Draw Olya and Yalo and give them a description. How are Olya and Yalo similar, how do they differ? Why adults should read this book


Quiz byfairy tale by V. Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".

Target: creation of conditions for generalizing repetition, expansion and deepening of the reader's horizons, cognitive. interests, individual inclinations of students and the formation of desire, the ability to read books and control knowledge on the book "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors".


    develop the ability to compare, generalize, highlight the main thing, draw conclusions; the ability to work in a group, together, to come to a common opinion; to form correct expressive reading, children's speech, enrich vocabulary, encourage students to turn to the book as a source of meaningful and entertaining leisure time in their free time; to educate the best moral qualities of a person on the example of positive literary heroes.

Quiz progress.

1. "Through the pages of a fairy tale"

The team captains come out. Choose cards. Each card has 2 questions. Teams discuss questions for 2 minutes. Then the team captains give the right to answer to any player. He reads the question and gives the answer orally. If the teams give a detailed answer, 2 points are awarded, a short answer - 1 point.

1. How did Olya and Yalo get to the fairytale city? ( Through a page in a storybook.)

2. Name the feature of the glass city. ( Everywhere on the streets and squares there are crooked mirrors.)

3. How did the girls get to the palace? ( In a food cart for the royal palace.)

4. Why did Olya and Yalo want to get to the king without fail? ( In order to ask him to cancel the death sentence handed down by Gurd.)

5. How did Aunt Aksal manage to arrange a meeting between the girls and the king? ( She got the costumes of the pages, dressed in which, Olya and Yalo were able to get into the palace.)

6. What was the "one important state business" of the king? ( Count the total number of mirrors in the kingdom and become famous for this.)

7. How did Olya manage to escape from Nushrok? ( She jumped into the river from the window of Anidag Castle.)

8. How did Nushrok die? ( Nushrok couldn't stand Olya's gaze and fell off the Tower of Death, breaking into a thousand glass shards..)

2. "Whose portrait is this?"

The facilitator reads the description of the hero of the book, the teams discuss for a minute and give a written answer on the card. For each correct answer, 1 point is given.

1. A girl in a black apron, with a red tie around her neck, two blond braids with a bow and big blue eyes. She considered herself very beautiful and therefore, being in front of a mirror, she could not tear herself away from it for a long time. ( Olya.)

2. The nose of this man is bent down like a beak, and black and predatory eyes pierce everyone through and through. ( Nushrok.)

3. It was a fat man, as if consisting of two balls, dressed in a green suit, embroidered with gold. The large ball was a torso with four limbs, and the small ball was a bald head with a puffy face. His bulging greenish narrowed eyes were covered by dark and wrinkled eyelids, like those of a toad. ( Minister Abage.)

4. His short legs slowly shuffled across the floor. He walked with his squat head down on his dark green, jeweled doublet. His thick lips, stretched almost to the very ears, moved as if he were talking to himself. The short freak walked, swaying awkwardly: it was difficult for weak legs to carry a heavy body. ( King Topped Seventh.)

5. A woman rode a thin-legged white horse. She was wearing a long black dress with a light scarf draped over her shoulders. Her melodious voice was like a bell, and her black sparkling eyes looked out from under large, curled up eyelashes in surprise and inquiringly. ( Anidag.)

3. "What is this place?"

The facilitator reads an excerpt from the book. Describing the place where an action takes place. The teams discuss for a minute and give their answer in writing on a card. For each correct answer, 1 point is given.

1. Here in front of him is the wall of a long building made of black glass, lit from the inside by some kind of flickering lights. Smoke billowed from the wide door. It was a dark, smoke-filled room. In the semi-darkness, the fires of some furnaces flared up. Barely visible in the smoke, like ghosts, half-naked men and youths were moving, busy with incomprehensible work. ( Mirror making workshop.)

2. In front of them was a square surrounded by beautiful houses of yellow, red, blue and white glass. Beautiful ladies in long silk dresses and gentlemen in thin gold-embroidered suits walked around the fountain, from which transparent jets flew high into the sky. Falling to the ground, these jets turned into glass, broke into millions of sparkling fragments and filled the air with musical ringing. ( City in the kingdom.)

3. The stairs went up steeply. Frightened by the noise of footsteps and the light of a torch, bats darted about in the darkness, filling the air with trembling and rustling. Two greenish eyes flashed and disappeared in the darkness, someone laughed wildly and cried, and an endless echo flew along the flights of stairs, repeating these terrible sounds. ( Staircase in the Tower of Death.)

