Unknown facts about Dostoevsky. Dostoevsky Fedor Mikhailovich: biography, family, creativity, interesting facts from life


The facts of Dostoevsky's biography added vitality to the writer, while helping his works to become classics of world literature. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, in spite of any difficulties, never left literature. He lived by her. And he was able to become a brilliant writer of his time, who is still honored and remembered.

1. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was not the only child in the family. He had a writer brother who created his own magazine.

2. The first works of Dostoevsky were published in his brother's magazine.

3. The last 10 years of Dostoevsky's life were the most fruitful.

4. The peak of this writer's fame came only after his death.

5. The writer's mother died of tuberculosis when he was 16 years old.

6. The father of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was killed by serfs.

7. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a sexually obsessed man.

8. The writer regularly visited prostitutes, which prevented him from creating a normal family.

9. For the first time, the writer married only at the age of 36, the marriage lasted only 7 years.

10. The second wife of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was the stenographer Anna, who was 25 years younger than him.

11. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote the work “The Gambler” in just 26 days.

12. Dostoevsky was quite a gambling personality. He could lose his last pants at roulette.

13. Nietzsche considered Dostoevsky the best psychologist, and therefore he always said that he had something to learn.

14. Dostoevsky's first novel was Poor People.

15. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky lived in Europe for 4 years, thus hiding from creditors.

16. While working near Dostoevsky, there was always a glass of strong tea nearby.

17. Dostoevsky's books have been translated into many languages.

18. Immediately after the wedding with Anna Snitkina, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky instructed her to manage all his financial affairs.

19. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was a jealous man. Every little thing could serve as a reason for his jealousy.

20. For his second wife Anna, the writer worked out a number of rules that she had to adhere to. Here are a few of them: do not paint your lips, do not draw arrows, do not smile at men.

21. On the line of his father, the writer was of a noble family, but he himself did not know anything about the genealogy before his death.

22. The favorite writer of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was Pushkin.

23. From the first marriage, Dostoevsky had no children, and from the second - 4 children.

24. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky spent 4 years of his life in hard labor.

25. Most often, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote works at night.

26. In Dostoevsky's kitchen, the samovar was always hot.

27. Dostoevsky liked the works of Balzac, and therefore he tried to translate the novel "Eugene Grande" into Russian.

28. Until the end of her life, Dostoevsky's second wife remained faithful to him.

29. Dostoevsky was born into a family with 8 children.

30. The image of the hero of the novel "The Idiot" Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote from himself.

31. Dostoevsky was the second child in the family.

32. Throughout his life, the great writer suffered from epilepsy, and therefore it is impossible to call him a completely healthy person.

33. The death of his brother was a blow to Dostoevsky.

34. Dostoevsky was a deeply religious person, and therefore he and his wife got married in a church.

35. The second wife helped Dostoevsky quit gambling.

36. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was buried in St. Petersburg.

37. Many films have been made about this writer.

38. The first works of Dostoevsky, namely plays for theaters, were lost.

39. In 1862, Dostoevsky traveled abroad for the first time.

40. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky traveled in his life to Italy, Austria, England, Switzerland, Germany and France.

41. When a street beauty refused Dostoevsky, he simply fainted.

42. Violence and pain during sexual relations with Dostoevsky was taken for granted by his second wife.

43. Dostoevsky had to graduate from the Engineering Academy.

44. According to the acquired profession, he did not work long.

45. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky had a tense relationship with Turgenev.

46. ​​For the first time, Dostoevsky became a dad at a very mature age. At the time of the appearance of the first child, he was already 46 years old.

47. Dostoevsky's daughter Sonya died a few months after birth.

48. Often Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky accused his own beloved women of infidelity.

49. Dostoevsky considered himself ugly.

50. Each prostitute who once rendered services to Dostoevsky, the next time refused to communicate with him.

51. Dostoevsky became the first man of Apollinaria Suslova.

52. Dostoevsky's passion did not fade away even at the age of 60.

53. The court sentenced Dostoevsky to death.

54. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky fell seriously in love for the first time in Semipalatinsk.

