A few tricks with your smartphone's camera that you didn't know about. Taking pictures for gluing a panorama


Not sure how to make your small apartment look bigger? Then this article is for you.

Here are 10 great ideas to help you meet this challenge.

panoramic windows

This is one of the best ways to visually enlarge a room. Huge windows not only perfectly illuminate it, but also create the illusion that the outdoor space is part of the room. Leave the windows open to add depth to the room.

Mirrors everywhere

Not every apartment can have a full-wall window. Mirrors are a great alternative to this. To maximize the space, it is better to place a mirror directly opposite the window.

Lamps instead of chandeliers

A great way to expand the space is to replace the usual chandeliers with lamps. They do a great job of visually enlarging the room.

Furniture in a minimalist style

If you still haven't chosen the furniture for your compact apartment, take a look at the minimalist design. Simple and neat furniture will not clutter up the space and give the room a fresh and tidy look.


By painting the radiators and walls in the same color, you will create the feeling of a single, indivisible space. Thus making the room more spacious and tidy. This method can also be applied to bookcases.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

You can wallpaper the ceiling or just paint it a different color than the rest of the room. Anything that draws the eye upwards makes the room seem larger than it is.


Use a striped pattern to visually lengthen the room. This technique works not only for clothes, but also for rooms.

Furniture with legs

This type of furniture is ideal for small apartments. Due to the open floor, the room seems more spacious.

Glass doors in the shower

To expand the space of the bathroom, it is better to use glass doors instead of ordinary shower curtains. They open visual access to the entire room, thereby visually enlarging it.

Unified color range

Try to keep the interior of the entire room in a single color palette. Remember that light walls combined with a dark floor visually make the space look smaller.

In order to take a great photo of the sky, you do not need to go to distant lands. Almost any day of summer or winter, spring or autumn can give you the opportunity to capture an amazing sunrise or stunning sunset.

When photographing the sky, the most important thing is to capture and convey the lighting in the photograph. Well, armed with a wide-angle lens, we go outside.

When you shoot the sky, your photo depends entirely on the lighting that is available to you when shooting. For example, a grey, overcast day is likely to produce a rather dreary picture.

If you have time and can wait until sunset, chances are high that you will be able to take a spectacular shot of the sky as it turns deep blue and orange.

Mount the camera on a tripod, set the camera to Aperture Priority (AV). Use a wide-angle lens and a small aperture (between f/11 and f/32) to achieve great depth of field.

How to photograph the sky: Sunrises and sunsets

Sunset is perhaps your greatest ally when shooting the sky. Firstly, it paints the sky in beautiful red and orange tones, and, secondly, it does not force you to wake up neither light nor dawn, as dawn requires.

The best sunrise and sunset photos are taken during the golden hour, which is the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset.

To shoot, use a wide-angle lens and attach the camera to a tripod. In exposure compensation mode, select -1 or -2: a slightly underexposed scene will increase the color saturation. To increase the depth of field, close the aperture.

Choose a location for the camera so that the sun is hidden behind a tree trunk, for example. Wait for the moment when it begins to appear from behind the tree and take a picture.

How to Photograph the Sky: Photograph Spectacular Clouds

Pay attention to the gray clouds, indicating the approach of a thunderstorm or storm.

If you want to take a spectacular shot of a cloudy sky, you should wait until the sun breaks through the clouds and illuminates them. Without this, the clouds in the photo will most likely look like a simple gray mass.

To take such a picture, you will need patience, because you cannot control the sun and predict the moment when exactly it will appear from behind the clouds. So be patient and wait.

Cloudy weather is often accompanied by wind, so make sure your camera tripod is stable. Choose an aperture value between f/11 and f/32 for greater depth of field.

How to Photograph the Sky: Combine Portrait and Sky Shot

If you want to combine a portrait and a sky shot, wait until the sky is spectacular.

If you're shooting at dusk, put your subject in front, make sure she's in focus, and use fill flash.

Since the distance between your model and the sky that is the background for such a photo is very large, using a flash will not affect the image of the sky in any way.

How to Photograph the Sky: Capture Panoramas

The sky is the perfect subject for panoramic photography. If you don't have an ultra wide angle lens, you can still create stunning panorama shots by combining them with Photoshop.

Mount your camera on a tripod and make sure the horizon is clear. Take a picture with the timer or cable release, then pan the camera slightly and compose the new shot, remembering to slightly overlap the previous one. Take at least 3 photos this way.

