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Ernesto Che Guevara was born on June 14 - a Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban revolution of 1959 and a Cuban public figure. His main goal and meaning of life was to alleviate human suffering. In addition to the "Latin American continent", he also acted in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and other countries of the world.

He used the nickname Che to emphasize his Argentine origin. The interjection che is a common address in Argentina.

We offer interesting quotes and aphorisms of the legendary revolutionary

  • If you can find paths without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere.
  • Silence is a continuation of the dispute by other means.
  • It's sad not to have friends, but it's even sadder not to have enemies.
  • To achieve much, you must lose everything.
  • At the risk of seeming ridiculous, I would like to say that a true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a real revolutionary who does not experience this feeling.
  • We cannot be sure that we have something to live for until we are ready to give our lives for it.
  • If I lose, it will not mean that it was impossible to win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated.
  • Better to die standing than to live on your knees.
  • Be realistic - demand the impossible.
  • I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops.
  • The fate is lofty and sad.
  • I am not afraid to die, as long as there is someone else around who will raise my gun and continue to shoot.
  • I know you came to kill me. Shoot, coward, you'll only kill a man.
  • You need to be able to become rougher, while maintaining your tenderness.
  • Death is preferable to slavery.

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On October 9, 1967, the Latin American revolutionary and Cuban statesman Ernesto Che Guevara died. Comandante built socialism in Cuba, actively participated in the revolutionary movement and was the creator of a partisan detachment. We have compiled a selection of the best Che Guevara quotes.

About life
"Better to die standing than to live on your knees."
"Be realistic - demand the impossible."
"To achieve much you have to lose everything."
"If you can find a path without any obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere."
"Silence is the continuation of the dispute by other means."
“No matter what path mankind takes, everything cannot be reduced to pure, vulgarity and “trinkets of comfort”, and one can sacrifice one’s life for the protection of human dignity.”
About people
"It's sad not to have friends, but even sadder not to have enemies."
"I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops."
"I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. People liberate themselves."
"You need to be able to become rougher, while maintaining your tenderness."
About the revolution
"The fate of the avant-garde revolutionary is sublime and sad."
"If you begin to tremble indignantly at every injustice, then you are my comrade."
"After the revolution, the work is not done by revolutionaries. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries."
"A true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a true revolutionary who does not experience this feeling."
"One should always think about the masses, and not about individuals. It is criminal to think about individuals, because the interests of the individual mean nothing in the face of the human community."
"There should be no red tape with litigation. This is a revolution, evidence is secondary here. We must act on conviction. They are all a gang of criminals and murderers."
"If I lose, it doesn't mean that I couldn't win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated."
"It doesn't matter if I fall, as long as someone else takes my gun and keeps shooting."
"Somewhere in the forest, for the long nights (our inactivity began at sunset), we made daring plans. We dreamed of battles, major operations, of victory. These were happy hours. Together with everyone, I enjoyed for the first time in my life the cigars that I learned to smoke to drive away annoying mosquitoes. Since then, the aroma of Cuban tobacco has eaten into me. And my head was spinning, either from a strong "Havana", or from the audacity of our plans - one is more desperate than the other. "
Quotes from the works of Che Guevara: "Articles, speeches, letters", "Diary of a motorcyclist. Translated from Spanish by V.V. Simonov", "Message to the peoples of the world sent to the Conference of Three Continents".

Ernesto Che Guevara (Ernesto Rafael Guevara Lynch de la Serna) - was born on June 14, 1928, in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuban statesman. Author of essays and diaries - "Episodes of a Revolutionary War", "Diary of a Motorcyclist", "Bolivian Diary", "Guerrilla War", "Message to the Nations of the World Sent to the Conference of Three Continents", "The Kennedy Plan", "The Economic Views of Ernesto Che Guevara" and others. Executed on October 9, 1967, in the city of La Higuera, Bolivia.

Quotes, aphorisms, sayings, phrases - Ernesto Che Guevara.

