Backgammon rules of war. Rules for playing short and long backgammon


What is the difference between long and short backgammon, what is the peculiarity of each game? Tactics for each variety, current rules and some interesting information about backgammon.

Backgammon is one of the most ancient board games. By the way, backgammon is also the most mysterious board game, since the history of backgammon is least known about the origin, although there is a more or less acceptable version of the consistent evolution of this game.

Along with chess, backgammon is an ancient game that is currently spread all over the world.

Total known to hundreds of varieties of backgammon. Of course, the situation here is approximately the same as with chess: there is a classic version and there are many different additions and variations.

The most popular are two varieties of this game:

  • long;
  • short.

The history of the game of backgammon

Given the presence of bones in this game (which are called zaras here), it is quite it is possible to assume the original use of backgammon as varieties divinatory technique.

As you know, many games appeared precisely from the magical and divinatory rituals of antiquity, for example, cards or dice as such.

Chess, for example, was not initially a divinatory technique, but tried to express reality through a symbolic image of the confrontation between two armies, which could well be considered both literally - as training in tactical schemes, and metaphorically - as a kind of image of the model of the dialectical development of the world.

The oldest backgammon board was found on the territory of modern Iran. This item dates back to about three thousand years BC.

Games-prototypes of modern backgammon

Since the topic of the evolution of backgammon has been touched upon, let's take a brief look at the board games from ancient civilizations, which served as a kind of stages on the path of mankind to modern backgammon:

  • ur - Sumerian game for the upper classes, played mostly rulers. The goal was to move 7 checkers across 20 squares of the board. As bones, small pyramid cubes with marked edges were used;
  • senet - egyptian game, found in many tombs and dating from about 2700-2500 BC. The exact rules are still not known, but we are talking about a game in which you also need to move your pieces around the playing field, in the senet. By the way, the playing field contained special hieroglyphs on some cells;
  • tabula - is a Roman descendant of senet and is almost modern backgammon. This game originated from earlier Roman board games where the number of dice and the number of playing holes varied.

Mentions of backgammon date back to the sixth century AD.. According to recorded tradition, the Indians sent chess to the Persians in order to test the ingenuity of the Persians, whether they could determine the rules of such a game. The Persians figured out chess and in return sent backgammon, which was in use there.

For the Persians, backgammon was a purely symbolic game that reflected the fullness of the absolute.

The game is based on a calendar:

  • four parts of the board - four periods of the year;
  • 12 holes on each side - the number of months;
  • 30 stones on the field - the number of days;
  • the bones on the faces have numbers that add up to seven - the number of planets known by that time;
  • the stones symbolized the stars, and the game board symbolized the sky.

Long backgammon - rules of the game

Backgammon is one of the most popular games in the Middle East. It combines elements of chance and subtle calculation. Allows the player to watch the waves of luck coming, both their own and their opponent's. It is very interesting not only to play, but also to watch the players.

The sound of dice rolling on the sonorous base of the wooden playing field (they are also called “zary”), clicks of rearranged checkers, sly glances of opponents playing their combinations, gambling exclamations and sharp jokes. Thanks to all this, as well as its dynamism, unpredictability and, at the same time, the ability to apply various strategies, backgammon has become popular in many countries.

And what are they, backgammon?

  1. The playing field is divided into two halves. This ensures dynamism, ease of storage and portability of the game.
  2. Each half has 12 game points located six on each side. The total is 24. They have the shape of strongly pointed triangles. Cells are made at the base of each of them.
  3. Numbering of paragraphs starts with the "head". This is the "start" place.
  4. The player controls fifteen checkers. Moves are determined by two dice.

Long backgammon! What could be more popular than this variety?

The goal is simple: first you need to run all the checkers “home”, and then remove them from the field. The size of the moves will depend on the points at the dawn.

How many checkers to remove, and from what points, is also determined by the dice. The home of "blacks" is in points 1-6, while "whites" need to get to the field 13-18.

Whose first move?

