“Nations are the wealth of mankind, these are its generalized personalities: the smallest of them carries special colors.” (USE social science)


In his statement, the famous Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn draws attention to the problem of national unity and national uniqueness. Thus, even the smallest nation brings its own shade to the general palette of colors, its characteristic feature in the diversity of cultures of nations.

I agree with the opinion of the outstanding writer of the 20th century. What is a nation? In my opinion, a nation should be understood as a historically established community of people, characterized by developed economic ties, a common territory and a common language, culture, and ethnic identity.

A derivative of the concept of "nation" is the term nationality, which is used in Russian as the name of a person's belonging to any ethnic group. Currently, there are about 2,000 nationalities in the world, each of which has a number of features that distinguish this nation. So, nations can differ depending on the language, mentality (including worldview), traditional components, area of ​​residence. Some nationalities have an appearance that distinguishes them from representatives of other nations. For example, we can easily distinguish people living in the equatorial belt from people living beyond the Arctic Circle based on facial features. In this case, the concept of geographical determinism (Montesquieu) is reflected, which includes the dependence of the physical and psychological traits of people, their abilities, inclinations on geographical factors: surface structure, climate, soil.

Thus, humanity is a collection of nations that have a certain number of features that help to recognize it among other nations. It is worth noting the fact that the formation of each nation took place in different ways, but this diversity allows us to look at the entire history of mankind through the prism of the stages of development of the nation chosen for consideration. Therefore, any small nation with its own culture can be usefully involved in research due to the fact that the current modern world has been formed by attracting people of all nationalities.

Consider such a state of the world as the Vatican. This state is located on the territory of Italy and occupies a little less than half a square kilometer in area. The official language for this country is Latin, which is “dead” for the rest of the world, but French is used for diplomatic contacts. It turns out that the inhabitants of the Vatican are connected by a common language, a common territory. Despite its small size, the Vatican is active in economic activity. This state is the owner of large real estate objects in Europe and South America. Therefore, we can say that economic ties are developed. In fact, the population of the Vatican is quite small (

Throughout the historical development of mankind, the world has been characterized by a situation of confrontation between East and West. Many countries borrowed the Western European or Anglo-American way of life in various areas of life: culture, education, politics, economics. This phenomenon in science has been called westernization. For Russia, this phenomenon was also inherent. Recall the period of the reign of Peter I. Inspired by Europe, Peter decided to build Northern Venice, the city of St. Petersburg, on a deserted, swampy area. Throughout the history of the Russian state, starting from the first emperor of Russia, although Westernization took place (the development of technologies according to the Western pattern), nevertheless, the social identity of the country was preserved (the general political orientation of the country, and its implementation), that is, as he said A. Solzhenitsyn, there was an introduction of his own colors into such a phenomenon. According to the Dean of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University, Alexander Auzan, uniting both eastern and western cultures, the Russian civilization itself took shape historically, referring to the theory of the track, which reflects the dependence on the milestone of the previous development. That is, although this unification of cultures took place, Russian traditionalism remained to prevail over other cultures. This underlines the idea of ​​Alexander Isaevich about national uniqueness.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the modern world there is a diversity of nations, each of which has its own history and culture. By dividing the world bit by bit, coordinating them with the share of each state in the history of mankind, we can get the current picture of the world. This is what the outstanding writer of the 20th century Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn says in his statement.

Updated: 2018-07-07

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There is only one poverty, and that is the Heart that has not revealed its Love.

In the world outlook an important role is occupied by the attitude to the material side of life. This is one of the most common questions that people are most concerned about: health, love, sex, God and WEALTH. The earth provides man with many blessings and resources, and man, using his mind, showing free creativity, has created various objects for himself from these resources that facilitate and decorate his life, create comfort, pleasure and bring him joy. All this man is accustomed to call WEALTH.

Human civilization is moving along the technocratic path of development. It was this path that led to the violation of the ecology of the Earth and man. One can have different attitudes towards such a choice of mankind, and yet, being in the material world, it is necessary to accept the existing reality and be able to interact with it.

This interaction raises many questions. Why is wealth distributed unevenly among people? Don't those who have little deserve more? And they often work no less, but still their income is much less than that of others. What is the difference between rich and poor? Why, even having achieved WEALTH, a person is not sure that he can save it? Why does a person lose WEALTH quite often? Why is it that while a person lives here on Earth, he cannot wisely use its benefits? What's stopping him? (Pay attention, it is this spelling of the word "WEALTH" that immediately gives answers to the questions posed!)

Let's try to figure it out using the knowledge and experience accumulated by mankind throughout history. Wealth is also spoken of in the Bible. I will often refer to her, because for many she is an indisputable authority.

"If you're so smart, why aren't you so RICH?"

For some, this question may seem offensive. Come to terms with resentment. In this question lies a hint that helps to find the path to WEALTH. Many consider themselves smart, and yet they do not consider themselves RICH. Why does the level of the mind not correspond to the level of WEALTH? Why is there a difference between the one and the other? Smart people often strive to "make money with their minds" and are frustrated when they fail. The collapse of another "cunning" undertaking leaves a feeling of injustice. It turns out that the presence of the mind does not guarantee the presence of WEALTH.

Now a huge number of books are being published that tell about the paths to WEALTH. The topic is burning, and many are in a hurry to use interest in it to their advantage. Most of the proposed paths lie through the mind, and often they can lead to WEALTH, but will there be Joy from such WEALTH? Will the person be happy?

The Bible answers this question: "The crown of the wise is their riches." (Prov. 14:24). That is, not the mind, but wisdom bears bountiful fruit. And the mind is only part of wisdom, because wisdom is mind filled with love. Then the whole life is filled with Love. It is in this case that a person's life becomes RICH in the full sense of the word. The good news is that lately more and more people are realizing the importance of Love in their lives and are striving for it.

Someone may object that those people whose life is poor in Love can also be RICH. But this is no longer WEALTH, and let them not deceive themselves or others. In this case, a person acquires WEALTH at the expense something: health, family, some restrictions, and even at the cost of their lives, that is, WEALTH instead of Joy.

Material well-being is a natural component of a happy, harmonious life. In order to live in harmony, a person needs to achieve such an understanding of the World, in which there would be no contradictions. The mind alone is not capable of such a task, wisdom is needed. It is in insufficient wisdom that the reasons for the “insufficient” achievement of human WEALTH lie.

I came to this understanding by looking back at my previous life experience. There were different periods in it: WEALTH appeared and then disappeared. Gained a lot and lost almost everything. This instability and forced to look for the causes of what is happening. Now I understand that it was an illusion of WEALTH. In order for me to understand this issue even better, fate brought me to Moscow, to one of the largest commercial banks in Russia, which turned out to be bankrupt after the 1998 default.

I saw thousands of examples of unwise understanding of the World, which led people into a situation of personal default. People lost not only money, but also health, and even life. I tried to explain the relationship of these events with the worldview of people, with the disclosure of their qualities. All this made it possible to realize that the basis of poverty and instability of WEALTH are contradictions in the Worldview, which, in turn, arise due to a lack of Love and wisdom.

In relation to WEALTH one of the biggest contradictions of the World View is hidden. On the one hand there is natural the desire to live in beauty, comfort, to be able to travel, study (and this requires considerable funds), that is, to live in prosperity. On the other hand, in the Soul of a person there is a deep desire to "home", to the sensation of another, "heavenly Joy". And this contradiction is reflected in many spiritual teachings, and is also enshrined in the Bible: “It is more convenient for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the Kingdom of God.” Everyone wants to go to heaven! This is where the man breaks down.

Some of our lives have been lived in eras of deep religiosity, for example, in the Middle Ages, where money and the devil were identical. “Don't worry about getting rich; leave such thoughts of yours” (Pr. 23:4) - religious postulates like this are deeply rooted in the mind of man. Hence, many have a deep subconscious fear of Wealth and a negative attitude towards it.

In the Worldview of the New Era, it is desirable to cope with contradictions as quickly as possible. It's time to find something new in the question of WEALTH state. This, in my opinion, is facilitated by such a spelling of the word "WEALTH".

As already mentioned, in earthly life a person needs to solve five tasks: to find God, discover Love, become RICH, realize sexual energy and be healthy. Most often, we observe aspiration in solving one problem, at best - two. But all these four tasks are closely interconnected! And real WEALTH is realized when All tasks are solved.

