Home work or remote work: how best to arrange employees. home work


work that the homeworker performs: 1) at his place of residence or in other premises of his choice, but not in the industrial premises of the employer; 2) for a fee; 3) for the purpose of producing goods or services, according to the instructions of the employer, regardless of who provides the equipment and materials. Homeworkers are not employees who perform occasional work from home rather than from their regular workplace.
The employer provides homeworkers with equipment, tools and devices for free use, and repairs them in a timely manner. When a homeworker uses his tools and mechanisms, he is paid their depreciation (amortization). The homeworker may be reimbursed for other expenses related to the performance of work at home (electricity, water, etc.).
Homeworkers make up approximately 10.5% of the economically active population in Europe. Approximately 8.4 million people work at home in the United States, the bulk of which is in the service sector. In the Philippines, the number of homeworkers is 17.5 million people, which is 34.2% of those employed in social production. In Mexico, 5,000 garment factories employ homeworkers, representing 30% of the industry's total workforce. In Indonesia, 21% of households work from home.
Today, the majority of homeworkers are women who are denied access to full-time employment due to family responsibilities or lack of necessary training. For women who are forced to stay at home for various reasons (care for young children, elderly or sick family members, due to their health), home work opens up the opportunity to be economically active, rationally combine work activity with family responsibilities.
Unlike the families of peasants and artisans, there was no strict division of labor between the sexes in the families of homeworkers. In families of weavers, the typical division of labor looked like this: the man spun, the woman cleaned the warp, and the children wound the threads. Husbands did housework: cooking, sweeping and milking. If in the families of peasants and artisans the husband and father were a privileged consumer - in food, drink and clothing, then among homeworkers the consumer status leveled off: adults and children drank and smoked together.
The participation of children in the work was typical. The child was obliged to work out his share in the common household. From the age of 10, a child earned more from home weavers than his parents spent on his maintenance. Children have become "living capital" for parents - as workers and to provide for in old age. Growing up children could double the family income, but they were entitled to only pocket money. Therefore, teenagers themselves left their parents. The children of homeworkers were less dependent on their parents, since they did not count on an inheritance. In a peasant society with its strict hereditary right, young people could not force a guy to marry a girl who became pregnant from him if this marriage was unprofitable. Among homeworkers, a pregnant girl could complain about the violation of her honor and “bring her lover to marriage”. Regular sexual life now began with the engagement; this promise was kept by the village community.
Peasants' calculation for the acquisition or preservation of land through marriage was losing its significance. The skill of the partner in the craft was important. The partners had spinning wheels, but they did not have beds. Weddings of poor homeworkers were called "beggarly". The marriage age of homeworkers was lower than that of peasants and artisans, as homeworkers were not bound by the conditions of obtaining a court or formally completing an apprenticeship and becoming a master in the craft. Home work accelerated marriage, multiplied their number, increased the division of property, increasing its value. Thanks to home work, marriage could no longer harm the families of relatives. There was a personalization of the choice of a partner, and marriage became an agreement between the bride and groom. Three generations in a family has become a rarity.

More on home work:


The article will help you find out how to employ homeworkers, whether jobs should be created for them, and who has the priority right to conclude a homework contract.

Many employers are faced with the need to employ homeworkers. Citizens who work remotely at home have certain rights and obligations that should be considered when hiring them. The most important factors are the conclusion of an agreement with home workers and the system of remuneration for their work. We will answer these and many other questions regarding working from home in Moscow in this article.

Homeworkers are citizens who have entered into an employment contract to perform work at home. Registration of such employees takes place in the general manner in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Home workers may use their own materials and tools or those belonging to the employer.

Note: Distinguishing between home and telecommuting

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Home work and labor law

Regulations that regulate the activities of employees working at home:

  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation, part 4 of article 310.
  • Regulations approved by the Decree of the USSR State Committee for Labor, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions №275/17-99 dated 29.09.1981.

According to the said Regulations, the help of family members of a homeworker in his work is allowed.

Activities carried out by home workers must not be harmful to their health. Therefore, their working conditions must comply with established standards ().

According to paragraph 2 of article 17 of the HC RF, persons can work at home if their activities do not infringe on the rights of other residents.

One of the most important conditions of the contract is the place of work at home. If a person is hired by a structural subdivision of an organization (representative office, branch), according to the Labor Code, the location of the object must be indicated in the contract.

