Nastya Kamensky: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Husband of Nastya Kamensky - photo, personal life, latest news Who does Nastya Kamensky live with


For five years of activity in show business, Kamensky was credited with many novels. However, Kamensky reacts negatively to all questions about his personal life, reports But she cannot deny one novel. A young man from Nikolaev named Vladimir Dyatlov is the only boyfriend with whom the singer has been seen so far. Now they are not together.

Nastya and Vova met on the student bench when Kamensky had not yet worked with. The guys studied in the same group, mastered foreign economic activity at the faculty of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian Institute, Wisconsin International University (USA) in Kyiv. They fell in love at first sight and started dating.

Due to life circumstances, Vova transferred from the capital's university to the National University of Shipbuilding. Makarov in Nikolaev. And the couple had to continue the relationship at a distance of 500 km. Nastya, living with her parents in Kyiv, tried to visit her boyfriend in Nikolaev as often as possible. He, in turn, came to her every weekend. There was even a moment when Vova packed his bags and wanted to move to his beloved forever. But this never happened.

Later, Kamenskikh admitted that despite the rumors, she never cheated on her Vova: “While I had a relationship with a Nikolaev guy, I was faithful only to him. Of course, it was not easy. I constantly threw tantrums, until one day he approached me father with the words: "Madame, for God's sake, could you find a man in Kiev?! Because my mom and I can't take it anymore!"

Instead of looking for a man, Nastya went headlong into working with Potap. Years later, Dyatlov first spoke on this topic. He admitted in an interview that relations with Kamensky came to naught on their own, grew from love to friendship. And he refutes rumors about his excessive jealousy: “All the information that is in the press about me and Nastya is only 30% true, the rest is fiction of journalists. We parted as friends, still keep in touch and remain very close people for each other. friend. We're like brother and sister at the moment!"

At the moment, Dyatlov holds the position of director of an agricultural enterprise in the city of Voznesensk (Nikolaev region). The guy decided to seriously engage in politics and became one of the youngest leaders of the Party of Regions. At 26, Vladimir Dyatlov is the head of the Party of Regions faction in the Voznesensky District Council.

She announced her breakup with Dyatlov in 2009. But despite this, every year on June 8 they meet. A sad occasion: the anniversary of the tragic death of Vova's relatives. In 2006, Nastya, Vova, his two younger sisters and parents traveled from Kyiv to Nikolaev to celebrate the guy's 19th birthday there. The plans were cut short in an instant... On the highway, the Dyatlov family's jeep rolled over several times and caught fire. The culprit of the incident was a trailer - a motor home, which was hitched to a car: a passing truck overturned the trailer with a stream of air, and he pulled the car behind him.

The official group of Potap and Nastya VKontakte

Nastya received a concussion and a serious injury: a scar is still visible on the singer's leg. The guy did artificial respiration to Sonia's sister, which saved her life then. They only managed to take my father to the intensive care unit, where he died. Mom passed away nine days after the incident. Nine days later sister Masha's heart stopped. So 19-year-old Vova was left an orphan.

Nastya Kamenskikh is a talented Ukrainian singer, whose popularity came with her participation in the Potap and Nastya group. All the songs performed by this group were incredibly successful and were very fond of the Ukrainian and Russian audience of listeners. Among other things, Nastya Kamensky is one of the most attractive and sexy women in the country. The singer is not just a "decoration" of the group, she has a good voice and excellent hearing. Fans of the song group idolize Nastya Kamensky, admiring not only her vocals, but also her charisma.

Height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky

As soon as the first rays of fame fell on the singer, all the fans rushed to find out the details from her life, such as height, weight, age. How old is Nastya Kamensky? Great interest in the parameters of the girl is manifested due to the fact that she periodically gains weight. True, recently, the singer has been actively working on her body, visiting the gym. She has lost a lot of weight and looks great. Today, her height is 174 cm, and her weight is 64 kg. In May, she celebrated her 31st birthday. Nastya Kamensky looks great, and therefore she is often invited to shoot various glossy magazines.

Biography of Nastya Kamensky

The biography of Nastya Kamensky dates back to 1987, from the day she was born. The singer is a native of Kiev, her mother was a singer (the place of work of the National Academic Choir), and her father was a football player. The current surname of the singer is the mother's maiden name, which Nastya took for herself, and she was forced to abandon her father's surname, which was not consonant with the scene.

The mother of Nastya Kamensky insisted on learning music, and at the age of 6 she sends her daughter to a music school. In addition, individual vocal lessons were held with her. Most likely, the mother recognized her daughter's talent and decided to develop it.

Nastya Kamensky was involved in the exchange program for preschoolers, and then, while still very young, she visited France, Italy and other countries. Parents lived modestly, but they really wanted their daughter to live differently. True, Nastya did not like France, from where she quickly returned home. But Italy left an indelible impression on Nastya Kamensky, where she will return more than once.

In addition to music, the future celebrity was engaged in ballet for a long time, and also plays tennis well. Then she had a rather tight schedule, because she still had to be in time for classes at the gymnasium. The singer recalls these times with nostalgia, thanks her mother, who made her childhood bright and colorful.

