It starts with a transition to the neighboring community and continues until the beginning of the period. The neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs: education and historical significance What was in the personal property of the neighboring community


The specialization of people in certain occupations, the development of exchange led to the fact that in the villages, in addition to relatives, people from other clans settled. The population of the villages increased.
In Asia Minor, scientists discovered the ancient settlement of Chatal-Guyuk, dating back to the 7th millennium BC. e. About 6,000 people lived in it. All buildings were made of clay, brick and wood. They were located close to each other, so there were no streets. The houses were entered through holes in the flat roofs by climbing wooden ladders. In the event of an attack by enemies,
_ the walls were removed, and the village turned into
The settlement of Chatal-Guyuk. Reconstruction
to the fortress.
Tribal community Neighborhood community
How are the communities shown in the diagram different? What do they have in common?

\ \ Pastures
arable land
The need for collective farming and collective property became less and less. Gradually, each family begins to cultivate its own piece of land and receive its own crop. Land tends to be inherited by children, especially sons. The tribal community was replaced by the neighboring community.
The neighborhood community was inhabited by people who were not necessarily related by blood. Families ran the household separately, but united for joint work, requiring the efforts of a large number of people. These were cutting the forest, strengthening or creating a reservoir and other works.
The dawn of the metal age
The first people often found nuggets of gold and copper. They could be flattened, cut with a stone axe. At first, only jewelry, arrowheads, and fishhooks were made from metals. People noticed that when heated, gold and copper melt. Soft metal could be molded into any shape. About 7 thousand years ago, people began to use copper to make tools. Gradually, copper began to defeat stone, and the Stone Age was replaced by the Copper Age. There were few deposits of metals coming to the surface of the earth, so people learned how to extract ore - a rock containing metals. When heated, pure metal was extracted from the ore, which was then forged and processed.
The next step in the use of metals was the invention of bronze, an alloy of copper and tin. Bronze is much harder than copper, and besides, it is beautiful. From it began to make tools, weapons, dishes, jewelry. Copper and tin became the most important items of exchange. The Bronze Age has arrived.
The emergence of a new society
In the neighboring community, where each family ran its own household, the situation of the people changed. The equality of all members of the community is replaced by inequality. Some, thanks to hard work, the ability to craft, successful trade, began to live better than their fellow tribesmen. For others, wealth was tied to their position in the tribe.
Elders, leaders, sorcerers, by the right of their position, had more products, products. In addition, they were the custodians of the values ​​that belonged to the community. Gradually, however, they began to dispose of these values ​​as their own property. In the community, groups of people occupying the highest positions in the community hierarchy are distinguished. Their main occupation was to subdue the affairs of the community. They enjoyed special honor. Nobility is inherited from parents to children.
The leaders, relying on their warriors, began to raid with the aim of plundering neighboring tribes. A successful military campaign enriched all its participants and strengthened the position of the leaders, who became permanent commanders. Often, as a result of such a campaign, the winners captured prisoners. They were turned into slaves, who were used for hard work in the household.
So a new society was formed, where there were poor and rich, noble and ordinary community members, free and slaves.

  • Primitive man moved from gathering and hunting to farming and cattle breeding. Becoming a farmer, he began to lead a sedentary lifestyle.
  • The tribal community was replaced by a neighboring community.
  • There was a new society in which inequality arose between people.
Questions and tasks
1. How did agriculture and animal husbandry originate? 2. What changes took place in the life of people when ceramics and weaving appeared? 3. Why were copper and gold the first metals that primitive man began to process? 4. Why did the tribal community begin to collapse? 5. Who was called the nobility? 6*. Was it possible with the disappearance of the tribal community to avoid the appearance of inequality? Give examples to support your point of view.
  1. Choose the right answer.
  1. The main difference between primitive man and apes
a) the ability to make tools and weapons
b) long arms hanging down to the knees
B. The main ways of obtaining food by the most ancient people
a) gathering, hunting
b) agriculture
c) cattle breeding
  1. The main material of ancient people for the manufacture of tools
a) bone c) stone
b) wood d) iron
D. The tribal community is being replaced
a) tribe c) neighborhood community
b) the human herd d) the state
  1. Continue the row.
Early and simple artificial structures of the most ancient people: a wind barrier
  1. What is missing in the line?
The simplest tools of labor of the most ancient people:
hand axe, scraper, stone axe, sword, digging stick.
  1. Set a match.
  1. craft a) union of clans
  2. myth b) actions and words supposedly possessing a miracle worker
natural properties
  1. genus c) hand-made various products
  2. magic d) legends about gods, heroes, about the origin of
  1. tribe e) a group of people descended from
one ancestor

