Research project "origin of surnames". Project On the origin of surnames.doc - Student project "History of the origin of surnames" Project on the topic of the name and surname


In the names of various persons,
Sometimes we know
The names of fish and birds sound,
Animals and Insects:
Lisichkin, Rakov, Turkeys,
Seledkin, Myshkin, Telkin,
Mokritsyn, Volkov, Motylkov,
Bobrov and Perepelkin!
S. Mikhalkov "Funny last name"

As soon as we are born, we are given a name, and accordingly, we get a surname. It comes to us from our parents. Every day we have to hear, read, pronounce or write dozens of the names of our friends, relatives, acquaintances and comrades.
From the pages of newspapers and television, we receive them in even greater numbers - hundreds and even thousands. This is connected with the most important social function of surnames. But one day the question may arise: what kind of surname is this? Never heard... What does it mean? How did my own happen? What about the friend's name? It turns out that the science of anthroponymy, which studies personal names, patronymics and surnames, helps us answer these questions.
And this question is far from empty, just as the whole anthroponymy is not empty. After all, the study, in particular, of Russian surnames helps to discover many facts that are valuable not only for linguistics itself, but also for other social sciences. Anthroponymy is to some extent reminiscent of archeology: by a revealed name, as well as by an object found in the ground, one can learn about the people who once inhabited these lands, about their origin, occupations, culture, way of life, tastes.
Having got acquainted with the section of the Russian language "Etymology", I became interested in what is the origin of my surname. And this is not surprising: I want to know its pedigree, history of origin, meaning.
When we came to school three years ago and got to know each other, it turned out that we heard some surnames for the first time, some even seem bizarre.
Therefore, the main goal that I set for myself in this work is to analyze the names of the students of our class in terms of origin, meaning, to develop interest in the history of the family, and through it to the history of their Fatherland.
I put research objectives:

    Study the literature on the topic.

    Conduct a class survey.

    Analyze the origin of surnames.

    Summarize observations and draw conclusions.

    Compile "Dictionary of surnames 3" A "class"

Object of study- the emergence and origin of the surnames of the Russian population.

Subject of study: personal surnames of students of the 3rd "A" class of the municipal state educational institution Chulym Lyceum.

Research hypothesis: Knowing how surnames are formed allows you to better know its history.

The following were used research methods: Selection and study of information from dictionaries, books about surnames;

    Work with the Internet;


    Generalization and description;

    Compilation of a dictionary of students' surnames

Project relevance:
It can be said without error that it is not easy, and sometimes even impossible, to explain the origin of most surnames even to scientists. Having addressed similar questions to the guys in my class, I realized that almost no one knows about the origin and meaning of their surname, but it would be interesting for everyone to find at least some, albeit small, information. The result of the survey is shown on the slide. I am convinced that the study of the history of the Motherland must begin with the study of one's family.
Proper names are of interest, on the one hand, as an object of scientific research in various fields of knowledge, on the other hand, as a problem of choosing a name for each individual person.
A study of the origin of surnames, their stories, can lead to the ancestor of an entire dynasty, the geographical place where your ancestors lived, their professions.

Origin of the word "surname"

The history and the word itself is interesting. It is Latin in origin and came into the Russian language as part of a large number of borrowings from the languages ​​of Western Europe. Translated from Latin, the word "surname" (familia) - family.
A surname is a hereditary generic name, indicating that a person belongs to the same genus, leading from a common ancestor, or, in a narrower sense, to one family.
Let's take a look at S.I. Ozhegov's "Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language": "A surname is a hereditary family name added to a personal name."
In the 17th - 18th centuries, the word "nickname" still existed: it was in those days that it denoted, called the surname. And only in the 19th century the word "surname" in the Russian language gradually acquired its second meaning, which then became the main one: "hereditary family naming added to a personal name."

Surname formation processes

Centuries passed, there were many people. There were big cities. People began to move more around the country and it became difficult to manage with just names or nicknames. There was a need for a surname - a generic name.
In Russia, such generic names have existed for several centuries, but for a long time remained the privilege of only a minority. Surnames were only for the rich and noble people.
Almost all surnames are not chosen by the carriers themselves, but are given from outside. Some arose spontaneously, others were recorded by the clerical or other authorities. Of course, no one can be responsible for the surname received by his great-great-grandfather. Yes, and there is no correspondence between a person and his name: Fools can be very smart, and Wise men can be a fool. And the very names Fool, Sage, from which these surnames came, did not characterize their carriers. Names that seem offensive today were not so in the past. Initially, they called it that to deceive evil spirits hunting for children: they would take a good one, and leave a scoundrel (i.e., unsuitable) to their parents. Over time, surnames ceased to be a luxury. Now, according to our current law, the surname is obligatory for every person. Where did people get their last names from?
Very often they grew out of old patronymics. Semyon lived, he was the son of Peter, so they began to call him Semyon Petrov. But Semyon's father was more famous than him, and when Semyon's children were born, they also began to be called the Petrovs. Here is a simple example when the patronymic became a surname. In the same way, the names Ivanovs, Semenovs, Stepanovs, Sergeevs, etc. originated. It used to be a surname, it became the name of the mother: Maryin, Nastasin, etc ...
In the vast majority of Russian surnames come from patronymics.
Surnames spread throughout the country gradually; they arose in certain social strata and served their interests.
It is not uncommon for a surname to come from the craft that the eldest in the family was engaged in - a good carpenter or an illustrious hunter, the best potter or a successful fisherman. Hence the surnames: Stolyarovs, Goncharovs and Rybakovs.
Turned into surnames and nicknames. So all the Gagarins once had an ancestor, nicknamed Gagara; at the Utkins - Duck.
There are surnames ending in "-sky"; they often indicate where, from what places the family of these people originated. Gorky - from Gorkov, Ryazan - from Ryazan. These generic names are very different. Among them there are very strange, bizarre, incomprehensible ones, but the origin of the majority can always be found out.

