Draw your dream house step by step. Designing a house yourself: creating a house project


We draw a beautiful country house in just 20 minutes.

For this you will need:


.Simple pencil;

Definitely a line!


Colored pencils;

Our lesson.

This lesson consists of 10 step-by-step tips. Let's get down to drawing our big house:

Stage 1. The house itself will consist of two parts: front and back. We start drawing from the front of the house. Using a ruler, we draw an auxiliary frame for the front of our house as follows:

Stage 4. We erase the auxiliary lines with an eraser, and proceed to drawing the second part of the house. We now draw auxiliary lines for this part of the house, in the picture below they are highlighted in green.

Stage 5. Now, similarly to the first part of the house, we also draw the second part of the house, i.e. we add some straight lines to the auxiliary frame, they are highlighted in red in the picture below.

Stage 6. Now we draw windows and doors on this part of the house. To make the door and windows even, it is better to draw them with a ruler.

Stage 7. Our house is ready. We erase all auxiliary lines.

Stage 8. At this stage, we need to draw the ground on which our house stands, as well as the fence. It will be quite difficult to draw a fence. For the convenience of drawing, we increased the fence in some parts

Stage 9. It remains to finish the various greenery in the backyard of the house in this way:

Complexity:(2 out of 5).

Age: from three years old.

Materials: a sheet of thick paper, wax crayons, a simple pencil (just in case), an eraser, watercolor, a palette with indentations for water, a large brush.

Purpose of the lesson: we go through and consolidate knowledge about the shape of a square (house, window), triangle (roof), definition (horizon line).

Progress: the child draws a large square (future house), then a small square (window), then a triangle (roof), decorate.

We arrange the sheet vertically, which means the short side towards us. Always pay attention to this to your baby, because he must know such concepts as vertically and horizontally. The more often you mention it in class, the faster the child will remember it.
Now for the walls of the house he chooses any color of wax crayon that he wants and tries to draw a square. If the kid is not confident in himself, let him draw a square with a simple pencil until he succeeds. All sketches with a simple pencil are made with light movements without pressing on it, so that the eraser can easily remove misses.

We draw the roof of the house in the form of a triangle. And paint over the resulting parts. Our house is ready! Let's start coloring with wax crayons.

Let's draw a horizon line. Another definition that your child should know. Repeat it more often and the baby will remember it. The horizon line is the line connecting heaven and earth. Draw it with a simple pencil.

We proceed to one of the most interesting stages. We take a thick brush and dilute 2 colors of paint in the palette (blue and green), with plenty of water. We dip the brush into the diluted paint and apply blue color from the top (sky), from left to right and move from top to bottom to the horizon line. But then we have to wait for the paint to dry, otherwise when we paint in green (the earth) it may turn out ugly. We check the sky for drawings, if it is dry, then we proceed to the final part - we draw the earth. We draw it in the same way as the sky - from left to right and from top to bottom.

What You'll Be Creating

Freehand drawing from imagination is cool, but not everything can be drawn with free, intuitive hand movement. Man-made objects such as vehicles and buildings are created according to certain rules, and these rules limit our freedom. You can't draw a building by guessing the lines - you have to follow the rules, and those rules are defined by perspective.

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a house step by step using angled perspective. I will try to explain the whole process to you, not just tell you what to do.

What will you need

You can use any photo of the house you like, such as a picture of your own house. We won't be copying the original image, but we need some basis to know what we're trying to draw. Therefore, the perspective of the house does not have to be perfect - we will create our own look!

You can draw with any tool, but it's better to use some kind of drawing software - perspective doesn't require finesse, so you can successfully use a mouse for this purpose. If you prefer to draw in a traditional style, then make sure you use a large piece of paper, much larger than the intended drawing size. And don't forget to use a long ruler!

1. Start Drawing Perspective

Step 1

Start from the horizon line. When there is something above these lines, you look up. When there is something below this line, then you lower your gaze.

The horizon line must be much longer than your intended drawing if you want to avoid critical distortion.