4. The castle was built on top of a rock that rose from a mountain river. Waves washed over this rock from all sides. ( Anidag Castle.)

5. Far, far below Olya saw a huge mirror. It began at the foot of the mountain on which she stood, and went beyond the horizon, merging with the sky. Mountains, sun, clouds reflected in the mirror. It was very beautiful. ( Rice fields of Abage.)

4. " Whose songs are these?

Children read the song on the card and give a written answer. For each correctly completed task, 1 point is given.

1. "The appetite of the king,
Oh, great, tra-la-la-la!
He loves to eat very much
The whole day in the kitchen ringing!

2. “And if a difficult hour comes,
Don't be discouraged, friend!
Let the darkness, let the night - step forward
…And remember our flag!”

3. “Great things await us,
But believe our truth, brothers!
Down with crooked mirrors!
Let's burn, destroy the Tower of Death!"

5. Whose words are these? And to whom are they addressed?

1. “I'm glad I broke that crooked mirror. At least one false mirror will be less in the world! That's why you're placing those damned mirrors all over the city to deceive the people! Only no one believes your mirrors!”
(Gurd - Nushroku)

2. “You worry in vain. At home, no one will notice that you are not. Even if you stay here for a whole thousand years.”
(Yalo - Ole)

3. "Don't you think that we will achieve something if we remove the crown from an ugly doll and put it on a beautiful doll."
(Abazh - Nushroku)

4. “Okay, just don’t tell me the solution. I like to reach everything myself, with my own mind. So, one fool counted 18 mirrors for two days ... "
(Topsed - Ole)

5. Crossword

Teams receive sheets with a crossword puzzle and tasks for it. You have 3 minutes to complete the crossword puzzle. After that, the sheets are given to the leader and he counts the number of points. For each correct answer - 1 point.

Teams receive sheets with a crossword puzzle and tasks for it. You have 3 minutes to complete the crossword puzzle. After that, the sheets are given to the leader and he counts the number of points. Players must write in the vertical rows the words that are the answers to the questions posed. The letters of the horizontal row will make it easier to solve the crossword puzzle. For each correct answer 1 point.

1. The book that Olya read in bed until late. 2. The mirror boy that the girls rescued from the Tower of Death. 3. What did Olya have on her right cheek, and what did Yalo have on her left? 4. The leg that Olya rubbed while going to the palace. 5. The class in which Olya studied. 6. What Olya was afraid of more than anything. 7. What did the girls hide in in order to enter the palace on a cart? 8. Arithmetic operation, with the help of which the mirror problem was solved. 9. Minister with a nose like a kite's beak. 10. What did the girls lose when they went to rescue Gurd? 11. Who did not let the girls into the palace, standing in front of the gate? 12. The name of the girl that Olya met behind the mirror. 13. Minister, similar to a toad.

Answers: 1. Fairy tales. 2. Gurd. 3. Mole. 4. Left. 5. Fifth. 6. Darkness. 7. Basket. 8. Multiplication. 9. Nushrok. 10. Key. 11. Guards. 12. Yalo. 13. Abage.

6. Read according to the law of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors:

Teams are given task cards. The first team to answer this question gets an extra point. If a team gave an incorrect answer, the right to answer passes to the other team.

Olz teadzhebop life in and orbod tsup, olpet man tyarad kozaks ioreg tsup.

(May the heroes of fairy tales give us warmth, may good triumph over evil in life).

Vitaly Gubarev's fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" describes the adventures of an ordinary girl Olya, who finds herself in a magical land. Unusual in this country is that crooked mirrors distort both the characters' characters and the fate of ordinary people. Olya goes on a difficult and dangerous journey not alone, but with her reflection - Yalo. The girls fight the villains together and save the boy Gurd, who was sentenced to death for exposing a lie. At first glance, the girls seem to be exactly the same, but as the story progresses, the reader may notice that the girls' characters are somewhat different.

Olya and Yalo are completely similar in appearance. After all, one of them is an absolute reflection of the other. The girls look the same, they talk the same, they even have calluses on their feet from long walks that appear in the same places. Yalo repeats her girlfriend in everything, and often behaves not very correctly, because Olya also allowed herself ugly deeds. What do you want from reflection. The mirror is always impartial. But gradually, looking at herself from the outside, Olya realizes that she behaved terribly. But she is not just a reflection, she is a person. Real, with its values ​​and conscience. From that moment on, the girl behaves differently than her reflection.

