Unusual traditions in the countries of Central Asia. Asian cultures


Singapore and Philippines.

Most of these countries have long been among the most popular tourist destinations for the inhabitants of our country. Russians go there all year round, but these trips are especially attractive in winter, since almost the entire region is located in the tropics, where it is always warm and good weather.

The beauty of nature, the mixture of religions and cultures, architectural monuments adjacent to fast food restaurants - this is what attracts tourists and leaves an unforgettable imprint on everything.

And also - reasonable prices for accommodation and food. In most countries of Southeast Asia, you can have a hearty and tasty lunch in a cafe even for 1-2 dollars. Cafes for foreigners and tourists will cost a little more, but compared to Russia or the CIS countries, it's still cheap.

And of course - the hospitality, cordiality and friendliness of the locals.

However, the traveler should know that true hospitality can only be expected when the tourist knows, respects and tries to comply with local rules, customs and traditions.

For example, in most countries of Southeast Asia, an innocent attempt to pat a child on the head will be perceived as a terrible insult. Here it is not customary to touch the shoulders or heads of local residents (including small children). The explanation for this is quite simple. Asians believe that somewhere on the shoulder there is a good spirit guarding a person. If you touch him, you will definitely scare him away. Touching the head is associated with the fact that damage will be sent to a person. Therefore, only their close elderly relatives can touch the child's head.

In the countries of the region, the head is considered a "clean" part of a person, and the legs are considered "dirty". That is why under no circumstances should you touch Asians with your feet. Moreover, a seated person, especially one who crosses his legs, should not turn the soles of his feet towards people and Buddha statues. It is not allowed to cross your legs in the presence of monks.

In the states of Southeast Asia, they try to avoid disrespectful attitude towards others, noisy, familiar behavior. Here it is unacceptable to first affirm or promise something, and then refuse it (you cannot make empty promises and it is impossible to take your words back).

Photographing and filming local residents is recommended only with their consent. A common practice in the markets is a small purchase and some kind of conversation with the seller, after which he simply cannot refuse a picture.

All residents of the region, with rare exceptions, bow instead of shaking hands when greeting. At the same time, they fold their palms like a boat and, depending on the status of the interlocutor, touch them to the forehead or chin. Note that the successful worldwide recommendation to greet everyone the way they greet you does not work here. For example, attendants and children do not expect a return bow and therefore may experience awkwardness.

At the same time, our habit of shaking hands when we meet is not adequately perceived everywhere in the countries of the region. In Singapore, Cambodia and the Philippines, this is more or less acceptable. But an attempt to shake hands with a woman in Vietnam, especially in some remote village, can only be regarded as an insult.

There are many temples in Cambodia, Laos and Thailand that are visited by tourists. When going on a tour of the temples, make sure that your trousers or skirt are long enough to cover your ankles. Be sure to take off your shoes when entering the temple. You can enter the territory of most temples (not inside the temple, namely the territory) only in shoes with a closed heel. Do not forget that all movements inside the temple, as well as detours around any shrines, must be carried out only in a clockwise direction. It is allowed to take pictures in the temple, however, under the obligatory condition: you must leave at least a small donation.

But giving alms to monks on the streets of Asian cities is not necessary, because. Most of them are impostors. Donations can be made at the temple. There are also two restrictions. Any statue of the Buddha, in whatever condition and form it may be, is considered sacred. Therefore, do not try to hug them familiarly or try to climb on them when photographing (the punishment for such sacrilege is usually severe - up to the seizure and destruction of the memory card) or in any other form to show disrespect to them.

If you are a woman, then you do not have the right to contact and even accidentally touch Buddhist monks. In turn, monks are forbidden to take anything from female hands. Therefore, if you wish to make an offering to a monk, you must first hand it over to the man, who, in turn, will offer it to the monk. Also, you can simply put an offering on the edge of a saffron scarf or cape, which is held by a monk on the other side.

In Vietnam, there is another unusual tradition. Here it is customary to hang mirrors on the door from the outside. The Vietnamese have a belief that if a dragon comes to them, then when he sees his reflection in the mirror, he will be frightened of himself and leave.

The Vietnamese are very superstitious people. Their superstitions are mainly related to the lunar calendar, as well as foods that are forbidden or allowed to be eaten during certain phases of the moon. For example, in July, the lunar calendar “forbids” taking on important matters, otherwise you won’t see good luck. Laying out cutlery on the table for only one person is just as bad a sign as meeting a woman on the street for the first time, leaving the house in the morning.