When Nastya Kamensky received a certificate, she decided to enter the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities, the Faculty of Economics. Education here was conducted entirely in English.

Nastya Kamensky's career began in 2004, when she managed to take the Grand Prix at the Black Sea Games. The following year, the Ukrainian singer wins the prestigious UBN Awords song contest. Then Nastya was named the discovery of the year. It was a valuable and significant victory for me at the start of the young singer's song career.

Nastya Kamensky at the 'Black Sea Games 2004'

After some two years, Nastya Kamensky is invited to the group to Potap, who was just looking for an interesting and talented singer. Potap or Alexey Potapenko, was not only a vocalist, but also wrote songs himself, directed clips. Although, at first, Nastya Kamensky did not impress Potap, with whom they had frequent quarrels, but, over time, they not only became an excellent team, but also good friends. Moreover, due to the difficult nature of the singer, the couple quarreled almost every day for at least the first couple of years of cooperation. Nevertheless, this did not become an obstacle to the creation of masterpiece songs and their incredible popularity.

Nastya Kamensky also had several tragic episodes. One of these is a terrible accident, in which the Ukrainian singer was also a participant. Then the relatives of her lover died.

Once, Nastya Kamensky wanted extreme sports, deciding to jump with a parachute. Due to inexplicable circumstances, during the singer's jump, her parachute did not open. She survived, but suffered a compound leg fracture.

The first song "Without Love" was warmly received by domestic listeners, and also occupied the first lines of the country's charts for a long time. The following songs "Not a couple" and "Khutorok" simply blew up the Ukrainian public and made Potap and Nastya popular.

Each next composition of the duet instantly became a hit and sounded from all radio stations not only in Ukraine, but also in Russia. The special manner of performance and the humor of the songs allowed Potap and Nastya to stand out from the mass of other song groups, falling in love with millions of music lovers.

One of the brightest works of the couple is the composition “In our area”, soon, not a single disco and party could do without these incendiary songs.

All the hits of Potap and Nastya Kamensky broke sales records and were very popular far beyond the borders of Ukraine. This was facilitated not only by the talent of the singers, but also by a special manner of performance with inherent humor and ridicule of the most diverse and stupid tricks of modern society.

In addition to her singing career, Nastya Kamensky successfully developed as a TV star. After the first popular songs of the group, the singer began to be invited to film in the musical, as well as to record the soundtrack for the film "Freaks". Also, Nastya Kamensky very successfully participated in several Ukrainian television projects.

Last year, the duo announced the suspension of their song activities. At the same time, Potap and Nastya promised their fans a surprise that they would all see soon.

According to some reports, the reason for the cessation of the existence of the group is the desire of Nastya Kamensky to develop in a solo direction. Another version is the creation of a family and the singer's pregnancy.

For 11 years, the duo released five albums, each of which consisted of over 15 songs.

Today, Nastya Kamensky continues to participate in a variety of TV shows, and has also released her own clothing line.

Although the duet broke up for an indefinite time, nevertheless, Potap and Nastya often see each other and maintain friendly relations.

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap

The personal life of Nastya Kamensky and Potap is often considered in the press. Despite the fact that the duet in every possible way denies the relationship, nevertheless, loud statements about their romance are heard in the press every now and then.

Yes, indeed, Potap and Nastya often spend time together, go on tour, constantly attend all social events and parties together. But this is rather part of their work, and not their own initiative. Despite this, fans of the song group see them not just as a duet, but as a couple. Even when Potap was married, and Nastya Kamensky had a long and serious relationship, the media and the public were full of rumors about the affair.

After several years of violent quarrels, Potap and Nastya began to work as a whole, complementing each other, and therefore, it is not surprising that everyone considers them a couple. Moreover, Nastya Kamensky is a very spectacular and beautiful woman who drives millions of men crazy.

Although the singer is popular with men, she does not have variety in her personal life. The press knows only one serious relationship of Nastya Kamensky. For a long time she met with a certain Vladimir Dyatlov, who had to leave Kyiv. This was the reason for the breakup of the couple, which now only maintains friendly relations at a distance.

As for the partner of the singer Potap, he has long been married to Irina Gorova, they are raising two children. Potap, aka Aleksey Potapenko, currently continues to work on his own production center and is actively promoting the well-known Ukrainian group Time and Glass. Also, Potap is in demand on Ukrainian television as a showman and host of major musical projects.

As follows from the latest news, rumors that the Potap-Nastya Kamensky couple were only connected by a working relationship turned out to be premature. From the publications of the singer's Instagram account, it can be concluded that the couple spends a lot of time together.

The lovers ceased to hide their relationship only on the day of their wedding, May 23, 2019, on the same day, a video for the song “Constant” appeared on the network, the theme of which is dedicated to the wedding celebration.