Separate is any subdivision of the organization that is geographically remote from the head office, in which workplaces are equipped. Workplaces are recognized as stationary if they are equipped for a period of more than one month (clause 2).

  • controlled by the employer.
  • The employee is there or should arrive there as needed.

If the company cannot determine whether the employment of a remote worker entails the emergence of a separate unit, it is recommended to seek advice from the tax office. They will review the submitted documents and make a decision on an individual basis.

Since, according to Article 3 of the Housing Code, housing is recognized as inviolable property, the organization cannot control the actions of the employee related to the performance of his duties. Therefore, it is impossible to recognize the workplace of a homeworker as a stationary one.

Even if an employment contract was concluded with an employee working at home in another locality, this does not entail the creation. Therefore, the organization does not need to register for tax at the place of work of home-based employees. Information on this issue can be found in the letter of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-02-07 / 1-129 dated 05.24.2006.

IMPORTANT! An employer may be held liable according to if the tax office, during the verification process, decides that a stationary workplace has been created for the employee, and the organization has not been registered at its location.

Since it is noted in homeworkers are persons who have entered into an employment contract to work at home, then disputes often arise if a person works in non-residential premises.

However, according to the provisions of the Convention of the International Labor Organization dated 06/20/1996 No. 177, a homeworker has the right to carry out activities anywhere, but not on the premises of the employer. But since the convention was not approved by the Russian Federation, it is still not worth relying on it entirely.

In order to avoid disputes with the tax office, it is recommended to conclude with a homeworker specifically for the performance of work or the provision of services (contract). The parties in such an agreement act as a customer and contractor, and therefore the organization is not obliged to provide a workplace for the employee, as well as exercise control over him.

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Business trips for homeworkers

According to the Labor Code of Russia, citizens who work remotely at home can. This rule should be noted in the contract along with the conditions for reimbursement of travel expenses.

Possible reasons for travel:

  • Getting raw materials.
  • Delivery of finished products.
  • Getting a new task, etc.

Travel expenses of a person performing remote work must be paid in accordance with the general procedure.

Payment for travel is made from the place of work (place of residence of the homeworker) to the place of business trip and back. Information on this issue can be found in the letters of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 03-03-06/1/316 of 05/27/2011 and No. 03-03-06/1/135 of 03/20/2012.

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Priority right to conclude a home work contract

According to paragraph 4 of Regulation No. 275 / 17-99 of 09/29/1981, the following categories of workers have a priority right:

  1. Disabled.
  2. Pensioners, regardless of the type of pension received.
  3. Persons who have reached retirement age but do not receive a pension.
  4. Women with children under 15.
  5. Citizens who, according to the established procedure, are recommended to work at home.
  6. Employees who receive full-time training.
  7. Citizens who care for long-term ill family members or the disabled.
  8. Persons working in seasonal production (during the off-season).
  9. Employees who cannot be employed in production in a certain area for objective reasons (for example, in areas with free labor resources).

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Conclusion of an employment contract with a homeworker

An employment contract with a homeworker has its own characteristics: in him there can be no condition on the subordination of an employee internal labor regulations. In addition, in the contract with the "regular" employee, such details as the methods and terms of providing him with equipment, tools, materials, as well as acceptance of work, are not reflected. For the homeworker, on the contrary, these moments are the most important.

Also, in the employment contract, it is necessary to prescribe the payment of compensation to the employee for the use of his own property in work.

According to Article 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in an employment contract with homeworkers, you must specify (these are signs that it is an agreement with a homeworker):

  1. Is the employer obligated to provide equipment and tools for work, or does the homeworker have to purchase them on their own?
  2. Is the organization obliged to provide the employee with consumables (semi-finished products, raw materials, etc.) or are they purchased by a homeworker.
  3. Is the employer obliged to compensate for the wear and tear of tools and other equipment belonging to the employee and what is the procedure for compensation.
  4. The procedure and terms for providing the employee with materials and raw materials.
  5. The procedure for reimbursement of other expenses associated with the performance of work.
  6. The procedure for the export of finished products.

An employment contract is mandatory for drawing up with all persons enrolled in the employer's staff (Article 68 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The form of the document is arbitrary (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation)

If the employer allowed the employee to work without drawing up an employment contract, then the contract must be concluded no later than three working days from the date of the actual admission of the part-time worker to work.