If you are vacationing in Brunei or Indonesia, do not forget that the vast majority of the population of these states profess Islam, and people who observe Muslim laws very strictly live here. Perhaps even stricter than in the United Arab Emirates. in Bruneithere is even a Ministry of Religious Affairs, which monitors the observance of Islamic norms and promotes the advancement of Islam in all aspects of the life of the country.

Tourists from abroad need to remember that during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan during daylight hours, you can neither eat nor drink if there is someone observing the ruza (fasting) nearby. In addition, it is not so easy to buy alcohol in these states. It is best if the visitor will buy alcohol in bars located in hotels.

When buying a tourist tour in Brunei, be aware that there is almost no nightlife here. However, even while having fun in Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia, where many discos and nightclubs are open until the early morning, everyone should be aware of the harsh anti-drug legislation in force here.For example, in Indonesia, possession of marijuana is punishable by 20 years in prison, and possession of hard drugs is punishable by death.And in Singapore, a person can be sentenced to death for 480 grams of marijuana. At the same time, it must be emphasized that local authorities are very reluctant to extradite foreigners to their homeland. This means that the offender can spend several years in prison in the southeast of the continent for drug use. Travel Tip: Don't use drugs and don't take anything for safekeeping from strangers.

It is impossible to learn all the rules of conduct. Experience comes with practice. Remember that in all countries of Southeast Asia, locals are generally very friendly and tolerant, and quite easily forgive foreign tourists for small violations of local traditions and customs.However, compliance with local laws only emphasizes the guest's respect for the customs and culture of this country, which greatly simplifies communication and mutual understanding.

Therefore, there can be only one advice: in any situation, remain calm, do not make hasty actions. Don't show your anger. This means loss of face and puts everyone in an uncomfortable position. Never raise your voice at the locals. They will forgive you for small mistakes if they see that there is no malice in your actions.

Asia is the largest part of the world in terms of area and population. More than 4 billion people live on its territory, this amount leaves about 60% of the total population of our planet. The borders of Asia contain many states, so the population here is the most diverse. Each nation has its own history and cultural heritage, which, together with others, creates a rich flavor for this part of the world.

In order to better explore Asia, learn the traditions and customs of other peoples, we will analyze the population in stages, dividing it into five geographical regions.

Peoples of Central Asia

(The peoples of the Far East in national costumes)

The territory of Central Asia (or Central Asia) was not conducive to favorable farming, so here the steppe nomads became the predominant representative of the ethnic group.

The first who thought about creating a nomadic state were the Scythians. The Scythians were an ancient Iranian-speaking people who did not have a written language and had an unknown language (it is assumed that their language was transformed into modern Ossetian). However, due to fragmentation, the Scythians failed to create a powerful unified empire, so the first state for nomadic peoples was organized by the Huns (an ancient people living in China).

Along with them, other peoples settled on the territory of Central Asia - the Mongols, Uighurs, Basmals and Ongunts, the peoples of the Turkic language group, the Karluks. A notable feature for the peoples of Central Asia was the rejection of Chinese values, most of them had their own ideological system or adjoined to others, and the Chinese ideology could not cross the borders of the Great Wall of China.

Already during the existence of the Soviet Union, there were deportations to Central Asia. Most of the deportees are Chechens, Ingush, Tatars, Karachays, Kalmyks. During the war, Germans and Finns were sent to Asia.

If we talk about cultural heritage, then in the Middle Ages the peoples of Central Asia created a center of Enlightenment. A research area developed here, medicine was studied, astrology was comprehended, a large number of sculptors, artists and architects appeared.

In the early periods, peoples tended to paganism - they made sacrifices, prayed for protection, asked for a good harvest and fertile soil. A little later, the population adopted other religions, for example, the Karluks began to practice Islam, and the Tibetans went to Buddhism.

Peoples of Western Asia

(Navruz holiday for Iraqi Kurds)

The first in Western Asia (or Asia Minor) the state was created by the Sumerians - the ancient population of Southern Mesopotamia, who had their own language and stood at the origins of the Tigris and Euphrates civilization. Together with him, the Semitic peoples, who are the ancestors of the Arabs, Maltese and Jews, lived in the territory of Western Asia. The migration of the Turkic peoples from Central Asia had a great influence on the formation of modern peoples, thanks to them Turks and Azerbaijanis appeared. Nomadic peoples were also present, for example, the Amorites, who are descendants of the forefather Seth.

