Unusual colors in English. Color names in English for children


The study of colors in English usually does not present any particular difficulties due to the clarity of the material being studied. In this article, we will introduce you to how the primary colors are called in English with a translation into Russian. Not all English learners are familiar with English transcription, so we will teach you how to name colors in English with Russian pronunciation.

So, in the world there are a huge number of colors and shades. And far from each of them we can call one word even in our native language, not to mention a foreign one. And in order not to have a shortage of words denoting colors in English, it is not necessary to study all possible color options. It will be enough to know a couple of dozens of the main names most often used in speech.

Color names in English

Here are ten basic colors that children are first introduced to when learning English.

Yellow- yellow (Yellow) [ˈjeləʊ]

Green- green (green) [ɡriːn]

Blue- blue, blue (blue) [bluː]

Brown- brown (brown) [braʊn]

White- white (white) [waɪt]

Red- red (ed) [ red ]

Orange- orange (Orange) [ˈɒrɪndʒ]

Pink- pink (pink) [pɪŋk]

Gray- gray (grey) [ɡreɪ]

Black- black (black) [blæk]

The pronunciation of colors in English for children is usually not very difficult, most colors are indicated by one-syllable words and are easy to remember.

After you have mastered the first ten colors in English, you can add ten more colors to your vocabulary that you can see quite often in different situations.

Beige- beige (beizh) [ beɪʒ ]

Golden- golden, golden (golden) [ˈɡəʊldən]

Emerald- emerald (Emerald) [ˈemərəld]

Coral- coral (coral) [ˈkɒrəl]

Copper- copper (kopa) [ˈkɒpə]

Olive- olive (olive) [ˈɒlɪv]

Purple- purple, magenta (ash) [ˈpɜːpəl]

Silver- silver, silvery (silva) [ˈsɪlvə]

Lilac- lilac (laylak) [ˈlaɪlək]

Khaki- khaki (kaki) [ˈkɑːki]

Thus, now you know the basic colors in English with transcription in Russian. There are twenty words in total, with which you can easily name the color of any item that you need.

In addition to the name of the color, sometimes you need to name the shade. The names of shades can be indicated by adding certain adjectives to the main color. For example: bright, dark, light, etc. They will allow you to convey the color saturation of the described phenomenon or object. Here are words that will help you more accurately indicate the desired color.

light- light (light) [ laɪt ]

Dark- dark (dak) [dɑːk]

Bright- bright (bright) [braɪt]

Dull- dim (gave) [ dʌl ]

Pale- pale (pale) [peɪl]

After you have learned the names of all colors in English, for better memorization and further training, you can try to name objects familiar to you in English, adding the name of the color to them. For example, a red sofa (red sofa), a white fridge (white refrigerator), light green walls (light green walls), dark blue socks (dark blue socks).

You also need to know how to correctly ask in English what color this or that object is. To do this, use the What color? (what colour). For example:

What is this?- What is this? (wot from zis?) [‘wɒt ɪz ðɪs]

This is a flower.- This is a flower. (zis from e flaua) [‘ðɪs ɪz ə ˈflaʊə]

What color is it?- What colour is he? (wat kala from it) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ɪt]

It is yellow.- He is yellow. (it from Yelou) [ɪtɪz ˈjeləʊ]

Learning colors in English in a playful way

If you are learning flower names in English with your kids, there are many fun game activities to come up with. Starting from playing with pencils - asking what color the pencil you are holding, and vice versa, so that the child asks the question.

One of the variants of such a game is "Guess". One participant hides a pencil behind his back, and the second tries to guess what color this pencil is. Structures used in this game:

-Is it...(color name)? - He ... (color name)?

- Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)- Yes. (No)

For example:

Behind the back, the participant holds (a blue pencil)

Then he asks the second player a question:

What color is the pencil?- What color is the pencil? (wot kala from ze pensil) [wɒt ‘kʌlʌ ɪz ðə ˈpensl]

The second player starts guessing:

Is it red?- He is red? (from it ed) [ɪz ɪt red]

First member:

No, it isn't.

Is it yellow?- He is yellow? (from it Yelou) [ɪzɪt ˈjeləʊ]

No, it isn't.- No. (know, it iznt) [ ‘nəʊ ɪt ‘ɪznt]

Is it blue?- Is it blue? (from it blu) [ɪz ɪt bluː]

Yes, it is.- Yes. (eu it from) [ ˈjes it ‘iz]

It is also good to remember colors in English for children to help your questions on a walk, when cleaning toys - “What color is this?”. The more memory exercises you do, the faster and more lasting the effect will be.

