Not offensive jokes for April 1st. The best April Fools' pranks in history - πάπυρος


washing powder

In an empty box from under the washing powder is placed
plastic bag and powdered milk is poured into it.
It is interesting to observe others when in a crowded
place you will begin to eat the contents of the box with a spoon.

Prank with glue

We glue a 10 ruble coin somewhere on the sidewalk with superglue, clean it from dust in front of this with a brush, sit down on a bench nearby and observe ... The joke can be modified: do the same in the place where the people are crowding, and then ask: "Who Did you drop a coin?

spotted draw

You need to call your girlfriend (naturally, there should be a close relationship between you) and say in a dead voice that you have the most unpleasant news for her, which you will tell at the meeting. While she, torn by anxiety, runs to you, you take an ordinary watercolor and in some place (approx. Which fantasy will tell you) you apply small dots. Believe me, it looks not just natural, but one might say, unpleasant. Well, when your beloved jumps to you, open your clothes sadly and rejoice that THIS appeared after your last meeting. The effect is amazing.

Slime Prank

A very simple draw. At a party, a slime is put in the boot of the most emotional girl. Who does not know, this is such a jelly-like ball that, being thrown at the wall, spreads like the eponymous cartoon character about ghosts. It used to be sold everywhere, now you have to look. When the girl is going home and changing shoes in the hallway, her foot finds something very nasty in the boot.


The draw is notable for the fact that, for all its simplicity, it VERY often succeeds. In the midst of any conversation, you need to screw in such a question: "By the way, do you know how the abbreviation "DUNIA" stands for?" After the natural answer "No. How?" you answer: "We have no fools." After that, in 90% of cases, your interlocutor automatically says: "And I?"... After a second of confusion and the following explosion of laughter from all other listeners, you can already comment: "Well... if only you..."


For a friend or girlfriend, you can arrange a funny and pleasant surprise. Take children's finger paints or any other fairly thick paints and do this

Then, turning on the wipers, your friend or girlfriend will be pleasantly surprised by this such pattern)

flour draw

Place a balloon in the middle of the table. A competition is announced, and its meaning is as follows - two participants are blindfolded, and they sit down at the table. They are invited to compete in blowing this balloon. Carefully remove the ball and put in its place a plate richly filled with flour. When they begin to blow with force on this plate, they are astonished, and when they untie their eyes, they come to indescribable delight.

bouncy draw

With a large number of participants and video shooting is especially interesting. Everyone, except the leader, stand in a line, standing, looking at each other's backs. The host tells that he will guess one animal for everyone, and then he will call them in random order, after which the participant to whom this animal corresponds must jump onto the back of the one in front. The essence of the draw is that everyone is called the same animal.


The host calls two men and announces the task to them: “Imagine that you came fishing, unwound the fishing rods, the participants depict how they unwind the fishing rods, threw them, the participants show, and began to catch. how they go to the stone and settle down to catch. The water starts to rise, you feel sorry for your trousers, lift them, the players raise them, the water is higher and higher, the players raise their trousers even higher. " And when the presenter decided that the trousers were raised enough, he announces: "AND NOW A COMPETITION FOR THE MOST BEAUTIFUL LEGS OF OUR WEDDING (Birthday, etc.)" :)))

bottle draw

Beforehand, a hole with a diameter of about 5 mm is drilled in the bottom of the bottle (from under vodka, with a screw cap). Drilling should be done with a diamond or pobedit drill bit with water. Then, holding the hole with your finger, fill it with water and tighten the cork tightly. After that, the finger can be released, water does not pour out for known reasons. At the height of the evening, the bottle can be put on the table and the first person to try to open it pours water on himself.

loud prank

Attach a "quack" behind the door, then when you open the door your friend / colleague / neighbor will be very "delighted") Not recommended for especially impressionable natures!

About the little mouse

The “victim” is asked the question: Who do you think will go down the hill faster: a mouse or a rat? Regardless of the answer, we say that it is wrong. Any normal person will ask: "Why?" With a smart (or any other) face, we answer: "And he is on a bicycle." Now the soil for the joke is ready. We ask the offended "victim" the following question: How can you determine who is in the refrigerator: a mouse or a rat? Here people invent options (by sound, by smell, etc.). Naturally, we say that everything is wrong. To the logical question "How?" we answer: "We need to see if the bike is worth it ..."