Wedding of Nastya Kamensky and Alexei Potapenko

The media, and the fans themselves, for a long time claimed that Potap and Nastya played a secret wedding from everyone. A lot of gossip revolved around their romance, but the performers themselves denied this in every possible way until the day of the official marriage. Of course, the ground for conversation is not only the beautiful and sexy Nastya Kamensky, but also Potap's frequent flattering comments about his work partner. On the network, he often warmly comments on the photo of Nastya Kamensky. And finally, the most daring guesses of the fans came true - their idols played a magnificent wedding.

The newlyweds had a celebration at the Fabius restaurant, located in a picturesque suburb of Kyiv in a pine forest. About 250 guests were invited to the landmark event, including the stars of Ukrainian show business and Potap's wards - the Time and Glass group. One could also notice the now ex-wife of Alexei - Irina Gorovaya.

The couple approached the organization of the main event in their lives more than responsibly - the images of both "culprits" of the celebration were thought out to the smallest detail - Nastya appeared in a luxurious lace dress with a deep neckline to the waist, while the groom remained true to his stage style and put on a beige formal suit sneakers.

The place of celebration was also carefully decorated in a romantic style - fringed chandeliers hung from the ceiling, candles and white roses flaunted on the tables, the newlyweds preferred natural motifs and natural materials in the design of the exit registration arch and photo zone.

Cheerful, daring and simple at the same time. Potap and Nastya. Duet paradox. They sing that "We are not a couple", while they are perfect for each other. It is rightly said that opposites attract. This couple continues to amaze us. On August 28, the cartoon "The Seventh Dwarf" is released on the screens of the country, the Russian version of which was voiced by Alexei Potapenko and Nastya Kamenskikh. He speaks for a walrus, she speaks for a fur seal. It will be funny as usual. But in the life of the participants of the star duet there was everything. Sympathy and hate, envy and success..

website: Potap and Nastya, you are so different, how did fate bring you together?

Potap: It happened 8 years ago. Then I was already quite famous in Ukraine, I left one well-known group and started a solo career. I recorded joint tracks with girls, and they became popular. Then I realized what format is in demand: a little bit of rap and female vocals. And my friend had an artist, in fact, Nastya turned out to be her. He could not promote it in any way, so he offered me to record a song with her. We met, I looked at Nastya, and I immediately did not like her. I refused to do anything with her and began to look further. Many people made creative proposals, but they all refused. I had to meet Nastya again. We recorded the song "Without Love", and it immediately became a hit. They began to invite me to concerts, but only in tandem with Nastya. But she behaved disgustingly, sang pompously, and also spoke Russian badly. Nastya had just arrived from Italy, and I essentially taught her the language again. But then I decided to record the next song “Not a couple” with her. After reading the words, Nastya stated that she was not going to sing this horror. In general, they recorded it in half with grief, and the song suddenly became truly folk. Only then Nastya said that she would never doubt my creative views again.

Nastya: I didn't like Potap. At the first meeting, instead of "Hello!" he told me: "The figure is nothing like that, pretty." Such an ill-mannered, rude guy. We cursed just terribly, yelled at each other, did not want to see each other. But when fame came to us, I, as a wise and far-sighted girl, tempered my ardor. After all, I wanted recognition, financial prosperity and, of course, self-realization. Therefore, through “I don’t want”, “I can’t” and through hatred, I had to continue cooperation.

website: You said that there were times when you came to concerts in different cars and met only on stage. When did all the fighting stop?

P.: Probably when we decided to close the Potap and Nastya group. The team was 3 or 4 years old. Nastya ended one contract, I have another. At that time, "Potap and Nastya" really only visually were together and were friends, in fact we hated each other. I put a lot of pressure on her, because she overshadowed me on stage. Everyone saw only Nastya, and for a person like me, it is very difficult to realize that you are in the shadows. Then I realized that we were dispersing and losing each other, although we were still gathering stadiums. One girl asked me: “Well, you don’t envy her?”. I lied and said no. And she continued: “Don't envy her. A girl will always be more popular in a group than a boy." And so the turning point happened, I understood everything and did not allow the gap between Potap and Nastya. Now I perceive the success of a colleague as my merit. I am happy when she stands on the stage happy and contented.

website: You are often called a couple: how did you and your loved ones learn to respond correctly to spicy hints?

P.: Whom they just didn’t consider us: brother and sister, husband and wife, and such conversations are still going on. But, as Alla Pugacheva says, "there is no better PR." Since you are being discussed, no matter in what context, it means that you are interesting. My wife Irina was, of course, nervous at first, but now she is joking about it. We share work and personal life with her, so we don’t discuss such things anymore.

N.: In fact, more often we were called brother and sister, although it is not clear why, we are not at all alike. But my ex-boyfriend and I knew the truth, so we just laughed.

P.: Ira (Irina Gorova - wife of Alexei Potapenko, co-producer of his MOZGI Entertainment production company, - approx.. When I was still young, I did not believe that music could be sold. And she said: “Lyosha, look at you: you are 19 years old, it's time to make money. Well, why are you giving away your songs?" in clubs, writing songs to order... And over time, I grabbed this commercial vein.

website: How did you meet Irina?

