Heavenly hierarchy in Orthodoxy. Angelic ranks


In general, the life of any person is determined by the subtle world, having a huge impact on it. In ancient times, everyone knew that it was the subtle world that determined the physical plane. At the moment, few people remember this and want to think in this direction. And this is a very important aspect of life, because there are beings who help us in life, and there are those who try to lead us astray and sometimes even destroy us.

To see all 9 ranks of angels, you should pay attention to Botticini’s “Assumption”. There are three triads of angels on it. Before creating our world, visible and physical, God created heavenly, spiritual forces and called them angels. It was they who began to play a mediating role between the Creator and people. The literal translation of this word from Hebrew sounds like “messenger”, from Greek - “messenger”.

Angels are called ethereal beings who have a higher mind, free will and great power. According to information from the Old and New Testaments, in the Angelic Hierarchy there are certain angelic ranks, the so-called steps. Most Jewish and Christian theologians were engaged in creating a unified classification of these ranks. At the moment, the most widespread angelic hierarchy is Dionysius the Areopagite, which was created in the fifth century and called the “nine ranks of Angels.”

Nine ranks

From this system it follows that there are three triads. The first, or highest, included the Seraphim and Cherubim, as well as the Thrones. The middle triad includes the angelic orders of Dominion, Strength and Authority. And in the lowest caste of ranks are the Principalities, Archangels and Angels.


It is believed that the six-winged Seraphim are closest to God. It is the Seraphim who can be called those who occupy the highest angelic rank. It is written about them in the Bible that the prophet Isaiah witnessed their arrival. He compared them to fiery figures, so the translation of this word from Hebrew means “Flaming.”


It is this caste that follows the Seraphim in the angelic hierarchy. Their main purpose is to intercede for the human race and pray for souls before God. In addition, it is believed that they serve as a memory and are guards of the Heavenly Book of Knowledge. The knowledge of the Cherubim extends to everything that a created being can know. Translated from Hebrew, cherub means intercessor.

In their power are the mysteries of God and the depth of his wisdom. It is believed that this particular caste of angels is the most enlightened among all. It is their responsibility to open up in man the knowledge and vision of God. Seraphim and Cherubim, along with the third representatives of the first triad, interact with people.


Their position is before the seated God. They are called God-bearing, but not in the literal sense of the word, but because of the goodness within them and because they faithfully serve the Son of God. In addition, evolutionary information is hidden in them. Basically, it is they who carry out God's justice and help earthly authorities judge their people fairly.

According to the medieval mystic Jan van Ruijsbroeck, representatives of the highest triad under no circumstances interfere in human conflicts. But at the same time, they are close to people in moments of insight, love for God and knowledge of the world. It is believed that they are capable of bringing the highest love into the hearts of people.


The angelic ranks of the second triad begin with the Dominions. The fifth rank of angels, the Dominions, have free will, which ensures the daily functioning of the Universe. In addition, they control the angels who are lower in the hierarchy. Because they are completely free, their love for the Creator is impartial and sincere. It is they who give strength to earthly rulers and managers so that they act wisely and fairly when owning lands and governing people. In addition, they are able to teach how to control feelings, protecting them from unnecessary impulses of passion and lust, and enslaving the flesh to the spirit, so that it is possible to control one’s will and not succumb to temptations of various kinds.


This caste of angels is filled with Divine strength; they have the power to carry out the instant will of God, showing his strength and power. They are the ones who work God’s miracles and are able to give a person grace, with the help of which he can see what is coming or heal earthly diseases.

They are able to strengthen a person’s patience, remove his sorrow, strengthen his spirit and give him courage so that he can cope with all life’s hardships and problems.


The Authority's responsibilities include maintaining the keys to the Devil's cage and restraining his hierarchy. They are able to tame demons, repel attacks on the human race, and deliver from demonic temptation. Also, their responsibilities include affirming good people for their spiritual deeds and works, protecting them and preserving their right to the kingdom of God. They are the ones who help drive away all evil thoughts, passions and lust, and also ward off a person’s enemies and help defeat the Devil within themselves. If we consider the personal level, then the mission of these angels is to help a person during the battle of good and evil. And when a person dies, they accompany his soul and help him not to go astray.


