Eurovision available. Will Petr Nalich conquer Eurovision? Risk is a noble cause


So there was a holiday on the street of hipsters and memes. Internet phenomenon Pyotr Nalich applied for the contest, ritually cursed in this environment, and, to the surprise of even the hipsters themselves, won the national selection. Now the detractors of the Bilanovs and Kirkorovs urgently have to study the history of the competition and delve into the most poppy balance of power.

For example, the progressive public will be interested in whether Bosnia will vote for Nalich, since the artist's grandfather was a Bosnian and sang at the Sarajevo Opera. And how do other Balkan countries feel about this? And at the same time - if Nalich sends the usual Eurovision monsters to hell, he has a fig in his pocket.

To tell the truth, sometimes you wonder - where did the advanced public hear through and through the pop-pop activity of Peter Nalich any progressive element? If he is in his pop business and focuses on someone, it is on the masters of the stage of the 60s. You can imagine how diligently this guy is trying to be like Engelbert Humperdinck or Valery Obodzinsky. At one time, Philip Kirkorov also studied at them, in which the same hipsters see almost the number one enemy. By the way, the song Lost and Forgotten, prepared for Eurovision, can be very easily imagined by Philip. He also, imagine, Balkan roots!

Respect for Nalich is not at all for far-fetched progressiveness, but for independence. From the success of a cool video on YouTube to the success of touring - a huge distance. Only Nalich managed to overcome it in Russia.

Cutting the budget or cutting the truth?

And yet, whatever one may say, the current national selection for Eurovision has become a sensation in itself. In recent years, the public and experts have become accustomed to the fact that the big officials have the last word. Since the two main TV channels of the country are involved in the selection, the choice is most often made by officials of these channels. Suffice it to recall last year's scandalous story with the unexpected appearance and victory in the selection of the First Channel of the "manufacturer" Nastya Prikhodko. Despite the obvious virtues of this girl, she was equally obviously incorrectly placed in a dominant position. At one time, the Rossiya channel was doing about the same, so no one managed to walk around in white clothes.

And suddenly in 2010, "Russia" decided to make an honest selection. Completely unknown names appeared on the lists, several more well-known names disappeared from the list in the semi-finals ... As a result, prime-time broadcasters on Rossiya were occupied by artists, of which only the names of Panayotov and Nalich say something to a wide audience. Such tricks have happened before, faith in a truly open and honest voting has not increased one iota. Moreover, behind half of the list were either serious finances or powerful producers anyway. And yet it happened. No one seems to have any doubts that the current voting turned out to be extremely honest.

Gennady Gokhshtein, chief producer of VGTRK entertainment broadcasting, having refused the money of sponsors and protégés, has created an incredible precedent for today. And risky.

Is risk a noble cause?

It is quite clear that the Musical Group of Peter Nalich does not fit into any European formats, except for amateur performances. And the first scathing ridicule has already appeared on the website of the competition itself and on English-language Internet forums. It is completely unclear at whose expense mandatory promotional tours around Europe will be organized - the musicians are unlikely to have the financial resources for such tours, and the state television company - the budget for such expenses.

A beautiful story about how an Internet phenomenon suddenly goes to Eurovision requires tireless PR support, which there is no one to deal with. You can remember the story of 2008, when the original French indie artist Sebastian Tellier was completely misunderstood by the TV audience, who knew nothing about him.

Yes, and Russia itself had the experience of sending an indie artist to Eurovision, and also unsuccessful. In 2001, Channel One (then ORT) sent it to the Mumiy Troll contest. In general, the European public, who knew nothing about him, considered him an unsuccessful copy of the Latvian band Brainstorm, which successfully performed in 2000, and no antics of Lagutenko could overcome the factor of ordinary misunderstanding.

It is worth remembering that for Russia the success of an artist "from the Internet" is exceptional and Nalich is the only one of its kind. And in Europe, getting famous on the Internet is the most common thing.

Study, study and more...

Can the song Lost and Forgotten melt the hearts of European audiences and professional jury? The track itself actively resembles the famous Scorpions ballad - You and I. And although such similarity cannot be called direct plagiarism, the sediment remains. Nalich himself, although he has been actively engaged in classical vocals for several years, still sings in an unprofessional voice, drowning in his throat. And the biggest trouble of the young artist is the almost complete absence of intonation and timbre colors. This is especially noticeable at his solo concerts - Nalich "voices" from beginning to end, regardless of the content of the songs, to the fullest. No nuances or halftones. A whisper or a subtone is generally absent in his arsenal. However, in a sprint race with a three-minute song, this shortcoming may be completely invisible to a television audience.