55. The wedding with Dostoevsky's second wife took place in the Izmailovsky Trinity Cathedral in St. Petersburg.

56. The second daughter of Dostoevsky with the name Lyuba appeared in Dresden.

57. About 30,000 people accompanied the writer on his last journey.

58. After the death of Dostoevsky, his wife served his name and did not marry again.

59. Dostoevsky was especially keenly impressed by beautiful female legs.

60. The sexuality of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was of a sadomasochistic nature.

Fyodor Dostoevsky is a universally recognized literary classic. He is considered one of the best novelists in the world and the finest expert on human psychology.

In addition to writing, he was an outstanding philosopher and deep thinker. Many of his quotes have entered the golden fund of world thought.

In the biography of Dostoevsky, as in, there were many controversial points, which we will tell you about right now.

So, your attention is invited to the biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Brief biography of Dostoevsky

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was born on November 11, 1821 in. His father, Mikhail Andreevich, was a physician, and during his life he managed to work both in the military and in ordinary hospitals.

Mother, Maria Feodorovna, was a merchant's daughter. To feed their families and give their children a good education, parents had to work from dawn to dusk.

Growing up, Fedor Mikhailovich repeatedly thanked his father and mother for all that they had done for him.

Childhood and youth of Dostoevsky

Maria Fedorovna independently taught her little son to read. To do this, she used a book that described biblical events.

Fedya really liked the Old Testament book of Job. He admired this righteous man, who had many difficult trials.

Later, all this knowledge and childhood impressions will form the basis of some of his works. It is worth noting that the head of the family was also not aloof from training. He taught his son Latin.

There were seven children in the Dostoevsky family. Fedor had a special affection for his older brother Misha.

Later, N. I. Drashusov became the teacher of both brothers, who was also helped by his sons.

Special signs of Fyodor Dostoevsky


In 1834, for 4 years, Fedor and Mikhail studied at the prestigious Moscow boarding house of L. I. Chermak.

At this time, the first tragedy occurred in Dostoevsky's biography. The mother died of consumption.

After mourning his dear wife, the head of the family decided to send Misha and Fedor to so that they could continue their studies there.

The father arranged for both sons in the boarding house of K. F. Kostomarov. And although he knew that the boys were addicted, he dreamed that in the future they would become engineers.

Fyodor Dostoevsky did not argue with his father and entered the school. However, the student devoted all his free time from study. He read the works of Russian and foreign classics day and night.

In 1838, an important event took place in his biography: together with his friends, he managed to create a literary circle. It was then that he first became seriously interested in writing.

After graduating after 5 years of study, Fedor got a job as an engineer-lieutenant in a St. Petersburg brigade. However, he soon resigned from this position and plunged headlong into literature.

The beginning of a creative biography

Despite objections from some family members, Dostoevsky still did not retreat from his passion, which gradually became the meaning of life for him.

He diligently wrote novels, and soon enough he achieved success in this field. In 1844, his first book, Poor People, was published, which received many flattering reviews, both from critics and from ordinary readers.

Thanks to this, Fyodor Mikhailovich was accepted into the popular "Belinsky circle", in which they began to call him "new".

His next work was "Double". This time, success was not repeated, but rather the opposite - devastating criticism of the failed novel awaited the young genius.

The Double received a lot of negative reviews, as for most readers this book was completely incomprehensible. An interesting fact is that later her innovative writing style was highly appreciated by critics.

Soon the members of the "Belinsky circle" asked Dostoevsky to leave their society. This happened because of the young writer's scandal with and.

However, at that time, Fyodor Dostoevsky already had quite a lot of popularity, so he was gladly accepted into other literary communities.

Arrest and hard labor

In 1846, an event occurred in Dostoevsky's biography that influenced his entire subsequent life. He met M. V. Petrashevsky, who was the organizer of the so-called “Fridays”.

"Fridays" were meetings of like-minded people, at which participants criticized the actions of the king and discussed various laws. In particular, questions were raised regarding the abolition of serfdom and freedom of speech in.

At one of the meetings, Fyodor Mikhailovich met the communist N. A. Speshnev, who soon formed a secret society consisting of 8 people.

This group of people advocated a revolution in the state and the formation of an underground printing house.