"My discoveries"

We talked about surnames more than once in class. Information about some of them was found in our classroom or central library. About some, they made their own assumptions. It is possible that our versions are wrong: we still know so little!
It turns out that it is not easy to guess the surname. But this is VERY interesting!
Family prefixes and endings usually mean the word "son" or "daughter" in translation. Indicate ownership by forming adjective forms (whose? what?).
In Russian and some other Slavic languages, female surnames, as a rule, differ in form from male ones (he is Mironov, she is Mironova).
And there are peoples who have both male and female surnames the same way: (storyteller Andersen, scientist Darwin). In our class - Bashur, Gares, Grigorets, Dranitsa, Kolyako, Maksimenko.
Each surname is a kind of mystery!
I really wanted to know the origin of my last name. I knew that my mother could help me. Together we found the clue to our last name.

Kirill Sobolev

If the hands are golden, then it doesn’t matter where they grow from.

Like a family, a surname is not chosen: everything is predetermined even before the birth of a child. The origin of funny names is connected with the traditions of different nations. Sometimes funny surnames in the passport become an obstacle to building a career, so it's good that everyone has the right to change their first and last name after reaching the age of majority.

Cool last names

Modern unusual surnames are a memory of the era in which they appeared. In Russia, decent noble families began to form relatively recently, and before that, families were called by words that were used in folk speech and were not subject to any censorship. So, for example, if one of the father's eyes was blackened or he was lame, the family was called Krivenky. With the same logic, they named Bezpalye, Bezukhie and Bezruchko. No other countries in the world can compare with Ukraine and Russia in the originality of surnames.

Slavic cool, unusual surnames:

  • unwise;
  • whiny;
  • Wretched;
  • Semirozum;
  • Prusachok;
  • Pyatizhopkin;
  • Bobinchik, ave.

Funny surnames of people

People of different nationalities have original, interesting surnames. Many of them surprise and make you laugh until you have stomach cramps. It is unlikely that everyone who got funny surnames, first names or patronymics in the passport lives in harmony with them, because such people have to be mocked and ridiculed from others since childhood. Nevertheless, it is worth treating this with irony and humor, because there will always be a person who is even more unlucky, for example, Lyubov Koshek or Zakhar Zapadlovsky.

For VK for girls

Living with a dissonant surname is not very comfortable, so most girls tend to change or at least hide it from others. Young women choose beautiful, concise pseudonyms for social networks, only partially resembling a real surname. Thanks to this, discontent and shame disappear, but friends, nevertheless, easily recognize the girls. What cool surnames for Vkontakte exist? Examples of successfully modified aliases:

  • for Naumenko Ira - Naum Irina, Naira;
  • for Prus Sveta - Lana Tarakanova, Lana Prus;
  • for Anna Kuznetsova - Anna Blacksmith (literal translation into English);
  • for Nastya Ivanova - Ivanna Nastina (replacement of FI).

The funniest surnames in Russia

Carbon monoxide Russian surnames can be found in the telephone directory. For example, in the capital there are several families with interesting options: Dobryden, Yesterday, Eybogins, Galoshes, Kuku, Khvataimukhi, Shchiborsch, Zadneulitsa, Kukishi. The list can be continued for a very long time: different authors (as a rule, social services workers) compile large-scale selections and ratings of the funniest names / surnames registered in Russia.

For girls

In any large team there are owners of strange, ugly and even obscene surnames. From a huge number, we can distinguish such interesting surnames for girls:

  • Brekhunov;
  • Zhopina;
  • Kazyavkin;
  • Sexual;
  • Mozgoedova;
  • Khryukin;
  • naked;
  • Zhirnov;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • snot;
  • Dobrobaba;
  • Corpse;
  • Lokhov;
  • Non-peypivo.

The complex double rare female surnames of Russian women are distinguished by a special “charm”:

  • Shura-Bura;
  • Kill-Joyful;
  • Bita Marya;
  • Honest-Good;
  • Buffalo-Cat.