  • Better to die standing than to live on your knees.
  • Be realistic - demand the impossible.
  • Definitely until victory. Homeland or Death.
  • To achieve much, you must lose everything.
  • Silence is the continuation of the dispute by other means.
  • In Cuba, there are no conditions for the formation of the Stalinist system.
  • It's sad not to have friends, but even sadder not to have enemies.
  • I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops.
  • The fate of the avant-garde revolutionary is sublime and sad.
  • You need to be able to become rougher, while maintaining your tenderness.
  • Cruel leaders can only be replaced by new leaders even more cruel.
  • I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. People free themselves.
  • Revolution is not an apple that falls when ripe. You must make her fall.
  • If you can find paths without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere.
  • If you begin to tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are my comrade.
  • It doesn't matter if I fall, as long as someone else takes my gun and keeps shooting.
  • The future belongs to the people, and it does not matter, gradually or in one fell swoop, but they will gain power here and throughout the world.
  • It seems to me that Castro is not like the others. At least he speaks better than others, besides, he thinks.
  • The life of an individual is worth a million times more than all the possessions of the richest man on earth.
  • We cannot be sure that we have something to live for until we are ready to give our lives for it.
  • The states of the socialist camp are obliged to condemn the capitalist countries-exploiters, and not to support them in silence.
  • After the revolution, it is not the revolutionaries who do the work. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries.
  • There is no certainty that our life has a purpose until we realize that we are finally ready to go all the way for it.
  • Many will call me an adventurer - and that I am only one of those who risk their lives to prove its banality.
  • A true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a real revolutionary who does not experience this feeling.
  • We socialists are freer because we are richer, and richer because we are freer. We deliberately sacrifice something, this is the price of the freedom for which we are fighting.
  • However, the heart of America, trembling with indignation, from time to time transmits a nervous tremor to the fragile ridge of the Andes, and tremors of terrible force shake the surface of the earth.
  • No matter what path mankind takes, everything cannot be reduced to vulgarity and "trinkets of comfort", and one can sacrifice one's life for the protection of human dignity.
  • If I lose, it will not mean that it was impossible to win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated.
  • No need for litigation. In the face of revolution, all arguments are secondary. We must believe in what we are doing. All the rest are a gang of robbers and hangmen.
  • One should always think of the masses and not of the individuals. It is criminal to think about individuals, because the interests of the individual mean nothing in the face of the human community.
  • There should be no red tape with litigation. This is a revolution, the evidence here is secondary. We must act on conviction. They are all a gang of criminals and murderers.
  • No matter what path mankind takes, everything cannot be reduced to pure, vulgarity and "trinkets of comfort", and one can sacrifice one's life for the protection of human dignity.
  • At the risk of seeming ridiculous, I would like to say that a true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a real revolutionary who does not experience this feeling.
  • For me, the sea has always been a creature that can be trusted, a friend who readily listens to any story, never betraying the secrets entrusted to him, a comrade who gives the best of advice: everyone interprets the noise and splash of the waves as he can.
  • We believe that fraternal relations oblige strong countries to help dependent and developing countries and build relations with them, forgetting about "mutual benefit" and the world market, whose bargaining prices ruin already poor states.

After graduating in 1953 from the National University of Buenos Aires, Guevara trained as a surgeon and dermatologist, he traveled on a motorcycle through Latin America, visiting Chile, Peru, Colombia and Venezuela. Seeing with his own eyes the plight of these countries, the young man vowed to fight against poverty, hunger, dictatorship and any kind of injustice.

In 1955 in Mexico, Guevara met with Fidel Castro and tied his fate with the struggle of the Cuban people for freedom. Since that time, he received the famous nickname "Che" - this is how all Argentines were called in Mexico. In December 1956, he landed with a revolutionary detachment on Cuba, and two years later, his partisan column liberated the province of Las Villas, inflicting a decisive defeat on the troops of the dictator Batista.

At the end of the liberation war in 1959, Guevara became a citizen of Cuba and an active participant in the construction of socialism. In the same year, he took the post of head of the National Bank, and later - the Minister of Industry.

In April 1965, Guevara wrote to Castro about his decision to continue participating in the revolutionary movement and left Cuba. In November 1966 he arrived in Bolivia to organize a partisan movement. The detachment he created in October 1967 was surrounded and defeated by government troops, who used the widest assistance from the United States in this operation. On October 9, the great revolutionary was shot.

He was a responsible person of a poor homeland,
A minister with an apostolic face and a pirate's beard.
He has no rest in anything, this experience is sad,
He locked the office to hell and went into the trenches himself.
Descending from the partisan mountains, breathing the midnight heat,
Major Ernesto Che Guevara died in a foreign country.