Any contradictions in the Worldview complicate the realization of WEALTH.

The former Soviet people have another ideological contradiction deeply rooted in the communist ideology in several generations. Wealthy capitalists are the enemies of our Motherland. Wealth is a sign of a decaying society. And money is generally a temporary phenomenon, this evil will pass away when we come to communism. It is rather difficult to remove these ideological stamps from the subconscious. Moreover, even now quite often there are supporters and preachers of such an understanding of the World.

Quite often in a person's worldview there are such delusions, such "harmful admixtures", which, if fed with money, can lead a person to death or to the creation of big problems for the World. These can be deep "hooks" for the material. But the World loves a person, and in this case it tries in every possible way to lead him away from such a path, blocking the access of money to a person. He is offered to realize other forms of WEALTH, eliminate contradictions in his understanding of the World, and even then receive material WEALTH.

There was an opinion that RICH people are, as a rule, bad people.

And that it is material WEALTH that makes a person bad. This opinion is very widespread and has deep roots. Although there are many RICH people who are much more human, more spiritual than many poor people, the ideas about the depravity of the RICH live on. I think that you already perceive the concept of RICH in a different way. It is worth taking a deeper look at this problem to understand what fuels such misconceptions.

There are far fewer RICH people, but they are always visible by the nature of their activity (they tend to occupy the upper rungs of society) and by their way of life (the house is big and the car is expensive). Their whole life is under the supervision of the public, as if under a microscope, and their every mistake, every mistake, every trick, every negative character trait is brought up for wide discussion.

And the life of the “simple” Ivan, who is weird in such a way that there is no quiet life for either his family, or the whole entrance or the whole village, is of no interest to anyone, because it is commonplace, found everywhere and in large numbers. And his eccentricities are treated condescendingly - he is "his own", poor.

Whatever they say, the lack of funds imposes certain restrictions on a person's life. Of course, spiritual development, turning to your essence allows you to get everything you need from life, but you still need to come to this! This is where the hardest times come.

Prosperity makes a person more free, independent, confident. Antarova's books "Two Lives" tell about the life of spiritual people who are quite RICH, and at the same time naturally relate to WEALTH, and wisely use it to create good. Does everyone like the independence of a person, his confident movement through life? Some egregors want to see a person differently, and don't they form a negative idea of ​​WEALTH and strive to keep a person in poverty?

Of course, material well-being creates additional temptations. A rich person can easily get carried away by multiplying pseudo-WEALTH and forget about his destiny. It is difficult for one who has WEALTH to part with it, there is a fear of losing it all. And where there is fear, there is no Love. Here is one of the criteria: real WEALTH cannot be lost, therefore there are no such fears.

The soul does not need growth in the career or social ladder, but the expansion of consciousness, the disclosure of Love, the increase in Joy and happiness! She came to Earth precisely for this experience, and it does not matter to her what material benefits a person has.

This does not mean that poverty helps to achieve Joy. A poor person, who directs all his efforts to provide himself and his family with daily bread, also forgets about the Soul, and it also receives little Joy in this life. And how many people poverty pushed to crime! A person must have enough material resources, and this can only be achieved through a state of inner harmony, which is also realized in the outside world. This is the path to real wealth.

If others have a negative attitude towards WEALTH and a RICH person, then they destroy both themselves and those around them.

The proverb says: if you say to a person: “pig”, “pig”, then he will soon grunt. People, having a negative attitude towards WEALTH and the RICH, solve several “tasks” at once: they block their way to WEALTH (in their understanding, they are good, and the RICH are bad, and good is incompatible with bad); help develop negative qualities in RICH people; set them against themselves, and they, in turn, begin to separate from the rest of society and treat it accordingly.

I do not defend or condemn the RICH. Both wealth and poverty can still be causes of disharmony in human life. It makes no sense to sort out which is worse: the satiety and arrogance of a BOGA man who has gone berserk with fat, or the anger and narrow-mindedness of a lumpen crushed by poverty. As they say, there is no choice between two evils. There is no doubt, however, that poverty and difficult living conditions make a person lose his human appearance much more often than WEALTH.

It's not about the presence of WEALTH or its absence. It's about the person himself.

Man is originally RICH! This is its inherent property, this is its essence. He is infinitely RICH, like God, of whom he is a manifestation and in whose image and likeness he is created. The only question is what hinders the full manifestation of his WEALTH in life?

Look at the list below. What is the basis of life in a person and what dominates? What do you have in the first place? Here you will find one more answer to the question why your WEALTH is not enough for you?

For some, in the first place is the realization of their knowledge, professionalism, work.

Others have material WEALTH, money, that is, providing themselves and their families with everything necessary. Most often, WEALTH is understood precisely this - a large amount of money and other material resources.

The third is to enjoy life.

The fourth - the acquisition of knowledge, spiritual heights, personal development.

The fifth - love between a man and a woman, a family.

All this can be present in a person's life and preferably equally, without highlighting one thing. This allows you to achieve harmony in life. Any dominant or any belittling of the role of one of the manifestations of life leads to a violation of harmony and creates problems.

There is another level - it is the Absolute, the One, God. And at this level we are all one, we are ONE! This is the beginning of everything. Everything else is derived from this Unity. The first derivative is the person himself. Subsequent derivatives are all its values. But in all manifestations there is divinity, as the beginning and basis.

All this is the wealth of man. Every person has the potential for self-realization. Sometimes they remain unused throughout life. This means that a person has passed by his WEALTH.


Opportunities can be closed throughout life. In this case, it is not WEALTH. Wealth is precisely realized possibilities. One can speak about the true WEALTH of a person as the total quality of life. This concept includes:

Good health of a person and his family members;

Love and respect for everything in the World;

Good family relationships and relationships with relatives and friends;

Culture and Literacy;

Creative realization;

Stability and confidence in the future;

spiritual achievements;

Sufficient financial and social status;

Constant striving for improvement in all areas of life.

A positive trend in these and other directions speaks of an ever greater disclosure of human capabilities and an increase in his WEALTH.

All of the above is based on the divine essence of man, and therefore the true WEALTH of a person is a manifestation of his best qualities: love, freedom, creativity.

At the root of the words "WEALTH", "GOD" sounds GOD.

A truly RICH person is a person who has revealed God in himself, fully using his divinity in earthly life.

Therefore, I used this spelling of the word WEALTH. I use this technique to make the identity of God and WEALTH go even deeper into consciousness and subconsciousness. Only with such Unity can "a camel pass through the eye of a needle." I myself want to become even more deeply aware of my WEALTH and I want as many people as possible to realize this.

To be RICH, you first need to realize that you are already RICH today, that is, to find in yourself, in your life those values ​​that sure to eat! First of all, you are a person who carries God within you. Further, it is life, peace, freedom, love, health, knowledge, close people, friends, some material wealth ... These are grains of the manifested WEALTH - but they exist, they exist here and now! You need to see them and rely on them.

You cannot strive for WEALTH, saying about yourself that you are now poor. Lamenting over your own poverty, you will not reach WEALTH. That's why they say: "Wealth to Wealth." It is important to always remember that EVERY PERSON IS RICH! Only often he does not know this and does not use his WEALTH in full. Everyone is GOD, and has everything necessary to achieve everything in life that he wishes! You just need to know how to use it.

“If for you the concept of “search for money” is separate from the concept of “search for God”, you may never find either one or the other” Bartholomew.

BELIEF is extremely important here, and better - KNOWLEDGE that a person has the ability to find both. If you do not know and do not believe that you are divine, that you have inner WEALTH that can be turned into its necessary external forms, then it will be difficult for you to achieve material WEALTH.

There is no need to refer to a poor childhood, to ancestors, to external conditions, to a country and say: “You cannot escape fate”... Without faith in your divinity, without realizing it in life, you can come to material WEALTH, but at the expense of something. Due to health and a shortened earthly life, due to difficult family relationships and the loss of relatives and friends, due to the blocking of the spiritual path and connection with other worlds.

Being RICH and spiritual at the same time is difficult as long as there is a process harmonization these two states. It is really very difficult. When there is an agreement, it means that spirituality is not yet deep enough. True spirituality is manifested in WEALTH itself. In this case, spirituality leads the way, paves the way for Wealth and implemented into WEALTH.