Chemical draw

Ammonia solution (ammonia) and phenolphthalein are mixed (in the common people "purgen", it is sold in pharmacies). The result is a red-pink liquid. This is poured into a fountain pen and, on occasion, as if accidentally brushed off onto a white blouse or shirt. A chain of red spots causes a storm of indignation. After three seconds, the ammonia evaporates and the stains disappear.

In the same socks

The draw is very simple and old. In a company where everyone is already tipsy and better not quite familiar with each other, the point guard somehow draws the attention of the person being played to the floor (if the carpet is too shaggy, if the floor is made of linoleum, then slippery, etc.) and tries challenge him to a dispute that in some socks he will not pass on the floor, while, of course, everyone should be in shoes. The situation is real in a cafe or bar. If the person being played gets excited and, having argued, takes off his shoes and walks across the floor, then we draw his attention to the fact that the condition of the dispute was to pass in just socks, and he was wearing a lot of other things!

Prank with clothespins

The draw itself is extremely simple. To do this, you need a company of different sexes, preferably a little tipsy, two dozen clothespins and a good mood. To begin with, the facilitator offers a simple competition: to collect clothespins hung on the partner’s clothes. Two guys are blindfolded and invited to touch to find the hung 5 clothespins. Naturally, the crowd counts the collected clothespins in chorus, the girls squeal, blush, but the game is not interrupted. After the last clothespin is removed, everyone applauds in unison, and the host invites the couples to switch roles. Arguing that women are more accustomed to clothespins, he proposes to increase their number to 10 for each person. The clothespins are hung up, the ladies are blindfolded, brought to the partners, after which the presenter quietly removes a pair of clothespins from each. You should have seen the movements of these "clothespin seekers" !!! The cops from the militants do not check the places that ransacked the hurried hands of the girls in search of the last clothespins.

Warm sausage

A blindfolded person determines: what parts of the body are in front of him. The main thing is for him to orient himself: where is the head, where are the legs, and in the middle is slipped a WARM SAUSAGE (without a casing).

Festive draw

For this joke you will need a box of matches. One match is stuck into the box, the other is given to the object. You immediately warn him that if he does not know the answer to any of your questions, he must immediately light a match on the box with his match. Ask a few simple questions that he knows the answers to. After a while, you ask: "When is the idiot's birthday?" He, of course, does not know and lights a match on the box, and you solemnly hand him this box with a lit match and sing: "Happy Birthday To You!"

Prank with clothes

Drawing for conducting in educational institutions on April 1 and not only. It is necessary to persuade one girl in advance so that she, along with notebooks, put men's clothes in a bag. There is a lecture. 15 minutes late, a young man wrapped in a blanket comes in and turns to the girl: “I left your clothes in the morning ... You didn’t take it with you by any chance?” The girl, shrugging her shoulders, begins to take out pants, a shirt, socks, underpants from the bag along with notebooks ... For everything to go smoothly, the main thing is not to laugh at the main participants. The result will not keep you waiting.

Draw with bags

They find a suitable place for this bullying, it can be a trolley bus stop (using its example I will consider the sequence of actions) or a bus, a pedestrian crossing, a train station, or something else. It appears like this ... A fragile, pleasant-looking girl with two average-looking bags is placed at the bus stop. When a trolley bus arrives, the innocent-looking girl asks a young man to help her carry the bags onto the transport. No fool will refuse to help a beautiful girl, so with the air of a hero, pompous like that, he grabs the handles ... and load something into the bags so that each weighs 80 kilograms, no less ... Watch the result: with Side looks cool, but the main thing is the plot itself. You can take a camera (only so that the operator is not seen). At the pedestrian crossing, you can put a grandmother who asks for help carrying bags across the road.

Draw with an elevator

They took a table, brought it into a freight elevator, covered it with a tablecloth, put a vase of flowers, a cup of coffee and seated one comrade in a bathrobe with a newspaper at the table. So, what was the reaction of the resident of the house, who called the elevator and after opening the doors heard: "Yes, how dare you break into my apartment, who gave you such a right and so on ..."