Agriculture prevails in Western Asia, and the industrial component was only developed during the existence of the USSR. In Asian countries, I cultivate various crops - they plant wheat, grow apples and grapes, grow citrus fruits and dates, plant tobacco and poppy plantations. There is also cattle breeding - domestic animals are bred for milk production. Wool and meat, mainly - goats, cows, sheep, birds. Due to religious considerations, pigs are practically not bred in the territory of Western Asia.

If we talk about cultural values ​​within the framework of family relationships, then most of the peoples adhere to religious norms. Polygamy is commonplace, but in practice in the modern world it is present only among the Old Believers. The tradition of marriage with the payment of bride price is widespread; nomads have a ban on marriage outside the tribe.

Nomadic peoples have developed oral art, which includes a large number of folklore directions (tales, epics, stories, stories about the creation of tribes). Traditional medicine is represented by a complex of many years of healing and the use of natural resources, a small part of the peoples introduces magical beliefs with well-established superstitions into medicine.

Peoples of South Asia

(Sinhalese dance, Sri Lanka)

The oldest population of South Asia includes the Veddas (the indigenous population of the island of Sri Lanka) and the Andamanese (the indigenous inhabitants of the islands of the same name). The first civilization is created by the Dravidians, who are the population of South India. The Dravidians were divided into northern, central and southern, each branch of the classification was subdivided into several peoples. Northern Dravidians - oronas, braguis, maltos; southern - Telugu, Tamil, Kannara; central - pengo, suitable, koya. In the 17th century, colonialists came to South Asia, thus the list of peoples was replenished with the British, Dutch, French and Portuguese.

Currently, the population of South Asia has more than 200 peoples, most of them are small (up to 10 thousand people). Most peoples are engaged in agriculture, a smaller part lives in cities, investing in industry and the service sector. Some tribal groups are even engaged in a primitive productive economy; groups with a backward form of culture and economy have survived in the mountainous areas.

The peoples of South Asia honor centuries-old traditions, ethnic works are widespread - they are read, staged performances, declared to the public. Puppet theaters are popular. Most of the tribes believe in magic and transmigration of souls, making totems and amulets for protection. Folk medicine mainly consists of magical beliefs and the use of medicinal herbs, and the practice of yoga is widespread.

Peoples of Southeast Asia

(Visit to a Thai monastery)

Initially, the Bataks, Nias and Mentavians lived on the territory of Southeast Asia, but the settlers mixed with the ancient population, introducing new peoples. Later, a second wave of settlers formed, bringing Malays and Javanese to the list of ethnic groups. Even before the beginning of our era, the peoples of the Thai language group, the Siamese (Thais) and Lao, moved to Thailand. On the territory of Vietnam lived Viet, Tyam.

The main groups of peoples living in Southeast Asia: Filipinos, Malays, Thais, Vietnamese, Indonesians, Punans, Kubu.

Previously, the main occupation of the population of Southeast Asia was plow farming with rice cultivation, now more and more peoples prefer the development of modern sectors of the economy and industry.

The religious component strongly influenced family relations; polygamy came to this territory with Islam. Many tribes have long preserved the traditions of tribal communities, but now most of them have given preference to the usual monogamous marriages.

The cultural heritage here is widely developed in theatrical performances: the theater of puppets, shadows, gestures, puppets, actors in disguise. Success is enjoyed by: ballet, plays on an ethnic theme, performances based on Indian works.

The religion is different - from Islam to Buddhism, some tribes still retain the remnants of Hindu beliefs with faith in the elements, the transmigration of souls and gods. Previously, even sacrifices were made using magic spells.

Peoples of East Asia

(Dragon Festival on the streets of China)

The largest people of East Asia is the Han (or Chinese), there are also Koreans, Tibetans, Japanese peoples, Thai peoples. The most numerous peoples are Chinese, Japanese and Koreans.

In most countries, agriculture, animal husbandry and mining are common. Some peoples are engaged in the production of fabrics and mechanical engineering.

The cultural heritage was formed under the influence of religious teachings, in East Asia the most common are Buddhism, Confucianism and Shintoism, and a less common religion is Christianity.

A distinctive feature of the cultural heritage in East Asia is mythology, many myths reflect the formation of ancient civilizations, former customs, the formation of tribes, the origin of folk groups. Another feature of this is the long existence of writing, which originated at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The oldest system was hieroglyphics, which still exists in China and Japan, having gone through some modifications.