5 Choose the correct answer.
Characteristic features of the tribal community

  1. everyone works together
  2. all property in common
  3. presence of rich and poor families
  4. each family has its own allotment, cultivates it and receives a harvest
  5. people are descended from the same ancestor
  6. food is distributed equally
  7. settlements where neighbors lived
lgt;a.i;tlt;vi II
The Ancient East

The ancient East is a vast expanse in North Africa and Asia in the era of the appearance and development of the most ancient states there.
The warm climate, diverse flora and fauna contributed to the settlement of the banks of large rivers: the Nile (in Africa), the Euphrates and Tigris (in Western Asia), the Indus (in South Asia), and the Yellow River (in East Asia). There were fertile soils that allowed for abundant harvests. These rivers periodically overflowed. Floods turned nearby areas into swamps and swamps. And those places where the water did not reach, turned into a desert scorched by the sun. People have learned to drain and irrigate these lands. Agriculture became the main occupation, but cattle breeding and handicrafts developed along with it. Small settlements turned into well-fortified cities, tribal leaders became rulers of cities and peoples.

States in the valleys of the great rivers

The neighborhood community is a traditional form of human organization. It was divided into rural and territorial communities.

Family and neighborhood community

The neighboring community is considered the latest form of tribal community. Unlike a tribal community, a neighboring community combines not only collective labor and consumption of surplus product, but also land use (communal and individual).

In a tribal community, people were related by blood. The main occupation of such a community was gathering and hunting. The main occupation of the neighboring community was agriculture and cattle breeding.

neighborhood community

Under the neighborhood community it is customary to consider a certain socio-economic structure. This structure consists of several separate families, genera. This society is united by a common territory and joint efforts on the means of production. This means of production can be called land, various lands, pastures for animals.

Main features of the neighborhood community

- common area;
– common land use;
- communal governing bodies of such a community;

A sign that clearly characterizes such a community is the presence of separate families. Such families conduct an independent economy, independently dispose of all the produced product. Each family independently cultivates its territory.
Although the family is economically isolated, they may or may not be related by family ties.

The neighboring community opposed the tribal community, it was the main factor in the decomposition of the tribal structure of society. The neighboring community had a very big advantage, which helped the neighboring community to eradicate the tribal structure. The main advantage is not only the social organization, but the socio-economic organization of society.

The neighborhood community was replaced by the class division of society. The reason for this was the emergence of private property, the emergence of excess product and the increase in the population of the planet. The communal land passes into private land ownership, in Western Europe such land ownership became known as allod.

Despite this, communal property is still preserved to this day. Some primitive tribes, in particular the tribes of Oceania, retain the neighborhood structure of society.

Neighborhood community among the Eastern Slavs

Historians call the neighboring community of Eastern Slavs the Vervy. This term was removed from Russkaya Pravda by Yaroslav the Wise.

Verv is a community organization on the territory of Kievan Rus. The rope was also common in the territory of modern Croatia. For the first time, the rope is mentioned in Russkaya Pravda (a collection of laws of Kievan Rus, created by Prince Yaroslav the Wise).

Vervi was characterized by circular responsibility. This means that if someone from the community commits a crime, then the entire community can be punished. For example, if someone in the vervi committed a murder, but all members of the community had to pay the prince a fine called vira.

General military service was established on the rope.