Yaroslav Smelyakov

"Evening" invites you to recall the famous quotes of a revolutionary "with an apostolic face and a pirate's beard."

"At the risk of seeming ridiculous, I would like to say that a true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a real revolutionary who does not experience this feeling."

"It's sad not to have friends, but it's even sadder not to have enemies."

"I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. People liberate themselves."

"No matter what path mankind takes, everything cannot be reduced to chistogan, vulgarity and "trinkets of comfort", and one can sacrifice one's life for the protection of human dignity."

Career guidance must be constantly looked at from the point of view of the interests of the masses, and not of individuals, not proceeding from the fact that we act only as individuals who are most concerned about protecting our individuality and are able to defend this criterion a thousand and one times, while speech "It's about analyzing and calculating the country's needs. It's criminal to think in terms of an individual alone, because his needs pale and dim before the needs of the human community, which consists of all the compatriots of this individual."

"We believe that fraternal relations oblige strong countries to help dependent and developing countries and build relations with them, forgetting about "mutual benefit" and the world market, whose commercial prices ruin already poor states. How can one speak of "mutual benefit", when the same world market prices are set for raw materials obtained with such labor by poor countries and for equipment created in gigantic automated factories? Having reached such a high stage of development, we recognize that the developed socialist countries are, in a certain sense, accomplices of the imperialists.

"If I lose, it doesn't mean that I couldn't win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated."

"We cannot be sure that we have something to live for until we are ready to give our lives for it."

"After the revolution, the work is not done by revolutionaries. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries."

"Silence is the continuation of the dispute by other means."

"Cruel leaders can only be replaced by new leaders, even more cruel."

"If you begin to tremble indignantly at every injustice, then you are my comrade."

"If you can find paths without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere."

"I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops."

"To achieve much, you must lose everything."

Buena Vista Social Club - Comandante Che Guevara

Ernesto Che Guevara (Ernesto Rafael Guevara Lynch de la Serna) - was born on June 14, 1928, in the city of Rosario, Argentina. Latin American revolutionary, commander of the Cuban Revolution of 1959, Cuban statesman. Author of essays and diaries - "Episodes of a Revolutionary War", "Diary of a Motorcyclist", "Bolivian Diary", "Guerrilla War", "Message to the Nations of the World Sent to the Conference of Three Continents", "The Kennedy Plan", "The Economic Views of Ernesto Che Guevara" and others. Executed on October 9, 1967, in the city of La Higuera, Bolivia.

  • When in doubt, one should kill.
  • Better to die standing than to live on your knees.
  • Be realistic - demand the impossible.
  • To achieve much, you must lose everything.
  • Silence is the continuation of the dispute by other means.
  • In Cuba, there are no conditions for the formation of the Stalinist system.
  • The fate of the avant-garde revolutionary is sublime and sad.
  • I want to confess, dad, that I really like killing.
  • It's sad not to have friends, but even sadder not to have enemies.
  • I will always dream, and I will not stop until the bullet stops.
  • Cruel leaders can only be replaced by new leaders even more cruel.
  • I am not a liberator. Liberators don't exist. People free themselves.
  • If you can find paths without any obstacles, it probably leads nowhere.
  • If you begin to tremble with indignation at every injustice, then you are my comrade.
  • We cannot be sure that we have something to live for until we are ready to give our lives for it.


















  • After the revolution, it is not the revolutionaries who do the work. It is done by technocrats and bureaucrats. And they are counter-revolutionaries.
  • A true revolutionary is driven by great love. It is impossible to imagine a real revolutionary who does not experience this feeling.
  • One should always think of the masses and not of the individuals. It is criminal to think about individuals, because the interests of the individual mean nothing in the face of the human community.
  • There should be no red tape with litigation. This is a revolution, the evidence here is secondary. We must act on conviction. They are all a gang of criminals and murderers.
  • If I lose, it will not mean that it was impossible to win. Many have failed trying to reach the summit of Everest, and in the end Everest was defeated.
  • No matter what path mankind takes, everything cannot be reduced to pure, vulgarity and "trinkets of comfort", and one can sacrifice one's life for the protection of human dignity.

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