The browser does not work through wifi on android. Why Wi-Fi does not work on the phone: an overview of possible reasons


Hello everyone, I haven't written anything for two whole days. And so today I will tell you why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. Due to the fact that many of the tablets used are based on the popular Android OS, I will talk specifically about solving problems with such devices.

The problem that tablet lovers face when working with wireless Internet is the display of the "Obtaining an IP address" line. The operation of the gadget at this stage stops, and is not restored in the future. In fact, there are a couple of methods to solve the above problem, one of them should definitely help.

  1. Change the name of the Wi-Fi network to any other that includes only English letters.
  2. Reboot the router (this trivial method is often the most effective).
  3. Change the type of data encryption (in the same place as the name of the wireless network, you need to change the type of protection to another).

For the entered settings to be applied, modem needs to be rebooted.

Preparatory process

Today I have everything, I hope you now know why wifi is connected on the tablet and there is no Internet. I want to ask you something else, if something doesn’t work out for you, write about it in the comments. Also, I will not refuse if, as a token of gratitude, like this article. I wish you all only positive emotions and good health.

With Uv. Evgeny Kryzhanovsky

Wireless Internet users periodically have to deal with problems associated with the inability to use the Internet. There can be several reasons why Wi-Fi does not work on the phone: from banal errors with entering a password to more global ones - incorrect router settings.

You can also often hear complaints from users that the speed of wireless Internet leaves much to be desired. How to deal with each of these situations and fully use the Internet from your gadget? In this article, we will talk in detail about why the phone does not work via Wi-Fi and how to fix possible problems yourself.

Invalid connection information provided

One of the most common situations associated with the inability to use the Internet is an erroneously entered password in the gadget settings. In modern mobile devices - tablet PCs and smartphones - there is a wonderful feature - password saving. This will help avoid mistakes when entering complex password combinations.

However, such a measure will not be effective if the password for the access point is changed in the router settings. Why did Wi-Fi stop working on the phone if the connection was successful before and the password was saved in the smartphone settings? Most likely, the problem is that the administrator changed the password and did not warn the user about it.

Viruses have penetrated the operating system of the gadget

Another answer to the question why Wi-Fi does not work on the phone may be the presence of a virus program. This problem is most often faced by people using gadgets on the Android platform. It is for such devices that a large number of malicious programs have been created. Specialized “cleaning” programs can help to cope with the virus; you can download them through the Play Market service.

We also draw the attention of users that in order not to encounter a similar problem and not suffer from the question of why Wi-Fi does not work well on the phone or does not work at all, you should install applications only through the standard market of the operating system.

Failure in date and time settings

Incorrect values ​​in the calendar and on the gadget's watch face also cause the wireless access point to be unavailable. The situation is similar for personal computers. All the user needs to do is correct the data. After that, Internet access will be carried out in the normal mode.

Router settings

Many of the users who have a router installed do not even suspect that this equipment has a lot of different settings, limited to entering the network name and setting the degree of protection.

However, they often have to wonder why the Wi-Fi does not work on the phone. In such a situation, an access point will be present in the list, but when you try to connect to it, a notification will be issued. How to fix it?

First of all, you need to go to the router settings menu - for each device model there is a personal combination of characters that you need to enter into the browser in order to access it. It is recommended to check the user manual for information regarding a specific model. After the router menu opens on the computer display, you need to check the following parameters in the " Wireless settings":

  • Channel - auto.
  • Mode - 11 bgnMixed.
  • MAC address filter - disabled.

After correcting the data, if necessary, save the setting and restart the device.

Gadget software problems

The answer to the question "Why doesn't Wi-Fi work on my phone?" may also be due to the fact that there are some difficulties in the software of the gadget. Such failures can occur when intervention is made on the operating system, for example, non-original firmware is installed.

In this case, it makes sense to use the built-in function to reset the smartphone or tablet to factory settings. This feature is present on all modern models. In this case, it is worth considering that a number of data will be deleted from the gadget - applications and files. Therefore, it is recommended that you first save important information to a third-party medium.

In order to test and check if the problem is really in the software, it is recommended to try connecting to several wireless Internet points.

