Draw a village house with a pencil step by step. How to draw a house in the village with a pencil in stages, for children


“My home is my castle,” says a well-known proverb. But such a reliable construction requires a long time, significant costs, and a lot of experience.

We propose to start with the “building” (this will be drawing) of a small house. Consider how to quickly draw a house with a pencil step by step for children to complete the task easily and interestingly. And for adults, such drawing is a great opportunity to return a little to childhood.

What tools will be needed to draw the house of our dreams, you ask? Just a pencil and ruler at the initial stage. What else you will need, you will find out when you complete all the steps.

So let's do these steps step by step.

From this article you will learn

Step 1

We are planning our future home.

First, with a ruler and a pencil, carefully, evenly draw a rectangle. We will “attach” other elements to it a little later. Then we divide it into two halves. For example, one half of the house is the living room, and the other half is the kitchen. It all depends on your desire, because you plan the future home yourself.

At the bottom of our house, we draw a low rectangle for the future foundation, which we will also change soon.

Step 2

We draw a roof and windows.

We draw the sides of the roof with a pencil and draw the same parallel lines on it. To make our building look beautiful, we need to draw windows.

To do this, in the half of the house you have chosen, draw two rectangles with jumpers. You can choose small and large windows, square and oval upwards. Choose the shape and size according to your taste and discretion.

Agree, when we do everything step by step, it turns out beautifully and accurately. Although in shape it already resembles a dwelling, we move on to the next step. What's the next step? Of course, the door!

Step 3

Add doors and chimney step by step.

Now you need to draw the doors in the other, remaining half. Don't forget about the doorknob. It's easier to create it with a ruler to make a small square. A little more difficult - a small circle.

It will resemble the shape of a doorknob. And for those who are ready to try harder, there is another version of the handle for the door, reminiscent of a hammer. All you need here is patience and precision.

After that, on the roof of your house, draw a chimney with a pencil. Place it on the right or left as you see fit.

And, finally, the final stage - we decorate the resulting dwelling. After all, comfort and coziness, even if only in the picture, pleases our eyes.

And now let's practice in the profession of a designer. Surely, you have already guessed what we are talking about. We will decorate all the finished elements of our “building”. Such drawing is a real scope for your imagination!

Step 4

Draw the foundation of your house with a pencil, dividing the rectangle from below into cells. Parallel lines on the roof can be divided into alternating squares: you get something that looks like a tile. Instead of square tiles, draw round lines from below. That will also turn out beautiful!

On the windows of the house, you can draw curtains and even flower pots. And the curling smoke from the chimney will suggest the idea of ​​hospitable hosts. Of course, you will need to make a little more effort and effort. But your house will turn out beautiful and unique!

Step 5

For those who love to draw.

We color the house with colored pencils, paints, felt-tip pens. You can draw near it - a green lawn with beautiful flowers, tall trees, a blue sky with a bright sun, or whatever you like.

Your house, drawn in pencil in stages, is ready! We hope that for children such drawing is a real pleasure!

Fairy-tale houses differ from our houses in that they can be funny and unusual, colorful, crooked, very small and huge, and sometimes even edible, or vice versa - poisonous. Let's try together draw a fairy house, in which gnomes could live, and also find out how to draw a Christmas gingerbread house. How do you like the idea? Like? Then let's go!

I have prepared for you several options for fabulous houses. One of them is in the video.

How to draw a gnome house step by step

You can also slightly indicate where the walls will end and the roof will begin.

2. Let's draw the walls and the roof. The most interesting thing in the process of creating a drawing of a fabulous house is that you can draw walls and a roof of any shape, the main thing is to fantasize as much as possible and make the house original.

3. If the main elements of the house are ready, it's time to take care of the windows and doors, because a fairy-tale house should not only be funny and original, but also serve as a cozy home for the gnomes. Windows and doors can also be of various shapes: curved, round, oval, square. In a word, fantasize!

4. Now you can go to the details. Let's mark the patterns on the roof, which will remind us of tiles, and draw brick walls.

5. Let's add a few more details to the drawing of the house: a chimney, as well as a flashlight, so that at night the gnomes would not be afraid to return home. And now let's draw background elements: bushes, trees, flowers, clouds.

6. Congratulations! Fairy house is ready! Color it with bright colors using pencils or paints. Color can make the drawing of the house even more fantastic and original.

How to draw a Christmas gingerbread house

1. First of all, let's think about placing the house on paper. We denote the extreme upper and lower points of the figure and combine them with a central line. It will help us keep the symmetry.

Also on the center line, mark where the walls will end and the roof will begin. For convenience, a horizontal line can be drawn through the marks.

2. This house will look a little more like the houses in which people live, so let's try to build it first from the geometric shapes we know. Rectangle - for walls, triangle - for the roof. Also note the doors and windows. Now this house has become like an ordinary one, but we will add fabulousness to it.

3. We will draw two caramel columns on the sides to the walls, we will make the roof in the form of glaze flowing onto a small window. Also at this stage we will draw in detail the windows and doors.

4. All the main elements are ready, let's move on to the sweet details? Decorate the drawing of the house as you like. For example, I decorated my house with garlands with various sweets. And from below for decoration I added caramel stones.