Sometimes seemingly normal surnames look strange and funny in combination with women's professions. A selection of such funny, sometimes scary tandems:

  • doctor Patients;
  • artist of the Meshkov fashion house;
  • decrepit beautician;
  • seller-cashier Skorobogatov;
  • Pediatrician Plague;
  • geologist Zemlyanaya;
  • store manager Gnilomyasov;
  • Headmistress Book.

Funny male surnames

As a rule, funny male surnames catch the eye of those whose work is connected with the analysis of a huge number of letters and applications. Among the recipients and applicants, one can meet Kozlov, Kisel, Pasyukov and other citizens whose names bring a smile to their faces. Listed below are ridiculous and funny Russian surnames of Russian men. These include:

  • Blablin;
  • Nadryshchev;
  • Blyakherov;
  • Bobbinchik;
  • Kherenkov;
  • Zababashkin;
  • Glukin;
  • Pupkin;
  • Blablin;
  • Zadnikov;
  • Bobik;
  • Abebe;
  • Sharikov;
  • Sukhozad;
  • Sivokoz;
  • Didus;
  • Durnopeiko;
  • Cord.

The funniest last names in the world

Among other peoples, Moldovans and Romanians have succeeded in creating funny names. Among them there are many Boshar (translated as “pumpkin”), Mosh (“grandfather”), Surdulov (“deaf”), Berbekaev (“ram”). Chechens are not inferior to these peoples, their families can be called Pomoevs, Saraevs, Nadoevs and even Playboys. The funniest names and surnames in the world are also found among Armenians and Georgians - these are Zaseyans, Opokhmelyans, Zarzhaveli, Dobegulia.

There are many funny Japanese names - Nakamode, Sukasena, Oherachu, Komushishi, Shirehari, Herowato. An insurance agent lives in America, whose name is Chip Munk, when pronounced, the words combine and sound like a "chipmunk". In addition, the United States is known for the prevalence of such a surname as Assman, which translates into Russian as “ass man”. The Canadian Wacko family would be called the Crazy. The Polish resident Bzdashek Zapadlovsky also distinguished himself.

A separate list should be formed among famous personalities - football players and athletes. Foreigners proudly wear surnames in their own country, but in Russia they sound ridiculous and ridiculous. List of players who were unlucky with the name:

  • Mandanda Steve;
  • Child Paul;
  • Cicinho;
  • I am Conan Didier;
  • Laziness Ivan;
  • Gad Maryan;
  • Kaka;
  • Nasri Sameer;
  • Chuka Stefano Okaka;
  • Kakalov Georgy;
  • Pukki Teemu;
  • Fool Abdullah;
  • Popa Mariusz;
  • Pivko Rafal;
  • Ogogo Abu;
  • Pukanich Adrian.


Cossack roots can be recognized by the names in the passports of Ukrainians. Sharp-tongued Cossacks, without stint, gave funny, sometimes even offensive nicknames to their brothers. So, the funniest surnames of Ukrainians have survived to our time:

  • Vernyvolya;
  • No breath;
  • Davikoza;
  • Vykhrestyuk;
  • Abyyak;
  • Pidoprygor;
  • Zazhryshchenko;
  • Exhibition;
  • Ridkokasha;
  • Hakalo;
  • Pindyura;
  • Zhopinsky;
  • Galushka;
  • yellowleg;
  • Walking day;
  • rodentub;
  • Nosulya;
  • Unclean.


Not only Slavic surnames can make Russians laugh. Funny Jewish surnames can only be appreciated together with the name. These "pearls" include:

  • Lolita Outsole;
  • Melon Merlin;
  • Psyche Vatnik;
  • Cylinder Grave Digger;
  • Monya Baldhead;
  • Leya Sherenga;
  • Helm Robovstone;
  • Itsyk Lechitsa;
  • Me Shalashibes;
  • Fanya Cork;
  • Shmulik Rag;
  • Rivka Shovel;
  • Motya Naftalin;
  • Faina Dratva;
  • Immanuel Footcloth;
  • Maria Help;
  • Lena Dial;
  • Pesya Barrier;
  • Chaim Kukish;
  • Tsylya Shkurnik;
  • Aron Benefit;
  • Yosef Pshik.

Chinese given names and surnames

For foreigners, Chinese names are a set of hieroglyphs of incomprehensible meaning. However, every name in this country carries a literal meaning, which is sometimes not just funny, but even indecent. Funny Chinese Names and Surnames:

  • Fàn tǒng - means "fool", "lazy/freeloader";
  • Lái gāo cháo - "reach orgasm";
  • Shǎn diànqiú - "ball lightning";
  • Hè hèhe (needs no translation);
  • Сháng gāo cháo - "frequent orgasm".

Even without going into the details of the translation, many Chinese have names that are funny in pronunciation:

  • Sun Vyn Vchai;
  • Take out Sam Drink;
  • Take out Su Him.