These include entire legions of angels whose purpose is to protect religion. Their name is due to the fact that they guide the lower angelic ranks, it is they who help them to do actions pleasing to God. In addition, their mission is to rule the universe and protect everything that God has created. According to some reports, every nation and every ruler has its own angel, called upon to protect it from evil. The Prophet Daniel said that the Angels of the Persian and Judean kingdoms ensure that all rulers who are enthroned do not strive for enrichment and glory, but to spread and increase the glory of God, so that they benefit their people by serving their needs.


The Archangel is the great evangelist. Its main mission is the discovery of prophecies, understanding and knowledge of the will of the Creator. They receive this knowledge from higher ranks in order to convey it to lower ranks, who will subsequently convey it to people. According to Saint Gregory Dvoeslov, the purpose of angels is to strengthen faith in man and discover its sacraments. The archangels, whose names can be found in the Bible, are the ones most known to man.


This is the lowest rank in the hierarchy of heaven and the closest creature to humans. They guide people on the path, help them in everyday life not to leave their path. Every believer has his own guardian angel. They support every virtuous person from falling, they try to raise everyone who has fallen spiritually, no matter how sinful he is. They are always ready to help a person, the main thing is that he himself desires this help.

It is believed that a person receives his Guardian Angel after the rite of Baptism. He is obliged to protect his subordinate from misfortunes, troubles and help him throughout his life. If a person is threatened by dark forces, he needs to pray to the Guardian Angel, and he will help fight them. It is believed that depending on a person’s mission on earth, he may be associated with not one, but several angels. Depending on how a person lives and how spiritually developed he is, not only lower ranks, but also Archangels, whose names most people know, can work with him. It is worth remembering that Satan will not stop and will always tempt people, so the Angels will always be with them in difficult times. Only by living according to the laws of God and developing spiritually can one learn all the mysteries of religion. This is, in principle, all the information that relates to the ranks of Heaven.

Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim are the main angelic ranks. Their representatives occupy dominant positions in the heavenly hierarchy. Find out what they are responsible for and what functions they perform.

In the article:

Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim in various sources

Cherubim - the second highest angelic rank

Cherubim occupy second place in the angelic hierarchy, after Seraphim. According to the Book of Genesis, one of them guards the entrance to Eden with a fiery sword. He was appointed to the position of guard after his expulsion Adam and Eve. Israel's King David describes the cherubim as God's vehicle. It is unknown whether they were harnessed to his chariot or carried God in some other way, since the surviving saying of David does not reveal this secret:

... sat on the cherubs and flew away.

In the Old Testament there is also a frequent epithet describing God - “seated on cherubim.”
According to legend, when Pharaoh was persecuting the Jews, God took Cherubim from one of the wheels of his throne and flew on it to save the chosen people. In addition, there is another function of these representatives of one of the highest angelic ranks. Near the throne of God and in the world of people they sing, glorifying him. According to the apocrypha, they are busy chanting together with phoenixes and seraphim.

As one of the highest angels, Cherubim are carriers of divine wisdom. They spread knowledge about God among people, guide them on the right path and help them develop the qualities necessary for a God-fearing person. Cherubim are also dedicated to enhancing the education of other divine entities when necessary.

According to Jewish beliefs, Cherubim were created on the third day of Creation. However, according to Jewish legends, they became the first living creatures to inhabit the deserted world. According to the Talmud, the first creatures were man, bull, eagle and lion. They stayed for some time near the throne of God. Ezekiel later advised him to replace the bull with a cherub so that the bull would not be a living reminder of the times when the Jews worshiped the Golden Calf.

There is no detailed textual description of the appearance of cherubs. However, they were repeatedly depicted in icons and sculpture. Only their faces and wings are visible to people's eyes. Unlike Seraphim, Cherubim never hide their faces. According to the prophecies of Ezekiel, they do not have the same face. Moreover, one of them is human, and the second is lion. Earlier texts describe the Cherubim as beings with four faces, and sometimes even appearing in the form of winged bulls. The structure of their faces, different from human ones, is also noted. Medicine calls such defects in people cherubism.

The Talmud mentions that statues of Cherubim stood only in the very first temple. When the pagans saw them during its destruction, they began to mock the believers, calling them worshipers of statues. Therefore, Cherubim were not depicted in the form of sculptures in the future. They could only be seen in the wall paintings of temples.

