Nicholas Capricorn characteristic. Nicholas - the meaning of the name


The name Nikolai is a remarkable monument of world culture. It can tell a lot about the development of Christianity in the world, as well as about the origin of many signs and beliefs, which, it would seem, have nothing to do with this name.

The name is an integral part of every person. This is the first word he hears in his life. Therefore, it is so important to know what this or that name means, what is its history, what kind of people wore it.

The name Nicholas comes from two ancient Greek bases: "nicos" - with the meaning of "victory, winner" and "laos" - with the meaning of "people". Literally, the name Nikolai can be translated as "Conqueror of Nations." Names that have a stem with the meaning "victory" are quite widespread in other Proto-Indo-European languages ​​(Greek Nikita, Nikanor, Nikandr, Nikifor; Latin Victor, German Siegfried, Old Persian Darius), but in Russian all names with this stem are borrowed .

This name in various variations (Nikolas, Nikolaus, Nikola, Miklos, etc.) is one of the most common Christian male names in the world. This is connected with the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra. Saint Nicholas from the city of Patara in the region of Lycia in Asia Minor is considered the patron saint of travelers, sailors, children, and is also a prototype of the Christmas magician who brings gifts (Santa Claus in the USA, Per Noel in France, St. Nikolaus in Germany, Santa Claus in Russia, etc.). P.). According to legend, Nikolai, being a priest in Patara, saved three girls whom the impoverished father wanted to sell into slavery: having learned about this, Nikolai secretly threw bags of gold into the unfortunate man's house.

Like other Greek names, this name came to Rus' from Byzantium after the adoption of Christianity, but it was not common until the 18th century. The spread of the cult of St. Nicholas in Russia is associated with the development of navigation and trade in the Petrine era. It was at this time that Nicholas the Wonderworker became one of the most revered saints, and the name Nicholas became one of the most popular, both among the privileged classes and among the common people.

Psychological characteristics: Nicholas is distinguished by strength, activity and ingenuity. Difficulties overcome without outside help. Balanced, hardworking and efficient.

Name day: December 19 (6), May 22 (9) - Nicholas of Mirliki (Wonderworker); August 4 (21) - Nikola of Novgorod; March 22 (8) - Nicholas of Savastia; January 6 (December 23) - Nikolai Slavyanin.

Some famous namesakes:

Nicolaus Copernicus, Polish astronomer; Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin, writer, historian; Nikolai Gogol, writer; Nikolai Lobachevsky, mathematician; Nikolai Pirogov, military surgeon; Nikolai Ge, artist; Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, composer; Nicholas I Romanov, Emperor of Russia; Nicholas II Romanov, the last Russian emperor; Nikolay Vavilov, scientist.

Sources: Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. Superanskaya A.V. Features of Russian names. Orthodox calendar.

Some names over the long millennia have taken root in many countries so much that it is almost impossible to find their origin, because every nation considers them their property. Despite such difficulties, adults who are about to baptize their baby should certainly try to decipher the secret meaning of the chosen name - this will help to avoid complications in the future. How will the name Nikolai, popular in almost every country, affect the child, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys - you should definitely know the most fascinating details.

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy briefly

It is difficult and almost impossible to meet a person who would not have at least one man named Nikolai among his acquaintances. What is the reason for such high popularity? It's simple, this name is fraught with a hidden meaning, which contributes a lot to a happy fate and can even change the future for the better. Another reason is that the child will have powerful patron saints that prevent diseases, troubles and troubles.

Nikolai, the meaning of the name, character and fate - how much information can be found about him? If you try, you can find out quite a lot about the pre-chosen name for your offspring, and this will be enough to easily raise your son, help get rid of negative traits, help with choosing a specialty.

The meaning of the name Nikolai for a boy is briefly - "victor of peoples." If you turn to ancient legends, legends, myths, you can find a lot of fascinating things about this particular name. Its owner easily coped with the most difficult tasks, defeated enemies in merciless fights, protected the weak with his chest.

What does the name Nikolai mean for a boy according to the church calendar

In Orthodoxy, there is a wonderful custom - to use special literature to choose a name for your offspring. Most often they turn to the church calendar, which contains a lot of useful, and sometimes even necessary information. You can also look through the calendar - they can also be indispensable in finding a name and deciphering its secret meaning.

