Daughter-in-law and mother-in-law - how to establish peaceful relations? How compatible are you with your mother-in-law according to your zodiac sign?


Relationships between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law rarely work out well from the very beginning. However, you can try to smooth out sharp corners, knowing the nature of the mother-in-law by the sign of the zodiac.

Aries mother-in-law can become a best friend or sworn enemy

Aries are generally very complex people. They are full of ambition and emotion. These character traits spoil the life of both himself and those around him. And with age, especially ladies, especially mothers-in-law, can hardly control themselves in a fit of anger. In this state, you can say a lot of things to dear people, and then you have to apologize. By the way, Aries at any age do not like the latter.

Check this sign - a kind of athlete who tries to be in the first place always and in everything. And therefore, in order to establish relations with her, you should give in to her or pretend that you are giving in. Both the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law adore the son and husband. In order to preserve the family and good relations, it is best to do everything the way she likes when the second mother arrives. In conversations, you need to listen carefully and assent. A few hours of acting, and peace and harmony will reign in the family.

This is a patient zodiac sign. Taurus daughters-in-law are very lucky, because these women rarely get angry. Such mothers-in-law are very indecisive. Even if they don’t like something, they don’t talk about it for a long time until the situation becomes critical.

The Taurus mother-in-law will think over every step for a very long time so as not to harm her beloved son and his wife in word or deed. Moreover, the second mother will even help smooth out the corners in the relationship between the daughter-in-law and her husband in order to maintain a strong and friendly family.

To get the love of the mother-in-law-Taurus, you just need to show due respect to her and listen to her advice, in general, sensible, because this wise woman will not advise bad.

Understanding and gratitude of the daughter-in-law will ensure mutual understanding with the twin mother-in-law

Gemini is a hardworking but very talkative sign. The mother-in-law will work for three for the benefit of the young family, but she will not forget to complain about how hard everything is given to her. The daughter-in-law will be honored as the second daughter, but all her life she will be watching and evaluating every action.

To get the location of the Gemini mother-in-law, you just need to help her, and show compassion in response to complaints.

The authority of Sverkovi-Cancer can ruin relations with the daughter-in-law

From a woman born under this zodiac sign, a good mother-in-law is obtained. She loves her son, and therefore she will not cling to his chosen one for nothing. True, because of her imperiousness, the mother-in-law-Cancer will try to suppress her daughter-in-law, take leadership over her, which she, accordingly, will not tolerate.

She perceives her daughter-in-law as a free application to her son and even servants, because there is still no worthy couple for her beloved child. But, we must pay tribute, will not interfere in family relations.

Do not criticize the mother-in-law of Cancer - it upsets her. In general, representatives of this sign are adherents of traditions, so bring some of their family into yours - this will help build relationships. Yes, and grandmothers from such mothers-in-law are the best, because they love grandchildren even more than children.

Mother-in-law Leo does not tolerate criticism

No wonder Leo is the king of beasts. Women born under this sign fully justify the title with their arrogance. Before the marriage of their son, they simply dream of how they will “spoke” their lowborn daughter-in-law, but in reality they accept her as a daughter.

These royal persons deserve respect, as they bring up worthy sons. They are unobtrusive, generous and wise. They will never openly interfere in family relations, but they can express their dissatisfaction.

Lionesses are proud women. You shouldn't criticize them for anything. But if you share a secret with them, ask for advice, or even just invite them to chat over a cup of tea, you will win favor.

Order in the house of the daughter-in-law is the key to a good relationship with the mother-in-law-Virgo

Virgo women are quite normal mothers-in-law, because they themselves were or are still daughters-in-law. A good memory does not allow them to forget about it. But with all this, they also have oddities.

Virgo is generally the most boring and touchy sign. They are obsessed with cleanliness, they are very difficult to please. Everything that is done must be done only according to their rules. True, they treat daughters-in-law well and will always help if possible.

Virgos do not need help, and even more so, do not interfere with doing anything. They adhere to the principle "if you want to do well, do it yourself." In order not to learn a lot about yourself, before the arrival of your mother-in-law, tidy up the house, wash the dishes, cook dinner. Never ask a Virgo for help with putting things in order, otherwise your relationship will deteriorate once and for all.