Specify the labor function that the homeworker is obliged to perform

Please indicate the place of residence of the homeworker as the place of work

When concluding a fixed-term employment contract, indicate not only the term of its validity, but also the reason for setting the term (seasonal work, temporary absence of the main employee)

If the date of commencement of work is not specified in the employment contract, then the homeworker is obliged to start work on the day after the conclusion of the contract

In the section "Rights and obligations of the employee" indicate:

  • rights and obligations that are provided for by labor legislation and are mandatory for all employees;
  • labor rights and obligations provided for in the organization for a particular position. If the organization has developed job descriptions, then labor rights and obligations can not be duplicated, but a link can be made to the relevant instruction

Draw up the section “Rights and obligations of the employer” in accordance with Article 22 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If necessary, indicate the additional rights and obligations of the employer, which are not directly established by law. For example, the obligation of the employer to provide the employee with voluntary medical insurance

In the "Payment and social guarantees" section, include a mandatory condition on the employee's salary based on the remuneration system in force in the organization. Specify the specific amount of the tariff rate or salary, surcharges, allowances and incentive payments

The section "Working time and rest time" for concluding an agreement with a homeworker, as a rule, is not mandatory. In this section, include the condition for granting annual paid leave.
All social guarantees apply to the homeworker, therefore, a condition for compulsory pension (social and medical) insurance is a necessary condition of an employment contract. As a rule, it is allocated in a separate section, for example, "Social insurance"

In the section “Responsibility of the parties to the employment contract”, write down the forms of responsibility of the homeworker and the employer. For example, liability

In the section "Change and termination of the employment contract" indicate the procedure for amending the employment contract with a part-time job and the procedure for terminating it

In the "Final Provisions" section, indicate the procedure for resolving possible labor disputes and disagreements between the employer and the employee

In the "Addresses, details and signatures of the parties" section, be sure to indicate:

  • data of documents proving the identity of the employee (and the employer, if he is an individual);
  • TIN of the employer (except for individuals who are not entrepreneurs);
  • information about the representative of the employer who signed the employment contract

It is not necessary to put the seal of the organization on the employment contract if it is not provided for by the charter.

On a copy of the employer's employment contract employee must sign in receiving your copy of the employment contract and indicate the date of its receipt

Download contract with a home worker(.doc, 54 Kb)

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Checking the working conditions of a homeworker

Before the conclusion of the contract, the employer should inspect the home of the home-based employee. You need to make sure that it is suitable for the specific job. It is recommended to carry out this procedure together with representatives of the trade union of the organization.

Certain types of home work are possible only with the permission of the sanitary-epidemiological and fire control authorities. For example, if soldering work is required during the manufacturing process, the fire inspector will check the condition of the electrical wiring in the living room to avoid a fire hazard. Based on the results of the audit, a conclusion will be issued with permission or refusal to carry out certain activities.

There is no special assessment of working conditions for home workers

According to paragraph 3 of article 3 "Special assessment of working conditions" A special assessment of working conditions is not carried out in relation to the working conditions of homeworkers, remote workers and employees who have entered into labor relations with employers - individuals who are not individual entrepreneurs. In this regard, with regard to working conditions homeworkers and teleworkers not carried out.

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Pay for work at home

The work of citizens who work at home must be paid in accordance with the norms of labor legislation.

The employer has the right to use a piece-rate or time-based wage system.

If an employee makes any items (souvenirs, clothes, packaging, etc.), then it is reasonable to use a piecework system. For the provision of services (dispatcher, consultant) should be paid by the time.

According to Article 310 of the Labor Code of Russia, compensation is due for the use of home-based workers' own equipment and tools. You should also reimburse other expenses that are associated with the performance of certain work (utilities, mobile and city communications, Internet, etc.).

Unlike on-site employees, it is not necessary to pay night and overtime work for a homeworker.

Work regulations do not apply to home workers. They independently decide on the time of work and rest.

Work performed by a home worker is paid at a single rate.