According to Jewish traditions, during sleep the human body tells the soul about everything that has been done during the day. The soul transmits information to the spirit, he - to the angel, the angel - to the archangel, the archangel - to the Cherubim, and the Cherubim tells everything to the Seraphim, and the Seraphim reports to God. Accordingly, the Seraphim are the direct superiors of the Cherubim, their intermediaries in communication with God. Kabbalah says that the chief among the Cherubim is an angel who bears the name Cherubiel.

Mural “Cherub” of the Church of Martin the Confessor in Alekseevskaya Novaya Sloboda (Moscow).

The Midrash says that it is not the Cherub who bears God, but God who bears him. It does not contain anything material; God sits on the Cherub, observing what is happening in the world. The same source gives two names for the Cherubim - Tetragrammaton and Elohim. According to legend, these are parts of the true name of God.

In the Christian tradition, Cherubim are considered angels singing in honor of the Lord, as well as bearers of his intelligence and wisdom. According to biblical descriptions, they have twelve wings. Astrologers associate the number of Cherubim wings with the number of Zodiac signs. In addition, there is a connection with the number of hours in half of the earth’s day.

Later, John Chrysostom wrote that Cherubim consist entirely of eyes - their entire body is covered with them. Perhaps that is why they hide it under their wings. John Chrysostom saw in such a structure a symbol of wisdom. According to him, through the Cherubim God's mind looks at the world.

Some theologians, for example, Thomas Aquinas and Theodore the Studite, call the Cherubim representatives of the highest angelic power. In their opinion, they occupy first place in the divine hierarchy, and Seraphim - second. In Orthodox worship there is a special prayer called the Cherubic song.

What place do Thrones occupy in the heavenly hierarchy?

According to the Holy Scriptures, Thrones have this name for a reason. God sits on them from time to time, pronouncing His Judgment. According to some legends, Thrones also serve as a vehicle for God, which is why they are sometimes called God-bearing.

Image of thrones on a fresco of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kratovo, Macedonia.

Representatives of this angelic order serve as the throne of the Lord. They occupy third place among the angelic ranks, subordinate to the Seraphim and Cherubim. All other angelic ranks are subordinate to the Thrones and higher angels.

Thrones perform not only the functions of transport and the divine throne. With their help, God carries out his judgment on angels and people. Thrones also deal with human courts, helping rulers, judges, and leaders who carry out their duties at different levels, on different scales.

The thrones are depicted as wheels of fire with eyes on the rims. They have four wings. Initially, Cherubim were depicted in this form, but later their appearance became closer to the Seraphim, and wheels of fire were their attributes for some time. At the same time, the true appearance of the Thrones was revealed to people. In Jewish culture, the third rank is called the Wheels, or Ophanim.

Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim are the main angelic ranks. Their representatives occupy dominant positions in the heavenly hierarchy. Find out what they are responsible for and what functions they perform.

The angelic hierarchy is known to theologians from various sources. These are the Old and New Testaments, the Holy Scriptures, as well as the revelations of monks and priests who lived in different times. Thrones, Seraphim and Cherubim are also mentioned in the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. It’s interesting, but in Dante’s immortal work the angelic hierarchy is described in the same way as in modern theological publications.

Assumption of the Virgin, Francesco Botticini

Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones occupy first place in the Christian hierarchy of angelic entities. These are the names of the ranks, the first rank is Seraphim, the second is Cherubim, the third is Thrones. All three ranks belong to the first sphere of the heavenly hierarchy, of which there are three. In each sphere there are three orders of angels.

Angels of the highest rank are rarely depicted as humanoid creatures. Their iconographic images are quite capable of seriously surprising most believers. A clear hierarchy of angels is found only in the Christian tradition. The Koran practically does not touch on this topic, so Islam does not pay much attention to the types of Allah's helpers. In Judaism and Kabbalah, there are several versions of the hierarchy of divine essences, and they all differ significantly from each other.

Dionysius the Areopagite wrote that a person cannot know for sure what the hierarchy of heavenly powers is. In his opinion, only what God wanted to reveal is known. Perhaps only part of the structure of heavenly divine power and the apparatus of governing our world is available to us.

Highest angel Metatron - place in the hierarchy

Metatron and Aura

According to legend, the angel Metatron occupies the main position among all other heavenly entities. He judges other angels, and also sits on the same throne that God has. However, according to the legends, the throne became the cause of a quarrel between God and Metatron and the subsequent punishment of the angel.