"Day of Laughter" is a day of practical jokes, jokes and laughter. Funny jokes for April 1 and jokes will amuse you and your friends. Jokes and pranks on April 1 will give you a lot of impressions, positive emotions and will be remembered for a long time.
Just do not forget one of the main rules, you need to have a sense of proportion in everything, remember that not only you should be funny. The main thing is that the jokes are funny and harmless.

Drawings and jokes on April 1.


1.This draw takes place on April 1st at the school. The following text is printed on a sheet of paper: “In connection with the breakthrough of the water supply network of classes at school on 04/01/2013. will not be. Class students gather on the first floor with buckets and rags. Administration." This ad is affixed to the door...

2. Attach an announcement to the door: “The door opens towards itself”, “In connection with the repair of the corridor, the entrance to the school is from the other side”

3. 1.04.2013 change of the timetable: students of … classes study the first lesson ……

Very big and small, skinny

At the end of the lesson, a big guy suddenly runs into the classroom and, with horror on his face, asks to hide him as soon as possible. Without waiting for permission, he arranges a small pogrom and tries to get under someone's desk. Following the big one into the classroom, the small one enters

The real Santa Claus.

The last lessons are going on at the school. And then He appears on the threshold of the class! The real Santa Claus. With a bag of gifts over his shoulders. In an embroidered red sheepskin coat, with a staff in his hand. And announces the New Year! After that, he is seriously interested in whether everyone is studying well. Do they remember New Year's poems and songs. and makes them sing and read.


Place a small box on a high (higher than human height) place, for example, on a closet. The box must have an opening top and no bottom. Outside, stick a bright, noticeable from afar inscription - for example, KINDER and fill the box with confetti. The person being played enters the audience, sees a box with a defiant name, and what does he do? Of course, he removes it from the closet. And the box is without a bottom. Hooray, fireworks!!

With salt shaker

A simple salt shaker is taken. Sprinkle salt and pour fine sugar. If you also cook unsalted potatoes, for example, and say that you forgot to salt, and so that the “victim” salts herself ...


1. Running up to one of the guys to ask: “Winnie the Pooh is a pig or a boar?” And quickly demand an answer so that he does not have time to figure out that this is just a harmless bear cub.

2. It is recommended to repeat the following questions 3 times, and then you will get the desired result:
- What comes from the sky in winter? (3 p.)
- What color is the snow? (3 p.)
- What does the cow drink? (3 p.)
If you did everything correctly and did not take long pauses, then all the guests, regardless of their scientific degrees and titles, will answer in unison: “Milk”.


Phone call 1. "Hi, my water was turned off, can I come to you and buy my parrot."
Phone call 2. "Hi, I'm out of sugar, can you lend me two soup spoons"
Phone call 3. You call someone and ask them not to answer the phone for 10 minutes, because. a telephone operator is working on the line and he can be electrocuted. A few minutes later you call back on the same number, and if they pick up the phone, let out a heartbreaking cry ... "
Phone call 4. Call someone and say that this is from the Housing Office, that the water will be turned off in an hour and that they say we advise you to stock up on water in all containers. Call back in an hour and ask: “Did you get water? Warm up, now we’ll bring the elephant to wash. ”
Phone call 5.- Hello, is this number 143-26-12?
- No…
“Then why are you picking up the phone?”

Mop, chewing gum

Good game for school. Write a note at any lesson with the words: “There is a mop, chewing gum on the ceiling” and pass it on to a neighbor on the desk. Tell him to pass the note on after reading it. The effect will be amazing when everyone who reads the note looks up, and with him the teacher!

washing powder

1. Why not make a good prank! To do this, pour dry infant formula into an empty pack of washing powder (preferably a well-known brand). And one wonderful moment you need to get a pack out of your bag and, using a spoon, have a “tasty” snack on the contents. The attention of the audience is guaranteed!
2. If you agree with the cook, then in front of the children he will pour sugar from the box of washing powder into the kettle (which was poured there in advance.

Lunch at one

The cooks tell the guys who came to dine that there are not enough plates and cups for everyone. Therefore, the first, and the second, and the compote will be applied all at once into one. Defiantly merging everything into one, they explain to the bewildered children that everything is mixed up in the stomach anyway.

telepathic abilities

Invite your friend to think of a number from 1 to 9. Let him name it. Invite him to look under the phone or under the vase.
A friend will be amazed: he will find a piece of paper with a hidden number and a postscript: “I know what you are thinking!”
The answer is simple: you need to lay out pieces of paper with numbers from 1 to 9 in different places in advance and remember where everything is.