Step 2

We want both sides of the house to be visible: the right side and the front side. They have a common value: this is their height. In angular perspective, height is a standard value that stays perfectly vertical, so we don't need to add any vanishing points for it.

However, it is also important Where we place this height. The center of the horizon line is also the center of perspective. If you place an angled line in the center of the perspective, both sides will be equally visible. If you place it more to the left, then the view of the facade will be wider due to the second side. And that's what we need!

The shorter the height in relation to the horizon, the less critical the distortion.

Step 3

Perspective turns parallel lines into converging lines. Where do they converge? Well, it's up to you. The more side view you want to see, the farther it should be vanishing point.

Step 4

Draw the other edge of the facade between both lines. Imagine how long the façade would be without perspective, then shorten it to match the angle between the left edge and the ground - 90 degrees would give the full length, and the smaller the angle, the shorter it should be.

Due to the remote vanishing point and the relative height of the façade, our angle is wide enough to allow almost full length.

Step 5

Now you can connect both edges to create a complete front wall surface. Keep in mind that these two lines are parallel in reality! Everything that is parallel to them will tend to this vanishing point.

Step 6

It's time for the other side. There is a very simple rule here: the more one side is visible, the less visible the other. Therefore, we need to position the vanishing point closer.

Step 7

Once again imagine the full length of this side, and then shorten it to match the angle.

The angle is quite sharp, so we need to shorten the side a lot.

Step 8

Close the side shape with two additional lines. Again, these lines are parallel, and anything parallel to them will go in the same direction.

Step 9

Now that we know how to use vanishing points, I'll show you a drawing up close to make the details more visible.

Perspective distorts proportions, so we need to place our guide lines very carefully. It is best to use special universal algorithms to divide the area into equal parts. Let's split the facade in half and one third - the porch seems to be about one third of the length, so it will be convenient for us.

The standard length makes it easier to draw in perspective, so let's simplify the proportions for our purpose.

First connect the corners of the facade.

Step 10

The diagonals of a rectangle show you its center even in perspective. So we will divide it into two parts. The middle line must be vertical.

Note that one of the halves seems to be longer than the other - that's how it works in perspective, and therefore you can't just use a ruler here.

Step 11

Once we have the middle lines, we can use them to create thirds:

Keep the guide lines visible so you can use them later, but don't interfere with the final lines of the drawing.

Step 12

The length of the other side seems to be five window openings, so it will be most convenient for us to divide it into five parts. There is also an algorithm for this:

Again, these guide lines should be barely visible.

2. Add Windows and Doors in Perspective

Step 1

We need more guide lines to properly place the elements on the wall. Since this is a building, you can expect the elements to follow a certain proportion. Once we define it, we can use it in our drawing.

Look at the height of the segments above windows, below windows, and at the bottom of the wall. Mark them on the corner edge.

Step 2

Draw parallel lines through these points. Do you remember what parallel means here?

Step 3

The easiest way is to divide the segments in half and a third, so let's assume that the window with all its contours is one ninth of the length of the facade. Divide every third part by a third to create guide lines for this.

Step 4

The door does not have such obvious proportions, so we need to create them ourselves. Connect two dots...

And draw a vertical line through the intersection of the guide lines.

Step 5

We now have enough guide lines to outline the windows and door.

Step 6

The actual windows start a little deeper inside the outline. How can we guess their width? Okay, let's create it! Symmetrical "X" lines are very easy to draw...

And they neatly cross our upper guide line.

3. Draw the Roof in Perspective

Step 1

The roof of the house in my photo is not simple, but this should not be an obstacle for you! Every roof is subject to the same rules, and some just need some extra work to apply those rules to them.

Determine the highest point of the roof. You have to think in 3D - you can't just stretch one wall vertically and put that point there. This point must be related to both walls at the same time!

The height of the roof is arbitrary, but make sure you make it proportional to your overall vision.

Step 2

My roof has a “horse” on top. Its width will be a good reference point, but first we need to define it. Again, in order to add any dimension to our drawing in perspective, we must build on what has already been drawn. For example, draw two diagonals across a third of the side of the window (we can be sure they are symmetrical)...