Metatron does not belong to the ranks of the first sphere - Seraphim, Cherubim or Thrones. According to legend, he was once an ordinary righteous man. God took him to heaven alive and turned him into a perfect being - the archangel Metatron. Archangels occupy eighth place out of nine among the angelic ranks. However, despite this, he is closer to God than the higher ranks.

However, according to some legends, God expelled Metatron. Other angels did not want to recognize an ordinary person as the main one. In addition, the situation with two thrones, which gave rise to rumors of dual power in heaven, became the reason for the expulsion of Metatron. However, not all legends describe his exile. According to some of them, he forever remained an archangel close to God, despite the punishment he suffered. Accordingly, the angel of the highest rank is Metatron, the only one of his kind.

The highest angelic rank - Seraphim

Seraphim are the highest rank of angels. These are the angels who are closest to God other than Metatron. According to the book of the prophet Isaiah, they appeared before people in the guise of six-winged creatures. They covered their faces with the first pair of wings, and the body with the second. They need the last two wings in order to fly.

According to Enoch, one of the Seraphim calls himself Seraphiel. He has the head of an eagle. Such a bright light emanates from this divine being that even other angels are unable to discern its appearance. Perhaps the other Seraphim covered their faces and bodies only so as not to blind people with their holiness.

The icons depict representatives of the highest angelic order with open faces. Two of their wings are raised up, two support the Seraphim in the air, and with two they cover their bodies from the eyes of people. According to the canon, these are angels who stand around God or support his throne. The predominant color on their icons is fiery, fiery, red.

Dionysius the Areopagite claims that the nature of the Seraphim is similar to fire, a fiery love for purity and holiness. They are in constant motion around the divine. Their calling is to illuminate with their light and scorch with their heat, to elevate and liken lower beings to themselves.

Representatives of the highest rank in the angelic hierarchy praised God and told people about his holiness and the need for faith and observance of Christian commandments. They worship God and serve human needs. But the main function of the Seraphim is to implement the purposes of God on earth. They contribute to their embodiment by giving orders to lower ranks of angels, as well as directly influencing people.

Read the article by Seraphim - only God is stronger.

Cherubim - the second highest angelic rank

Cherubim occupy second place in the angelic hierarchy, after Seraphim. According to the Book of Genesis, one of them guards the entrance to Eden with a fiery sword. He was appointed to the position of guard after the exile of Adam and Eve. Israel's King David describes the cherubim as God's vehicle. It is unknown whether they were harnessed to his chariot or carried God in some other way, since the surviving saying of David does not reveal this secret:

... sat on the cherubs and flew away.

In the Old Testament there is also a frequent epithet describing God - “seated on cherubim.” According to legend, when Pharaoh was persecuting the Jews, God took Cherubim from one of the wheels of his throne and flew on it to save the chosen people. In addition, there is another function of these representatives of one of the highest angelic ranks. Near the throne of God and in the world of people they sing, glorifying him. According to the apocrypha, they are busy chanting together with phoenixes and seraphim.

As one of the highest angels, Cherubim are carriers of divine wisdom. They spread knowledge about God among people, guide them on the right path and help them develop the qualities necessary for a God-fearing person. Cherubim are also dedicated to enhancing the education of other divine entities when necessary.

According to Jewish beliefs, Cherubim were created on the third day of Creation. However, according to Jewish legends, they became the first living creatures to inhabit the deserted world. According to the Talmud, the first creatures were man, bull, eagle and lion. They stayed for some time near the throne of God. Ezekiel later advised him to replace the bull with a cherub so that the bull would not be a living reminder of the times when the Jews worshiped the Golden Calf.

Read the article who are now called cherubs.

There is no detailed textual description of the appearance of cherubs. However, they were repeatedly depicted in icons and sculpture. Only their faces and wings are visible to people's eyes. Unlike Seraphim, Cherubim never hide their faces. According to the prophecies of Ezekiel, they do not have the same face. Moreover, one of them is human, and the second is lion. Earlier texts describe the Cherubim as beings with four faces, and sometimes even appearing in the form of winged bulls. The structure of their faces, different from human ones, is also noted. Medicine calls such defects in people cherubism.

The Talmud mentions that statues of Cherubim stood only in the very first temple. When the pagans saw them during its destruction, they began to mock the believers, calling them worshipers of statues. Therefore, Cherubim were not depicted in the form of sculptures in the future. They could only be seen in the wall paintings of temples.