The diplomatic nature of Libra helps to avoid conflicts with the daughter-in-law

Perhaps the best mother-in-law option for any, even the most scandalous daughter-in-law. Scales in life are diplomats who can adapt to any living conditions. True, these are women who are quite dependent on someone else's opinion and love to gossip. And if they do not like the daughter-in-law, then the best intriguers cannot be found. They will provide a family divorce in the best possible way.

Relations with the mother-in-law-Libra will be good in any case, and in order not to waste unnecessary nerves, do not trust her with your secrets. After all, by telling her about your problems, you will tell them to her entire environment.

Mother-in-law Scorpio can become a serious threat to the family happiness of the young

These women are real energy vampires. Mother-in-law Scorpio tries to please, but because of a specific sense of humor, this does not work out well. With his jokes, the son's mother can offend his wife, which certainly will not lead to a good relationship. As a rule, Scorpios are in no hurry to ask for forgiveness.

But in revenge, such a mother-in-law is terrible. If the daughter-in-law does not please the mother of the husband, then the latter will make every effort to put an end to this marriage. Relationships between Scorpio mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law are incredibly complex. The main thing that young wives need to realize is that they should not argue with their husband's mother. Nod smartly, agreeing with her, and then do it your way. By the way, you should not talk about your past either, because everything you say can be used against you.

An active mother-in-law-Sagittarius rarely interferes in the affairs of newlyweds

Sagittarians are businesslike and successful people, regardless of age and field of activity. The main thing is that the work is loved. And therefore, these mothers-in-law are most often provided for, constantly busy and do not fit into the family affairs of the young.

If the daughter-in-law shows herself to be a wise and diligent housewife, then financial assistance to the young family is provided, and the mother-in-law will help to advance professionally. She will appreciate her daughter-in-law, provided that she also finds a compromise between family and career.

For a Sagittarius woman, the well-being of her son is important. To establish a relationship with her, it is enough to show your love and respect for him. And if you want to become like a daughter to your mother-in-law, then show that you are striving for career growth.

Mother-in-law-Capricorn is very touchy

These are strong, but very touchy women who have many masculine qualities in their character. Determined and purposeful, they will always find their benefit.

Mother-in-law Capricorn is tough, but fair. There will be no need to judge. The husband's mother can help with business, but not with finances, and not because of the lack of the latter. In front of acquaintances, she will protect her daughter-in-law with all her might, but at a meeting she will tell her “daughter” everything that she thinks about her.

You should not quarrel with the mother-in-law-Capricorn, because the insult will be fatal and it is not a fact that she will be the first to reconcile, even if she is not right. And to win the favor, congratulate on the holidays and carefully choose gifts.

A passionate daughter-in-law is the best gift for an Aquarius mother-in-law

Aquarians are extremely unpredictable mothers-in-law who can start an argument over a trifle. And they also love to give advice, instructions and teach life, for which daughters-in-law should be grateful. In general, the advice is actually good, and therefore it is worth listening to them.

At the same time, Aquarius loves his son immensely, so he will cover up all his misconduct, even betrayal. But if she likes the daughter-in-law, she can give the last for the happiness of the “daughter”.

Always ask for advice, such mothers-in-law are very fond of giving them away. And if the second mother is interested in something, then connect to her hobby or demonstrate your own. These are enthusiastic natures who respect similar qualities in others.

The location of the mother-in-law Pisces is easy to win - show respect and sometimes indulge in small souvenirs for no reason

Pisces are strong and romantic women, not devoid of intuition, and therefore they can easily understand whether such a spouse is suitable for their son or not. He loves and appreciates the daughter-in-law he likes. In any case, he will not interfere in the relationship. A young family will be helped by deed or word, but not by money. But he loves to give loved ones small souvenirs and gifts.

She welcomes guests with pleasure, but rarely visits them herself. But in quarrels, he never takes the blame. Mother-in-law-Pisces is a wise and responsible woman who loves freedom and respects the same desire in others.

The son will always consult with his mother, and therefore this is the only sign with which daughters-in-law have to build relationships. And it's easy to do - listen to the advice, do not disregard. Even a small souvenir without a reason will delight the mother-in-law.

To any heart, even the hardest, you can find the key. And relations with the mother-in-law, whatever it may be, will have to be established in any case. And it’s also worth thinking about the fact that you can someday become the mother of a husband or wife and you will have to build relationships with your daughter-in-law or son-in-law.