Opponents roll a die. Whoever has the most points starts the game.

Lineup before the game: first, everyone places their checkers in the “head”, this is the 24th position.

Movement is counterclockwise. Threw "stones" - made a move. For each cube - one movement of the checker. You can take stones from the “head” twice, but only on the first move, if the game dice “gave out” 6-6, 4-4 or 3-3.

Wherein the following conditions must be strictly observed:

  • move the checkers strictly in accordance with the dropped points;
  • you can only occupy free space or put your checkers on top of each other;
  • it is unacceptable to sum up points for a move with one checker;
  • it is necessary to carry out the movement of the checkers for all the dropped points, even if this does not agree with the player's plans and will worsen his position;
  • on one point occupied by your checker, you can put all the rest, but such a strategy is unlikely to lead to victory;
  • As a rule, there are several options for the move. You must use all the points of the dropped combination. This is the “full stroke” rule;
  • if it is not possible to walk, then the move is skipped;
  • you can’t line up your checkers in a row until at least one of their colleagues serving the enemy’s camp is ahead of the barrier being set up.

Withdrawal of checkers

This is the final stage of the game. We proceed to it only when all the checkers are in the "house".

The conditions are:

  • a checker is removed from the position corresponding to the number of points;
  • if such points are not occupied, then checkers move from senior positions;
  • if the points are greater than the available positions, then checkers are taken from the largest fields.

It's no secret that backgammon is a game of chance. To calculate the winning rate, the place and number of not withdrawn checkers of the losing player are taken into account.

If by the end of the game there is a situation in which the loser has not had time to remove any of his checkers, then this is called "mars", and the amount of winnings is doubled.

Short backgammon - rules of the game

This game uses an identical field, which is divided into two halves, with each of which there are two quarters of the field: “house”, “yard”. Every two quarters belong to a certain player. In the middle of the field there is a bar, which is called the "bar" and is also part of the game.

The field has a separate numbering for each player, which starts from the farthest (opposite left) quarter and moves clockwise to the player's home. The other player starts their own holes at the 24th hole of the opposing player.

The 15 stones used by each player are arranged differently compared to long backgammon. The lineup for each player is as follows:

  • 24 point - two stones;
  • 13 point - five stones;
  • 8 point - three stones;
  • 6 point - five stones.

Over time, you will be able to easily remember this arrangement, but for starters, you can simply count the holes.

Game process

The purpose of short backgammon is identical to the purpose of long backgammon, i.e. you need to move the stones to your own house and further, in the second part of the game, remove stones from the field.

The player who first removes his own stones fully - wins.

How do stones move?

Each player rolls a die to determine who goes first. On the first turn, the player rolls two dice., then they move in turn, the numbers on the bones determine the number of possible moves.

Stones move counterclockwise, that is, from the largest point to the smallest.

The main differences between short and long backgammon

It should be noted features of the game of short backgammon, which distinguish this game from the long ones:

  • "Closed" is a point occupied by two or more opponent's stones., that is, one stone of the opponent can be knocked out of the hole (we will talk about this later);
  • moves are determined by bones, for example, 1-2 gives moves for one stone 1 and for another 2, but it is also possible to summarize for one stone in 1 + 2, that is, in a move for three holes, but you need to either point 1 hole from the stone in the direction of travel , or point 2 holes from the stone were free, that is, the numbers on the gaps are summed up, but you need to walk, as it were, in two stages and so that there is such an opportunity;
  • doubles here also give four moves by the dropped number;
  • play as many moves as possible If it is possible to make a move only on one or another bone, then they move on the larger one, if not all moves can be played from the double, you need to play the largest number of available ones. If there are no possible moves, the player skips a move;
  • "blot"- so called hole occupied by only one stone, these stones can be knocked out by another player if the stone stops exactly at this point. After that, the knocked out stone is sent to the bar, from where the player needs to return the stones again to the house of another player, where the movement begins again to his own house;
  • each player, if there are stones in the bar, must first of all return these stones to the game. Stones are returned according to the number on the rolled bones. For example, if 1-2 fell out, a player can put a stone from the bar for 24 or 23 points, if they are open. If there is only one stone of another player, then this stone is knocked out into the bar.

