“Not an accidental meeting. Sergey Makovetsky



Cast: People's Artist of RussiaSergey Makovetsky

Producer: Leonid Roberman

Sergey Makovetsky - People's Artist of the Russian Federation, theater and film actor.

An actor who is known to almost everyone in our country. And this is not only the People's Artist of Russia, laureate of the Russian Federation, "Nika", "Golden Eagle", "The Seagull", "Crystal Turandot", but also one of the most beloved artists, whose name always collects full theater halls and increases television ratings in the time of broadcast of films with his participation.

To date, Sergei Makovetsky is one of the strongest Russian actors, who is subject to any genre. Almost all films, as well as performances, in addition to the highest performing skills, demonstrate a unique ability to reincarnate, the absolute dissimilarity of the previous film with the next one, with a complete change not only in theme, but in style and mood.

Sergei Makovetsky is an original, flexible and, nevertheless, always recognizable actor, who is included in the first cohort of Russian cinema and theater.

The solo performance “Non-random meeting” is his revelation, an attempt to reveal himself to the viewer in all the variety of images and, at the same time, outside of any role.

Reflections on cinema and theater, artistic cuisine from the inside, memories of meetings with interesting people who inspired and impressed Sergei Makovetsky are only part of the program of the one-man show.

The audience will be able to see stage miniatures - poems and excerpts from prose performed by a brilliant actor, as well as rare shots from short films in which he was involved.

Theater awards
1994 - Prize "Best Drama Actor in Europe"
1996 - Grand Prix of the International Theater Festival "Golden Lion" in Lviv (performance "Slingshot")
2002 - Award "Idol" (performances "Othello", "Black Monk")
2002 - Prize of the Russian Federation for the best acting duet with I. Yasulovich (play "The Black Monk")

Actor Sergei Makovetsky was awarded the Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna. Makovetsky received a church award for "contribution to the development of Orthodox cinema." The role of the father of Alexander Ionin is supposed, which the actor played in the film "Pop" by Vladimir Khotinenko. The film was shot with the support of the Moscow Patriarchate and was released in April 2010. The film is about an Orthodox priest from the Baltic States, who during the Second World War established church life in the territory occupied by the Germans.

The order was presented on November 24 in Moscow at a meeting of the supervisory, trustee and public councils for the publication of the Orthodox Encyclopedia. Makovetsky was awarded the award from the hands of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill. The actor expressed his desire to continue to take part in Orthodox projects and work "for the benefit of our Orthodox Church and our culture."

Film awards:

1993 - Prize "For a talented and original interpretation of the image of a Russian intellectual" at the KF "Constellation" (film "Patriotic Comedy")
1993 - Award "Golden Aries" (Best Actor of the Year, film "Makarov")
1993 - Nika Award (To the best actor of the year, the film "Makarov")
1993 - Prize "Green Apple - Golden Leaf" (For the best male role, films: "Makarov", "Our American Borya", "Child by November")
1993 - Film Press Prize (To the best actor of the year, the film "Makarov")
1994 - Prize for Best Actor in a Supporting Role at the IFF "Baltic Pearl" in Riga-Jurmala (film "Round Dance")
1995 - Prize for the best male role at the IFF "Baltic Pearl" in Riga-Jurmala (film "A Play for a Passenger")
1995 - Film Press Award (Best Actor of the Year, films "Summer People", "A Play for a Passenger", "Trofim")
1996 - Nika Award (Best Actor of the Year, film "A Play for a Passenger")
1998 - Prize for the best actor at the Film Festival "Window to Europe" in Vyborg (film "He did not tie his shoelaces")
1998 - Prize for the best actor at the Russian Film Festival in Honfleur (film "Three Stories")
1998 - Golden Aries Award (Best Actor of the Year, film "About Freaks and People")
1998 - Nika Award (To the best actor of the year, the film "About freaks and people")
2000 - Best Actor Award at the ORFF in Sochi (film "Russian Riot")
2001 - Spec. Jury Prize of the RKF "Literature and Cinema" in Gatchina (film "Russian Riot")
2001 - Award "Nika" (For the best male supporting role, the film "Russian Riot")
2001 - Award of business circles "Kumir" (film "Russian Riot")
2003 - Award "Nika" (For the best male supporting role, the film "The Key to the Bedroom")
2007 - Prize to them. Art. and A. Rostotsky KF "Window to Europe" in Vyborg (film "Temptation")
2007 - Prize to them. Art. and A. Rostotsky KF "Window to Europe" in Vyborg (film "Russian Game")
2007 - Golden Eagle Award (Best Actor of the Year, film "12")
2010 - Order of St. Innocent, Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna (III degree) for his role in the film "Pop"

