The real name of the actor is at the bottom. Characteristics of the main characters of the work At the bottom, Gorky


Literary quotes in the speech of the Actor (based on the play by M. Gorky "At the Bottom")

Reminiscences, small quotes, references to works, literary heroes in the monologues of the characters in the play "At the Bottom" - a kind of author's technique that subtly reveals the character's character.

The actor is in place and cleverly includes small quotes from works of art, poetic lines in his speech, likens his life to the fate of Shakespeare's heroes, Beranger.

He repeatedly refers to "Hamlet", recalls "King Lear", quotes Beranger's poems, pronounces a line from Pushkin's "The Drowned Man" ("Our nets dragged a dead man"), attributing it to Beranger.

The literary associations that arise in the Actor not only speak of his theatrical past, but also give an idea of ​​the hero's spiritual world, his painful thoughts about his fate.

Hamlet, King Lear, obviously, are dear to the Actor by the drama of their destinies, the nobility of characters, Beranger's poems - by sympathy for the outcasts and the destitute.

The Actor's appeal to Lear is full of meaning.

The actor wants to believe in the possibility of recovery and return to the stage. At the same time, there is no conviction that the hope is feasible. This internal struggle of faith and doubt is shown by M. Gorky with unusual subtlety. Let me give you a piece of text as an example.

"-Actor. I am leaving, leaving ... spring will come - and I am no more ... "

Here, I believe, we are not talking about leaving Kostylev's rooming house. This is where the idea of ​​suicide comes in. Let's pay attention to the sentence "... I am no more ...". Not at all! The offer has not been completed. Can an Actor regret not being in a rooming house in the spring? But to establish yourself in the idea that life will continue to flow, and you will not be, is painfully difficult! And it’s not dirty bunks that rise in my memory, but what is dearest to a person: spring as the personification of life ...

But the actor drives away the thought of death. Maybe there is still hope for recovery? And he builds castles in the air: “You see, there is a hospital ... for drunkards ... An excellent hospital ... Light ... cleanliness, food ... everything is for nothing! ... - he says to Natasha. - I will find it, I will be cured and ... I will be again ... "

Then follow the words full of sad irony: "I am on the way to rebirth ... as ... the king ... Lear said!". At the cost of pain and suffering, Lear was reborn as a man. But, realizing the evil reigning in the world, Lear perishes from this evil.

Lack of understanding, discontinuity of speech well convey the influx of thoughts, confusion of the Actor's feelings.

Actor's analogies are significant, fraught with significant subtext. At the end of the second act, the Actor, shocked by the death of Anna, is looking for some kind of support, he calls Luka: “Old man! Over here, my faithful Kent…” Yes, Kent

loyal to Lear, but he could not prevent the death of the king ... Moreover, Kent even believes that the death of Lear will save him from further suffering.

There is little hope for the Actor in Luka if he remembers Kent...

It is important to pay attention to the following words of the Actor: "This pit will be my grave ... I am dying, weak and frail."

This is the accurately quoted beginning of Beranger's poem "The Old Tramp". The plot of this poetic novel is a sad story about how the life of a simple person has dramatically developed. The ability to work honestly proved futile. In order not to die of hunger, the tramp is forced to steal and rob. Summing up the results of a dramatic life, he speaks of the deceitfulness of bourgeois freedoms, calls for "revenge on people."

The actor recalls the "Old Tramp" when Satin talks about the illusory nature of his dream of returning to a new life.

"Satin. ...It's all the old man who screwed the Actor ... you understand, baron?

Baron. The old man is stupid...

Actor. Ignorant! Savages!... People without a heart! You will see - he will leave! "Fat, gloomy minds" ... (a line from Beranger's poem "Gastronomers") He - will find a place for himself ... where there is no .. no .. "

The actor, in all likelihood, has already decided to commit suicide. That's where this statement comes from. Yes, there is “nothing” there: no joy, no suffering.

The lines "this pit will be my grave", perhaps the final verdict


And the “gloomy minds” whom the Actor calls on to “overeat” are satiated people, unable to create spiritual values, to experience the true joys of life.

The actor passes away as a hardened man who has not forgiven his offenses, just as the hero of Beranger's poem did not forgive them.

The Actor's appeal to artistic images, their comprehension enriches our understanding of him as a person who is acutely experiencing his fall.

The life of a beggar, a hunted person was surprisingly similar to the fate of many inhabitants of the Kostylev basement. His confession reinforced the impression of the hopelessness of their fate.

Life did not spare the tramp from the work of Beranger, she did not spare Kleshch, Tatarin and other "people of the bottom."