During its development, Verv was no longer a rural community, it was already several settlements, consisting of several small villages.

In the personal possession of the family in the vervi, there were household land, all household buildings, tools and other equipment, livestock, a plot for plowing and mowing. The public ownership of the ropes included forests, lands, nearby water bodies, meadows, arable land, and fishing grounds.

At an early stage of development, the rope was closely connected by blood ties, but over time they cease to play a dominant role.

Old Russian neighborhood community

The ancient Russian community, according to the chronicle, was called Mir.

The neighboring community or the world is the lowest link in the social organization of Rus'. Such communities often united into tribes, sometimes tribes, during the threat of attack, united into tribal alliances.

The earth has become a land. For the use of patrimonial land, peasants (communes) had to pay tribute to the prince. Such a fiefdom was inherited, from father to son. Peasants living in a rural neighborhood community were called "black peasants", and such lands were called "black". All issues in the neighboring communities were decided by the people's assembly. To participate in it could be united in unions of tribes.
Such tribes could wage wars among themselves. As a result, a squad appears - professional equestrian warriors. The squad was led by the prince, in addition, she was his personal guard. In the hands of such a prince, all power in the community was concentrated.
Princes often used their military power and authority. And thanks to this, they took away part of the residual product from ordinary community members. Thus began the formation of the state - Kievan Rus.
The earth has become a land. For the use of patrimonial land, peasants (communes) had to pay tribute to the prince. Such a fiefdom was inherited, from father to son. Peasants living in a rural neighborhood community were called "black peasants", and such lands were called "black". All issues in the neighboring communities were decided by the people's assembly. Only adult men, that is, warriors, could participate in it. From this it should be concluded that the form of government in the community was military democracy.

The low level of productive forces in the management of the economy required huge labor costs. Labor-intensive work that had to be carried out within strictly defined deadlines could only be performed by a large team; it was also his task to oversee the correct distribution and use of land. Therefore, a large role in the life of the ancient Russian village was acquired by the community of peace, rope (from the word "rope", which was used to measure the land during divisions). Storage of things in the suburbs: inexpensive temporary storage of things

By the time the state was formed among the Eastern Slavs, the tribal community was replaced by a territorial, or neighboring, community. The community members were now united, first of all, not by kinship, but by a common territory and economic life. Each such community owned a certain territory on which several families lived. All possessions of the community were divided into public and private. The house, household land, livestock, inventory were the personal property of each community member. In common use were arable land, meadows, forests, reservoirs, fishing grounds. Arable land and mowing were to be divided between families.

As a result of the transfer by the princes of the right to own land to the feudal lords, part of the communities fell under their authority. (A feud is a hereditary possession granted by a senior prince to his vassal, who is obliged to carry out court, military service for this. A feudal lord is the owner of a feud, a landowner who exploits peasants dependent on him.) Another way of subordinating neighboring communities to feudal lords was their capture by combatants and princes. But most often, the old tribal nobility, subjugating the community members, turned into boyars-patrimonials.

Communities that did not fall under the rule of the feudal lords were obliged to pay taxes to the state, which in relation to these communities acted both as the supreme authority and as a feudal lord.

Peasant farms and farms of feudal lords had a natural character. Both those and others sought to provide for themselves at the expense of internal resources and had not yet worked for the market. However, the feudal economy could not live completely without a market. With the appearance of surpluses, it became possible to exchange agricultural products for handicraft goods; cities began to take shape as centers of crafts, trade and exchange, and at the same time as strongholds of the power of the feudal lords and defense against external enemies.

The city, as a rule, was built on a hill, at the confluence of two rivers, as this provided a reliable defense against enemy attacks. The central part of the city, protected by a rampart, around which a fortress wall was erected, was called the kremlin, krom or citadel. There were palaces of princes, courtyards of the largest feudal lords, temples, and later monasteries. From two sides the Kremlin was protected by a natural water barrier. From the side of the base of the Kremlin triangle, they dug a moat filled with water. Bargaining was located behind the moat under the protection of the fortress walls. The settlements of artisans adjoined the Kremlin. The handicraft part of the city was called posad, and its individual districts, inhabited, as a rule, by artisans of a certain specialty, settlements,

In most cases, cities were built on trade routes, such as the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" or the Volga trade route, which connected Rus' with the countries of the East. Communication with Western Europe was also maintained by land roads.