Nikolai, the meaning of the name, character and fate - there are a lot of details that contribute to education, which is why parents study the church calendar with such attention. In addition to the secret meaning laid down in ancient times, this Christian book will help you find out which patrons from among the saints will patronize the child, and when relatives should congratulate him on his name day.

What does the name Nikolai mean for a boy according to the church calendar? There are no differences between the Christian and ancient Greek interpretations - it means “victor of nations”. If you carefully study the information provided in Orthodox literature, you can see that only worthy men who glorified themselves and immortalized in history wore this name with pride.

The secret of the name Nikolai - what a boy should know

What interesting details are accompanied by the mystery of the name Nikolai, and what do relatives and children need to know? First of all, you need to remember that a lot in life can depend on how favorably the patron saints treat their ward. It may happen that the baby will have several of them, which will certainly have a positive impact on life and fate. This is exactly what will happen with Nikolai - he will have several powerful guardians. Name days will have to be celebrated five times:

  1. in August (4th);
  2. in March (22nd);
  3. in January (6th);
  4. in March (13th);
  5. in December (19th).

Of course, the most revered is the December saint, who was distinguished by his love and goodwill towards children. He will certainly take custody of the baby, to whom the parents have chosen this wonderful name, protect him from diseases, troubles, and help him get on the right path. It is on this day that it is customary to hide numerous gifts and sweets under the pillows for children - it is believed that during his lifetime, the saint presented this way to babies whose parents did not have the opportunity to do this. It is these gifts that adults hide for their babies that are considered a tribute to the memory of this generous and kind saint.

The origin of the name Nikolai and its meaning for children

Will the origin of the name Nikolai and its meaning for children be important in the near future? It spread throughout the world, thanks to ancient Greek mythology, because it was in this country that the name appeared. It quickly became popular almost all over the world, although a few centuries ago it was rarely given to children. Only recently it has regained its former popularity, and parents began to give it to their offspring with pleasure. It should not be mistakenly considered that the country that gave the world this wonderful name with a mysterious and promising meaning can in any way influence the future - this will not happen.

In a completely different way, you need to treat the secret meaning that people tried to lay in this name many centuries ago. Too much depends on him, therefore, even before the mysterious rite of baptism, it is better for parents to study everything that is somehow connected with meaning. Only this will greatly contribute to the upbringing of the crumbs, will help to determine its negative features in time and try to get rid of them in a timely manner.

The character of a boy named Nikolai

Will he be able to surprise or amaze the character of a boy named Nikolai with his unpredictability or negative qualities. Parents will certainly be pleased that he will have much more positive features than shortcomings. The main advantages of Nicholas:

  1. cheerfulness;
  2. sociability;
  3. activity;
  4. love for art;
  5. the desire to be the first in everything;
  6. decency;
  7. honesty;
  8. good nature;
  9. sensitivity.

What shortcomings will Nikolai upset his relatives? In the first place among the negative traits is selfishness. Often, for his own benefit, a boy is ready to step over the most dear - the love of his parents, friendship, and the benevolent attitude of loved ones. That is why, first of all, relatives are recommended to direct all efforts to eradicate this particular trait. If this is not done, in adulthood Nikolai will often suffer from the hostility or even hatred of others.

The disadvantages include the habit of embellishing events or facts. It often happens that the boy is so carried away by his untrue stories that he himself begins to believe in them.

The fate of a boy named Nikolai

How bright will the boy's future be? Parents should remember that a lot depends on them here, so it is imperative to support your son in all endeavors. Only in this case, the fate of a boy named Nikolai will be favorable and will give only pleasant moments.

The name Nicholas is a unique monument of world culture, which can tell a lot about the development of Christianity not only in Rus', but throughout the world. Many old beliefs, signs and proverbs are associated with this name, the popularity can also be judged by a huge number of surnames derived from the name Nikolai - Nikolaev, Nikolaychuk, Nikolaychenko, etc.