Funny celebrity last names

The real names of Russian pop stars, cinema and show business are not as harmonious as their pseudonyms. Below is just a short list of them. Funny names of famous people (the first is a pseudonym, the second is a real name):

  • Pavel Kashin - Pavel Kvasha;
  • Jasmine - Semendueva Sarah;
  • Queen Natasha - Break Natasha;
  • Marshal Alexander - Minkov Alexander;
  • Malinin Alexander - Vyguzov Alexander;
  • Andrey Razin - Krivorotov Vadim;
  • Lolita Milyavskaya - Gorelik Lolita;
  • Rotaru Sofia - Rotar Sofia;
  • Abraham Russo - Ephraim Apjyan;
  • Rubashkin - Chernorubashkin Boris;
  • Stashevsky Vlad - Tverdokhlebov Vyacheslav.

Top funny last names

For outsiders, very funny surnames are another reason to have fun, but their owners often have a hard time. From kindergarten, such people have to endure ridicule from their peers, so many of these “lucky ones” sooner or later decide to make changes to their passport data. Below are the strangest surnames registered in the territory of the CIS countries:

  • crap;
  • Golomudko;
  • Worm;
  • Vshivtsa;
  • Perebeinos;
  • Bananovich;
  • Siskov;
  • Viper;
  • Vypirailova;
  • killwolf;
  • Steering wheel;
  • Single poses;
  • Dohlik;
  • Uncle;
  • Podlyuk;
  • Dulya;
  • Drishch;
  • Chmyryuk;
  • Asshole;
  • Beeliner;
  • Kakashkind.


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There is a saying that parents are not chosen. And here you can make a small addition: the surname too. In the modern world, there are a huge number of funny, strange and simply interesting surnames. This is what we want to talk about in our article.

Pleasant surnames

A person can have a surname that will be not only harmonious, but also pleasant in terms of its meaning. So, a girl of not too beautiful appearance can have the surname Beautiful, and no one will argue with that! It is very pleasant when Dobro Vova or Reason Zhenya is called to the board at school. Cheerful Anya will most likely never be sad, and Happiness Denis is unlikely to cause inconvenience to anyone.

Labor surnames

A very interesting surname is Turner or Locksmith. Here you don’t need to choose a place of work, everything is already determined by fate. “Hi, I’m Tokar Alexander” - “Hi, but we didn’t call you!” - here is an example of a funny situation that can happen to a person whose last name is too professional. The surname of a female narcologist Kalyan, as well as traumatologists Girya and Cactus, sounds quite fun. Here it is no longer the surname that determines the workplace, but the work itself finds people with suitable full names.

Geography and climate

A very interesting surname. "To whom shall we go? Gore! Also, people can have surnames Winter or Spring, which is not offensive at all. Often you can meet the Vershinins, Travyannikovs, Solntsevs. This, of course, does not sound so indirect, but you can still understand the meaning.

summer residents

What else is an interesting surname? So, people have "country" or "garden" surnames. For example, Cabbage Olga or Drought Oksana. For male fishermen, Perch, Crucian or Pike are very suitable. Polivaev Semyon is unlikely to abandon his garden, he will definitely be in order. Delicious "country" surnames can be like this: Radish, Parsley, Potato. Or various variations on this theme: Morkovitsyn, Pomidornikov, Yablonin.

About magic

The person with the last name Focus will be very lucky. Here he, probably, can surprise anyone. There are also Koldunovs and Talismanovs. And a person with the surname Miracle is unlikely to be ordinary, and few people will refuse to be friends with the Miracle.

Briefly and clearly

A very interesting surname - Ku - belongs to Ivan Petrovich. Write quickly, and people will remember for a long time. With the same simple surnames - for example, As, Kim - it will be easy to live, because few people will read it incorrectly or find it difficult to pronounce. And the mistakes of passport officers in this case are hardly possible. Although who knows?


Alcoholic names are very interesting. So, men will like Comrade Vodkin or Cognac. At the wedding, the main man will always be Nalivaikin. At the same time, one should be wary of the consequences of such a riotous lifestyle, otherwise Belochnikov will come.


What other interesting surnames are there? The list can be replenished with delicious examples of them. So, you can remember the film "Queen of the gas station", where the hero Comrade Borsch was. People with the surname Sweet (or Sweet) also live well. Surnames such as Varenik or Salo can be very national.


A very interesting surname Dergorukov. It just motivates you to take action. Probably very evil people live with the surname Perebionos. There is also a hairdresser Zaveyborod.


I would also like to consider interesting names and surnames. Andreevich or Petrov Petr Petrovich will sound rather unusual. On the other hand, this is good, you can easily and without problems remember the name of a person. If we talk about surnames derived from names, then the following can be mentioned as an example: Mashechkins, Lyubimovs, Adamovichs.


"Animals" surnames will seem very beautiful and unusual. The first inspired thought is a phrase from the film “The weather is good on Deribasovskaya ....”: “Falcon, Orlov!” - "Eagle, Sokolov!" So try to understand where is the compliment, and where is the surname. So, the Bunnies, Lions, Lebedevs, Kotenochkins and Sobakovs live in our country.


