Draw a donkey with a pencil. Draw a donkey ia forum is closed


A long time ago, or rather, for King Peas, the donkeys were wild, and primordially did not differ from a horse in any way, except for their size. And everything would be fine if homo sapiens had not come. You can’t just take and not master wild animals. More precisely, to enslave. People have always wanted someone to do the hard work for them. The other person needs to be paid a lot, but the poor donkey agrees to work for food. More precisely, he does not agree, he just has no choice. In this lesson I will tell you how to draw a donkey with a pencil and more interesting facts about them. Odd-hoofed in our life with you:

  • In society, it is customary to call a stupid (stubborn) person a donkey, but the history of such a comparison is hidden, and the animal is not such a stupid creature. On the contrary, this animal is an example of diligence and endurance. Why he is so disliked is beyond me.
  • Every home PC running a small-software firm's operating system has a browser to download browsers. It is called Internet Explorer, and the people - Donkey.
  • There is a philosophical paradox called Buridan's donkey. The animal is presented with two identical portions of water or food, and it must rationally choose one. Leibniz almost convinced everyone that in this case the animal would not be able to correctly assess the situation and would die of starvation.
  • Albinos are even among donkeys. The white subtype of this animal lives only on the island of Asinara, in whole flocks. It is fair that the island was turned into a national park back in 1997.

Let's move on to drawing.

How to draw a donkey with a pencil step by step

Step one. Let's outline the location of the donkey's body on paper using circles.
Step two. With another circle we will draw a place for one eye, since we have a side view, we will draw a mouth and a nose with short lines, and we will make a small preparation of the tail.
Step three. Let's circle the entire body with a thick line, at the same time draw a full tail. Let's draw the eye itself. And add a little mane.
Step four. We erase the auxiliary lines with a leaf.
Step five. Add six all over the body, and also shade the area under the hooves.
I hope everything worked out for you. Attach your work below in the comments, and also write what other animals you want to draw. I recommend trying again.

Fine art has been around for a long time. Man has been drawing since ancient times. At first, it was a kind of chronicle on the walls of the caves, in which he tried to reflect the main points from the life of the tribe. With the invention of writing, the drawing has not lost its informativeness. With the help of drawing, we still convey our feelings, emotions and what surrounds us. Everyone does it in their own way. Someone's drawing, like a camera, conveys everything exactly to the smallest detail, while someone has no idea how to draw a donkey, not to mention more complex compositions.

Yes, like any skill, drawing is not for everyone. And although we all come from childhood, in adulthood, even simple image skills are lost for many. But you can learn. And even if your paintings will not be sold at auctions for millions of dollars, you can definitely depict something simple.

learn how to draw realistically

To learn how to draw, you need to start with the simplest. A little later, having worked out and consolidated the basic skills, you can try more complex drawings with many details and composition. Let's start with simple lines and sketches, gradually drawing every detail. Let's depict parts of the animal's body in the form of geometric shapes: circles, ovals, triangles. With this approach, it is much easier to understand how to draw a donkey yourself. Perhaps this method will seem a little strange, and your donkey will not immediately become like himself. But experienced artists do this too, so remember.

Draw step by step

First, take a pencil and a sheet of paper and determine where the animal will be located in the drawing. We draw a small oval - the head of the future donkey. To it we add ears on the sides. They can be long and droop. But if you wish, you can raise them up, like a hare, or lower one a little. Imagine and reflect it on paper. Now let's draw the details of the muzzle: let's designate the eyes, nostrils and mouth. You can depict it slightly ajar so that the teeth are visible. So the drawing will be more realistic.

We continue. Next draw the torso. In an ordinary donkey, it is oblong. But if you want the drawing to be funny, you can draw a well-fed character. Then under the head a little lower, at a distance, we draw not an oval, but a circle. When learning how to draw a donkey in stages, you should clearly follow the instructions, moving from one stage to the next. This makes it easier to remember the main points.

So, now let's add a couple of curved lines to the torso. This is the neck. Connect it to the head. Ready? Admire the result and add a mane to your artiodactyl. We remind you that from a distance it looks like a brush. And in front, draw a funny bang.

Now it's time to draw the legs. There is nothing easier in the task of how to draw a donkey than drawing legs. Two in the front, two in the back, four in total. The donkey moves on hooves, they also need to be reflected. Did you forget about the tail? It has a tassel at the end. You can slightly raise it, then you get a cheerful donkey.

You need to start drawing in a good mood. Then everything is clear and easy, and the picture is a solid positive. And it doesn’t matter if at first you can’t keep the proportions. Everyone goes through this.

If you train constantly, the situation will change. Over time, you yourself will be able to teach others how to draw a donkey and a nightingale, as well as other animals and birds.