According to Jewish traditions, during sleep the human body tells the soul about everything that has been done during the day. The soul transmits information to the spirit, he - to the angel, the angel - to the archangel, the archangel - to the Cherubim, and the Cherubim tells everything to the Seraphim, and the Seraphim reports to God. Accordingly, the Seraphim are the direct superiors of the Cherubim, their intermediaries in communication with God. Kabbalah says that the chief among the Cherubim is an angel who bears the name Cherubiel.

Mural “Cherub” of the Church of Martin the Confessor in Alekseevskaya Novaya Sloboda (Moscow).

The Midrash says that it is not the Cherub who bears God, but God who bears him. It does not contain anything material; God sits on the Cherub, observing what is happening in the world. The same source gives two names for the Cherubim - Tetragrammaton and Elohim. According to legend, these are parts of the true name of God.

In the Christian tradition, Cherubim are considered angels singing in honor of the Lord, as well as bearers of his intelligence and wisdom. According to biblical descriptions, they have twelve wings. Astrologers associate the number of Cherubim wings with the number of Zodiac signs. In addition, there is a connection with the number of hours in half of the earth’s day.

Later, John Chrysostom wrote that Cherubim consist entirely of eyes - their entire body is covered with them. Perhaps that is why they hide it under their wings. John Chrysostom saw in such a structure a symbol of wisdom. According to him, through the Cherubim God's mind looks at the world.

Some theologians, for example, Thomas Aquinas and Theodore the Studite, call the Cherubim representatives of the highest angelic power. In their opinion, they occupy first place in the divine hierarchy, and Seraphim - second. In Orthodox worship there is a special prayer called the Cherubic song.

What place do Thrones occupy in the heavenly hierarchy?

According to the Holy Scriptures, Thrones have this name for a reason. God sits on them from time to time, pronouncing His Judgment. According to some legends, the Thrones also serve as a vehicle for God, which is why they are sometimes called God-bearing.

Image of thrones on a fresco of the Church of St. John the Baptist in Kratovo, Macedonia.

Representatives of this angelic order serve as the throne of the Lord. They occupy third place among the angelic ranks, subordinate to the Seraphim and Cherubim. All other angelic ranks are subordinate to the Thrones and higher angels.

Thrones perform not only the functions of transport and the divine throne. With their help, God carries out his judgment on angels and people. Thrones also deal with human courts, helping rulers, judges, and leaders who carry out their duties at different levels, on different scales.

The thrones are depicted as wheels of fire with eyes on the rims. They have four wings. Initially, Cherubim were depicted in this form, but later their appearance became closer to the Seraphim, and wheels of fire were their attributes for some time. At the same time, the true appearance of the Thrones was revealed to people. In Jewish culture, the third rank is called the Wheels, or Ophanim.

In general, there are three ranks of the first sphere of the divine hierarchy. These are the Seraphim closest to God and the Cherubim and Thrones subordinate to them. Each of these divine entities fulfills their roles to help God rule the world.

In general, the life of any person is determined by the subtle world, having a huge impact on it. In ancient times, everyone knew that it was the subtle world that determined the physical plane. At the moment, few people remember this and want to think in this direction. And this is a very important aspect of life, because there are beings who help us in life, and there are those who try to lead us astray and sometimes even destroy us.

Heavenly Angels

To see all 9 ranks of angels, you should pay attention to Botticini’s “Assumption”. There are three triads of angels on it. Before creating our world, visible and physical, God created heavenly, spiritual forces and called them angels. It was they who began to play a mediating role between the Creator and people. The translation of this word from Hebrew literally sounds like “messenger”, from Greek - “messenger”.

Angels are called ethereal beings who have free will and great power. According to information from the Old and New Testaments, in the Angelic Hierarchy there are certain angelic ranks, the so-called steps. Most Jewish and Christian theologians were engaged in creating a unified classification of these ranks. At the moment, the most widespread is the angelic hierarchy, which was created in the fifth century and called the “nine ranks of Angels.”

Nine ranks

From this system it follows that there are three triads. The first, or highest, included the Seraphim and Cherubim, as well as the Thrones. The middle triad includes the angelic orders of Dominion, Strength and Authority. And in the lowest caste of ranks are the Principalities, Archangels and Angels.