What is the difference between Olya and Yalo

  1. Olya is brave, and her friend is afraid of spiders and rats.
  2. The girl thinks about others, while Yalo is primarily concerned about her personal desires.
  3. Olya is ready to fight for justice without sleep and food, and her friend constantly whines either from fatigue or from hunger.
  4. Olya makes decisions without hesitation, and Yalo does not want to take on extra responsibility.

It turns out that Yalo copies only the negative features of the main character. She behaves the way a girl used to behave in ordinary life. But a person is still more complex and multifaceted. Olya was raised by good people, she learned the norms of behavior and demonstrates the real values ​​of the society in which she lives. During all the trials that the girls overcame, the character of Yalo is gradually changing.

Literary hour in grades 3-4: Vitaly Gubarev "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

I. Competition "Inhabitants of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"

In order to start a conversation about the content of Vitaly Gubarev's fairy tale story, let's recall the main characters of this work.

1. Chief (and Chief) ... in the kingdom. (Master of Ceremonies.)

2. King (Topsed) Seventh.

3. Minister who owned mirror factories. (Nushrok.)

4. Servant Anidag. (Bar.)

5. Daughter of a minister, owner of mirror factories. (Anidag.)

6. Minister - the owner of the rice fields. (Abazh.)

7. Cook. (Aksal.)

8. The boy whom the minister wanted to execute for disobedience. (Gourde.)

II. Conversation on the content of the work

What strange names, aren't they? How and why did they appear in the fairy tale? (Children's answers.)

Yes, this magic mirror so reflected the names that expressed the essence of the character of this or that hero.

- And why did the mirror invite Olya, not a fairy-tale girl at all, to visit the other side of the mirror, in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors? So that Olya just got into a fairy tale or were there other reasons? (The mirror wanted the girl to see herself from the side.)

- Was it not enough that Olya was spinning around the mirror every day, admiring herself, because she considered herself beautiful and saw herself like that in the mirror (from the outside).

(Children's reasoning about external beauty and Olya's character.)

- What shortcomings did you see in Olya? (1. Quarrels with friends and family. 2. She was very absent-minded and lost everything all the time. 3. She was sloppy, her things were always scattered. 4. She was rude to elders. 5. She ate sweets without permission in large quantities.)

- Now in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors, Olya was able to see her shortcomings in the image of Yalo. What feelings covered Olya at the same time? (She was ashamed.)

But the mirror believed that the girl would be freed from her bad character traits. And for this, the plot of the fairy tale included many events and heroes with opposite characters who are waging an uncompromising struggle, and Olya faced the problem of choice: which of the heroes to be with? It was in this struggle that the good traits of Olya's character should have been strengthened.

Name the bad characters in the story. What did they look like and what were their personalities? (Topsed VII, was a freak with fish eyes, expressionless, a weak-willed ruler; Nushrok black predatory eyes betray his whole essence; Abazh not only looks like a toad, but is also unpleasant with his cunning, his desire to overthrow the king and seize power; Anidag - rude , cunning, insidious.)

All together they mocked people, mercilessly exploited and deceived them.

Name the positive characters in the story. (Turd, Aksal, Bar.)

- Whose side did Olya take? Was the hope of the mirror justified when it said to her: “I know that you are a good girl and will certainly free yourself from your shortcomings”? (Yes, Olya, along with goodies, fights against evil and despotism and wins. He wins and is reeducated.)

- And what did Olya gradually become? Name those qualities that appeared in her character or manifested themselves, because, perhaps, only for the time being they were hidden deep in her soul, so deeply that, perhaps, she herself did not suspect about them. (Children's answers.)

- Now we can say about Olya that her soul has also become beautiful? (Yes.)

(Reading favorite fragments of the story-tale.)

A. Pushkin owns the words that have become a proverb today: “A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows.”

What has this story taught you? (To be neat, polite, not to lie, to be loyal to friends and help your comrades in trouble. And, probably, to act in such a way that it is not embarrassing to look at yourself from the side.)

III. Blitz poll

1. What book did Olya read? ("Fairy tales".)

2. What magic item helped Olya to find herself in a fairyland? (Mirror.)

3. How did the cook name the girls sitting in the basket? (Pheasant.)

4. What was the name of the tower in which the rulers of the kingdom placed all the inhabitants they did not like? (Tower of Death.)

