Not everyone is able to afford. Caviar Every day lightly salted capelin in sauce - “Do you want caviar, but not everyone can afford it for breakfast? Great alternative! Another favorite from Auchan"


We very often, especially lately, talk about freedom. And very rarely do we think about what it is. Are we born free or do we gain freedom through experience? Does it really have to be conquered in order to begin to appreciate it?

Few would argue that freedom is better than lack of freedom. However, in fact, many of us are ready to sacrifice it for the sake of peace, comfort, traditions; in order to, in the end, sit more comfortably on your fifth point. And here, immediately, one more question - do we really want to be free people?
As many people like to repeat now, and at all times they probably loved: "All people are born free." As for me, our "relationship" with freedom is not as simple as it seems at first glance. For me, "innate" freedom, to put it mildly, is not obvious. If only because I associate freedom with my actions, and not with myself. And as long as there are no actions, there is no point in talking about human freedom, or rather, there is no reason.

Freedom actually means a constant choice between alternatives and, more importantly, free choice requires the creation of new alternatives ... but there is always a certain price of freedom - effort, risk, anxiety. The unwillingness to pay this price makes people unfree.
Rimantas Kociunas

Freedom is those actions that we perform with a clear awareness of the consequences and a willingness to answer for them. Spontaneous idiotic decisions are not freedom. And, by the way, to act freely does not mean to act well or badly, freedom is not an evaluative category at all. So think for yourself, decide for yourself, as they say, there is only one small nuance: freedom does not exist on its own, but only in an inseparable connection with responsibility.

Willingness to commit an act and be responsible for it is the main criterion of freedom. Freedom is an "optional" phenomenon, not obligatory for everyone - a state to which you need to grow, and not everyone succeeds. And it is valuable only when a person knows how to dispose of it. Unfortunately, in our Slavic traditions, this question always remains secondary: the main thing is to break everything, and what's next - we'll see.

It is hardly possible to speak of real and concrete human freedom, and not abstract philosophical freedom, outside the world of structured relationships and mutual obligations.
Rimantas Kociunas

In our country, such a good Ukrainian word "will" usually stands as a synonym for freedom. And, for some reason, this will does not characterize, as one might think, a certain "core" in a person - this is precisely "freedom from", a spontaneous impulse, and it does not provide for any constructive continuation. In general, the fight against any restrictions is a striking feature of our nation (which does not exclude our readiness to obey, as you know, extremes attract).

It is quite possible that our stubborn desire for "freedom from" in the absence of a "code for" is connected with history. Serfdom was abolished only in 1861, moreover, this "freedom" was lowered from above, and not won from below. This is hardly the best way: there is no freedom without liberation. In our country, however, the path to gaining freedom and the ability to manage it has largely remained untrodden.

A vital "dose of freedom" depends on our personal history, past experiences and deep aspirations"
Ernst Unknown

It is important to most of us that today we live better than ten or twenty years ago; people will not take to the streets until their well-being is threatened (grandmothers hit on the head, paid rallies and outright provocations do not count). This is the generally accepted explanation of our tacit consent even with those actions and decisions of the authorities that categorically do not suit us. Most of our people are simply afraid of independence, it is extremely difficult (or maybe impossible) for them to allow themselves to have their own opinion, and even more so to defend it.

It seems to me that the majority (at least 1/3 for sure) of our fellow citizens will never grow up to freedom. After all, freedom is not among the basic needs (it is somewhere at the top of Maslow's pyramid), and given that it does not guarantee well-being at all, it is completely depreciated for many individuals.

I value my freedom very much: I can't stand it when they tell me what to think and how to act. And yet, sometimes I am ready to obey discipline out of respect for others, because I clearly understand that my freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins (although, honestly, such philanthropy came to me already at a conscious age). If everyone does what they want, anarchy will quickly set in - but I don’t like this almost as much as lack of freedom)).

If my freedom runs into no boundaries, I become nothing. Through limitations, I pull myself out of oblivion and bring myself into existence.
Karl Theodor Jaspers

To tell the truth, an excessive excess of freedom sometimes confuses and even disturbs me. Knowing that I have some obligations helps me feel needed and needed - and complete autonomy survives the feeling of loneliness.
Here's another interesting moment - we feel the maximum freedom at the moment when we decide what is valuable to us. And then this feeling begins to "deflate". Reality begins to reduce freedom - freedom is always limited by specific circumstances. It is never absolute - it is always framed by reality.

That is why responsibility is so important for freedom - you need to be able to choose and enjoy not only the final goal / choice, but also the very process of achieving it. This is such a constructive freedom.
I’ve already done something… I’ll try it on my fingers… Any job would be a good example: we should like not only the salary at the end of the month, but also everyday routine actions, conversations, procedures.