Somehow, on April 1, you can send SMS messages to all your friends with the following text: “Finally open the door for me, I’m already frozen to stand here!”
The most surprising thing, as it may later turn out, is that the friends really ran to open the door.

Time ago

We take an older brother (sister) in the amount of 1 piece In the evening, when a relative falls asleep, we set his alarm clock an hour earlier. And also, do not forget to set the clock in the room an hour earlier. The time must be identical. We go to bed and wait for the fun in the morning. In the morning, turning off the alarm, your brother, still half asleep, will trudge into the bath, wash, not understanding why it is so dark outside the window and why you feel so sleepy. But the real surprise awaits him when he approaches the closed school. Just imagine. There are still few people on the street, and the school stands like a dark hulk, towering over your brother. To heighten the effect, you can sneak behind him in the footsteps and film the whole thing on video, chuckling quietly.

for older kids

We give the future victim an envelope containing one hundred rubles, the bill must be in excellent condition. We give with a cunning face and warn, as if by chance, they say, just do not stick it into the ATM. Most victims lose about half an hour trying to find the difference. In no way admit that the money is genuine, you can fight back with phrases: well, almost, almost the original. It is desirable to torment at least one day.

A tarnished reputation

Ammonia solution (ammonia) and phenolphtadein are mixed (it is sold in pharmacies). The result is a red-pink liquid. It is poured into a fountain pen and, on occasion, as if accidentally brushed off on the white blouses or shirts of the guys. A chain of red spots causes a storm of indignation. After three seconds, the ammonia evaporates and the stains disappear. (Practice at home)

Trolleybus, bus, route drawing for older children

Two people dress more or less the same, then position themselves at two adjacent stops, such as trolleybus stops. Then people in the trolleybus at the first stop see the following picture: the guy runs after the already departing trolleybus and, of course, does not have time. At the next stop, it seems that the same type bursts into the open doors with terrible shortness of breath and words like: “Barely caught up !!!”
The impression is indelible.

In this article, we will pay attention to what jokes can be on April 1 for children at school. As soon as this day is not called, but its essence is the same - a lot of practical jokes that cheer everyone up and just make them laugh in the most seemingly strict and inappropriate conditions for this. Including at school.

When exactly the tradition of celebrating appeared is not fully known. There is evidence that since the 16th century, the owners sent their servants somewhere on this day, giving them the most incredible instructions, naming addresses that simply did not exist. In Russia, the holiday was first celebrated in 1703 in Moscow.

Today, both at work with colleagues and with friends at school, I want to do all sorts of jokes and practical jokes that will leave pleasant memories and impressions. The last two words are extremely important, because on April 1 you can’t joke evil, play with the weaknesses of a person. This holiday of laughter and fun is created for every person, and not just for the inveterate joker. Next, we will consider jokes and pranks that can be organized right within the walls of the school or outside it.

With red nail polish

You will need to take red nail polish. Pour a little varnish onto the papers and leave it like that until it dries completely (this will take several hours). Next, remove the varnish from the paper - you get an inkblot, which you now put on the keyboard of the person you want to play a joke on.
You can put a blot at school on a diary or inside a friend's notebook, on the teacher's desk. Now it remains to wait for a bright April Fool's reaction and not to forget in time, to confess to a person that this is not a real inkblot, but just an April Fool's joke.

Clear nail polish

Plain clear nail polish can also be used for your own purposes to make an interesting prank. In the toilets of the school, each bar of soap should be covered with such a varnish and allowed to dry for several hours. Then the students will simply be at a loss why it is not possible to lather soap to wash their hands. What else can be arranged.

Number blocking

Interesting jokes for April 1 for children at school can be made using a mobile phone. Moreover, practice shows that today even younger students have mobile phones. You will need to call a friend and inform in a serious voice that today the number will be blocked for all subscribers of this network. If they do not want this, then every hour they should pay the operator 10 rubles.

Carbonated drink

You can just treat a classmate with a carbonated drink, but the joke is that you first shake the bottle well.