The name Nicholas comes from two ancient Greek words - "nikos" and "laos", which means "winner" and "people". Thus, the name Nicholas is translated as "victor of nations." This name in various variations (Nikolaus, Miklos, Nicolas, Nicholas) is one of the most popular Christian names in the world among various peoples.

History knows many outstanding personalities who bore and bear this unique name, glorifying it for centuries. Among them are the famous writer Nikolai Gogol, astronomer Nikolai Copernicus, travel scientist Nikolai Przhevalsky, Russian surgeon Nikolai Sklifosovsky, Russian emperors Nikolai I and Nikolai II, actor Nikolai Karachentsov, singer Nikolai Rastorguev and many other talented people.

Name days and patron saints

The popularity of the name all over the world is connected, first of all, with the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra. This saint is considered to be a prototype of the Christmas wizard bringing gifts to children (Santa Claus, Santa Claus, Per Noel, etc.).

According to legend, Nicholas was the long-awaited child of a childless couple - Feofan and Nonna. The very fact of his birth is already associated with a miracle - after giving birth, his mother was cured of a serious illness. During baptism, Nicholas himself stood in the font, and already at this age he began to lead a fasting life, taking mother's milk only on the days allowed by fasting.

As an adult, Nikolai saved three innocent girls whom his own father wanted to sell to a brothel for debts. Nikolai threw three bags of gold out the window to their father, thus managing to save the girls from falling into sin. It is from here that the tradition of giving children bags with gifts on St. Nicholas Day began. The saint tried to do all his good deeds secretly.

Nicholas the Wonderworker never refused to help his flock, he even knew how to pacify the sea element by prayer. Therefore, the saint is considered the patron saint of all travelers and sailors. Saint Nicholas lived to a ripe old age, performing many miracles during his pious life. His imperishable relics exude healing goodness to this day.

All owners of the name Nikolai can celebrate name days on the day that coincides with the date of birth, or the next immediately after it. In total, there are more than one hundred and fifty saints with the name Nicholas in the calendar.

Name characteristic

The character of Nikolai is entirely created from contradictions, so it is sometimes difficult to understand him. This is a secretive nature, prone to introspection and making unexpected decisions. The motivation of his actions for others often remains an unsolvable mystery, although in relations with people he is friendly and affable.

For all his versatility and breadth of views, at heart Nikolai is a conservative who hardly gets used to something new. He has an agile mind and a fair amount of wit that draws people to him.

Demanding of himself and others, Nikolai reacts sharply to injustice or deceit, he does not tolerate criticism well and does not allow anyone to interfere in his life. A man rarely listens to the opinions of others, preferring to make decisions on his own. On each issue and Nikolai has his own opinion.

Self-confidence, arrogance and selfishness are the main shortcomings of Nikolai, which he tries in every possible way to hide. Another big drawback of this person is a tendency to alcoholism. The set goal can save him from addiction - this man knows how to be stubborn and persistent. He is a fighter by nature, and on the way to his goal he can sweep away all obstacles. His life is in activity, inaction is fatal for him.

Nikolai is very honest and straightforward, and not everyone likes this. He has few friends, but with what he has, he is infinitely devoted. There is no self-interest in him, and you can always rely on the word of this person. Any intrigues are alien and disgusting to him, he achieves success in life exclusively by diligence and diligence.

The main test for a man named Nikolai is a test of power. Power, even if small, can greatly change the character for the worse, make it important and impregnable. Vanity, despotism and self-love, hidden in the character of Nicholas, can manifest themselves with a vengeance.

Usually, the fate of Nikolai is not easy, the energy of the name does not promise him an easy and carefree life. The life path of a man named Nikolai will be thorny, and it depends only on him whether he can pass it with dignity.


Little Kolya usually does not cause much trouble to his parents, although he grows up as a strong and active child. At school, he studies well, but the main thing for him is to gain authority among his peers. If necessary, he will easily disrupt the lesson or commit another impartial act - just to look like a hero among classmates. Therefore, parents should pay attention to the willfulness and selfishness of the boy, which can later bring him a lot of trouble.

In adolescence, the spirit of adventurism will still be strong in Nikolai, he will strive for leadership with all his might. He hardly accepts generally accepted rules, and always tries to do as he pleases.