The new paradigm of World Understanding, which is gradually being formed in this book, leads to a new understanding of culture in general, and the culture of relationships with WEALTH. For the time being, the understanding of WEALTH as receiving something (money, tangible and intangible values, fame, power, etc.). But a different understanding of the World is gradually growing, where Wealth is measured by how much you gave others!

Indeed, God loves and gives! How much have others received thanks to the disclosure of Your Love, Your Creativity, Your Freedom? This is the measure of your WEALTH! Through bestowal flows the flow of WEALTH. We live here to give, and the more we give, the more we receive in order to give even more. This is evolution.

Material Wealth is not a large amount of money and other material means; is the presence sufficient tools that allow you to live your life the way you would like and realize yourself to the fullest.

Let's look at one of the manifestations of WEALTH, namely material WEALTH, which is most often identified with money. Such an identity: WEALTH - money, is most often found in life, and there is no need to be afraid of this identity - it exists. Just do not put money at the head of WEALTH, from what has been written it is clear that this is absurd. The basis of WEALTH is LOVE!

This also includes all material acquisitions, since they are also based on money. And often, all the negative attitude towards wealth is transferred to money. This attitude occurs, as a rule, among those who themselves want to have money, but do not have them. As soon as a person becomes RICH, he already ceases to treat them badly.

So let's, dear reader, let's talk about money, about this matter that can do anything: raise a person to the heights and plunge into the abyss, make him healthy and send him to the next world, get rid of loneliness and separate him from the whole world, change places good and evil, feed the hungry and arm the irreconcilable, make religion a business, and business a religion.

And depending on whether a person controls this matter, or matter controls a person, certain events occur. And we again turn to man and his spirituality. Therefore, from a spiritual standpoint, we will consider the issues of material WEALTH, the relationship of a person with money and the causes of problems that arise around them.

These issues are especially aggravated in the family, since the material component for the family, as a social unit of society, is extremely important. As they say, with a sweet paradise and in a hut, if cute ... attache!

Money is a universal tool that allows you to solve almost all material issues in a person's life. And if everything is lined up in the picture of life, but the issue of money is not resolved, then life becomes tense, with many problems that take a lot of energy. Money today is a part of our life, so it is necessary to be able to interact with it. To do this, you need to lay in your Worldview certain principles of interaction with money.

The first thing you need to understand as deeply as possible:

money is a means, not an end, it is a very subtle means of interaction with oneself and the outside world. This is one of the means of educating a person and tempting him.

Money can help a person realize himself, or they can turn him into a nonentity. Man's task: not to be a slave to money, but to be their master; do not depend on them, but have as much as you need; know how to get them and know how to use them. Now that I myself have gone through a serious path of interaction with money, I am sure that there is such a way! And this path lies through Love!

Second thing to be aware of:

Any matter is energy. And thoughts, and feelings, and Love - all this is energy. Money is also energy. Consequently, money is subject to the same laws and principles by which energies exist and interact.

Money can arise from some energies and be transformed into other energies and into other types of matter. For example, money can be turned into human health, joy, creativity, household items, science and art... This type of energy can also accumulate and be lost (“leak through fingers”). Between money and a person there may be obstacles created by other energies.

Money-energy leaves an imprint on those who interact with them. Working as a cashier and interacting with a large amount of money, a person is under their influence. Secretly or openly, but the energy of money leaves an imprint on a person's life. People often do not realize this influence, but it is present.

The third thing you need to realize, as deeply as possible:

There is another, moral side of money. Money is a concentrated energy of ideas, desires, creativity, work of many people of many generations. Therefore, they must be treated with the utmost respect.

The energy of money is based on the energy of people who extract minerals, produce various types of energy, and produce goods. The energy of money is formed on the basis of the labor of billions of people. Hence their high energy saturation, and a strong influence on people. Therefore, it is necessary to treat this energy, money, with exceptional respect.

Thoughts and words are also energies, and very strong ones, and therefore they have a great influence on everything in this World, including the energy of money. If, for example, you constantly repeat that you do not have enough money, or that you do not have them, then you will always have little of them. A negative attitude towards money, certain prejudices and complexes regarding them, will constantly create obstacles for their appearance. This can lead to difficulties at work: low wages, delays in payments, layoffs, bankruptcy…

Many just do not represent that they might have a lot of money. (Remember Shura Balaganov from The Golden Calf.) Even if such a thought sometimes appears, they drive it away from themselves: “Ah, this will never happen”, “All these are fantasies” ... Thus, people artificially set their own financial ceiling, and then complain about the lack of necessary funds.

Sometimes people have a fear of big money, caused by various reasons: fear of responsibility, taxes, racketeering; fear based on the inability to manage large sums; fear of standing out among others (the desire to live by the principle: “we are like everyone else!”). And these fears sometimes live very deep in the subconscious and are difficult to realize, but they exist and show their destructive power.

The best cure for any fear is Love. Love yourself, your loved ones, the world around you, including money - and all fears will go away.

You need to be respectful of money. Today, as well as in the foreseeable future, money is and will be an integral part of our lives. The question arises, is it possible to love money? Some say with fear: “What are you, this is a sin!” What is "sin"? This is what breeds evil. But if you stay in the sun for a long time, you can get a sunstroke! Therefore, everything in this world can bring both evil and good. It is sometimes difficult for a person to determine this line of good and evil, which is why religions say: “Do not love the world.” But in this way, the way of love not for the earthly world, but only for the "higher world", you will not come to the truth. Daniil Andreev said: “When a person loves the devil, he will not be on Earth”, - love will transform him too.

An important part of the Worldview is the attitude towards money.

Just like the attitude towards WEALTH, the attitude towards money is an important part of understanding the World. There are four main options for dealing with money.

First option. This is dependence on money, up to slavery.

In this case, money performs functions unusual for them. They become the main unifying force in life. And not only in the sphere of material relations, but also in the sphere of mental and spiritual. That is, in the mosaic panel of life, they can become the main force instead of Love, connecting material fragments. For example, a "marriage contract" builds material (monetary) relations between spouses. Relationships with friends are also sometimes built on money: there is money - there are many friends, there is no money - there are no friends either.

For many people, money is the only basis of life. But money is an unreliable foundation. When money disappears, the whole life literally falls apart, and a person can die morally and physically. Dependence on money may be unrelated to their quantity. A person can become a slave to money when he has none at all.

How to get out of this state? By substituting in the soul, in the mind of man the god of money for the true God. In the first steps, a religious worldview can help here. Religions say a lot about the fact that the main WEALTH is not in the material world. Spirituality brings money down from a false pedestal. Love can help in this process. The experience of Love, the realization of its great value takes a person out of the power of money. Thus, the harmony of the material and spiritual worlds can take place.

Second option. This is a subconscious or conscious fear of money. Subconsciously or consciously afraid of money, a person seeks to create his own little world where you can throw money in small portions so as not to fall into temptation. Religions, communist ideology have brought up in a person a negative attitude towards material wealth, towards money. And what a person denies, he does not love, and what he does not love, that is what he is afraid of. Here, a deep subconscious fear of big money, the egregor of money, also arises.

Therefore, people who are afraid of wealth and money need to learn to love them. And in general - learn to love yourself and the whole world around you. Love dissolves all fears. It is in love that harmonious interaction with any egregor is possible, including with the egregor of money.

Third option. This is an all-consuming focus on money. As a rule, strong-willed, purposeful, decisive people turn out to be in such relationships with money. They subordinate everything to the achievement of material WEALTH. Money becomes the meaning of their life.

Such a focus on material WEALTH allows you to achieve it in life, because the power of thoughts and desires of a person is very great. But in this way a person leaves his essence and solves only one of his tasks. Harmony is broken, and after some time the World will influence a person, correcting his one-sidedness in various ways.

The most harmonious figure is a sphere. Therefore, it sounds: the “sphere of interests” of a person, the “sphere of life”, that is, a full-fledged, harmonious life creates a corresponding figure. Here the World is striving for this, and if a person insists on a different understanding of the World, then he gradually enters into an ever greater contradiction with the World and builds up his problems.