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How to terminate a homeworker

The grounds for dismissal of a homeworker can be divided into two groups:

  1. grounds specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (general grounds). An employment contract with a homeworker can be terminated on the grounds provided for in Articles 77, 81 and 83 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (for example, at the initiative of the employer, at the employee's own request, by agreement of the parties, due to the expiration of the employment contract, due to circumstances beyond the control of the parties );
  2. the grounds provided for in the employment contract with the homeworker (special grounds) (Article 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). For example, as a basis for terminating an employment contract, the systematic manufacture of defective products can be provided.

You can draw up an annex to the employment contract - a production plan. This is necessary in order to be able to reasonably exercise the right to dismiss a homeworker on the grounds provided for in the employment contract. According to the plan, ask the employee for monthly reports on the work done.

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Dismiss the homeworker in the usual way

Issue an order first. Organizations may choose to:

  • use the unified form of order No. T-8 (No. T-8a), approved by the Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1, if approved by the head of the organization in the order on accounting policy;
  • apply a self-developed form approved by the head (provided that it contains all the necessary details provided for in Part 2 of Article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011).

This procedure follows from part 4 of article 9 of the Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402-FZ and is confirmed by the letter of Rostrud of February 14, 2013 No. PG / 1487-6-1.

Then make an entry about the termination of the employment contract in the work book (section 5 of the Instruction approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia of October 10, 2003 No. 69).

If the dismissal occurs on the grounds provided for in the employment contract, in the work book, make a reference to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and indicate the clause of the employment contract under which the employee was dismissed. A workbook entry might look like this:

"Fired due to the systematic release of defective products, article 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 4 of the employment contract dated ______ No. __."

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  • Form of drawing up an employment contract

    In the event that the employee will carry out home work, all the documents necessary for concluding an employment contract must be provided personally to the employer. After reviewing the local acts, which contain information about the performance of work, the employee must personally leave his signature. It should be noted that the conclusion of an employment contract also takes place in writing.

    With workers working remotely, things are somewhat easier. All documents necessary for concluding an employment contract can be drawn up in electronic form. At the same time, the employee can also get acquainted with local acts in electronic form. If an employer hires a homeworker who has never worked anywhere before, the employer will be responsible for arranging compulsory pension insurance. If remote work is the first place of work for the employee, then the employee himself must obtain such a certificate.

    Place of work

    The homeworker's work takes place at home. As a rule, they produce products, sew, pack, assemble, etc. As for remote workers, they can perform their labor function anywhere: at home, on the bus, in the country, etc. As a rule, their activity is connected with intellectual or creative work.

    Terms of the employment contract

    Along with the conditions provided for in Article 57 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, employment contracts in both cases must contain additional conditions. In the case of remote workers, there are six such conditions (Article 312.2 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and for homeworkers - four (Articles 310, 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Occupational Safety and Health

    To ensure safe working conditions, the employer in relation to homeworkers must comply with the requirements specified in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If we are talking about remote workers, then there are much fewer obligations for employees, and they are provided for in par. 17, 20, 21 hours 2 tbsp. 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Also, the employer is obliged to convey to remote workers information related to labor protection in the performance of labor functions with the means and equipment provided by the employer.

    Registration of a work book

    The conclusion of an agreement on remote work does not have to be accompanied by the execution of a work book, but this is if the parties have agreed on this. The document evidencing the work activity and length of service of the employee will be an employment contract drawn up on paper, one copy of which must be sent to the employee. In the case of home work, the entire registration procedure must take place in accordance with the general rule, which implies a mark in the work book.

    Termination of the employment contract

    With regard to this point, there are no special differences in the case of homeworkers and remote workers, since all of them can be dismissed in accordance with the grounds provided for by the employment contract and the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. The difference may be in the design of the dismissal. At the same time, the registration of the dismissal of an employee performing remote work can take place electronically. In this case, the employer must send such an employee a dismissal order on paper (part 2 of article 312.5 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Let us dwell on the consideration of one feature characteristic of both homeworkers and remote workers. It is impossible to dismiss such employees for absenteeism (clause “a”, clause 6, part 1, article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), just as it is impossible to dismiss them for refusing to transfer to the territory of another locality together with the employer (clause 9, part 1, article 77 of the Labor Code RF). Dismissal of a homeworker for absenteeism is impossible, since they themselves set their own mode of work and rest. As for the remote employee, there is no unambiguous answer to this question. If the employment contract does not provide for conditions regarding the regime of work and rest, then it is almost impossible to dismiss him due to the fact that the employer will not be able to prove the fact of such absenteeism. If the employment contract contains provisions establishing the mode of work, with the definition of the start and end time of the working day, then dismissal for absenteeism in this case is possible. It is important to note that, due to the lack of judicial practice on resolving this issue, the dismissal procedure for absenteeism is associated with some risks, therefore, each employer must independently decide on the dismissal of such employees.