A child named Nikolai cannot be spoiled, he needs a strict upbringing - then he can achieve a lot in life. He needs constant attention and control from parents and teachers.


Usually Nikolai does not monitor his health, so he may have problems with age. Its weak points are the liver and heart, as well as the nervous system. A man should avoid such heavy loads, follow a diet and get enough sleep.

Nikolai should be careful with alcohol, as addiction develops very quickly and is difficult to cure.


The name Nikolai endows a man with increased sexuality, so he cannot imagine his life without a woman. Nikolai is amorous, passionate and jealous in love. However, in a woman he is attracted not only by appearance, but also by her spiritual qualities, intelligence. This man can be an excellent lover, but not the most faithful husband.

Nikolai prefers partners who are above him on the social ladder - this amuses his pride. He likes a little plump women, soft and sensual, and the rudeness and lack of femininity in a partner annoys him.

Nikolay takes care of a woman sincerely, without unnecessary sentimentality, “ahs” and “oohs”. A girl she likes can offer her hand and heart literally on the second day of dating.

Marriage and family, compatibility

Nikolai will be an excellent host in the house, as he appreciates comfort and coziness. In everyday life, a man does not make serious demands, tries to help his wife in everything, loves his children. However, the jealousy and quick-tempered nature of Nikolai, as well as his infidelity, can destroy the marriage.

Nikolai has “golden hands”, he copes with everyday problems perfectly, enjoys gardening and gardening, and does all the work related to home improvement. In general, a man is very attached to his home and family, he tries to create a good material base for a comfortable life. He gets along with relatives, is hospitable, loves good feasts with friends.

The most successful marriage is possible with women named Alexandra, Alla, Valentina, Zhanna, Olga, Tamara, Tatyana, Nadezhda, Yulia and Marina. Relationships with Anastasia, Elena, Maria, Ekaterina, Irina and Lyudmila should be avoided.

Business and career

Risk is contraindicated for Nikolai, therefore banking activities are not recommended for him, as well as any business related to finance. Able and hardworking, he can achieve great success in any other profession.

Nikolai can fully devote himself to work, especially if he is doing what he loves. He is physically hardy and strong, he has a fantastic capacity for work.

Nikolay manifests himself as a tough leader, sometimes even despotic. He has every chance to rise to leading positions in trade, the army, politics, and industry. Can become a good lawyer, lawyer, doctor, engineer or teacher.

Savvy and entrepreneurial streak will help a man become a successful entrepreneur, but it is better for him to organize his business on his own, without partners and co-founders. Moreover, a man copes best with all the difficulties on his own, without anyone's advice and help.

Talismans for Nicholas

  • The ruling planet is Mars and Jupiter.
  • The patronizing sign of the zodiac is Scorpio and Sagittarius. Nicholas is recommended to call boys born under these signs of the zodiac, then their life will turn out as safely as possible.
  • The most successful time of the year is spring, the most successful day of the week is Wednesday.
  • The lucky colors are blue, brown and white.
  • Totem animal - elephant and horse. The elephant symbolizes prosperity, family well-being, fidelity, intelligence, devotion and strength of character. In Christian tradition, the elephant symbolizes the victory of Jesus over death and evil, represented in the form of a snake. The horse is a symbol of beauty, grace, harmony of spirit and body. In many traditions, the horse symbolizes nobility, speed of thought, fearlessness and the fleeting passage of time.
  • Totem plant - ash and gladiolus. Ash is a male tree, a symbol of war, valor and courage. Ash amulets have great power, protecting their wearer from witchcraft and the evil eye. Gladiolus is a plant that brings victory, protects the house and family from ill-wishers and witchcraft, and prevents premature death. Gladiolus planted around the house will bring peace, prosperity and tranquility to it.
  • Talisman stone - emerald and sapphire. Emerald develops the gift of foresight, dispels evil spells, fights insomnia, sharpens the mind and insight. In Christian tradition, the emerald is considered a stone of wisdom, composure, courage and hope. Sapphire is a symbol of modesty, constancy and a clear conscience. It gives inspiration and prudence, enhances the sense of justice, protects from deceit and betrayal. An emerald is considered a wish-fulfilling stone, but only if it is a pure stone, without any flaw.