There are a lot of jokes about the mother-in-law, but they don’t joke about the mother-in-law. She can become a support and support for a young wife, or she can destroy family happiness.

A woman in the role of a mother-in-law manifests not only those character traits that are characteristic of her zodiac sign, but also the traits of some other signs. She will not show them anywhere else - neither at work, nor with friends, nor with neighbors. Therefore, for many wives, the new behavior of a good friend who has become her mother-in-law comes as a surprise. Astrology can help. Here is what she says about mother-in-law women of different signs.


In relation to her son, she is a queen. She is condescending, generous, but does not tolerate disputes. The sign of Leo wakes up in her. With the same leonine royal indulgence, she will treat her daughter-in-law if she considers her "daughter." If she keeps her distance, then she shows the features of Aquarius - friendliness, willingness to help, equality in communication. An Aries mother-in-law should not be approached like a mother if you do not want to be a guarded child all your life.


Practical and calm, in relation to her son, this woman becomes super-caring. If she accepted her daughter-in-law as a “daughter”, then she can either show her the same care and try to serve her in various trifles, or, if the “daughter” is unloved, bring petty nit-picking. If a distance is maintained in the relationship, and the daughter-in-law for her is the wife of her son, and not her relatives, then the mother-in-law is dreamy, ready to sympathize, does not interfere in the everyday affairs of the young family, in bad relations weaves intrigues, and does not go into open conflict.


The mobile, inquisitive and young-hearted Gemini woman in relation to her son and daughter-in-law, “daughter”, shows the features of the sign of Libra. With good relations, this is the ability to smooth out conflicts and help a young family to get used to each other, and with bad ones, the position of "both yours and ours." In communication at a distance, the sign of Aries is manifested - impulsiveness, directness and irritability. It is dangerous to keep a distance with her, because in front of her son she will be in the guise of a peaceful Libra mother. With twin mothers-in-law, you need to try to build family relationships and become your favorite "daughter".


It will be a surprise for the daughter-in-law that the hospitable and cozy Rakinya, in the role of mother-in-law, will begin to show the features of Scorpio - authoritativeness, the desire to completely possess her son, and in the case of a close relationship with her daughter-in-law, the whole young family. True, she is ready for both fire and water for her loved ones, but she will not give them independence. It's better to keep your distance with her. Then she behaves with her daughter-in-law like a Taurus - balanced and calm. Can be stingy, but always ready to help with practical advice.

mother-in-law lion

The Royal Lioness is not at all as strict with her son as with others. In communicating with him, and then with the daughter-in-law, if she accepted her as her own, the Leo mother-in-law manifests the features of Sagittarius - generosity, a tendency to broad gestures, the desire to teach, but without malice. If you keep a distance in a relationship, then the Lioness will generally be indifferent to the affairs of her daughter-in-law. She will behave with her like a typical Gemini friend: superficially, without thinking about her problems and without interfering in her life.


Caring, troublesome and picky Virgo in communication with her son becomes a true Capricorn: powerful, rational, restrained and demanding. She will be the same in relation to the daughter-in-law - “daughter”. The daughter-in-law, and the husband, risk losing power over their family, the mother-in-law will be the head of everything. It is better to keep a distance with her, then the taken aback Virgo behaves like Rakinya: she becomes caring, homely, very attached to a young family. And she begins to like this over time, because for Capricorn imperiousness she does not have enough internal firmness, and she leads the children through force, only because she is afraid that they themselves will not be able to build their lives correctly.


The Libra woman is pleasant and sweet. With her son, she tries to build equal and friendly relations and behaves like Aquarius: friendly, simple, not imposing. She will also become a good friend for that daughter-in-law, who will become her own. But if the daughter-in-law keeps a distance, the mother-in-law Libra is capable of arrogance: the royal pride of Leo will be multiplied by the secular cold manners of Libra. Therefore, with Libra, you need to establish close, family relationships.

mother-in-law scorpio

Who would have thought that a powerful Scorpio woman is thrilled by her son and is ready to forgive him all his sins? With him, she shows the features of the Pisces sign. She will be the same in relation to the daughter-in-law - “daughter”. But do not forget that Pisces are masters of intrigue and omissions, therefore it is better not to quarrel with the mother-in-law, otherwise the vindictiveness and observation of Scorpio and the ability to intrigue inherent in Pisces will be directed to war with the daughter-in-law. If you keep a distance with her, then she will behave like a Virgo: help in small things and constantly criticize. Wherever you throw it, the Scorpio woman is not the easiest mother-in-law.