P.: In a cafe, in general, she is the ex-wife of my friend Yura. Even when they were together, we were just friends, we talked. I introduced her to my girls. And then Ira broke up with her husband, but it was not because of me, they decided it mutually. And we somehow quietly began to develop a romantic relationship. We dated secretly for five years. Firstly, Ira and Yura had a common child - daughter Natasha. And secondly, for a long time I did not dare to tell a friend that I love his ex-wife. But when this happened, Yura was so happy for us, he said that he also started a new life and wants everything to be fine with Ira.

P.: In fact, there is a catastrophic lack of time for a family (Potap and his wife Irina have a common son Andrei, he is 5 years old, - approx. site). You have to take your relatives with you to concerts or send them on vacation, and then fly there for a few days and again on tour. The hardest thing for me is that I do not have time to be a dad. Although for Andrey I am still a beloved dad, adored, the best in the world, even if I don’t pay due attention. But with my son we are always in touch on social networks, by SMS, he already understands everything. We are really good friends with him. We also communicate well with Natasha, but she is 16 years old, and now she needs her mother more: you yourself understand - boys, first love and all that. And I'm not trying to build a dad out of myself, she already has one. And I'm not her stepfather, not her mother's husband, but just Lesha. This is such a unique member of the family.

website: Andrey is a long-awaited child?

P.: Yes, of course, we, so to speak, worked hard on this, but Ira could not get pregnant. And I have had a fear all my life that I will not be able to have children. Therefore, I was very worried, went to church, to doctors, I thought that there were some problems in me. Therefore, when everything happened and Ira presented me with a bag, and inside it was a test with two stripes, I screamed at all the cafes with happiness. Andrei is long-awaited, beloved. Everyone loves it and wears it. I'm even afraid to spoil him, but this is my sun.

website: Did you attend the birth?

P.: Yes, from start to finish. I saw absolutely everything, sometimes I really wanted to leave, but Ira asked me to stay. Honestly, I was shocked. I had so many different feelings at the same time: fear, delight, fear, and endless happiness. After that, I began to relate to a woman in a completely different way, began to respect, realized that childbirth is a truly heroic deed.

website: Nastya, you have to constantly listen about the Potap family, but don’t you want to get a husband and children yourself?

N.: Of course, I want to, and very much. But while there is work that takes all the time. And in a couple of years I will definitely mature for the family. But when I decide on marriage and children, none of the journalists will know about it. Personal life is a personal matter. When we first went to fame, I had a young man. And in all the interviews I spoke freely about this, showed photos, and in the end we broke up. The reason, of course, was not this. However, I no longer want to expose my personal flaunt.

website: Is it true that one of the reasons for the breakup was your erotic photo shoots?

N.: Partly yes. I am a creative person, a singer. I was recognized, other men tried to look after me. But I could not explain to my boyfriend that when everyone likes your girlfriend, you should be proud of it. He was young, he did not understand a lot of things.

website: Is there any line by which you choose young people?

N.: They were all sweet, kind and gentle. Although I love it when passions boil in a relationship. But outwardly they are all different. In general, I really like dark, brown-eyed people, I like such burning nationalities as Armenians and Georgians. It is important for me that a young man be tall, preferably six, eight or even ten years older than me, because I adore adult men. But in the end, I don't know how it will turn out. I will see him, fall in love, and it will not matter to me what his height, weight and eye color are.

N.: I am a very strong person, with character, I can burn bridges, but I still remain a woman. Of course, I want to see a strong man next to me who will bang his fist on the table and show who is the boss in the house. And I would feel so weak and helpless.

website: You and Potap are real hard workers, not everyone can withstand a couple of dozen concerts a month with our distances. But recently you took part in voicing the Russian version of the cartoon "The Seventh Dwarf". Was the debut difficult?

N.: It was hard for me. I am a serious girl and I take my work responsibly. I couldn't relax, but I just had to have fun. But Potap helped me a lot, he relieved tension with his jokes, and then everything went like clockwork. In addition, the character I voiced has a very close image to me. Spring is a marine inhabitant, she is a star with a bright appearance and character. So I didn’t even have to invent anything, you can say that in the cartoon I play myself.

P.: When they called me and showed the characters, I laughed for a long time, because the hit was unthinkable. Our heroes speak and act just like us. There was a feeling that the creators copied this image from Potap and Nastya. Now we even sometimes jokingly call each other Tusk and Spring - these are aquarappers with their own water area. Rude and funny. Nastya's hairstyle is generally a direct hit. And this walrus reminds me of a big father - so fat. When I saw him, I immediately understood what voice to voice.

Nastya is a stunningly beautiful owner of a bright, clear vocal, a member of the Potap and Nastya duet, popular in Ukraine and abroad. The girl was repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful woman of the Square, but she received a millionth army of fans not thanks to luxurious forms, but due to talent and naturalness. Nastya loves to try on a variety of images, turning into reality all the crazy and creative ideas of Potap.