And draw a line through the point where they intersect with the lowest horizontal guide line.

The height of these lines is arbitrary.

Step 3

To draw the height of these lines, we need to place them at the same level as the middle line. Project multiple lines with guide lines to find the right spot.

Step 4

We know where this hobby begins, but we still don't know where it ends. Additional guide lines are needed to find this point. Don't forget to keep the proportions based on the base look!

Step 5

Now you can easily draw the outline of the skate.

It is not necessary to draw the lines that are hidden from the front, but you must be sure that you know where they are.

Step 6

Before we draw the rest of the roof, we need to understand what exactly we want to draw. From the side, the roof looks like a triangle, and we already have the top of this triangle, so we must follow this rhythm.

If we extend the top of the wall towards this line, then we will find the length of the roof (by measuring the distance from the wall to the edge).

Now our task is to create some easily repeating guide lines. It doesn't matter where they are, as they create the proportion that is needed every time they are used.

Apply these guide lines to the drawing in perspective.

Step 7

To find the actual length of the roof, we need to project it onto the ground.

Step 8

We have the length, but we also need the exact location of the corners. They are now easy to find!

Step 9

These points are useless to us since they are on the ground, but it will not be difficult to project them to their desired level.

Step 10

Finally, connect the dots!

4. How to Draw a Complex Roof in Perspective

Our house has its own walls and roof, so it's technically done. But it's boring and it doesn't look like the original image at all! Next, we will make it more interesting, but keep in mind that we may encounter a higher level of complexity. I also assume that you understand the methods we have used so far, so I may not explain each step in such detail.

Step 1

The elements on the roof are placed in a non-random way, and we need to find out. Let's create some repeating guide lines in advance: divide the side of the middle block into eight parts.

Step 2

The roof of the porch starts at the horizontal center, but not exactly at the center of the roof. Find the exact points you want to use for guide lines and then project them onto your drawing.

Always pay attention to the location of the elements inside the walls.

Step 3

The porch roof appears to be parallel with the rest of the roof. We can easily mark it in the side view drawing, but how can we find it in perspective?

As always, we need to create repeating guide lines that will point to our desired result...

And project them onto the drawing.

Step 4

We know how long the roof is on the side, but we also need to find its width (which, according to the original photo, is slightly longer than the middle third of the front wall). These guide lines should work.

Step 5

Now we need to intersect the guide lines from both values ​​to find the corners of the roof. The illustration below may seem confusing because we are so close to the horizon that the guide lines are nearly horizontal.

Step 6

Now we have everything we need to outline the outline of the small roof!

Step 7

The protruding skylights will be quite tricky to draw, so feel free to skip them if you feel like you can't.

First, let's add some guide lines to the roof to better see its surface. We don't have vanishing points for them, so just repeat their algorithm.

Step 8

We need more guide lines in this inner roof block. Divide it into quarters.

Step 9

We need to know enough to place the bottom of the window.

Step 10

The window has a triangular roof, so we need to mark it as well. It's pretty easy if we stay at the same level of depth, right?

Step 11

Now we need to project the outline of the window into place on the roof. I told you it would be difficult!

Step 12

The roof of this window is protruding, so we need to project it forward. We are going to use the front wall as a reference point to make it easier to draw.

Make the entire outline of the window stand out to make measurements easier.

Step 13

The roof has a certain thickness and angle, so they are not easy to design. Use a trick to create them: find guide lines on the outline of the window that automatically create the outline of this roof. It doesn't have to be perfect, let it be close enough.

Step 14

Create another window using the same steps, or draw guide lines along the lines already drawn.

Step 15

We know exactly where the roof starts, so we can easily draw their peaks.

Step 16

The sides of these windows are located inside the roof, but they are also covered by it. The curvature of the roof can be measured, but there is no need to be precise here - just remember that each line going down should be slightly offset forward (as its back is gradually hidden by the roof).

5. How to Draw a Porch with Steps in Perspective

Step 1

The porch has symmetrical sides, but we only have a guide line on one of them. Let's create the same on the left side.