As you can see, the main the difference between this game lies in the initial arrangement and the ability to choose the stones of the opponent.

In many ways, the tactics of short backgammon is based precisely on the competent creation of closed holes, two or more stones each, and the skillful use of the opportunity to knock out the opponent's stones.

Final stage

Essentially no different from long backgammon, but here one should take into account such a possibility when the other player only moves the stones to his own house.

Moreover, there may be such a situation when you brought your stones into the house, but another player not only did not start, but also knocked out some of your stones into the bar. Then you will again need to lead a stone from a distant point to your own house, and only after that begin the final stage again.

Scoring may vary. For example, it is possible to count games by the position of the opponent's stones. When the opponent throws out at least one stone, this position is called “oin” and equals a single bet, and “mars”, that is, when the player does not throw out a single stone, equals a double bet.

Also, scoring can be carried out according to the number of not thrown stones.. For example, after each match, the number of opponent's stones remaining on the field is counted and the game is played until a certain score.

We hope that the information provided will help you learn or learn something useful about short and long backgammon.

These games look quite simple, but have great depth and potential, the use of dice adds an element of excitement and fortune, and a clear structure of the playing space provides an opportunity to apply various tactics.

This game is quite considered a sports discipline along with poker. and other similar games and, like any sport, can help you develop your intelligence and positive qualities of character.

Video: rules and features of the game of long backgammon

Video: rules and features of the game of short backgammon

May 18, 2017 Alexandra

Part 1

Preparing for the game

    Check out the game board. Backgammon is played on a special board consisting of 24 narrow triangles, also called points. The triangles alternate in color and are grouped into four quadrants (quarters) of 6 triangles each. Quadrants are divided into 4 types: the player's house, the player's yard, the opponent's house and the opponent's yard. At the intersection of the quadrants, in the middle of the board, there is a bar.

    • Players sit on opposite sides of the board facing each other. Each player's home is located in the right quadrant closest to him. The houses are opposite each other, as are the courtyards located in the left quadrant.
    • The player moves his checkers counterclockwise from the opponent's house so that the trajectory of their movement resembles a horseshoe.
    • The triangles are numbered from 1 to 24 (each player has their own numbering), with item number 24 being the farthest and item number 1 being in the near right corner of the house. The players move their checkers from opposite ends of the board, so that one player's point 1 is number 24 for his opponent, point 2 is number 23, and so on.
  1. Remember, you can double your bet at any time during the game. In backgammon, not the winner wins points, but the loser loses them. So if you win, your opponent will lose by face value, double or triple, depending on the stakes on the doubling die. This die is not a bone, but just a mark. At the beginning of the game, it is placed face up with a unit, but during the game you can double the bet: this is done at the beginning of your turn before rolling the dice.

    • If you offer a doubling and the opponent accepts it, the die is turned with the new number up and placed in the opponent's yard. Now only he will be able to offer a doubling on one of his subsequent moves.
    • If the opponent does not accept the doubling, then he loses the game by the initial bet on the die.
    • You can double your bet redouble her and so on, but usually doubling occurs no more than three or four times per game.
  2. Try to dominate the board. Before moving checkers into the house, try to take as many points as possible with two checkers, do not pile up 5-6 checkers in several points. Not only will this give you more options when moving to open points, but it will also make it harder for your opponent's checkers to move, reducing the number of open points for them.

Part 3

Capture checkers and their re-introduction into the game
  1. Beat the blot and the opponent's checker will go to the bar. If you hit blot, that is, put your checker on a point occupied by only one checker of the opponent, his checker goes to the bar. Try to beat blots whenever possible, especially if it helps you move your own checkers closer to home. By doing this, you also greatly slow down the advance of the opponent's checkers.