So, as you can see, remembering the names of flowers in English will not be difficult for either adults or children. Now you can go further in learning English. And most importantly - do not forget from time to time to return to the passed words and use them in combination with the newly learned ones.

Color memory exercise

To consolidate the result, right now, you can go through the online exercise. We wish you success!

Complete the sentence with the missing word (color name)

Complete the sentences with the correct word combinations

Make an offer

    Colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like ... colors bright I like .

    Healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruit ... healthy yummy and are red fruits.

If you are interested in learning English quickly and effectively, then register in our online learning service Lim English and start exciting classes!

Hello dear user!

In this article, we will expand our stock of English words with such a frequently used topic as "".

It is clear that the description of any objects or phenomena without bright colors is boring and unimpressive. Therefore, you and I will learn or raise such a voluminous topic and expand our combinatorics for composing new English statements without undue stress.

First, let's think and remember: what colors do we use most often in Russian? Yes, there are not so many of them. Just a few things that we use without thinking in everyday speech: red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, gray, orange, brown, blue, purple, pink (maybe I didn’t add something).

We, as humans, have the right habit of simplifying things, and therefore we often do not need to complicate everything and say that, for example, this object is charcoal. Most likely we will say that this item is just "gray" and the maximum that can be added is the shade of this item and that's it!

The Anglo-American population is the same people as we are, and they also do not like to complicate anything, so it is enough to know only a certain base of colors, as well as shades. And to study this will not be a super task for us, because it is given even in the elementary grades of the school.

Colors in English

Color (Russian) Color (English) Transcription Example
1 red red [red] red car
2 blue blue [blu:] blue pen
3 yellow yellow ['jeləu] yellow pearl
4 green green [gri:n] green apple
5 black black [blaek] black metal
6 white white [wait] white snow
7 orange orange [‘ɔrindʒ] orange sun
8 brown brown [brown] brown tree
9 violet purple [‘pə:pl] purple night sky
10 pink pink [piŋk] pink T-shirt
11 grey gray [gray] gray style

These colors should be known in the order of things. And it is also worth putting them into practice. As you saw in the "Example" column, we simply put our colors in front of the objects and got ready-made word combinations. So you can combine to more clearly express your thoughts.

For those who remember graphic information better, imagine English colors in graphic form:

You can also vary the colors themselves with or without the auxiliary union "and":

  • Red-yellow - red and yellow;
  • Black and white film - black and white movie;
  • Yellow-green jacket - yellow-green jacket;

Shades in English

Plus, you can add a few shades to this for a more detailed description:

  • Dark - dark. Example: dark red car (dark red car), dark green color (dark green color).
  • Light - light. Example: light blue sky (blue sky), light brown pencil (light brown pencil).
  • Pale - pale. Example: pale yellow leather (pale yellow skin), pale brown dye (pale brown paint).
  • Bright - bright. Example: bright red blood (bright red blood), bright green absinth (light green absinthe).
  • Deep - deep (meaning dark). Example: deep pink thing (dark pink thing), deep gray hair (dark gray hair).
  • Dim - dim. Example: dim white light (dim white light), dim purple crystal (dim purple crystal).

This is the very basis that you should know in order to understand "what and how."

But also, for more advanced users, there are many more colors that can be used in English:

Color (Russian) Color (English) Pronunciation
1 amber amber amba
2 anise anise anise
3 apricot apricot eipricot
4 aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine
5 azure azure azoa
6 beige beige badge
7 bronze bronze bronze
8 chocolate chocolate chocolate
9 copper copper cop
10 cornflower cornflower conflave
11 cream cream cream
12 emerald emerald emerald
13 gold gold gold
14 indigo indigo indigo
15 khaki khaki what
16 lilac lilac laylac
17 lime lime lime
18 purple magenta magenta
19 Navy blue navy Navy
20 olive olive olive

That's all I wanted to say on the topic " Colors and shades in English". Summing up, I would like to note that learning and memorizing all new colors can be good, but not so effective. Much more important is practice! It is enough to use them in a spoken language in order to develop a certain algorithm for combining combinations of “color + object” and then, after good practice, you will be able to use all this at the level of automatism without stress.

English for kids: colors

Today we will learn the simplest words: COLORS in English.