Mother-in-law Sagittarius

The Sagittarius woman is mobile, sociable and educated. But in the role of the mother-in-law, her broad outlook disappears somewhere, and she behaves like an Aries, perceiving everything extremely egocentrically. The ideal way to communicate with her is to maintain a distance without becoming her "daughter". Then she will show the features of Libra, will be sweet, charming and a little on her mind with her daughter-in-law.


This is a strict and reserved woman. She can be a business woman, or maybe a housewife, but in both cases she strictly follows the rules that the chosen role imposes on her, and requires the same correct behavior from others. In communication with her son, and then with her daughter-in-law, "daughter", she shows the features of Taurus - calmness, poise and practicality. In everyday life, for relatives, it is much more pleasant than with strangers. But do not bring the daughter-in-law to keep the relationship with her at a distance. The mother-in-law will immediately become a real Scorpio - strong, domineering, vindictive and suspicious.

Mother-in-law Aquarius

The Aquarius woman in the role of mother-in-law hardly changes. With her son and daughter-in-law, whom she recognized as relatives, she shows the traits of Gemini: she is sociable, somewhat superficial, curious and not too sincere. This is the perfect mother-in-law friend. And if the daughter-in-law prefers to keep a distance, then the mother-in-law will show the features of Sagittarius - she will teach from time to time, but in general she will show a philosophical attitude to life, shrug her shoulders and allow the young to live as they please.

mother-in-law Pisces

The Pisces woman is an impractical dreamer. Where does practicality, caring and homeliness come from when it comes to her son? With him, and then with her daughter-in-law, she shows the features of Cancer - capricious, touchy, but very sincere, affectionate and caring. You should not keep a distance with her: she will treat her son’s wife, who did not become a family member for her, relatives, like Capricorn - coldly and rationally. >"url="https://astrorok.ru/tainstva_love/svekrov_telec.php">

The nature of the mother-in-law or mother-in-law of Taurus

I sincerely love Taurus, but not as a mother-in-law or mother-in-law! She must have chosen you. She planned the family life of her child literally from kindergarten. She must be convinced that her child made the right choice.

If such a woman says “no”, it means the final “no”. No one will make her change her mind. If you try to convince her through relatives or friends, you might as well put a declaration of war on the front page of the local newspaper.

She will go out of her way to convince you to have many children because she loves big families. She is an excellent cook, so it will be difficult for a daughter-in-law or son-in-law to live up to her standards. And don't try. She will come and fill your refrigerator. She will do this for months. And he will constantly repeat to his girlfriends that you are a worthless wife or a useless husband. So put up with it - you can't do anything here anyway.

She won't give you space, so try to set rules from day one. It makes no sense to spend every weekend with her during the first year if you miss the weekend at least once in the next year. She will remember this mistake for you and turn your life into a continuous torment.

No matter what order you keep your house in, she will definitely find something to complain about, even if she comes to visit you. But don't get upset. Your friends will love her and will spend hours with her in the kitchen (her favorite room!), discussing their sexual problems.

This woman is a little two-faced. As sweet as she is, she won't stop gossip about you behind your back. She is an excellent storyteller, so not everything that is told about you will turn out to be true. It is best to instruct her to put the children to bed, and preferably every day. She will tell them a wonderful story and you won't have any problems.

Such a woman will not approve of a civil marriage. She may not show her feelings openly, but deep down she is incorrigibly old-fashioned. She is unable to introduce you to her friends and relatives as "the person with whom my child cohabitates." For her, only the words “daughter-in-law” and “son-in-law” are acceptable.

In a word, the mother-in-law or mother-in-law of Taurus is not a gift, but if you manage to include her in your life, you will find a cheerful and faithful friend who will not let you be offended - unless you offend her child. And then you can count on the beginning of the Third World War. She will wipe you off the face of the earth, seeking to protect her beloved child. Such a woman makes an excellent grandmother who will spend hours thinking about how to make your life easier for her.