Even though Asia is adjacent to Europe , many believe that local people and traditions seem to have come to us from another planet. At the same time, Asians are unlikely to be happy if someone comes with their own charter to their monastery ...

Today we decided to tell you about the strangest, incomprehensible and even cruel traditions of the inhabitants of Asian countries. At the same time, each country has something to hide, but, as they say, you can’t hide an awl in a bag!

Sale of virginity in Cambodia

75% of local residents live in terrible poverty. At the same time, selling virginity here has already become a kind of tradition. Of course, there is no special market where you can look at the "product". Everything is even more blasphemous.

Parents or relatives of the girl themselves find buyers. It is worth mentioning that there are always customers. Wealthy residents of Singapore, China and Thailand are happy to use this service. Especially considering the fact that such a pleasure is not so much: from 800 to 4,000 US dollars.

Virgin police officers in Indonesia

According to local traditions, only girls "without bad habits" can serve in the army or the police. At the same time, sex is also included in the latter.

So it is necessary for girls who want to become policemen to go to a doctor who, again according to tradition, will check with his fingers if they have a hymen. Indeed, why not?

Dolphin hunting in Japan

Taiji fishermen organize dolphin hunts every year. This very cruel spectacle is officially authorized by the government. It is believed that this tradition is more than 300 years old and there is no reason to cancel it.

Witch hunt in Saudi Arabia

The inquisitors would be pleased. Their business lives, however, in a Muslim country. There is even a government anti-magic corps, whose employees are looking for witches and sorcerers.

It is especially difficult for various labor migrants from Africa. They can end up in the dock for a strange amulet or an object unknown to the employees of the corps, found in personal belongings.

Indian temples of sex

India is known to have given the world the Kama Sutra. And although local authorities do not like to associate the country with sex, it is still worth mentioning that in addition to this book, there are also Khajuraho Temples in the country. On the walls of these buildings one can observe a huge number of bas-reliefs depicting various scenes of intercourse, as well as sexual orgies.

Adoration of Death in Bhutan

The locals believe in reincarnation. So death for them is the beginning of a new path. Local authorities recommend that their citizens think about death at least five times a day. This is what positive thinking is!

Death Squad in the Philippines

There is virtually no crime in the city of Davao in the Philippines. And all because of the fact that the so-called Death Squadron operates here. His fighters, like comic book heroes, hunt criminals. Even if a member of their organization stepped on a slippery slope, he will not be spared.

Interestingly, the former mayor of Davao, who is considered the creator of the squadron, recently became the president of the Philippines. Do you think similar units will appear throughout the country?

Slavery in South Korea

In Sinan County, workers who are literally reduced to the status of slaves are working to extract salt. The local police are said to be covering up this business. Moreover, the police even moonlight as security guards. They make sure the workers don't run away.

Secret sterilization of women in Uzbekistan

The country's government denies the existence of a program that forces women to undergo sterilization in order to combat population growth. But other sources say that it does exist. They even say that doctors are given some plans for the number of sterilized women ...

Teenage brothels in Bangladesh

It is probably no secret to anyone that in many Asian countries prostitution is almost the only way to survive. Often parents themselves sell their daughters to brothels. In Bangladesh, girls begin a similar "career" at the age of 12. Every day they have to serve up to 15 customers. And the owners of the brothel force them to use various drugs that stimulate weight gain to make them look much older.


We hope that over time, all these terrible things will sink into oblivion.

East Asia (East)- Adjacent to the Pacific Ocean in the temperate, subtropical and tropical zones. The relief is characterized by a complex combination of mountains and plains. A significant part of East Asia is located in the zone of the West Pacific geosynclinal belt. Inherent volcanism, significant seismic activity.

The climate is monsoonal, seasonally humid, typhoons and floods are not uncommon.

The natural vegetation is represented mainly by forests, in the northern part of the forest, mostly mixed and taiga, in the south - broad-leaved subtropical and tropical. In areas with low humidity forest-steppe and steppe.

The plains are cultivated and densely populated.

The East Asia region includes the Russian Far East, China, Taiwan, Japan, North Korea, the Republic of Korea and Mongolia.

The East is fraught with mystery and mystery. The culture of the Eastern countries has evolved over thousands of years, it is rich, diverse, refined and attractive. The art of the East plays a special role, it is not like the art of other countries of the world.

