeadHunter Northwest".

On the first working day, the specialist advises not to overstrain and join the work stream gradually, avoiding shock loads and any serious experiences. To reduce stress on the upcoming Monday, Irina Zhilnikova recommends taking frequent 10-15-minute breaks from work, during which you can discuss a hectic weekend with colleagues. True, the specialist does not specify how to avoid the dissatisfaction of the leaders with such five-minute fun.

stay human."

But the head of the portal in St. Petersburg, Anna Mikhalevskaya, recommends starting the working week not with chatter about untimely past holidays, but with clear planning and resumption of business ties.

Well, yes, I don’t want to do this, I want to lie down, not work, "then we will find ourselves at a point from which the exit will be smoother. At this point, the body will be able to adapt and start working," the psychologist believes.

Growth factor" - for a painless entry into the work process, it recommends resting varied, bright and energetic. At the same time, according to the expert, it is necessary to plan some active events for the last days of the holidays in order to shake things up and tone up after the rest.

It is very useful to reconsider what new things you want to bring into your lifestyle after the holidays. After a long period of days off, it is very difficult for us to join our usual way of life - it seems that this is a punishment. Therefore, closer to the end of the weekend, it is useful to see what new and interesting things can be found in your lifestyle in order to maintain tone, energy, joy, and so on. Also, towards the end of the weekend, it is very useful to switch to a mode close to the working one: get enough sleep, do not arrange violent dances, so that the body has time to rebuild and recover.

In addition, Lyubov Belyaeva advises in the early days not to torment yourself or your subordinates with too serious matters - otherwise you can get serious stress that will delay entry into the work process for a long time. Perhaps until the summer.

Life after Christmas holidays

Post-holiday adaptation, according to psychologists, is inevitable. Statistics say that about 60% of employees of different companies suffer from “post-holiday syndrome”. 19% of Russians, that is, one in five, complain that long days off undermine their emotional state. Office workers who perform routine work are especially susceptible to this.

To return to a working rhythm, a person will need 2-3 days. It takes 1-2 weeks for full inclusion in everyday mode. Post-holiday apathy can be minimized by following these tips.

Don't overload yourself

You should not take on too much work on your shoulders in the first working days after the holidays. Usually, it takes a couple of days to “build up” after the New Year holidays, but do not stretch this stage. Just work the best you can. On the first day, do small things that will help you get into a working rut. For example, check your mail, read useful books related to your work.

Put things in order

Tidy up your workspace. It is advisable to remove all New Year's decor. It will once again remind you of the holidays. Perhaps you have accumulated papers in your drawers that you are unlikely to need in the new year. Throw them away without regret, but with a sense of accomplishment. For many, this causes a change in mood for the better and the appearance of readiness for further work.

Make plans

Shopping is the best remedy for the blues for many women. Do not rush to run to the clothing store. Visit the stationery department and buy yourself an expensive diary and a pen. Fill it with plans and goals for this day, then for the whole week, month and even a year ahead. This method works and sets you up for labor exploits. Do not grieve if on the first day you cannot realize your plans. Tomorrow you will succeed, because you will already be more agile.

Follow the regime

A couple of days before going to work, try to catch the “pre-holiday” rhythm of life. To do this, go to bed earlier, and in the morning do not allow yourself to luxuriate in bed. If you can't sleep, listen to relaxing music, sit before bed with dimmed lights, a cup of warm tea, and take a relaxing warm bath. Believe me, by the time you go to work, the discomfort of waking up early will leave you.

Take breaks

Load yourself at work gradually. Take five-minute breaks every hour. At this time, you can chat with colleagues or do light gymnastics. In the first days after the holidays, do not take work home, and do not linger in the office.

healthy eating

For many, the New Year holidays are endless gatherings at a plentiful table and moving from one guest to another. Probably, during these days you have repeatedly organized a belly feast. It is not surprising if the body refuses to work at full strength from such an unhealthy lifestyle. In this case, 2-3 days before going to work, give up fatty foods, drink enough water and pay attention to tonic teas.

Just don't skip your lunch break. Timely intake of vitamins and calories will support your body during a forced restructuring. Load up on apples, pumpkin seeds, low-fat cheeses, bananas, broccoli, potatoes. You can treat yourself to ice cream, but don't go overboard with the amount.

We improve mood

Psychologists have found that after the holidays, many experience the so-called endorphin starvation: several days of regular injection of happiness hormones into the body were replaced by a sharp cancellation. Sometimes a banal change of image saves from the blues. This advice is more suitable for women. Make a new hairstyle, dress in an unusual style for you. In a word, let new bright emotions into your life.