    • If the player's checker is on the bar, he has no right to move other checkers until he takes it from the bar to the opponent's house.
  2. Put beaten checkers back into the game. If the opponent beat your blot, then your checker is placed on the bar. Now your task is to return this checker back to the field, to the opponent's house. To do this, you roll the dice, and if you get a number corresponding to an open point in the opponent's house, you place your checker on this point. If the points with the dropped numbers are closed, you skip a turn and try again on your next turn.

    • For example, if you rolled a 2, you can move the checker to 23 points in the opponent's house, if, of course, it is open, since in this case the checker from the bar moves two points.
    • When withdrawing from a bar, you cannot sum up the two dropped numbers. For example, if you rolled 6-2, you cannot move 8 points with one checker. In this case, you can bring your checker to the sixth or second point, if they are free.
  3. After removing all your checkers from the bar, you can continue to move with other checkers. After your checkers are gone on the bar, you can again move checkers on the board. If you removed the last checker from the bar, and at the same time you have the second dropped number left unused, you can use another checker on the board to match the corresponding number of points.

    • If you have two checkers on the bar, then you need to put both checkers into the game. If, after throwing the dice, you were able to enter only one, the second move is lost, and you try to enter the checker remaining on the bar on the next move.
    • If you have more than two checkers on the bar, then you can move all the rest only after you remove all your checkers from the bar.

Part 4

Throwing checkers out of the game
  1. Understand the conditions necessary to win. To win the game, you need to remove all your checkers from the board before the opponent, that is, throw them out of the game. To do this, you roll both dice, after which you remove the corresponding checkers from the board. The numbers drawn must equal or exceed the number of pips required for the discarded checkers to be off the board.

    • For example, if you roll a 6-2, you can discard checkers on points 6 and 2. However, if you don't have a checker on point 6, you can discard a checker from a lower numbered point, such as point 5 or 4.
  2. First move all your checkers into the house. Throwing checkers out of the game is possible only after all your checkers are in your home. It is necessary to safely transfer all your checkers to points 1-6. On these points, the checkers can be placed in any way. But do not forget that your checkers are still vulnerable in the house.

    • If the opponent has a checker on the bar, he can bring it to the blot in your home, if you have one, and you will have to re-introduce the beaten checker into the game and return it from the opponent's home, and until it reaches your home you have no right to throw other checkers out of the game. Try to keep your checkers safe for as long as possible.
  3. Start throwing the checkers out of the game. In this case, you throw out checkers from the point corresponding to the number that fell on the dice. For example, if you rolled 4-1 and you have a checker on 4 and 1 points, then you can throw them away. If you get a double 6-6, and you have 4 checkers on the 6th point, then you can throw out all 4.

    • If you need to throw the dice and you cannot throw any checker, move one of the checkers. For example, if you have 2 checkers left at points 6 and 5 and rolled 2-1, move a checker from point 6 to point 4 and from point 5 also to 4.
    • You can use a higher value on the dice to eliminate a checker from a smaller point. If a 5-4 is rolled, and you only have a few checkers left on points 2 and 3, then you can throw out two of them.
    • You must use the lower value dice first, even if that means you won't be able to fully use the rolled numbers. For example, if you have a checker on point 5 and rolls 5-1, then you first move the checker one point, placing it on point 4, and then throw it out of the game using 5.
  4. Throw all 15 checkers out of the game. If you do this before your opponent, you will win the game. However, not all victories are equal. The opponent can lose in one of three ways:

    • Ordinary defeat. Occurs if you have thrown all your checkers out of the game before the opponent. Opponent loses by value on the doubling die.
    • Mars(gammon). If you have thrown all your checkers out of the game before the opponent has managed to throw at least one, then the opponent loses with Mars, that is, with a doubling of the value on the doubling die.
    • Coke(backgammon). If you have discarded all your checkers in the game before your opponent has had time to discard at least one, and at the same time one or more of the opponent's checkers are still on the bar or in your home, then the opponent loses with Cox, that is, with a triple value on the doubling die .