At this stage, you also need to finish the background elements. Our house is Christmas, so the background should be winter: snow, Christmas tree and the like.

5. Congratulations! Sweet Christmas house is ready! Color it in with crayons or paints as you wish. Success in creative work!

"How to draw a house?" - the question is simple, even a child who has already learned to hold a pencil and brushes in his hands can cope with this task. For adults, a do-it-yourself drawing of a house is an exciting creative activity associated with simple arithmetic calculations. How to draw a house, step by step, you will learn from this article. The drawing is simple, but it includes all the advantages of a real house located on a separate plot of land.

And as we can see, in the picture, in addition to the house, there are trees, grass on which children and dogs frolic. This is a landscape environment, without which no residential building can do. Nature, landscapes, orchards, ponds and fields are integral parts of any building. Therefore, the drawing should include the landscape adjacent to the house. An exception is made only for schematic and drawing drawings.

How to draw a house with a pencil

A house is an architectural building that is built according to certain building laws, and its construction always begins with sketches and drawings. How to draw a house with a pencil in stages so that the drawing looks like a real house? First of all, you need to follow the basic rules that govern the construction of residential buildings. First we build walls, then we cover the house with a roof, after that we draw doors and windows, and lastly we draw a porch and columns with a canopy. And how to draw a house with a pencil in stages, so that the drawing is also beautiful and colorful? To do this, apply watercolors or multi-colored gouache. In this case, the question of how to draw a beautiful house is solved by itself, and in the future it all depends on your imagination and artistic abilities.

What tools and materials are needed in order to draw a house

To create a drawing at home, you need to stock up on a sheet of white paper, pencils, a ruler and an eraser. To decorate the house you will need watercolors, gouache and felt-tip pens.

How to draw a house in stages for a comfortable stay

First you need to decide how many floors will be in the house. In a one-story version, the drawing can be placed on a standard sheet of A4 paper. At the first stage, it is necessary to determine the width of the house and its height to the roof using a ruler. Draw a rectangle with a simple pencil, which will become the basis of the facade of the house. After that, you should outline the location of the doors and window openings. This stage is the most responsible. The correct placement of windows and doors is the key to the architectural harmony of the entire front of the building. The eraser should be at the ready, because there will certainly be permutations.

Drawing of a small country house or mansion

The drawing of a small one-story house suggests a single door and two or three windows. The image of a tall and wide mansion will require a large double door on the ground floor, as well as at least four windows. The proportions of the house, with the correct placement of doors and windows, will begin to appear on their own, in the process of drawing. Swing doors should be in harmony with the windows, their visual relationship is of great importance.

Drawing of a house with an attic

How to draw a house with an attic? After the facade of the house is drawn, you can proceed to the image of the roof. A gable classic roof is ideal for your drawing, it is easy to draw, and besides, such a design implies the presence of an attic in the attic, which means that the building will become more stylish. The facade of the attic can be located above the front door or above the central window. The roof of the attic, as a rule, is on the same level with the crest of the main covering, sometimes lower. If in your drawing the ridge of the attic roof turns out to be higher than the level of the main roof, then it will no longer be an attic, but a mezzanine.

The roof of the house in your drawing can be depicted in two versions: simple, without frills, or elegant and beautiful. In the second case, you need to draw her an exclusive cover. For small one-story mansions, scaly-shaped ceramic tiles are ideal. Such a coating gives the roof some fabulousness, and the whole house becomes elegant and festive.

Drawing of a two-story house

How to draw a house with two floors? This is not difficult if you have the outlines of the first floor ready, but there is no roof yet. The second floor obeys its own architectural laws, and in order to comply with them, it is necessary to take the parameters of the first floor as a basis. The upper windows cannot be wider than the lower windows, but they can be shown as shorter in vertical terms. The second floor is subject to strict laws of architectural symmetry, which means that the top three windows should be drawn at an equal distance from each other, with the middle one being exactly in the middle. If you decide to draw a balcony, then it must also be placed strictly in the center.

Upper part of a two-story house

The roof of a two-story house should be lower than the roof of a one-story building. As a rule, there is no attic above the second floor, only its reduced pseudocopy, which is called a dormer window. The attic space of a two-story mansion is not spacious enough for an attic and similar rooms. If desired, you can draw a small mezzanine in place of the attic, which will become an architectural decoration of the whole house.

Everyone wants to have their own shelter in order to hide from this world there. I will tell you how to draw a house with a pencil. Perhaps in the future you will be able to build your own cozy shelter. The house is a permanent abode of people and all the good things they have acquired in the form of a TV, unlimited Internet and a cat. Carefully protected by the owner, insulated for the winter and serves as a venue for cultural events. On the territory of Rashka, most often it is a communal apartment in Khrushchev, less often - an apartment in the center of Moscow or Bobruisk. In places remote from civilization, this can be a two-story barn with a leaking roof. Brings a loss in the form of constant renovations and communal tribute, needs expensive armored doors to protect property and add beauty to the exterior. Grants protection from acid rain and petty brawl hurricanes, as well as from Gypsies, Avon agents, and Jehovah's Witnesses. Specific type of houses:

  • Madhouse (synonyms: psychiatric hospital, psychiatric hospital, Kashchenko) - The habitat of creative and talented people. Equipped with equipment for experimenting on people healing and healing of the soul. Settlement by special invitations.
  • The White house . A pumped version of the usual madhouse for the elite of this world. Led by the Black Lord, he spreads democracy throughout the world, absolutely free, preference is given to countries with oil and dangerous terrorists.
  • Dom-2 is almost the same as a madhouse, only there patients are also paid money.