Using Photoshop or another editor, combine the resulting photos into a panoramic shot. If, when shooting, you managed to move the camera strictly horizontally, without vertical deviations, then combining frames even manually is not difficult. The main thing is to make sure that there are no gaps when combining, otherwise they will spoil the whole effect of viewing the panorama.

As we mentioned above, use apertures up to f/32 to get sharp shots.

If you want to capture the movement of water or clouds, use a polarizing filter or a neutral density filter - these filters will give you the ability to use slower shutter speeds to blur motion.

Ideally, to take panoramic photos of the sky, you need a wide-angle lens.

Since the most spectacular sky photos are taken in the early morning or late evening, that is, in low light conditions, you need a tripod, it will help to avoid camera shake, which negatively affects the sharpness of the image. Many landscape photographers take pictures without touching the camera at all, you can also follow suit and use a cable release or remote control.

If you need to light up people or particularly dark areas of an image, you can use a flash.


The sky can be photographed at any time of the day and at any time of the year. The main thing is not just to shoot the sky, but to look for interesting combinations of colors, spectacular clouds.

This material contains the most interesting tricks, thanks to which you can realize the hidden potential of the camera on your smartphone. Even if you have a budget smartphone / tablet with a rather mediocre camera, some of these tricks can still come in handy in one way or another in everyday life.

Superzoom, or how to photograph lunar craters.

Yes, it is superzoom on a smartphone. Not only DSLRs with a long lens and soap dishes with an ultrazoom are capable of shooting objects that are at long distances. If you have binoculars, or even better, a telescope, bring the camera's eye to the eyepiece lens, adjust the position of the equipment to achieve maximum image sharpness, and start capturing a photo or video.

Superzoom on a smartphone using a telescope.

Of course, it is better to use wide-angle optics: then the viewing angle will be larger, and the frames around the lenses will not be visible through the lens. If you are using a telescope on a tripod, it would be nice to fix your smartphone for convenience.

Macro lens with magnifier.

To take a detailed macro photo, it is not necessary to have expensive equipment. Using any available method, we attach an ordinary magnifying glass to the smartphone body within the radius of the lens, and the device for macro photography is ready. The greater the magnification of the magnifier lens, the stronger the approximation, and the higher the detail of the resulting image.

Shooting "almost underwater".

Surely you have seen spectacular pictures taken with a camera half submerged in water more than once. If your smartphone does not have waterproof properties, a similar effect can be achieved by placing the mobile device with the camera down in a glass, or any other transparent, impervious container. The only thing left to do is to carefully and partially immerse the container with the smartphone in the reservoir, and press the shutter button.

iPhone in a glass.
We immerse the container with the smartphone in a body of water (lake, sea, etc.).

Looking at infrared.

We will not go into technical details, just stating a fact: infrared light, invisible to the human eye, can be seen on a smartphone display using a camera. Point the lens at the remote control where the IR diode is located, and press its buttons. A small luminous dot is IR radiation.

Shooting with the volume key.

Did you know that the vast majority of smartphones have the ability to take a picture by pressing the volume key? Try it yourself, pressing the touch "shutter button" is not necessary at all. If it doesn't work, go to the settings, perhaps this feature needs to be activated. It is especially convenient to use the hardware key when taking selfies.

Film photo digitization.

If you have old films and you are curious to view their contents, it is enough to select the “Negative” color effect in the camera settings and take a picture of the frame on the film. For the same purpose, you can use a special application, Helmut, for example. This method will not replace professional digitization, however, it is quite suitable for informational purposes.

Panoramic Tricks.

Fans of panoramic shots will definitely like these tricks. Making several virtual "clones" of yourself in the picture, without the use of graphic editors, is as easy as shelling pears. Panoramas on mobile devices are created using automatic merging of consecutive frames. It is enough to move after each frame to a new location, running around the operator behind his back, in the opposite direction from the moving lens. It is necessary to move the camera slowly enough so that the person has time to take the place of the next “clone”.

An interesting effect can be achieved during fast movement. While in a train or car, activate panorama shooting. In this way, the area to be photographed can be greatly enlarged.

Jelly effect.