Backgammon is a fun type of board game using checkers. It has established itself as a tool for the development of memory, logic and mindfulness. Novice players are instantly drawn into the interesting process of the game and do not want to change it to another type of entertainment in the future. Backgammon was invented in the East more than five thousand years ago. Ancient as the world, the game has become a favorite way of free time. This entertainment has different names depending on the country. In England, this is Backgammon, and in Europe, Backgammon. However, the essence of the game does not change from this, the basic rules remain and have not been modified for centuries. Learning the rules of backgammon is very easy. The only snag for beginners can be all sorts of exceptions and nuances depending on the type of game. The largest number of backgammon variations is observed in Asia and Russia. Those who wish to master the rules of the game should first understand the types of backgammon.

Backgammon is different

In general, backgammon is divided into two types of game - "long" and "short". The division is accepted all over the world, the rules have already been established for both options. The most ancient and simplest way to execute moves is "long" backgammon. This method will be suitable for beginners. It is easy to learn and does not contain a large number of exceptions. Another type of performance is "short" backgammon. It is better to start them, already owning the basic skills of the process. By and large, the "short" type differs from the "long" version by the ability to knock down the opponent's checkers. In "long" backgammon, this rule is excluded. Based on the prescriptions of these types of backgammon, there are a huge number of subtypes of the game. For example, a game without dice. The variant discards one of the main elements of "long" backgammon - zara (dice). The players themselves name the numbers based on the situation on the field. Other variants of backgammon may imply a different initial arrangement of the checkers or the houses themselves. However, all these subspecies do not change the essence of the game. Various variations of backgammon are observed only at the initial stage of the game or differ in the composition of the inventory. Beginning players are advised, first of all, to master "long" backgammon.

Inventory of "long" backgammon

Any classic type of backgammon consists of the following equipment: boards, dice (dice) and checkers. First of all, deal with the backgammon board, study it carefully. It consists of two parts and has various divisions. They look, as a rule, in the form of triangles with the top up. Sometimes divisions may be missing depending on the design of the board. However, recesses for checkers will always be marked on it. These recesses are assigned numbers ranging from one to twenty-four. Unfortunately, very often these numbers are not written on the board. For convenience, you can sign them yourself. Number one - zero is put instead of one - will be in the upper right corner, then the numbering goes counterclockwise. Thus, under zero will be number 23 - the lower right corner of the board. Seeing the numbered cells will make it easier to navigate during the game. The starting position or "head" of white checkers is cell 0, for black checkers it is cell 12. Many people number the board from 1 to 24. However, the ancient numbering of the board implies zero as the beginning of the order. Therefore, be careful with the designations of the points. Checkers are lined up in a row of fifteen pieces each.

The essence of the game

The goal of the game is to transfer your checkers to the house and then throw them off the board. The translation of the figures is carried out from right to left in a circle. Moves are determined by the number of zara rolled. The one who quickly throws his checkers out of the house will be the winner. Cells 18-23 will be home for white checkers, cells 6 to 11 for black checkers.


Zara help to determine who owns the first move. Each player rolls the dice, the highest number gives the first move. Then the moves are distributed in turn order. Players roll the dice and move the figures based on the rolled numbers. In "long" backgammon, preference is always
given to more. For example, numbers 1-4 fell out. Four will be the first digit of the movement of the checker. In the initial stage of the game, only one figure can be removed from the “head”. An exception may be a unique number. For example, the numbers of the zara that have fallen are 3/3, 4/4 and 6/6. These numbers give the right to withdraw two checkers from the "head" instead of one. If during the game, your checker hits the opponent's piece, then it cannot be blocked. Blocking the opponent's moves is also not recommended. If you see that it is impossible to make a move, then it is skipped. But this rarely happens. Also, you should always give the opponent the opportunity to transfer at least one checker to his home. As you can see, the game is not that difficult. Much will depend on luck, because the moves are determined by the dice.