People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Makovetsky is one of the few Russian actors who have gained recognition abroad: in 1994 he received the title of the best dramatic actor in Europe. Film critics and spectators "inscribed" the artist in the famous quartet, codenamed "MMMM": Mironov - Mashkov - Menshikov - Makovetsky. This actor is called a gutta-percha boy, soft and pliable, like plasticine. He is capable of playing roles in any genre, he is natural in all roles. In the image of a refined intellectual, Sergei Makovetsky looks like he grew up in a family of hereditary aristocrats. And in the role of a bandit, he is a child of gates and slums. Makovetsky embodies any idea of ​​the director so meticulously that the question involuntarily arises - who is this talented actor? Sergey Makovetsky was born on June 13, 1958 on the outskirts of Kyiv - in the holiday village of Darnitsa on the banks of the Dnieper. The son was raised by his mother - his father left the family when a couple of months remained before the birth of Serezha. At the age of 16, when receiving a passport, Sergei took his mother's surname, leaving only a patronymic in memory of his father. Sergey Makovetsky's mother, Anna Grigorievna, worked from morning till night at the Vulkan factory, which produced leather substitutes. The little son remained in the care of good neighbors, and in the summer he went to the village to his relatives. Mom made sure that Seryozha received everything that his peers had. The boy grew up diversified: he sang in the choir, played percussion instruments, skated, went to the pool. As a teenager, he became interested in water polo and aimed for the adult team, but his mother rejected the son’s idea to leave for a big sport. The hand of fate pushed Makovetsky to acting. The hand belonged to an English teacher: the woman introduced the student to the world of theatrical art by force. In the 8th grade, at the insistence of the teacher, Sergei played Neschastlivtsev in the play "Forest". The first impression of entering the school stage is wild fear, the second is happiness and rapture from the game. The guy forgot about the audience. The desire to learn after school as a zemstvo doctor disappeared. Sergei Makovetsky, having barely received a school-leaving certificate, went to the Kiev Theater Institute. According to one information, the guy “fell asleep” on the composition, according to another, there were no places. Sergey Makovetsky got a job at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater for a technical position, but a year later he went to conquer Moscow. The capital met the young man with hostility: at the station, the gypsies fished out 50 rubles from the gullible Ukrainian. Makovetsky spent the night in doorways and on the station bench. In GITIS, the future star read the poems of Konstantin Simonov to Konstantin Raikin too expressively, but the master of the loud-voiced Kievite did not listen to the end, passing a pejorative verdict and advice not to entertain himself with vain hopes. Sergey Makovetsky did not recognize Raikin and did not understand that he had been refused. I asked the secretary of the commission again and received confirmation: I did not pass. To the question - what is the name of the person who refused, and hearing the surprised “Raikin!”, Makovetsky surprised the secretary even more: “And here is Raikin, I’m going to Tabakov! You make sure that Tabakov himself listens to me. But Oleg Tabakov did not justify the hopes of the Kievite. No, Oleg Pavlovich liked the monologue of Bulgakov's Lariosik performed by the young man, but the near prospect of army service, to which Sergei Makovetsky was about to go, made the master say no. It’s hard to believe, but at the beginning of his career, Sergei Vasilievich was refused by the masters Oleg Tabakov and Konstantin Raikin. Another would have turned around and left, but Makovetsky did not believe the masters and became what he is - the best of the best. Yes,” Makovetsky heard at the Shchukin school. Sergei was accepted to the course of Alla Kazanskaya. The talented pretender successfully “sloped off” the army: the draft board saw a performance called “Migraine” performed by the artist. There was no applause, but the "white ticket" was handed over. After graduating from college in 1980, Sergei Makovetsky was assigned to the Vakhtangov Theater. He made his debut in the production of "Vintage Vaudeville", but the main roles bypassed him: until the end of the 80s, the actor was trusted with episodes. A turning point in his creative biography happened in 1989: for the role of the Chinese Cherub in the production of Zoya's Apartment, Makovetsky was awarded the prize of the Moscow Theater Spring festival. In 1990, the actor met Roman Viktyuk, who staged a play at the Vakhtangov Theatre. The director immediately liked the young talent, and although Makovetsky was not involved in the production then, Roman Viktyuk invited Sergey to play in his own theater. For seven years, Sergei Makovetsky became a leading actor in the Viktyuk Theater, playing the main roles of Shostakovich in the play "Lessons of the Master", Ilya in "Slingshot", Valerio in the eccentric production of "Love with a Fool". According to some reports, the director and actor quarreled, and their cooperation ended. The name of Viktyuk's last performance, in which Makovetsky got the role - "I don't know you anymore, dear" - turned out to be prophetic. In the "Viktyuk" period, rumors were born about the non-traditional sexual orientation of Sergei Makovetsky. But similar rumors arose about all the artists involved in the performances of the outrageous director. After leaving Viktyuk, Sergei Makovetsky travels around the country with entreprises, is involved in the performances of Harold Pinter's "Collection" and "Lover", and on the Vakhtangov stage he plays Iago, Trigorin and Gorodnichiy. In the future, the actor collaborated with other capital theaters and directors, while continuing to work at the Vakhtangov Theater. In 2014, there were rumors that because of a new role in the cinema, the actor was going to leave his native theater with a scandal. Sergei Makovetsky refuted the lie, reassuring admirers that he would not leave the team with which he had been collaborating for 35 years. On the stage of the Vakhtangov Theater, Makovetsky played in two dozen performances. The audience enthusiastically watched the artist play in the productions of "Mystery Buff", "Rose and Cross", "You are our Sovereign, father ...", "Uncle Vanya" and "Eugene Onegin". As a guest star, Sergei Makovetsky appeared on the stage of Sovremennik, playing Henry Higgins in Pygmalion, and in the Moscow Youth Theater he appeared in the image of Kovrin in the play Black Monk.