The actor is one of the inhabitants of the rooming house. The real name of the hero is unknown; in one scene, he laments that he "lost his name." Stage name A. in the past - Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky. A. is a drunkard who constantly recalls his acting past and quotes various literary works. Luke A., who appeared in the rooming house, tries to read poetry, but cannot remember them and repents that he “drank away his soul”. A. believes Luke's story about an alleged free hospital for alcoholics. He recalls and recites a passage from Beranger's poem that is directly related to the problem of the "comforting lie" posed in the play. A. tries to refrain from drinking, begins to work and save money for the road in order to recover and start life anew. After the disappearance of Luka, A. realizes that there are no real hopes for salvation, and commits suicide - hangs himself. The fate of A. is clearly associated with the fate of the hero of the “parable of the righteous land”, which Luke tells to the shelters.

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  1. New!

Young people tend to build "castles in the air", dream about something. Few people in their youth come up with the idea that they will not achieve anything in life, will drag out a miserable existence, or even sink to the very "bottom" of life. Most often, people dream of eternal love, glory, a comfortable life, serving the people and simple human happiness. M. Gorky's play "At the bottom" is just about such people, people who were "at the bottom".

Initially, the play had another no less telling name "Without the Sun". Then this name was transformed into "Nochlezhka". But this option was also rejected by the author. After much deliberation, a new version is approved - "At the bottom of life." Just before the play's release, in 1902, the title was shortened by one word. In the final version, the name turned out to be the most suitable of all previously announced. The play reflects many of the contradictions of the early twentieth century. It reflects both social and philosophical conflict. There is also a place for love drama. The action of the play takes place in the Kostylevs' rooming house, where "everything is unpainted and dirty", "stone vaults ... with fallen off plaster". The inhabitants of the “bottom” - the inhabitants of the Kostylevo rooming house - were thrown out of their ranks by society. The “bottom” threatens stumbled, weak, unsettled people with moral or physical death. Here were people with different characters, destinies and different social origins: a worker and a thief, a ruined baron and a drunken actor, a woman of easy virtue and a righteous woman. At the first meeting with the inhabitants of the rooming house, it is clear that suffering and very lonely people appear before us. Gorky deliberately does not give a complete biography of the heroes. We can build it only by individual replicas. So what can we say about each hero?

In general, all the inhabitants of the rooming house can be divided into three groups. The first are those who have come to terms with the status quo. Having found a saving dream, false and unrealizable in its essence, they found an excuse for themselves in the rejection of an active life position. The second are those people who would like to start a new life, to get out of the "bottom". And the third, last image is Satin, taken separately from the others. Let's now consider each group separately.

Representatives of the first group are Bubnov, Nastya, Baron, Actor and Anna. We learn about Bubnov from his stories: once he was the owner of a dyeing workshop. His wife soon got along with the master, and Bubnov, fearing for his life, chose to simply leave. According to his theory, the very environment in which a person is placed forms the latter, makes him completely dependent on himself. The truth of Bubnov is the truth of external circumstances, in which a person is denied personal initiative. Here we see a true adherent of fatalism. The environment that surrounds him is vile and dirty. There are no good people here, and therefore there is nothing to "paint" yourself.

Nastya is a girl of easy virtue. Despite all the cruelty, humiliation and insults, she did not despair, did not become cruel and soulless. On the contrary, she sincerely dreams of great and bright love. But in the real, surrounding reality, there is no place for pure love, except for its face value on paper. Not wanting to take a sober look at reality, she created a past for herself, in which supposedly "lived" great and pure love. She presents her created world as real.

Baron - just like Nastya lives in the past, but unlike her, it really took place. From time to time, remembering his former state, his famous family, the Baron is unable to deal with the difficult reality. He finds salvation from memories and bitterness of loss at the bottom of a glass. The author's attitude to such a hero is expressed by the following phrase: "You can't go far in the carriage of the past." So it is: the Baron's "carriage" stands still, and he himself does not take any steps to change his life.

The actor is another inhabitant of the rooming house. The real name of the hero is not known. In the past, he was a representative of the creative intelligentsia, but now he is just a man with no name. Remembering the former glory, each time he paints it in brighter colors than it really was. Saved from the bitter "truth of life" as well as the previous hero - drunkenness.

The most pathetic and tragic character, in my opinion, is Anna. She is the hardest of all: she is sick and fading away every day. Gorkovskaya Anna is a collective image of an ordinary woman of the early twentieth century. She describes her life as follows: “I don’t remember when I was full ... I was shaking over every piece of bread ... I was trembling all my life ... I was tormented ... how not to eat more than others ... I went all my life in rags ... my whole unhappy life. "Most likely she was born in an ordinary poor family.Then she got married, rather not so much out of love as out of necessity.The image of Anna is rather neutral, characterizing the general mass of gray people: who do not do evil in life, but are not a bright image either.She completely resigned herself with the surrounding reality, relying only on happiness in the afterlife.