There are many nuances of playing both "long" and "short" backgammon. Since beginners are invited to initially master the first option, it is worth mentioning one of the important nuances of this game. It refers to the very casting of the dawn. They should not touch the sides of the board, checkers or stand edge-on. If this happens, the roll is considered invalid. Be careful not to throw the dice with all your might. Try to throw them carefully and on your half of the board. The game is considered fair if a special cup for money is used. It interferes and bones are thrown out of it. Thus, seasoned players will not have a chance for fraud.

Benefits of playing backgammon

Playing backgammon will perfectly develop the ability to count in the mind, help you learn how to develop a strategy and tactics. You also have to think a little logically. Backgammon is considered the second most left-brained game after chess. Master backgammon and shine with developed logic and thinking as a result. After mastering "long" backgammon, it is recommended to complicate the level of the game and switch to "short" backgammon. They will not seem too complicated, since you already know the basic rules of the game.


Long backgammon(Backgammon Nardi) - Russian variation of backgammon game. Play online Backgammon long and short on the site, learn the intricacies of the rules and make the right moves.

Long backgammon is a classic board game. Parents teach how to play backgammon for two as a child. Long backgammon is not considered gambling because an experienced player will beat a beginner in matches.

Rules for playing long backgammon

Despite the online format of the game, backgammon remains backgammon. When you start the game for free, you will see a familiar board and figures. The players communicate in Russian - the site is aimed at the Ru audience.

The task of the gamer is to go around it all and return their pieces to the house before the enemy. Reread the rules in full screen, then you will quickly figure out how to play long backgammon online.

Initial arrangement in backgammon

The game is played by two players, each of which has 15 chips. Kruglyachki are arranged in such a way that all fifteen are placed “on the head”. Game pieces are lined up along the edges of the game board.

The starting position in Long backgammon is more “long”, in contrast to Short backgammon, the duration of the game is 9-12 minutes, and not 6-9.

Purpose of the game

The main goal is to move your checkers faster than a real opponent around the entire perimeter of the board to the house and take the checkers off the board.

To better understand the essence of moneygame, you can download free backgammon to your computer.

Board quadrants

These are the basic rules in long backgammon, smoothly start playing this intellectual and thinking game. Tip for beginners in backgammon: play step by step, considering all the rules of the game. Invite your relatives, friends and acquaintances for free to play together, you will spend a good and pleasant time together, you will feel the spirit of rivalry and excitement.

We play backgammon long online with a real opponent

The development of computer technology leads to the fact that board games are gradually being transferred to a digital format. Long backgammon is no exception, and it is now convenient to play them online, for free (no need to transfer money) and without registration. You no longer need to buy a game set and go looking for an opponent in the yards - just use the Internet and a browser to find a worthy opponent in the Backgammon Online - Yellow Club project in a matter of minutes. Free registration on the portal for playing online backgammon.

Leaving your email, creating an account with registration - you will install classic backgammon 2.0 for two. Modern variations of the game of long and short backgammon have also been developed.

Variety of long backgammon


It is allowed to build a barrier of six checkers only if there is at least one opponent's checker in front of it.
Let's say a "run" barrier, when a block of six checkers is formed during a move, and immediately disassembled.


It is forbidden to block from six "run", that is, to build a deaf block, at any time of the move.


If a player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with doubles up to sixes. If a player cannot start playing the discarded double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent.
It is legal to remove one checker from the head for each double.
The player can take them out only from the fields corresponding to the rolled dice.
At the same time, the player is FORBIDDEN to move pawns in the house.
If the player has brought all the pawns into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.


When a double occurs, if the player was able to make all 4 moves, then he rolls the dice again.
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unfinished moves. The opponent takes care of all unplayed moves.

Mad gulbar

In this version of the game, when a double is rolled, the player makes all moves from the double that has fallen to the double of six (for example, when a “four-four” double is dropped, the player moves four times for 4 points, then four times for 5, four times for 6 points).
If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unplayed moves.
You can walk in the house until the last checker is brought into the house.