In 1848, another novel “White Nights” was published from the writer’s pen, which was warmly received by the public, and already in the spring of 1849 he was arrested along with the rest of the Petrashevites.

They are accused of attempting a coup d'état. For about six months, Dostoevsky is kept in the Peter and Paul Fortress, and in the autumn the court sentences him to death.

Fortunately, the sentence was not carried out, because at the last moment the execution was replaced with eight years of hard labor. Soon the king softened the punishment even more, reducing the term from 8 to 4 years.

After hard labor, the writer was called to serve as an ordinary soldier. It is curious to note that this fact from the biography of Dostoevsky was the first case in Russia when a convict was allowed to be in the service.

Thanks to this, he again became a full-fledged citizen of the state, having the same rights that he had before his arrest.

The years spent in hard labor greatly influenced the views of Fyodor Dostoevsky. Indeed, in addition to exhausting physical labor, he also suffered from loneliness, since at first simple prisoners did not want to communicate with him because of his noble title.

In 1856, Alexander II came to the throne and granted amnesty to all the Petrashevites. At that time, 35-year-old Fedor Mikhailovich was already a fully formed personality with deep religious views.

The heyday of Dostoevsky's work

In 1860, Dostoevsky's collected works were published. His appearance did not arouse much interest in the reader. However, after the publication of "Notes from the House of the Dead", the writer's popularity returns again.

Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

The fact is that the “Notes” describes in detail the life and suffering of convicts, which most ordinary citizens did not even think about.

In 1861, Dostoevsky, together with his brother Mikhail, created the magazine Vremya. After 2 years, this publishing house closed, after which the brothers began to publish another magazine - Epoch.

Both magazines made the Dostoevskys very famous, since they published any works of their own composition in them. However, after 3 years, a black streak begins in Dostoevsky's biography.

In 1864, Mikhail Dostoevsky died, and a year later the publishing house itself was closed, since it was Mikhail who was the engine of the entire enterprise. In addition, Fedor Mikhailovich has accumulated a lot of debts.

The difficult financial situation forced him to sign an extremely disadvantageous contract with the publisher Stelovsky.

At the age of 45, Dostoevsky finished writing one of his most famous novels, Crime and Punishment. This book brought him absolute recognition and universal fame during his lifetime.

In 1868, another epoch-making novel, The Idiot, was published. Later, the writer admitted that this book was given to him extremely hard.

Dostoevsky's office in the last apartment in St. Petersburg

His next works were the equally famous Possessed, The Teenager and The Brothers Karamazov (many consider this book to be the most important in Dostoevsky's biography).

After the release of these novels, Fyodor Mikhailovich began to be considered a perfect connoisseur of the human, capable of conveying in detail the deepest feelings and true experiences of any person.

Dostoevsky's personal life

The first wife of Fyodor Dostoevsky was Maria Isaeva. Their marriage union lasted 7 years, until her death.

In the 60s, during his stay abroad, Dostoevsky met Apollinaria Suslova, with whom he began a romantic relationship. Interestingly, the girl became the prototype of Nastasya Filippovna in The Idiot.

The second and last wife of the writer was Anna Snitkina. Their marriage lasted 14 years, until the death of Fyodor Mikhailovich. They had two sons and two daughters.

Anna Grigoryevna Dostoevskaya (nee Snitkina), the "main" woman in the writer's life

For Dostoevsky, Anna Grigorievna was not only a faithful wife, but also an indispensable assistant in his writing.

Moreover, all financial issues lay on her shoulders, which she masterfully solved, thanks to her foresight and insight.

A huge number of people came to see him on his last journey. Perhaps, then no one guessed that they were contemporaries of one of the most outstanding writers of mankind.

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On July 6, St. Petersburg celebrates the fourth Dostoevsky Day. We also make our contribution to the popularization of the work of the great writer and recall 7 unknown facts about Fyodor Mikhailovich.

What to read in a Siberian prison, why strong tea is necessary for creativity, and how to write a novel in 21 days? For the anniversary of Dostoevsky, "Cyrillic" tells about seven interesting (and not always well-known) facts from the life of the great writer.