The exact dates of the founding of ancient cities are unknown, but many of them existed at the time of the first mention in the annals. For example, Kyiv (the legendary chronicle evidence of its founding dates back to the end of the 5th-6th centuries), Novgorod, Chernigov, Pereyaslavl South, Smolensk, Suzdal, Murom, etc. According to historians, in the 9th century. in Rus' there were at least 24 large cities that had fortifications.

At the head of the East Slavic tribal unions were the princes of the tribal nobility and the former tribal elite - "deliberate people", "best men". The most important issues of life were decided at the people's meetings and veche gatherings.

There was a militia ("regiment", "thousand", divided into "hundreds"). At the head of them were the thousand, sotsky. A special military organization was the squad. According to archaeological data and Byzantine sources, East Slavic squads appeared already in the 6th-7th centuries. The druzhina was divided into the eldest, from which ambassadors and princely administrators came out, who had their own land, and the youngest, who lived with the prince and served his court and household. The warriors, on behalf of the prince, collected tribute from the conquered tribes. Such campaigns for the collection of tribute were called "polyudye". The collection of tribute usually took place in November-April and continued until the spring opening of the rivers, when the princes returned to Kyiv. The unit of tribute was the smoke (peasant yard) or the land area cultivated by the peasant yard (ralo, plow).

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This intertwining of clan and neighborhood ties, which is extremely diverse in specific societies, forces us to raise the question of the criteria that make it possible to distinguish a clan community at a later stage of its development from a neighboring one and the nature of transitional forms between them.

The main features that characterize any neighboring community are the presence of separate family groups that independently manage the economy and dispose of the produced product, so that each, on his own, cultivates the fields allotted to him and the harvest is assigned to them individually, and collective ownership of the main means of production. The families represented in the community may be related and unrelated - as long as they are economically isolated, this is of no fundamental importance.

At the initial stages of the formation of a neighboring community, communal ownership of land coexists with tribal ownership, sometimes even occupying a subordinate position. On some islands of the New Hebrides archipelago, villages, although they consist of subdivisions of several genera, do not yet form communities and do not have landed property. On the islands of Trobriand, Shortland, Florida, San Cristobal, Santa Anna, Vao, Fate and others, a neighboring community has already arisen and communal ownership of land coexists with tribal and individual loan land use, and on the island of Amrim the land belongs to the entire community as a whole, but distributed among the various clans.

In terms of stages, such a community is transitional from tribal to purely neighboring. It can be considered an early stage of the neighborhood community or a transitional type; we do not see much difference between these two points of view. The main criterion that allows it to be singled out is not so much the coexistence of communal property with private property (this is natural for any neighboring community), but rather the interweaving of family ties with neighboring ones.

The transition from such a community to a neighboring one to a large extent depends on the fate of the late clan, on the time when it finally ceases to exist. Since the genus most often survives to a class society, it is obviously this early stage of the neighborhood community that is most characteristic of its existence in a decaying primitive society, and the term “primitive neighborhood community” seems to be quite acceptable for its designation.

Such a community is neighborly, because it has its main feature - a combination of private and collective property. The fact that it is inherent in the era of the decomposition of primitive society is also evidenced by archaeological material. In Denmark, already in the settlements of the Bronze Age, within each village, the boundaries of individual plots and communal pastures are clearly visible. Something similar is observed even earlier in Neolithic Cyprus.

However, such a community is not just a neighbor, but a primitive neighbor, since collective property in it is represented by two forms: communal and tribal. Such a combination of two forms of collective property can persist for a very long time, and not only in decaying primitive societies, but even in early class societies, as can be seen from numerous African examples.