When the last checker enters the house on the last (fourth) move of the jackpot, the game of the next jackpot in turn is allowed.
After that, the progression of kush stops.
For example, if a player brought the last checker into the house on the fourth move of a 2-2 jackpot, then he can throw four checkers from field 3 (play a 3-3 jackpot). But he won't be able to play 4-4 anymore.

Khachapuri / Tbilisi backgammon

Modified Gulbar.
There are 11 checkers in the sixth hole at home, 4 in the head.
You can remove as many checkers as you want from your head in one move.
Traditionally, they play with a bet for undiscarded checkers.

Fevga - Hurry

Févga - popular in Greece - the translation is close to the words "Hurry", "Run". This is a game of speed and a good placement of your checkers.

Removal from the head

At the beginning, it is permissible to remove only 1 checker from the head and move only with it. As soon as it passes the opponent's head, it is allowed to remove as many checkers from the head as you like.

If on the first move the jackpot 66, 44, 33 fell out, the second pawn cannot be removed.


In Fevga, it is allowed to build a block of 6 points in a row, even if the opponent's pawn has not advanced. At the same time, you cannot block all 6 points in your starting zone, at least 1 point must be free.

If the opponent collected all 15 checkers in one point just before your block, you must break the block. Also, you cannot build a block of 6 if your opponent has already collected all 15 checkers in the point immediately before the block.

Fevga mad – Giul

If a player has a double on the dice, he is given the right to make four moves in accordance with the value of the dropped dice, and then the player continues his moves with doubles up to sixes.

If the player does not have the opportunity to make any of these moves, then the opponent must make the unplayed moves.
If a player cannot start playing the discarded double, it is not played and does not pass to the opponent. The opponent takes care of all unplayed moves.

If the player has brought all the checkers into the house, then the progression of doubles stops.
You can walk in the house.

Play backgammon long online on computer

Internet backgammon appeared not so long ago, and gamers were initially offered to play with a computer, and not with a real person. Today you can play with real people without registration and for free, using only a browser on a PC and the Internet.

Convenient to play backgammon with computer for kids. Without haste to understand how to play Backgammon for a beginner.

When you enter the game resource, you can see the "Try without registration" button. This is a trial game available to anyone. Interestingly, it is also fought against a real opponent, and not with a computer. The waiting time for an opponent, even on a weekday, is only a few seconds. Thus, such fun becomes great entertainment at lunchtime.

The club offers a large number of interesting opportunities:

  • game with real players;
  • intuitive and simple interface;
  • the ability to play and communicate with gamers from different parts of the world;
  • Mini version for mobile phone;
  • Backgammon and the entire interface in Russian;
  • participation in various tournaments;
  • signup bonuses.

You can play online long backgammon at a convenient time of the day, without leaving your home or office. All online games are free and are played exclusively with real opponents, with whom it is certainly more interesting to play than with a computer. In addition, fun can be downloaded to your phone. Versions available for Android and iPhone.

Backgammon is an ancient oriental game. Scientists have not yet determined the birthplace of this hobby. But even despite this, today a large number of people play backgammon, getting tremendous pleasure from it.

In ancient times, people also liked to play backgammon. Archaeologists have found a board, which, according to their assumptions, was made more than 3 thousand years ago.

This oriental game has other names:

  • Backgammon.
  • Yuekgemmon.
  • Tavla.
  • Shesh-besh.
  • Cat.

Backgammon perfectly develops thinking and logic, helps to calm down and become famous. The game is played by 2 people.

Table: "composition" of the game.

Backgammon rules for beginners step by step:

  • Initially, it is worth placing the playing chips. They are placed at the top in the corner to the right of the player. The placement of chips is carried out in a row vertically.
  • Then 2 players roll dice to determine the right of the first move.. The player with the highest combination on the dice goes first.

For the first move, a checker is removed from the vertical row. According to the rules, this is called "take off the head."