Causes of low wireless internet speed

Why is Wi-Fi slow on my phone? There can also be several reasons for the low speed, here are the most common:

  1. Many people use the Internet at the same time. The load on the network leads to the fact that the speed drops, and in some situations the signal may completely disappear periodically.
  2. A hardware level limit has been set. This can be used in public places to normalize the load on the network.
  3. Low data link speed. If the speed of the Internet, the distribution of which is carried out through a router, is low, then through Wi-Fi, respectively, you will not be able to fully use the Internet.

There is a router or router in almost every apartment. It is an indispensable part for dividing the Internet signal across all devices connected to it. Many users take this device only because of its ability to distribute the Internet over a wireless Wi-Fi network.

At the moment, the main problems arise precisely with such devices and their wifi network. This is due to the fact that earlier the router was an expensive device and required certain knowledge in the settings. Now the situation has changed and the market offers a huge number of such devices. All of them have a friendly configuration interface that solves issues related to the operation of the device. Users willingly take such a router, successfully configure it, but if an error occurs, as a rule, they cannot solve it. They don't know what to do or how. And the device manual does not describe the solution to all the problems that arise.

This article analyzes the issue when a computer connected via cable can work on the Internet, but this is not possible over a Wi-Fi network. All the described actions do not require special tools and will save time and money while waiting for the wizard.

Many users, faced with a wifi network problem, think that the router is to blame and must be replaced. But in 90% of cases, the problem is the incorrect configuration of the router or computer that connects to the Wi-Fi. The most common symptoms indicating a malfunction are listed below:

  • Wi-Fi signal is not visible to the device.
  • Frequent reconnection to wifi.
  • Low speed of the Internet through a wireless network.
  • Long connection to the router.
  • The computer is connected to wifi, but there is no Internet access.

If any of the above items appears at work, then first of all you need to check all connection settings. At the same time, the check must be carried out not only on the router, but also on the device itself, which cannot work on a Wi-Fi network.

Finding out who is to blame

If the computer was able to connect to a wifi wireless network, but there is no Internet access, then you should find out who and why is to blame.

To do this, the first step is to check the provider's cable itself. You need to try to connect it directly to the computer and configure the device. If there is Internet access, you should check the router.

As a rule, if the router works correctly with a wired connection, then we can assume that it is configured correctly. The only point worth checking is whether its configuration has the ability to enable and disable the wireless Wi-Fi network. Maybe this setting is turned off and affects the network.

If all the previous steps have been checked and no errors have been found, you should make sure that the device connected to the Wi-Fi is not faulty. The fastest way to check is to try to connect to wifi with another laptop or smartphone. If such equipment is not at hand, then an algorithm will be described below that allows you to check the settings of the computer itself.

Causes of Wi-Fi Network Failure

If access to the global network does not work, but the laptop or smartphone is connected to Wi-Fi, the reason for this may be three different errors. As a rule, two of them arise through the fault of the user himself. The third reason for the error is related to the popularity of wireless routers.

So, below is a list of reasons that can cause malfunctions when wifi does not work correctly:

  • Registered static IP address in the Wi-Fi adapter settings.
  • An error related to the wireless network transmission channel.
  • Incorrect DNS.

All of them are easily removable and do not require doing anything specific. The main condition is only that the user remains calm and has everything you need at hand (router, computer, cable).

Static IP address in wireless adapter settings or incorrect DNS

This malfunction can be determined during the check described above, when only the computer connected to wifi does not work. As a rule, it is associated with a manually entered IP address in the settings of the wireless connection adapter. The error occurs due to the fact that the registered address is in a different subnet or conflicts with the same one assigned to another device. Why is this happening? This is due to the fact that, by default, the router distributes IP addresses and DNS information automatically, and because of this, it may happen that two addresses are already on the home network.

If the user enters all this information manually, in principle, this will not be considered an error, the main criterion for this is to ensure that all data is correct (free IP, correct DNS).

Sometimes also the reason when wifi does not work may be the wrong DNS. The user changes this information to block a certain category of sites (Yandex.DNS - parental control), increase speed, etc.

To check the network settings of a computer or laptop, go to the notification panel and click on the wifi network status icon. As a rule, when there is no Internet, it shows the signal strength, but with a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark.

Right-click on it and select "Network and Sharing Center" from the list that appears.

In the menu that appears on the left side, look for the item Change adapter settings and click on it.