Step 2

Use these guide lines to outline the small wall.

Step 3

These walls will be as long as the roof above them, but not as wide. Use an additional guide line to exclude part of the roof from the width of the porch area.

Step 4

Now you can give these walls all sides.

Step 5

Divide the inside of the wall by a third - this should be enough to create four steps.

Step 6

The first step is fairly flat, so mark it first before adding more steps. Its height can be arbitrary.

Step 7

Divide two thirds into 16 parts - four heights and four lengths of each step.

Step 8

Draw the outline of the steps following the guide lines.

Step 9

Now you have enough guide lines to draw the stairs.

Another way to do this is to draw the outlines of the steps on the other side and then connect them.

Step 10

The porch wall has a raised part, so we need to draw it as well. It should be easy to measure it with what we already have.

Step 11

There are pillars supporting the roof that rise from the bottom of the wall. I'm going to take the easy route and make them as wide as the wall and steps.

Step 12

Monika Zagrobelna

I "m a Polish artist with a long experience in doing useless, but creative things. Since I realized how bad I was after all these years, I decided to take fate into my own hands and actually study things in order to draw them properly. My tutorials are the result of thorough studies - I hope they help you as they helped me!


Draw a big rectangle. Draw many small squares inside it. These will be the windows. Arrange them in a strict tabular order or mark them asymmetrically in different places.

From above, if necessary, draw a roof in the form of a triangle or trapezoid. Colorize house paints. Make the windows blue if you are painting the day. In the city at night, complete them in yellow, as if electric lights were lit in the rooms.

To give house at the volume, first draw a rectangle that will be the front house. From its three corners, set aside and up three equal parallel segments. Connect their outer ends in series. Draw windows on the side surface of the resulting box.

roof house and you can leave it flat or make it in the form of a pyramid with four faces. On the roof, for completeness of similarity, draw several television antennas. Draw a small vertical line and draw several whiskers from it in different directions. Your apartment building is ready.

multi-level multi-storey house drawing is more difficult. Start with the main building box. Then draw a smaller rectangle on the left. Make a gable roof for a tall building and a triangular one for a small outbuilding. Depict round and rectangular windows, a door. Draw flowers on the windowsills, lanterns at the entrance. Color the drawing.

Helpful advice

You can place a store or a pharmacy on the ground floor of a high-rise building. To do this, separate the lower part of the main rectangle with a horizontal line. Draw a square in the center to represent the double door. Above the door, draw another narrow long rectangle - this will be the sign of the institution. Make windows on the sides of the doors.

Paint the lower part of such a house in one color, and the upper floors in another. It is better to use not contrasting, but paints close in shade.


  • how to draw a big house

A historical landscape or a report on a trip to Egypt, a theatrical scenery for a scene from the life of this country - you cannot do without an image of a pyramid. In any case, you first need a sketch, which is best done on paper with a pencil, colored crayons or watercolors.

You will need

  • - paper;
  • - a simple pencil;
  • - colored crayons, pencils or watercolor;
  • - a picture or photograph depicting a pyramid.


The Egyptian pyramid is a massive structure with a large base. The base is slightly larger than the height, so it is better to lay the sheet horizontally. For the sketch, lay it down as the scenery itself will be located. Determine the ratio of base and height. This can be done from the picture. It is not necessary to measure with a ruler, estimate by eye.

Draw 2 lines perpendicular to each other. Draw one parallel to the bottom edge of the sheet. Divide it in half and draw a perpendicular to the middle. Imagine that in the picture with the image of the pyramid there are no details and texture of the material, but only contours. Any pyramid will appear as a triangle. The Egyptian pyramid is an isosceles triangle. Mark the height on the vertical line. Connect the resulting point to the ends of the base.

Determine where you are looking at pyramid. The position of its lateral edge will depend on this. If the viewer is standing directly in front of the face, then he sees only a triangle, folded. The artist only needs to convey the texture. Draw a few thin horizontal lines. These will be the layers of stone. Divide each layer into separate blocks by drawing vertical lines between adjacent horizontal ones. Lines in different layers should not be a continuation of each other.