Aries- the personality is lively, direct, sincere. He knows how to enjoy life, is easy to communicate, always cheerful and knows how to cheer up a person. He is a born optimist and maximalist, never deviating from his plans and never doubting himself. Having set a goal for himself, Nikolai-Aries will go ahead of her by the shortest path. He has a healthy selfishness that helps a man quickly move up the career ladder. He always tries to be at the forefront, he does not know how to obey at all, he sometimes has no sense of duty, he is not good friends with time and deadlines. Only with age does a man become wiser and calmer, but youthful enthusiasm will always be present in him. Friendship with Nicholas-Aries can be difficult, as he is a straightforward and short-tempered person, sometimes even rude. In love, Nikolai-Aries is a romantic and idealist, but in no case should he be provoked to jealousy. He himself is unconditionally faithful to his wife, and will require the same from her. This is the real owner of the house, but the wife will have to control the family budget because of the addiction of Nikla-Aries to live in a big way.

Taurus- a gullible, silent and courageous person, with a difficult character. Calmness is its main component, in addition to which there is perseverance, responsibility and balance. Among the shortcomings, slowness, conservatism and amazing stubbornness stand out. Despite the fact that Nikolai-Taurus does everything slowly, his efficiency and endurance know no bounds, in addition, he is a very enterprising and practical person. He is not afraid of any difficulties, and most often he has a stable financial position. But still, the main thing for Nicholas-Taurus is not a career, but a family. Marriage with him can be a little boring and mundane, since he is not a romantic by nature, but it will be a strong relationship based on trust and love.

Twins- nature is changeable and impulsive, he is a great adventurer and intellectual. His goal is always fickle, he does not remember yesterday well and thinks little about the day to come. Nikolai-Gemini is imaginative, a talented storyteller, nice and friendly in communication. But one cannot always rely on his word, sometimes he likes to lie and embellish, he can easily be a "servant of two masters." Nature has endowed this man with many talents and virtues, but his fickle nature prevents him from concentrating on one thing. But on the other hand, he has a pronounced commercial vein, so he can expect success in business, as well as in politics. In marriage, Nikolai Gemini is not jealous, unpretentious in everyday life, but not reliable either, he is indifferent to housekeeping, preferring to spend time with friends. In addition, he needs constant guardianship, affection and care, although his main interests are concentrated outside the home.

Cancer- a man with a vivid imagination and deep intuition. He is polite, friendly, well-mannered, pleasant to talk to, but on condition that he is treated accordingly. But the character of this man is changeable, he is often irritable, harsh and angry. In addition, he is inclined to exaggerate his problems, to inflate an elephant out of a fly - it is quite in his character. Nikolai-Rak lives with feelings, and therefore is very vulnerable, and like no one needs the support of loved ones. He has self-doubt, fatalism and a good memory for grievances. But at the same time, a man knows how to be “friends” with money, easily finds an opportunity to earn money, and can achieve significant success in his career. It is very important for Nikolai Cancer to feel like a master in the house, to understand that he is the head of the family, and therefore his wife will have to be patient and support him morally and even be a nanny to her husband.

a lion- an emotional and attractive man who cannot stand lies and duplicity. In appearance, he is calm and even a little imposing, but in a matter of moments he can become really dangerous if all the strength of his intellect or physical strength is suddenly required. A born leader and careerist, this man can cope with absolutely any job and build a good career, but the only obstacle to success can be ordinary laziness. He loves an idle life and luxury, and therefore often lives beyond his means. Very often, the ambitions of Nicholas the Lion are ahead of his capabilities. In addition, he is gambling, so he should avoid gambling establishments. In the family, Nikolai-Lev needs a lot of attention, he can be jealous of his spouse even for his own children. He has excellent manipulative abilities, and if luck does not contribute to a man’s life, he can become a real tyrant. But if the career of Nikolai Leo goes well, he will be an excellent spouse, faithful and romantic.