Although clan and community as forms of social organization complement each other, creating a double line of defense for the individual, there is a certain struggle between them for a sphere of influence. The final victory of the neighboring community over the clan is already determined by the fact that it is not only a social organization, which the late clan practically became, but a socio-economic organization in which social ties are intertwined and determined by production ones.

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For a long time they kept their patriarchal way of life. The people were divided into tribes, a separate tribe consisted of clans. A clan was a number of families united by family ties, owning common property and managed by one person - a foreman. Therefore, in the Slavic tribes, the concept of "senior" means not only "old", but also "wise", "respected". The tribal foreman - a middle-aged or advanced man - had great power in the family. To make more global decisions, for example, defense against an external enemy, the foremen gathered in the veche and developed a common strategy.

The collapse of the tribal community

Starting from the 7th century, the tribes began to settle, while occupying vast territories. The following factors contributed to this process:

The emergence of private ownership of agricultural implements and products of labor activity;

Ownership of own plots of fertile land.

The connection of clans was lost, the patriarchal tribal community was being replaced by a new form of social structure - the neighborhood community. Now people are connected not by common ancestors, but by the contiguity of the occupied territories and the same methods of farming.

The main differences between the neighboring community and the tribal

The reason for the weakening of family ties was the gradual estrangement of kindred families from each other. The main differences of the new social structure were as follows:

In the tribal community, everything was common - mining, harvest, tools. The neighboring community introduced the concept of private property along with public property;

The neighboring community connects people with cultivated lands, the tribal community - by kinship;

In the tribal community, the elder was the elder, while in the neighboring community, the decisions were made by the owner of each house - the householder.

Neighborhood lifestyle

Regardless of the name of the ancient Russian neighborhood community in each individual case, they all had many similar administrative and economic features. Each individual family acquired its own dwelling, had its own arable land and mowing, separately fished and went hunting.

Each family owned meadows and arable land, dwellings, domestic animals, and tools. Forests, rivers were common, and lands belonging to the entire community were also preserved.

Gradually, the power of the elders was lost, but the importance of small farms increased. If necessary, people did not go to distant relatives for help. Homeowners from all over the area came together and decided important issues at the meeting. Global interest forced to choose the one responsible for solving the problem - an elected elder.

Scholars have not come to a consensus on the name of the Old Russian neighborhood community. Most likely, in different lands it was called differently. Two names of the Slavic neighboring community have survived to our times - zadruga and verv.

The stratification of society

The neighboring community among the Eastern Slavs gave rise to the formation of social classes. The stratification into rich and poor begins, the allocation of the ruling elite, which strengthened its power through spoils of war, trade, exploitation of poorer neighbors (farm labor, and later slavery).

From the wealthiest and most influential householders, the nobility begins to form - a deliberate child, which consisted of such representatives of the neighboring community:

Elders - represented the administrative authority;

Leaders (princes) - exercised full control over the material and human resources of the community during wartime;

Magi - spiritual power, which was based on the observance of communal rituals and on the worship of pagan spirits and gods.

The most important issues were still decided at the meeting of the elders, but gradually the right to make decisions passed to the leaders. The princes in the neighboring community relied on their squad, which over time acquired the features of a professional military detachment.

The prototype of statehood

Tribal nobility, successful merchants and the wealthiest community members became the nobility, the ruling class. Land has become a value worth fighting for. In the early neighborhood community, the weaker landowners were driven from the right plots of land. During the period of the emergence of statehood, the peasants remained on the land, but on the condition that they would pay taxes. Wealthy landowners exploited their poorer neighbors and used slave labor. Patriarchal slavery arose at the expense of prisoners captured in military raids. A ransom was demanded for captives from noble families, the poor fell into slavery. Later, ruined peasants became slaves of wealthy landowners.

The change in the form of social structure led to the enlargement and consolidation of neighboring communities. Tribes and tribal unions were formed. The centers of the unions were cities - well-fortified settlements. At the dawn of the emergence of the state system, the Eastern Slavs had two major political centers - Novgorod and Kyiv.

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