People have learned to program themselves for success, for the fulfillment of certain plans, but here it is easy to cross the line and commit violence against the World. And then a “reverse wave” can come and destroy what has been achieved. In their purposefulness, they draw their loved ones and their force to live also purposefully, which is out of character for them. Such a person himself feels comfortable in such a purposefulness and, often, does not understand that others have a different perception of life, and that his desire annoys them. He doesn't understand that everyone is different. The consequences of this may be broken destinies of children, destroyed families, broken bonds of friendship, loss of Love.

You can put everything on the altar of material WEALTH, but the end does not justify the means. For such people, it is important to understand that the meaning of life lies in the realization of oneself. across the spectrum manifestations of man, in the fullness of life. Nothing needs to be singled out in life! It is necessary to rely on intuition, on love and respect for others, to be wise, and on the basis of this, build relationships with the World. And the wisdom of today is to give more and more, and through this - to receive, and that the best benefit is one's own development.

The fourth option. Freedom. But this freedom is not about money. Although there are people who strive to be independent of money. Often people flaunt such freedom. We cannot be independent of anything - we are all one. Any independence from something, freedom from something, is artificial and leads to separation from the World with all subsequent problems. Read this question carefully and answer it: is it possible to be independent of WEALTH?!

True Freedom manifests itself in a person when he discovers the whole spectrum of WEALTH in himself. In this case, he always has money enough: few or many. They make him and those around him happy. He gladly gives and gratefully receives. And his WEALTH grows all the time, and at the same time he remains free. In this case, a person is harmonious and enters into harmonious interaction with the whole World, including with the egregor of money.

Energies, including financial ones, passing through a person correspond to the breadth of his soul.

In this case, a person has no problems with his WEALTH. It is enough and it is good for him. When a person artificially, with the help of the mind, attracts energy flows to himself in various ways, they can come, but they can also cause various problems.

The relationship of a person with money, with WEALTH is strongly influenced by his qualities of character. Often there are big contradictions between these qualities. For example, a person is smart and hardworking, but envious. And envy is such a quality that can destroy all the good that a person has created. The Bible wisely remarks: “An envious person hastens to riches, and does not think that poverty will come upon him” (Prov. 28:22).

Money needs to be use.

Money can be used in different ways. Losing money is also using them, only in this case they will benefit someone else. They don't disappear, they just move on to something else. And if you go even further and remember that we are all one, then you can even more easily endure the loss.

Usually you lose what you hold on to. If you keep very well, for example, by protecting your money in every possible way from loss, then you can lose something else. Most often, in this case, they lose another value: health, family, or even life.

You cannot lose what you give. When you give to others, you give to yourself. The only way to realize that you have something is give away. Knowing how to give, you can learn how to receive. To be able to give means to be able to use money. Learning to give is the need of the New Age, the Age of Unity. We are all one, and giving to another, you give to yourself.

We need to strive to bring money maximum benefit. Let not you, but someone else, but definitely benefit! Everyone decides in their own way how to use the money. And often we see very unreasonable use of them. Someone spends far from the last million on the birthday of their dog, and someone spends the last rubles from the family wallet on a drink with friends.

Wisdom is not obligatory asceticism. Although outwardly it may seem that the sage is content with little. In fact, the wise man finds great things in small things, and skillfully manages big ones.

The best benefit from money, universal for everyone, is when it contributes to the development of a person, reveals his best qualities, makes a person and the World even more beautiful, brings Joy and happiness to everyone who finds himself in the sphere of this benefit.

One of the wise ways to use money is to take care of your health. Invest in improving your health. Regular contact with nature, swimming, various types of physical education and gymnastics require little expense relative to those that have to be spent when illness appears. This is a disproportionate cost of money, time, effort. Often a person spends a huge amount of WEALTH on eliminating the consequences of his own laziness and ignorance.

We must learn to reward everything beautiful by all means, including money. Make gifts to a loved one, enjoy life, enjoy it. And money is a good tool to bring Joy to yourself and others. Using money to create Beauty and Joy on Earth is the best thing you can think of. And they will strive to where they are best used.

The biggest problem is that people still don't know how to share. Need to happily accept money and happily share them.

In recent times, people find it increasingly difficult to empathize with their neighbor and do not notice the needs of other people, even if they desperately call for help. Whoever does not know how or does not want to share, life will teach this important element of self-disclosure. Teaching will be different, depending on the abilities of the student. Any loss is one of the lessons of life. They stole money, something burned down or broke, they crashed a car, fell ill, they didn’t return the money, and Mir has hundreds more lessons in stock. We ourselves have provided for everything in our life scenario, for all occasions!

The world often reminds a person, firstly, that material and spiritual wealth are the same, and secondly, that Necessarily share what you have in abundance. I was approached by a woman who was robbed of money, a monthly salary. Where and how, she could not understand. It should be noted that she reacted correctly, did not tell anyone about this (what, apart from pity, and maybe gloating, could she get?), She tried to explain what happened by saying that someone needed the money more. But this only partially alleviated the problem. Negative emotions were thus avoided, but the question still remained open.

As a result of our conversation, it became clear that she has recently taken significant steps in her development: improved relations with her parents; dealt with difficult relationships with men; received a promotion at work; began to study dances, languages; acquired spiritual knowledge. And she did not sufficiently share with her colleagues all the wealth that grew in her: experience in relationships with parents and with men, knowledge. She herself climbed several steps, but did not help others. And paid with money. And it’s good that it’s only with money, otherwise she could pay with her health.

And here is another example, simple and bright. The woman is in a great mood. She walks down the street and eats ice cream. Suddenly, an unfamiliar man comes up to her and says: “What are you happy about? Look around - how bad people are! She was offended. It was not necessary to be offended, but to thank for the hint! You need to share joy with others: smile at people, think well about them, mentally thank the World. And the man did not come up in vain - she just had a big debt to the men.

To create one's WEALTH on Earth - yes, this is the task of everyone. But everyone has their own way of creating WEALTH. Everyone is talented, but everyone has their own set of talents. Not everything in this world should earn money.

The first way to create WEALTH.

These people can turn the energies of the world around them directly into money. It is here that their talents are most revealed. A person realizes his WEALTH, his gift of a production worker, technologist, organizer for the benefit of himself and others. This is the extraction of energy resources, the production of industrial goods and food.

People who have made it their profession extract and process what belongs to everyone, and they must share with everyone. There is a system of taxes for this, but it is obligatory and therefore imperfect. An important mission of these people is charity, in which the main factor is good will.

It is also necessary to do good wisely. Having given some amount for something, without particularly delving into what, a person believes that he is engaged in charity. This is not always a good thing. More often than not, it's like giving a handout to a beggar. Such charity does not make the giver rich. After a while he will come again. You can help a person or a group of people once or repeatedly. When there are funds, it is easy to help in this way. But it also happens like this: while there was financial assistance, things moved forward, as soon as there was no help or it decreased, now and then it can stop and relations deteriorated.

An ancient wisdom says: “If you want to feed a person once, give him a fish. And if you want to feed him for life, teach him to catch. True help to a person lies in the disclosure of his abilities, his WEALTH.

Savva Mamontov, a major Russian industrialist, showed an example of wise charity. Helping artists, he created the conditions for their activities in Abramtsevo, and this contributed to the development of folk crafts throughout the district, which brought income to everyone: artists, artisans, and himself. And talents developed, and the welfare of Mamontov grew throughout the district, and the memory was left to descendants for centuries.

Charity is not crumbs from the master's table, it is the meaning of all life and all activity. To do good is the realization of one's God, it is the way to God. If a person aims to earn money at any cost, then he can get it by violating the environment, exploiting people, using what belongs to everyone. Thus, he does not benefit not only others, but also himself. He and his descendants will have to answer for violence against Nature and people.

The meaning of life is to do good on this Earth!

This is what should be included in any activity.

The second way to create WEALTH.

These realize themselves, their WEALTH, providing various services that make life easier and more beautiful. Here the WEALTH of the creation of Joy to people is revealed. It should also have its own system of taxes, but the measure of all activity is the same - the creation of good.

The third way to create WEALTH.

Here people realize themselves as officials of the egregor of the state and money. Their charity lies in the wise distribution of cash flows. And they often see the meaning of their activities in their enrichment and do not always distribute money correctly. In their hands is a universal and powerful instrument of the material world, and the responsibility is high. Here, too, the creation of the good must come first.

