The restless enemy does not sleep.


The restless enemy does not sleep

The restless enemy does not sleep
cm. Revolutionary keep step.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lokid-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003 .

See what "The restless enemy does not sleep" in other dictionaries:

    From the poem "The Twelve" (1918) by the poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok (1880 1921). Usually cited as a call for vigilance, prudence (jokingly ironic). see also The enemy does not sleep. Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. M.:… … Dictionary of winged words and expressions

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    Alexander Alexandrovich (1880-1921) Russian poet, playwright, critic. Aphorisms, quotes Block. Biography Only great things are worth thinking about, only great tasks should be set by the writer; set boldly, without being embarrassed by your personal small forces. … … Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

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    Do not nap- Razg. Express. Be vigilant, active; alert. The governors did not doze, But they did not have time: They used to wait from the south, looking at the army from the east (Pushkin. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel). Revolutionary keep step! The restless enemy does not sleep! (Block.… … Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

Encyclopedic dictionary of winged words and expressions Serov Vadim Vasilyevich

Revolutionary keep pace, / The restless enemy does not sleep

Revolutionary keep pace, / The restless enemy does not sleep

From the poem "The Twelve" (1918) by the poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok(1880-1921).

Usually cited as a call for vigilance, prudence (jokingly-iron.). see also The enemy does not sleep.

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Alexander Blok is known all over the world for his works. He wrote many wonderful works reflecting Russian reality, which remain relevant in our time.

Blok's work is multifaceted and deep, which is why it is so interesting to the reader. Among the whole variety of works, one can distinguish an incredibly deep in content, and unusual in composition and language, the poem "The Twelve", which became the poet's calling card, brought him fame and glory.

The history of the creation of the poem

Alexander Blok's poem was written by him about a year after the revolution took place in Russia in February, and about two months after the revolution took place in October. The approximate year of its creation is called 1918 and is attributed to January.

As the poet himself recalled, he got the poem quite by accident, in a single spirit, when he was in difficult conditions of existence. Then the famous and previously prosperous city of Petrograd was in anticipation of the revolution: everything in it froze and the cold belittled all existence. People were afraid and waiting for something. Among them was a poet who dreamed of warmth and that something had already happened, and finally clarity had come. At this time, as Blok himself stated, he was in some kind of unconscious or semi-conscious rise, which was more like a fever.

Alexander Alexandrovich wrote his poem in a few days and then he already realized that it should be reworked a little. Therefore, for another month he is trying to correct and change something in it. Before giving the work a start in life, the poet himself evaluated it more than once, and once wrote in his notebook like this:

"Today I am a genius."

It is difficult to understand the poem if you do not know that before that the poet was at the front, where he spent two whole years. But this was not the main thing, but the fact that devastation reigned in his city, German troops were advancing, severe colds came, and robbery began on the streets of the city. Deprivation and anxiety overcame Blok.

According to the memoirs of contemporaries, the lines in the text were not written in the order they were laid out as a result. There were many options written for each line, from which Alexander chose.

The plot of the poem "The Twelve"

The composition of the poem consists of 12 chapters. In the first chapter, as expected, the plot, where the poet depicts the winter streets of Petrograd. The action takes place in the cold winter of 1917, when a revolution is taking place in the country. There are passers-by on the street, although there are not many of them. But their portraits are described in detail and deeply. For example, a priest, some old woman or a rich woman, who is well dressed, she is wearing an astrakhan coat. And now, on the streets of this frozen and snow-covered city, there is a patrol detachment, in which there are twelve revolutionaries.

Alexander Blok introduces patrolmen into the narrative and conversations, discussing their comrade-in-arms, who was once in their ranks, and now got along with the prostitute Katya and spends all his time in taverns. And soon Vanka and Katya appear, who become victims of an attack by the Red Guards. One of the twelve soldiers shoots and with this random shot kills Katya. This is Petruha, who spends some time in sorrow because of the murder of a girl. And his comrades reacted with condemnation to his act.

Symbols of the poem "The Twelve"

Everyone knows that Jesus Christ had twelve apostles, and it is no coincidence that the author takes exactly this number of Red Army soldiers. It is as if he draws an invisible parallel between the apostles, who were given strength and power over various evil spirits, the ability to expel them, as well as heal and remove all infirmities, and revolutionaries who are called upon to cleanse society from unreliable bourgeois.