Glue things

You can stick the student's things to the desk using double-sided tape. Here, of course, it is the diary that immediately comes to mind. If a friend is called to the board at the next lesson, then the prank will turn out to be even more interesting and fun.

To the director!

You can burst into the classroom in a frenzy of excitement and shout that Ivanov, Petrov or another student whom you want to play a prank on is urgently summoned to the director. After that, you will need to wait until the student begins to gather and already at the door to congratulate him on a wonderful holiday on April 1.

cling film

You can come to class early and in the doorway, if the door does not open inwards, stretch cling film or newspaper. The first student to come into class after you will be shocked to say the least.

SMS pranks

Of course, April 1 jokes for kids at school might include options for sending text messages. For example, you can send an SMS to the victim with the content that it is time to pay all bills and debts. You can report that a friend has won money in the lottery. It is clear that messages should only be sent from unknown numbers so that they look believable.

As for the fact that you need to rub the board with soap, it is quite dangerous. The fact is that it will really be impossible to write on the board. But then you can’t fix this in any way, and the state thing will be spoiled. So, it is recommended to immediately refuse such a raffle option so that parents do not have to buy a new board for the class later.

These jokes for April 1 for children at school can be safely used to amuse yourself and classmates. You should not use the April 1 holiday to make fun of a person you have not liked for a long time. April Fool's Day is a holiday and your joke or prank in no case should ruin this holiday for anyone.

April 1 is a day of jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives are played. No wonder, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will cheer you up and leave good memories. And although April Fool's Day is not indicated in the official calendar, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, make the first day of April unforgettable. I will consider successful April Fools' jokes, jokes and pranks that will help you to play a good-natured, but incredibly funny joke, and this is the key to universal fun and positive emotions.

Remember the sense of proportion and do not overdo it with humor on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the prank, guess right with the moment and do everything right, it will be funny to everyone. And do not forget about vigilance, because at any moment it is you who can become a victim of a prank.

The best pranks for the first of April at school

April Fool's Day is loved by many, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because no one punishes for this on the first of April. At the same time, each student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a trick from his peers. In this part of the article I will consider several ideas for drawing schoolchildren. They require little preparation and provide an incredible effect.

  • "Paper Draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with a variety of inscriptions. A notification about repairs, lack of water or cancellation of classes is ideal. Put up graffiti on the walls at school and in the school yard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Holiday Brick". A classmate who has a roomy backpack with a lot of pockets will suit the role of the victim. When the object of the prank leaves the property unattended, hide a brick or large stone in one of the pockets. After class, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the draw will be announced the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The draw is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1, give a peer a letter on behalf of the class teacher with a notice of expulsion from school.
  • « Fantomas» . Burn ten matches. Spread the remaining ashes on both hands, then go up to the victim from behind and close her eyes. As soon as the object of the draw guesses you, remove your hands and quickly put it in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has undergone a facial.
  • « Soap and blackboard» . On the day of laughter, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers are played. If the teacher's anger is not terrible, rub the board with soap before class. The teacher's attempts to write something on the blackboard will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that actions should not offend a classmate. In general, on this day, it is recommended to be attentive to both schoolchildren and teachers, because school-age children are unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to play a trick on friends and laugh a lot. It is possible that thanks to the draw, the life of a close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article you will find ideas that will help in organizing a five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in the Bank". Invite your friends to get together and spend April Fool's Eve at your home. Before the guests arrive, fill the jar with water, dip a friend's photo in the liquid and refrigerate. During the evening pastime, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. The effect of surprise will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Fizzy". Great way to get laid. Invite friends home, offer iced cola. But instead of regular ice, put pieces with Mentos frozen inside in glasses. When the ice melts, the candies will react with the drink, causing a fountain to spurt out of the glass.
  3. "Time to get up". Before the day of laughter, ask a friend for a phone to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5am. Call a friend back in the morning and ask if they enjoyed getting up early.
  4. "Screen of Death". If a friend spends a lot of time at the computer, the next April Fool's prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and surreptitiously set the resulting image as a desktop wallpaper on a friend's computer. Don't forget to create a folder and put all shortcuts in it to increase believability.
  5. "Prank on the phone". Call a friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that a friend hears an unexpected scream instead of the usual greeting.