It is believed that it is the Seraphim who are closest to God who can be called those who occupy the highest angelic rank. It is written about them in the Bible that the prophet Isaiah witnessed their arrival. He compared them to fiery figures, so the translation of this word from Hebrew means “Flaming.”


It is this caste that follows the Seraphim in the angelic hierarchy. Their main purpose is to intercede for the human race and pray for souls before God. In addition, it is believed that they serve as a memory and are guards of the Heavenly Book of Knowledge. The knowledge of the Cherubim extends to everything that a created being can know. Translated from Hebrew, cherub means intercessor.

In their power are the mysteries of God and the depth of his wisdom. It is believed that this particular caste of angels is the most enlightened among all. It is their responsibility to open up in man the knowledge and vision of God. Seraphim and Cherubim, along with the third representatives of the first triad, interact with people.


Their position is before the seated God. They are called God-bearing, but not in the literal sense of the word, but because of the goodness within them and because they faithfully serve the Son of God. In addition, evolutionary information is hidden in them. Basically, it is they who carry out God's justice and help earthly authorities judge their people fairly.

According to the medieval mystic Jan van Ruijsbroeck, representatives of the highest triad under no circumstances interfere in human conflicts. But at the same time, they are close to people in moments of insight and knowledge of the world. It is believed that they are capable of bringing the highest love into the hearts of people.


The angelic ranks of the second triad begin with the Dominions. The fifth rank of angels, the Dominions, have free will, which ensures the daily functioning of the Universe. In addition, they control the angels who are lower in the hierarchy. Because they are completely free, their love for the Creator is impartial and sincere. It is they who give strength to earthly rulers and managers so that they act wisely and fairly when owning lands and governing people. In addition, they are able to teach how to control feelings, protecting them from unnecessary impulses of passion and lust, and enslaving the flesh to the spirit, so that it is possible to control one’s will and not succumb to temptations of various kinds.


This caste of angels is filled with Divine strength; they have the power to carry out the instant will of God, showing his strength and power. They are the ones who work God’s miracles and are able to give a person grace, with the help of which he can see what is coming or heal earthly diseases.

They are able to strengthen a person’s patience, remove his sorrow, strengthen his spirit and give him courage so that he can cope with all life’s hardships and problems.


The Authority's responsibilities include maintaining the keys to the Devil's cage and restraining his hierarchy. They are able to tame demons, repel attacks on the human race, and deliver from demonic temptation. Also, their responsibilities include affirming good people for their spiritual deeds and works, protecting them and preserving their right to the kingdom of God. They are the ones who help drive away all evil thoughts, passions and lust, and also ward off a person’s enemies and help defeat the Devil within themselves. If we consider the personal level, then angels help a person during the battle of good and evil. And when a person dies, they accompany his soul and help him not to go astray.


These include entire legions of angels whose purpose is to protect religion. Their name is due to the fact that they guide the lower angelic ranks, it is they who help them to do actions pleasing to God. In addition, their mission is to rule the universe and protect everything that God has created. According to some reports, every nation and every ruler has its own angel, called upon to protect it from evil. The Prophet Daniel said that the Angels of the Persian and Judean kingdoms ensure that all rulers who are enthroned do not strive for enrichment and glory, but to spread and increase the glory of God, so that they benefit their people by serving their needs.


The Archangel is the great evangelist. Its main mission is the discovery of prophecies, understanding and knowledge of the will of the Creator. They receive this knowledge from higher ranks in order to convey it to lower ranks, who will subsequently convey it to people. According to Saint Gregory Dvoeslov, the purpose of angels is to strengthen faith in man and discover its sacraments. The archangels, whose names can be found in the Bible, are the ones most known to man.


This is the lowest rank in the hierarchy of heaven and the closest creature to humans. They guide people on the path, help them in everyday life not to leave their path. Every believer has his own guardian angel. They support every virtuous person from falling, they try to raise everyone who has fallen spiritually, no matter how sinful he is. They are always ready to help a person, the main thing is that he himself desires this help.

It is believed that a person receives his Guardian Angel after the rite of Baptism. He is obliged to protect his subordinate from misfortunes, troubles and help him throughout his life. If a person is threatened by dark forces, he needs to pray to the Guardian Angel, and he will help fight them. It is believed that depending on a person’s mission on earth, he may be associated with not one, but several angels. Depending on how a person lives and how spiritually developed he is, not only lower ranks, but also Archangels, whose names most people know, can work with him. It is worth remembering that Satan will not stop and will always tempt people, so the Angels will always be with them in difficult times. Only by living according to the laws of God and developing spiritually can one learn all the mysteries of religion. This is, in principle, all the information that relates to the ranks of Heaven.