Gospel of Dostoevsky

When the writer was exiled to the Omsk fortress through Tobolsk, the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin gave him the Gospel. In the first two years that Dostoevsky spent in Omsk, he was not given any books or the opportunity to write, and the prisoner read the Gospel all this time. The writer did not even have a pencil and he made notes in the margins with his fingernail - almost 1700 in total. He did not part with this Tobolsk book until the end of his life.

hard labor

Dostoevsky often compared his literary work with hard labor: “... if there is a person in hard labor, then it's me. I was in hard labor in Siberia for 4 years, but there work and life were more tolerable than my current one ... ". However, Dostoevsky deliberately preferred the unsettled life of a writer to the career of an official: “I resigned because I resigned ... I am not happy with life, as they take away the best time for nothing ... I will work hellishly ... ".

Romance in 21 days

The novel "The Gambler" is largely based on the personal experience of the writer - shortly before that, in Europe, Dostoevsky had accumulated a lot of debt while playing roulette and had to write a work in record time in order to pay off creditors. The novel was completed in 21 days in October 1866 thanks to work with stenographer Anna Snitkina, Dostoevsky's future wife.

Winter notes about summer experiences

This was the title of Dostoevsky's publicistic essay, first published in the journal Vremya in the spring of 1863. In this "feuilleton for the whole summer" Dostoevsky spoke with irony about the impressions of his first trip to Europe, and about the attitude of Russians towards Europe. For example, he remarked: “Which of us Russians (that is, those who read at least magazines) does not know Europe twice as well as Russia? I put twice here out of courtesy, and probably ten times.

“Will the light fail, or should I not drink tea”?

Dostoevsky could not work without strong tea. When Dostoevsky wrote his novels at night, there was always a glass of tea on his desk, and the samovar was always kept hot in the dining room.

The most intentional city in the world

This is how Dostoevsky perceived Petersburg - a city that was constantly present in his work. And at the same time he loved him very much: “There is an inexplicably touching thing in our St. Petersburg nature, when, with the onset of spring, it suddenly expresses all its power, all the forces bestowed on it by spring, becomes pubescent, discharged, full of flowers ...”.

Dedication and Holiness

Dostoevsky dedicated his last (and perhaps most famous) novel The Brothers Karamazov to his wife, Anna Snitkina. And the image of the elder Zosima in the novel was created by the writer under the influence of the biography of the schemamonk Zosima (Verkhovsky), the founder of the Trinity-Odigitrievsky hermitage.

Interesting facts from the life of Fedor Mikhailovich:

  1. Raskolnikov's cache is taken from life.
    Dostoevsky in his works often used real events that he could observe just walking down the street in St. Petersburg. So, the situation that is described in the novel "Crime and Punishment", where Raskolnikov hides things in the yard that he stole from an old woman, Dostoevsky observed in one of the courtyards of St. Petersburg. As the author later admitted, he just went there to relieve himself.
  2. Dostoevsky fainted near the ladies.
    As is known from some sources, the writer was very impressionable and, having received a refusal from another young lady, he could easily faint. However, if the young ladies agreed, Fedor Mikhailovich's reaction was the same.
  3. Fedor Mikhailovich went to prostitutes.
    To say that Dostoevsky had a masculine core and sexual charisma is to say nothing. Turgenev himself called him "the Russian Marquis de Sade." Sometimes the writer resorted to the services of prostitutes to calm the ardent heat of his body. After another “act of love”, many of them said that they would not return there again.
  4. The writer got into debt.
    In 1867, when the writer met the young stenographer Anna, he was on the brink of an abyss. The writer owes a tidy sum of money, having lost them at Roulette. Then, thanks to Anechka, the novel "The Gambler" was completed within 26 days, and with the money received, Dostoevsky was able to pay off his debts.
  5. My wife and I had a big age difference.
    Fedor Mikhailovich truly changed when he married Anna Snitkina, a stenographer. Despite the fact that there was a big age difference between them (the young wife was 20, the writer was 45), nothing prevented them from loving each other for the rest of their lives.
  6. Anna Snitkina obeyed all his fantasies.
    After her marriage, Anna became a personal angel for Dostoevsky, an assistant and, in a way, a slave. The writer had the opportunity to test all his frank fantasies on his wife. Anna, a young, inexperienced girl in love, accepted all perversions and violence as normal. Her words to her husband spoke of devotion and unearthly love.
    "I'm ready to spend the rest of my life kneeling before him."
  7. Anna was an excellent manager.
    After the wedding, Anna Dostoevskaya undertook to manage the financial affairs of the family. She pacified all the creditors who owed Fyodor's brother Mikhail, and also dealt with the publishing houses of her husband's books, which offered a meager price for the writer's creations. So, for one of the most popular novels "Demons" Fyodor Mikhailovich was offered 500 rubles with payment over several years. Most likely, it would have been so if Anna had not taken up the matter. She made sure that her husband was paid 4,000 rubles in net income and immediately. So, Anna Snitkina became one of the most successful managers of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.
  8. The jealousy of the writer was manic.
    It is known that the writer was very jealous and after the wedding with Anna, he put out to her a certain “list” of what she should not do. So, these duties included: not to wear tight dresses, not to paint lips brightly, not to smile at other men and not to line your eyes. For her part, Anna implicitly fulfilled all the wishes of her husband.
  9. Creativity is not without a samovar.
    When Fyodor Mikhailovich created his masterpieces, there was always a mug filled with tea near him, and a warm samovar always stood in the kitchen.
  10. The fidelity of his wife knew no bounds.
    After the death of Dostoevsky, Anna remained faithful to her husband, despite the fact that she was only 35 years old. Her irresistible love for her husband is equal to the purest and most tender that can be in this world.
    She wrote about him
    “The sun of my life is Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Anna Dostoevskaya...