The brightest symbols can be distinguished:

★ Image of Christ.
★ Twelve Red Army men.
★ Fat-ass Rus'.
★ Dog.
★ Wind.

With the help of symbols, the poet shows a city that is becoming hostile, which is trying to resist future events: the wind tearing down huge posters, snow and ice all around, robberies and shooting in the streets. All these pictures are real, but this is where the strange image of Christ appears. Some critics decided that the poet created a caricature of the Bolsheviks, who behaved like robbers. But if they are criminals and robbers, then what does the image of Christ have to do with it? The poet's Rus' is hackneyed and thick-assed. And this is also a symbol of what changes have taken place in the country, which led to the fact that "tod and need" began to rule the country.

In its composition, Blok's poem is a set of ditties and rhymes, which are tragic in content, but among them there are also dance ones. By this, the poet shows the nationality of the poem, its simplicity and proximity to ordinary poor people. That's why it's so hard to read.

Why did the author show the dog? The dog is a symbol of the old world, embittered and hungry. Blok shows that the bourgeois world has collapsed and is now standing like a dog at a crossroads, at a crossroads, trying to figure out where to go next.

As for Christ, the poet portrayed him strangely: in his hands he holds a red flag, and on his head he has a small halo, notable for the fact that it is made of white roses. Such an image can be interpreted in different ways, which was what Blok's contemporaries did.

Analysis of Blok's poem "12"

Blok's poem is interesting in that it combines reality, reality and a symbolic beginning. Of course, the content of this work contains a story that dictates both the rhythm and the genre. The composition of the poem is complex, but very important to understand the work.

Blok's poem is based on a love story. So, Petruha loves Katya, but she went to ride with Vanka and then Petruha kills her. This murder seems to be completely accidental, since the wagon was stopped by the Red Guards by chance in order to rob. And Petruha made an accidental shot just to scare him. And it turned out that he killed his former girlfriend. And this murder of Katya is the murder of old Russia. The author tries to convey to the reader that she is no longer there, nothing is left. After all, the element sweeps not only through the streets of the city, destroying it. This element rushes through the souls of people. And it's very scary. The main conflict of the poem is the struggle of the old world with the new, light with darkness, and good with evil. And this struggle is reflected in the life of the heroes of the poem.

Revolutionary keep step!
The restless enemy does not sleep!
Comrade, hold the rifle, don't be afraid!
Let's fire a bullet at Holy Rus' -

Every detail in the poem has its own symbolism. An interesting image of the wind, which personifies the revolution, cheerful and destructive. The author uses a circular composition so that the chapters are somehow related to each other. So, the first and twelfth chapters strongly echo each other. The real picture next to the symbols draws a revolution, a new world. But here are just some signs of the old time that make themselves felt: an old woman at the crossroads, a priest who is already a friend of the poet, and others.

The action of all chapters takes place on the streets of the city, and only in the last, in the twelfth chapter, this reality and space begins to expand. Blok's poem is musical, since each chapter has its own melody and, accordingly, rhythm. The plot begins with a ditty, which is reckless and not entirely correct. But the author is trying to include colloquial vocabulary in his poem, for example, this is the conversation of a simple soldier, an old woman or a passerby. Petersburg is represented by completely different characters. The main author's technique is the antithesis: the evening is black and the snow is white. These two colors - black and white - run through the entire poem. But at the end of the plot, red appears, this is the banner that Christ carries.

The central chapters in the poem are the sixth and seventh. In the sixth chapter, Katya is killed. There are many dots and calls in this chapter. In the seventh chapter, the author places the repentance of Petrukha, who turns out to be a murderer. Murder at that time was a common thing that no one investigated.

Another literary technique used by the poet is to change the poetic rhythm. This is necessary for Alexander Blok to show what kind of disorder and chaos reigns in the city.

Critical reviews and evaluations of Blok's poem

When the poem was presented to a wide circle, it produced real chaos, not only in literary circles. Firstly, it was not understood by everyone, and secondly, opinions in its assessment were radically divided. And some art historians of the newly created state, for example, Anatoly Vasilyevich Lunacharsky, said that one cannot dislike such a work, but one should not read it aloud.