Virgo- a person balanced and friendly, but a little insecure. His behavior is determined by logic, caution and foresight, he categorically does not like any risks. Nicholas-Virgo is a materialist, pedantic and cautious. This man really does not like careless and illegible people, and this applies not only to appearance, but also to the way of thinking and actions. He himself is very obligatory and reliable, you can always rely on his word. His priorities include material security and a stable, preferably prestigious job, and then a family. Nicholas the Virgin is keenly interested in everything that in one way or another can strengthen his financial position, but only on condition that we are talking about a legal form of income. Nikolai the virgin marries reluctantly, since loneliness is not a heavy burden for him. But he can be a great match for a woman who values ​​stability, decency, loyalty and respect. But she needs to be prepared for the fact that Nicholas-Virgo herself will require the same attitude, otherwise the marriage will be jeopardized.

Scales- a dreamy, romantic, impressionable man. He has almost no flaws, rarely enters into quarrels and conflicts, is popular in society and adored in the family. He treats everything in life philosophically, accepting the situation and events as they are. Such a fatalistic approach saves Nicholas-Libra from stress and anxiety, makes him a passive person and avoids any responsibility. He often cannot make a choice on his own and misses the opportunities given by fate. If Nicholas-Libra manages to overcome natural laziness and a penchant for an idle lifestyle, then he has every chance of achieving great success, especially if the chosen field of activity is related to art or communication. He is a team player, as he does not like when all responsibility falls on his shoulders. Nicholas-Libra is in dire need of harmonious family relationships, in a psychologically comfortable, warm environment in the house. He will make a wonderful family man, but deep and sincere love is not available to him - such is the nature of this person.

Scorpion- a person who lives without regard for others, does not take into account anyone's opinion. He is independent, self-confident, fair, a born leader by nature. He does not give any concessions to others, regardless of gender and age, therefore he is often known as a despotic and cruel person. Despite outward calmness, the soul of Nicholas-Scorpio is overwhelmed with emotions that he tries to control, but he does not always succeed. He is not one of those people who can be led, on the contrary, he is one of those who lead everyone. He is smart, ambitious, conceited, able to think big and fast. A successful career awaits him in any field of activity, but he is especially good at leadership positions. No matter how successful this person is, he, like no one else, needs the love and support of his beloved woman. In his family, the question will never arise, who is in charge here - the leadership of Nikolai-Scorpio is beyond doubt. He is jealous and possessive, he can make a scandal over any trifle, and therefore his wife will have a very hectic life, full of stormy quarrels and no less stormy reconciliations.

Sagittarius- a sincere and open man, a born optimist. He is a real favorite of fate, he is loved by fortune, women and children. Nikolai-Sagittarius walks through life easily, taking the blows of fate steadfastly, and gifts with gratitude. The disadvantages of a man include the inability to keep his mouth shut, which is why he often has conflicts with others. In addition, he does not know how to accept any restrictions and norms, often ignores his obligations, which lets people down. Very often he is haunted by the reputation of a superficial, empty person who is not able to keep his word. The ability to think analytically, as well as the ability to plan and process large amounts of information, helps Nikolai-Sagittarius to realize his career in a career. Carried away by the case, he can spend all his time, energy and strength on it. But he quickly cools down and gets carried away with a new business, which is why he often fails in business. Nikolai-Sagittarius enters into marriage reluctantly, preferring an open relationship. His wife will have to be very patient, because he does not tolerate any restrictions on his freedom. Usually in the life of this man there is more than one marriage.

Capricorn- a person energetic and active, unemotional and calm in any situation. He does not have the easiest and most cheerful character, but he is smart, thrifty, neat, hardworking and practical. At heart, he is a pessimist and even a bit of a fatalist, but at the same time he is kind, has a sense of duty, honest and reliable. The older Nicholas-Capricorn becomes, the more interesting and cheerful personality he becomes. In order to achieve his goal, he can go through strict self-restraint and self-discipline, he is not one of those people who want to "enter paradise on someone else's hump." Sooner or later he achieves a good position and a stable financial position. Nicholas-Capricorn makes such demands on his wife as the ability to reasonably manage the household and be a good mother, and her external data are of secondary importance. In marriage, he is faithful, but self-doubt makes him a slightly despotic and very demanding husband.