Family and childhood of Nastya Kamensky

Anastasia Alekseevna Kamenskikh was born in Kyiv on May 4, 1987. Her mother, Lydia Petrovna Kamenskikh, is a singer of the National Academic Folk Choir named after Grigory Verevka, and her father, Alexei Iosifovich Zhmur, a versatile person, was the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, and later the concert director of the same Verevka choir. Nastya has no brothers and sisters.

“I had a childhood of a traveling frog,” Nastya recalled warmly. At an age when many children cannot go to the store for bread on their own, she has already traveled abroad, and unaccompanied by her parents. Thanks to the international exchange program for preschoolers, five-year-old Nastya lived for some time in France, where she didn’t really like it, so the girl soon went to Italy, to Naples. There, she made loyal friends, developed a warm relationship with her host family, so for the next seven years she returned to them on the Apennine Peninsula every year for six months.

But Nastya always remembered that at home, in Ukraine, a loving family was waiting for her. Although at that time her parents did not live well, they did everything possible for the girl to develop her talents freely. At the age of six, Nastya was enrolled in a music school, where, on the advice of her parents, she began to take vocal lessons. Another serious hobby of the baby is ballet, which she has been professionally engaged in for 8 years. Subsequently, a passion for tennis was added to creative hobbies. And Nastya successfully combined all this with her studies at gymnasium No. 56.

The singer is sure that she owes her success entirely to her parents, who taught her to iron discipline and instilled the ability to properly allocate her time.

After graduating from school, the future celebrity entered the Faculty of Economics of the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities (Ukrainian branch of the Wisconsin International University), choosing the specialty "Foreign Economic Activity".

Potap and Nastya: the beginning

Nastya Kamenskikh took her first steps towards fame in 2004. Then the 16-year-old girl tried her luck at the Black Sea Games festival and won the Grand Prix. A year later, the singer was waiting for her first recognition on the international stage, namely in London, where she was awarded the UBN Awards in the "discovery of the year" nomination. As the singer recalled, this event became the most significant in her life. A very young girl stood on stage surrounded by Ukrainian celebrities - the winner of Eurovision Ruslana and the leader of Okean Elzy Svyatoslav Vakarchuk, who then seemed to Nastya unattainable world stars.

The Potap and Nastya duet was born shortly after these events, in 2006, when an ambitious young man Oleksiy Potapenko conceived the idea of ​​creating a revolutionary project in the style of “folk r’n’b” that would bring the Ukrainian music scene to a whole new level. He took on the duties of a producer, and a vocalist, and a songwriter, and a clip maker, and a screenwriter ... All that was needed was a spectacular, beautiful girl with outstanding vocal abilities to sing along. Friends from the music business recommended that he meet with Nastya.

“I can’t say that I liked her right away,” Potap later told reporters. And when they started recording the first compositions, the situation worsened - the singer was faced with the stone character of Nastya. Judging by numerous interviews, during the first three years this couple simply hated each other off stage, but this did not stop them from giving out hits in a clip, one after another.

The first song that blew up the charts was the song "Without Love", for which a clip was shot with a fair amount of outrageousness and humor. “I make a glamorous fool, Potap portrays a pretentious stray,” Nastya talked about the style of their duet.

Potap and Nastya - "Without Love" (2006)

In 2007, the guys won the Grand Prix of the III All-Russian competition of young performers "5 Stars". For three days, Potap and Nastya performed three songs from the stage (“Khutorok”, “And in Our Yard” and their own composition “Not a Couple”), and each time Iosif Kobzon, Larisa Dolina, Nadezhda Babkina and Igor Matvienko, sitting on the jury gave them top marks.

In 2008, the first album of Potap and Nastya was released, titled after their main hit - “Not a Couple”. And at the end of 2009, the duo released the album Don't Love My Brains. Incendiary novelties were already waiting for a very solid army of fans: “Chips, chicks, lavandos”, “Call your zaya”, “On the edge”, “Kray me e river”, “Don't love my brains”.

The song and the clip "On RaEn" became insanely popular outside of Ukraine. In the video, Nastya Kamensky appeared disguised as the infamous singer Amy Winehouse, up to tattoos with naked girls, which the press for some reason called "lesbian". After that, a flurry of questions fell upon Nastya regarding her sexual orientation, to which the singer replied that she liked everything beautiful and, of course, beautiful women including: beauties could not cause other feelings than admiration.

Potap and Nastya - "On the Rayon" (2009)

A real sensation was caused by the hit "Crazy Spring" released in 2011, which instantly conquered radio and television: Nastya's fervent voice, deducing "Crazy Spring has come and blown our minds," was heard literally from every nightclub.

Potap and Nastya - "Crazy Spring" (2011)

The next album by Potap and Nastya (“Everything in a Bundle”) was released in 2013 and, as usual, pleased the listeners with a mass of drive, positive and humor. The same “Crazy Spring” and other hits, such as the compositions “RuRuRu”, “All in a bunch”, “Together”, “Flew away” and “Arrived” entered there.