Sport! Sport! Sport!

Moderate physical activity will not be superfluous. Experts recommend starting with regular walking after work. Exercises from Eastern practices - Pilates, qigong, yoga, have a positive effect on the body weakened by the holidays.

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After the New Year holidays, most people gain weight in a couple, or even more than a kilogram, which brings various inconveniences. Of course, you immediately want to get rid of them, and this is right, because after so many harmful and heavy meals, the body needs to be allowed to rest and recover. To do this, you need to take into account a few simple tips. This will help you feel better and fresher.


The first step towards cleansing the body is the rejection of fatty and fried foods. Yes, everything seems to be obvious, but this rule must be followed for at least a couple of weeks after the holidays. Indeed, during the holidays, there were already a lot of dishes fried in oil on the table, and after them you probably felt heaviness in your stomach. Such dishes are long and difficult to digest, while bringing almost no benefit. After hard work, the body needs to be given a break from such food.

The next thing to do after the holidays is to drink more. Water cleanses the body, saturates the cells with moisture, helps against dehydration after drinking alcohol and junk food, as well as from poisoning. It should be remembered that you need to drink ordinary clean water, it should be warm. Black and herbal teas are allowed, but not excluding water.

Now let's talk about the food that should be present in the diet after the holidays. You need to eat only easily digestible dishes that the body can easily digest: fermented milk products, poultry, fish, vegetables, fruits, cereals. It is best to eat only boiled and steamed foods. A variety of dishes are suitable: soups, steamed vegetable side dishes, poultry, juices, mashed soups, etc.

Every day for breakfast, eat freshly cooked porridge, oatmeal is best. It cleanses the body, is easily digested and improves metabolism. In addition, porridge can be served in various forms, so it will not bother you. Dried fruits, a little jam, honey, milk, sauce, pieces of light meat, etc. can be added to the porridge.

Eat at certain hours, i.e. make a mode. The New Year holidays brought the body down from its usual rhythm, food came at different times in different quantities, which of course slowed down the metabolism. To restore it, at the same time. After a certain time, the body will get used to this regimen and will be ready to digest food at certain hours of the day, producing the necessary enzymes by this time, which will greatly facilitate the process of digestion.

Move more and be outdoors. Oxygen is always needed by the body, but especially after stress, so after the holidays it is just a salvation. Going for a walk with friends is something that can effectively replace tedious trips to the gym, especially if it's snowing outside and you can play snowballs.


As you can see, recovering after the holidays is quite simple, you just need to stick to proper nutrition and move more!

Tip 3: How to get back to work after the New Year holidays

On the one hand, the long New Year holidays are an opportunity to have a good rest and have fun. On the other hand, sometimes you even get tired of rest, especially since long weekends, as psychologists have proven, often lead to psychological fatigue and depression. Returning to the usual working rhythm after total relaxation and wild fun is also not easy, but this process can be facilitated.

You will need

  • - warm blanket;
  • - tea;
  • - book;
  • - schedule;
  • - Sports Equipment.


Clearly plan your rest regime, including a holiday program, for the New Year holidays. Do not forget to leave in it time for a full sleep, walks in the fresh air, physical education, fasting days. So you will achieve a balance between harmful and beneficial activities for your body.

During the New Year holidays, do not try to have fun all the time at all costs. When you want to be alone with yourself - listen to your desires. You can take a warm blanket, a cup of chamomile tea with honey and just lie on the sofa with your favorite book.

12 chose

One of the heroes of the play by Grigory Gorin "The same Munchausen" said: "Every day by nine in the morning I have to go to work. I will not say that this is a feat, but there is definitely something heroic about it." And if for most people daily trips to the office is a familiar ritual, then after the holidays it turns into a real feat.

Many workers complain that after long holidays it is difficult for them to return to the working rhythm. They feel physical and moral fatigue, apathy and do not want to work at all. Psychologists even came up with a name for these symptoms - post-holiday syndrome. According to statistics, about 60% of employees of various companies suffer from it.

Employers also know firsthand about this disease: all companies observe a decrease in work efficiency during this period. And some employers do not perceive January as a full-fledged month from a commercial point of view. What's the point? For half of the month employees and partners have a rest, the other half - move away from rest.

The realization that we are not alone in such a bad situation warms the soul a little. But let's think about how to ensure that the first working days bring joy, not melancholy.

lighter than easy

Psychologists do not advise on the very first working day of the new year to enthusiastically take on the most difficult cases or make important meetings. Give yourself time to get back to your work rhythm, starting with simpler and more routine tasks: sort out your desktop, check your email, sort the letters. All this adjusts to the working mood. Gradually move from the simplest tasks to more complex ones.