Aquarius- nature is quick-tempered and hot, but distinguished by great charm and the ability to make friends. He is extremely independent in all spheres of life, social norms are an empty phrase for him if he considers them wrong. His behavior can be unusual and even defiant, and he values ​​\u200b\u200bpersonal freedom much more than material wealth. To achieve a high social position and financial well-being, Nikolai-Aquarius lacks diligence and consistency, he often rushes from one idea to another without waiting for the result. He loves travel and adventure, is fond of creativity and sports. He is best suited for a profession that allows free flight of thought, as he hates routine. It is hard for a man to do the same thing for many years in a row, so he is unlikely to make a successful businessman. In the family of Nicholas Aquarius there will never be boredom and monotony, as well as jealousy, scandals and threats. However, he cannot be called a zealous owner either, since he will spend most of his free time outside the home, and his wife will have to come to terms with this.

Fish- a disinterested, selfless, sensitive man, sensitive to his appearance and reputation. He is not devoid of compassion and is always ready to help the needy, many seek consolation and practical advice from him. He himself tries to hide his weaknesses, considering them unworthy of a real man. Nikolai-Pisces is characterized by inexplicable mood swings, he is very sensitive and touchy, painfully reacts to any criticism. By nature, he is not a fighter, most often peacefully flows with the flow, waiting for a successful combination of circumstances. He can dream a lot, plan and fantasize, but hectic, vigorous activity is not for him. Nikolai-Pisces can be a good worker and an excellent performer, but a leadership position does not suit him. In the family, he is a sensitive and kind spouse, but an impractical host. His wife should become his support and support in everything, inspire confidence and optimism, be not only a faithful wife, but also a nanny. However, she must be on the alert - Nikolai-Pisces may well sometimes walk "to the left."

The male name Nikolay has Greek roots and means “victor of nations”. It is quite widespread in Russia, has long roots and Christian traditions, therefore it is very revered by the church and people.

Characteristics of the name Nikolai

The character of Nicholas is based on his energy and activity. Usually the owner of this name loves his work, hobbies and just an active life so much that he never sits still, he is always busy with something. Mobility and curiosity are fundamental features of his character from early childhood. Despite the restlessness, little Nikolai, as a rule, love to study, but if they do not strive to be in time in all subjects, then they will definitely choose the most interesting one for themselves. Usually boys with this name are endowed with some kind of creative talent, their imagination is also very developed. Adult Nikolai is a practical, hardworking and independent person. He is very confident in himself, but at the same time he will never stop developing, he always strives to learn something new, calculate, find out and practice in order to keep up with the rhythm of life. In people, Nikolai most of all appreciates their decency and simplicity. If such people come across on his life path, he will always be happy to make acquaintance with them, work or be friends. However, even in dealing with people who do not like him, the owner of this name most often demonstrates politeness and patience.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

The name Nikolai is suitable for a boy born under the zodiac sign of Leo or Capricorn. These completely different signs will give Nikolai different features, for example, Leo (July 23-August 23) will make him energetic, creative, self-confident, proud, demanding of people and able to lead them. And Capricorn (December 22-January 20) will allow him to be more modest, simple, inconspicuous, but hardworking, persistent and moving only forward.

Pros and cons of the name Nikolai

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Nikolai? The deep symbolism, active energy and familiarity of this name speak positively about him. In addition, it sounds great in combination with Russian surnames and patronymics, has many abbreviations and diminutive forms, such as Kolya, Kolyunya, Kolenka, Nikolayka, Nikolasha, Nikusha. The character of many Nikolaev can also be called more positive than negative, so there are no obvious minuses (if you do not take into account individual sympathies regarding its sound) in this name.


Nikolai's health is usually very good, even though he works very hard and leads a busy life.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Nikolai shows himself to be a good husband, although he often decides to marry for a rather long time, fearing to lose his independence. He belongs to those men who help their spouse with the housework without any problems, can do a lot at home themselves, without waiting for special craftsmen. Some Nicholas, however, cannot remain faithful to his wife for a long time and break the marriage, but even if this happens, the owner of this name tries to bear further responsibility for the children, at least financially.