Now let's create a project for your home.

How to draw a house with a pencil step by step

Step one. We draw a small standard house, as it looks in the village, with a triangular roof.
Step two. Let's level the building a bit, add some formal bushes around and tweak the edges of the roof.
Step three. Let's add a design to this hut, a beautiful porch and a facade ornament.
Step four. Now let's draw a few windows in front on both floors, as well as a few from the side. Still need some trees in the background and a path to the entrance.
This is how my house will look, and what kind of house would you like to build? Draw and attach your work below this article. It will be useful for you to know more.

This lesson fell into the category of easy, which means that in theory even a small child can repeat it. Naturally, parents can also help young children draw a house. And if you consider yourself a more advanced artist, then I can recommend the lesson "" - it will require more perseverance from you, although it will be no less interesting.

What you need

In order to draw a house, we may need:

  • Paper. It is better to take medium-grained special paper: it will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this particular paper.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each must be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. She will rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Any objects are best depicted by looking at them live. So drawing a house will be much easier if you draw from nature. Also, I advise you to study the subject of drawing well before you start drawing. This can get rid of many design errors. Look at Yandex.Pictures how it looks and imagine how it should work in order to bring maximum benefit.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to turn your attention to the lesson "". It will help improve your mastery or just give you a little pleasure.

Simple drawings are created using paths. It will be enough for you to repeat that, and only that, that is shown in the lesson to get an acceptable result, but if you want to achieve something more, then try to imagine that. that you draw in the form of simple geometric bodies. Try to sketch not with contours, but with rectangles, triangles and circles. After some time, with the constant use of this technology, you will see that it becomes easier to draw.

Tip: sketch with as light strokes as possible. The thicker the strokes of the sketch, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather zero, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will give you an idea of ​​where exactly the drawing will be. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of a sheet layout in the center:

A house is an architectural structure, so when drawing it in stages, you first need to build a general drawing, and only then start “building” and adding details of the picture of the house. When drawing at home, you can’t do without a ruler, and of course a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately measure the height, width, etc. using a ruler. The house can be depicted in different ways, for example, make a roof of tiles, draw double doors, or add a chimney lined with bricks for a fireplace. Draw these "little things" according to your desire, but any of the houses must have a foundation, walls, roof and doors with windows. If you follow these rules, then the lesson on how to draw a house will be very easy for you.

1. General drawing of the house

To create a drawing of a house, first draw a rectangle. Measure more than half of the space inside it and draw a vertical line at this point. She will divide the house into two parts, an entrance hall and a living room. The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to correctly make the proportions of the house, my drawing does not have to be copied, you can choose a different layout of the house for your drawing.

2. Contours of the roof and doors of the house

Inside the left half of the house, draw, in the middle of the roof line, the point of its top. From the end of the right line, draw a horizontal line, all the way to the end of the house itself, this will separate the roof from the walls of the house. On the right side of the picture of the house, draw a rectangle for the future door.

3. How to draw windows

You see that by drawing a house in stages, with the help of a ruler, everything turns out quickly and evenly. And as soon as you draw the windows and the foundation, the picture of the house is almost ready.

At the bottom of the picture of the house, draw a line for the foundation, it must be in any house. Circle the contours of the roof with additional parallel lines. In the living room of the house, draw two rectangles for the windows.

4. Adding More Details to the Drawing of the House

Now you need to slightly “cut off” the roof of the house on both sides, making a slight slope for it. Rarely do houses have straight roofs, they always try to give it an interesting shape.

Trim the roof with diagonal lines in two places. Circle the windows and the door with additional lines along the contour. At the bottom of the house, add another plane for its bottom. Near the dividing vertical line, draw a rectangle with a small other rectangle at the top, this shape will serve as a chimney. Draw a connection line to the wall on the left side under the roof.

5. How to draw a house. The final stage

Make parallel lines with a pencil on the facade of the roof of the house to create the effect of laid out boards. Draw jumpers in the windows. Draw the entrance from two halves. At the bottom of the entrance to the house, draw a threshold. Give the foundation the effect of a brick by dividing it into cells. The roof also needs to be decorated. It is best to draw the details of the tiles for this. You will have to work a little, but the drawing of the house will be more beautiful. To the chimney, add cells of brick contours too. It is very suitable for drawing a house to draw the surrounding in the form of trees and grass, as well as color the picture of the house at your discretion with colored pencils.

So you learned how to draw a house. If you make an effort, I believe that you will achieve everything you wanted to. Now you can pay attention to the lesson "" - it is just as interesting and exciting. Well, the buttons of social networks are not just there =)

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