The fourth way of creating WEALTH.

These are people with an awakened gift of higher creativity. They are beacons that have established contact with the higher spheres of creativity and bring great creation to earth in all spheres of life. That is why they came to Earth. They create a spiritual atmosphere for all people, they bring culture. Society needs to be ready to understand and accept them, and create the necessary conditions for them. Their activities cannot be valued in money. They just need to provide the necessary and sufficient conditions for life and activity. Such people should be assigned a boarding house, and those around them should be very attentive to their needs. And before them, in turn, the task is to use their gift very wisely and create the highest good.

There is a fifth category of people who themselves, with the help of society, have brought themselves into a state of deprivation, burying their talents without realizing their inner WEALTH. Here people, society needs to show mercy(but not pity!) and create the necessary conditions for their living and for their awakening. This is the blessing for this category of people. And their task is, first of all, to cope with grievances and realize responsibility for their lives and ... learn to love again.

As you can see, in all of the above options, doing good means being able to share what you have, what you have revealed in yourself. Love your neighbor as yourself - this is the basis for doing good. And the good itself is manifested when a person loves his God, that is, he reveals God in himself. The blessing is in the person himself. And the more he reveals Him, the more good he will have, the more he can give to others. And this blessing can be manifested in different ways for everyone, in accordance with the talents with which a person comes to Earth. When he lives in the stream of his meaning, his talents are realized, and a person has maximum WEALTH.

Nothing good can be done without love! Love for everything in the World from a drop of dew on a blade of grass to oneself and the Cosmos - this is divine love! And the second nature - the creation of the hands, mind and heart of the human is also worthy of love! Money is also a creation of human hands. If a person loves his creation, he can love himself.

In particular, you should not treat your national currency with disdain, by doing this you create problems not only for yourself, but also for the country. The disparaging words “wooden ruble” humiliate the national currency, the country that pronounces these words and, as a result, increase its problems with money. Money will come to those who respect it.

The egregor of money is also a creation of man. Moreover, you need to be able to build a relationship with him. The egregore of money is trying in every possible way to assert himself: banks are the most pompous buildings, various quirks of the GOOD are beyond the bounds of reason. It is important not to succumb to temptations, to get out of difficult situations without lust, without judgment, without any special emotions. The egregor of money is very strong and influential on our Earth, and it is necessary to interact with it wisely. All the principles of interaction with egregores also apply to the relationship with the egregor of money.

It all depends on the person himself - he can turn good into evil, and turn evil into good.

Considering money to be evil, a person gives rise to fear of it, and his interaction with money will indeed give rise to evil. It is necessary to learn to love money, but in such a way that the love for it is no more than for a person, than for everything in this World. “When wealth increases, do not add heart to it” (Ps. 61:11). This is a difficult task, but it is necessary to solve it if you want to be healthy and have enough money, and most importantly, reveal yourself.

Life can be whatever you want it to be! Start living differently today! And every day make a wiser choice, discover something new in yourself, realize your WEALTH in the smallest deeds and deeds!

Clement Stone said: "Anything that the mind can comprehend and believe in can be achieved." I am sure that much more can be achieved than the mind can comprehend! After all, only a small part of the World can be realized with the mind.

To start changes in your life, you need inspiration or ... desperation! Unfortunately, more often a person uses the second for a decisive step, that is, having waited for great suffering and problems that drive him into a corner, he turns on all the reserves and begins to look for a way out. And finds! True, sometimes it is already too late - the losses become too large. Do not wait for the last call, and it is not necessary to wait for the first one, but to join yourself in a new life here-and-now, and so every day!

This will help the awareness of the paradigm "Being-Action-Possession". That is, you must first to be (be aware of oneself) rich, then act as rich, and as a result have Wealth. A deep realization of this is a great feat in understanding the World.

People are often mistaken in believing that in the beginning it is necessary have Wealth, and then be And act how rich. Such a Worldview contains a contradiction with the very essence of the Universe.

To create your WEALTH, first understand what you want to have, who you want to be and ... take the first step on this path - become it! Move into this state. And then act on the basis of this state! After some time, this state is realized. Such creation occurs in the same vector with the creative Universe and therefore is very effective.

What you wish for yourself, wish it for another. Wish sincerely that the other person has it, then it will be with you. The mechanism of this is simple: you can wish for another what you yourself have. Sincerely wishing, you begin to get used to the idea that you have it, and you will definitely have it. What you are is what you create. This is a very delicate process. Sincerity and pure thoughts are especially important here.

Don't give up. Do not think that everything has been tried, but there is no solution. If there is no solution, then you are not using any reserves yet! This means that you do not yet realize that you are RICH and have not yet revealed your WEALTH.

If a person can frankly to answer the question for himself - why is this happening to him (happened), then get the right answers to the questions: “what and how to do?” Frankness with oneself is a necessary condition for finding the true cause of what is happening. Sometimes someone's critical view from the outside does not hurt to feel deeper and objectively assess the situation. But this view should be kind, constructive, as frank as possible.

It is extremely important to accept everything that happens completely, without any “buts…”. This is easy to say, but hard to do. To accept the most difficult situation as a perfect creation of God is often very difficult. There can be nothing wrong with divine creation! This is faith in God. And into yourself. Because all the events that take place in your life are your creation, together with God! To sincerely accept everything that happens is to build a wonderful foundation for the further manifestation of RICHNESS.

Money loves activity, optimism and Joy.

Many psychologists agree that a person programmed to fail! By whom and how is a separate issue and this is discussed in my book "Egregors". A very characteristic example that explains what “programming for failure” is. How are elephants trained so that they, such huge, multi-ton bulks, calmly stay behind low fences, in light cages, tied with thin ropes to small pegs? After all, an adult elephant can easily uproot a tree. It's all about training. When the elephant was small, he was tied with a heavy chain to a powerful pole. And he could only move within the limits of that chain. Elephant fast getting used to to these restrictions, then it is already simple and didn't try go beyond these limits! The same thing happens with humans!

The human soul, preparing for incarnation, programmed various egregors for execution certain tasks! Moreover, the tasks are set taking into account the needs of this egregore and his understanding of human capabilities! Often, egregors do not want to reveal a person’s capabilities, because by revealing them, a person can get out of their subordination. In addition, egregors do not fully realize the true capabilities of a person! Thus, a soul going to incarnation may already carry limiting programs.

After birth, many educators surrounding the child introduce new restrictive programs, thus putting up new fences that it is difficult for a person to go beyond. And so a person lives all his life in someone's established framework. When he realizes his possibilities, gains courage and goes beyond the line of flags, he can achieve infinitely much.

Those who have achieved high results in this life are people who have gone beyond the limits imposed on them.

Let's see how this affects human well-being. In fact, the amount of money you earn corresponds exactly to what you are worth in your subconscious mind and in your conscious beliefs. (Internal self-esteem should not be confused with desire have money.) There is another important subtlety here: when a person lives in a family, the funds come in as much as family members value themselves and each other. Suppose a husband values ​​himself highly and his wife values ​​his possibilities low; in this case, the realization of the husband will be according to the level of the wife's assessment, that is, according to the lower one. Or, for example, parents say about their son: "he will not succeed." In such situations, it is very difficult for him to achieve the maximum realization of his capabilities.

- What is economy?

- Saving is the art of spending money without getting pleasure from it.

Any programs limit a person! Because they are put by those who do not know the possibilities of a person - no one knows these possibilities! They are endless! But at some stages, the programs can be useful to a person: they can be educational, revealing the possibilities of a person, creating his destiny - without many of them, it is sometimes very difficult for a modern person, if not impossible, to get out of the state in which he is. For the majority, for example, programs that teach ethics, culture, love are still needed ... It is important not to linger at these stages and not to take the framework of the program for the final goals.

Religions set a goal for believers - the rescue, and the majority, believing that they are "saved" by believing, stop at this stage of development and do not try to go further. But this is a program of only a certain egregore. The truth of any path, teaching, any program is determined by the absence of restrictions and desires to keep a person within their limits.

Programs can only be a stage on the path of human development. As the inner WEALTH opens up, all programs gradually disappear. This is the path of transformation.