Interesting last names for girls, what are they? It is unlikely that any lady will grieve if she has the surname Rose or Flower. The surname of Vinogradov or Berezkin, Yablochnikov or Romashka sounds just as beautiful. For men, "wooden" surnames are suitable: Oak, Topolev, Kashtannikov.


The most interesting surnames are probably "military". They will be wary of a person whose last name is Hitler. But there are such people! But Polkovnikov, Mayorov, Admiralov are relatively calm, but still a little defining the sphere of life of the surname.


The name Romanov sounds very beautiful and noble. Just like that I want to be closer to the royal family. However, this is just a derivative of Roman. And there are many Romanovs, but not all of them. The surname Shuisky, Obolensky also sounds very pleasant. And, of course, the surnames Onegin, Kostomarov, Pechorin, Polonsky are out of competition. And they sound beautiful, and have already been heard.


A very interesting surname - Vagina - belongs to Irina. That's just not to be confused, the emphasis here is on the first syllable. However, this is not yet the most difficult case, as they say. There are a huge number of such strange surnames that it is generally not very clear how a person lives with her. Foreign surnames look especially fun on our territory. Maya Bee lives in Belarus, well, just a fairy-tale character. Good, probably, a woman with the surname Dobrobaba. And the most hardworking workers of the collective farm are, most likely, Svinar and Khryukin.

Bad last names

If you have to get acquainted with a person whose surname is Gnida, from the first time it is unlikely that anyone will trust him. Sometimes you don’t even want to develop an acquaintance, who knows how it could all end. The surnames Beda or Grave may seem unpleasant, however, according to historians, they are considered quite happy, and the people who wore them were lucky in life. It's a shame, probably, to bear such a surname as Skotina, but what can you do, the legacy of our ancestors.

Needless to say, there are a lot of unusual and interesting surnames, it is a pity that it is impossible to bring them all within the framework of one article.

Inna Belyaeva
Project "What does my last name mean?"

One of the forms of work with parents is joint adult and children design. I bring to your attention project which was carried out jointly with the parents of the pupil.

SUBJECT PROJECT: "What my last name is Suraev

View project: complex

Type project: artistic and speech

Implementation timeline: medium term

Members project: Suraev Arseniy 5 years old, his family

Relevance project: Every person, sooner or later, thinks about the meaning of his surnames. Indeed, what is she means? Answer to this question ambiguous. It can keep the history of the family or the secret of your family. Its meaning may be associated with some historical era, events that took place far in the past, it can tell us about what our ancestors were like, how they lived, what they did. Knowledge of one's ancestry, knowledge of history is necessary for everyone. This helps to find many answers to questions, both in the present and in the future. Also, remembering the history of our ancestors today, we preserve it for future generations.

As is known, surname passed down from generation to generation from our ancestors. Therefore, in order to understand its meaning and significance, it is necessary to turn to the origins of its occurrence, to its history. It is the mystery of the origin surnames able to shed light on their meaning and interpretation. Revealing meaning surnames, we touch the history of our family, the genealogy of our ancestors.

Once, with the teachers and the guys in the group, we played the didactic game "Rivers of Mordovia", when the guys heard the name of the Sura River, everyone immediately said that this name is very similar to mine surname. And I thought about this question. “Why do all the guys in my group have different surnames And why do people need them at all? Why is my surname Suraev, and Sasha from my group - Volkov? What does Suraev mean? - once I asked my grandmother all this. She took me to the library, and together we began to study the history of our surnames. We learned a lot of interesting things.

Target project: to find out that surname Suraev means?

Tasks: introduce sons with descent history surnames SURAEV. Contribute to the formation of the desire to take part in family traditions, the desire to learn new things. Collect interesting material about my surnames, learn to "make friends" with books, find in them a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself. To develop the ability to feel the beauty of the nature of the native land, to emotionally respond to it. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the older generation.

Estimated result: Exploring History

occurrence surnames Suraev opens the forgotten pages of the life and culture of our ancestors and can tell a lot of interesting things about the distant past. There are many versions of the origin surnames Suraev.

According to one of them, surname Suraev is one of the oldest Russian surnames, appeared back in the time of Ivan the Terrible, and only those close to the tsar could wear it.

The next group of scientists believe that surname Suraev, "Not quite Russian" by content. It is based, again, on the Turkic name Suraya, translated from Arabic signifier"rich Assyrian".

Another version says that my surname has Turkic roots and came from the name Surai, which means"son, assistant hero", since the Russian and Mordovian people throughout their history lived in close contact with a variety of Turkic tribes - Tatars, Bashkirs, Kazakhs and other peoples of the Golden Horde, the Kazan, Astrakhan and Crimean Khanates.