Throughout the gameplay, the dice are always used. They determine the number of moves. Since there are two dice in the game, the player gets two numbers when throwing them. This determines the number of his steps. The numbers are summed up and the player moves. According to the rules, one cell is one step.

But there is a second option: when two numbers fall out, it is not necessary to sum up their components. You can use two chips to match the number of rolled dice.

Example: 4 rolled on one die, and 2 on the second.

Two options:

Summation: 4+2=6 moves with one chip.
Separate steps: 2 steps with one chip, 4 moves with the second.

  • Checkers move only counterclockwise.
  • The player has the right to stop on the playing field only on an empty cell or on his color. Standing on the color of the opponent is prohibited. You can stop at your chip, that is, put it on top. This action is called "put on the head."
  • “Removing from the head” a checker is allowed only once per step. Example: 5 and 4 are rolled on the dice. If this is the player's first move, then the numbers are summed up and 9 moves across the field are obtained. In other cases, you can take 5 steps with the chip on the board and 4 steps with the checker removed from the head.
  • If the bones fall out so that the player is forced to stop on the opponent's cell, then this move is skipped by him.
  • When a double occurs (1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6), the player is awarded the right to move his checkers 4 times for the number of dice rolled. That is, when a 2:2 double occurs, the player can: Make 4 moves, 2 steps each.
    Make 1 move in 4 steps.

Tactics and strategy of the game

The strategy in tavla is to transfer your own playing chips to the opponent's field.

Types of strategies:

  1. Speed ​​game. The goal is to quickly move game items into the house.
  2. Hold game. Hold 2 checkers on the same hole until you manage to knock out the opponent's blot.
  3. Blocking. The essence is the construction of a long wall of checkers to block the passage of the enemy.
  4. Blitz strategy. The point is to close the house quickly.
  5. Backgame. The bottom line is to build a hole with two checkers in the opponent's house.

Winning tactics:

It is necessary to arrange 6 chips in the fourth quarter. This action is called "bring home". After the last chip has been placed in the fourth quarter, the checkers are "expelled" by rolling dice:

  1. The chip of the same name of the number that fell at dawn is expelled.
  2. A chip is expelled, under the number obtained in the process of adding numbers.

Important! Victory is given to the player who has no playing checkers left on the board.


To win the game, you need to resort to tricks or have a unique mind and logic.

Tricks and secrets to win at yuekgemmon:

  1. Help your opponent win. Ensure his loss by closing all fives. For yourself, leave three checkers in each recess on the board. After the enemy begins to open the holes, they must be immediately closed behind him.
  2. Do not allow the opponent to occupy the three recesses near the base of the vertical row.
  3. Put the checkers away from the sixth position.

Varieties of backgammon

Varieties of backgammon:

  1. Long backgammon is classic.
  2. Short backgammon.

The differences between them are in some rules:

  1. The absence of broken checkers in long backgammon.
  2. If in short backgammon a checker is placed on the opponent's checker, then it beats.

Note! There is an abundance of games on short and long boards.

Table: varieties of the game of kosha.

Name Description and rules
American Arrangement of white chips:

Two in the first hole.
Two for the second hole.
Two for the third hole.
The rest are placed on board the board.

Arrangement of black checkers:

Two in the ninth hole.
Five in the tenth hole.
Three in the eleventh hole.
Five in the twelfth hole.

The rules are unchanged. The main goal is to move all game items to the opponent's field and drive out your checkers.

dutch backgammon All chips must be entered into the game from the board.
One-two The advantage of this game is that there is no placement of checkers on the board.

After choosing the right to move, they are taken from the side of the board to make a move.

kales Cales is very popular in England. This game develops the mathematical abilities of a person.

It was developed by a mathematician named Henry Deden.


Eleven is placed in a vertical row.
One is placed separately.

When making a step, one checker is taken, located next to it.

Kubo Kubo is a kind of backgammon game. Its main feature is that instead of checkers, players use coins.

27 coins are added up in nine columns, each with 3 coins.
The move begins with the removal of a coin from any column.
The prize is awarded to the player who took the last coin.

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