Next, the user will see all the connections on his device. There will be both wired and non-wired connections. To continue, hover over the wireless connection and press the right mouse button. Then select "Properties" from the list that appears.

A window should open where a list will be visible in the center, in which you need to find an item describing the Internet protocol version 4. Select it by clicking it with the left mouse button (the item should be highlighted in blue). Then click the "Properties" button, which has become active.

After the user will see a window where all network adapter settings are stored. Here, you can change the IP address along with other information (netmask and gateway) as well as DNS server information.

If there are any numbers here, then try checking the boxes to automatically receive all the necessary information. Next, click the "OK" or "Apply" button.

Then restart your laptop or computer and try to connect to the wifi network. If DHCP is enabled in the router settings, the device will receive the correct address and will work on the Internet.

Wireless link error

What to do if the Internet does not work, but there is Wi-Fi and connects successfully? At the same time, all settings were checked both on the computer and on the device itself, which distributes the wireless network.

Many users ask this very question. Moreover, the more popular the router, the more relevant this issue. This is due just to the work of wifi through communication channels. In a standard router, there can be 12 such channels, of which you can choose one. By default, the router has this setting set to Auto. This means that the device is looking for the optimal channel and works with it. But there are cases when the router of the user and his neighbor work in the same mode, which is the cause of many problems with the wireless network.

To change this setting in the router, you need to go to the device web interface. Further, all the steps in the article are shown for the TP-Link router model. All steps are not much different from other manufacturers (only a different menu and interface) and can be applicable to them.

To get to the router settings menu, you need to open any browser and enter the IP address of the device in the address bar. You can find out this information from the manual of the device or the sticker on the back of the router.

Then the main menu will appear, where you need to go to the "Wireless Connection" - "Settings" tab.

Next, you can see at the bottom of the settings that appear, a drop-down list of available channels. Here, it is recommended to select "Automatic mode" and click the "Save" button.

After that, the device will ask you to wait a few minutes to reboot to apply all the settings.

As a rule, after all the described procedures, the wireless network works correctly. Cutting off all questions: "What to do?", "Why?" And How?".

All malfunctions in which the router does not work correctly are mainly due to incorrect configuration. A common reason for this is that it distributes wifi, but the Internet does not work. To get rid of this problem, nothing specific needs to be done. As mentioned above, the very first culprit may be the communication channel. This is a common problem and every day it becomes more relevant.

The second point when Wi-Fi does not work is the curiosity of the user, who often likes to make various settings and experiments with the router. Here, everything is easier, you just need to return the standard configuration of all devices, from the computer to the router (if required).

As mentioned above, modern devices have stepped far ahead and can solve many problems associated with network operation. But the router itself is a "soldier", what he was ordered to do, he will do. Therefore, if it distributes wifi, and the Internet does not work, then it would be good practice to check the configuration of all devices.

In contact with

Android users sometimes experience that the connected Wi-Fi is not working. You can fix this problem yourself, in most cases it is solved very quickly.

Why is the connected network not working

There are several options for why a connected Wi-Fi network does not work on a phone or tablet. But before trying to fix Android, you need to make sure that there are no problems with the Internet itself. Firstly, check if it is paid, and secondly, try to connect to the same network using any other device. If the problem occurs there, then the problem is in the router or there are errors on the provider's side.

If it does not work on only one device, then follow all the steps below one by one. The reason may lie in lost settings, the wrong type of encryption, incorrect date, or a broken Wi-Fi module.


If it is not known why the network is not working, then use all the instructions in turn. They are arranged in order of increasing complexity: from the easiest and fastest method to complex options that are extremely rare.

Reboot devices

First of all, reboot the router itself, check if the network on the device will work after that. After that, restart the device itself and try to connect again. These steps will restart all processes, maybe this will help them work properly.

Turning the router off and on again

Reconnecting to the network

Signal boost

The network will not work if the device is far from the router. Since the signal is getting weaker with every meter, it can happen that the signal strength in your location is enough to connect to the network, but the speed will be so terribly slow, almost imperceptible. Move the device closer to the router or, conversely, the router closer to the device.

Setting the correct date

Due to a date mismatch between the device and the server that processes Internet requests, problems can occur. Therefore, it is necessary to set the correct date and time:

Broadcast channel replacement

If there are many devices in the room, then each of them will distribute some kind of signal on a specific channel. The intersection of channels will create interference that will lead to problems with the Wi-Fi network.