There are a lot of people in Mordovia with surname Suraev, most of all in the Bolypeignatovsky district, where my grandfather, Anatoly Vladimirovich Suraev, comes from, where the Erzya live, a little less than the Suraevs in the Insara district, where the moksha lives "

Thus, we came to the conclusion that surname Suraev is common both among the Erzi and among the Mokshans.

Other researchers believe that it is formed from the name of the Sura River, the third largest after the Kama and Oka, a tributary of the Volga flowing in Mordovia, in the Ulyanovsk, Nizhny Novgorod and Penza regions. This is a version about the toponymic origin surnames Suraev. This name is also given to an ancient village in the Pinezhsky district of the Arkhangelsk region, the first mention of which was recorded in the Novgorod chronicles under 1137. "Geographic" the names that appeared in those cases when a person for various reasons left his native places and moved to new lands were not uncommon in Rus'.

My dad, grandfather and brother and I love to fish on Sura, we even caught pike there. "Maybe that's why my surname Suraev I decided. Probably, my distant ancestors lived along the banks of the Sura and were engaged in fishing.

There is a version that surname Suraev descended from one of the Mordovian words: Suravka - russula; Sura (suro)- millet, millet.

Grandmother and mother often bake millet pancakes for us - suron pachat, we love to eat them very much. Grandmother says that the recipe for these Mordovian pancakes came to us from the distant ancestors of the Suraevs.

“Maybe that’s why we are Suraevs because we love millet pancakes? And the words sound Seems like: Suron- Suraev! ”I thought. Maybe my distant ancestors Suraevs were engaged in the cultivation of millet, and then the manufacture of millet. This theory seemed to me the most interesting.


1 - Preparatory stage project.

2 - Main stage project.

3 - Final stage project.


1 - Collection of materials:

Selection of literature.

Conversations with relatives.

Conversation with the old-timers of the village.

Collection of photographs of relatives.

Revealing famous people surname Suraev.

Acquaintance with Mordovian cuisine.

Internet - source.


1 - Playing a didactic game "Rivers of Mordovia".

2 - Drawings of the Sura River, places where they rested (or photos).

3 - Photos of the village.

4 - Making a family album of relatives.

5 - Creation of a branch of the Suraev family tree.


1 - Presentation project"What means my last name

2 - Presentation "My small homeland".

3 - Presentation "Branch of the family tree of the Suraevs".

List of used sources:

1. Gafurov A. Name and history. Dictionary. M., 1987.

2. Baskakov N. A. Russians surnames Turkish origin. M., 1979.

3. Unbegaun B.-O. Russians surnames. M., 1995.

4. Superanskaya A. V., Suslova A. V. Modern Russians surnames. 1981.

5. Tupikov N. M. Dictionary of Old Russian personal names. SPb., 1903.

6. Nikonov V. A. Geography surnames. M., 1988

7. Internet source: Origin surnames Suraev.

8. Internet source: Origin surnames - history and meaning. The meaning of names. rf

Zemskov Konstantin

In this paper, different ways of the emergence of surnames in Rus' are considered, and the student also tried to explore the ways in which the surnames of his classmates appeared.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary School No. 32", Engels, Saratov Region


on this topic

"The history of the emergence of Russian surnames"

Completed by a student of the 2nd "G" class

MBOU secondary school No. 32, Engels

Saratov region

Zemskov Konstantin

Project leader: Vituleva S.V.

2011-2012 academic year

  1. Introduction
  2. Main part
  1. The history of the emergence of Russian surnames
  2. Ways of forming Russian surnames
  1. Conclusion
  2. Literature
  3. Applications

It is useful for each person to know his history, the history of the origin of his family name, at least in order to better know himself.

Not many people think about the origin of their surname. At the lesson of the world around us, we studied the topic “Family. Relatives ”and talked about how surnames, first names, patronymics arose. I was wondering, how did my last name come about? In search of an answer to the question, I became interested in education and deciphering surnames.

The aim of my work wasdetermination of the ways of formation of my surname and surnames of classmates with their subsequent decoding and classification.

During the research, I solved the following tasks:

  • definitions of the concepts of surname, hereditary name;
  • study of the history of the emergence of surnames;
  • work with literary and Internet sources;
  • compiling a dictionary of surnames of classmates

2.1 The history of the emergence of Russian surnames

There was a time in the history of mankind when people did not have surnames, this refers to the period up to the second half of the 2nd millennium. But to distinguish people personal names were invented. However, it soon turned out that a personal name alone was not enough, because, despite the fact that names were constantly invented and changed, there were still many repeating ones. And then they came up with nicknames. Over time, the composition and number of inhabitants increased, and then additional ways of naming people were already needed. People began to think more about the family continuity of generations, about the fact that each family needs some special detail that will be familiar to the whole family and will be inherited by descendants. So the first hereditary generic names were formed, such is the history of the origin of the surname.

It is noteworthy that surname in Latin means family. But before, the family meant something different from our modern ideas. The family was a collection of people, along with slaves and their owners. And only after a certain period of time, the family became a cell of society with its own distinctive feature - a surname.