    Transfer of workers

    If it becomes necessary to transfer employees (some or all) to work at home or telecommuting, the employer must notify employees of these changes.

    Based on the provisions of Art. 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the parties can amend the terms of the employment contract only with the consent of all parties to such an agreement. The exception is those cases that are provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All changes to the terms of the contract must be reflected in the relevant agreement, which is in writing. With those who agreed to such changes, an additional agreement is concluded, which already defines new working conditions.

    Article 72.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation makes it clear that a transfer is understood to mean a change in the labor function of an employee or structural unit, which can be temporary or permanent, as well as a transfer to work in another area together with the employer. In this case, we are not talking about changing the structural unit, since the employee performs his work not at the location of the employer. Let's take an accountant as an example. As he was an employee of the accounting department, he remained so, only the working conditions have changed. If the employee will perform work in accordance with the same position as in the office, then it is not necessary to issue a transfer.

    If the employee does not agree to leave the office, then the employer must take into account the provisions of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    The first thing to do is notify employees of changes in the conditions in the employment contract, and this should be done at least 2 months in advance. The notification must contain both the new working conditions and the reasons for which the need to change them was caused.

    Second. The employer must offer other work, including a job or a lower position corresponding to the qualifications of the employee, while taking into account the health status of the employee who will perform this work.

    And, finally, the third. Events can develop in two scenarios:

    Transfer to another vacant position with the consent of the employee;

    Dismissal of employees on the basis of paragraph 7 of part 1 of Art. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation in case of refusal or lack of work.

    Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that home and remote work not only have much in common, but also differ significantly from each other. But the main difference between remote and home-based work is the possibility of interaction by mail or via the Internet, as well as the non-obligatory personal presence of the employee at the conclusion of an employment contract or upon dismissal. In most cases, the conclusion of an employment contract for remote work occurs when intellectual work is required, the result of which can be sent by mail or via the Internet. In the case of work at home, the result of labor is unlikely to be sent in this way, so the employee will have to take it to the employer on his own, or the latter picks it up himself.

    If the tools for the performance of work are purchased by the employee at his own expense, the employment contract prescribes the amount of compensation for their wear and tear, the procedure and frequency of its payment;

    • a sufficiently detailed procedure and terms for providing the homeworker with raw materials, materials and semi-finished products, settlements for manufactured products, reimbursement of the cost of materials belonging to the homeworker, the procedure and terms for exporting finished products;
    • an indication of the procedure for reimbursement to the homeworker of other expenses related to the performance of work at home (in particular, the cost of electricity, water, gas, telephone, Internet spent in the production of work).
    • There are no special conditions for work and rest for homeworkers; labor legislation applies to them in full. It must be borne in mind that the homeworker actually sets the working hours for himself.

    home work

    Austrians were engaged in cottage-based production of textiles, and most of them were spinning. Income from crafts allowed many women to get married and start their own household. Home industry and market conditions. Home industry is a system in which large entrepreneurs give people work to do at home or in small workshops alone or with the participation of family members, and sometimes with the involvement of 2-3 hired assistants.

    At the end of the XIX century. Outlying villages in almost all the counties of England were visited by agents of large entrepreneurs, distributing semi-finished products (shirts, collars, gloves, etc.) to the peasants and taking away finished goods. As A. Marshall pointed out, this system was most fully developed in large cities, especially old ones, where there was a lot of unskilled and unorganized labor.

    Home work: a special category of workers

    The wages of domestic workers are brought to a minimum and the working day to a maximum. The homeworker had only one remedy left to protect himself: deceit. Workers hid raw materials, sold or pawned the goods given to them, overestimated the amount of work they had done.

    The factory owner kept the dissatisfied workers in a strict leash: he refused orders, gave out poor means of labor, did not send a master for repairs on time. Families of homeworkers. Unlike families of peasants and artisans, families of homeworkers did not have a strict division of labor between the sexes. In families of weavers, the typical division of labor looked like this: the man spun, the woman cleaned the warp, and the children wound the threads.