Nalich's ability to learn can also be a plus. If we compare the performance of the same Lost and Forgotten at the February club concerts of Nalich and his performance at the national preselection, the performance progress is obvious.

Recall that in Oslo, the Russian participant will have to start from the first semi-final in the group, which included Serbia, Albania, Poland, Belgium, Belarus, Latvia, Macedonia, Portugal, Malta, Moldova, Iceland, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovakia, Greece, Finland, Estonia . A fraction of the Balkan countries and a fraction of the former CIS countries, Nalich even formally has very high chances of reaching the final. But then Peter Nalich will have to remember his Napoleonic plans to become a world star.

And sing like he's never sung before.


Eurovision 2010 has become a minimalist contest. Two of the most interesting participants for the Russian audience - the winner of the song competition Lena Meyer-Landrut from Germany and our Peter Nalich did not even use backup dancers. No matter how much they say that Nalich's performance is striking in the absence of extraneous elements, Lena outperformed him even more - she didn't even have artificial snow.

P The German woman’s dinner surprised many people, because the girl did not show any show, no dances, no vocals. Moreover, during the competition it was clearly audible that she was short of breath. And the whole dance, during which the 18-year-old German woman held her stomach more and more, seemed incendiary to few. Rhythm, melody - yes. By itself, the attractiveness of the performer, from which by the end they tried to make something like a pop diva through bright makeup, is also more likely yes than no. But wasn't there a few exactly the same girls who didn't make it to the finals? Exotic Caucasian beauties, who were left with nothing. Is Europe simply tired of traveling east?

Winning Eurovision has always been a very strange goal for Russia. Music critics say that nobody cares about it in Europe, but we still make it a national event every year. It has long been clear to everyone that a show is required there, not songs. Actually, after the Finnish monsters won the competition, Eurovision could be closed - the music competition signed for its failure. But professionalism is debatable. In the history of the competition, there were both opera singers and professionals of the level of Patricia Kaas, and even Dima Bilan, who nevertheless achieved victory on the second attempt, has a musical education, although his victory can also be blamed on the fact that Russia was suspiciously “lucky” that year ". All of them, of course, were noted and highly appreciated, but every year it turned out that this was not the most important thing. Petr Nalich has also been involved in music since childhood. He graduated from the music school. Myaskovsky, at school he sang in a hard rock group, and after that he became a student of the Merzlyakov Music School at the Moscow Conservatory in the class of academic vocals. With the fact that he sings well, no one argued. But he also had one more feature - his popularity was truly popular.

Nalich's main hit - "Guitar Guitars" made him popular two years ago. In an interview, the singer said that the video was shot because there was nothing to do in the country. The video turned out to be really funny, as it often happens when people enjoy what they are doing. The key to the success of "Guitar-guitars" is unbridled fun. Music made on the knees, Balkan motives and inhuman accent, stupid text that needs no translation. The song "Lost and forgotten" is also an absolute non-format, but it is far from "Guitar-guitars". Perhaps Nalich should have taken the absurd to the extreme and come up with something similar. Moreover, freaks at Eurovision are very fond of.

But the musical group of Peter Nalich chose a lyrical composition, and took only 11th place. But the team achieved its main goal - now in Russia there is a star number 1, only everyone is talking about it. In Europe, he is unlikely to be remembered. He obviously does not pull on a pop star, but they already have enough of their Balkan Bregovics and Bordello. And yet, what is the difference between Nalich and Eurostars? Let's try to figure it out.
Age. Although you can’t call him old (Peter is 29 years old), he is much less noticeable against the background of young girls.

1. Appearance. Nalich is unshaven, in Europe they are suspicious of such people. And a bearded man at Eurovision is too much!

2. Costume. Many people have said a lot about the green jacket and scarf. Indeed, the tramp costume was a success, but it did not work out with a romantic image. Whether it's a German woman - fresh, cheerful, literally "a girl from a neighboring yard."

3. Communication with the public and the press. The Russian musical group was known as the most closed at the competition. Nalich and his friends even managed to escape from the reception of the Norwegian king to play football.

4. Mystery. Of course, she was also in the stash - a portrait of an unknown girl, to whom Peter sang the whole song. But he himself managed to destroy the mystery, saying that it was just like that, props. And the strangest thing is that they believed him and fell behind. This is what it means to prove yourself as a sincere person.