Video tips

Most of the pranks listed involve pre-training, but provide an impressive result. Yes, and the resulting emotions and memories are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to prank your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on April 1, you will have to try hard. In the case of parents, topical jokes are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the most dear people who require attention and reverent attitude. As for the main purpose of the April Fool's Relatives Prank, it's all about family fun. How to joke?

  1. "Dessert with surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot pepper. Roll the mixture into balls and sprinkle generously with coconut flakes. The spicy taste of an appetizing dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden Letter". On the day of laughter, put a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of the utilities. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and fragments of concrete may fall from the roof during work. To protect the windows, it is recommended to seal them with tape. If the parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell me it's a prank.
  3. "Toothpaste with a twist". In the daily hustle and bustle, parents usually forget about the approach of the first of April and regularly fall for this draw. Stretch cling film over the tube at the point where the paste is extruded. Then close the lid and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they will not be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask a person you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and report the child's expulsion due to constant absenteeism. The main thing is to notify relatives about the draw in a timely manner.
  5. "Merry Communal". Scan an old payment using a graphics editor, change important information and set a sky-high amount. After that, print a new receipt on the printer, delicately cut it with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, pranking parents on April 1st is much more difficult than pranking friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve the result, connect your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny pranks in the office for colleagues

The first of April is the best occasion to slightly defuse the work environment, play tricks on colleagues and laugh together. Recently, more and more people arrange office pranks on colleagues. If you want to join them, look below for original ideas that will help prank colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of the first of April, stay in the office, seal the optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues will notice a loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both drugs are sold in pharmacies. The result is a red liquid. Pour the composition into a fountain pen and, if successful, shake it onto a colleague's shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Office mess". A colleague's stationery will help in organizing the draw. Replace the pens with analogues, in which the caps are glued, and cover the tips of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you arrive at work, watch the victim suffer.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives a lot of visitors every day, and each of the colleagues has a separate office, replace the sign on the door of the victim. The inscription "Toilet" will do.
  • "Top secret". The draw is ideal for accounting or an office with a huge turnover of documents. Collect a stack of unnecessary papers, file them into a folder, stick a note “top secret” on top and put it on the table of one of the employees. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show.

Video instruction

When choosing a prank option, be sure to consider relationships with colleagues. Use the most "cruel" pranks in relation to colleagues with whom relations are warm. Also remember that a joke should not interfere with the normal course of the working day.

Harmless jokes for a girl

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, while others are very offended. If you decide on the first of April to play a girl, do not overdo it. Dumb and cynical jokes and jokes in this case are inappropriate. Only a beautiful and original draw will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a trick". Buy a girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and instead pour thick mayonnaise. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and wants to immediately try it in practice. Laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . In advance, get a strand of artificial hair that matches the girl's hair in color. Having chosen the right moment, take large scissors, approach the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw your hair on the floor. The effect is simply amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide a spool of thread under a sweater or T-shirt, and bring the end of the thread out with a needle. Ask the girl to remove the thread from the clothes and enjoy the spectacle. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Wonder Hairdryer". If a girl uses a hair dryer daily, pour some flour or starch into it. When she decides to dry her hair, she will be in for a surprise. Such a prank is very effective, but after the fireworks, the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happened that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of the first of April, buy a rubber spider in the store and tie a rope to it. At the right moment, quietly lower the creature on the girl's shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she is a delicate and fragile creature. So forget about pranks that bring physical or mental pain. You will do everything right if, after the draw, she will laugh too.

How cool to play a joke on a guy

In the case of guys, the assortment of April Fools' jokes is no worse than with girls. And if a young man also has a great sense of humor, there are no restrictions on the implementation of even the most daring ideas. Most importantly, avoid sensitive situations.

  • "Flood". While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and say that the neighbors flooded the apartment. Shocked by the news, the guy will try to quickly get out of bed, but it wasn’t there.
  • "Good news" . If the guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the next joke. With a colored marker, draw on the pregnancy test the number of strips necessary for a positive result.
  • "Savior Hero" . On the eve of the first of April, tell the guy that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for the herb for the tincture. Come up with a name for the grass yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind and watch the young man try to buy a non-existent remedy. Very funny.
  • "Theft". If the guy has a car while he sleeps, grab the keys and drive the vehicle to another location. After that, wake up the betrothed and say that the car was stolen. Just be sure to report the prank before calling law enforcement.