Many fans and admirers of Blok, after the publication of the poem, simply broke off all ties with him, calling him "Traitor". Akhmatova refused to participate in literary evenings if she found out that Blok would be present.

Being misunderstood, Alexander Alexandrovich finds himself in isolation. Among those who remained faithful to the poet and supported him were the following friends: Yesenin, Remizov, Meyerhold, Oldenburg. Yes, the poem was surprising, no one thought that Alexander Blok was able to write such a work. It is known that Blok himself never read his poem aloud, although his wife did it with pleasure.

After all kinds of attacks, the poet began a creative crisis. And in 1919, Blok was completely suspected of an anti-Soviet conspiracy and arrested. The interrogations lasted only a day and a half, but Alexander broke down.

Despite the creative silence, thanks to the poem "The Twelve", the poet's popularity grew. Blok was read even by those who were not previously familiar with his work. The work was snapped up for quotes, and they were used for posters, for example: "We will fan the world fire on the mountain to all the bourgeoisie."

The poem went through a difficult path: it was understood in different ways, brought shame and admiration to the author, gutted into quotations, and repeatedly analyzed by critics who interpreted it in their own way. The work seemed to have lived a difficult human life with admiration and persecution, with recognition and rejection. This was the real talent of the Russian poet Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

1 Black evening. White snow. Wind, wind! A person does not stand on his feet. Wind, wind - In all God's world! The wind curls White snow. Ice under the snow. Slippery, heavy, Every walker Slips - oh, poor thing! A rope is stretched from building to building. On the rope - a poster: "All power to the Constituent Assembly!" The old woman is killing herself - crying, Doesn't understand what it means, What is such a poster for, Such a huge flap? No matter how many footcloths for the guys came out, And everyone - undressed, undressed ... The old woman, like a chicken, Somehow rewound through a snowdrift. - Oh, Mother Protector! - Oh, the Bolsheviks will drive into the coffin! The wind is biting! The frost is not far behind! And the bourgeois at the crossroads hid his nose in his collar. And who is this? - Long hair And he says in a low voice: - Traitors! - Russia is dead! It must be the writer - Vitya ... And there is the long-haired one - Sideways and beyond the snowdrift ... What is not cheerful now, Comrade pop? Do you remember how it used to be that Belly went forward, And the Belly shone like a cross on the people? There is a lady in a karakul She turned up to another: - Already we were crying, crying ... Slipped And - bam - stretched out! Hey, hey! Pull up! The wind is cheerful. And angry and happy. He twists skirts, He mows passers-by. Tears, crumples and wears a large poster: "All power to the Constituent Assembly!" And he conveys the words: ...And we had a meeting... ...Here in this building... ...Discussed - Decided: For a while - ten, for the night - twenty-five... ...And less Don't charge anyone... ...Let's go to bed... Late evening. The street is empty. One tramp Stoops, Let the wind whistle... Hey, poor fellow! Come - Let's kiss... Bread! What's ahead? Come on! Black, black sky. Malice, sad malice Boiling in the chest... Black malice, holy malice... Comrade! Look both! 2 The wind is blowing, the snow is fluttering. Twelve people are coming. Rifles black belts All around - lights, lights, lights ... A cigarette in the teeth, a cap is crushed, On the back you need an ace of diamonds! Freedom, freedom, Eh, eh, without a cross! Tra-ta-ta! Cold, comrades, cold! - And Vanka and Katya in a tavern ... - She has Kerenki in her stocking! - Vanyushka himself is now rich ... - There was our Vanka, but he became a soldier! - Well, Vanka, son of a bitch, bourgeois, Mine, try, kiss! Freedom, freedom, Eh, eh, without a cross! Katya and Vanka are busy - What, what are they busy with? .. Tra-ta-ta! All around - fires, fires, fires ... Shoulders - gun belts ... Revolutionary keep step! The restless enemy does not sleep! Comrade, hold the rifle, don't be afraid! Let's fire a bullet into Holy Rus' - into the condo, into the hut, into the fat-ass! Eh, eh, no cross! 3 How our guys went to serve in the Red Army - to serve in the Red Army - to lay down the head of the violent! Oh, you, grief-bitter, Sweet life! Ragged coat, Austrian gun! We are on the mountain to all the bourgeoisies We will inflate the world fire, The world fire in the blood - God bless! 4 The snow is spinning, the reckless driver is screaming, Vanka is flying with Katka - An electric flashlight On the shafts ... Oh, oh, fall! in a soldier's overcoat With a stupid face Twisting, twisting his black mustache, Yes, twisting, Yes, joking ... That's how Vanka - he is broad-shouldered! That's how Vanka is - he is eloquent! She hugs Katya the Fool, She speaks... She threw back her face, Her teeth sparkle with pearls... Oh, Katya, my Katya, Fat-faced... 