5. Bad English. In Eastern Europe, where English lessons began and ended with retellings of stories from the life of the Stogov family, this is still the norm, but in all other decent countries this has long been not even funny. They have already seen a lot of people with an accent, and even Russians. Take at least the same Arshavin.

Adding at least these facts, we can say that the song itself no longer has such a great meaning. The fact that it is good and was sung with dignity cannot be taken away. For Russia, where young talent has always been tight, this is a breath of fresh air. And you should not be upset about the 11th place, for Nalich it was really important not to win, but to participate. In the end, he has already proved to everyone that he is not a singer of one song .

Translation of Peter Nalich's song "Lost and Forgotten"

Would you believe me
Merciful Lord?
You would be so... God, God!
I want to love her now
I want to feel it all now
All those kisses and tender hugs...
And here I am
Lost and forgotten
In this very cruel time -
The time of my first love.
That's why,
So I sing
Merciful Lord,
And I hope that you hear me
Oh yeah...
(What are you doing friend?)
I look at her photos.
What should I do with them?
(Burn them!)
Oh yes yes,
I'll burn them now
Because I have to forget her with all this -
With all the kisses and tender hugs...
And here I am
Lost and forgotten
In this very cruel time -
The time of my first love.
That's why,
So I sing
Merciful Lord,
And I hope you hear me, oh...
[saxophone break]
And here I am
Lost and forgotten
In this very cruel time -
The time of my first love.
That's why,
So I sing
Merciful Lord,
And I hope you hear me, oh give it back to me...

Final "Eurovision-2010" kicked off in Oslo at Telenor Arena on Saturday night. The audience of the final began to gather at Telenor Arena two hours before the start of the show, and by the time the final opened, the hall, designed for approximately 18 thousand people, was packed to capacity. According to tradition, the first to the main stage in the Norwegian capital was Alexander Rybak, who brought Norway victory in the past year at Eurovision in Moscow. Once again, Sasha delighted the audience with the sugary-sweet hit Fairytale, thus starting the final show of the musical competition.
The audience applauded the Norwegian artist, who became a favorite of all Europe after his triumphant performance at Eurovision in 2009 and wins with the most points in history - 387 points. Then the maximum number of points -12 - was given to him by 16 out of 42 countries participating in Eurovision-2009. Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway, Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg and Minister of Culture Trond Giske are also present at the show, according to organizers.

Immediately after Rybak's performance, the favorite of the competition, according to bookmakers' forecasts, the Azerbaijani singer Safura, who during the draw got the first number to perform in the final, will take the stage. A singer from Spain will take the stage second, from Norway - third, Moldova will present their number fourth, Cyprus - fifth, then Bosnia and Herzegovina, Belgium, Serbia, Belarus, Ireland, Greece, Great Britain, Georgia, Turkey, Albania, Iceland will perform in order , Ukraine, France, Romania, Russia, Armenia, Germany, Portugal, Israel, and Denmark will complete the competition.

Russia this year is represented by " Musical group of Peter Nalich". Despite the fact that this year there are many performances created using visual special effects at the competition, the participants from Russia preferred a laconic performance, accompanied by falling snow. Nalich, dressed in a green sweater and gray trousers and scarf, created for him by the famous Russian designer Igor Chapurin, holding a painted portrait of an "abstract girl" in his hand, will perform the song Lost and Forgotten.
Winner of the Eurovision Song Contest 2010 will be determined at the final show by audience voting and voting by a professional jury. The representative of the winning country will take away with him a challenge prize - a crystal microphone.

And what preceded the solemn and exciting end of the music competition for European housewives?! A huge scandal erupted in Oslo on the same day Eurovision 2010 final. "Musical team of Peter Nalich", which represents Russia at the international song contest, was accused of plagiarism. Representatives of three competing delegations at once, determined to win, said that Nalich's song Lost and Forgotten surprisingly resembles the soundtrack to the legendary TV series "Helen and the guys."
Musicians from Eastern Europe, who from the first days of rehearsals disliked Nalich for his wayward character, believe that Peter, whose hallmark has always been his own written texts and melodies, did not hesitate to borrow a beautiful song from the French.

After one of Nalich's rehearsals, we were not too lazy to get on the Internet and listen to how the track from "Helen and the guys" sounds, - says an anonymous representative of the Estonian organization. - It felt like we had heard it somewhere before. And so it turned out! This is against the rules of the competition. We cannot influence the further fate of the number of Russian artists - there is only half a day left before the final.

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