Someone calls him a prophet, a gloomy philosopher, someone - an evil genius. He himself called himself "a child of the century, a child of disbelief, doubt." Much has been said about Dostoevsky as a writer, but his personality is surrounded by an aura of mystery. The multifaceted nature of the classic allowed him to leave a mark on the pages of history, to inspire millions of people around the world. His ability to expose vices, without turning away from them, made the characters so alive, and the works - full of mental suffering. Immersion in the world of Dostoevsky can be painful, difficult, but it gives birth to something new in people, this is exactly the kind of literature that educates. Dostoevsky is a phenomenon that needs to be studied for a long time and thoughtfully. A brief biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, some interesting facts from his life, creativity will be presented to your attention in the article.

Brief biography in dates

The main task of life, as Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote, is “not to lose heart, not to fall”, despite all the trials sent from above. And he had a lot of them.

November 11, 1821 - birth. Where was Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky born? He was born in our glorious capital - Moscow. Father - head doctor Mikhail Andreevich, a believing, pious family. Named after my grandfather.

The boy began to study at a young age under the guidance of his parents, by the age of 10 he knew the history of Russia quite well, his mother taught him to read. Religious education was also given attention: daily prayer before going to bed was a family tradition.

In 1837, the mother of Fyodor Mikhailovich Maria died, in 1839 - father Mikhail.

1838 - Dostoevsky enters the Main Engineering School of St. Petersburg.

1841 - becomes an officer.

1843 - enlisted in the engineering corps. The study did not please, there was a strong craving for literature, the writer made his first creative experiments even then.

1847 - visiting Fridays Petrashevsky.

April 23, 1849 - Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky was arrested and imprisoned in the Peter and Paul Fortress.

From January 1850 to February 1854 - Omsk fortress, hard labor. This period had a strong influence on the work, the attitude of the writer.

1854-1859 - the period of military service, the city of Semipalatinsk.

1857 - wedding with Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva.

June 7, 1862 - the first trip abroad, where Dostoevsky stays until October. For a long time I was fond of gambling.

1863 - falling in love, relationship with A. Suslova.

1864 - the writer's wife Maria, older brother Mikhail die.

1867 - marries stenographer A. Snitkina.

Until 1871, they traveled a lot outside of Russia.

1877 - spends a lot of time with Nekrasov, then delivers a speech at his funeral.

1881 - Dostoevsky Fyodor Mikhailovich dies, he was 59 years old.

Biography in detail

The childhood of the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky can be called prosperous: born into a noble family in 1821, he received an excellent home education and upbringing. Parents managed to instill a love for languages ​​(Latin, French, German), history. After reaching the age of 16, Fedor was sent to a private boarding school. Then the training continued at the military engineering school of St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky showed interest in literature even then, visited literary salons with his brother, tried to write himself.