Yellow - yellow (yellow)

Green - green (green)

Blue - blue, blue (blue)

Brown - brown (brown)

White - white (white)

Red - red (red)

Orange - orange (orange)

Pink - pink (pink)

Purple - purple (ash)

Black- black (black)

English colors for children: video

In this video you can listen to the pronunciation of all these colors.

Methods of teaching English to children

Learning English with children is necessary with the help of various kinds of visualizations. If a child writes 10 names of colors and says "Learn!". The probability that all the names of colors will be remembered is small! Children have a very well developed visual memory, and it is necessary to focus on it at primary school age.

For clarity, I presented a drawing of pencils. You can take 10 simple pencils and play with children.

Each new word must be fixed. Show a colored pencil and ask what color it is. You can come up with various exercises to fix the names of colors in English.

In our case, let's take drawn pencils with written colors. Children need to color them according to the name of the color. Children love to color, and they should enjoy this exercise. The main thing to remember is that learning English words with children must be combined with the game. Learning by playing is the most effective way to memorize words.

And one more task to fix. To the name of the color in English, you need to choose the appropriate shell.

In fact, the more memory exercises you do, the more effective it will be. ask your child “What color is this?” when you walk on the street, eat. Most importantly, don't get carried away. Too much will not lead to anything good either.

We have learned the colors! Therefore, we took the first step in learning English! Read my next articles, ask your questions, write wishes. I'll be glad to help 🙂 See you soon!

English is one of the most used languages ​​in the world. Today, there are about 400 million people for whom it is native. Just as many use it as a second language. When traveling, on business trips, or simply for reading special or fiction literature in the original, it is very useful to know English. It is necessary to study this or any other language from the very beginning, simple grammatical structures and the most frequently used words, in order to learn to understand the general theme of texts based on them - to start with the simplest, and then complex, special ones. Today let's expand our vocabulary and learn the topic "Colors in English". It is known that the main spectrum includes seven different color components, everything else is shades, however, knowing their names is also very important. After all, blue can be ultramarine, aquamarine, cornflower blue, and sapphire - all these words also have their lexical equivalents.

Basic colors in English

To begin with, it is useful to learn the basic colors - those that are included in the main rainbow spectrum, and some shades, the words are given with translation and transcription for correct reading. So let's remember:

White - white;

Gray - gray;

Black - black;

Silver - silver ["sɪlvə];

Brown - brown;

Red - red;

Orange - orange ["ɔrɪnʤ];

Pink - pink;

Yellow - yellow ["jeləu];

Golden - gold or golden or;

Blue - blue;

Green - green;

Purple - purple ["pɜ: pl];

Lilac - lilac ["laɪlək].

Shades are very important.

If you notice, blue and blue colors are called the same word in English, so using “blue” in the meaning of “blue”, it is best to clarify what kind of shade we are talking about. Having learned the proposed words, for a better understanding and explanation, for example, in a clothing store, which color you need, it is recommended to write down the names of the shades in the dictionary, because, you see, “coral” is far from red, and gray is not at all that “wet asphalt”. All these nuances of color definition in English have their own names:

Apricot - apricot color;

Ash - ash gray

Berry - berry;

Bronze - bronze or bronze;

Burgundy - burgundy

Charcoal - the color of charcoal;

Chocolate - brown with chocolate undertones

Cocoa - cocoa or cocoa color with milk;

Copper - copper;

Coral - coral shade of red;

Cream - creamy, creamy;

Denim blue - denim;

Dull - dull;

Emerald - emerald

Firebrick - brick red

Fuchsia - a shade of purple, fuchsia;

Garnet - deep dark red

Honeydew - the color of ripe melon, honey;

Indigo - a shade of blue, indigo;

Salmon - shade of orange, salmon

Sand - a shade of brown, sandy;

Snow - very pure white, snow-white;

Tanned - bronze

Urquoise - a shade of blue, turquoise;

Vinous - a shade of red, burgundy.

Briefly about the important

If you think that absolutely all colors in English are too difficult to remember, especially their shades, there is a little trick. It is enough to learn the main names, and then add the following adjectives to them:

Dark (dark);


Pale (pale);

Light (light).

And you can compose some of their shades without errors. For example, “dark blue” is a very dark blue, “deep red” is a dark red, rich blood color, “pale pink” is a desaturated pink, and “light brown” is a sandy brown, and so on. This simple rule will help, if necessary, more accurately convey the entire palette of colors. It's so easy to learn colors in English, and if necessary, the variety of their shades.

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