If a big and complex task is urgent, break it down into smaller steps and start with the simplest ones. Otherwise, you will postpone until the last. Be careful with things that depend on others: your colleagues and partners are also now painfully returning to work, so it is likely that they will drag out their part of the task.

Try to protect yourself from time killers. It takes willpower to fight them, and now she is not at the peak of her form. Therefore, many spend their first working days looking at other people's New Year's photos on social networks. It doesn't help at all to get ready for work.

Everything goes according to plan

Based on the previous recommendations, it is necessary to draw up a work plan for each day of the first working week. The most difficult cases are best left for Wednesday-Thursday if possible. Be realistic, don't plan too many things: your productivity is now somewhat lower than usual. If you make grandiose plans and do not cope with them, this will only increase despondency and apathy. And if you complete all the tasks even earlier than planned, you will feel confident in your abilities.

Sports and recreation

Everyone knows that during the holidays it is worth sticking to the same sleep and wake schedule as on weekdays ... And a very small number of people actually do this. The first working days are hard for us also because we do not get enough sleep and cannot return to the normal rhythm of life.

Walking in the fresh air and sports activities will help to quickly return to normal mode. But try not to overdo it: exploits in the gym are now useless. This is an additional health burden. In addition, being too tired in the gym, you risk further reducing your own performance.

To eat or not to eat?

Holidays are always accompanied by feasts, after which you need to get in shape. Therefore, many decide to go on a diet from Monday. But you should not limit yourself too much in food in the first working week. Firstly, from this you will have even less strength. Secondly, even less positive emotions. Switching to more healthy food, of course, is necessary. But with the beginning of a strict diet, it is better to wait a week.

Work for joy

And most importantly - do not forget about the joys. Go out, meet friends, go to concerts, plan an active weekend. After the holidays, it sometimes seems to us that all the good things are in the past. But this is not so - the good is all around us. You just have to learn to notice it again.

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Woke up in the morning and realized that the holidays are over and it's time to go to work? And there is fog in my head and it is difficult to concentrate on work problems after long feasts and a free pastime schedule. What should a working person do in such situations? How to set yourself up for work? What needs to be done in order to immediately "get into the stream" and not make mistakes due to inattention? Listen to our advice - and the "holiday syndrome" will not affect you and your employees.

The story of the reasons as parting words for the future

The reason for the "suffering" of workers after long holidays is a violation of the usual diet, sleep and wakefulness. Therefore, doctors advise not to be led by your own passions and not to radically change your usual way of life. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will follow such advice, so we have to admit the obvious fact: we will still celebrate “to the fullest”, and then suffer from the question of how to recover and leave.

Let's build the answer to the question as follows: list the causes of difficulties after the holidays and ways to overcome them.

Reason 1. "I won't do it today"

This is the global cause of many difficulties for workers. “Pulling the rubber” is a way people resort to to avoid routine problems, to pretend that they are heavily loaded with work, or to hide from others the true reason - the lack of knowledge about how to solve the task.

Following these trends, employees are in no hurry to complete all the tasks to the maximum before the New Year holidays and postpone them “for later”. As a result, in January they are overloaded, they carry out orders extremely slowly.

- firstly, plan the work of employees (make plans indicating the exact dates for the performance of work and tie the motivation of the staff to comply with the specified deadlines);

- secondly, to time the preparation of reports on the work done by the end of the year (this will spur the staff to complete the work by the end of the year).

Opinion. Alla Surkova, employee of OAO Soglasie:

“We always have a lot of work at the end of the year. This includes interaction with customers, and annual certification with its reports and examination procedures. I have been working in the company for a long time, I know about this order of things, so I prepare everything in advance. In addition, the personnel department always notifies, and the boss also advises on all necessary issues with reports and certification. In general, I am ready for such a development of events, I do not see anything unusual in it. Another thing is newcomers to the organization. But they are helped by an adaptation manager who tells them what and how. ”

Reason 2. "Have fun"

Many Russians overeat during the New Year holidays, drink a lot of alcoholic beverages, disrupt sleep and wakefulness, undermining their health. Therefore, when going to work, things do not go well, plans are carried out extremely poorly. This phenomenon is very difficult to deal with. Indeed, in modern Russia, the population (including the able-bodied) has been captured by the philosophy “we live one day”, which does not imply plans for the future.