As evidenced by the biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, 1839 takes the life of his father. Internal protest is looking for a way out, Dostoevsky begins to get acquainted with the socialists, visits Petrashevsky's circle. The novel "Poor People" was written under the influence of the ideas of that period. This work allowed the writer to finally finish the hated engineering service and take up literature. From an unknown student, Dostoevsky became a successful writer until censorship intervened.

In 1849, the ideas of the Petrashevites were recognized as harmful, the members of the circle were arrested and sent to hard labor. It is noteworthy that the sentence was originally death, but the last 10 minutes changed it. The Petrashevites, who were already on the scaffold, were pardoned, limiting the punishment to four years of hard labor. Mikhail Petrashevsky was sentenced to life imprisonment. Dostoevsky was sent to Omsk.

The biography of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky tells that serving the term was difficult for the writer. He compares that time to being buried alive. Hard monotonous work like burning bricks, disgusting conditions, cold undermined the health of Fyodor Mikhailovich, but also gave him food for thought, new ideas, topics for creativity.

After serving his term, Dostoevsky serves in Semipalatinsk, where the only consolation was the first love - Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva. These relationships were tender, somewhat reminiscent of the relationship of a mother with her son. The only thing that stopped the writer from proposing to a woman was the fact that she had a husband. A little later he died. In 1857, Dostoevsky finally achieves Maria Isaeva, they get married. After the marriage, the relationship changed somewhat, the writer himself speaks of them as "unfortunate".

1859 - return to St. Petersburg. Dostoevsky writes again, opens the Vremya magazine with his brother. Brother Mikhail does business ineptly, gets into debt, dies. Fyodor Mikhailovich has to deal with debts. He has to write quickly in order to be able to pay all the accumulated debts. But even in such a hurry, the most complex works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky were created.

In 1860, Dostoevsky falls in love with the young Apollinaria Suslova, who does not at all resemble his wife Maria. The relationship was also different - passionate, bright, lasted three years. Then Fedor Mikhailovich is fond of playing roulette, he loses a lot. This period of life is reflected in the novel "The Gambler".

1864 claimed the lives of his brother and wife. Something seems to have broken in the writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. Relations with Suslova come to naught, the writer feels lost, alone in the world. He tries to escape from himself abroad, to get distracted, but the longing does not leave. Epileptic seizures become more frequent. This is how Anna Snitkina, a young stenographer, came to know and love Dostoevsky. The man shared with the girl the story of his life, he needed to speak out. Gradually, they became closer, although the age difference was 24 years. Anna accepted Dostoevsky's offer to marry him sincerely, because Fyodor Mikhailovich evoked the brightest, enthusiastic feelings in her. The marriage was perceived negatively by the society, Dostoyevsky's adopted son Pavel. The newlyweds leave for Germany.

Relations with Snitkina had a beneficial effect on the writer: he got rid of his addiction to roulette, became calmer. Sophia is born in 1868, but dies three months later. After a difficult period of common experiences, Anna and Fedor Mikhailovich continue their attempts to conceive a child. They succeed: Lyubov (1869), Fedor (1871) and Alexei (1875) are born. Alexei inherited the illness from his father and died at the age of three. The wife became for Fedor Mikhailovich support and support, a spiritual outlet. In addition, she helped to improve the financial situation. The family moves to Staraya Russa to escape the stressful life in St. Petersburg. Thanks to Anna, a wise girl beyond her years, Fyodor Mikhailovich becomes happy, at least for a while. Here they spend their time happily and serenely, until Dostoevsky's health forces them to return to the capital.

In 1881 the writer dies.

A stick or a carrot: how Fedor Mikhailovich raised children

The indisputability of the father's authority was the basis of Dostoevsky's upbringing, which passed into his own family. Decency, responsibility - the writer managed to invest these qualities in his children. Even if they did not grow up to be the same geniuses as their father, some craving for literature existed in each of them.

The writer considered the main mistakes of education:

  • ignoring the inner world of the child;
  • intrusive attention;
  • bias.