5 On your neck, Katya, The scar has not healed from the knife. Under your breast, Katya, That scratch is fresh! Eh, eh, dance! Painful legs are good! I went in lace underwear - Walk, walk! She fornicated with officers - Get lost, get lost! Eh, eh, get lost! My heart skipped a beat! Do you remember, Katya, the officer - He did not leave the knife ... Al did not remember, cholera? Ali memory is not fresh? Eh, eh, refresh, Put to sleep with you! She wore gray leggings, ate Chocolate Mignon. With the junker went for a walk - With the soldier now went? Eh, eh, sin! It will be easier for the soul! 6 ... Again, galloping towards you, Flying, screaming, yelling scorcher ... Stop, stop! Andrew, help! Petruha, run in from behind! Snowy ashes rolled up to the sky! Cock the trigger! You will know. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . How to walk with a strange girl! .. Run away, scoundrel! Already, wait, I'll deal with you tomorrow! And where is Katya? - Dead, dead! Shot head! What, Katya, are you happy? - No gu-gu ... Lie down, you carrion, in the snow! Revolutionary keep step! The restless enemy does not sleep! 7 And again there are twelve, Behind the shoulders - a gun. Only the poor killer Can't see his face at all... Faster and faster Slows his pace. Wrapped a handkerchief around his neck - He will not recover in any way ... - What, comrade, are you not cheerful? - What, my friend, dumbfounded? - What, Petruha, hung his nose, Or did you feel sorry for Katya? - Oh, comrades, relatives, I loved this girl ... Black, intoxicated nights I spent with this girl ... - Because of the prowess of the troublesome In her fiery eyes, Because of the crimson mole Near the right shoulder, I ruined, stupid, I ruined in the heat of the moment ... ah! - Look, bastard, started the hurdy-gurdy, What are you, Petka, a woman, or what? - It is true soul inside out Thinking to turn out? Please! - Maintain your posture! - Keep control over yourself! - Not such a time now, What would babysit with you! The burden will be heavier for Us, dear comrade! And Petruha slows down Hasty steps... He tosses his head, He cheered up again... Eh, eh! Having fun is not a sin! Lock the floors, Today there will be robberies! Unlock the cellars - Now the barn is walking! 8 Oh, you woe-bitter! Boredom is boring, Mortal! I'll spend some time, I'll spend it... I'll scratch my crown, I'll scratch it... I'll peel the seeds, I'll peel it... I'll strip it with a knife, strip it! I'll drink blood For the sweetheart, Black-browed ... Rest in peace, Lord, the soul of your servant ... Boring! 9 You can't hear the noise of the city, There is silence above the Neva tower, And there is no more policeman - Walk, guys, without wine! There is a bourgeois at the crossroads And he hid his nose in his collar. And next to him, his hair is tight, his tail between his legs is a lousy dog. The bourgeois stands like a hungry dog, stands silent, like a question. And the old world, like a rootless dog, Stands behind him, tail between his legs. 10 A blizzard broke out, Oh, blizzard, oh, blizzard! Not to see each other at all For four steps! The snow curled like a funnel, The snow rose like a column... - Oh, what a blizzard, save me! - Petka! Hey, don't lie! What saved you from the Golden Iconostasis? You are unconscious, right, Judge, think sensibly - Ali's hands are not covered in blood Because of Katya's love? - Take a revolutionary step! The restless enemy is near! Forward, forward, forward, working people! 11 ... And go without the name of the saint All twelve - into the distance. Ready for anything, Nothing to be sorry for... Their steel rifles On an invisible enemy... Into the deaf alleys, Where a blizzard dusts alone... Yes, in downy snowdrifts - You can't drag your boot... The Red Flag is beating in your eyes. A measured step is heard. Here - the Fierce enemy wakes up ... And the blizzard dusts them in the eyes Days and nights Without a break! ... Forward, forward, Working people! 12 ... Going far away with a stately step ... - Who else is there? Come out! This is the wind with a red flag. It broke out ahead ... Ahead is a cold snowdrift. - Who is in the snowdrift - come out! Only a beggar hungry dog ​​Waddles behind ... - Get rid of you, mangy, I'll tickle with a bayonet! The old world, like a lousy dog, Fail - I'll beat you! ... Bares his teeth - the wolf is hungry - The tail is tucked in - does not lag behind - The dog is cold - the dog is rootless ... - Hey, answer, who is coming? Who is waving the red flag? - Look at it, eka darkness! - Who walks there at a quick pace, Burying for all the houses? - Anyway, I'll get you, It's better to surrender to me alive! - Hey, comrade, it will be bad, Come out, let's start shooting! Fuck-tah-tah! - And only an echo Responds in the houses ... Only a blizzard with long laughter Is poured into the snow ... Fuck-tah-tah! Fuck-tah-tah! ... So they go with a sovereign step - Behind - a hungry dog. Ahead - with a bloody flag, And behind the blizzard is unknown, And unharmed from the bullet, With a gentle tread over the blizzard, A scattering of snow pearls, In a white halo of roses - Ahead - Jesus Christ.