5. What letter did the Guard look like when he opened the heavy door of the tower for the girls? (On the letter G.)

6. Who did the “pheasants” turn into when the cook changed their clothes? (In pages.)

7. What case of out-of-table multiplication did Olya Topseda Seven teach? (Multiplying 100 by 100.)

9. What hung over the king's throne? (Key to Gurd's shackles.)

10. Who had the second key? (At Abage.)

11. What task did Olya ask the king? (One wise man counted 18 mirrors for 2 days. On the first day he counted 2 times more than on the second. How many mirrors did he count on the first day and how many on the second?) Answer this question. (12 and 6.)

12. What did Nushrok decide when the king postponed Gurd's execution? (Make your daughter queen.)

13. Who hindered him and why? (Abazh. He wanted to make his son king.)

14. Why didn't Abaj give the key to Nushrok? (The key also fit the royal treasury.)

15. How did Olya get to Abazh? (In the carriage with Bar.)

16. Who instead of Gurd remained on the roof of the Tower of Death? (Olya.)

17. Why not Olya, but Nurshok flew off the roof of the tower? (He was afraid of Olya's look.)

- What is this book about?

- What were the shortcomings in Olya's character?

- What did grandmother dream about when Olya behaved badly? (For Olya to see herself from the outside.)

- How did the girl get into the looking glass? (Children's answers.)

Why did the girl remember the proverb “All that glitters is not gold”?

IV. Conversation

V. Characteristics of positive and negative heroes

- What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale, whose portraits you see in the children's drawings.

- What are these heroes: positive or negative?

- Find in the text and read out passages in which the traits of their character are clearly manifested.

- What character traits did Olya find in Yalo?

- Yalo's shortcomings were Olya's shortcomings. What helped the girl to change?

- What character traits did Olya acquire?

- How did Olya return home? How did she meet her grandmother again?

VI. Work with proverbs

Read the proverbs.

. "Not all that glitters is gold."

. "Courage and perseverance is the key to achieving the goal."

. "An old friend is better than two new ones".

. "Fear has big eyes".

. “There is no need to be afraid, you need to spread your mind.”

. "Hurry up and make people laugh."

Which of these proverbs did you come across in a fairy tale?

- Which of them was the motto in Olya's struggle for Gurd's release?

What did this book teach you, what made you think?

VII. Summarizing

Winner's reward ceremony.

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Lesson objectives:


  • Development of the skill of expressive reading;
  • Formation of speech skills and the ability to express one's thoughts orally;
  • Systematization of students' knowledge;
  • Expand the horizons of students; develop speech and imagination;
  • Teach children to use the knowledge gained in the lessons in independent work.
  • Introduce the biography of the author;
  • Arouse interest in the study of V. Gubarev's work.


  • To correct and develop sustainable attention and imagination of students;
  • To replenish the active and passive vocabulary of students;
  • Develop student communication skills.


  • Cultivate interest in reading, a sense of beauty;
  • Promote interest in the subject;
  • To educate universal human values;
  • Learn to observe the text and find in it the main idea of ​​the work.

During the classes

I. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. Slide 2.

Guess the riddle:

The little girl is out of luck:
Here the toad is Abaj, and Olya is Yalo!
But the benefits are great from this country:
You can see yourself from the outside!

II. Setting the topic of the lesson.

Friends, today we will go on a journey through the fabulous country of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. All of you probably remember the adventures of a girl who ended up in a fairyland, where she had to go through many dangerous adventures, similar to those she read about in old fairy tales. Before you is an amazing country and we will go on a fabulous journey, going through trials similar to those we read about in the story. On the way, we will meet the heroes of the story - the fairy tale “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors”.

Gubarev Vitaly Georgievich (1912 - 1981)

Vitaly Georgievich Gubarev was born in Rostov-on-Don in the family of a teacher. The writer's childhood passed on the Bolshaya Kozinka farm. His journalistic life began with the release of school wall newspapers and handwritten magazines. He began typing at the age of 14. In the Rostov magazine "Gorn" his first story "Rotten Tree" was published. At the age of 16, he was admitted to the Russian Association of Proletarian Writers. After graduating from the Higher Courses of Journalism and the Literary Institute. A.M. Gorky, he becomes the editor-in-chief of the Pionerskaya Pravda newspaper. Gubarev travels a lot around the country, meets with children and this helps him when writing books.

In 1932, Gubarev participated in the investigation of the murder of a village boy P. Morozov. The material accumulated as a result of the investigation formed the basis of the story “Pavlik Morozov” (1933).