Such a mother-in-law or mother-in-law you will love and hate at the same time. But as soon as you get sick, she will immediately find excellent medicine and a word of encouragement for you. Don't be too hard on her. She can give you much more love than you think.
Taurus children

Such a child will not sit still for a day. Be prepared for other parents to complain to you about their kids being afraid to leave the house because your kid scared them to death with horror stories. The little goby is great at telling stories.

Taurus children are very stubborn. If there is a problem, there is no way you can send them to school. They will look at you with honest eyes, knowing full well that instead of school, they will hang around somewhere all day long. But if you take their problem seriously and talk to them like adults, you can hope for a happy resolution of the situation.

Taurus kids love sweets, so you'll have to keep an eye on them so you don't end up in the dentist's office forever. If they say they will take one candy, you can be sure that there are three of them at best. Taurus children have many friends, and interest in the opposite sex awakens in them very early. Try to educate your child as early as possible about the relationship between the sexes - unless, of course, you dream of becoming grandparents as soon as possible.

Taurus children know how to communicate with people of all ages, so do not be surprised that many of their friends will be older. Try to make sure that older children influence your child in a positive way. Taurus will not be afraid to openly declare their addictions and what they can not stand. Don't think of them as arrogant. If your child declares that he will become president or prime minister, never doubt his words. So he made up his mind. And this faith will help him achieve his goal, although his path will not be strewn with roses. Be prepared for your child to treat your home like a hotel. If he wants to eat, it is better not to postpone dinner. These kids just can't wait. Convincing a Taurus child to do something they don't want isn't easy, especially in public. I think you have often seen a child screaming desperately: “No, mommy, I will not do this!” Of course, in front of you was a small Taurus.

Taurus children always have a lot of admirers, which cannot please their parents. They prefer to make friends among members of the opposite sex. This trait is retained by Taurus for life, so their spouses and partners become their best friends.

Taurus children are very sociable. They are madly in love with the series. A Taurus teen can easily miss a date if at that moment another episode of their favorite program is on TV.

Taurus children have a good appetite, so keep an eye on the buffet if you do not want to have a fat child, even if it is very cute and funny.
In a word, something, something, and the Taurus child will bring you a lot of joy.

Today there is a great opportunity to learn about the nature of the future mother-in-law. If you have already acquired a “second” mother, the astrological horoscope of the signs of the Zodiac will still help you: build new or correct existing relationships with her.


Represents a person extremely emotional, impulsive. These qualities spoil Aries' life quite strongly: in a fit of anger, irritation, such a mother-in-law is able to say a lot of unnecessary things to close people - her daughter-in-law in the first place.

It is also distinguished by the desire to succeed in everything. He adores his son: whoever offends him is an enemy for a long time, if not forever. Failures cause the representative of the fiery sign to become depressed. He can take on several things at once, but not one of them can be completed. Minor, but still a plus: mother-in-law Aries loves to sleep longer.


He has remarkable patience, so he rarely loses his temper. So the scandalous daughter-in-law will have to try to "sweat" in order to involve such a mother-in-law in a quarrel. The representative of the zodiac sign Taurus is a rather indecisive nature. She lives by the principle of "hurry up - you make people laugh." But the fruits of her labors "grow" to the envy of everyone, striking with a solid, reliable foundation and brightness without pretentiousness. The way to the heart of the mother-in-law-Taurus lies through the manifestation of attentiveness at the moments of receiving practical advice from her.


The representative of the air element loves to talk and is very offended if she receives indifference from a possible interlocutor. She is very active, everything burns in her hands. The Gemini mother-in-law tries her best to give the impression of a serious person, but this does not work out well. This is due to the appearance of the "second" mother - it often contains details that are not devoid of some comicality.

The daughter-in-law observes and evaluates her every step.


He sincerely loves his son, so he is unlikely to “gnaw” his wife, especially for nothing. However, on this account, the daughter-in-law should not flatter herself: the second mother perceives her named daughter rather as a free housekeeper of her own child, a servant, rather than a worthy party in all respects. True, we must pay tribute to her - she does not get involved in family quarrels, on the contrary, she even avoids, moreover, in the literal sense of the word. A wonderful grandmother will come out of the mother-in-law of Cancer.

mother-in-law lion

This royal lady, oddly enough, treats her daughter-in-law quite well. And if she often calls the second mother to visit, for holidays or just “chat”, and even presents welcome gifts for birthdays - in general she does not like the soul in her son’s wife.