The process of the origin of the surname in world history began to gain strength approximately from the second half of the millennium, and towards the end of the 19th century, almost all nations and peoples already possessed them. Comparing the speed with which this process went in different parts of the globe, we note that generic names arose at about the same time among different peoples, and the same methods of their formation were used. First of all, the owners of surnames became the nobles, who had more privileges compared to other social strata. This was typical for Russia, and for Europe, and for Asia. Gradually, over several centuries, the process of the origin of surnames and their distribution among other social groups went on, until the entire population began to possess them.

Almost all surnames were not chosen by the native speaker, but given from outside. I concluded, looking at the people around me, that no one can be responsible for the surname once received by his ancestor. At present, there is no connection between a person and his name: Chernyshov can be blond, Vogue can be a very good person, Zlobin is kind, and Nekrasov is handsome. There was often no direct connection in the past: for example, the names or nicknames Tsar - Tsarev, Knyaz - Knyazev, were usually given to peasants - apparently, in the hope of future power, wealth, power. A child could be called a fool, Nekras, Scoundrel, Malice in order to protect him from the evil eye, to deceive evil forces that would harm a good baby, but not touch a “bad” one. Many of the names that underlie modern surnames and that seem offensive to us now were not considered as such, but simply, having become a name, became an ordinary verbal sign.

Even those names that usually seem clear to us are fraught with riddles and surprises, so that questions and doubts will lie in wait for us everywhere. There are interesting cases when the word seems to be known to everyone, but is used in a completely different sense. So, Dvornikov's ancestor was a janitor, but he did not clean the streets and yards, but was an employer or keeper of the yard.

2.2 Ways of forming surnames

The historical process of the origin of the surname has several main ways of their formation, moreover, the same for different peoples and nations:

1) from personal names (church and non-church);

In many modern surnames, the forms of old names that once existed in Rus' are traced: Nechai - Nechaev, Tretyak -

Tretyakov, Krivets - Krivtsov, Moroz - Morozov. Frost - a non-Christian male name was given, as a rule, to a person born in cold, frosty weather. This name was not uncommon until the 17th century. These names reflected the various properties of people, their behavior, character, speech characteristics, physical defects or virtues, time and order of the child's appearance in the family.

A large mass of surnames was formed from Christian names: Gordeev - the canonical name of Gordius, king; Fedoseev - Fedosy, given by God; Klimenko - Clement, silent, condescending.

Modern Russian surnames have preserved many unofficial personal names of the past, among which there are long-forgotten or very rarely found in dialects. For example, the surnames Mamin, Mamkin are most often formed not from the word mother, but from the calendar names Mammy or Mamant; the modern surname Mamontov also goes back to the name Mamant, and not to the name of an extinct animal. Martyshkin does not come from a monkey, but from a derivative form of the names Martyn, Mart.

2) by occupation (profession, craft);

Surnames can remind of long-forgotten professions: Berdnikov (Berdnik is a master making reeds - weaving combs),

Tolmachev (interpreter - translator). At the same time, professions served as the basis for the formation of a large number of surnames; Sapozhnikov, Kuznetsov, Kirpichnikov, Tabakov, Telyatnikov, Vorotnikov (head over the gate), etc.

3) from the name of the place of residence;

Many surnames have geographical roots. Most often - this is an indication of the place where the founder of the surname comes from. The ancestors of the Mezentsevs came from the banks of the Mezen River, the Turintsevs from the Tura River. The Vyazemskys owned lands along the Vyazma River. The peasants were recorded by the name of the landowner - Vyazemsky (Whose?).

There are names that reflect historical events. The Moscow prince, conquering the northern territories belonging to Novgorod, burned the town of Kokshenga, and destroyed most of the population. The descendants of the surviving and scattered residents received the surname Koksharovs.

4) from the name of animals and plants;

The names of animals, birds, fish are one of the main sources of nicknames and surnames derived from them, as this is dictated by the cult of birds and animals among the ancient Slavs.

Seleznev (male duck), Voronina, Gusev, Gusakov (gander-male goose), Korostelkina (corncrake - a fast-running bird living in the grass). Surnames formed from mammals, insects, fish are also numerous: Bobrov, Bychkov, Volkov, Ershov, Kozlov, Kobelev, Lisin

5) by nickname.

Gorlov (a nickname characterizes a person's behavior. This was the name of a person who screamed loudly, achieved his goal with a cry). Gudkov (from the words gud, beep; the nickname of every screamer). Golubtsov (Golubets is a forgotten pet word of the same meaning as the modern “darling”. Actually, darling is a diminutive not from “dove”, but from “stuffed cabbage”.