The writer continues the heroic theme with a story about the Great Patriotic War - "The Sun of Polesye", about the feat of peaceful days - "Montigomo - Hawk Claw" (1965).

Documentary novels are one of the main directions of his work.

In a later period, the writer became interested in the genre of the story - fairy tales. His most famous fairy tale was the book "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". (1951). In 1963, a movie was made based on this story, which became very popular. The true find of the writer was the “mirror words”, the names of the characters: Yalo, Gurd, Abazh. All generations of children use this “cipher”, secretly and playing with familiar words.

In another fabulous country - "In the Kingdom of Far Far Away" - an athlete - a skier Oksana, having become a princess by chance, changes the unjust laws of the kingdom.

The “pirate” tale “Three on an Island” (1959) takes children through dangerous adventures in the fight against negative characters. The history of Ancient Rus' is dedicated to the fairy tales “The Tradition of the Deep Antiquity” and “The Hours of Ages”. Gubarev's style is interesting by combining elements of a fairy tale, historical novels and fantasy.

In his fairy-tale story “The Tradition of the Deep Antiquity”, Gubarev confidently told his readers: “There are such boring people who do not believe in Magic. Don't trust these people, my friend! I even know some wizards: Love, Friendship, Honesty. Nice names, right? Gubarev's works are loved by many generations of children.

IV. Book content quiz. slide 4.

  1. Who is the author of the fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"? Vitaly Gubarev.)
  2. What is the name of the main character in the story? Olya.)
  3. What did Olya eat without the permission of her grandmother? ( Jam and chocolate)
  4. What was the name of Olya's reflection? ( Yalo)
  5. How did Olya and Yalo get to the fairytale city? ( Through a page in a storybook.)
  6. Why couldn't Olya break the mirror through which she entered the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors? ( She would forever remain in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors)
  7. Which staircase led to the city from the top of the hill? ( Glass.)
  8. Name the peculiarity of the glass city. ( Everywhere on the streets and squares there are crooked mirrors.)
  9. What were the countless towers and spiers of the city of Crooked Mirrors built from? Made of colored glass.)
  10. What was in the center of the town square? Fountain.)
  11. Why were curved mirrors needed? ( In order to deceive people - after all, if you look in such a mirror, then life seems beautiful.)
  12. Who did the girls call grandpa? ( Master of Ceremonies.)
  13. How did the girls get into the palace? ( In a food cart for the royal palace.)
  14. Who found the girls in the pheasant basket? (Aunt Aksal.)
  15. Where did Aksal the cook used to work? ( in mirror swamps)
  16. Why did Aunt Aksal call the girls “my pheasants”? ( Because I found them in a pheasant basket.).
  17. What was the name of his Majesty of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors? ( Topped Seven.)
  18. What was the “one important state business” of the king? ( Count the total number of mirrors in the kingdom and become famous for this.)
  19. Who built the Death Tower? ( Nushrok.)
  20. Who is Nushrok? ( master of mirror workshops)
  21. What is the name of the prisoner of the Tower of Death? ( Gourde.)
  22. Why was Gurd put in jail? ( for a broken mirror)
  23. Why did Olya and Yalo want to get to the king without fail? ( In order to ask him to cancel the death sentence handed down by Gurd.)
  24. How did Aunt Aksal manage to arrange a meeting between the girls and the king? ( She got the costumes of the pages, dressed in which, Olya and Yalo were able to get into the palace.)
  25. How did Olya and Yalo introduce themselves to the king? ( Kolya and Yalok.)
  26. In what subject did Olya give a lesson to the king? ( Mathematics.)
  27. By whom did the king appoint the young pages? ( Chief Mathematician and Assistant.)
  28. How did the king promise to pay salaries to Ole and Yalo? ( Chocolate.)
  29. What famous fable does Olya remember in a conversation with the king? ("Elephant and Pug").
  30. What phrase should the king say least often? ( "That was my will.")
  31. What task did Topsed give his pages? ( Count all the mirrors of the kingdom.)
  32. What condition did Olya set in exchange for the fact that she and Yalo would count all the mirrors? ( Postpone the day of Gurd's execution.)
  33. Where did the key to Gurd's chains hang? Above the king's throne.)
  34. For what purpose did Olya and Yalo go to the palace of Minister Abazh? ( Behind the second key from the shackles of Gurd.)
  35. What letter did the body of the guard of the Tower of Death look like when he bowed in front of the pages of His Majesty? ( On the letter "G".)
  36. Who came to Anidag when Olya and Yalo were in her castle? ( Minister Noushrok.)
  37. What family ties connected Minister Nushrok and the beautiful lady Anidag? ( Anidag - daughter of Nushrok.)
  38. What powerful weapon did Minister Nushroq possess? With a killer look.)
  39. How did Yalo find out about the underground passage connecting the Anidag and Abazha palaces? ( Overheard the conversation between Anidag and Nushrok.)
  40. What plot was prepared by Nushrok? ( Change power and become king yourself.)
  41. Who did Nushrok decide to make queen? Anidag.)
  42. Why didn't Abaj want to give the key to Nushrok? ( the key fits the storerooms with the state treasury)
  43. What was Nushrok going to produce instead of crooked mirrors? (Weapon.)
  44. How did Olya manage to escape Nushrok? ( She jumped into the river from the window of Anidag Castle.)
  45. Having jumped into the river Olya, the current carried to the waterfall. What saved the girl from death? ( oak branch.)
  46. What predatory animals did Olya meet on her way? ( Jackals.)
  47. Where did the underground passage begin in Anidag Castle? ( In the wine cellar.)
  48. What was the name of Anydag's servant? ( Bar.)
  49. Who took Yalo to the wine cellar? ( Uncle Bar.)
  50. What did Yalo see in the wine cellar? Knight armour.)
  51. How did Yalo get into the underground passage? ( She leaned on the knight's shield, he moved, the walls fell from their place.)
  52. What act of Olya and Yalo so surprised Anidag? ( The girls defended Bar.)
  53. Who took Olya and Yalo to the city to save Gurd? ( Uncle Bar.)
  54. Who is chasing the girls? ( Nushrok.)
  55. How did the Bar and the shepherd block the way for the evil minister? Blocked the road with stones.)
  56. How did Nushrok die? ( Nushrok couldn't stand Olya's gaze and fell off the Tower of Death, breaking into a thousand glass shards..)
  57. How did the girls manage to save Gurd? ( Gurd came out of the Tower of Death in Olya's page suit.)
  58. Who helped the girls save Gurd? ( Aunt Aksal, Uncle Bar.)
  59. Why did Olya stand up for Gurd so resolutely? ( She knew: you can not leave a person in trouble without help.)
  60. Olya's favorite word before the trip? ("think about it!")