Differs in generosity. A tangible minus: the rejection of criticism of any kind, even more so from the daughter-in-law. Thus, it is realistic to become an enemy of the mother-in-law overnight for years.


The representative of the air element has more disadvantages than advantages. First, she is boring and touchy. Secondly, petty and obsessed with purity to the point of insanity. Thirdly, she is hard to please.

Otherwise, the mother-in-law, born under the sign of Virgo, is quite a normal woman with whom you can find a common language - provided that oddities are ignored.


A good option for a "second mother" for any, even the most demanding daughter-in-law. Mother-in-law Libra is famous for her diplomacy and ability, and most importantly, her desire to adapt to her son's wife. The disadvantages are as follows: she is a big lover of gossip and intrigue, every now and then she takes out "little linen in public", she is extremely dependent on the opinions of others.

mother-in-law scorpio

The owner of a very specific sense of humor, which is sometimes painted in black tones. Lover of all sorts of intrigues.

Energetic vampire. But if she realizes her own guilt in what she has done, she begins to self-flagellate, since she still has a conscience. To enter into quarrels with the mother-in-law-Scorpio is more expensive for yourself.

Mother-in-law Sagittarius

Successful person. Regardless of age, he occupies a high position, as they say, “spins”, therefore he also has additional income, often more than one. Owns many necessary connections. Fortune truly loves the representative of the fiery sign. The mother-in-law-Sagittarius will respect his daughter-in-law, subject to a similar success in life. The invasion of the territory of personal space does not forgive.


She has a lot of masculine qualities, not bad, by the way, helping in life. Decisive, everywhere looking for profit, but without fanaticism, has a sense of purpose. Inclined to help with deed, word, but not with money. I must say that her advice is very useful and effective. It is undesirable to quarrel with the Capricorn mother-in-law, the offense will be mortal. But there is a plus: after a skirmish, you won’t see her for a very long time ...

Mother-in-law Aquarius

Distinctive features of the representative of the air sign: unpredictability, love of disputes and reading lectures to others. Compassionate - if she decides to help anyone, she will give the last. The original mother-in-law, you can’t say anything, but quite harmless - she really has a good heart.

mother-in-law Pisces

A real treasure trove of paranormal abilities. This helps her in life: the mother-in-law-Rybka easily avoids danger and feels the benefit from a mile away. Loves everything unknown. Feels love for painting, music, poetry - everything spiritual and lofty. But in quarrels, he always looks for the guilty. And even if she understands that it is her fault, she still “shifts arrows” - such is her nature.

I want to believe that star advice will not let you down in your relationship with your husband's mother. Let them make the latter more harmonious, bringing only joy!

Nadezhda Ponomarenko

Two lines of relations: mother-in-law and son-in-law, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are inextricably linked in the minds of the vast majority of the Russian population with irreconcilable confrontation. At the same time, it must be admitted that the second surpassed the first in a kind of popularity. Jokes are made up about the relationship between the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law, they are discussed on Internet forums, articles are written about this type of personal relationship in magazines and newspapers. And almost always the wife's "second mother" is declared the root of all evil. Astrology will help to avoid unnecessary clashes between the mother-in-law and the new family member. If you know in advance what the possible character traits of the daughter-in-law are, this will not be difficult to do.

Aries daughter-in-law

Natural leader. Therefore, in relations with the mother-in-law, she will strive to gain the upper hand. In any case, you should not expect submission from her. The Aries daughter-in-law zealously takes on new things, but usually quits what she started halfway or shifts it onto the shoulders of others. Likes to criticize people. If the daughter-in-law is expected to live with her husband in the house of the mother-in-law, it is recommended that the mother-in-law immediately determine the spheres of influence of the son's wife.

Daughter-in-law Taurus

The complete opposite of Aries: he does not strive for leadership, his character is even, calm. The daughter-in-law, born under the sign of Taurus, has a pronounced love for cooking. This suggests that she will gladly take over the duties of cooking, provided she lives in the same house with her mother-in-law. Cons: in acute situations, the Taurus daughter-in-law wakes up emotionality, besides unreasonable jealousy of her husband. And in marriage, she has a lot of male friends, with whom she does not intend to part. The location of the Taurus daughter-in-law can really be won with expensive gifts.