Well, our donkey is ready. True, so far this is only a sketch. Now you need to clearly outline its outline and carefully remove a simple pencil from the paper.


But that is not all. After all, a donkey cannot hang in the air. He walks on the ground and nibbles grass. So, in the task of how to draw a donkey, additional elements appear. Let's try to sketch a simple composition. The donkey is grazing in the meadow, the sun is shining from above, clouds are running across the sky, trees are growing on the sides and a brook is murmuring. All this is easy to draw, even a child can handle it. And now let's do everything in color. Decorate with watercolors or colored pencils. It turned out beautiful, right? That's all for today.

Often, in a fit of anger, we say “stubborn as a donkey!”, thereby attributing to this animal such negative qualities as stupidity and stubbornness. Actually this is not true. Donkeys are quite intelligent creatures, moreover, very able-bodied. We dedicate our lesson to this particular animal.

How to draw a donkey step by step

And we will begin our lesson by explaining how to draw a donkey in stages:

Stage 1
Draw an oval that will serve as the body. Draw a slightly rising line from it. Then draw an inverted arch. You should get something like this:

Stage 2
As you already understood, the inverted arch is a sketch of the head. Continue working with the head: depict the ears with zigzag lines. Then draw two small ones to the large arch, as shown in the figure below:

Stage 3
Draw an eye in the form of a curl and a nostril that looks like a comma. Draw the neck, then the legs and hooves of the donkey. Gradually draw the entire body. Draw a mane on the head with short strokes.

Stage 4
Erase the auxiliary lines and circle the outline. Add even more strokes for the density of the mane. Darken the brush on the tail and draw the eyebrow.

Donkey Eeyore

“He goes in and out. Comes out great!” Do you know whose words these are? Of course, the famous character from the Soviet cartoon. Let's see how to draw Eeyore.

Draw the outline of the head in the form. Outline 2 circles for the eyes, divide the muzzle with an arc. Draw pupils and dark eyelids. Show the nostrils as two dots.

Draw long ears, draw a donkey's hair with a bold pencil, and also draw raised sad eyebrows.

The next thing to do is draw the body of the donkey. First draw the legs that are in the foreground, and then the other two. On the body, draw a line dividing the color.

Eeyore the donkey has lost his tail. Therefore, it is not necessary to depict the tail, but immediately proceed to coloring.

Draw a donkey with a pencil

Try to draw a donkey with a pencil, guided by the following instructions.

The first thing to do is to sketch with a hard pencil some basic shapes that will define the main contours of the animal. Draw a circle for the head, a large oval for the body, and another circle for the back of the animal. Without pressing down on the pencil, add an arc shape to the circumference of the head to outline the shape of the muzzle.

Add some important details: ears, mane, legs and tail. Draw a shadow on a horizontal surface.

Erase the unnecessary pencil. Draw dividing lines on the muzzle with a light pencil. They will help to symmetrically depict all the details of the muzzle. Draw the eyes, nostrils and mouth section. Shade the ears, and darken their tips. Add more strokes with a bold pencil on the mane.

It remains only to pay attention to hatching, as well as the imposition of light and shade. See how it's done in the pictures.

Donkey and nightingale

And now I would like to recall the donkey from Krylov's fable. He undertook to judge the singing of the nightingale, and distinguished himself by stupidity and lack of taste. Let's try to draw a picture for the fable "The Donkey and the Nightingale".

Draw big round eyes, and from them already draw a muzzle. Draw the nostrils massive and the front teeth protruding from the mouth.

To illustrate a fable, you do not need to observe proportions, on the contrary, make your donkey disproportionate.

With small strokes draw a mane, and then a protruding tail. This is such a stupid donkey.

sitting donkey

A cheerful and stupid donkey is shown in the cartoon about Shrek. Usually he is very mobile, but then he decided to rest and sit down. You can watch a tutorial video on how to draw a sitting donkey. By following the artist's step-by-step instructions, you will be able to draw a wonderful drawing.


Let's take a closer look at how to draw a donkey's head.

First, sketch the general contours. At this stage, you need to use a light pencil, as you may have to erase and redraw several times.

This concludes our lesson. And you, do not be stubborn, like this character, but try to draw and every time you will get better! Good luck!

Today we will draw a donkey. At first glance, it is noticeable that the donkey is in many ways reminiscent of a horse, and our happiness is that with an experienced eye one can still find significant differences. Our donkey turned to the audience in three quarters - a very convenient angle to understand its structure.

I find it difficult to say which part of the donkey prevails in terms of mass distribution, because at first glance it is clear that the front and hind legs are of the same length, the withers and croup are approximately at the same level. The body is long and approximately uniform in thickness. The back is slightly arched, and the stomach, on the contrary, is somewhat convex.