God immediately created various kinds of angelic powers. The difference between them in nature was not the result of different degrees of “cooling” of the Angels in love, as Origen taught. Dionysius the Areopagite systematized the church doctrine of the nine ranks of angels. He writes that the Upper World has a hierarchical structure, since not all angelic ranks equally accept divine enlightenment. Lower ranks accept enlightenment from higher ranks. The angelic world is a single whole and, at the same time, a ladder. All Angels, to a certain extent, participate in the Divine and the Light communicated from Him, but the degrees of their knowledge and perfection are not the same.

The angelic hierarchy consists of three triads. The first, highest, is - Seraphim, Cherubim and Thrones. All of them are located in the closest and most immediate proximity to God, “as if on the threshold of the Divinity,” at the Trinity Sanctuary itself. They have access to direct and immediate knowledge of the Divine mysteries. They live in indescribable illumination, contemplate God in bright light.

Hexaptera Seraphim(Heb. - flaming, fiery), which are spoken of only by the prophet Isaiah (Isa. 6:2), are flaming with love for God and encourage others to it.

Cherubim(Heb. - chariots) - spiritual creatures that the prophet Ezekiel saw in the images of a man, an ox, a lion and an eagle (Ezek. 1). These symbols mean that Cherubim combine the qualities of intelligence, obedience, strength and speed. Cherubim stand before the throne of God (Rev. 4:6–7). They are the spiritual chariot of the Almighty (Ezek. 1:10) therefore God is called sitting on cherubim (1 Samuel 4:4).

Cherub guarded the entrance to heaven (Gen. 3:24). Images of two Cherubim overshadowed the Ark of the Covenant, the place of the direct presence of God (Ex. 25:18-20). The King of Tire, symbolizing, according to the holy fathers, Satan, is called the overshadowing cherub (Ezek. 28:14), which indicates his initial closeness to God.

The many-eyed Cherubim, according to Dionysius the Areopagite, shine with the light of knowledge of God. They send down wisdom and enlightenment for the knowledge of God to the lower ranks. They are “rivers of wisdom” and “places of God’s rest”; hence some of the Cherubim are called " Thrones", since God Himself rests on them not sensually, but spiritually, with a special abundance of grace.

The middle hierarchy is: Dominance, Strength and Authority.

Dominations (Col. 1:16) rule over the subsequent ranks of Angels. They instruct God-appointed earthly rulers in wise governance. They teach how to control feelings, tame sinful lusts, enslave the flesh to the spirit, and overcome temptations. Powers (1 Pet. 3:22) they work miracles and send down the grace of miracles and clairvoyance to the saints of God. They help people with their work, strengthen them in patience, and bestow spiritual strength and courage. Authorities (1 Pet. 3:22; Col. 1:16) have the power to tame the power of the devil. They ward off demonic temptations from us, protect ascetics, and help them in the fight against evil thoughts. They also have power over the forces of nature, such as wind and fire. (Rev. 8:7).

The lower hierarchy includes: Beginnings, Archangels and Angels.

Beginnings (Col. 1:16) command over the lower Angels, directing their activities to fulfill Divine commands. They are entrusted with managing the Universe, protecting countries, peoples and tribes. They teach earthly authorities to fulfill their duties not for the sake of benefits and personal glory, but to seek in everything the glory of God and the benefit of their neighbors.

Archangels (1 Thess. 4:16) they preach great and glorious things. They reveal the secrets of faith, prophecy and the will of God to people, that is, they are conductors of Revelation.

Angels (1 Pet. 3:22) closest to people. They proclaim the intentions of God, instruct in virtues and holy life. They protect the faithful, keep us from falling, and raise the fallen.

Saint Dionysius the Areopagite is aware of the imperfection of such systematization. He writes: “How many ranks of heavenly beings, what they are and how the secrets of the hierarchy are performed among them, God alone, the Author of their hierarchy, knows exactly; They also know their own strengths, their light, their sacred and worldly order. And we can be told as much about this as God has revealed to us through them, as those who know themselves.”