Your version of Android may not be able to connect to networks that use an older type of encryption for security reasons. You need to install the latest AES encryption. To do this, log in to the router management interface again and go to the password and security settings. Select WPA2-PSK and automatic encryption type. Reboot the router and try to connect from the device to the network.

Choose the WPA2-PSK value

Is there a web authorization

If the problem occurs only with public networks (for example, at a train station or in a cafe), then it is worth checking if web authorization is used. In some cases, to prohibit access to the network, not a password is used, but a method in which everyone can connect to the network, but only registered users can download anything through it. To check for web authorization, open any tab in any browser. If a page appears on the screen that requires you to enter a login, email or password, then you will have to log in to gain access to the Internet. Sometimes registration is paid or is associated with some other conditions.

Deactivate automatic IP selection

By default, the IP address is selected automatically and changed statically. Maybe with your network it's better to be well defined. To set the IP, follow these steps:

Video: what to do if the connected Wi-Fi network does not work

Setting up another DNS server

The network depends on the DNS server. Your device may not be able to work with certain servers, so we will replace the default server with Google public servers, they are free. Being in the advanced network settings (how to get into them is described in the previous paragraph), set the static selection of an IP address, and set the values ​​\u200b\u200bfor the main and backup DNS servers to and, respectively. Save changes and try to connect to the network again.

We prescribe the value and

What to do if nothing helped

If none of the above methods helped you fix the problem, then try to look for the cause in the router itself or contact the operator's technical support, it is likely that the error occurs on their side. If you are sure that the reason is in the device itself, there is only one thing left - to reset the settings to factory settings. Please note that resetting will result in the loss of all data stored in the device’s memory, so save them in advance on another medium. To perform a reset, go to the "Backup and reset" block in the device settings, and then click on the "Reset" button and go through the procedure.

Click on the "Reset" button and complete the process

If Android connects to Wi-Fi, but does not download anything through this network, you need to restart the router, device, reconnect, change IP and DNS settings. The surest, but at the same time radical method is to reset the settings. If this does not help, the Wi-Fi module is broken.

Wi-Fi is a new generation of wireless technology. Just a little time, and millions of users around the world use this method of connecting to the Internet. Wi-Fi connectivity makes it possible to connect compatible devices up to fifty meters away from the access point. The data exchange rate is about 150 mb/s. However, this is not all. Thanks to recent advances in this area, speeds can reach several gigabits.

Every modern laptop, tablet or phone has a Wi-Fi radio module in its asset. Thanks to this, there is a significant saving in expensive traffic of mobile operators, and the radio module also provides access to high-quality multimedia content, while nothing needs to be downloaded to the device. All you need to do is set up a Wi-Fi connection on your portable device, set a secure password and then save it to open wide Internet access. However, sometimes things don't go as smoothly as they seem.

Sometimes WiFi won't connect. Why? There are a number of reasons for this, the main ones of which we will now discuss.

Why do problems arise

Basically, failures during the connection of the device to the Wi-Fi network occur due to incorrect settings of the wireless router. At the same time, the laptop or tablet does not recognize the Internet connection at all. If this happened at home, you must sequentially perform a series of actions described below:

If a pop-up window appears when connecting a portable device to a Wi-Fi network "Saved, WPA-WPA2 security", it means that encryption on the router is incorrectly configured or the password for Wi-Fi coverage is incorrectly entered. To fix it, follow these instructions:

  • Check if the password is entered correctly by opening "Connection" and clicking "Change". Next, you need to select the password display function and enter it again.
  • If the password is entered correctly, but there is still no access, then the router settings are problematic.

If the settings are incorrect, you must:


So, now the laptop, tablet or smartphone should connect to Wi-Fi. In this case, the initial connection of the device with the router will be broken, you need to reconnect. As for encryption problems, in these cases it is also necessary to proceed step by step:

  • You need to go to the "Settings" of the router, select the item "Network protection" - the sub-item "WEP", "WPA / WPA2", and then enter a password that will help the router recognize the user. You will understand which item to choose from the error message, or you can experiment yourself.
  • Next, you need to save the settings using the appropriate function, and then reboot the router.

Here, perhaps, are all the main actions that you can do at this stage. In other cases, it is better to contact specialists for more precise settings.

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