In the East, people have gone their long way of development, original and self-sufficient, based on their religious beliefs and wise philosophical teachings. In the East, any action turns into art. For them, art is not only architecture, literature, music, dancing and painting, but also tea ceremonies, martial arts based on observations of the movements of wild animals, special gymnastics, the art of yoga, leading to the harmonious existence of the soul and body of a person, even their own style. They turned their lives into art.

The East has been developing steadily and continuously for thousands of years, all the new trends that have come have not become the cause of the destruction of established values, but rather organically fit into the already established way of life and become part of it. The main feature of the East is that various religions and religious and philosophical currents have always coexisted peacefully here. People in these parts have not lost touch with nature, so all their actions are aimed primarily at improving the soul and body, at finding harmony between man and the outside world. Eastern religions teach this too. First improve yourself, and then the world around you.

In the East, traditions and rituals play an important role, the violation of which is condemned by society. Traditions are preserved in art, even many literary works and poems are still written in compliance with the sizes that were used even before our era, in music they use all the same melodies. For the people of the East, life is presented as a closed chain of events, each of which has already happened once and will happen again. Everything new must be backed up by experience from the past.

In the East, everything is subject to order, here each person has his own duties and must strictly fulfill them. Debt is above everything. If something was destroyed as a result of any natural disasters, then it is necessary to restore it in the form in which it existed before. Art in the East also reflects this order, since it is a means of maintaining the universe, fulfilling law and order.

In the ancient world, art conveyed the life of gods and rulers, so artworks for the most part depicted figures of gods and ritual poses. The central large figure has always been a deity or ruler, and people were depicted as small figures. Divine power spread from the king to the people. This concept has left its mark on the contemporary art of the East, thus introducing specific features that distinguish it from Western art. In general, in the East, culture and art mean things that can decorate a person, make his life more beautiful.

All oriental works of art have a hidden meaning. This approach has been used since ancient times, when cruel foreign rulers dominated the East. In those days, artists and poets, creating their masterpieces, put messages in them that they wanted to convey to the people. Often they contained elements that embodied the interaction of two forces: active - male and passive - female. This approach has been preserved in oriental art in our time. A person in the East never takes a central place, he is usually depicted as an outside observer. In this regard, in Eastern art there is no gap between realism and formalism, rational and expressive sensual principles, "ideological" and "non-ideological" creativity.

Knowledge in the East is a means of moral improvement, and the main issue reflected in art is the ratio of good and evil. Despite the fact that we extend the concept of "East" to a whole group of countries, such as China, Japan, India, Iran and others, the culture of each of them is significantly different. All Eastern countries have their own special cultural customs and values. For example, the art of painting in China is closely intertwined with the art of poetry, as evidenced by the hieroglyphic inscriptions in the paintings depicting the landscape. These texts explain the essence of the picture. And Japan has its own special poetic genre of hoku, which you will not find in any other culture.

Asian cultures is the collective name for the traditional cultural communities countries and indigenous peoples in the geographical space of East, Southeast and South Asia, each of which is treated as relatively self-sufficient, but connected with others by a single cultural history And traditions of great culture.

Recognition of Asian cultures as a combination of several large cultural communities implies that the traditional cultures of countries and peoples belonging to these cultural communities have common systems of worldview, values, ideas and behavioral stereotypes. The framework of these communities is outlined either very broadly - by the inclusion in the cultural and historical spheres of the great Asian civilizations - Arab-Persian (Islamic), Indian (Hindu-Buddhist) and Chinese (Confucian), which actually leads to the complete identity of the concept of Asian cultures with the concept of "Eastern cultures”, or are locally limited to the regions of East, Southeast and South Asia, which makes it possible to more accurately and clearly define the specifics of Asian cultures in their generality and particularity. The German orientalist O. Weggel (Institute for Cultural Research, Hamburg) recognizes the geographic and cultural boundaries adopted in this approach as most closely corresponding to the concept of Asian cultures. Although "Asia" (in the work of a German researcher is the regions of East, Southeast and South Asia; the regions of the Near and Middle East, Central, Central and North Asia are not included in this concept, as are the cultures of the peoples of these regions in the concept of Asian cultures ) - thus, it is rather a geographical than a cultural concept. There is a certain meaning in the use of the term "Asian cultures", since it includes common features characteristic of different countries, peoples and cultures of the specified area of ​​Asia, allowing us to speak about their cultural identity: having historically deeper roots and territorially more extensive than in other parts of Asia. light, statehood; the predominance of historically more ancient than in other cultures, autochthonous (predominantly) religions. According to Weggel, in the value systems of Asian cultures and in the way of thinking of Asian peoples, there are common orientations for a holistic perception of the world and its phenomena, which differs sharply from the Euro-American desire for differentiation and demarcation.