St. Augustine argues in a similar way: “I unshakably believe that there are Thrones, Dominions, Principalities and Powers in the heavenly abodes, and that they differ from each other, I undoubtedly maintain; but what they are and how they differ from each other, I don’t know.”

Some holy fathers believe that the nine ranks listed do not cover all existing angelic ranks; there are others that will be revealed only in the Future Age (Eph. 1:21).

The famous Orthodox theologian Archpriest John Meyendorff believes that for the Christian tradition the hierarchical structure of the angelic world, proposed by Dionysius the Areopagite, represents great inconvenience. “Old Testament angelology is complex and does not fit into the hierarchy of Dionysius. Thus, Seraphim in the book of the prophet Isaiah is the direct messenger of God (in the system of Dionysius, Seraphim would have to use the underlying hierarchy). The Church honors Archangel Michael as the head of the Heavenly army (in the Epistle of the Apostle Jude he fights Satan), however, in the system of Dionysius, the archangel rank is one of the lowest in the heavenly hierarchy.” This was noticed by the holy fathers, so they accepted the hierarchy of Dionysius with reservations. Thus, St. Gregory Palamas claims that the Incarnation of Christ violated the original order: in violation of all hierarchical ranks, God sent the Archangel Gabriel, that is, one of the lower Angels, to announce the good news of the Incarnation to the Virgin Mary. Reflecting the same thought, the hymns of the Feasts of the Ascension and Dormition proclaim that the Angels were surprised that the human nature of Christ and the Mother of God “ascends from earth to heaven” completely independently of the angelic hierarchy.

So, it should be borne in mind that the classification of the Heavenly Powers of Dionysius the Areopagite is rather conditional and schematic; it is unable to satisfactorily explain some facts of Revelation and the phenomena of spiritual life. For example, if we strictly follow Dionysius’s scheme, then our communication with God is possible only through Angels. However, in the Holy Scriptures there are any number of examples of people communicating with God without the mediation of Angels.


In the canonical books of the Bible, only two names of Archangels are mentioned:

1) Michael(from Hebrew - “who is like God”; Dan. 10:13; Jude 1:9) - Archangel of the ethereal Powers.

2) Gabriel(from Hebrew - “man of God”; Dan. 8:16; Luke 1:19) - a servant of the Divine fortress and a messenger of the mysteries of God.

Four names appear in non-canonical books:

3) Rafail(from Hebrew - “God’s help”; Tob. 3:16) - healer of ailments.

4) Uriel(from Hebrew - “fire of God”; 3 Ezra 4:1) - a servant of Divine love, kindling in the hearts love for God and enlightening with the light of the knowledge of God.

5) Selaphiel(from Hebrew - “prayer to God”) - a minister of prayer who teaches prayer.

6) Jeremiel(from Hebrew - “the height of God”; 3 Ezra 4:36).

In addition, pious tradition speaks of two more Archangels:

7) Yehudiel(from Hebrew - “praise of God”) - an assistant in labor and an intercessor of rewards for those who work for the glory of God.

8) Barachiel(from Hebrew - “blessing of God”) - a servant of God’s blessings.

There is an opinion that seven of them stand before the throne of God. In this sense, the following words from the Revelation of John the Theologian are interpreted: “ Grace and peace be to you from Him who is, and was, and is to come, and from the seven Spirits who are before His throne” (Rev. 1:4). This, of course, is a rather conditional interpretation. The exact meaning of this text is hidden from us.

There are prayers with petitions to each of the Archangels according to their ministry.

1. Holy Archangel Michael, conqueror, conquer my passions.

2. Holy Archangel Gabriel, messenger of God, announce to me the hour of death.

3. Holy Archangel Raphael, healer, heal me from mental and physical illness.

4. Holy Archangel Uriel, enlightener, enlighten my feelings of soul and body.

5. Holy Archangel Jehudiel, glorifier, glorify me with good deeds.

6. Holy Archangel Selafiel, prayer book, pray to God for me, a sinner.

7. Holy Archangel Barachiel, blesser, bless me, a sinner, to see me through my entire life in spiritual salvation.

8. Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, save my sinful soul.

9. O My Most Holy Lady Theotokos, all the Heavenly Powers of the saints Angels and Archangels and all the saints, have mercy on me, help me in this life, in the outcome of my soul and in the Future World. Amen

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