V. Whose songs are these.

"The appetite of the king, Slide 5.
Oh, great, tra-la-la-la!
He loves to eat very much
The whole day in the kitchen ringing!” (cook)

“And if a difficult hour comes, slide 6.
Don't be discouraged, friend!
Let the darkness, let the night - step forward
...And remember our flag!” (Olina)

“Great things are ahead of us, Slide 7.
But believe our truth, brothers!
Down with crooked mirrors!
Let's burn down, destroy the Tower of Death!" (mirrors)

VI. Crossword. slide 8.

The highlighted cells should contain the name of the magical thing that helped Olya get into the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors and return home from there.

  1. The title of the book that Yalo gave to Olya. (Xxax)
  2. Ruler of the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. (Topsed)
  3. The owner of all the mirror workshops of the kingdom. (Nushrok)
  4. The kindest character in the story. (Aksal)
  5. The owner of all the rice fields of the kingdom. (Abazh)
  6. The main character of the story. (Olya)
  7. The one who looked like the owner of all the mirror workshops. (kite )

What is this thing?

VII. Guess the character.

A girl in a black apron, with a red tie around her neck, two blond braids with a bow and big blue eyes. She considered herself very beautiful and therefore, being in front of a mirror, she could not tear herself away from it for a long time. ( Olya.)

“Little freak. The flattened head is always lowered; thick lips stretched almost to the very ears were always moving, as if he were talking to himself. Colorless, expressionless, fish eyes. It was difficult for weak legs to carry a heavy body.” ( Topsed Seventh.)

“A fat man, as if consisting of two balls, dressed in a green suit embroidered with gold. The large ball was a torso with four limbs, and the small ball was a bald head with a puffy face. His bulging greenish narrowed eyes covered dark and wrinkled eyelids, like those of a toad. ( Minister Abage.)

Someone sighed long and sadly. And when this “someone” spoke, his voice turned out to be beautiful and ringing, as if crystal pieces of glass had hit each other. ( Magic mirror.)

The nose of this man is bent down like a beak, and black and predatory eyes pierce everyone through and through. ( Nushrok.)