    Husbands did housework: they cooked, swept, and milked.

    Domestic work is


    Federal Service for Labor and Employment (www.rostrud.info) Everything that you have planned to do, let it be united and whole (Horace translated by A. Fet) Home work is cooperation between an employer (enterprise, organization) and a citizen (individual) executing on contractual terms an order for the production of a particular product, the provision of a particular service at home. Home-based types of labor began to develop at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries in the era of the industrial revolution and were originally aimed at providing employment for the labor force in those areas where, due to various circumstances, an excess of labor resources arose: Western and Central Europe, Asia, America, in the 60s years of the XX century - the USSR (historical background).

    homeworker. home work

    Homeworkers independently determine the working hours, in connection with which the employer does not have the opportunity to control compliance with the working hours of the homeworker. Subordination of the homeworker to the internal labor regulations of the organization is one of the signs of labor relations between the employer and the homeworker. For this purpose, when concluding an employment contract, the parties must agree that the internal labor regulations apply to the homeworker to the extent that does not contradict the essence of the employment contract concluded with him.


    Drawing up an employment contract with a homeworker An employment contract with a homeworker is drawn up according to the general rules for concluding a contract with an employee. It is drawn up in writing, in duplicate and signed by the parties. An employment contract with a homeworker must comply with the requirements of Art.

    Home work is the future of all pensioners, disabled people and large families.

    Termination of an employment contract Article 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation establishes that the termination of an employment contract with a homeworker is carried out on the grounds provided for by the employment contract. However, if we proceed from this wording, then if the employment contract does not indicate the general grounds for dismissal, it turns out that the employee does not have the right to terminate the employment relationship, for example, on his own initiative. Or the employer will not be able to dismiss the employee in connection with the liquidation of the organization, the reduction of the staff.

    Naturally, this cannot be, and the wording of Art. 312 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, in our opinion, is incomplete. We believe that the legislator by this norm wanted to give the parties to the employment contract additional grounds for terminating their relationship. We believe that the parties to employment relations should be guided by general rules and make reference to them in the employment contract.

    Article 310. Homeworkers

    However, not many pensioners think about what opportunities open up to them when using the Internet. As a rule, a person who has retired understands a lot of things and understands a lot in this life. It is possible to sell your own knowledge to other people. Simply put, you can become an information businessman and earn more than you earned in your main job before retirement. If you worked as a teacher, then you can organize refresher courses for young professionals.

    If you have worked all your life in the field of auto repair, then you can register on the copywriting exchange and write articles about your knowledge, which you have accumulated in abundance.

    Home work is:

    Thanks to home work, marriage could no longer harm the families of relatives. There was a personalization of the choice of a partner, and marriage became an agreement between the bride and groom. Three generations in a family has become a rarity. Tasks and exercises: 1) Consider the problem of domestication on the example of industry and other branches of the national economy.
    2) Familiarize yourself with the works of K. Marx “Capital. T. 1” and V.I. Lenin, The Development of Capitalism in Russia. What is scattered manufacture? 3) What types of home work are practiced in modern Russia? 4) Structure the direct and indirect costs arising in the household associated with the organization of home work.

    Home work is

    For many, homework would not be just a "hobby", but one of the tools to improve local welfare. I would like to note that it is necessary to introduce at the government level the opportunity for the employer not only to provide work, but also to create preferential conditions for home workers. For example: there are several options for modular block-rooms, for the organization of a professional workplace, which are transported and installed for the duration of the contract (collapsible design, there are analogues in Western countries and are patented in the Republic of Belarus). Disabled people, pensioners, students, families with many children, people living in the countryside and everyone who wants to work individually are especially in need of home work.
    Some employers may have a question: if an organization concludes an employment contract with an employee working at home, does this entail an obligation for the organization to register with the tax authority? In accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, a separate subdivision of an organization is any subdivision that is territorially isolated from it, at the location of which stationary workplaces are equipped. The very concept of a workplace in the tax legislation of the Russian Federation is absent. Paragraph 1 of Art. 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes that for the purposes of taxation, the institutions, concepts and terms of civil, family and other branches of the legislation of the Russian Federation are applied in the sense in which they are used in these branches of legislation, unless otherwise provided in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.
    In accordance with Part 6 of Art.

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