In 2015, as part of the new album "Shield and Ball", Potap and Nastya recorded a joint composition with the "queen of Russian folk r'n'b" Bianca. The clip “Doggy Style” was very provocative, as it was intended: “This is not an ambiguous hint, but a direct and frank dance song that illustrates the dreams of any man,” the musicians said. Nastya Kamensky was preparing to shoot the video for 11 months, working with a personal choreographer three times a week.

Potap and Nastya ft. Bianca - Doggy Style (2015)

In 2016, the singer's fans were amazed by the changes that happened to their favorite. Nastya Kamensky lost three sizes. She shares the secrets of a slim figure in her video blog on the Youtube channel.

Also, the singer fulfilled her old dream and got herself a four-legged friend - a dog of the Bichon Frize breed, in a simple way - a curly-haired lap dog. Nastya named the puppy Mimi, which means "beloved" in Italian.

As for new creativity, in 2016 the tandem released a video for the song "Umamy", which, unlike the usual incendiary videos, turned out to be heartbreaking. The musicians told the story of the growing up of a little girl, returning time after time to the only place where loving people are waiting for her to help solve all problems - to the kitchen of her father's house.

Potap and Nastya - "Umams" (2016)

Nastya Kamensky on television and radio

Due to the phenomenal popularity of the duet with Potap, Nastya Kamensky became a frequent guest on television. In 2008, she, along with Garik Kharlamov, took part in the second season of the show "Two Stars". The couple felt confident, but still dropped out according to the results of the audience vote, and the first place went to the duet of Tamara Gverdtsiteli and Dmitry Dyuzhev.

A little later, Nastya was invited to the show "Dancing for You" (an analogue of the Russian show "Dancing on the Floor"), where she demonstrated her vocal skills, as well as the wonders of choreography. However, two weeks after the start, Nastya left the program for the sake of touring in Germany, despite the contract signed with the channel's management.

In 2008, Potap and Nastya were invited to star in the musical Little Red Riding Hood: they played the Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood, respectively. Laima Vaikule acted as the mother of the Hat, and such stars as Timati, who played a biker, Ani Lorak, reincarnated as Sleeping Beauty, and Philip Kirkorov, who appeared as ... grandmother, were involved in the film.

In the fall of 2009, Nastya Kamensky, together with Potap, took part in the show "People's Star" on the channel "Ukraine". In the project, where a lot of famous artists performed, the creative tandem supported Ulyana Rudakova. According to the results of the competition, the Nastya-Potap-Ulyana team won by a wide margin from the rest of the participants.

As the artists themselves said, the final number was staged in between flights and concerts, besides, the performance was never rehearsed. It was invented by Potap: a trinity dressed as Ninja Turtles portrayed the struggle of the other participants in the show for victory. The jury did not support the team's idea and rated their number extremely low. However, according to the results, the trio still won.

In 2010, Nastya, together with Maria Berseneva, participated in the Star + Star show project on the 1 + 1 channel. Their couple was the favorite and decoration of the show until the last moment.

"Star + Star": Nastya Kamensky and Maria Berseneva

In 2009-2010, Nastya Kamensky hosted the show "Guten Morgen!" on the Ukrainian channel "M1" together with Potap.

Potap and Nastya are the hosts of the M1 show

In 2014, Potap and Nastya voiced the heroes of the German cartoon "The Seventh Dwarf", Tusk and Spring, giving their characters a recognizable duo flavor.

Nastya Kamensky managed to try her hand at the modeling business. True, she decided to become a fashion model not for the sake of money and fame, but for her own interest. The girl did not like walking on the catwalk, because the kitchen of the modeling business shocked her. Nastya saw only envy and intrigue in the modeling behind the scenes, and after several appearances on the stage as a model, the girl left the “cruel” business.

However, the girl is happy to pose for cameras. Still, after all, Nastya has been recognized more than once as the most beautiful woman in Ukraine. Pictures of the singer often adorn the covers of the most popular glossy publications. On her account are candid photo shoots for Playboy, MAXIM and XXL magazines.

Tragedy in the life of Nastya Kamensky

On the eve of filming her first video, Nastya Kamenskikh had a terrible accident. The details of this chilling story became known to the public much later.

On that fateful day, the girl, along with her lover, 19-year-old Vladimir, went to celebrate the birthday of his younger sister Marusya - she turned 15. Together with them in the car were the parents of the young man, as well as the second sister Sonya.

They were slowly driving along the highway, when suddenly the car shook. The next thing Nastya saw was the blue sky, then the grass, and again the sky ... After the fifth circle, the girl lost consciousness.

When she woke up, she did not immediately understand where she was and what had happened. She lowered her gaze and was numb with horror - her leg was twisted to the meat. Looking around, she saw a mangled car and motionless bodies. The only one left standing was Vladimir. Despite his young age, he behaved like a real man. First of all, he performed artificial respiration on Sonya (as it later turned out, he saved her - the girl was not breathing and every minute could become fatal). But neither the guy nor the doctors who arrived at the crash site managed to save the parents and Marusya ... For Nastya, this tragic date, June 8, became her second birthday, because she miraculously survived. As a memory of the accident, Nastya had a scar on her leg, stretching from the foot to the very knee.