In general, it turns out that a donkey is proportionately built stronger and will be fatter than a horse (although there are many breeds of horses, I mean the average type of horse). The donkey's legs are thin and long, this applies to both the front and back pairs. It even looks funny that such a powerful body is supported by such relatively thin legs. The neck of this animal is short, and the head is very large. Let's see how the muzzle of a donkey differs from that of a horse. Firstly, towards the nose, the donkey's muzzle tapers much more significantly than, and on the contrary, the donkey's nose is larger and thicker than the horse's. Compared to a donkey, of course, a horse, even a pony, cannot have such a huge head. And of course, a significant difference is the rather long erect ears. When the general outlines of the animal are ready, we will work out the details.

Take a closer look, the figure clearly shows the arrangement of donkey legs. The hoof should be wider than the leg and it should be solid (donkey and horse are odd-toed ungulates). There is a thickening at the transition point of the chest to the neck - convey this place in the picture correctly. And now let's deal with the most difficult - the head.

The eyes of the donkey are large, as are the nostrils located at the end of the muzzle, on the sides of the head there are thickenings like cheeks. A neat mane will add charm to our gray-colored pet - and now the donkey is ready.

We fix the topic and draw another donkey, it will be in a different position - "The donkey eats!" At the same time, we will make a coloring donkey and draw it.

Or maybe he hasn't found food yet, but he's trying to find it. He walks at a leisurely pace and looks for grass (I hope - NOT a thistle, we can do without thorns).

We draw in stages: first a massive body.

Now the front legs are slender and beautiful. Observe all joints and folds!

Hind legs. Notice how the left leg is bent in front of the hoof - what is he up to?

Well, there is a torso - we finish drawing a powerful neck and a large long-eared head: Donkey coloring page.

Hello dear users! I liked the idea of ​​drawing characters from the cartoon "Shrek". As you remember, yesterday we learned how to draw Puss in Boots. And today I'll show you how to draw another character from this animated film. Meet Donkey!!!

Donkey - talkative, curious, always and everywhere sticks his nose into other people's business. For this, he constantly gets from Shrek, whom Donkey annoys with his irrepressible chatter throughout the journey. And if not for the quick wit and sweet spontaneity of the Donkey, he would have been expelled long ago. But, thanks to his charm, enterprise and determination, Donkey not only guides Shrek in the strange and incomprehensible world of people, but also becomes his right hand, and, as a result, a true true friend.

Traveling with Shrek, Donkey sometimes shows not the best qualities of his character - cowardice, boastfulness, inflated conceit, a desire to shift his blame to another. But at the same time, the best qualities are revealed in his character - friendly support, quick wits, the ability to reason logically, eloquence and persuasion.

The friendship of Donkey and Shrek leads to the fact that they complement each other. The donkey helps Shrek to overcome his doubts and insecurities, to understand difficult life situations, inspiring him to exploits. Shrek, in turn, re-educates the Donkey, helping to get rid of cowardice, deceit, the desire to live at the expense of others.

The friendship between Donkey and Shrek mutually enriches their natures, makes them better and nobler. As a result of joint participation in adventures, Donkey is attached with all his heart to Shrek and can no longer do without him. He even calls Shrek Don Quixote - a fighter for justice. And he assigns himself the role of a faithful companion of Sancho Panso. Donkey's erudition and intelligence make him one of the most charming characters, contrary to the conventional wisdom that donkeys are stupid. The donkey, as the most groovy character, is full of vitality, endowed with a wonderful sense of humor, wit and a kind heart.

I must say that the Donkey is in a marital relationship with the Dragon, and once even turned into a horse.

By the way, an interesting fact: the movements of the Donkey in the film were modeled by the animators based on the movements of a dog - with the exception of the chase scene at the beginning of the film, in which the movements of the Donkey were modeled on the movements of a rabbit.

Step 1. In the first step, we will draw the guide lines and shapes that together will form a solid frame for our Donkey. Let's start by drawing a circle for the head, two "antennas" for the ears, and a large oval for the body. After that, draw small circles for the hooves, knees and tail.

Step 2 In the next step we will draw the ears, eyes, eyebrows and mouth. Then we will begin to draw out part of the neck and front leg. After that, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3 Now we'll draw the donkey's teeth, then add a small neck line on the right. After that, finish drawing the front legs and designate the tassel of the tail.

Step 4. This is the last step of our today's lesson. Now we will detail the individual parts of the drawing. Let's draw the inside of the ears, draw the eyes, paint over the mouth, nostrils. At the end of the stage, we will delete all the lines that we drew in the first stage.

Step 5 OK it's all over Now! Our cheerful and always cheerful Donkey is ready! It remains only to color it and add it to the collection of your drawings. On this I round off. I look forward to your comments and… see you soon! ^_^

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