was born and raised in Kyiv. He took his mother's surname, as his father left the family immediately after the birth of his son. As a child, he was a calm, responsible child, he studied excellently at school. From a young age he was seriously fond of figure skating and athletics, but he achieved the most significant success in water polo.

In childhood, Sergei Makovetsky did not even think about the stage. Until the eighth grade, he seriously dreamed of becoming a pediatrician. But, having played the role of Arkashka Schastlivtsev in Ostrovsky's play "The Forest" in the school drama circle, he changed his dream and decided to get an acting profession.

After an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Kiev Theater Institute named after Karpenko-Kary, he worked at the Lesya Ukrainka Theater as a set assembler. And after a year of behind-the-scenes work, he went to conquer the theater universities in Moscow. I tried to enter GITIS, auditioned twice - and those who were gaining a course that year. But neither one nor the other was accepted.

Successful for the young Makovetsky was only an attempt to enter the theater school. Shchukin on the course. After graduating from college in 1980, Sergei Makovetsky was enrolled in the troupe of the Vakhtangov Theater, where he still serves.


Sergei Makovetsky made his debut on the stage of his native theater in the play "Old Vaudevilles", and in 1989 he received an award at the Moscow Theater Spring festival for the role of the Chinese Cherub in the play "Zoyka's Apartment".