Two little pages in velvet suits, with magnificently curled blond hair, entered the deserted hall of the palace. Clinking their sparkling shoes on the crystal parquet, the pages approached the huge dining table and stood on the sides of the king's chair. ( Olya and Yalo.)

A woman rode on a thin-legged white horse. She was wearing a long black dress with a light scarf draped over her shoulders. Her melodious voice was like a bell, and her black sparkling eyes looked out from under large, curled up eyelashes in surprise and inquiringly. ( Anidag.)

In the very corner, crouching behind a barrel, stood a man. He was wearing a metal helmet and armor, and a lowered visor covered his face. In one hand, the man held a shield, on which Yalo saw a coat of arms with a kite, and in the other, a spear. ( Knightly armor in the Anidag cellar.)

VIII. What kind of place is it?

According to the fragment read out by the teacher, the children must determine the place where the action takes place.

Here in front of him was the wall of a long structure of black glass, lit from within by some kind of flickering lights. Smoke billowed from the wide door. It was a dark, smoke-filled room. In the semi-darkness, the fires of some furnaces flared up. Barely visible in the smoke, like ghosts, half-naked men and youths were moving, busy with incomprehensible work. ( Mirror making workshop.)

In front of them stretched the square, which was surrounded by beautiful houses of yellow, red, blue and white glass. Beautiful ladies in long silk dresses and gentlemen in thin gold-embroidered suits walked around the fountain, from which transparent jets flew high into the sky. Falling to the ground, these jets turned into glass, broke into millions of sparkling fragments and filled the air with musical ringing. ( City in the kingdom.)

The stairs went up steeply. Frightened by the noise of footsteps and the light of a torch, bats darted about in the darkness, filling the air with trembling and rustling. Two greenish eyes flashed and disappeared in the darkness, someone laughed wildly and cried, and an endless echo flew along the flights of stairs, repeating these terrible sounds. ( Staircase in the Tower of Death.)

The castle was built on top of a rock that rose from a mountain river. Waves washed over this rock from all sides. ( Anidag Castle.)

Far, far below Olya saw a huge mirror. It began at the foot of the mountain on which she stood, and went beyond the horizon, merging with the sky. Mountains, sun, clouds reflected in the mirror. It was very beautiful. ( Rice fields of Abage.)

IX. Whose words are these? And to whom are they addressed?

“I'm glad I broke that crooked mirror. At least one false mirror will be less in the world! That's why you're placing those damned mirrors all over the city to deceive the people! Only no one believes in your mirrors!” ( Gurd - Nushroku)

“You needn't worry. At home, no one will notice that you are not. Even if you stay here for a whole thousand years.” ( Yalo - Ole)

"Don't you think we'll achieve something if we take the crown off an ugly doll and put it on a beautiful doll." ( Abaj - Nushroku)

“Okay, just don’t give me a solution. I like to reach everything myself, with my own mind. So, one fool counted 18 mirrors for two days...” ( Topsed - Ole)

X. Summing up the lesson.

What did Olya understand after visiting the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors? ( Sometimes small flaws can get in the way in difficult times.)

What helped Olya get rid of many of her shortcomings? ( She looked down at herself.)

How has Olya's character changed after visiting the fairyland? ( She became obedient, stopped being rude to her grandmother)

1 slide 22.

If you have a mirror in your hands,
Can you read this proverb?
How to read, quickly guess
Well, try to remember it.

(There is nothing to blame on the mirror if the face is crooked)

How do you understand this proverb?

- "A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it - a lesson for good fellows ", - said Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

What does the fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors" teach you? ( you have to be careful, put everything in its place, always tell the truth, be polite with adults).

At the end of the lesson, I would like to advise you: Always act in such a way that you are not ashamed to look at yourself from the side."

XI. Homework.

Write in the vertical rows of figures the words that are the answers to the questions posed. The letters of the horizontal row will make it easier to solve the problem.

1. The book that Olya read in bed until late.

2. The mirror boy that the girls rescued from the Tower of Death.

3. What did Olya have on her right cheek, and what did Yalo have on her left?

4. The leg that Olya rubbed while going to the palace.

5. The class in which Olya studied.

6. What Olya was afraid of more than anything.

7. What did the girls hide in in order to enter the palace on a cart?

8. Arithmetic operation, with the help of which the mirror problem was solved.

9. Minister with a nose like a kite's beak.

10. What did the girls lose when they went to rescue Gurd?

11. Who did not let the girls into the palace, standing in front of the gate?

12. The name of the girl that Olya met behind the mirror.

13. Minister, similar to a toad.

Answers: 1. Fairy tales. 2. Gurd. 3. Mole. 4. Left. 5. Fifth. 6. Darkness. 7. Basket. 8. Multiplication. 9. Nushrok. 10. Key. 11. Guards. 12. Yalo. 13. Abage

In this article we will talk about the story "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors". The summary of this book is unlikely to be able to convey the extraordinary atmosphere into which you are immersed, getting into a fairy-tale land with the girl Olya. Rereading this work as an adult can certainly benefit greatly.