If we like everything that we do, then this is freedom of choice. It turns out that the feeling of freedom is the art of being friends with reality. We can only try to live our lives more responsibly and consciously; be responsible for their actions and actions; think, look with open eyes at what is happening around and inside us. Be attentive, critical, sleepless. Hear yourself, your doubts, do not rely on the opinions and assessments of others. And, no matter how paradoxical it may sound, it is then that you can feel the greatest freedom.

Good afternoon Auchan is our family's favorite store. And we very often buy products of their production "Every day". (Not only because it’s cheap, although it’s also. But it’s also delicious).

Since I am a “fish person”, and my family is not very good, I often buy myself fish and fish caviar (different, for example, pollock). This time my choice fell on the classic capelin caviar.

I was pleasantly surprised that for a small price the taste is quite decent.

Packing: transparent jar, sealed with thick foil.

The packaging contains all the necessary information. Weight 150 grams, And composition.

The design is modest, but nothing superfluous and distracting.

The color of the caviar is pale.

Now I’ll tell you about the taste: Since mayonnaise is indicated in the composition, I expected that the taste would be slightly sour or bitter (in Auchan they sell squid in mayonnaise sauce, that’s exactly the taste of bitter-sour mayonnaise).

But to my happiness, the taste is sooooo gentle. The eggs are firm in moderation. Soft but not runny. It does not spread over the sandwich. No unpleasant aftertaste remains.

Perfect for a snack. You can smear not only on bread, but for example on pancakes.


The same Munchausen

Don't be afraid to be funny

Among the wide variety of obsessive fears, one of the most common is social phobia. This is the fear of openly showing oneself in a public place, of seeming ridiculous, the fear of causing condemnation and laughter from people. This fear also includes: the fear of speaking in front of a large audience, the fear of answering questions from teachers, answering at the blackboard, and even the fear of appearing in public places such as a restaurant, dance floor, etc.

Such situations, when they are afraid, can cause an increased heartbeat, a rush of blood to the face, trembling hands, sweating of the palms, etc. Of course, such reactions can also occur in some rare exciting situations for a person, which is normal and should not frighten a person.

What is the way out? Perhaps even - turn to a specialist, a psychotherapist.

The specialist, in turn, with the help of certain techniques, will "carry out" auto-training from minor to the most frightening situations. As a result, even the most disturbing environment will no longer cause panic attacks.

But before you turn to a specialist, you should try to get out of a difficult situation yourself. It is necessary to rebuild your attitude, your behavior. For this:

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. A person is generally not a suitable object for comparison. Each one is superior to the other in some ways and inferior in some ways. To correctly identify your strengths and weaknesses, make a "registry" of personal qualities.

In the left column, write everything that does not suit you and upsets you, in the right column - what it balances. After all, even shyness can be looked at differently. For example, “I'm not an upstart, I'm not importunate, I'm not aggressive; people think I'm modest and accommodating." Having established the virtues, it is easier to look for support in them in difficult situations.

2. Get rid of the baggage of past upsets. Everyone had moments when he was rejected, ridiculed, humiliated. Remembering past failures, a shy person trembles and expects that in similar circumstances they will again begin to persecute him. Not at all necessary! Once you make a mistake, you most likely won't repeat it.

3. Don't take personally the ill will of others. Most often, rudeness, impudence, evil irony are an expression of internal experiences, troubles and conflicts of the aggressor himself. So it's not you who are bad - it's bad for your offender.

4. Don't withdraw into yourself. Sometimes it is enough just to accept an invitation to a company to understand: you are not in danger, it is quite possible to relax. Do not avoid communication with those who aspire to it. And gradually you will get rid of isolation and vain fears.

5. Practice communicating. On the eve of an important meeting or a responsible public speech, you need to properly prepare, rehearse the speech. Such homemade preparations are used by many brilliant speakers, artists and politicians.

6. Don't take alcohol. An extra glass often generates not so much looseness as swagger. Regrets about it will only exacerbate fears of insecurity.

7. Appreciate your successes. A timid, shy person tends to perceive his own mistakes as a pattern, good luck as an accident. If you radically change the approach to fixing successes and rewarding yourself for them, it will soon become clear: there are not so many reasons for despondency.

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In an effort to please everyone, including the very wealthy with their particular tastes, some companies are beginning to inject a crazy touch of luxury even into the production of everyday items, which ultimately affects the price the most. How do you, for example, the prospect of buying a straw panama at about the price of a premium Jaguar FX sedan? And this is not the most shocking thing that awaits you in this article.

website invites readers to the world of platinum pens, diamond watches and gold underwear. From the cost of these things, the eyes climb on the forehead.

Billionaire Boys Club backpack, $1,650

Only four of the diamond-embossed gold backpacks were available in the Billionaire Boys Club store and sold for $1,650 each. At the moment, they, apparently, have already been sold out and four happy owners of unique bags are walking around the world.