In order for WEALTH to be fully manifested, it is important that your desires coincide with the aspirations of the Soul, because the desires of the Soul are the highest desires. The striving of the Soul most of all agrees with the evolution of the Universe, it is a part of this evolution. And since man is a triune being, there may be no agreement between the desires of the soul, mind and body. As we have already said, the Trinity of man can be represented in more specific categories: mind, heart and eros. And we often see a picture when the mind wants one thing, the heart another, and eros - the third. This is where the mess starts! And this mess is realized in life. By combining the aspirations of all its constituent parts, a person becomes a Creator, a magician, a truly RICH person.

Wealth comes where there is harmony. True WEALTH is harmony.

At present, more and more people are aware of their deepest relationship with humanity, the Earth, the Cosmos, with the whole World. This is facilitated not only by the widespread dissemination of esoteric knowledge, but science is also finding more and more factual evidence of the most complex relationship between man and the universe. We have already said that a person has both earthly and cosmic roots. Understanding this helps to better understand the responsibility of relationships with people, nature, Cosmos and improve them.

Expanding his consciousness to the level of the planet, the solar system, the cosmos, sooner or later a person will look at himself - how does he live? Does his life live up to the high purpose he has, Who He Really Is? Having huge, truly endless possibilities, often a person cannot provide for his minimum needs or is content with the minimum “that God sent”. It’s good if at the same time he does not condemn anyone for his such life, but most often he considers his relatives, the government, the president, the country, fate to be guilty ...

Wisdom consists in being aware at every moment of your great WEALTH and the sufficiency of your financial condition, and always knowing the solution to the next problem.

Someone will say: “I feel good about money, I want to have it, the need for it is great, but it’s still not there.” Here, as a rule, there can be many reasons, especially if you look into the depths of the unconscious. There are many “brakes” and blocks in a person that prevent him from realizing endless possibilities. We have already covered many of them. Here is another one of those "interferences".

I noticed that people have a lot of debts. And most of them don't even realize it! And debts can be different, for example, unfulfilled small and large promises. It is especially important not to make unrealistic promises to children. Thus, ties for life can arise and manifest themselves in unexpected ways. And how many unfulfilled promises did you make to your body and Soul? “I will do exercises”, “I am starting to follow the diet”, “I will go, I will rest in nature” and the like. How many promises were made to parents and how many were kept? And so on.

It turns out that the whole Earth is entangled in a web of debts. Entire countries are debtors. In families, relationships are often built on duty, on duties. Many debt relationships bind a person and society.

In our country, several generations have been brought up under the influence of an ideology built on obligation and subordination: “a Soviet person is obliged,” “a communist must,” and the like. Take a closer look around, and you will see a lot of complex strings on the words "should", "must", "responsible". A person carries within himself a sense of responsibility to children, parents, other people, society, God, and so on and so forth. A certain mentality has developed, a system of laws, appropriate forms of relations and activities to comply with agreements, "knock out" debts.

Naturally, in this large energy space, a corresponding egregor arose, which covered almost the entire world. People are already accustomed to its existence and consider many of its functions necessary and obligatory, thereby giving themselves into its submission. The debt egregor is probably one of the most powerful on Earth. And people constantly feed it with their thoughts, feelings, actions. And he, in turn, helps a person to solve issues related to debts and at the same time takes more from a person than he gives.

I have seen many examples of people trying to get their money back from failed banks. I happened to work at Inkombank with such people. They spent a huge amount of time, energy, health on rallies, protests, courts. And as a result, events developed in such a way that those who showed the greatest activity achieved the return of their deposits earlier than others, but partially. And those who let go of the situation and just waited, he received the deposits in full.

The default of 1998 helped the egregor of debts to grow even more, to get fresh strength. Millions of people gave him a huge amount of their energy. Most likely, not a single crisis can do without his active participation.

Many egregors use in their practice the instrument of debt to subjugate and manage people. Both the small firm and the state use various forms of commitment to manage people. Loan interest has brought much of the world into debt. No wonder the Koran says that lending money at interest is the greatest sin.

Everyone can get out of debt egregor. We ourselves have generated and are feeding various egregors, which means we can remove them from our lives.

I want to remind you again: do not make promises that you cannot keep! And in general, promises should be given very carefully. Everything flows, everything changes, and therefore your promise today may turn out to be impossible in principle tomorrow.

Various promises are small and large debts that accumulate and can manifest themselves in the form of some kind of big problem so that a person “en masse” sorts out his debts.

And any debts, even imperceptible ones, require the constant work of the Soul, and it cannot fully enjoy life. As they say, the Soul works as a watchman for debts.

Many people spoil their lives with various debts, including financial ones. The first thing to understand in a situation where debts appear is that we ourselves create them. We create with our disorganization, inaccurate calculations, biased assessment of our capabilities, our desires that go beyond the limits of what is possible and violate the world around us, the desire to stand out, often - pity for someone. But in general: due to insufficient wisdom and violation of energy exchange with the surrounding World, you take more than you give.

The appearance of any debt is a signal that you are consuming more than you are giving away, or you are giving away not what the World needs.

If you try to get to the root cause any debt, in the depths you will find an insufficient manifestation of Love.

It really is! Insufficient manifestation of love for oneself, for those who are due, for the world around creates debts. But you need to give away just what a person has in abundance - Love! A person comes to Earth to give Love, Joy, Beauty, Happiness, Good, and if he does not do it enough, debts appear. Debts are very different, most of them a person does not realize as debts, but they make themselves felt in the form of illnesses, difficult relationships in the family, between relatives, friends, neighbors, work colleagues, etc.

A person is accustomed to seeing only material debts, and they are a manifestation in matter of debts that are more subtle and deep. Therefore, the appearance in your life of any, the smallest debt is a sign that the World asks you to remember Who You Are, and that it is time to return to your path and give the World what you have in abundance: Love, Joy, Beauty, Happiness, Good.

A person is in constant energy exchange with many external sources of energy: with various people and egregors, with Nature and Cosmos. For the time being, a person does not attach much importance to this energy interaction, until the balance of such energy exchange is disturbed, that is, until he begins to consume more than give. Then a person “unexpectedly” has problems: financial losses, illnesses, difficulties in the family, various debts.

A letter not sent, a call not made, a congratulation forgotten in the bustle of life, an affectionate word not said to someone in time, due attention not shown, a small effort not made - all this, drop by drop, fills the cup, which at some point pours into duty. Small debts give rise to large debts.

"Forgive our debts, How we forgive our debtors." Again it sounds "HOW", that is, the equality of energy exchange. And this is in every little thing, but there are no little things! And you should not worry about what and when you get back. It is worth worrying only about what and what quality you give to the World. This applies to Love in the first place - it must be "of the highest quality."

Do not demand repayment of debts. Learn to share wisely with the World, and if you are not repaid your debt, it means that you disposed of what you have in such a way. Do not regret it, but learn from it, become wise.

Do not give money at interest (at interest) and try not to take interest. Because the percentage game is a non-human game. And the one who plays this game takes on a great responsibility. To put another person in dependence is fraught with serious consequences. Try not to load others with a sense of duty - this can return to you with the same problems.

Some try not to give or borrow, and thus avoid entering into a debt relationship. But this is not always justified. This is a limitation, this is a separation of oneself from the World, leading to unfreedom and to a decrease in WEALTH.

"What goes away - multiplies." Try not to take more than half of a person's capabilities and do not give more than half of your capabilities, do not infringe on yourself or others. We must strive to ensure that the exchange was always equal. Equal exchange creates balance, harmony. Truly, love your neighbor, How himself.

The more often the word “debt”, “should” sounds in a person’s vocabulary, the more likely he will have debts. Going through life with a sense of duty, most likely he will come to debt. The more respect and love for himself and for people in a person, the less debts in his life.

There are no debts in true Love and Friendship!

Basically, no one owes anyone anything. We are all one. Coming to the realization of this is a significant worldview step. And then the words become clear: the more you give, the more you get, and moreover, without any effort! But while we are separated, on the borders of our separation, various obstacles and unequal exchanges arise, creating debts. And if you are not repaid your debts, let them go - you will receive much more WEALTH on this - your spiritual growth, which, in turn, is realized in specific things.

Forcing another to keep a promise, to repay a debt, we create more problems for ourselves. By giving freedom to others, you free yourself! You are freed from resentment, from wounded self-esteem, from suffering over an unreturned debt. And a free person acts more effectively in life.