In July 2016, the girl was waiting for another test. The singer was never fond of extreme sports, but still decided to experience new sensations for herself by skydiving. He didn't open up. Fortunately, Nastya flew in tandem with an instructor who saved the day. On a reserve parachute, they flew down, but the fall was still too fast. At some point, the thought even flew through Nastya’s head: “I won’t survive!”.

As a result of the fall, Nastya injured her leg. The beauty was quickly taken to the hospital and operated on. Soon she posted her photo on Instagram: smiling broadly, she was lying in a hospital room with a bandaged leg. “Now I have a third birthday,” the girl joked sadly.

Nastya Kamensky's parachute did not open

Personal life of Nastya Kamensky

Already as a student, the swarthy, curly-haired beauty had no end to her fans. Among all the contenders for her heart, she chose older men. But very quickly Nastya realized that she could not bear the constant patronizing attitude of her gentlemen. According to her, she felt like a kind of status attribute, an appendage to an expensive car or a luxury watch.

Video blog of Nastya Kamensky

But the relationship did not stand the test of distance. Suspicions of treason began, caused by the growing popularity of Nastya. One day, her father approached the girl and asked: “For God's sake, find yourself a man from Kyiv! Mom and I can no longer listen to your swearing!

In 2009, the press trumpeted the breakup between Nastya and Vladimir. The parting was given to the girl very hard, and in order to distract herself, she went headlong into work. But the former lovers could not end the relationship to the end - they experienced too much together. They still continue to be friends, and every year, on June 8, they meet to celebrate a sad anniversary.

“We remain very close people to each other. We are like brother and sister at the moment! ”, Nastya’s ex-boyfriend told reporters.

Of course, Nastya was often credited (and continues) with a romantic relationship with Potap. But, as the star herself claimed, all manifestations of romance are just a game for the public to maintain the outrageous image of the duet. Although, of course, over the years of working together, Potap and Nastya have become practically family people.

Once, one of the singer's ardent fans created a fake page of Nastya Kamensky on the VKontakte social network, and even posted photos of a baby there with the caption “My daughter Margarita. She is already 2 months old. In fact, Nastya Kamensky has no children yet, but motherhood is an important part of her plans: “I often dream of children. There is love in my life now, but I have already understood that personal needs to be protected. I'll tell you about it when I'm ready. And I am sure: the Universe will send me children when the time comes.

Anastasia Kamenskikh is a famous Ukrainian pop singer. The popularity of the girl brought participation in the musical project "Potap and Nastya". The musicians perform very hooligan songs, some of the phrases from which become winged. The biography of Anastasia Kamensky is presented below.

Childhood and youth of Anastasia

Nastya Kamensky was born in May 1987 in Kyiv. The mother of the future artist sang in the Verevka National Academic Choir. But the father was at first the captain of the Dynamo volleyball team, then he was appointed to the position of concert director of the choir. Nastya was the only child in the family. The girl took her mother's surname, since her father had Zhmur, which, in the opinion of the singer herself, "does not sound."

From the age of 6, Nastya began studying at a music school, where she studied piano and vocal art. Nastya finished her studies at the age of 14. It is worth noting that the girl had to combine her studies with rather long trips abroad. Anastasia Kamensky took part in the family exchange program for children. The girl's parents wanted her to study foreign languages ​​in the necessary environment. For example, when Nastya was 5, she was sent to live in France, at the age of 7 the girl went to Italy for 6 years. In Kyiv, Nastya studied at one of the best gymnasiums.

It is worth noting that the child's schedule was really tight. In addition to classes at the gymnasium, Nastya attended various circles at the school, a ballet school, went in for sports. In many interviews with various publications, Anastasia said that the ability to properly manage her time was instilled in her by her parents in childhood. For which she is very grateful.

After school, Kamensky enters the Ukrainian-American Institute for the Humanities, Wisconsin International University, USA. Classes were held exclusively in English, but for Nastya this was not a problem - the girl knew English perfectly. Kamensky gave preference to the specialization "foreign economic activity".

The beginning of the singer's career

Anastasia Kamensky continued to study at the institute, however, she did not forget about her favorite pastime - singing. In 2004, the girl received her first award, namely the Grand Prix of the Black Sea Games festival. A year later, Kamensky wins again, this time at the UBN Awards in London in the Discovery of the Year nomination. Anastasia's career as a singer went up.

Potap and Nastya project

The song of Anastasia Kamensky "What's the difference" was heard by the Kiev rapper Potap. At that time, the performer was looking for a girl with whom he planned to record a song. The video filmed for the song "Without Love" is recognized as one of the brightest hits of show business in Ukraine. The artists decide to create the Potap and Nastya project. The next song was "Not a couple." The composition literally blew up the charts. In 2007, "Potap and Nastya" won the third All-Russian competition "Five Stars".