He called the suppression of individuality, cruelty, and the relief of life a crime against a child. Dostoevsky considered the main instrument of education not corporal punishment, but parental love. He himself incredibly loved his children, greatly experienced their illnesses and losses.

An important place in the life of a child, as Fyodor Mikhailovich believed, should be given to spiritual light, religion. The writer rightly believed that a child always takes an example from the family where he was born. Dostoevsky's educational measures were based on intuition.

Literary evenings were a good tradition in the family of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. These evening readings of masterpieces of literature were traditional in the childhood of the author himself. Often the children of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky fell asleep, did not understand anything they read, but he continued to cultivate literary taste. Often the writer read with such feeling that in the process he began to cry. He liked to hear what impression this or that novel made on children.

Another educational element is a visit to the theater. Opera was preferred.

Lyubov Dostoevskaya

Attempts to become a writer were unsuccessful with Lyubov Fedorovna. Maybe the reason was that her work was always inevitably compared with the brilliant novels of her father, maybe she did not write about that. As a result, the main work of her life was a description of the biography of her father.

The girl who lost him at the age of 11 was very afraid that in the next world the sins of Fyodor Mikhailovich would not be forgiven. She believed that life continues after death, but here, on earth, one must seek happiness. For Dostoevsky's daughter, it consisted primarily in a clear conscience.

Lyubov Fedorovna lived to be 56 years old, spent the last few years in sunny Italy. She must have been happier there than at home.

Fedor Dostoevsky

Fedor Fedorovich became a horse breeder. The boy began to show interest in horses in childhood. I tried to create literary works, but it did not work out. He was vain, sought to achieve success in life, these qualities were inherited from his grandfather. Fedor Fedorovich, if he was not sure that he could be the first in something, preferred not to do it, his pride was so pronounced. He was nervous and withdrawn, wasteful, prone to excitement, like a father.

Fedor lost his father at the age of 9, but he managed to invest in him the best qualities. The upbringing of his father greatly helped him in life, he received a good education. He was very successful in his business, perhaps because he loved what he did.

Creative path in dates

The beginning of Dostoevsky's career was bright, he wrote in many genres.

Genres of the early period of creativity of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky:

  • humorous story;
  • physiological essay;
  • tragicomic story;
  • Christmas story;
  • story;
  • novel.

In 1840-1841 - the creation of historical dramas "Mary Stuart", "Boris Godunov".

1844 - Balzac's translation of "Eugenie Grande" is published.

1845 - finished the story "Poor people", met Belinsky, Nekrasov.

1846 - the "Petersburg Collection" was published, "Poor People" were printed.

In February, "Double" was published, in October - "Mr. Prokharchin".

In 1847, Dostoevsky wrote The Mistress, published in the St. Petersburg Vedomosti.

In December 1848, "White Nights" was written, in 1849 - "Netochka Nezvanova".

1854-1859 - service in Semipalatinsk, "Uncle's Dream", "The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants".

In 1860, a fragment of Notes of the Dead House was printed in Russkiy Mir. The first collected works were published.

1861 - the beginning of the publication of the magazine "Time", the printing of part of the novel "Humiliated and Insulted", "Notes from the Dead House".

In 1863, "Winter Notes on Summer Impressions" was created.

May of the same year - the Vremya magazine was closed.

1864 - the beginning of the publication of the magazine "Epoch". "Notes from the Underground".

1865 - "An Extraordinary Event, or a Passage within a Passage" is published in "The Crocodile".

1866 - written by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment", "Player". Departure abroad with family. "Idiot".

In 1870, Dostoevsky wrote the story "The Eternal Husband".

1871-1872 - "Demons".

1875 - printing of "Teenager" in "Notes of the Fatherland".

1876 ​​- the resumption of the activities of the Writer's Diary.

The Brothers Karamazov were written from 1879 to 1880.

Places in Petersburg

The city keeps the spirit of the writer, many books by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky were written here.