What to do as a manager and HR officer:

— to form a culture of a healthy lifestyle in the organization (to welcome and promote sports, to instill healthy eating habits and a culture of consumption of alcoholic beverages, for example, by publishing such information and useful tips in the corporate newspaper, sending emails to employees, including subscriptions to fitness club, etc.);

- spread the philosophy expressed in such a phrase: “Do not put off until tomorrow what you can do today” (follow established plans, prepare a plan “B”, etc.).

Thus, the work of a personnel officer in this direction should be reduced to the following steps:

- preliminary (actions to prevent situations with absenteeism, illness, decreased performance);

— current (search and replacement of employees, increase of personnel efficiency).

Practical situations and solutions

So that words do not diverge from practice, we will consider typical situations (cases) that company HR officers encounter and give an example of a solution, which, of course, can be specified taking into account the circumstances that have arisen in the company.

Case 1. Absenteeism of an employee

In the transport company "M ...", as a rule, some of the employees do not go out back to work after the holidays. The reason is the excessive consumption of alcohol by some drivers. Employees of the HR department face this problem every year. How to prevent it?


1. Carefully approach the selection of employees and check applicants for alcoholism. To do this, oblige job applicants to undergo a medical examination.

2. Tighten the policy for those who have committed alcohol abuse and did not go to work or went out in a state of intoxication. For example, dismissal for a single gross violation by an employee of labor duties (truancy), clause 6 of Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This procedure must be communicated to all personnel.

3. Predict the absenteeism of some employees, prepare a reserve staff. Introduce the practice of notifying an employee about the start of work and complying with the conditions of absolute sobriety under the threat of dismissal (after all, employees know in advance about the consequences of absenteeism or non-compliance with the rules established by law).

Conclusion: do not wait for problems with the staff, warn them, prepare in advance for such a development of events.

Table 1

Preliminary work of the personnel officer with the staff (before the holidays)

Case 2. "Sickness of an employee"

Company “O…” is a large financial holding. As a rule, during the New Year holidays, some employees get sick and do not go to work. And then they bring sick leave. This situation greatly reduces the efficiency of the company. The head of the personnel department was assigned the task of correcting the situation. What action does he need to take?


1. To form a culture of a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. For example, involve employees in sports events, provide an opportunity to visit fitness clubs, swimming pools, etc. Notify employees about the results of sports competitions, honor the winners, lead by example. Involve partners and clients in such events.

2. Introduce an incentive for those employees who did not take a certificate of incapacity for work during the year. Indirectly, this will contribute to the fact that the staff will think about their own health and will begin to take all measures so that the holidays do not negatively affect their work discipline.

3. Conduct preventive vaccinations (in October of each year), inform staff about ways to improve immunity and performance.

4. Prepare memos on how to get out of the “graduate syndrome”.

Conclusion: connect prevention with ongoing work to improve staff performance.

table 2

The current work of the personnel officer with the staff (after the holidays)

Case 3. “I can’t tune into a working mood”

Anna O. is a promising HR employee. As a rule, she spends the New Year with friends at parties. Then, to recover, she goes in for sports a lot. In addition, the weather has: ice skating and skiing are what you need in order to get in shape. Anna pays great attention to her own health. However, upon arriving at the office after a short "vacation", Anna says that she does not have much desire to work at full capacity. The girl tries to put off difficult things, doing what she likes most now. How can she overcome herself and get back to work as soon as possible?


1. On the first day after the New Year holidays, plan things according to this principle:

- urgent complex;

- urgent uncomplicated;

- non-urgent complex;

- non-urgent uncomplicated.

Then distribute the tasks for the day: first - urgent, simple, then (before lunch) - non-urgent. After the lunch break - urgent complex cases (after all, the person has already tuned in, completed part of the cases, received the result and is ready for the first difficulties). At the end of the working day - non-urgent tasks and planning for the next day.

2. Prepare for unforeseen situations, as it is not always possible to complete everything planned. To do this, during the working day:

- plan time for force majeure situations, that is, be able to switch from one type of activity to another. Switching speed is achieved due to internal readiness for such a development of events. This means that you need to look at the plans of the department, your individual plans, highlight tasks by priority and predict the approximate time for their implementation and reserve time;

- have at hand the necessary instructions and guidelines for action, memos and algorithms of actions, so that in the presence of difficult situations, you know where to look for the answer.

Conclusion: planning and time management are the key to successful work after the long New Year holidays.

Table 3

What should a personnel officer do to get involved in the work?


1 A well-established abbreviation is “healthy lifestyle”.

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