A house is an architectural structure, so when drawing it in stages, you first need to build a general drawing of the house, and only then start "building" and adding other parts of the house to the picture. When drawing a house, you cannot do without a ruler, and, of course, a pencil. The house should look symmetrical, so you need to accurately measure the height, width, etc. using a ruler.
The house can be depicted in different ways, for example, make a roof of tiles, draw double doors, or add a fireplace chimney lined with bricks. Draw these "little things" according to your desire, but any house must have a foundation, walls, a roof and doors with windows. If you follow these rules, then the lesson how to draw a house it will be very easy for you.

1. General drawing of the house

To create a drawing of a house, first draw a rectangle. Measure more than half of the space inside it and draw a vertical line at this point. She will divide the house into two parts, an entrance hall and a living room. The purpose of this lesson is to learn how to see the proportions of the house, my drawing does not have to be copied, you can choose a different layout of the house for your drawing.

2. Contours of the roof and doors

Inside the left half of the house, draw, in the middle of the roof line, the point of its top. From the end of the right line, draw a horizontal line all the way to the end of the house itself, this will separate the roof from the walls. On the right side of the picture, draw a rectangle for the future door.

3. How to draw windows

You see that by drawing a house in stages, with the help of a ruler, everything turns out quickly and evenly. And as soon as you draw the windows and the foundation, the picture of the house will be almost ready. At the bottom of the picture, draw a line for the foundation, it must be in any house. Circle the contours of the roof with additional parallel lines. In the living room, draw two rectangles for the windows.

4. Adding More Details to the Drawing of the House

Now you need to slightly "cut" the roof on both sides, making a slight slope for it. The roofs of houses are rarely straight, builders are always trying to give it an interesting, unusual shape. "Cut" the roof with oblique lines in two places. Circle the windows and the door with additional lines along the contour. At the bottom of the house, add another plane for its bottom. Near the dividing vertical line, draw a rectangle with a small other rectangle on top, this shape will serve as a chimney. Draw a line connecting the roof to the wall on the left side under the roof.

5. How to draw a house. The final stage

Make parallel lines on the front of the roof with a pencil to create the effect of laid out boards. Draw jumpers in the windows. Draw a doorway from two halves. At the bottom of the entrance, draw a threshold. "Make" the foundation of brick, dividing the general contour into cells. The roof also needs to be decorated. It is best to draw the details of the tiles for this. It takes a little effort, but house drawing will be more beautiful. The chimney will also be made of brick.

Video of drawing a country house in 3D perspective.

6. Color picture of the house

When drawing a house, one cannot do without the surrounding landscape, consisting of trees, grass, blue sky, bright yellow of the sun, domestic animals, people, etc. Be sure to color the picture of the house at your discretion with colored pencils or paints.

Drawing a house, a castle is a good lesson for learning to draw. With an ordinary simple pencil, you will gradually learn how to draw the proportions of the building, create a perspective for the landscape surrounding the house, learn how to add volume to the walls with the help of shadows and lines.

The tree quite often becomes the object of children's drawings. After all, what is the drawing of a house without trees. But a tree is not as easy to draw as it seems, so it is better for novice artists to draw a tree in stages and at first with a simple pencil.

It is beautiful when trees grow near the house, flower beds are broken. When drawing a house, be sure to draw flowers nearby.

First of all, a few tips on drawing technique. Some people have a habit of drawing broken lines, and sometimes tracing them. Try to learn how to draw lines in one motion, don't be afraid to make a mistake.

A beloved cat at home on the couch, a cat in boots from a favorite fairy tale or a beloved cat often become characters in children's drawings. In addition, such pictures can be a good decoration for a child's room. But in order to draw a cat correctly, let's learn a little.

St. Bernard is a bad guard at home, but a reliable friend. He will not diligently bark at a stranger who has come into the house, but he will save a person covered with a snow avalanche. In this lesson, we will learn how to draw a St. Bernard dog step by step with a pencil.

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