Twin sister-in-law

Sharp on the tongue, talkative, restless and immensely curious - these are the shortcomings of the representative of the third sign in the zodiac circle. But the pluses are much more significant: the Gemini daughter-in-law knows how to do several things at the same time without compromising the quality of any of them, she is the owner of incomparable commercial abilities. With such a newborn mother-in-law's daughter, it is definitely beneficial to have a close friendship.

Daughter-in-law Cancer

Manners, behavior, and often appearance resembles a cat. Favorite pastime, respectively: eat and sleep. The disadvantages of the Cancer-daughter-in-law include also an off-scale sense of ownership, mixing the concepts of “mine” and “alien”, incredulity. She shows excessive caution in everything, but she has a well-developed intuition.

Leo daughter-in-law

She feels like a queen and behaves accordingly. She is characterized by such qualities as touchiness, pomposity, vindictiveness, vindictiveness, narcissism. Routine and gray everyday life are not for the representative of the zodiac sign Leo. Expensive gifts from her to her husband's mother are possible even without a reason, but this is not an act of goodwill, not an expression of love, not even an attempt to establish good relations. The mother-in-law should regard such a step of the daughter-in-law as a way of getting rid of the annoying thing.

Virgo daughter-in-law

Economical, active, clean - a real hostess! Everything would be fine if this alignment were not overshadowed by the negative character traits of the Virgo-daughter-in-law: skepticism, pedantry, rejection of criticism even fair and from an authoritative person, the ability to inflate an elephant out of a fly. In addition, she is too reverent about her health.

Daughter-in-law Libra

The spouse enters the family quickly and imperceptibly, as if she had always lived there. It shows sincere respect, love for the husband's parents, for the husband himself, for their common children, which wins the heart of the mother-in-law instantly. However, there are pitfalls here too. The daughter-in-law, born under the sign of the Zodiac Libra, knows how to play on male weaknesses. This is a born coquette, and she does not seek to eradicate this trait even after marriage. However, there are still more positive qualities: in addition to those already listed, they include purposefulness, the ability to smooth out sharp moments in tense situations.

Daughter-in-law Scorpio

It is better not to get involved with this personality of the mother-in-law, not to collide once again - for your own safety. “A snake warmed on the chest” - this is exactly the wording that can be safely addressed to the representative of the Zodiac sign Scorpio. Living together with her will turn into hell - the mother-in-law should keep this in mind.

Daughter-in-law Sagittarius

Stands out from the crowd due to contradictory qualities. Excitement in it coexists with workaholism, increased religiosity with a penchant for intrigue. Her soul is possessed by endless experiences. Has a fast response. It is quite possible to find a common language with her.

Daughter-in-law Capricorn

The representative of the element Earth cannot be called otherwise than a “manipulator”, and it performs the voiced function gradually, but very masterfully. The rebelliousness of unmanipulable individuals awaits revenge. The Capricorn daughter-in-law wants to be the only beloved woman of her husband and will not share her husband with anyone, including her mother-in-law.

Daughter-in-law Aquarius

It gives the impression of an open person, but it is deceptive. This person loves money very much, and therefore will gladly enter into a marriage of convenience. However, she does not intend to pay for material goods by restricting personal freedom. There are always a lot of strange people and unusual things around the Aquarius daughter-in-law. It is not recommended to quarrel with her: on occasion, a representative of the air element knows how to be cruel.

Daughter-in-law Pisces

Here's the perfect option for any mother-in-law! Understanding, compassion, caring, tenderness - all these qualities are characteristic of Rybka. The natural talent of a psychologist is developed in her, hence the representative of the water element rarely makes mistakes in people. Often acts at the behest of the heart, has a strong intuition. Such a daughter-in-law would never leave either her own feeble parents or her husband's parents to the mercy of fate.

Of course, it is worth considering the fact that there are few people in the world who are representatives of any sign of the Zodiac in their pure form. As a rule, any of us is a mixture of features of two signs. And not only the stars influence the formation of a person's destiny. But the above information can be taken as a basis for mothers-in-law to develop a certain model of behavior with their son's wife. And daughters-in-law, after reading the horoscope, will be able to work on eliminating their own shortcomings. Dare!

Nadezhda Ponomarenko

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