Smartphones use different types of matrices: CCD or CMOS. The CMOS matrix has such a feature - during shooting, with sharp and fast movements of the object being shot, the image may be distorted, the so-called "jelly effect" is obtained. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, however, enthusiasts perceive such an effect as a special feature. This video clearly demonstrates the difference between CMOS and CCD matrices. Guitar strings create vibrations, although in fact this is just an illusion. If your smartphone has a CMOS sensor, you can achieve a similar effect, or experiment with something else.

Pulse measurement.

In order to measure the heart rate, you need to install and open a special application (Cardiograph and the like), which will launch the camera. Next, you need to put your finger on the lens, and direct it to a sufficiently strong light source (for example, to a lamp, or use the built-in flash).

Surely, the reader thinks that this is fiction, or just a useless thing invented for fun. But it's not. Under all conditions, the camera captures fluctuations in the form of a change in skin color due to blood pulsations, and the application produces a result, albeit not ideal, but close to the exact figure.

Demonstration of the operation of the heart rate scanner

Find out what's in front of you.

Have you seen a painting but can't remember which artist is the author? The Google Goggles application, which can perform visual searches, can help with this. Go to the application, take a picture of a work of art. The application recognizes the object using a search engine that will delve into its database and give you the result on the smartphone display. And the program can also recognize barcodes and QR codes, product packaging, landmarks, and even text in several languages! True, this "trick" is more related to the merits of the software, but everything happens with the direct participation of the camera. So far, such an opportunity is more of an entertaining character, because far from everything is recognized, and not always the first time. Nevertheless, the program is “learning”, new objects are added to its database, and recognition algorithms are gradually being finalized and improved. Perhaps in the future this application will help the aliens to get used to our planet.

An example of how Google Goggles works

Source - http://mobcompany.info

Of the modern Android smartphones (early 2016), which take great pictures and are not very expensive, we can recommend Lenovo Vibe Shot. This model is "sharpened" specifically for good photo shots, it has many different modes and bells and whistles.

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Every day, new tricks and tricks appear on the Internet that help to cope with any situation and simplify everyday worries. Some are so simple that it is not clear how we did not think of this before.

website on the advice of professionals, I have collected 12 tricks for you to take the coolest photo on a regular smartphone.

Headset as shutter release

An unobvious feature of the headset is its use as a remote control.

What to do: Connect the headset to your phone, open the camera app and press the "+" button to take a photo.

Selfie "without hands"

Selfies with a lot of people are hard to take. Someone always misses the frame or the hand covers most of the picture. To solve this problem, build a simple tripod.

What to do: Take an unnecessary plastic card and bend it in three places, you can put your phone on one of the bends. Use headphones or a timer to take a photo from a distance.

panoramic twins

Use the panoramic shooting function to create doubles in one photo without the use of graphic editors.

What to do: Select Panorama mode. Place a person in the frame and start smoothly moving the smartphone in any direction. Once the person is outside of the footage, stop or slow down. At this time, the model should run behind you into the next frame.

Little Earth

Use various applications to give your pictures interesting effects. For example, the RollWorld application will be able to make a miniature of the globe from your photo.

What to do: Download the application and upload a pre-made panorama or other interesting photo there. Play around with the settings and you'll get a unique, fantastic shot.

Underwater photos

It is much more convenient to shoot in water or under water on a smartphone than on a conventional camera. In this case, you do not have to buy a protective case.

What to do: Dip the phone in a regular transparent glass, and lower the glass 2/3 into water. Use the headset as a remote control. For photos at depth, put a condom on your gadget. This will protect it from moisture, and the sensor will be just as sensitive.

Use a reflector

When shooting portraits, sometimes you need to highlight a dark area, add depth and brightness. Any reflective surface is suitable for this task.

What to do: Take a solar reflector for a car or plain foil. Using reflective material, you can highlight dark areas or add highlights to your photo.

Use the HDR feature

The HDR function combines several shots of different brightness into one. Because of this, the photos are brighter, more voluminous and saturated.

What to do: Open your camera, turn on HDR, and take a photo.

Advice: Photos taken in this mode take up more space on your smartphone, so use this function in special situations. For example, if you want to capture a sunset, green trees or beautiful flowers.

Attach your phone to the balloon

You don't have to buy an expensive drone to take a picture of a landscape from above. You can attach your phone to balloon.

What to do: Take a large balloon filled with helium. Securely attach the phone and a strong thread to it. Launch the ball and take a picture using the timer.

Advice: Put a protective case on your smartphone and turn on the find phone function. This will save your device if something goes wrong.

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