Professional area

In the professional field, Nikolai is interested in a wide variety of activities, from creative to scientific. He can be a successful doctor, teacher, lawyer, prosecutor, military man, and in any job, Nikolai will certainly show great diligence and responsibility.

name day

According to the Orthodox calendar, Nikolai celebrates name days many times a year, for example, on January 6, February 16, March 11, May 7, August 9, October 5, November 25, December 19.

Nikolay is a good name, reliable and a little harsh. It is formed from the ancient Greek name Nikolaos and in translation means “ruler of the peoples” (“nike” - victory and “laos” - people). It was widespread in the last century, but gradually became rare. It is now starting to gain popularity again.

Name astrology

  • Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius
  • Ruler Planet: Jupiter
  • Talisman Stone: Sapphire
  • Blue color
  • Wood: ash
  • plant: gladiolus
  • Animal: horse
  • Favorable day: Wednesday

Character traits

As a child, Nikolai is a healthy and strong boy. He is not prone to colds, rarely gets sick and lacks his parents with his whims. His characteristic features at this age are strength and activity. At school, he shows himself as a good student, not highlighting any specific subjects. At an early age, he experiences insufficient attention from his parents.

The character of Nicholas is entirely created from contradictions. The secret of the name hides a proud, self-confident, arrogant, silent man. The fate of its owner is usually not easy. In life, he is quite selfish, and conservative beliefs are inherent in him. He can be described as a hardworking, efficient, balanced person. In relations with people, he behaves simply and friendly. At its core, he is a secretive nature, prone to analysis and making extraordinary decisions. Always strives only forward and does not take into account the actions and opinions of others. The motivation for doing things is often a mystery. He is distinguished by self-control, ingenuity.

Negative features are aggressiveness, excessive jealousy, a tendency to alcoholism.

Winter Nikolai is strict, cruel and sometimes manifests himself as a despotic man. Uninitiated, thinks and weighs for a long time. Likes to hunt and fish. Hospitable, always glad to unexpected visits of friends. Spring - the most pronounced egoist, but outwardly good-natured and cheerful guy. He has a well-developed imagination, and he can apply his talents in art. The summer representative of the name is distinguished by activity, activity, good nature, a kind of cunning, a tendency to a little deceit. Developed creative imagination. Autumn Nicholas is characterized by secrecy and silence. It takes a lot of work to find out what worries him. Can be successful in any field of activity.

Interests and hobbies

Nikolai loves to cook and drink good drinks. He likes to relax in a pleasant company with his few friends. Free time can be spent in nature. He enjoys reading books and listening to music, as well as various other entertainments.

Profession and business

Nikolai is capable and hardworking, so he can master various professions. He devotes himself completely to work and, moving up the career ladder, sweeps away everything in his path. In a team with employees, he develops good relations, he is respected and appreciated. If he achieves high results in the profession, he manifests himself as a tough leader. He has every chance in his career to rise to leading positions in trade, the army, and industry. Can be a good surgeon, lawyer, investigator, philosopher.


The bearer of the name Nikolai is distinguished by good health, laid down by nature. But its weak points are the liver, heart, nervous system. It is worth taking preventive measures, spending more time outdoors and following a diet.

Sex and love

Nikolai appreciates external data, intelligence and spiritual qualities in women. In communication with the fair sex, he is captured by youth, beauty and body. He prefers full and soft women. He is easily fond of ladies, and he immediately invites the girl he likes on a date. Hot in love, he is considered a wonderful lover. He has a highly developed sexuality, but at the same time he is characterized by shyness and modesty. He is extremely receptive, jealous.

Family and marriage

By the age of 30, Nikolai prefers a strong and stable state of the family. For a life together, he is looking for a sensual and soft-spoken woman. As soon as he really likes a girl, he immediately offers her a hand and a heart. In marriage, he manifests himself as a jealous husband and never forgives the second half of betrayal and betrayal. Often he chooses a girl higher in social status as his wife.

In family relationships, Nikolai does not make serious demands on everyday life, he tries with all his heart to create the material basis of the house. He is a caring and attentive husband, he loves his children very much. Always ready to share household chores equally with his wife.

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