Give as much as possible of what you have infinitely much - Love! And by doing this, you will really pay off all your debts.

What and how much to take and give is a great skill, and this must be learned.

Recently, many esoteric knowledge has been revealed, and people have become consciously look for additional sources of energy, learn to “charge” from trees, water, the Sun, stars, Cosmos, and God. This practice is taught by many religions and teachings. Prayers, meditations, various rituals contribute to purification, clarification, filling with high energies. Often this turns into vampirism. After all, vampirism occurs when good, pure energies are taken from somewhere outside and spent on not very bright thoughts, feelings and deeds. And that is exactly what we see all the time.

As a rule, these energies, taken from the World, rarely reach realization in the material sphere: in solving health issues, in improving relationships in the family, in increasing WEALTH. A lot of energy is spent on illusions. Most often they go to observe rituals, conduct some kind of spiritual events, that is, to maintain the egregor himself. And often a person is left with a “fat from eggs” and ... with debts.

At birth, a person is given everything necessary for a happy life on Earth!

A person is given the necessary supply of vitality, the energy of the family, amazing internal sources - eros, mind and heart, and he not only uses it negligently, but also constantly asks! He asks his parents, the people around him, the state, Nature, God (“Lord, help me!”). We often look at those who ask for alms condemningly, but is this not a sign that we ourselves go through life as energy beggars? We ask, we ask, we ask, and sometimes we demand! Realize - after all, all this is taken in debt! For all requests you will have to pay! It must be remembered that to ask means to borrow, and debts will have to be repaid sooner or later!

Before you ask, remember the golden rule of problem solving: When it seems to you that you have exhausted your possibilities - Remember that this is not so!

A person has an infinite inner source due to the LOVE he gives birth to! It can not only transform, but also GENERATE ENERGY! That is, when a person thinks, speaks, does something with love, he does not spend his energy reserves and his kind, but increases them!

Thanks to this amazing opportunity to receive energy from endless internal source and not be a debtor, a person can acquire endless possibilities. It is this condition that allows him to decide any tasks and be truly RICH.

There is a wise saying: do what you love and the money will come. This suggests the following - if you love your job, you will strive to become a master of your craft, and the greater the skill, the greater the return. And for most people, on the contrary - during working hours they do work (indeed, from the word “slave”), and after waiting for the weekend, they try to get pleasure and joy in another area. When labor is filled with love, joy, it becomes an equal part of a person’s life and adds happiness not only as a result of labor (material wealth), but also by the very process of labor!

Free, joyful, creative labor with love is a necessary element of WEALTH! The desire for such a constructive, creative work is inherent in the essence of man!


True WEALTH is possible only on the basis of spirituality. Then it will not be a heavy burden on the shoulders of the person himself in the form of illnesses, material losses or other problems, and will not create difficulties in the family and the fate of the descendants. At present, most of the RICH people are far from the necessary degree of spirituality, and therefore they have numerous problems. A rich person today is often a person who has given up something, but he is still GOOD, he carries God in himself, like every person. And let him think about the responsibility to their God and will reveal the true WEALTH.

Disclosure of inner WEALTH is determined by the breadth of the spectrum of human love!

Let us remember once again that WEALTH is the realized possibilities of a person. Often people realize their potential in one thing to the detriment of many other things: some in creativity, some in the family, some in business, and so on. When the realization of huge inner possibilities is directed towards one thing, a person can achieve outstanding results, but this causes tension in the World and a violation of harmony. Is this the meaning of life?

The meaning of life is in its fullness! Material Wealth is only a part of this fullness.

This chapter is a practical appendix to the previous chapter, Wealth. Many are trying to become Masters of their business, expressing the natural desire of a person for Freedom and Creativity. Many have achieved significant results, even more of those who have experienced disappointment along the way. The proposed view of the Enterprise, the role of the Owner may be interesting and useful for both.

The birth of this chapter has its own history, as well as all others. The situation at the Enterprise where I was the director was critical. I had to search and find the reasons, factors that led to this situation. After all, I set myself very serious tasks, based on the world outlook that had been formed by that time. And it turned out to be difficult to implement it - the bar was high. This required a new internal state, a different understanding of the World.

As happens in such circumstances, the World sent me support. In this case, it was A. Andreev's book "Magic and Culture in Management Science". The author took as a basis management methods born in Russian culture many centuries ago. And these materials turned out to be very interesting. I do not agree with all the principles set out in this book, but I found many grains of truth in it. And I wrote this chapter, as it were, together with A. Andreev, arguing with him somewhere, agreeing somewhere. In the dialogue, the topic is always revealed more deeply and diversified.

In my book "Living Thoughts" there is a conversation about the person himself, about revealing himself. A series of books "Family - the beginning of wisdom", considers the issues of creating a Couple and a family. A series of books "Egregors" brings a person into interaction with external structures. The formation of a person, the creation of a family and life in society - all these topics are very large and complex. All of them pursue one common goal - to help a person become the Master of his life.

Part of this path is the creation of your own Enterprise, which would help to realize oneself, reveal new qualities and ensure financial independence. Many different books have been written about business and creating your own business. Basically, they are guided by Western methodology. And here an attempt is being made to combine the originality of Russian industrial culture with esoteric knowledge and the Worldview of the New Age. This topic is big and there is a long way ahead. Let's, dear reader, look at the Enterprise from this point of view! And we will experiment, search, create.

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I hope that after reading the article, some people's understanding of wealth will change. After all, it is not limited solely to finances.

So what is human wealth? Having specifically asked this question to the Yandex search engine, I received a huge selection of sites where you can read articles for hours and conclude that most people mean by wealth the presence of an unlimited amount of money and property.

Some even argue that wealth is that residual between income and expenses. Everything that could not be spent was spent on a deposit, turning into wealth.

Even Wikipedia reports that Wealth is nothing more than an abundance in a person or society of intangible and material values ​​​​such as money, means of production, real estate or personal property.

But is it? I believe that the concept is significantly distorted and fully agree with the ideas about the wealth of Dr. V. Sinelnikov. It was after reading his book “The Way to Wealth or Where the Treasury is Buried” that I changed my understanding of this term. I confess that I used to associate this word with money and other material values.

What does this word mean? Let's take a look at its etymology. The root basis of the word Wealth is God. What is God in the broadest sense of the word? No, this is not a gray-haired, bearded man on a cloud, threatening all punishment. God is this creator, creator, source of abundance, love, good. God is the absolute, containing everything, all the facets and colors of life. God is very harmonious.

What does it mean to be a rich person

Let's think about our body. It is quite complex and contains a large number of organs. But each organ has its own important function in the vast system of the body. What do we feel when at least one small organ begins to malfunction or is affected by a disease? We start to feel bad. Sometimes the symptoms are minor and do not disturb the rhythm of life, but sometimes the disease, localized in a certain area of ​​the body, literally knocks us off our feet, violating the quality of life.

It turns out that we can do just fine only when all the organs in our body are healthy and work in harmony. Every cell, every centimeter of body tissue is important for our well-being. You cannot call yourself absolutely healthy if at least one organ in the body is sick.

Now remember that we are made in the image and likeness of God. And that means we have all the qualities of God. We are RICH. Rich means having God in him.

But most have forgotten about it, and do not have enough faith to accept and recognize in themselves the full power and creativity of God. From this disharmony begins, difficulties, sufferings, illnesses come.

Is it possible to call a rich person who has a huge amount of money, real estate abroad, but at the same time has no health and friends? Hardly. It can only be called financially wealthy.

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Or another example: a previously poor person suddenly gets a huge inheritance. Intoxicated by such luck, but at the same time not having sufficient knowledge and skills to preserve and increase finances, he lowers all his property in a short time. Was he rich? No. Even with this inheritance, he remained a man with the consciousness of a poor man.

In my opinion, to be rich means to recognize your divine nature and love this world, every day, every moment. It means to show your creative potential in everything and harmoniously fill every area of ​​your life with love. Realize that you are endowed with all the abilities to achieve the life you dream of. First of all, enrich your consciousness.

To be rich means to be self-sufficient, to have not only financial benefits, but also successful relationships with people, to have good health, to be in harmony with yourself and the world around you. Have the desire to give and share as God does. After all, God is very generous.