All these people, having sunk to the very "bottom" after many hardships, became ruthless both to themselves and to others. In response to their complaints, they receive only laughter and bullying from others. The Baron, who lives at the expense of Nastya, is amused by her fantasies and tears. Everyone is closed in his grief and leads an endless story about him, not listening to those who may also need help.

The only one who believes in the ability to escape, to escape from the "bottom" is Kleshch, a representative of the second group. Yes, he is angry with people, sometimes cruel with Anna - his wife. But the only one who sees salvation in exhausting, hard, but honest work: "I'm a working person... I'm ashamed to look at them... I've been working since I was young... Do you think I won't get out of here? I'll get out... I'll rip off my skin and get out."

And finally, the third, last group. Its only representative is Konstantin Satin. Why does he stand out from the rest? He is the bearer of the philosophy of the truth of life in a dispute with Luke. In his opinion, one should not give up, it is necessary to openly look at troubles and try to solve them. All we know about him is that in the present he is a card sharper. Previously, he worked as a telegraph operator, but after the crime committed by him, he ended up at the "bottom". In many ways, he stands out against the background of the general mass of "gray" rooming houses: with his remarks, education and intelligence. In a dispute with Luke, they are united by the fact that both stand on positions of respect for a person. But everyone sees it differently. Satin, in his fiery monologue, claims that "falsehood is the religion of slaves and masters. Truth is the God of a free man." He is also against any compassion for a person: "You must respect a person! Do not pity ... do not humiliate him with pity." And therefore, apparently, he opens everyone's eyes to Luka's deceit: the Actor assures that there are no free hospitals for alcoholics, Vaska Ash is jokingly pushing him to crime. And what was the end result of this truth? To the death of the Actor and the exile of Ashes to Siberia. That's the whole truth of Konstantin Satin.
Bed-and-breakfasts appear before us miserable and miserable. None of them could get out of the "bottom", could not change anything in themselves. And so they all remained to live out their short life "at the bottom".

The play "At the Bottom" was created by Maxim Gorky specifically for the troupe of the Art Theater, and initially did not look in the eyes of the author as an independent literary work. However, the power of psychological embodiment, the sharp, to some extent even scandalous, theme of the work, brought the play "At the Bottom" to the rank of the strongest dramatic works.

"At the bottom" is a peculiar continuation of the theme of the humiliated and insulted in Russian literature. The author tells about the thoughts and feelings of people who, by the will of circumstances, found themselves at the very bottom of society. The very title of the work contains the deepest meaning, which very accurately reflects the theme of the play.

The main images and heroes of the play "At the bottom"

From the first pages of the drama "At the Bottom" a dark and unpleasant picture unfolds before us. The dark, dirty basement, which looks more like a primeval cave, is the home of many people who, for various reasons, found themselves at the bottom of social life. Many of them were rich successful people in the past, who broke down under the pressure of fate, many continue their beggarly existence here.

All of them are bound by the same fetters, which consist in the absence of any spiritual and cultural development. The inhabitants of the rooming house are tired of struggling with difficulties and obediently swim along the life stream. Gorky vividly depicts lost people who will never be able to rise from the "bottom".

Thief Vaska Pepel does not try to change his life values, saying that he continues the thieves' path of his parents. The actor, who, in fact, was one of the most thinking inhabitants of the rooming house, unable to put his philosophical thoughts into practice, finally becomes an inveterate drunkard.

Died in terrible agony Anna, who still firmly believed until the last moment of her life in recovery. But like every society, even at its very bottom there was a person who tried to reassure and kindle the fire of faith in the souls of the destitute.

The priest was such a hero Luke. He tried to instill faith in people in salvation, pushed them to feel the strength in themselves and get out of the bottom of society. However, no one heard him. After the death of the priest, the existence of people became even more unbearable, they lost that weak thin thread of hope that was still in their souls.

It destroyed the dreams Tick about a better life, and he was the first to give up his struggle for existence. The hope that at least someone could get out of here was completely crushed. The inhabitants did not have the strength to follow the light that Luke showed them.

The tragedy of society in the play

On the example of heroes, the author shows how people should not live. And this in no way concerns their fall, since no one in life is immune from this. But once at the bottom, no one has the right to obey the circumstances, but on the contrary, this should serve as a powerful impetus to a better life.

"At the bottom" can be regarded as a kind of historical chronicle. The situation described in the play was quite common at the beginning of the century.

Characteristics of a literary hero

One of the inhabitants of the rooming house, whose real name is unknown to the reader. In the past, he was an actor, played on stage under the pseudonym Sverchkov-Zavolzhsky. Now he is a drunkard who has sunk to the very bottom of life. He often recalls his past, tries to quote the classics, but he manages to remember little. Luke consoles A., telling him about the free hospital for alcoholics. A. hopes, stops drinking and starts saving money for the trip. But his life ends tragically. He hanged himself when he realized that he could hardly escape.

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Actor (At the bottom of Gorky)

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