Over many years of comparative study of Western and Asian cultures, stereotypes have developed in science in which the dynamism of the former is opposed by the static nature of the latter, the “youth” of the former is opposed to the “old age” of the latter, orientation to freedom is an orientation to despotism, conceptual culture is emotional, historical and this-worldly dominants of thinking - unhistorical and otherworldly, materialistic - spirituality. These oppositions are as controversial as they are unreliable, since much of what is attributed to Western culture is no less characteristic (or at least was characteristic) of Asian ones. The main difference is that Asian cultures strive for a holistic, undifferentiated perception of the world, for harmony, while Western cultures adhere to opposite orientations. According to many researchers, the origins of this feature of Asian cultures are in their agrarian nature. The agrarian dominant retains its strength in them to this day. Its essence is determined by the recognition of the harmony of the three principles - Heaven, Earth and Man. Any false note in this harmony gives rise to disharmony, which in itself is very dangerous, since in the picture of the world created on this basis there is no place for chance, nothing can arise from nothing or disappear without a trace (the Hindu-Buddhist doctrine of karma is indicative in this respect) . Everything that happens in one of the three areas has its parallels or analogies in others (for example, today in Asian countries it is often believed that natural disasters are accompanied by political unrest). The parallelism of the three spheres - heavenly, earthly and human - existed in the past and continues to exist today in all Asian cultures. In Confucianism, Hinduism and Taoism, the idea of ​​the analogies of the three spheres can be traced most clearly. In a world built on the principles of analogies, the dominance of laws and orders common and identical for these spheres is recognized. A holistic worldview and the desire for harmony generated by it also determined the nature of the attitude of Asian peoples to nature, economic activity and power structures. Instead of the typical Western desire to dominate nature, transform and exploit it, the worldview and behavior of Asian peoples is characterized by the desire to live in harmony with the natural world, with nature, to create unity between man and his environment, to the integrity of the micro- and macrocosm. . The religious consciousness of Asian peoples is much less differentiated than European ones (for example, for a Chinese or Japanese, for example, it is just as difficult to answer the question of what religion he professes - Buddhism, Shintoism or Taoism, as for a European to answer the question of what his blood type is) . The Asian population as a whole (with the exception of the Muslims) is characterized by religious tolerance: Eastern religious thought has never become a source for the emergence of new areas of knowledge and non-theological concepts that are different from religious ones, as was the case in Western Christianity. Moreover, Asian religious systems have never been tempted by rationalism.

In the overall picture of Asian cultures, there are five main subcultures:

  1. The first type is meta-Confucian, including the cultures of China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam, and the countries of East and Southeast Asia with a predominantly Chinese population (primarily Hong Kong and Singapore). For countries with a meta-Confucian culture, strong “cellular” group formations, the ideology of state centralism, and a system of values ​​oriented towards the economic achievements are typical.
  2. The second type is the cultures of peoples practicing Theravada Buddhism - Thai, Lao, Burmese, Khmer, Sinhalese. In them, the way of life and behavior of a person was formed under the influence of the industrial social structures that dominate in these areas, usually characterized in specialized literature as "loose". These structures determined a fairly individualized behavior of the individual and required a strong state power.
  3. The third type is Hindu, which includes various, but at the same time, local cultures of Hindustan connected into a single whole. It is characterized by the organization of everyday life on the basis of a subtle system and rules of caste relations, which have penetrated deeply into religious consciousness. The Hindu subculture emphasizes group socio-cultural orientations implemented in family or intra-caste structures.
  4. The fourth type is Islamic, in which the influence of local pre-Islamic traditions is strong. In this type, two subgroups of cultures are distinguished:
    • Malay-Islamic - Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, Southern Philippines, partially Singapore;
    • Indo-Islamic - Bangladesh, Pakistan, Maldives.
  5. The fifth type is Catholic, which includes the majority of the population of the Philippines. Filipino Catholicism has been heavily influenced by pre-Christian local traditions. The psychology of a large family is one of the most important characteristic features of this type of subculture.

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