  1. Dostoevsky studied at the Engineering Mikhailovsky Castle.
  2. The Serapinskaya hotel on Moskovsky Prospekt became the residence of the writer in 1837, he lived here, seeing St. Petersburg for the first time in his life.
  3. "Poor people" were written in the house of the post director Pryanichnikov.
  4. "Mr. Prokharchin" was created in Kohenderfer's house on Kazanskaya street.
  5. Fedor Mikhailovich lived in Soloshich's tenement house on Vasilievsky Island in the 1840s.
  6. The profitable house of Kotomin introduced Dostoevsky to Petrashevsky.
  7. The writer lived on Voznesensky Prospekt during his arrest, wrote "White Nights", "Honest Thief" and other stories.
  8. "Notes from the House of the Dead", "Humiliated and Insulted" were written on 3rd Krasnoarmeyskaya Street.
  9. The writer lived in the house of A. Astafieva in 1861-1863.
  10. In Strubinsky's house on Grechesky Prospekt - from 1875 to 1878.

Symbolism of Dostoevsky

You can analyze the books of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky endlessly, finding new and new symbols. Dostoevsky mastered the art of penetrating into the essence of things, their soul. It is thanks to the ability to unravel these symbols one by one that the journey through the pages of novels becomes so exciting.

  • Axe.

This symbol carries a deadly meaning, being a kind of emblem of Dostoevsky's work. The ax symbolizes murder, crime, a decisive desperate step, a turning point. If a person pronounces the word "ax", most likely, the first thing that comes to his mind is "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  • Clean linen.

His appearance in the novels occurs at certain similar moments, which allows us to speak of symbolism. For example, Raskolnikov was prevented from committing a murder by a maid hanging out clean linen. A similar situation was with Ivan Karamazov. It is not so much the linen itself that is symbolic, but its color - white, denoting purity, correctness, purity.

  • Smells.

It is enough to skim through any of Dostoevsky's novels to understand how important smells are to him. One of them, which is more common than others, is the smell of a putrid spirit.

  • Silver pledge.

One of the most important characters. The silver cigarette case was not made of silver at all. There is a motive of falsity, forgery, suspicion. Raskolnikov, having made a cigarette box out of wood, similar to silver, as if he had already committed a deceit, a crime.

  • The ringing of a copper bell.

The symbol plays a warning role. A small detail makes the reader feel the mood of the hero, imagine the events brighter. Small objects are endowed with strange, unusual features, emphasizing the exclusivity of the circumstances.

  • Wood and iron.

There are many things in the novels from these materials, each of them carries a certain meaning. If a tree symbolizes a person, a victim, bodily torment, then iron is a crime, murder, evil.

Finally, I would like to note some interesting facts from the life of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.

  1. Dostoevsky wrote most of all in the last 10 years of his life.
  2. Dostoevsky loved sex, used the services of prostitutes, even when he was married.
  3. Nietzsche called Dostoevsky the best psychologist.
  4. He smoked a lot and liked strong tea.
  5. He was jealous of his women for every pillar, forbade even smiling in public.
  6. Mostly worked at night.
  7. The hero of the novel "The Idiot" is a self-portrait of the writer.
  8. There are many film adaptations of Dostoevsky's works, as well as those dedicated to him.
  9. The first child appeared with Fedor Mikhailovich at the age of 46.
  10. Leonardo DiCaprio also celebrates his birthday on November 11th.
  11. More than 30,000 people attended the writer's funeral.
  12. Sigmund Freud considered Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov the greatest novel ever written.

We also present to your attention the famous quotes of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky:

  1. One must love life more than the meaning of life.
  2. Freedom is not in not holding back, but in being in control of yourself.
  3. In everything there is a line beyond which it is dangerous to cross; for once crossed, it is impossible to turn back.
  4. Happiness is not in happiness, but only in achieving it.
  5. No one makes the first move because everyone thinks it's not mutual.
  6. The Russian people, as it were, enjoy their suffering.
  7. Life goes breathless without an aim.
  8. To stop reading books means to stop thinking.
  9. There is no happiness in comfort, happiness is bought by suffering.
  10. In a truly loving heart, either jealousy kills love, or love kills jealousy.


The result of a person's life is his deeds. Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky (years of life - 1821-1881) left behind brilliant novels, having lived a relatively short life. Who knows if these novels would have been born if the life of the author were easy, without obstacles and hardships? Dostoevsky, who is known and loved, is impossible without suffering, mental turmoil, inner overcoming. They are what make the work so real.

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