The following year, the artists release their first joint album called "Not a Couple". The compositions of the disc included "Die Hard", "New Year" and many others. After some time, the artists release their second album - "Don't Love My Brains." The album also included the popular song "Crazy Spring". Anastasia and Potap became record holders of sales and distribution of mobile content.

In 2010, there were rumors about the collapse of the Potap and Nastya team, but the artists were able to agree and continued to work together. So, in 2013, the third album was released, which had the name "All in a Bundle". The single with the same name, as well as the novelties of the duo's repertoire, were in the lead in the music charts for a very long time.

In 2015, Anastasia Kamenskikh and Potap, in collaboration with the popular R'n'B singer Bianka, released the single "Doggy Style". Following Nastya and Potap release the lyric composition "Fingertips". The song showed a different side of the artists.

Television projects and radio

In 2008, Kamensky and Potapenko were invited to star in the musical Little Red Riding Hood. The duo also recorded the soundtrack "Freaks" for the comedy of the same name. In 2008, Kamensky, among other things, takes part in the project of the First Channel "Two Stars". The singer's partner was Garik Bulldog Kharlamov, a well-known member of the Comedy Club. The following year, the Potap and Nastya project takes part in the TV show "People's Star".

In 2010, Kamensky participates in the Star + Star project. A couple of the girl was actress Maria Berseneva. Also in 2010, Anastasia hosted the Guten Morgen! on channel "M1". In 2014, Anastasia begins working as a radio host. For a long time, the singer has been hosting her own show called “On the way home with Nastya Kamensky” on the Ukrainian “Russian Radio”.

Also, Alexey Potapenko and Anastasia took part in the voice acting of the heroes of the cartoon "The Seventh Dwarf". The artists also recorded several soundtracks for the cartoon. One of these songs “Believe in Your Strength” turned out to be positive and inspiring.

Model business

You can also see a lot of model photos of Anastasia Kamensky. After all, the girl tried herself in this business. Anastasia loves to pose. Hot photos of Anastasia Kamensky also appeared on the covers of men's magazines, for example, Maxim and Playboy.

Professional activity of Anastasia since 2016

Since 2016, Anastasia has been hosting the children's version of the Make the Comedian Laugh program. The point of the show is that in 1 minute the participant tries to make one of the jury members laugh.

Also at the end of 2016, the singer performs at the "M1" Music Awards. Kamenskikh performed in a duet with Nadia Dorofeeva, the soloist of the Time and Glass group. Both singers took the stage in revealing outfits, and at the end of their performance, the girls gave each other a kiss live. Such an outburst of the singers was clearly not planned, because when the girls left the stage, the presenters did not know how to properly respond to what happened.

In 2017, Potap and Anastasia released a fresh track "I ... I". Also in 2017, Kamensky took part in the anniversary show of Konstantin Meladze and sang the song "Salute, Vera".

Personal life of Anastasia Kamensky

When Anastasia was still a student, Vladimir Dyatlov was her lover. However, the relationship did not last long, as Vladimir was forced to leave Kyiv. But the young people remained friends, they even baptized the daughter of mutual friends.

From the beginning of cooperation with Potap, the girl is credited with an affair with him. This is not surprising, because Nastya and Potap spend a lot of time together. But as the artists say, their relationship is friendly and working.

In 2014, journalists began talking about the singer's pregnancy. The father of the child was called Potap. However, Kamensky herself only laughed at such statements, according to her, from the very beginning of working with Potap, she could have given birth many times, according to journalists. The compromising photo, in which Anastasia appeared with an emerging tummy, the singer could easily comment on. Kamensky openly said that she really got fat because of the irregular work schedule.

In the fall of 2016, the paparazzi photographed the singer so that the wedding ring was clearly visible in the photo. And again, the girl was credited with an affair with Alexei Potapenko. Even Potap's mother calls Anastasia her son's muse. After an outburst on stage with Dorofeeva, the girls were also credited with an affair. However, according to the singer herself, her heart is free.

Own YouTube channel

Anastasia recently started her own YouTube channel. Kamenskikh called her project NK. To date, the total number of subscribers on the channel exceeds 750 thousand users. Over the entire existence of the channel, Anastasia managed to upload over 120 videos, most of which are vlogs. The girl actively talks about what is happening in her life. Kamensky even filmed a video about her stay in the hospital.

The heroes of the singer's videos were Potap, as well as the singer's parents. In addition, on the channel you can see footage from the artist's concerts, as well as clips for various compositions by Nastya and Potap.

Anastasia Kamensky is still a popular singer both in Russia and Ukraine. In addition, in her homeland, the singer has long been considered one of the most beautiful women in the country.

Name or alias?

Some people think that Nastya Kamensky is not a name, but a pseudonym for the singer. They even see in it references to the work of Alexandra Marinina. After all, she has a whole detective cycle in which the main character is called Anastasia Pavlovna Kamenskaya. In fact, there is nothing in common between investigator Kamenskaya and Nastya Kamensky. Kamensky - the maiden name of the singer's mother, the girl decided that she would use her in her creative life.

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