"Revolutionary keep step!

The restless enemy does not sleep!

Comrade, hold the rifle, don't be afraid!

Let's fire a bullet at Holy Rus' -

In the condo

Into the hut

Into the fat ass!

Eh, eh, no cross!"

Either the “great” October smelled, or maybe it happened in the Russian Federation (which we don’t know), but many bloggers started talking about the revolution. And not just blah blah - as about some kind of hypothetical event, but about an event that is about to come, already decided.

Blogger m_kalashnikov gives us advice "how to survive the common man" during future rebellions. And his accomplice in the former K-25 committee, who managed to rewind the term, is Kungurov kungurov , teaches us the theoretical part.
Venerable orientalist el_murid and completely divides the territory of the Russian Federation, dissecting it like a medical student frog.

I dare to express my point of view.

Revolution = Re-evolution.

Thus, violating the laws of the Universe, rebelling against God. No wonder all the "revolutionaries" for centuries were atheists. And their first action was the destruction of the Church as an institution and the persecution of believers.

All revolutions were made with only one goal: the capture of the national state and its transformation into an international one, the enslavement of the indigenous people. I will emphasize again.

Revolutions have different names, as Kungurov rightly writes, and the stated goals may be different - but the goal is the same: enslavement of the native people.

The last example is Ukraine.

The revolutions in England, France, Russia, Germany and other countries were no different from the revolution in Ukraine: the main goal of the revolutionaries was to seize power and create a state in the interests of their people.

And the cover fig leaves can be different: communism, socialism, freedom, equality, fraternity, justice ....

It is interesting and sad that the hundred years allotted by history to the indigenous peoples of the former Russia for the realization of this simple truth were not enough. To this day, the population of the Russian Federation raves about revolutions and communism.

But this phenomenon has its own explanation.

No. As a Serbian saint said 800 years ago, when your land is captured by foreigners, then if you have the strength, fight. And if there is no strength, then look for another land.

I will not tire of repeating:

Today, the Society is faced with an alternative: either a national Russian state, i.e. a state in which the Russian people retain their historical position as a state-forming people.

And then Great Russia, in which all its indigenous peoples have equal legal rights, live in peace and harmony, participate in the arrangement of their common state house, and are responsible for its prosperity.

Or a multinationality, in which a chimera with "twelve languages" performs the state-forming function - and then the collapse of Russia, its disappearance from the political map of the world.

Memo to the Soviet people:

There was no Russia after 1917. There was the USSR, divided by the Bolsheviks into uluses. In the USSR, they didn’t even have their own anthem - they sang the International until 1944. The only newspaper for the Russians began to appear only in 1956 - Soviet Russia. The Russians never had their own party. The Judeo-Bolsheviks had one task: to seize the country and use the Russian people as brushwood for the world revolution.

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