In 1990, a fateful meeting for Makovetsky took place with. From that moment on, he began to play part-time at the Viktyuk Theater. One of his first works, which brought wide success, was the role of Shostakovich in the Master's Lessons. Also, Sergei Makovetsky is often invited to lead roles in MTYuZ and private performances.


Sergey Makovetsky achieved his first big successes in cinema in the early 90s, and the director became his "godfather" in this field. The pictures taken at that time and the philosophical parable "Makarov" brought fame to the performer of the main roles, and the film "Makarov" won a whole collection of prizes at various film festivals.

The unexpectedly wide television popularity of Sergei Makovetsky was facilitated by his work with director Yuli Grymov and the young singer Alsou on the clip "Winter Dream", where he starred as the protagonist of Nabokov's "Lolita".

Having gone from an episode performer to a star of the first magnitude, Sergey Makovetsky turned out to be one of the most sought-after actors in post-Soviet cinema. The last roles once again showed that today he is one of the strongest domestic actors, who is subject to almost any genre.

Sergei Makovetsky has repeatedly been criticized and recognized by the public as an outstanding performer of the roles of the classical and modern repertoire.


Sergei Makovetsky does not like unnecessary conversations with the press, he says: "Creativity is a mystery to me. I try not to talk much about it, because I'm afraid: if you explain everything in words, what will you go on stage with then?"

But in rare interviews with journalists, Sergei Makovetsky nevertheless shares his thoughts about acting, about the difficulties of this profession: “Do you know what is the most difficult thing in this profession? The most difficult thing is not to react to this praise, to treat it calmly, to really be happy for another person, for the success of another person. it is important not to turn into a piranha, into a beast and not live with this non-receipt for years ... "

In the difficult acting craft, Sergei Makovetsky managed to find his way. He believes that you need to constantly tear yourself out of the frames of stereotypes, try out new roles, which is the attractiveness of this profession: “So this is the beauty of the profession - every time you are different. Of course, I’m not talking to someone in condemnation, but there are actors who calmly move from picture to picture without even changing their shirt. I'm so uninterested. I want to surprise myself."

Sergei Makovetsky manages to surprise not only himself, but also the audience, colleagues in the theater and cinema. “He has an absolutely bestial intuition,” the director says about Makovetsky. “And I know that he can withstand close-ups of any length. He can think about anything at the same time. But both I and the viewer have a feeling that he thinks about about what we agreed with him."

Many actors admire and envy the sniper-accurate hits in the roles played by Sergei Makovetsky. He seems to be insured against failure. According to his colleague, the secret of such success lies in the correct attitude to work: “His attitude is that everything is fine, and everything will be fine and it cannot be otherwise. This is a very correct attitude, at least for a person who is still wants to work and wants to do something with pleasure."

Based on the materials of the TV channel "Russia K" and the magazine "Neskuchny Sad"

Titles and awards

  • Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992)
  • Award "Nika" in the nomination "Actor" (1993, for the film "Makarov")
  • Award "Golden Aries" (1994, for the film "Makarov")
  • Best Drama Actor Europe (1994)
  • People's Artist of Russia (1998)
  • Award "Golden Eagle" for the best male role on television ("Deli case No. 1", 2012)
  • Award "Golden Eagle" for the best male role on television ("Life and Fate", 2014)