Surnames associated with a person’s appearance: Gubin, Glazin, Glazunov (from the word glazun, “big-eyed, who has bulging eyes”, and also one who loves to stare: rotozey, onlookers). Belyaev (“Not everyone who bore the name Belyai was white, but Chernyai or Chernyshi were black,” notes the linguist A. M. Selishchev). Belyakov (a nickname for blond, white-faced, white-haired people. But neat people were also called whites. and with serf reform: a whitewashed person, that is, a person freed from taxes). Ryzhakov, Chernov (one of the very common surnames that belonged to the first hundred Russian surnames. The surname is associated with swarthy skin color, black hair, dark clothes.

In the Russian tradition, women usually take their husband's surname upon marriage. However, this is optional; a woman can keep her maiden name. Sometimes, in rare cases, the husband may take the wife's surname. Children usually take the father's surname, but at the request of the parents or if the woman is not married, they can take the mother's surname.


Dictionary of surnames of classmates

As examples, I will give the names of my classmates.

  • Firstly, personal names are the most popular source of the origin of the surname. For example:

Pavlov - on behalf of Pavel, from Latin meaning "small";

Borisov - on behalf of Boris, translated from Bulgarian means a wrestler;

Sashchenko - is of Ukrainian origin, the surname is based on a diminutive form of the name Sasha;

Trukhmanova - from the male name Trukhan - this is one of the variants of the name Trifon;

Semenishchev - on behalf of Semyon, translated from Greek "hearing God."

Trofimov - on behalf of Trofim, translated from Greek "pet".

The surname Erokhin came from the church name Hierofei, translated from the ancient Greek “sacred”, and the surname Frolkin also came from the form Frol from the church male name Flor, translated from Latin “blooming”.

Daniltseva - from the Orthodox name Danila, which was quite widespread. This surname is of Russian origin.

  • In addition to personal names, professions, crafts, and various human occupations served as sources of origin for surnames. For example:

Bakharev - from the word bahar, bahir - talker, storyteller, storyteller;

Zemskov - from a village clerk - an assistant to the headman under serfdom, who was sometimes called a zemstvo;

Sklyar in Belarusian and Ukrainian means glazier;

Skorobogatova is a derivative of the word soon rich - quickly enriched.

Daniltseva - most often such surnames are formed from the profession of a distant ancestor.

  • Another fairly common way of the origin of the surname was its origin from the name of the place of residence of its bearer. In this case, the origin of the surname can be associated with both a geographical object and the names of these objects and the names of settlements. For example:

The surname Borisov may also come from the name of a resident of the city of Borisov.

Kiseleva - from the geographical name, the village of Kiselvo;

Zelenskaya - this surname is of Polish origin. All representatives of such surnames belonged to the Polish gentry. In 10%, the bearer of such a surname may be a descendant of an ancient Russian princely or boyar family. Zelensky - from the villages named Green.

  • The next source of origin of surnames were the names of animals and plants. For example:

Sizov - from derivatives Sizyak-wild pigeon and Sizyov-"woodpecker".

  • Nicknames became another source of the origin of surnames in Rus'. Surnames-nicknames existed in Novgorod possessions from the 13th-14th centuries, but for a long time they were not commonly used. Here are examples of surnames derived from nicknames:

Lapshin - formed from the nickname Noodles, which goes back to the common noodles - a flour product;

The surname Sizov has another origin. In Pskov and Tver dialects, "gray" meant "pale, thin." The surname Kiselev can also come from a nickname or a non-church name Kisel. Such names were given, according to the names of dishes that were popular in Rus'.

Guskova - the surname is formed from the nickname Gus, Gusak.

Dudina - this surname is of Turkic origin and came to us from the Arabic language. It is derived from the word "din", which means "religion, faith." People in the Upper Volga region were sometimes called grandfather.


I learned a lot of interesting and useful things by starting to study my own surname. Then he deciphered all the names of the students in our class and concluded that the word surname means: family, family, family name, that any current surname does not depend on its original meaning, it should not be ashamed, but on the contrary, it should be carefully carried through life and passed on to descendants. You have to love your last name.

The study of surnames is valuable for science. It allows you to more fully present the historical events of recent centuries, as well as the history of science, literature and art. The history of the surname is a kind of living history. In the past, bloodlines were the property of only a handful of aristocrats. And the whole mass of the common people "was not supposed to have ancestors." But now millions of people have the right to be proud of their ancestors, their work.

As a result of the study, my classmates and I learned about our surnames, the ancestors who gave them their surnames, the places where they lived, what they did, in which families they grew up.


  1. E.N. Polyakov "From the history of Russian names and surnames" "Enlightenment" 1975.
  2. A.V.Superanskaya, A.V.Suslova "Modern Russian surnames" "Science" 1984
  3. E.A. Grushko, Yu.M. Medvedev "Encyclopedia of Russian Surnames" "EKSMO" 2000
  4. THEM. Ganzhin "Dictionary of modern Russian surnames"

Astrel Publishing House, 2000



  1. Do you know the history of your last name?

A) yes

B) no

B) didn't think about it

  1. Would you like to know the origin of your last name?

A) yes

B) no

B) don't know

  1. What do you think can i know by your last name?


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