I listed a few ideas for an original April Fool's Fool prank on a guy. And these are not all options. Having connected your fantasy, you will come up with something of your own that will suit the guy’s temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for kids

Lots of people like pranks, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play pranks on them. Below I will consider a few ideas for the April Fool's drawing of kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If the babies are sound asleep at night, carefully move them to another room. Waking up, they will find themselves in an unusual environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. "Milk Juice". Offer the kids a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Only instead of a drink, serve orange milk to the table. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your child to get milk out of the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees a tray with eggs on the middle shelf, which have funny faces painted on them. I advise you to give shape to fruits and vegetables.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make morning washing more fun, sprinkle salt on a child's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet and put a large number of balloons filled with helium in their place. When the child opens the door, the balloons will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort so that they get vivid impressions, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have fun.

How not to joke on April 1

With the approach of April, many are thinking about how to play fun and cool pranks on comrades, colleagues and loved ones. On this day, you can joke on different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Accident;
  • Building mining.

Each of the listed options for drawing is fraught with problems. Upon hearing the shocking news, a person immediately turns to the relevant authorities. And for such a prank, instead of fun and laughter, you can get a fine or a more serious punishment.

Try to keep the jokes and pranks within limits, and both you and the victim end up laughing. Be sure to keep in mind that not all people adequately respond to jokes and jokes.

Now you have at your disposal a lot of ideas for the April Fool's drawing. Use the options you like in practice and do not forget about decency. Your actions should be beautiful even in such situations. Good luck!

April 1 is just around the corner. On this day, smile, play pranks on your friends and tell them funny jokes.

At least on the part of the authorities it is fair to raise salaries for ridiculous money on such a day.

Oatmeal, sir

And for lunch?

Oatmeal, sir

And for dinner?

Cutlet, sir

Happy April Fools Sir!

Watson says to Holmes:

Holmes, have you seen our beloved Mrs. Hudson?

Go up to the attic, doctor, she hanged herself...

Watson runs into the attic in a panic and sees that no one is there. After calming down, he goes downstairs.

Holmes, but she's not there.

April Fool's joke of the tax: "And you have all the accounting white."

At the Olympics, the Colombian weightlifter set a new world record. He pushed 300 kg of cocaine on the first try.

Eighth grader Mikhail was not upset at all when he discovered that there were no essays, essays, or presentations on the website ...

Girl, give me your phone!

What is this, love at first sight?

This is a robbery!

Bus announcement:

"Behind the wheel is an experienced driver, this is his tenth minibus."

Watson, how do you like the Hound of the Baskervilles?

I didn't eat it, Holmes.

And Mrs. Hudson says they ate.

I wonder why you believe her and not me?

Because she cooks the food, not you.

In a pharmacy near the window, a guy of about 20 years old stands thoughtfully.

Young man! Can I help you? What kind of condoms do you want?

The guy is sad

Late... Diapers and baby food, please!

Call to the emergency department:

Hello, yesterday you sent an outfit to Lenina, 1, apt. 12?

Yes, there were disturbances of public peace, loud music, screams...

Tell them, please, let them come again ... They forgot their cap, pistol, and they will look at the pictures, they turned out cool!

If with your right hand you touch the priests of a beautiful brunette, with your left hand a gorgeous brown-haired woman, and your face is buried in the bust of a charming blonde, this does not mean at all that you are in heaven. It's just that you're really lucky on the subway at rush hour.

Drunk man wake up friends:

Get up, you're getting married today!

I? On whom?

We don’t know, you yourself met her recently.

And what is her name anyway?

We don’t remember exactly - chi Galya, chi Polina.

Oh, blah, Chipollino?!

Comrade foreman, we forgot the wiring!

But we just didn’t forget about vodka.

Hello, we ordered pizza from you on the Internet, but you are still not there ...

And our internet is gone.

Few people remember that long before the iPod, iBook, iPhone, there was iBolit.

To spend money wisely, it is not enough to have intelligence and money, you also need the absence of a woman.

Do we have anything for tea?

There are donuts there.

Eat your own tampons!

Darling, what is your deepest wish?

For you to kiss me in three places...

Wow! What is it, my love?

In Paris, Venice and the Bahamas.

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