Filmography: Actor

  • Zuleikha opens her eyes (2019)
  • Godunov (2018), TV series
  • Bad weather (2018), TV series
  • Death Track (2017), TV series
  • Quiet Don (2015), TV series
  • Motherland (2014), TV series
  • ChW (2014)
  • Craftsmen (2014), TV series
  • Demons (2014), TV series
  • Two winters and three summers (2014), TV series
  • Life and Destiny (2012), TV series
  • Girl and Death / Girl and Death, The / Madchen und der Tod, Das (2012)
  • Eternal Return (2012)
  • Burnt by the Sun 2: The Citadel (2011)
  • Peter the First. Testament (2011), TV series
  • Deli Case No. 1 (2011), TV series
  • On the Sunny Side of the Street (2011) TV Series
  • White Guard (2011)
  • Pop (2010)
  • New Year's Detective (2010)
  • Burnt by the sun-2. Anticipation (2010)
  • Best Movie - 3 (2010)
  • Forgiveness Sunday (2009)
  • Isaev (2009)
  • 2-Assa-2 (2009)
  • Miracle (2009)
  • Condition (2008)
  • Live and Remember (2008)
  • I Count: One, Two, Three, Four, Five (2007)
  • Temptation (2007)
  • Liquidation (2007), TV series
  • Model (2007)
  • Dushka (2007) /Duska/
  • 12 (2007)
  • Tumbler (2007)
  • Russian game (2008)
  • Carnival Night 2 (TV) (2007)
  • Infidelity (2006)
  • It doesn't hurt me (2006)
  • Circumstantial evidence (2005), TV series
  • Blind Man's Buff (2005)
  • The Fall of an Empire (2005), TV series
  • 72 meters (2003)
  • Third option (2003)
  • Bedroom Key (2003)
  • Poirot's Failure (TV) (2002)
  • Mechanical Suite (2001)
  • How "Brother-2" (2000) was filmed
  • Russian riot (2000)
  • Composition for Victory Day (1998)
  • About freaks and people (1998)
  • Retro Threesome (1998)
  • He didn't tie his shoelaces (1998)
  • Three stories (1997)
  • There was no happiness, but misfortune helped (1997)
  • Operation Happy New Year (1996)
  • Black Veil (1995)
  • Arrival of the train (1995) film, short story "Trofim"
  • A Piece for a Passenger (1995)
  • Summer People (1995)
  • Round dance (1994)
  • Theater named after me (1994)
  • Trotsky (1993)
  • Little men of the Bolshevik lane, or I want beer (1993)
  • Makarov (1993)
  • Baby by November (1992)
  • Prorva (1992)
  • Patriot Comedy (1992)
  • Our American Borya (1992)
  • Chernov / Chernov (1990)
  • Sons of bitches (1990)
  • Mother (1990)
  • Dedicated (1989)
  • Jerusalem artichokes (1987)
  • Life of Klim Samgin (TV series) (1986)
  • Testament (1986)
  • Obstacle Course (1984)
  • The crew of the combat vehicle (1983)

Sergei Makovetsky organization of speeches on the official website of the agency. Ordering a presenter or tour, as well as invitations to a holiday. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of agent Sergei Makovetsky - one of the most sought-after and, despite his advanced age, attractive Russian actors. The artist was born in Kyiv on June 13, 1958. Sergei grew up without a father, and his mother, whose last name he bears, worked from morning to night at the Vulkan plant. At school, Makovetsky was an excellent student, in his free time he attended sports sections of water polo, athletics, and figure skating.

Creative achievements

Until the age of 15, the future actor thought he would be a pediatrician. Dreams about the stage appeared after the young man, at the insistence of an English teacher, played Arkasha Schastlivtsev in the school play "Forest". After graduating from school, Sergei applied to the theater university in Kyiv. Without enrolling in the Karpenko-Kary Institute, the guy got a job as a fitter at the Russian Drama Theater.

A year later, Makovetsky went to Moscow, where he twice tried to enter GITIS. Neither Raikin nor Tabakov, who were then gaining a course, did not recognize the applicant's talent. In the end, the young man became a student at the Shchukin School, where Alla Kazanskaya was his mentor. The first performance of Sergei Makovetsky on the professional stage took place at the Vakhtangov Theatre. In the production of "Old Vaudevilles", the aspiring artist played the ingenuous provincial director Karp Poluda.

There is an opinion among critics that Makovetsky is a universal actor with an amazing talent for impersonation. Over a 35-year theatrical career, he played several dozen completely diverse roles on stage. In 1994, Sergei Vasilyevich was recognized in Europe as the best dramatic actor.