As in our body, everything is important in God, every single “organ”. And if, for example, we have a great financial condition, but at the same time we cannot find a partner to create a family and suffer from loneliness, will we feel good? I think no. No amount of money will give what man can give to man.

A rich man is rich in everything. He appreciates everything that is in his life, he is not afraid to dream and knows that, as a creator, he can bring whatever he wants into his life. He is not afraid to lose it all. After all, he knows that he has creative potential and will be able to create everything he needs anew.

This is a person open to new knowledge, in a state of constant learning and search. This is a flexible person. Such a person is the master of life, not its victim. A rich person is a grateful person.

What are the criteria for wealth

Having taken such a point of view and understanding of the word "wealth", as I described above, one can fall into some misconceptions. For example, consider that a rich person, in addition to money, must have a family, children and many friends. After all, we talked about all areas of life that affect true wealth.

But let's not forget that everyone has their own ideas about life, their own needs and desires. Not all people want to get married (get married), give birth to children, have large groups of friends, expensive cars, not everyone wants to own factories and steamships. And that's completely normal.

The one who is happy in the position in which he is rich is rich. The main criteria for wealth are spiritual, mental, physical, moral well-being, harmony inside and the presence of a sufficient amount of spiritual strength for a full, happy life, the realization of one's goals and desires.


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I am sure that the potential for wealth lies absolutely in each of us. And it depends only on us whether we will be able to open it and show it to the full. Money is just one part, an “organ” in the overall system of the “organism” that we call wealth. I would be glad to hear your opinion on this matter. In your opinion, does the term “wealth” refer only to the material side of life, or do you agree with the point of view described? Leave your answers in the comments, share your opinion.

The history of mankind testifies that initially man had three types of resources - his physical strength, natural goods and his own mind. In different periods of time, these three types of resources contributed to the satisfaction of human needs in different ways (Fig. 1.1) 16 . It is only obvious that during all this time the growth of human needs outpaced the resource capabilities of mankind to satisfy them.

16 Yakimaho A.P. Management of intellectual property in the Republic of Belarus. Mn.: Amalfeya, 2005. S. 14.

In ancient times, the results of intellectual activity had little impact on the development of society, since its intellectual potential was insignificant.

As the productive forces of society developed, the contribution of physical labor to this process decreased, since the physical capabilities of a person have not changed much over the past millennia. Of course, in our time, one crane operator is able to move as much cargo in a day as all of humanity a thousand years ago was not able to move in a year. However, this is not evidence of the growth of a person's physical strength, since the efforts of the crane operator's hands are increased millionfold by the intellect of the creators of the crane, as well as all those people who took part in its manufacture, including the intellect of the workers.

Rice. 1.1. Resources of Humanity

At the same time, the consumption of natural resources was growing rapidly and, to an even greater extent, the influence of intelligence on the development of the economy and society as a whole.

However, the natural resources of the Earth are limited, and given the growth in consumption rates, one should expect their depletion within a historically foreseeable time. In particular, more minerals were mined in the 20th century than in the entire previous history of mankind. Fuel production increased 30 times, and 3/4 of the total consumption fell on the second half of the 20th century. Annual oil consumption has reached 3 billion tons. Electricity generation tripled during the 1950s and 1970s and then doubled every 13 years.

According to forecasts, world oil reserves will run out within 50 to 300 years: in Kuwait - in 2216, in Iran - in 2109; in the United Arab Emirates - in 2132; gas production will be completed in 100, coal - in 600 years.

Thus, the consumption of the Earth's natural resources will very soon begin to decrease, and then stop altogether. This period, indicated in Fig. 1.1 how x-y, roughly corresponds to 2050-2100. and 2150-2200. and become decisive in the history of mankind. The only inexhaustible resource of humanity remains its intellectual potential, capable of coping with global threats. On fig. 1.1 is an optimistic forecast: humanity will be able to support the growing level of its own needs at the expense of the intellect of its members, despite the depletion of natural resources.

The last decades of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st century were accompanied by the widespread use of the results of human intellectual activity for the “production” of information and new knowledge, which so strongly transform the world that this allows us to speak of the entry of mankind into an information civilization, where the intellect becomes the main productive force 17 .

17 Avdeev R.F. Philosophy of information civilization. M.: Vlados, 1994. S. 95.

The future belongs to those countries whose economic strategy is based on the use of intelligence, the development of science, and the widespread use of the results of intellectual activity. Indeed, these results and objects of intellectual property underlie all innovations - both those that determine the success of products in the market, and those that influence the development of modern society and human civilization as a whole.

As a result, in industrialized countries engaged in building a "knowledge economy" or "intellectual economy" based on the "production" of information and knowledge, material production recedes into the background. The entire production structure is changing, the main driving force of which is becoming “knowledge workers”.

According to T. Stuart, “information and knowledge are thermonuclear weapons in the competitive struggle of our time. Knowledge is more valuable and more powerful than natural resources/giant enterprises or a solid bank account. Today, in one industry after another, organizations that have the most complete information or know how to use it more effectively than others achieve success, and not those that are more powerful ...

The labor input required to produce a unit of industrial output has declined by about one percent a year since 1900, as machines gradually take over the work that was previously done by hand.

After the Second World War, the amount of raw materials needed to produce a unit of output began to decline at about the same rate. A few years later - in the fiftieth year - in the same way, by one percent, energy costs per unit of output began to decrease ...

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the share of educated workers has increased by the same one percent per year ... Only one in four Americans is employed in agriculture, construction, industry and the extractive industries, and even then ... he often works with his head, not his back and hands. We are all now knowledge workers employed in knowledge companies.” 18

18 Wealth from the mind: A business bestseller. / Per. from English. V.A. Nozdrina. Mn.: Paradox, 1998. S. 7-15.

A person's wealth is manifested in a variety of things - an expensive car, a nice house, a solid bank account ... Today we will attract all these attributes into our lives with the help of the secret of money magic!

In the last lesson, we talked about the technique of attracting big money¹. Today we will continue this conversation. You will learn what else to do when you are in the meditative state of having a lot of money.

Mentally make expensive purchases!

Immediately after your money has been counted, without leaving the state of owning a large amount of money, we go mentally to make expensive purchases - we buy a car, an apartment and everything that you planned to spend a lot of money on.

A person's wealth lies in the fact that he can afford to buy what he wants to have. So let yourself be a rich man!

It always works! After such an action, as a rule, a breakthrough occurs!

Part of the money can be mentally deposited in the bank at interest so that there is no need to work. We spend the rest of the money according to our list compiled at the first step of our work.

In our imagination, we buy exactly the things that we planned to buy.

Human wealth is, first of all, comfortable living conditions!

Therefore, we begin with large purchases. For example, we buy a comfortable house somewhere in nature or buy a car, high-quality, expensive and prestigious.

Then we begin to make smaller purchases until the entire set for a happy life is “staffed”. We visualize² the whole process very brightly! We connect all feelings and emotions to the imagination.

Installation: I get money, prosperity now constantly. 10 million is a small sum for me.

Remember, the most important thing is to develop a sense of possession of these things and benefits. This is where the magic of money lies!

The real wealth of a person is the state of his consciousness. The one who lives with the feeling of owning expensive things with a lot of money will always be rich, because he is used to it and cannot live otherwise!

When you buy a car, feel like getting into your new car. Feel the soft steering wheel in your hands. Feel how you sit in a comfortable car seat, start the engine and drive. Feel how you press the gas pedal with your imaginary feet.

Do the same with the house. And if you have planned to go on a trip, then visualize it as brightly and figuratively as possible.

Installation: now all wallets, cabinets, drawers, pockets, bags are full of fresh banknotes, I am drowning in money.

Enjoy and savor the pleasure of shopping. Feel like you already have it all! Enjoy your shopping, imagine yourself surrounded by your new things or in a new environment. Feel your boundless luck.

Remember: “What is inside of us, so is outside!”

Now thank the Universe from the bottom of your heart for giving you the opportunity to have all these blessings and gradually get out of this state.

If you do everything in the proper state, the result will not be long in coming - the desired materializes in your life. You need to enter into the image of a rich person every day, until the goal is achieved. Such work is guaranteed to bring you results.

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