Why should adults read this book?

The author of this wonderful work is Vitaly Gubarev ("The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors"). We will now try to convey a brief summary of this book. It is also useful to read it to someone who was a child twenty or thirty years ago. Firstly, reading children's books greatly cleanses the soul, makes the perception of the surrounding reality more vivid. Secondly, living in constant work and worries, we forget that first of all we need to work on ourselves. Thirdly, such reading allows an adult to plunge into the atmosphere of a sunny, carefree childhood, to remember those days when it was not Marya Ivanovna who leafed through this book, but a second-grade student, a girl with perky pigtails - Masha.

So, the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors. The summary of this book will give you the opportunity to understand that it is a must read for your children.

What can a book teach a child?

This fairy tale, like any other, can give a lot to children. It is important that these will not be parental edifications, but a lively, fascinating journey to a magical land.

Children 7-8 years old can not always assess the correctness of their actions. Help them learn to analyze their actions. They can easily cope if they fall into the hands of the fairy tale "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors."

Vitaly Gubarev creates an amazing feeling of magic. The names of his heroes are what, by the way, children really like. Anidag, Nushrok, Abazh will definitely make a child smile.

A few words about the author

The birthplace of Vitaly Georgievich Gubarev is Rostov-on-Don. His childhood passed on the Bolshaya Kozinka farm. The creative life of the writer began with the issue and magazines. His first story "Rotten Tree" was published when Vitaly was 14 years old. Upon graduation, the young writer gets a job as chief editor of a children's newspaper.

Among his most famous works are the following: "Pavlik Morozov", "The Sun of Polissya". These books are written by the author about the fate of children during the war.

Passion for writing fairy tales is a later stage of the writer's work. The author's most famous fairy tale is "The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors", a summary of which you will soon learn.

A little about the movie based on Gubarev's fairy tale

The phrase "summary of the work" The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors "" certainly evokes memories of the famous Soviet film, staged based on this fairy tale by Alexander Row in 1963. The roles of the main characters in the film were played by nine-year-old twin sisters Tanya and Olya Yukina, students of the 337th Moscow school. The girl Olya, of course, was played by a sister with the same name. The role of Yalo went to Tanya. The shooting took place in the Crimea, where the girls went with their mother.

"The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors": a summary

At the beginning of the book, a naughty third-grade student Olya, chasing a cat, ends up through a mirror in a fairy-tale land. Finding herself in a wonderful kingdom, Olya magically saw herself from the outside, as her grandmother wanted. In this country, the girl meets Yalo, her reflection. Her shortcomings coincide with the weaknesses that the heroine herself has. So Olya was able to see what she really is.

In this kingdom, everything is fake, they make crooked mirrors. It's all fake all around. The king has the only even mirror. The names of the inhabitants of the magical land are inverted words. The king's name is Yagupop, his advisor is Nushrok. Names characterize these characters and make it clear what they are. Hypocritical associates pretend to believe in an illusory mirror world. Anyone who is dissatisfied with such a policy is punished. Mirrorman Gurd tries to rebel, for which he ends up in the Tower of Death. He is sentenced to death.

The girls decide to save Gurd. The kind cook Askal helps them to change into pages. The main character and her reflection enter the palace and get the key. The girls rush to help Gurd. It turns out that the key is lost. We have to look for a second copy, which is kept by the most important minister named Abaj. The girls get it too. Overcoming many obstacles, they win. It also turns out that Yalo simply couldn't find the first key in her pocket. The girls infiltrate the tower, rescue Gurd and sing a song. All evil rulers turn into animals.

At the end of the tale, Olya gets home, and her grandmother sees that her granddaughter was finally able to see how she looks from the outside.

As a child, everyone dreams of getting into a magical land created by the amazing writer Vitaly Gubarev. “The Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors” (you have now learned the summary of this book) is a symbol of childhood for many residents of our country.

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