Xten Ergonomic Office Chair, $2,495

Xten Ergonomic office chairs from the Italian company Pininfarina are called “ferrari among other chairs”. The developers said that they were designed in the amount of $ 1,500,000. The production used a special Dynatec fabric, from which suits for Olympic athletes are sewn, as well as a special weight distribution system that avoids discomfort after a long stay in a sitting position. Also, special attention is paid to the handles, which are regulated by just pressing one button.

Berco's popcorn with gold flakes, $2,500

Popcorn produced by Berco's has secured the title of the most expensive popcorn in the world. These crunchy tasty balls are covered with real gold flakes. It is not known if this somehow affects the taste, but it looks impressive. The largest bowl possible, with a capacity of 22 liters, will cost lovers of tasty and spectacular about $ 2,500.

Toilet Neorest 700H, $6,500

Once upon a time, TOTO, founded in 1917, set itself the goal of creating innovative toilets that would make life easier for people through significant water savings. This is how the $6,500 Neorest 700H Dual Flush was born. This toilet comes with a number of great features, including a built-in air freshener, heated seat, and even a night light. It is also equipped with the Cyclone self-cleaning system.

Louis Vuitton skateboard, $8,250

The skateboard, which was released in just three pieces, each costing just over $8,000, is a great example of what it's like to be rich. In this case, it makes it possible to be one of three owners of a collectible design item that is not even meant to be used.

Electrolux Ergoripado vacuum cleaner, $17,122

The Crystal Ergoripado is a vacuum cleaner from Electrolux, adorned with 3,730 Swarovski crystals. It is considered one of the most expensive home cleaning devices and costs $ 17,122. You can exclaim that for this amount you can buy yourself a nice car and even stay in the black. Well, what can I say: you can’t forbid living beautifully.

Straw Panama Brent Black, $25,000

Some panama hats from the Panama Hat Company are sold at an incredibly high price, which causes a lot of outraged questions. In this regard, even a whole page appeared on the company's website with exhaustive (or not) answers to them. The owner's simple answer to the popular question of why it's so expensive is that the craftsmanship and art are worth the price, as each panama hat is carefully and lovingly crafted by hand over a period of three months.

Plantronics Bluetooth Headset, $50,000

Diamonds are a girl's best friend. Apparently, taking this postulate into service, Plantronics decided to release a limited series of Discovery 925 Bluetooth headsets, made in gold and encrusted with diamonds. The actual number of diamonds was not made public, but the design is certainly upscale and impressive, and this good was sold for about $50,000.

Bottle of Tributo a Modigliani water, $60,000

This bottle of water, Acqua di Cristallo "Tributo a Modigliani", is named after the artist Amedeo Modigliani and sold at auction in 2010 for an incredible $60,000. - carat gold plating. Moreover, the water itself is a mixture of the purest spring water from France and the Fiji Islands with the addition of water from the glaciers of Iceland. And by the way, the water also contains 5 mg of gold dust.

Gold bra from Birmingham store, $1,000,000

How much would you pay for a bra that is shaped in solid gold and embellished with diamonds? The Birmingham store put up an 18 carat gold bra set with over 500 diamonds for "only" $1,000,000. creation of linen.

Aurora Diamante fountain pen, $1,470,000

The nib pen from the Italian brand Aurora is studded with 2,000 De Beers miniature diamonds, the total weight of which is 7.5 g. Also, platinum and white gold are the main materials of the most expensive nib pen. Pens are produced in single copies, the buyer can order text engraving or even a portrait. It is not surprising that this writing set can rightfully be considered a piece of jewelry on any desktop.

Why do you think Russian women are ashamed of the fact that they increase their lips, increase their hair, and so on?

They are not ashamed, just not everyone can afford it, - this woman answered the question above:

This participant in the English reality show about Russians is presented as the wife of a British oligarch.

We mostly eat at hotel restaurants, because we hide from everyone so that they don't get it. We sat down, fell apart as we wanted, - this man of very controversial masculinity commented on his desire to hide from the annoying attention of the Russian public:

Do you know him?

Here I am no.

The “wife of a British oligarch” is as terrible as death, despite the fact that she can afford and allowed herself enlarged lips, and sewn hair, and “other”.

The guy - the Russian husband of "one of the most successful British neurologists" - can walk around Red Square for at least a whole day with a poster "Take my autograph" - no one will recognize him anyway.

Something else surprises me: what do these characters have in their heads? Who so pissed in their brain boxes that one considers herself beautiful enough to talk about self-care, proper nutrition and sports, and the second avoids the paparazzi in Moscow.

The “wife of a British oligarch” states: “The most important thing is diet, exercise and less sun exposure.” If you listen to her, you will get the body of a dried cockroach.

In theory, such characters - a full interview with them is possible - should cause envy, but something tells me that the majority, looking at them, twist their fingers to their temples and regret the sick.

Are you ready to exchange reason and adequacy for big money? Would you agree to live the life of a rich chumicka or a rich freak?

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