In the cinema, the artist made his debut in 1981, starring in the short film Cold and Snow Expected. Now there are more than 70 roles in Makovetsky's filmography, the best of which are: banker Belkin in "Brother 2", owner of the photo studio Johann ("About freaks and people"), crime boss ("Zhmurki"), priest Alexander ("Pop"), officer Shvabrin ("Russian rebellion").


The order for Makovetsky's work is steadily growing: every year the artist is filmed in 3-4 films. In 2015, he appeared before the audience in the form of a native Cossack Pantelei Melekhov ("Quiet Don") and an analyst Volsky ("Motherland"). The actor still serves in the Theater. Vakhtangov, periodically collaborates with the theater organization of Roman Viktyuk. More information about Sergey Makovetsky can be found on the official website of the artist.


Sergey Makovetsky host's order, contacts. Organization of performances, participation of the artist at your holiday, corporate party. With an application, you can contact us by phone in Moscow +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40, on the official website of the agent, write to the mail, in the contacts menu.

People's Artist of the Russian Federation,Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation

Born on June 13 in Kyiv.
He graduated from the Boris Shchukin Theater School in 1980 (course of A.A. Kazanskaya) and in the same year was accepted into the troupe of the Evgeny Vakhtangov Theatre.

Among his roles: Shostakovich (Master's Lessons), Tsarevich Alexei (You are our sovereign, father ...), Lawyer Malpieri ( I don't know you anymore baby), Amphitryon (Amphitryon), Iago ( Othello),Mayor(Auditor), Trigorin (Gull), Voinitsky (Uncle Ivan), Onegin (Eugene Onegin), Ephraim Dudak ( Smile on us Lord), Argan ( Imaginary sick), Tarakh Tarasych Khlynov ( Warm heart) and etc.

Today Sergei Makovetsky is one of the most sought-after Russian actors. And there is nothing surprising that it is he who is offered the roles of the world classical repertoire. They offer with the expectation that he will bring something new, unexpected, unbanal to the long-known and well-known images. Such work was the role of Voinitsky in the play "Uncle Vanya" (staged by Rimas Tuminas), marked by many prestigious theatrical awards, including: "Crystal Turandot", the Stanislavsky International Prize, the Oleg Yankovsky Prize, the Idol Prize.

« Constant reincarnations are his element. Mobility and changeability, susceptibility to dissimilar styles and forms are the properties of his acting nature. Eternal escape from everything definite is its essence. Crafty pretense is the creed of the playwright. From role to role, he changes masks, presenting either a careless clown, or a reflective philosopher, or an unfortunate sufferer, or an indifferent reasoner. He can be a lucky winner, and a sophisticated intellectual, and a careless fashionista. And he can only pretend that he is changing, remaining himself». (Elena Gubaidulina)

S.V. Makovetsky is often invited to other theaters: Roman Viktyuk Theater ( M. Butterfly, Slingshot), Theater named after K.S. Stanislavsky ( Twelfth night, or whatever), Contemporary ( Pygmalion), MTYuZ ( black monk) and etc.

In the cinema, the artist made his debut in the film by V. Titov "The Life of Klim Samgin" based on the novel by M. Gorky. The beginning of a great success was his work in the films of V. Khotinenko "Patriotic Comedy" and "Makarov". Among the works of recent years are “Russian Riot”, “Brother 2”, “Key to the Bedroom”, “72 Meters”, “It Doesn't Hurt Me”, “Russian Game”, “Temptation”, “Tumbler”, “Liquidation”, “ Darling", "Twelve", "Live and Remember", "Pop", "Deli Case No. 1", "Peter the Great", "Testament", "Life and Fate", "Girl and Death", "Two Winters, Three summer”, “Demons”, “Quiet Flows the Don”, “Godunov”, “Bad weather”, etc.

Makovetsky is the owner of more than 20 Russian and foreign film awards.

In 2010 S.V. Makovetsky was awarded the Order of Honor for merits in the development of national culture and art.

In 2012 - the Prize of the Mayor of Moscow in the field of literature and art.

In 2018 - awarded the Order of Merit before Fatherland" IV degree.

Instagram Sergey Makovetsky:

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